PE :: Volume #35

#1736: Measures the tribulation to

Who is Hongjun? Believes that each knows the person of Great Desolate Continent dependent event, will not be absolutely strange, if Rāhu is Boss of Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix this time, then Hongjun is entire Great Desolate Continent true super Boss. 鸿钧是谁?相信每一个知晓洪荒大陆相关事件的人,绝对不会陌生,如果说罗睺龙凤大劫这个时代的BOSS的话,那么鸿钧的才是整个洪荒大陆真正的超级BOSS On entire Great Desolate Continent first becomes exist(ence) of sage, even the following body gathers Heavenly Dao, the hanger-on presented the father respectively, the primitive day Venerable, raises the female buddha certainly, receives and instructs the Buddha and Disciple of Nuwa six sages, this is true super Boss. 整个洪荒大陆上第一个成为圣人的存在,甚至后面身合天道,门下分别出现了老子,原始天尊,准提佛母,接引佛祖和女娲六位圣人的弟子,这才是真正的超级BOSS啊。 But, to the mouth of Boros, has treated an enough 180,000 years of time with Hongjun, this unexpectedly without the matter that mentioned fully? 可是,到了波罗斯的嘴里,和鸿钧待了足足180000年的时光,这居然是无足挂齿的事情? It seems like that Boros has not known that actually this Hongjun is what kind of person. 看来,波罗斯还不知道这鸿钧究竟是何许人也啊。 However thinks also in the reason, Boros from One Punch Man plane after oneself left, quick arrived on this Great Desolate Continent, regarding the so-called Great Desolate plot beginning to end, he is unable to know. 不过想想也在情理之中了,波罗斯一拳超人位面跟着自己离开了之后,很快就跟着来到了这洪荒大陆上,对于所谓的洪荒剧情的始末,他根本无从知晓。 If there is an opportunity, I pay a visit Hongjun, thinks that Dongfang Yu start to talk said. “若是有机会的话,我去拜见一下鸿钧吧”,想了想,东方玉开口说道。 No matter how, Boros was the oneself servant, Hongjun rescues Boros in name, oneself went to express gratitude by rights ought to turns, naturally, regarding this Great Desolate plane true super Big Boss, Dongfang Yu, since knew, naturally also wants to see. 不管如何,波罗斯名义上是自己的仆人,鸿钧救了波罗斯,自己理当前去道谢一翻,当然,对于这洪荒位面的真正超级大BOSS,东方玉既然知道了,当然也想去见一见了。 Good, momentarily can, hear speech/words, Boros select nod(ded), and does not care. “好的,随时可以”,闻言,波罗斯点了点头,并不在意。 After all this time Hongjun also has not become the sage of later generation, has not achieved about the Heavenly Dao situation, therefore, from the status, Hongjun even cannot compare including the Earlier Heaven Three Races head of the clan now. 毕竟这个时候的鸿钧还没有成为后世的圣人,更没有达到身合天道的地步,因此,从身份地位上来看,鸿钧现在甚至连先天三族的族长都比不上呢。 The matter that should say, said similarly, Dongfang Yu and Boros two, chatted after casually several words, this respectively separated. 该说的事情,都说得差不多了,东方玉波罗斯两个,又随便的闲扯了几句话之后,这才各自分开了。 Looks figure that Boros departs, in the Dongfang Yu's heart thinks sigh with emotion, even if Great Desolate Continent is splitting heaven and earth apart 180,000 years, but present range Great Desolate Continent lives it up truly, but also falls far short. 只是,看着波罗斯离去的身形,东方玉的心中觉得感慨,即便洪荒大陆已经是开天辟地180000年之久了,可现在距离洪荒大陆真正热闹起来,还差得远呢。 After waiting for Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix to pass, sage was born, that was Great Desolate Continent is liveliest, was the most splendid time? 龙凤大劫过去了之后,圣人纷纷出世,那才是洪荒大陆最热闹,也是最精彩的时候吧? By that time, Three Pure Ones, Nuwa, Western two Buddha, town Yuan, red cloud, even is Old Ancestor Ming He these illustrious Character(s), will jump up the Great Desolate Continent stage, composes to be the oneself legend. 到那时候,三清,女娲,西方二佛,镇元子,红云,甚至是冥河老祖这些赫赫有名的人物,才会争相跳上洪荒大陆的舞台,谱写属于自己的传奇。 Now, these Character(s) also very small and weak, except for by the Dongfang Yu conveniently seal the eastern sovereign too beyond one, these later generation illustrious Character(s), Dongfang Yu until now has not met one. 只是现在,这些人物还非常的弱小,除了被东方玉随手封印了的东皇太一之外,这些后世赫赫有名的人物,东方玉直到现在都没遇见一位呢。 