PE :: Volume #35

#1735: Without Hongjun that mentioned fully

The night, was deep. 夜,已深。 The dichotomy waning moon, hangs the horizon...... 半轮残月,高悬天际…… The Pangu palace hangs in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) nighttime sky, the bright moonlight, sprinkles the next piece of dim and cool moon/month splendor in the Pangu palace, Dongfang Yu static sitting in the corner of Pangu palace, condescending overlooking Great Desolate Continent, an eye of institute, all in surrounding area thousand li(500 km), cannot escape the Dongfang Yu's line of sight. 盘古殿高悬于万丈夜空之中,皎洁的月光,在盘古殿上洒下一片昏暗而清凉的月辉,东方玉静静的坐在盘古殿的一角,居高临下的俯视洪荒大陆,目之所及,方圆千里之内的一切,都逃不过东方玉的视线。 Regarding the matter of today, Dongfang Yu heart Wan Xu, has sigh with emotion, has the helplessness, there is uneasy. 对于今日之事,东方玉心头万绪,有感慨,有无奈,也有忐忑不安。 The feeling, naturally was 180,000 years of time passed, once the familiar person and matter, had many changes, similarly, there is a growth on strength. 感慨的,自然是180000年的时光过去了,曾经熟悉的人和事,都有了不少的变化,同样,也有实力上的增长。 In the past on Great Desolate Continent the energy value surpassed 100,000 is top expert, but now? Actually must approach 200,000 to be good, these for 180,000 years, the military power value whole of Great Desolate Continent enhanced a big truncation. 当年洪荒大陆能量值超过10万的就已经算是顶尖的高手了,而现在?却要接近200000才行,这180000年来,洪荒大陆武力值整体提高了一大截了。 Next, helpless naturally is oneself to the Ancestral Dragon being offensive to the ear honest talk. 其次,无奈的自然是自己祖龙的逆耳忠言。 By dragon race power and influence at this moment, indeed suppresses Great Desolate Continent, the crest of wave is unmatched, even if were known as that similarly the Earlier Heaven Three Races phoenix clan and Qilin clan are hard to compare the dragon race power and influence, but Dongfang Yu thought that because this moment dragon race momentum was too strong, almost achieved affected ten thousand clan survivals the situations, therefore, the Dongfang Yu intuition told him, the Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix day should not be far. 龙族此刻的威势,的确是镇压洪荒大陆,风头一时无两,即便是同样号称先天三族的凤凰族和麒麟族都难以比拟龙族的威势,可东方玉觉得,正是因为此刻龙族的声势太壮大了,几乎达到了影响万族生存的地步,所以,东方玉直觉告诉他,龙凤大劫的日子应该不远了。 What a pity, the advice of oneself to Ancestral Dragon, absolutely does not have the slight function, regarding the so-called date was full , then owed, the water was full , then overflowed, these truth that Sheng Jibi faded, he does not know. 可惜,自己的劝告对祖龙而言,完全没有丝毫的作用,对于所谓日满则亏,水满则溢,盛极必衰的这些道理,他并不知道。 The Ancestral Dragon thoughts only then, that unceasing strength dragon race, making dragon race stronger, is stronger, actually does not know that this likely the game is been instead ordinary by the Spider silk is twining, is makes an effort to struggle, the spider's silk instead entangles tightly. 祖龙的心思只有一点,那就是不断的壮大龙族,让龙族变得更强,更强,却不知道,这反而像是被蜘蛛丝缠绕着的猎物一般,越是用力挣扎,蛛丝反而缠得更紧。 Finally, disturbed naturally is the mysterious powerhouse who above today's grand meeting presents, 227,000 energy values, must plan compared with Ancestral Dragon, compared with Dongfang Yu was high enough 30,000. 最后,忐忑的自然是今日盛会之上出现的神秘强者,227000的能量值,比祖龙还要强一筹,比东方玉更是高了足足30000。 although Dongfang Yu guessed that the opposite side status should be Demon Ancestor Rāhu, may after all be only the guess, let alone, how even if has guessed right? This to Dongfang Yu, is a potential huge threat. 