PE :: Volume #35

#1737: The anger of dragon

The crystal palace in sea deep place, was different from past treated on the oneself throne handles the matter personally, today's Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi, hiding of stealthily in crystal palace corner, was raising actually pile of bonfires, was roasting the meat string to eat. 大海深处的水晶宫,不同于往日似的都待在自己的宝座上亲自处理事情,今天的祖龙傲一,倒是偷偷的躲在水晶宫一个角落处,正升起了一堆篝火,在烤着肉串吃。 Looks at his earnest appearance, perhaps practice time does not have now to be so earnest, the preparation is actually very complete, side cumin powder and chili powder and so on seasoning, has it all. 看他认真的模样,或许修炼的时候都没有现在这么认真呢,准备倒是很齐全的,旁边孜然粉和辣椒粉之类的调料,一应俱全。 Hey, wanted some seasonings to come from Dongfang Yu there with great difficulty, today must well baked this has done well, um, the fragrance came out. “嘿嘿嘿,好不容易从东方玉那里要了些调味料过来,今天一定要好好的把这烧烤弄好了,嗯,香气已经出来了”。 On the Ao Yi's face, is having the joyful look, is roasting time to oneself nose fan air fan, this is filling the cumin powder and chili powder Aura barbecue fragrance, making Ao Yi swallow the saliva, feeling that the enunciation promotes saliva or body fluids. 傲一的脸上,带着欣喜的神色,烤着的时候对着自己的鼻子扇了扇风,这弥漫着孜然粉和辣椒粉气息的烤肉香味,让傲一咽了咽口水,口齿生津的感觉。 Sigh...... 呼…… When Ao Yi roasted with great difficulty these meat strings, has been licking the lip preparation tastes, suddenly, a rumor of howling resounds, a person shade rapid ran over toward here, the hurried appearance, had any important matter obviously. 只是,就当傲一好不容易将这些肉串都烤好了,正舔了舔嘴唇准备尝尝的时候,突然,一阵呼啸的风声响起,紧接着,一个人影迅速的朝着这边跑过来,匆匆忙忙的样子,显然是发生了什么大事。 Sir Ancestral Dragon, the important matter is not good. 祖龙大人,大事不好了”。 This sillhouette arrives in front of Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi's, direct passes kneeling on the ground, on the face has the flurried look, the running together of two syllables in rapid speech to say. 这个人影来到祖龙傲一的面前,直接噗通一声的跪在地上,脸上带着慌乱的神色,急声说道。 Had an accident?”. “出什么事了?”。 By oneself under the hand/subordinate was seen oneself stealthily hides the barbecue not to be after all good, Ao Yi strong self-stabilization oneself complexion, simultaneously trace barbeque skewer in hand has hidden oneself. 自己手下看到自己偷偷的躲起来烤肉毕竟不好,傲一强自镇定了一下自己的脸色,同时不着痕迹的把手中的烤肉串都藏到了自己的身后。 Kneels before him the sillhouette, the complexion hurries, absolutely does not have the thoughts to go to tube these matters, the running together of two syllables in rapid speech said to Ao Yi: Sir Ancestral Dragon, Sir Gold Dragon goes to gather Dragon Ball time, does not know that has encountered any matter, died, the corpse of Sir Gold Dragon, is transporting to the crystal palace, has drawn near. 只是,跪在他面前的这个人影,脸色慌忙,根本就没有心思去管这些事情,急声对傲一说道:“祖龙大人,金龙大人前去收取龙珠的时候,不知遭遇了什么事情,已经身亡了,金龙大人的尸体,正运往水晶宫来,已经快到了”。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… Hears this news, the Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi's complexion big change, the calm color disintegrates immediately, barbecue that he regards as important, all fell from the hand. 