PE :: Volume #35

#1738: Heavenly Dao card sound

Primal Phoenix, Qilin of the Beginning and Rāhu how many person of look at each other in dismay, can see the astonished color on opposite side face, didn't expect at this time, did Ancestral Dragon come unexpectedly? Why is this? 元凤始麒麟罗睺几人面面相觑,都能看得到对方脸上的惊愕之色,没想到这个时候,祖龙居然来了?这是为什么? Moreover comes up the feeling from imposing manner, as if in Ancestral Dragon imposing manner is containing the endless anger, this berserk Aura, takes seriously one type the feeling of letting the world for it discoloration. 而且从气势上来感受,似乎祖龙气势中包含着无尽的怒火,这狂暴气息,当真有一种让天地都为之色变的感觉。 No matter how in the heart to shock, at this time Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi came personally, Primal Phoenix is naturally impossible to stay away, figure moves, departed to have the Chinese parasol tree temple directly. 不管心中是如何震惊,这个时候祖龙傲一亲自过来了,元凤自然不可能避而不见,身形一动,直接飞出有了梧桐神殿。 Nearby Qilin of the Beginning thinks, followed. 旁边的始麒麟想了想,也跟了出去。 No matter how, phoenix clan and Qilin clan after all had formed an alliance now, since facing the Ancestral Dragon anger, from morality and justice, cannot certainly make Primal Phoenix face Ancestral Dragon. 不管如何,凤族和麒麟族现在毕竟已经结成了联盟了,既然面对祖龙的怒火了,从道义上来说,当然是不能让元凤独自一人面对祖龙了。 Along with Qilin of the Beginning, nearby Rāhu looked at the phoenix clan high level in temple also one after another to exit, has hesitated slightly a moment later. 随着始麒麟跟出去了之后,旁边的罗睺看了看神殿中的凤凰族高层也都陆陆续续的出去了,微微沉吟了片刻之后,也跟着走了出去。 Walks in following Rāhu, actually nobody discovered that his corners of the mouth have raised slightly. 只是,走在后面的罗睺,却没有人发现他的嘴角微微扬了起来。 Ancestral Dragon changes to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon's body, circles above the upper air, the huge incomparable build has blocked the sky, does not need to show how powerful strength, what is pure is such build, made the person have deep shock to feel. 祖龙化作万丈龙躯,盘旋于高空之上,巨大无比的体型可谓遮天蔽日了,都不需要展现出多么强大力量,单纯的是这样的体型,就让人有一种深深的震撼感了。 All sees the Ancestral Dragon person, thought that a heart heavy feeling, Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, such imposing manner, is not the casual any people can withstand. 所有见到祖龙的人,都觉得心头一阵沉甸甸的感觉,洪荒大陆的无冕之皇,这样的气势,不是随便什么人都能承受的。 Ancestral Dragon, in the heart is full of the inexhaustible anger, occupying a commanding position looks at the following Chinese parasol tree temple, at once, saw Primal Phoenix, Qilin of the Beginning and demon clan Rāhu three flew, similarly, three people also respectively send out powerful imposing manner, has pressed toward Ancestral Dragon. 祖龙,心中饱含着无穷无尽的怒火,居高临下的看着下面的梧桐神殿,旋即,看到了元凤,始麒麟和魔族罗睺三个飞了起来,同样,三人身上也各自散发出强大气势,朝着祖龙这边压了过来。 Primal Phoenix will appear, this is not strange, but Qilin of the Beginning and Rāhu unexpectedly also in? This made the heart of Ancestral Dragon sink, seems, they mingled? 元凤会出现,这不奇怪,可始麒麟罗睺居然也在?这让祖龙的心沉了下去,看样子,他们三个人搅在一起了? although dragon race influence can be said as entire Great Desolate Continent is strongest, but, cannot resist the phoenix clan again, the Qilin clan and demon clan three parties collaborate., 虽然龙族势力可以说是整个洪荒大陆最强的,可是,再强也抵挡不住凤族,麒麟族和魔族三方联手啊。