PE :: Volume #35

#1739: Dragon Ball

Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, regarding the Great Desolate Continent history, is a very important turning point, is on this Great Desolate Continent first not measures the tribulation. 龙凤大劫,对于洪荒大陆的历史而言,是一个很重要的转折点,也是这洪荒大陆上第一个无量量劫。 As the Ancestral Dragon manifesto resounds through entire continent, the thunder sound in Void is billowing, obviously responded to the Ancestral Dragon manifesto to be ordinary, this was also making clear to Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, official has begun. 随着祖龙的宣言响彻整个大陆,虚空之中的雷音滚滚,显然是回应了祖龙的宣言一般,这也昭示着龙凤大劫,正式的拉开了序幕了。 Isn't Ancestral Dragon strong? Without a doubt, as Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, prestige of the dragon makes Great Desolate all living things lower the head sufficiently. 祖龙强不强?毋庸置疑,作为洪荒大陆的无冕之皇,一龙之威足以让洪荒芸芸众生低头。 At this moment he faces after is Primal Phoenix, Qilin of the Beginning and Rāhu three people, these three people of strength differ with him is not big, especially Demon Ancestor Rāhu, is known as Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse, therefore, the although mouth has sent out to the words that the phoenix clan declares war, but Ancestral Dragon did not have to the situation of a person to their take action hotheadedly. 只是,此刻他面对的毕竟是元凤始麒麟罗睺三人,这三人实力与他相差都不算大,特别是魔祖罗睺,更是号称洪荒大陆的最强者,因此,虽然嘴里发出了向凤族宣战的话,可祖龙还没有头脑发热到一个人对他们三人出手的地步。 All, see the true facts on battlefield......”, after having thrown down the oneself words, Ancestral Dragon ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon's body, swayed from side to side in the sky, turns around leaves on the preparation. “一切,在战场上见真章吧……”,丢下了自己的话语之后,祖龙的万丈龙躯,在天空中扭动,掉头就准备离开了。 The manifesto has said that then, naturally must conform with dragon race strength, prepared war. 宣言已经说出口了,接下来,自然是要整合龙族力量,做好大战的准备了。 Ancestral Dragon this moment all alone here, opportunity is rare, collaborates to remain him!”, Saw that Ancestral Dragon sways from side to side the body preparation to leave, the Rāhu look narrows the eyes slightly, in a low voice said to Primal Phoenix start to talk suggestion. 祖龙此刻孤身一人在此,机会难得,联手把他留下来吧!”,眼看着祖龙扭动身躯准备离开,罗睺的眼神微微眯起,低声的对身旁的元凤开口建议道。 Since both sides did not die the continuous aspect, that naturally cannot let up this once in a thousand years opportunity. 既然双方已经是不死不休的局面了,那自然不能放过这千载难逢的机会。 The Rāhu words, hear the appearance that nearby Qilin of the Beginning look some meanings move, indeed is, Ancestral Dragon one person alone here, if can keep him, dragon race a group of people without a leader, wanted to cope to be easier. 罗睺的话,听得旁边的始麒麟神色有些意动的样子,的确是,祖龙孤身在此,如果能把他留下来的话,龙族群龙无首的话,想要对付起来可就容易多了。 Since the war opened, where so many morality and justice can say? 既然战争都已经打开了,哪有那么多的道义可讲? No!”, Is only, regarding nearby Rāhu words, Primal Phoenix actually beckons with the hand, a proud appearance. “不!”,只是,对于旁边罗睺的话,元凤却是摆摆手,一副骄傲的模样。 Since is the war, naturally is battle between races, today we collaborate to leave behind Ao Yi, the victory the military, such matter I will not do. “既然是战争,自然就是种族之间的厮杀,今日我们联手把傲一留下,胜之不武,这样的事情我绝不会干的”。 