听到这个消息,祖龙傲一的脸色大变,镇定之色立马是土崩瓦解,就连他非常看重的烤肉,也从手里全部都掉落了下去。 In the Ao Yi's look brings thick anger, the sinking sound saying: Is impossible, strength of gold dragon above entire Great Desolate Continent is also top, can defeat his person no doubt to have, but wants to kill his words, entire Great Desolate Continent few individuals can achieve, how does he die?”. 傲一的眼神中带着浓浓的怒意,沉声说道:“不可能,金龙的实力在整个洪荒大陆之上也算是顶尖的,能打败他的人固然有,可是想要杀死他的话,整个洪荒大陆都没几个人能做到,他到底是怎么死的?”。 gold dragon, it can be said that in the middle of dragon race strongest expert besides Ancestral Dragon, is right-hand of Ancestral Dragon, for these years, handles the dragon race matter, gold dragon has it can be said that performed the distinguished service, but is killed today unexpectedly? 金龙,可以说是龙族当中除了祖龙之外最强的高手了,更是祖龙的左膀右臂,这么多年来,打理龙族的事情,金龙可以说是立下了汗马功劳,可今天居然被杀了? This lets Ancestral Dragon when the shock, the anger in heart also inexhaustible has welled up, hundreds of thousands years of friendship is deep, the anger in this moment Ancestral Dragon chest is blazing. 这让祖龙在震惊之余,心中的怒火也无穷无尽的涌了起来,十几万年的交情有多么深厚,此刻祖龙胸中的怒火就有多么炽烈。 In the chest is bringing thick anger, Ancestral Dragon figure as if strong winds, walks toward main hall of crystal palace. 胸中带着浓浓的怒意,祖龙身形仿佛一阵狂风似的,朝着水晶宫的大殿走过去。 At once, Ao Yi saw quickly giant a dragon corpse outside water [gold/metal] palace main hall, on the gold(en) dragon corpse completely is the scorch, obviously was burnt by flame, many places even completely are appearance of one hard cokes. 旋即,傲一很快看到了在水金宫大殿外一条巨大的龙尸,金色的龙尸上面尽是焦痕,显然是被火焰生生烧死的,许多的地方甚至完全是一片焦炭的模样。 Although the anger in heart, was in the situation in the extreme, but at this time, the Ao Yi's complexion was only gloomy, could not see the slight look completely, but arrived at the side of gold dragon step by step, then slowly squatted, was examining on gold dragon carefully these injured places. 尽管心中的愤怒,已经到了无以复加的地步了,可这个时候,傲一的脸色只是阴沉着,完全看不出丝毫的神色,只是一步步的走到金龙的身旁,然后慢慢的蹲下来,仔细的查看着金龙身上这些受伤的地方。 Surrounding dragon race, on faces is all having the angry look, but, they can feel the air/Qi of withering on Ancestral Dragon fills, all holding breath static air/Qi, do not dare to speak. 周围的龙族,一个个脸上全都带着愤怒的神色,可是,他们能够感受到祖龙身上弥漫出来的肃杀之气,一个个全都屏声静气,不敢说话。 The Ancestral Dragon anger, presents all people able to feel that the atmosphere of entire crystal palace, becomes unprecedented constraining with the deathly stillness. 祖龙的怒火,在场所有的人都能感觉得到,整个水晶宫的气氛,变得前所未有的压抑和死寂。 „The fire of phoenix......”, examined on a gold dragon injury after carefully, Ancestral Dragon eyes has narrowed the eyes slightly, the mouth congealing sound said. “凤凰之火……”,仔细的查看了一番金龙身上的伤势之后,祖龙眼睛微微的眯了起来,嘴里凝声说道。 Ancestral Dragon naturally can look, cause of death of gold dragon because of the ignition of fire of phoenix . Moreover, besides this, not other reasons. 祖龙自然看得出来,金龙的死因是因为凤凰之火的灼烧,而且,除了这点之外,并没有其他的原因。 „The fire of phoenix!?”, Hears Ancestral Dragon these words, dragon race look at each other in dismay in crystal palace, on the face is also having the indignation look. “凤凰之火!?”,听闻祖龙的这番话,水晶宫里的龙族面面相觑,脸上也一个个都带着愤慨的神色。 „Was don't tell me Primal Phoenix that fellow personally take action? Looks over in all phoenixes, can defeat Sir Gold Dragon, even is kills his, only then head of the clan Primal Phoenix of phoenix clan?”. 难道元凤那家伙亲自出手了吗?纵观所有的凤凰之中,能打败金龙大人,甚至是杀死他的,只有凤凰族的族长元凤了吧?”。 Good!”, hear speech/words, Ancestral Dragon has selected nod(ded), killing intent in eye, almost changes to rise suddenly substantive. “不错!”,闻言,祖龙点了点头,眼中的杀意,几乎化作实质般暴涨出来。 gold dragon is right-hand of oneself, its influence is exist(ence) that in entire Great Desolate Continent is among the best, in the phoenix can kill gold dragon, ponders over, only then Primal Phoenix can achieve. 金龙乃是自己的左膀右臂,其势力更是整个洪荒大陆之中都名列前茅的存在,凤凰中能杀死金龙的,思前想后,也只有元凤才能做得到。 Let alone, can kill in that several few top powerhouse in gold dragon, can use the person of fire of this degree phoenix, had Primal Phoenix. 更何况,能杀死金龙的那几个屈指可数的顶尖强者里面,能使用这个程度凤凰之火的人,也只有元凤了。 Sir Ancestral Dragon, we what to do!? Kills the phoenix clan to go directly!”. 祖龙大人,我们怎么办!?直接杀上凤族去吧!”。 Since Ancestral Dragon had determined the person of starting certainly is Primal Phoenix, nearby dragon race high levels yelled make noise, on the face was having the color of indignation, wished one could to kill the phoenix clan to go immediately. 既然祖龙这边已经确定了下手的人一定是元凤,旁边的龙族高层们一个个大叫出声,脸上都带着愤慨之色,恨不得立马就杀上凤族去。 This matter, this place naturally must look for the Chinese parasol tree temple personally, looks for Primal Phoenix to want justice, on the face of Ancestral Dragon, having the thick angry color, the mouth sinking sound to say. “这件事情,本座自然要亲自去找梧桐神殿,找元凤讨一个公道”,祖龙的脸上,带着浓浓的愤怒之色,嘴里沉声说道。 although all evidence had indicated all these should be Primal Phoenix start, but Ancestral Dragon after is the dragon race head of the clan, is impossible to be swayed by personal feelings, all first look for Primal Phoenix to ask that understood said again. 虽然所有的证据都表明了这一切应该是元凤下手的,但祖龙毕竟是龙族的族长,不可能意气行事,一切还是先找元凤问明白了再说。 It looks like in Ancestral Dragon, Primal Phoenix killing gold dragon with no reason at all, this shoulders dragon race and battle between phoenix clans, does not have what advantage to him. 况且,在祖龙看来,元凤无缘无故的杀死金龙,这挑起龙族和凤族之间的厮杀,对他而言并没有什么好处。 The voice falls, Ancestral Dragon lets dragon race in crystal palace, remains to look after the corpse in gold dragon well, jumps to leap, changes to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Azure Dragon true body directly, flew toward the territory of phoenix clan. 话音落下,祖龙让水晶宫里的龙族,留下来好好照看金龙的尸身,纵身一跃,直接化作万丈青龙的真身,朝着凤凰族的领地飞了过去。 formidable incomparable Aura, suppresses Great Desolate Continent, all the way, making the lives of ten thousand clans completely all lower the head, even under the suppression of dragon's might, crawls in the place, the innumerable lives gained ground, look at this blocks the sky ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon's body, in the look have filled shock, panic-stricken, and even look of respect. 