、 Originally, Ancestral Dragon thought that gold dragon although dies under the phoenix flame, not necessarily is the hand that Primal Phoenix leaves, after all shoulders war of this Longfeng for no reason to the phoenix clan, not slight advantage. 本来,祖龙觉得金龙虽然死在凤炎之下,可不一定是元凤出的手,毕竟无端端挑起龙凤之战这对凤族而言,并没有丝毫的好处。 But sees this aspect now, Ancestral Dragon understood, their three parties collaborated. 可现在看到这个局面,祖龙明白了,他们三方已经联起手来了。 But the words that they collaborate what must cope is who? Entire Great Desolate Continent also who is worth their three parties collaborating? Ancestral Dragon wants also to know with the toe. 而他们联手的话要对付的是谁?整个洪荒大陆还有谁值得他们三方联手的?祖龙就算是用脚趾头想也知道了。 Snort, the generations of three ganef, think to join up, can cope with my dragon race?”. “哼,三个宵小之辈,以为联合起来,就能对付我龙族吗?”。 In although Ancestral Dragon heart dignified, but after is Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, Haki|domineering has, although thinks troublesome regarding the matter that Primal Phoenix they unite, the look that has not actually dreaded, the conversely Haki|domineering myriad appearances said. 虽然祖龙心中凝重,但毕竟是洪荒大陆的无冕之皇,霸气还是有的,虽然对于元凤他们联合的事情觉得麻烦,却并没有畏惧的神色,反倒是霸气万千的模样说道。 He knew......”, listening to the word of Ancestral Dragon, the Primal Phoenix look to narrow the eyes slightly, the meaning of not having refuted. “他已经知道了……”,听祖龙之言,元凤的眼神微微眯起来,并没有反驳的意思。 After to this step, Ancestral Dragon with own eyes saw that oneself three treated in the same place, even if were the rebuttal has not affected. 毕竟到了这一步,祖龙都亲眼见到自己三个待在一起了,就算是反驳也没有作用。 Right? Since you such have the skill, that begins to give a try, Primal Phoenix similarly is the arrogant appearance, stares at Ancestral Dragon to say. “是吗?既然你这么有本事的话,那就动手试试看啊”,元凤同样是高傲的模样,盯着祖龙说道。 although was known by Ancestral Dragon the matter that the oneself three parties collaborate is somewhat unexpected, but, the three parties collaborated after all sufficiently crush dragon race, therefore, Primal Phoenix did not have the timid appearance actually, saying of being in sharp opposition. 虽然祖龙知道了自己三方联手的事情有些出乎意料,可是,三方联手毕竟足以碾压龙族了,因此,元凤倒是没有胆怯的模样,针锋相对的说道。 Snort , the death of gold dragon is you starts, such being the case, my Ancestral Dragon announced with the name of dragon race, starting from today, dragon race and between the phoenix clans, did not die continuous!”. “哼,果然,金龙之死是你下手的,既然如此,我祖龙龙族之名宣布,从即日起,龙族和凤族之间,不死不休了!”。 Looks at the Primal Phoenix arrogant appearance, the anger in Ancestral Dragon heart could not bear again, deeply after inspiring, Ancestral Dragon aspirates saying of sound, in the name of head of the clan dragon race, official has issued the war declaration to the phoenix clan. 看着元凤高傲的模样,祖龙心中的怒火再也忍不住了,深吸了一口气之后,祖龙吐气开声的说道,以龙族族长的名义,正式的对凤族下达了战书了。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… As the word of Ancestral Dragon falls, in entire Great Desolate Continent Void, has as if remembered intermittent startling thunderclap, at the same time, the Ancestral Dragon sound, resounds through in entire Great Desolate Continent, ten thousand clan lives can hearing of simultaneously . 