虽然东方玉猜测到对方的身份应该是魔祖罗睺,可毕竟只是猜测而已,更何况,就算是猜对了又如何?这对东方玉而言,更是一个潜在的巨大威胁。 This Great Desolate Continent last present biggest Boss, is Rāhu, but exactly between Dongfang Yu and Rāhu have the irreconcilable giant contradiction. 洪荒大陆上现在最大的BOSS,正是罗睺啊,而恰恰东方玉罗睺之间有着不可调和的巨大矛盾。 tà tà tà...... 踏踏踏…… At Dongfang Yu alone sits in this Pangu palace corner, heart Wan Xu the time, suddenly, an intermittent footsteps sound, Dongfang Yu did not need to turn head, knows that the future the status, Boros of one-eyed arrived at Dongfang Yu's behind, static was standing. 就在东方玉独自坐在这盘古殿一角,心头万绪的时候,突然,一阵阵脚步声响了起来,东方玉不用回头,也知道来者的身份,正是独眼的波罗斯来到了东方玉的身后,静静的站着。 In the past, actually to have what? Before I remember captures God-Slayer Spear, lets you and Xiaohong following the old route returns to witch clan, we in, matter that the inquiry that the meaning that Dongfang Yu that on the road meets rubbish, came straight to the point directly had in the past. “当年,究竟发生了何事?我记得夺取弑神枪之前,让你和小红顺着原路返回巫族,我们在路上碰头的”,东方玉并没有废话的意思,直接单刀直入的询问当年发生的事情。 In the past Boros and Xiaohong missing matter, was in the Dongfang Yu heart an unsolved mystery, today after the grand meeting had ended, some Dongfang Yu finally time ask. 当年波罗斯小红失踪的事情,一直都是东方玉心中一个未解之谜,今日随着盛会结束了之后,东方玉终于有时间问出来了。 Old... Boss......”, regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Boros start to talk, but mentioned to Dongfang Yu's calls, somewhat was actually hesitating. “老…老板……”,对于东方玉的话,波罗斯开口,不过说起对东方玉的称呼,却是有些迟疑着。 Boss this name, was past Dongfang Yu makes him call like this, was the same with Yakushi Kabuto their names, but, has treated an enough 180,000 years of time in Great Desolate plane, on this continent may not have such name. 老板这个称呼,是当年东方玉让他这样称呼的,和药师兜他们的称呼一样,只是,在洪荒位面待了足足180000年的时光,这个大陆上可没有这样的称呼呢。 Xiaohong died, in the past when you captured God-Slayer Spear left......”, Boros start to talk, 180,000 years ago matter that had, roughly elaborated to Dongfang Yu. 小红已经死了,当年在你夺取了弑神枪离开的时候……”,波罗斯开口,将180000年前发生的事情,大致上的给东方玉阐述了一下。 The although matter passed for 180,000 years, but this matter, Boros will actually not forget that finally, Boros has made the summary, said: As for that to our take action mysterious powerhouse, these for 180,000 years I had seen suddenly, is that Demon Ancestor Rāhu. 虽然事情已经过去了180000年,可这件事情,波罗斯却不会忘记的,最后,波罗斯跟着做出了总结,道:“至于那个突然对我们出手的神秘强者,这180000年来我已经见过了,正是那魔祖罗睺”。 Rāhu?”. 罗睺吗?”。 hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu's eyes narrows the eyes slightly, suddenly faints from fear, this Rāhu simply looks like maggot of tarsal bone with oneself. 闻言,东方玉的眼睛微微眯起,突然惊觉过来,这罗睺简直就像是跗骨之蛆似的跟着自己啊。 Captures God-Slayer Spear time, Rāhu in the oneself side, finally oneself and Primal Phoenix war time, he also, this time, oneself again arrived at Great Desolate Continent, Energy Tester has also realized his energy leak. 夺取弑神枪的时候,罗睺自己的身旁,最后自己元凤大战的时候,他也在,这次,自己再次来到了洪荒大陆,能量测试仪也察觉到了一丝他的能量外泄。 oneself arrives at the Great Desolate Continent after all also 1-2 years, but Rāhu actually as if continuously in the oneself side? 自己来到洪荒大陆总归也就一两年而已,可罗睺却似乎一直都在自己的身旁? Is it possible that? He has hidden in secret, is peeping at oneself? 莫非?他一直都隐藏于暗中,窥视着自己吗? As the saying goes, does not fear very steals, fears very keeps thinking, thinks that Rāhu has possibly hidden in peeps at oneself in secret, when this makes the Dongfang Yu heart startled, thinks the feeling of fear. 