Primal Phoenix, this opportunity is once in a thousand years, has missed today's words, later wants to eliminate dragon race again, perhaps your phoenix clan meeting casualty is serious!”, Saw Primal Phoenix has rejected firmly the appearance, the Rāhu start to talk persuasion said. 元凤,这机会千载难逢啊,错过了今日的话,以后再想消灭龙族,或许你们凤族会死伤惨重!”,眼看着元凤坚定的拒绝了的模样,罗睺开口劝说道。 Your oneself arrogant is unimportant, because of your this arrogant willful, later lets expert fallen of many phoenix clans, is this worth? 自己高傲不要紧,可就因为你这高傲的任性,以后让许多凤凰族的高手陨落,这值得吗? Right, should not be too stodgy, after such opportunity, may again not have, nearby Qilin of the Beginning, approves of the Rāhu words actually, hear speech/words, selected nod(ded) saying that similarly wanted to persuade Primal Phoenix together take action. “对呀,不要太迂腐了,这样的机会以后可都不会再有了”,旁边的始麒麟,倒是非常赞同罗睺的话,闻言,点了点头说道,同样想要劝说元凤一起出手 Does not need to talk too much! I had decided the matter will not change!”. “无需多言!我决定了的事情不会改变的!”。 Regarding their persuasions, the appearance that Primal Phoenix has not vacillated, the arrogance on disposition, in completely thorough marrow. 只是,对于两人的劝说,元凤没有丝毫动摇的样子,性格上的高傲,完全深入骨髓之中。 You, simply are stupid, how our two do collaborate? Even if cannot kill him, at least can also cause heavy losses to him. “你,简直是愚不可及,我们两个联手如何?就算不能杀了他,至少也能重创他”。 Saw that Primal Phoenix does not think take action that iron core, the Rāhu short of breath, but also takes Primal Phoenix to have no alternative, finally, can only start to talk say to nearby Qilin of the Beginning. 眼看着元凤是铁了心的不想出手,罗睺气急,但是却又拿元凤无可奈何,最后,只能开口对旁边的始麒麟说道。 Good! Our take action!”, Qilin of the Beginning hear speech/words, actually numerous nod(ded). “好!我们出手!”,始麒麟闻言,倒是重重的点头 Some Rāhu collaborate in side, even if facing Ancestral Dragon, he is also confident, after the voice falls, sees only Qilin of the Beginning figure to move, similarly changes to the mountain build, threw toward Ancestral Dragon, actually calm like mountain. 罗睺在旁边联手,即便是面对祖龙,他也有信心,话音落下之后,只见始麒麟身形一动,同样化作大山般的体型,朝着祖龙扑了过去,其实沉稳如山。 Deeply inspires, at once the body of Rāhu also flew, to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon's body and Qilin that mountain build, under the common dao body shape was not quite naturally appropriate. 深吸一口气,旋即罗睺的身子也飞了起来,相对于万丈龙躯和麒麟那大山般的体型,寻常道体的形态下自然是不太合适了。 Sees to rise against the wind, sees only Rāhu also to change to one thousand zhang (3.33 m) to have Fiendgod true bodies, the demon flame is dreadful, even must plan compared with Ancestral Dragon Aura. 迎风见涨,只见罗睺也跟着化作一尊千丈有余的魔神真身,魔焰滔天,甚至比祖龙身上的气息还要强一筹。 The close 230,000 energy values, at least look like from energy value, he was Dongfang Yu so far has seen strongest exist(ence) on Great Desolate Continent absolutely. 接近230000的能量值,至少从能量值方面看来,他绝对是东方玉目前为止在洪荒大陆上见到过最强的存在了。 Snort! Is your this prepares to collaborate? This what fearing has!”, Saw that Qilin of the Beginning and Rāhu collaborated, under the Ancestral Dragon heart sank, look that but in the surface has not actually dreaded, mouth loud yelled was saying. “哼!你们这是准备联手吗?本座何惧之有!”,眼看着始麒麟罗睺联手过来了,祖龙心下一沉,但是表面上却没有畏惧的神色,嘴里大声的喊叫着说道。 