随着祖龙之言落下,整个洪荒大陆虚空中,似乎想起了一阵阵的惊雷,与此同时,祖龙的声音,在整个洪荒大陆响彻,万族生灵都能齐齐的听到。 These words, have provoked the response of Heavenly Dao impressively. 这一句话,赫然引起了天道的反应了。 The Void startling thunderclap, entire Great Desolate Continent can hear Ancestral Dragon the manifesto, so the world mutation, seriously makes Primal Phoenix they have a scare, such situation they have not seen. 虚空惊雷,整个洪荒大陆都能听到祖龙的这句宣言,如此天地异变,当真让元凤他们都是吓了一跳,这样的情况他们从来都没见过。 Looks at the Ancestral Dragon appearance again, the endless anger, has made clear to the determination of Ancestral Dragon, after is Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, he shouted these words open and aboveboard time, no matter Primal Phoenix or Qilin of the Beginning, reflective terrified feeling. 再看祖龙的模样,无尽的怒火,昭示了祖龙的决心,毕竟是洪荒大陆的无冕之皇,他堂堂正正的喊出这句话的时候,不管是元凤还是始麒麟,反射性的都有一丝惶恐的感觉。 However, this terrified quick was pressed. 但是,这一丝惶恐很快的就被按了下去。 If alone faces Ancestral Dragon or is dragon race, the nature is terrified, but three big influence join up now, but also with fearing his dragon race? Even if has witch clan to assist, doesn't need to fear? 如果独自面对祖龙或者说是龙族的话,自然惶恐,可现在三大势力联合起来,还用怕他一个龙族吗?就算是有巫族相助,也不用惧怕吧? That side the crystal palace, alone goes to the matter of phoenix clan territory about Ancestral Dragon, these dragon race powerhouses somewhat worried that is the corpse of gold dragon , must process well. 水晶宫那边,关于祖龙独自前往凤族领地的事情,这些龙族的强者们都有些担忧,可是金龙的尸体,也的确是要好好处理一下。 When these dragon race are disturbed, suddenly hears in Void the Ancestral Dragon sound to resound, was official and phoenix clan made war, these dragon race high-level stand silly at the scene, at once, was filled with righteous indignation, the sound of fighting intent abundant, dragon roar continuously resounded through the horizon, seemed responding the Ancestral Dragon manifesto! 只是,就在这些龙族们忐忑着的时候,突然听到虚空之中祖龙的声音响起,算是正式和凤族开战了,这些龙族高层一个个傻立在当场,旋即,义愤填胸,战意盎然,此起彼伏的龙吟之声响彻天际,仿佛在响应祖龙的宣言! witch clan, ten two Ancestor Witch and Dongfang Yu they naturally also heard Ancestral Dragon the manifesto, ten two Ancestor Witch all look at each other in dismay, obviously didn't expect suddenly dragon race made war to the phoenix clan. 巫族这边,十二祖巫东方玉他们自然也听到了祖龙的这声宣言,十二祖巫全都面面相觑,显然没想到突然龙族就对凤族开战了。 Few days ago witch clan grand meeting time, Ancestral Dragon and Primal Phoenix arrived, could not see any clue, such situation, making people somewhat unexpected. 前些日子巫族盛会的时候,祖龙元凤都到了,也看不出什么端倪啊,这样的情况,让人有些猝不及防。 Finally started?”, In the Pangu palace, Dongfang Yu hears Ancestral Dragon the manifesto, the mouth is actually sighing in a low voice, muttered said. “终于开始了吗?”,盘古殿中,东方玉听到祖龙的这声宣言,嘴里却是低声的叹了一口气,喃喃说道。 All these, were almost deferring to plot that oneself knew to develop. 这一切,几乎都在按照自己所知道的剧情在发展了。 Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, your did don't tell me already know this matter?”, Houtu (Mother Earth) sits side Dongfang Yu's, heard this sigh in a low voice exactly, some surprise looks at Dongfang Yu to ask. 