After leaving, Boros also returned to the oneself rest place, words that but, spoke regarding just Dongfang Yu, expression that or just during the Dongfang Yu words used, Boros unusual caring. 离开了之后,波罗斯也回到了自己休息的地方,只是,对于刚刚东方玉说的话,或者说刚刚东方玉话语间所用的措辞,波罗斯非常的在意。 Did he just say? Has the opportunity to pay a visit Hongjun? The word that uses is paying a visit. 他刚刚是怎么说的?有机会去拜见一下鸿钧?用的词是“拜见”。 This word, thought-provoking. 这个词,耐人寻味啊。 A grand meeting, even if Ancestral Dragon, original Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning they come to participate personally, clashes also isn't the Dongfang Yu's face? From strength, this time did Dongfang Yu even dominate above Hongjun? But he unexpectedly said that can pay a visit Hongjun? 一场盛会,就算是祖龙、原元凤始麒麟他们都亲自过来参加的,冲的还不是东方玉的面子?从实力上而言,这个时候的东方玉甚至凌驾于鸿钧之上吧?可是他居然说要去拜见鸿钧 Has treated an enough 180,000 years of time with Hongjun, he is holding half incomplete jade small dish blind sensibility besides every day, as if no place that what loses face, Dongfang Yu said unexpectedly pays a visit him? 鸿钧待了足足180000年的时光,他除了每天抱着半块残缺的玉碟瞎感悟之外,似乎没有什么出彩的地方啊,东方玉居然说拜见他? What he has to be worth Dongfang Yu such seriously treating? Because don't tell me Hongjun has rescued oneself, therefore Dongfang Yu such does respect to him? This not like. 他有什么值得东方玉这么认真对待的吗?难道就因为鸿钧救了自己,所以东方玉才对他这么尊重吗?这也不像啊。 Cannot think through, Boros shakes the head at once, has not gone into seriously again. 想不通,波罗斯旋即摇摇头,没有再去深究。 The following day, actually appears very light, regarding Dongfang Yu, this time returns to Great Desolate's plane is newly-arrived, therefore, these days did not have what important matter recently but actually, recently treated in witch clan, exchanges the sentiment with these Ancestor Witch, simultaneously taught Houyi's issue about the practice aspect. 接下来的日子,倒是显得非常平淡,对于东方玉而言,这次回归洪荒的位面是初来乍到,所以,最近这些日子倒也没有什么大事,最近都待在巫族,和这些祖巫们交流交流感情,同时教导教导后羿关于修炼方面的问题。 To Dongfang Yu, the day crosses the harmony happiness actually. 东方玉而言,日子倒是过得其乐融融的。 Recently these days, had about the Dongfang Yu's name, like is the hurricane has delimited entire Great Desolate Continent, all matters that above this witch clan grand meeting has, almost every sufficiently changes to from renting subject. 只是,最近这些日子,有关于东方玉的名字,像是飓风一样的划过了整个洪荒大陆,这次巫族盛会之上所发生的一切事情,几乎每一件都足以化作从租的谈资。 First, was War God Boros arrived above the witch clan grand meeting personally, was in front of countless person, gave Dongfang Yu to kneel down to salute personally, this, making countless people suspect status between Dongfang Yu and Boros. 首先,是战神波罗斯亲自到了巫族的盛会之上,然后当着无数人的面,亲自给东方玉下跪行礼,这一幕,让无数的人猜想东方玉波罗斯之间的身份。 That is War God Boros, although must miss compared with the Earlier Heaven Three Races head of the clan plans, however on Great Desolate Continent actually was also the top powerhouse, unexpectedly knelt down to salute to the person. 那可是战神波罗斯啊,虽说比起先天三族的族长而言要差一筹,但是在洪荒大陆上却也算是顶尖的强者了,居然对人下跪行礼。 Next, the Earlier Heaven Three Races head of the clan, Ancestral Dragon, Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning played above the witch clan grand meeting, obviously goes to the Dongfang Yu's face. 其次,先天三族的族长,祖龙,元凤始麒麟一起到了巫族的盛会之上,显然是冲着东方玉的面子去的。 This frightening, Dongfang Yu's can exist(ence) make the Earlier Heaven Three Races head of the clan go to above that grand meeting to congratulate unexpectedly for him personally? 这让人心惊,东方玉的存在竟然能让先天三族的族长亲自去那盛会之上为他道贺? Finally, naturally was also the most important point, that was above the grand meeting Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning begins to compare notes. 最后,当然也是最重要的一点了,那就是盛会之上东方玉始麒麟动手切磋了。 Although compares notes, may fight, the Dongfang Yu actually entire journey presses Qilin of the Beginning to hit, finally compels Qilin of the Beginning start to talk to admit defeat personally, this is makes people feel to shock. 