In the resonant dragon roar sound, Ancestral Dragon opens the big mouth, fearful Dragon Flame has spat from his mouth, overbearing peerless Dragon Flame, even also wants fearfully to plan compared with Primal Phoenix the fire of phoenix. 嘹亮的龙吟声中,祖龙张开大嘴,可怕的龙炎从他的嘴里吐了出去,霸道绝伦的龙炎,甚至比元凤的凤凰之火还要可怕一筹。 Sigh...... 呼…… Faces Ancestral Dragon these billowing Dragon Flame, the Rāhu complexion is actually not hearing motionless, the evil clutches brandish, sprinkles next big demon air/Qi directly. 只是,面对着祖龙的这些滚滚龙炎,罗睺的脸色却是不闻不动,魔爪挥舞,直接洒下一大片的魔气。 These billowing demon air/Qi are similar to jet black flame, has pressed toward Dragon Flame, is suddenly red red flame and paints the black demon air/Qi to reach a stalemate, occupied the appearance of half the sky respectively. 这些滚滚魔气如同漆黑的火焰似的,朝着龙炎压了过去,一时间赤红色的火焰和漆黑色的魔气相持不下,各自占据了半边天的样子。 Will the witness in this, nearby Qilin of the Beginning stand by? figure such as electricity flushed toward Ancestral Dragon, the big mouth opens, wicked has nipped toward the body of Ancestral Dragon. 目睹于此,旁边的始麒麟怎会袖手旁观?身形如电的朝着祖龙冲了过来,大嘴张开,恶狠狠的朝着祖龙的身子咬了下去。 Although Ancestral Dragon body is very tenacious, but, the advantage tooth of Qilin of the Beginning actually endured compared with top magical treasure. 尽管祖龙身躯无比坚韧,可是,始麒麟的利齿却堪比顶尖的法宝了。 Has saying that the fight opened, from the energy value perspective, Rāhu indeed stronger compared with Ancestral Dragon plans, is, from the talent and mortal body strength, Ancestral Dragon actually stronger compared with Rāhu plans. 不得不说,战斗打开了,从能量值方面来说,罗睺的确比祖龙要强一筹,可是,从天赋和肉身力量上来看,祖龙却又比罗睺要强一筹。 After all the energy value surveys the a person strength approximate method, when strength has not differed enormously, the talent, mortal body, magical treasure, the move and plans wait / etc., can become factor that affects a person fighting strength. 毕竟能量值只是测量一个人实力的大致方法,当实力并没有相差极大的时候,天赋,肉身,法宝,招数和算计等等,都能成为影响一个人战斗力的因素。 The time of fighting, between Ancestral Dragon and Rāhu, look like the appearance that is on a par with, at least both sides had not revealed that in magical treasure situation, is this. 战斗起来的时候,祖龙罗睺之间,看起来是不相伯仲的样子,至少双方都没有亮出法宝的情况下,是这样的。 But, side has Qilin of the Beginning to plunder, under they collaborate, Ancestral Dragon was not a match, quick, under suppression that they collaborated, being difficult to sustain that Ancestral Dragon was unable to make ends meet. 可是,旁边有始麒麟掠阵,两人联手之下,祖龙就不是对手了,很快的,在两人联手的压制下,祖龙左支右绌的难以为继。 Even quick, the body started the appearance injury one after another, big piece of dragon blood, unceasing sprinks. 甚至很快,身上已经开始陆陆续续的出现伤势了,一大片的龙血,不断的撒落下来。 Finally, saw that Ancestral Dragon injury is getting more and more serious, almost cannot support quickly, suddenly, Ancestral Dragon opens mouth directly, scarlet-red such as the bead of fire has spat directly, maliciously has hit toward Rāhu, speed is extremely quick, as if the meteor hit to Earth. 终于,眼看着祖龙身上的伤势越来越严重,几乎快支撑不下去的时候,突然,祖龙直接张嘴,一颗赤红如火的珠子直接吐了出来,狠狠的朝着罗睺撞了过去,速度极快,仿佛陨星撞向了地球似的。 This scarlet-red such as on the bead of fire, sends out fearful Aura, lets the person with amazement. 这颗赤红如火的珠子上,散发出可怕的气息,让人骇然。 Saw Dragon Ball that the front surface hits, the Rāhu complexion has also been full of the dignified look, at once, huge such as the demon air/Qi of sea gathers in his hands, a fist has pounded toward this Dragon Ball, fearful Aura, making Rāhu this fist collapse sufficiently easily destroys the innumerable stars. 