东方玉哥哥,你难道早就知道这件事情吗?”,后土坐在东方玉的身旁,恰好听到了他这低声的叹息,有些诧异的看着东方玉问道。 Naturally, side ten two did Ancestor Witch also look to Dongfang Yu, what inside story don't tell me he knew? 当然,就连旁边的十二祖巫也看向了东方玉,难道他知道什么内幕吗? Regarding ten two Ancestor Witch inquired look, Dongfang Yu has not made any response, is only the visual distant place, the mind is somewhat disorderly. 只是对于十二祖巫们询问般的眼神,东方玉并没有作任何的回应,只是目视远方,心神有些杂乱。 Initially oneself to the persuasion of Ancestral Dragon, was really an function does not have, this Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, eruption of this eruption? 当初自己祖龙的劝说,果然是一点作用都没有啊,这龙凤大劫,该爆发的还是爆发了吗? Beyond day in Void, a palace float, a beard and hair all white old man, static sitting on oneself praying mat, pure white Daoist robe, to person a feeling of features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality. 天外虚空之中,一座宫殿悬浮,其中一个须发皆白的老者,静静的坐在自己的一张蒲团上面,纯白色的道袍,给人一种仙风道骨的感觉。 In his hands, is pinching half incomplete jade small dish, above portrays the colored grass carp insect, remote mountain Ze, the Wind and Cloud rain and dew wait / etc., all things completely all portrays greatly on the jade small dish, each trace, as if contain the inexhaustible Heavenly Dao highest good, can spend the innumerable energy to go to perceiving through meditation slowly. 在他的手中,捏着半块残缺的玉碟,上面刻画着花草鱼虫,深山大泽,风云雨露等等,森罗万象尽皆刻画在玉碟上面,其中每一道纹路,似乎都蕴含着无穷无尽的天道至理,能让人花无数的精力去慢慢的参悟。 At this time, the old [say / way] also naturally heard the sound that in this Void presented. 这个时候,老道也自然是听到了这虚空之中出现的声音了。 hear speech/words, he has been startled being startled, what pays attention to other people are Ancestral Dragon to the manifesto that the phoenix clan sends out, this old [say / way] pays more attention is actually the Heavenly Dao response that this manifesto provokes. 闻言,他怔了怔,相对于其他人关注的是祖龙对凤族发出的宣言,这个老道更关注的却是这声宣言引起的天道反应。 Hahaha, the Heavenly Dao operation had its order, this, is Great Desolate Continent does first not measure the tribulation? Is this Heavenly Dao? Hahaha......”. 哈哈哈,原来如此,天道运行自有其秩序,这,便是洪荒大陆的第一场无量量劫吗?这就是天道吗?哈哈哈……”。 Along with the Ancestral Dragon manifesto, the response of Heavenly Dao, the old [say / way] as if some not clear thing, suddenly saw the light suddenly in this moment, the mouth cannot help but sends out an intermittent hearty laughter. 随着祖龙的宣言,还有天道的反应,老道似乎有些不明白的东西,在这一刻突然顿悟了似的,嘴里不由得发出一阵阵的朗笑。 Meanwhile, in the world as if some mysterious strength emerge out of thin air, in addition holds on the body of this old [say / way], making his Aura was stronger. 与此同时,天地之间似乎有一些玄奥的力量凭空出现,加持在这个老道的身上,让他的气息变得原来越强了。 If Dongfang Yu, believes on Energy Tester here, certainly can see, this old ability value, from 180,000 is the beginning, rise that...... 若是东方玉在这里的话,相信能量测试仪上,一定能够看得到,这个老道身上的能力值,从180000为起点,正在不住的上涨…… Not only the crystal palace, witch clan, this Void palace here, has spread over entire Great Desolate Continent along with the Ancestral Dragon sound, on main road innumerable powerhouses, mixed reaction. 不只是水晶宫,巫族,还有这虚空的宫殿这里,随着祖龙的声音传遍了整个洪荒大陆,大路上无数的强者,反应不一。 