虽说只是切磋而已,可战斗的时候,东方玉却全程都压着始麒麟打,最后逼得始麒麟亲自开口认输,这更是让人感到震撼。 Earlier Heaven Three Races suppresses Great Desolate Continent to be possible, not only pure because of influence of three clans, strength of three head of the clan are entire Great Desolate Continent top exist(ence), today, Qilin of the Beginning is in front of countless person unexpectedly, admitted defeat open and aboveboard? 先天三族镇压洪荒大陆可不只是单纯的因为三族的势力而已,三位族长的实力更是整个洪荒大陆都顶尖的存在,今日,始麒麟居然当着无数人的面,堂堂正正的认输了? Only this point, sufficiently made Dongfang Yu shake entire Great Desolate Continent. 只此一点,足以让东方玉名震整个洪荒大陆了。 Great Desolate Continent likely is deep pool tranquil lake water, although the battle is unceasing every day, slaughters continuous, may in fact the whole actually maintain balanced, but, Dongfang Yu's appears, looked like has thrown down a stone on this tranquil lake surface. 洪荒大陆像是一潭平静的湖水,虽说每日争斗不断,厮杀不休,可实际上整体却维持着一个平衡,只是,东方玉的出现,就像是在这个平静的湖面上丢下了一块石头。 Although a scrap stone is impossible to cause the difficult situation of lake water, but, actually can also start intermittent ripples, even, this intermittent ripples can spread the excessively entire lake surface...... 虽说一小块石头不可能引起湖水的惊涛骇浪,但是,却也能兴起一阵阵的涟漪,甚至,这一阵阵的涟漪能蔓延过整个湖面…… On this day, flying of five claw gold dragon in sky, formidable, but vigorous Aura fills the air, lets pass through all races lest all evades it to be inferior, fearful dragon's might has one type to let the power and influence that ten thousand clans lower the head inborn. 这一日,一条五爪金龙在天空中飞行着,强悍而浑厚的气息弥漫,让一路走过所有的种族全都唯恐避之不及,可怕的龙威天生就有一种能让万族都低头的威势。 This gold dragon has flown in the sky, is holding basketball that big Dragon Ball in its mouth, contain huge incomparable Aura. 这条金龙在天空中飞过,在它的嘴里衔着一颗篮球那么大的龙珠,其中蕴含着庞大无比的气息 Simply has not paid attention regarding ten thousand clan five claw gold dragon that lowers the head all the way, looks like Human(ity) cannot walk to pay attention to the ground ants, in his eyes, exist(ence) of ten thousand clans are the ants is ordinary. 对于一路上低头的万族这个五爪金龙根本没有理会,就像是人类行走不回去注意地上的蝼蚁似的,在他的眼中,万族的存在都不过是蝼蚁一般。 The dragon race quantity is found in all sea, the prestige can suppress all Tian, these five claw gold dragon, were in dragon race most powerhouse besides Ancestral Dragon. 龙族数量遍布四海,威能镇压诸天,这五爪金龙,算是龙族之中除了祖龙之外的最强者了。 If Dongfang Yu here, can discover that inevitably the energy value of this five claw gold dragon went to 170,000 over situations. 若是东方玉在这里,必然能发现这个五爪金龙的能量值足足达到了170000出头的地步。 Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi is sovereign in dragon race, but he can call under one person, above ten thousand people, the nature, this five claw gold dragon had to despise the qualifications of all Tianwan clan. 祖龙傲一龙族中的皇者,而他可以称之为一人之下,万人之上了,自然,这条五爪金龙拥有蔑视诸天万族的资格。 Um?”, But, when this five claw gold dragon have flown in the sky, suddenly, its figure stopped suddenly, observes the situation all around, he can very clear feeling periphery all, be much more peaceful. “嗯?”,只是,就当这条五爪金龙在天空中飞过的时候,突然,它的身形陡然间停了下来,环视四周,他能够很清晰的感觉到周围的一切,安静得不可思议。 Meanwhile, his intuition makes him have a peeped at feeling, although does not know that actually who hides in secret, but his intuition to the oneself very much believes. 与此同时,他的直觉让他有一种被窥视的感觉,虽然不知道究竟何人躲藏于暗中,但他对自己的直觉还是很相信的。 „Who is, hiding that stealthily traces in hidden place? Has the skill to come out!”, figure moves, these five claw Gold Dragon changed to the dao body appearance, Dragon Ball also received, wore the gold(en) long gown, Fang Tian drew the halberd to appear in his palm, all around staring, the sinking sound shouted to clear the way. “是什么人,偷偷摸摸的躲藏在暗处?有本事出来吧!”,身形一动,这五爪金龙化作道体的模样,龙珠也收了起来,身穿金色的长袍,一杆方天画戟出现在他的掌心,凝视四周,沉声喝道。 pā pā pā...... 