眼看着迎面撞过来的龙珠,罗睺的脸色也充满了凝重的神色,旋即,庞大如海的魔气在他的手中汇聚,一拳朝着这龙珠砸了过去,可怕的气息,让罗睺这一拳足以轻易崩毁无数的星辰。 kā chā! 咔嚓 However, when this scarlet-red such as the fist of bead and Rāhu of fire bumps into, the clear sound resounds, can see that the arm of Rāhu curvingly has become a strange curve, the dense bones of the dead pierced the flesh of Rāhu directly exposed outside. 然而,当这颗赤红如火的珠子与罗睺的拳头相撞,清脆的声音响起,跟着能看到罗睺的手臂弯曲成了一个诡异的弧度,森森白骨直接刺穿了罗睺的肌肤裸露在外。 This Dragon Ball prestige energy, shook unexpectedly instantaneously the arm of Rāhu, this power and influence, making countless people hold breath cold air. 龙珠的威能,竟然瞬间将罗睺的手臂都震断了,这番威势,让无数人都倒吸了一口凉气 Buzz! 嗡! Saw that Rāhu has been injured unexpectedly, nearby Qilin of the Beginning also with amazement discoloration, the thought moves, nine high profound yellow buttress towers appeared, sees changes to a palatial giant pagoda that against the wind rises, has pressed toward the body of Ancestral Dragon directly, this pagoda, sends out very vigorous Aura. 眼看着罗睺居然受伤了,旁边的始麒麟也骇然色变,意念一动,一尊九层高的玄黄色小塔出现了,迎风见涨的化作一座巍峨的巨型宝塔,直接朝着祖龙的身子压了过来,这尊宝塔,散发出非常浑厚的气息 Saw that the pagoda presses, the Ancestral Dragon mind moves, under his control, that scarlet-red such as fire Dragon Ball at airborne clever transition, at once collision maliciously on this pagoda. 只是,眼看着宝塔压下来,祖龙的心神一动,在他的控制下,那一颗赤红如火的龙珠在空中一个灵巧的转折,旋即狠狠的撞在这一尊宝塔上面。 A bang, saw only that profound yellow pagoda to be struck to fly by Dragon Ball directly, turning round spinning, reduced finally rapidly, returned to the Qilin of the Beginning side, was very obvious, from this treasure prestige can on, Ancestral Dragon dragon race be unexpectedly stronger than his pagoda. 一声巨响,只见那玄黄色的宝塔直接被龙珠击飞了出去,滴溜溜的打转,最后飞速缩小,回到了始麒麟的身旁,很显然,从这宝物的威能上而言,祖龙龙族竟然比他的宝塔还要强。 „Is this Dragon Ball unique Dragon Ball? Really is fearful!”. “这就是龙珠特有的龙珠吗?果然非常可怕啊!”。 Looks at the Dragon Ball prestige energy, in the Chinese parasol tree temple has iced the phoenix, on the face has the look of shock, the mouth twittering to say in a low voice. 看着龙珠的威能,梧桐神殿之中一直冰凰,脸上带着震撼的神色,嘴里低声呢喃着说道。 „The hearsay Great Desolate Continent ten thousand clans stand in great numbers, the major races can collect various innate treasure, even the day after tomorrow material will refine treasure, may the dragon race exception, be able by own blood essence and cultivation base, mixes all treasure, all day long will quenching Dragon Ball in within the body. “传闻洪荒大陆万族林立,各大种族都能够收集各种先天宝物,甚至后天的材料炼制宝物,可偏偏龙族例外,能以自身精血修为,混合所有的宝物,终日在体内淬炼成一颗龙珠”。 This Dragon Ball, even if own thing, actually is also magical treasure that own attack and defense use, the quality is extraordinary, Dragon Ball that this Ancestral Dragon quenchings, it may be said that in the world strongest. “这颗龙珠即使自身之物,却也是自身攻击和防御所用的法宝,品质非凡,这祖龙所淬炼出来的龙珠,可谓天底下最强的一颗了”。 Also some phoenixes, shock looks that sends the invincible might greatly Dragon Ball, the mouth twittering was saying in a low voice, although Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball is not innate supreme treasure, is from the prestige can, was not inferior in innate supreme treasure. 