A mountain deep place, the plain palaces, above writes „the Three Pure Ones palace three large characters, after three men hear the Ancestral Dragon sound, simultaneously has opened both eyes, look at each other in dismay, obviously astonished erupts the matter of war in dragon race and phoenix clan suddenly. 一座大山深处,有一座古朴的宫殿,上面写着“三清殿”三个大字,三个男子听到祖龙的声音之后,同时睁开了双眼,面面相觑,显然都惊愕于龙族和凤族突然爆发大战的事情。 In the West, two men barefoot barefoot, walks on the earth, goes hand in hand, similarly, heard Ancestral Dragon the manifesto. 远在西方,两个男子赤足光脚,在大地上行走,结伴而行,同样,听到了祖龙的这声宣言。 Their look at each other in dismay, on the face is having the smiling face at once: Good, Longfeng has fought, they all died certainly well, the audiences of this war, fished in troubled waters do not know whether to obtain some treasure, walked, we had a look in the past. 两人面面相觑,旋即脸上都带着笑容:“太好了,龙凤大战,他们全都死绝了最好,这大战之众,浑水摸鱼也不知道能否得到一些宝贝呢,走,我们过去看看”。 In another Zetang, woman bathes in the lake water, the upper part is an attractive incomparable woman image, may appear from the lake water along with this woman, this discovered that the lower part of woman impressively is a long snake tail. 另外一处大泽当中,一个女子在湖水中沐浴,上半身是一个漂亮无比的女子形象,可随着这个女子从湖水中出现,这才发现,女子的下半身赫然是一条长长的蛇尾。 Hears this Ancestral Dragon manifesto, the woman black eyebrow coloring eyebrow micro pressed, thinks not to pay attention again, to her, the matter of war of Longfeng, with oneself unrelated. 听到这祖龙的宣言,女子黛眉微蹙,想了想却没有再去关注,对她而言,龙凤之战的事情,与自己无关 In Netherworld Blood Sea of earth deep place, suddenly, tranquil bloodshed flood difficult situation, a whole body scarlet such as sillhouette of blood, appeared from reign of terror, in this sillhouette, float two Treasure Sword, blooms the sharp point. 大地深处的一处幽冥血海之中,突然,平静的血海泛起了惊涛骇浪,紧接着一个全身猩红如血的人影,从腥风血雨之中出现了,在这人影的身后,悬浮着两口宝剑,绽放出锐利的锋芒。 Jie Jie Jie, the war of Longfeng? Kills, kills, really hopes that all the person who I am stronger, all died was certainly best......”. “桀桀桀,龙凤之战吗?杀吧,杀吧,真希望所有比我强的人,全都死绝了才最好……”。 An intermittent incisive strange laughter, resounds in this Netherworld Blood Sea, such as ghost demon. 一阵阵尖锐的怪笑声,在这幽冥血海之中响起,如鬼似魅。 Not to mention, as after Ancestral Dragon this resounds through the entire Great Desolate Continent manifesto, all living things on continent are what response, at this time, the Chinese parasol tree temple, Primal Phoenix had also depressed the horridness of heart, sharp phoenix stares at Ancestral Dragon, start to talk should say. 且不说,随着祖龙这一声响彻整个洪荒大陆的宣言之后,大陆上的芸芸众生都是什么样的反应,这个时候,梧桐神殿这边,元凤也压下了心头的一丝惶恐,锐利的凤目盯着祖龙,开口应道。 Such being the case, declaring war of your dragon race, my phoenix clan impolite following, from now henceforth, the Longfeng two clans, do not die continuous!”. “既然如此,你龙族的宣战,我凤族就不客气的接下来,从今以后,龙凤两族,不死不休!”。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… Their dialogs, as if obtained the acknowledgment of Heavenly Dao, in Void the startling thunderclap big sound, is official has begun Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix...... 两人的对话,似乎得到了天道的承认,虚空中惊雷大响,也算是正式的拉开了龙凤大劫的序幕了……
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