强悍无比的气息,镇压洪荒大陆,一路上,让万族的生灵尽皆低头,甚至在龙威的压制下,匍匐在地,无数的生灵抬起头来,看着这遮天蔽日般的万丈龙躯,眼神中充满了震撼,惊恐,乃至崇敬的神色。 Meanwhile, Chinese parasol tree temple, Primal Phoenix sits above the oneself throne high, in temple all phoenix clan high levels, anxious, and dreads looks the temple midpoint is standing a man, wears black Robe, but actually pulled up the hat, can therefore be able to see his facial features, was Rāhu. 与此同时,梧桐神殿这边,元凤高坐于自己的宝座之上,神殿上所有的凤族高层们,一个个都紧张且忌惮的看着神殿正中央站着的一位男子,身穿一袭黑色袍子,不过却把帽子撩下去了,所以能看得到他的面容,正是罗睺 180,000 years ago, Rāhu and phoenix clan has contacted, moreover jointly has coped with Dongfang Yu, is only, regarding Rāhu, Primal Phoenix they do not have the slight favorable impression as before, even is heavier to his protection heart. 早在180000年前的时候,罗睺与凤凰族就接触过了,而且也共同对付过东方玉,只是,对于罗睺,元凤他们依旧没有丝毫的好感,甚至对他的防备心更重。 Just, 180,000 years ago despising of Primal Phoenix to Rāhu, today's he also has to acknowledge that Rāhu although is mystical, but incomparable powerful, is indistinct, even must plan compared with Ancestral Dragon. 只不过,相对于180000年前元凤罗睺的蔑视,今天的他也不得不承认,罗睺虽然神秘,但是却无比强大,隐约间,甚至比祖龙还要强一筹。 If the Ancestral Dragon status, is Great Desolate Continent the sovereign of non- crown, then Demon Ancestor Rāhu exist(ence), was faint by the person crown with the title of continent most powerhouse, its strength can be inferred. 如果说祖龙的身份地位,是洪荒大陆的无冕之皇,那么魔祖罗睺存在,隐隐间被人冠之以大陆最强者的称号了,其实力可见一斑。 These many years passed by, your this has not changed, forever likes revealing only part of the truth. “这么多年过去了,你这点还是没有改变呢,永远喜欢藏头露尾的”。 Although Primal Phoenix very clear Rāhu strength above oneself, is as the natural disposition arrogant phoenix, his arrogance completely is the thorough marrow, even if facing were known as that at this moment Rāhu of Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse, he is also an arrogant appearance. 虽说元凤很清楚罗睺实力自己之上,可是作为生性高傲的凤凰,他的傲气完全是深入骨髓的,即便是面对此刻号称洪荒大陆最强者的罗睺,他也是一副高傲的模样。 Regarding the Primal Phoenix manner, Rāhu does not have the appearance of any vitality actually, obviously was already knew very well to the Primal Phoenix disposition. 对于元凤的态度,罗睺倒是没有什么生气的样子,显然是早就对元凤的性格熟知了。 Tranquil looks at Primal Phoenix, Rāhu start to talk said: witch clan because of the Dongfang Yu's reason, has almost reversed to dragon race, this aspect no matter to your phoenix clan, is to the Qilin clan, is to our demon clan, is not the good deed, the goal that today I come is very simple, is gathers strength of our three clans, together how eliminates dragon race?”. 平静的看着元凤,罗睺开口说道:“巫族因为东方玉的缘故,几乎完全倒向了龙族了,这个局面不管是对你们凤族,还是对麒麟族,乃是对我们魔族而言,都不是什么好事啊,今天我过来的目的很简单,就是集合我们三族的力量,一同消灭龙族如何?”。 Eliminates dragon race!?”, Has saying that the Rāhu words make the brow of Primal Phoenix move slightly. “消灭龙族!?”,不得不说,罗睺的话让元凤的眉头微微一动。 Before Primal Phoenix although and Qilin of the Beginning united, may the main goal to join up, resisted dragon race and witch clan, as for attacked to eliminate dragon race on own initiative? Such matter, Primal Phoenix has not considered. 