也有的凤凰,震撼的看着那大发神威的龙珠,嘴里低声呢喃着说道,虽说祖龙龙珠不是先天至宝,可是从威能上来看,绝不逊色于先天至宝了。 hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… After as indeed, Ancestral Dragon offers a sacrifice to oneself Dragon Ball, indeed is powerful, even if Demon Ancestor Rāhu, was shaken the arm by this Dragon Ball directly, Qilin of the Beginning magical treasure was also struck to fly by Dragon Ball, so the prestige energy, endured compared with innate supreme treasure. 的确,随着祖龙祭出了自己龙珠之后,的确是威风凛凛,就算是魔祖罗睺,也直接被这龙珠震断了手臂,始麒麟法宝也被龙珠击飞出去,如此威能,堪比先天至宝了。 Saw that Ancestral Dragon has revealed magical treasure suddenly, sends the invincible might greatly, in the Demon Ancestor Rāhu look is also having the dignified look, at once clenches teeth, in his side, appears suddenly two handle sharp incomparable Treasure Sword. 只是,眼看着祖龙突然间亮出了法宝,大发神威,魔祖罗睺的眼神中也带着凝重的神色,旋即咬咬牙,在他的身旁,陡然间浮现出两柄锋利无比的宝剑 The astonishing sharp air/Qi sends out from above, letting the person to look straight ahead, as if that sword light including the line of sight can incision. 惊人的锋锐之气从上面散发出来,让人不能直视,似乎那剑光连视线都能切开似的。 That is in Legend two in Demon Ancestor Rāhu hand kills, Executing Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword?”. “那就是传说魔祖罗睺手中的两件杀器,诛仙剑绝仙剑吗?”。 Looks two handle peerless Divine sword that side Rāhu appears, even if were the Primal Phoenix look slightly narrows the eyes. 看着罗睺身旁浮现出来的两柄绝世神剑,就算是元凤的眼神都微微眯起了一些。 Demon Ancestor Rāhu was known as that the reputation of Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse, a large part depends upon these two peerless Divine sword. 魔祖罗睺号称洪荒大陆最强者的名头,其中很大一部分是依靠这两口绝世神剑了。 Innate supreme treasure, various existence of God, unusual powerful, but Executing Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword, although is not innate supreme treasure, but pure from the lethality perspective, was not inferior in innate supreme treasure. 先天至宝,每一件都各有神通,非常的强大,而诛仙剑绝仙剑虽不是先天至宝,可单纯的从杀伤力方面来看,已经不逊色于先天至宝了。 Simultaneously grasps Executing Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword two, Rāhu imposing manner, to person a feeling of destroying the hardest defenses. 同时掌握诛仙剑绝仙剑两口,罗睺身上的气势,给人一种无坚不摧的感觉了。 ! 咻咻! Under the control of Rāhu, two handle Divine sword change to two Daoist believers light, shoots to go toward the Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball electricity. 罗睺的控制下,两柄神剑化作两道流光,朝着祖龙龙珠电射而去。 Two resounding, after Executing Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword and Dragon Ball bump into, the sword blade twists the pinnacle, as if momentarily possible Beng Duan. 两声脆响,诛仙剑绝仙剑龙珠相撞之后,剑身扭曲到极致,似乎随时可能崩断。 Finally when both sides separate respectively, can see two handle Divine sword in a low voice buzz the cry, as if painful yelling, looks at Rāhu to love dearly. 最后当双方各自分开的时候,能看到两柄神剑低声嗡鸣,仿佛痛苦的喊叫,看得罗睺心疼不已。 But similarly, when Ancestral Dragon takes back oneself Dragon Ball, looks two sword marks that on Dragon Ball presents, the innermost feelings are startled in Executing Immortal Sword and Absolute Immortal Sword similarly sharp...... 可是同样的,当祖龙收回自己龙珠,看着龙珠上出现的两道剑痕,内心同样吃惊于诛仙剑绝仙剑的锋利……
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