啪啪啪…… Along with these five claw Jin Long's words, in the world reverberated suddenly an intermittent clear applause, at once, wears black Robe sillhouette, walked from Void, loose and huge Robe, added on a big hat to buckle again on the head, making the person not see clearly his appearance completely. 随着这五爪金龙的话语,突然天地之间回荡起了一阵阵清脆的掌声,旋即,一个身穿黑色袍子人影,从虚空之中走了出来,宽松而巨大的袍子,再加上一个大大的帽子扣在脑袋上,让人完全看不清楚他的容貌。 Really worthily is strongest exist(ence) of dragon race besides Ao Yi, unexpectedly can realize that my exist(ence), this wears black Robe sillhouette to walk from Void, saying that the mouth acclaimed. “真不愧是龙族除了傲一之外最强的存在啊,居然能察觉到我的存在”,这个身穿黑色袍子人影虚空中走出来,嘴里赞叹的说道。 Snort, fellow of revealing only part of the truth, these five claw gold dragon are next to Ancestral Dragon exist(ence) as dragon race, the disposition naturally is arrogant and conceited. “哼,藏头露尾的家伙”,这五爪金龙作为龙族仅次于祖龙存在,心性自然是目空一切。 Saw that this wears sillhouette of black long gown to walk, cannot see including the appearance, complexion one cold, rashly, Fang Tian in hand draws the halberd to brandish, straight has pounded toward opposite side. 眼看着这个身穿黑色长袍的人影走出来,连容貌都看不到,脸色一冷,不由分说,手中的方天画戟挥舞起来,直直的朝着对方砸了过去。 By own strength, believes that mops up all demons and monsters sufficiently, enough 170,000 energy values, he has this absolute self-confidence similarly, to oneself this degree, on this entire Great Desolate Continent has been able compared with a oneself stronger person, to be few. 以自身的力量,相信足以扫灭一切魑魅魍魉,足足170000的能量值,他同样有这个绝对的自信,到了自己这个程度,这整个洪荒大陆上能比自己更强的人,屈指可数了。 Bang! 啪! However, saw Fang Tian who this overhead pounds drew the halberd, under black Robe suddenly has actually found out a palm, at once, Fang Tian these five claw gold dragon draws the halberd to grasp in the hand, as if the iron hoop common palm, making these five claw Gold Dragon want to pull out the weapon unable to achieve. 然而,眼看着这当头砸下来的方天画戟,黑色袍子下却突然探出了一个手掌,旋即,一把将这五爪金龙的方天画戟抓在手中,仿佛铁箍一般的手掌,让这五爪金龙想要把兵器抽回去都做不到。 What!? This is how possible!?”. “什么!?这怎么可能!?”。 Looks that the oneself weapon was grasped by opposite side unexpectedly in the hand, can this five claw gold dragon discolorations, empty-handed hold oneself weapon with amazement? 看着自己的兵器居然都被对方抓在手中了,这个五爪金龙骇然色变,空手就能抓住自己武器 On Great Desolate Continent can achieve this, only then that few 35 people? 洪荒大陆上能做到这一步的,就只有那么寥寥35个人吧? You, who are you?”, Shocks looks that in front of oneself this wears black Robe, cannot see the appearance sillhouette, these five claw gold dragon asking with amazement. “你,你到底是谁?”,震撼的看着自己面前这个身穿黑色袍子,看不到容貌的人影,这五爪金龙骇然的问道。 Regarding these five claw Jin Long's words, sillhouette under black Robe has not spoken, but has raised the palm of oneself slowly, a gold(en) phoenix flame appears in his palm, flaming is burning, the sacred phoenix flame, actually gives people one type to destroy all feelings. 只是,对于这五爪金龙的话,黑色袍子下的人影并没有说话,只是缓缓的扬起了自己的手掌,一朵金色的凤炎出现在他的掌心,熊熊燃烧着,神圣的凤炎,却给人一种能毁灭一切的感觉。 You are!? Primal Phoenix!?”, Looks in this sillhouette hand the fearful phoenix flame, these five claw gold dragon startled Voice called out. “你是!?元凤!?”,看着这个人影手中可怕的凤炎,这五爪金龙惊声叫道。 Bang! 轰! sillhouette under this black Robe, has not replied him as before, is only the gold(en) phoenix flame in hand, maliciously according to these five claw gold dragon. 只是,这个黑色袍子下的人影,依旧没有回答他,只是手中的金色凤炎,狠狠的按在这五爪金龙的身上。 Although dragon race mortal body very tenacious, is, this phoenix flame actually overbearing. 尽管龙族肉身非常的坚韧,可是,这凤炎却更加的霸道。 In the pitiful yell sound, the quick gold(en) phoenix flame has then swept across his whole body, embezzled body of these five claw gold dragon completely. 惨叫声中,很快金色的凤炎便席卷了他的全身,将这五爪金龙的身躯完全吞没了。
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