之前元凤虽然始麒麟联合了,可最主要的目的还是为了联合起来,对抗龙族巫族罢了,至于主动出击消灭龙族?这样的事情,元凤还真的没有考虑过呢。 As but, Rāhu proposed that this words come, in the heart of Primal Phoenix thinks secretly is eliminating the dragon race feasibility. 可是,随着罗睺提出这个话来,元凤的心中暗自思索着消灭龙族的可行性。 influence although of demon clan cannot compare Earlier Heaven Three Races, even cannot compare witch clan, but Demon Ancestor Rāhu strength absolutely is on continent the topest powerhouse. 魔族的势力虽然比不上先天三族,甚至连巫族都比不上,可魔祖罗睺力量绝对是大陆上最顶尖的强者。 After the phoenix clan and Qilin clan unite, resists dragon race and witch clan should not have what issue, but if adds on the demon clan again? Will the balance of victory turn toward oneself to incline very much obviously? 凤族和麒麟族联合之后,抵挡龙族巫族应该是没有什么问题的,可如果再加上魔族呢?胜利的天平很显然会向着自己这边倾斜吧? Saw the appearance that some Primal Phoenix as if meanings move, Rāhu continued start to talk, saying of striking while the iron is hot: Next, haven't you discovered? The Great Desolate ten thousand clans stand in great numbers, develop today, was almost saturated, if we want to develop again, must eliminate other people, but dragon race influence exactly is most powerful, world all sea areas completely turn over to dragon race to control, if can eliminate dragon race, we will have bigger existing space. 眼看着元凤似乎有些意动的样子了,罗睺继续开口,趁热打铁的说道:“其次,你没有发现吗?洪荒万族林立,发展到今天,几乎已经饱和了,若是我们再想发展的话,就必须要消灭其他人,而龙族势力恰恰是最强大的,天下所有的海域尽归龙族掌控,若是能消灭龙族的话,我们都将拥有更大的生存空间”。 Good, I thought that the word of Demon Ancestor Rāhu is rational, at this time, was together the loud and clear sound sound. “不错,我觉得魔祖罗睺之言有理”,就在这个时候,又是一道洪亮的声音响了起来。 At once, Qilin of the Beginning marched into the audiences of Chinese parasol tree temple from outside, is very obvious, about the matter that three big influence join up, Rāhu also informs Qilin of the Beginning to come the discussion. 旋即,始麒麟从外面步入了梧桐神殿之众,很显然,关于三大势力联合起来的事情,罗睺也通知了始麒麟过来商讨。 Primal Phoenix looks at Qilin of the Beginning, stands in oneself front Demon Ancestor Rāhu, thinks eliminated the dragon race later situation gradually, the heart also somewhat fiery. 元凤看着走进来的始麒麟,还有站在自己面前的魔祖罗睺,想到消灭了龙族之后的局势,心头也渐渐的有些火热了起来。 dragon race has pressed a mountain on phoenix clan, can eliminate the dragon race words, later this Great Desolate Continent, phoenix clan most? After all from influence, the phoenix clan must more than half plan compared with the Qilin clan. 龙族一直都是压在凤族头上的一座大山呢,能消灭龙族的话,以后这洪荒大陆,岂不是凤族最强了?毕竟从势力上而言,凤族比麒麟族还要强半筹呢。 Bang! 轰! When Primal Phoenix wants start to talk to answer, suddenly, all people feel in the world, is reverberating vigorous and vast imposing manner, straight approaches toward the Chinese parasol tree temple. 只是,就在元凤想要开口作答的时候,突然,所有人都感觉到天地之间,回荡着一股浑厚而浩瀚的气势,直直的朝着梧桐神殿这边靠近过来。 This Aura, various people on the scene will not be naturally strange. 这股气息,在场的诸人自然是不会陌生了。 Ancestral Dragon! Ao Yi! 祖龙傲一
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