俗话说得好,不怕贼偷,就怕贼惦记,想到罗睺很可能一直都隐藏于暗中窥视自己,这让东方玉心惊之余,更觉得有一种后怕的感觉。 In Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix biggest Boss, Demon Ancestor has Rāhu hidden unexpectedly possibly in Anzhong to peep at oneself? What things then he did know? How many does he know to the oneself situation? 龙凤大劫中最大的BOSS,魔祖罗睺居然可能一直都隐藏于暗中窥视着自己?那么他到底知道了些什么东西?他对自己的情况又知道多少? Those who make Dongfang Yu care, why has Rāhu can hide is peeping at oneself in secret? When because opens the day, oneself to three thousand Fiendgod take action? Therefore hated to the marrow of the bones to go to this situation to oneself? 更让东方玉在意的是,为什么罗睺一直要躲藏在暗中窥视自己?就因为开天之时,自己对三千魔神出手了?所以对自己恨之入骨达到了这个地步吗? The Dongfang Yu's mind is hesitating secretly, thinks that Rāhu in the past has possibly hidden is peeping at the oneself matter in secret, Dongfang Yu somewhat thinks not the clear issue, was easily solved unexpectedly. 东方玉的心神暗自沉吟着,想到罗睺可能当年就一直躲藏在暗中窥视自己的事情,东方玉有些想不明白的问题,竟然迎刃而解了。 Remembers initially and phoenix fight time, the oneself seal several phoenixes, have been possible that several phoenix of seal actually dead finally, this is Primal Phoenix and oneself fights the most basic reason. 记得当初和凤凰战斗的时候,自己封印了几只凤凰的,可最后那几只封印的凤凰却死了,这才是元凤自己战斗最根本的原因。 Original Dongfang Yu does not understand why that several will die by the phoenix of seal, now turned head to think, if Rāhu has hidden in secret, then the answer was obvious, certainly by Rāhu swallowing. 本来东方玉一直不明白那几只被封印的凤凰为什么会死,现在回过头来想想,若是罗睺一直都隐藏于暗中的话,那么答案昭然若揭了,一定是被罗睺给吞了。 Suddenly, in the Dongfang Yu's mind flashed through the a person shade to come, was that Bottle Gourd kid in Zombie Brother plane original work. 突然,东方玉的脑海中闪过了一个人影来,正是尸兄位面原著中的那个葫芦娃。 He is only very ordinary Zombie Brother, is, because with protagonist Bai Xiaofei behind, evolves becomes more and more powerful, is it possible that? Past was Rāhu also this? The hideaway in oneself, has swallowed the phoenix in secret they, similarly became was stronger? 本来他只是一个很普通的尸兄而已,可是,就因为跟着主角白小飞后面,一路进化变得越来越强大,莫非?当年的罗睺也是这样?隐藏于暗中跟着自己,吞噬了凤凰他们,同样变得原来越强了? Boss......”. 老板……”。 Dongfang Yu here mind fell into the oneself train of thought that nearby Boros looks that Dongfang Yu had not spoken, thinks that he was pondering the Rāhu strength issue, said with start to talk: These for 180,000 years, I see the Rāhu number of times not to be many, although Rāhu is also this side world topest powerhouse, is to other people, Rāhu was too mysterious some. 东方玉这边心神陷入了自己的思绪之中,旁边的波罗斯看着东方玉一直都没有说话,认为他在思考罗睺实力问题,跟着开口说道:“这180000年来,我见过罗睺的次数不多,虽然罗睺也是这方天地最顶尖的强者,可是相对于其他人而言,罗睺却太神秘了一些”。 Mentioned this, Boros, then said slightly: Perhaps because of I natural disposition militant reason, therefore, I regarding strength of powerhouse always an intuition, in my opinion, Rāhu strength, perhaps also dominate above Ancestral Dragon, must say that he now is Great Desolate Continent most powerhouse, does not exaggerate, therefore, if must cope with Rāhu, we must need further consideration. 一言及此,波罗斯微微一顿,接着说道:“或许是因为我生性好战的缘故,因此,我对于强者的实力总有一种直觉,在我看来,罗睺实力,或许还凌驾于祖龙之上,要说他现在是洪荒大陆的最强者,也并不夸张了,所以,若是要对付罗睺的话,我们须得从长计议”。 Um, your intuition right, Rāhu indeed also wants to be stronger than Ancestral Dragon, Boros these words, made Dongfang Yu somewhat hold in high esteem to him actually, hear Yandian nod(ded) said. “嗯,你的直觉没错,罗睺的确比祖龙还要强一些”,波罗斯的这番话,倒是让东方玉对他有些刮目相看了,闻言点了点头说道。 Dongfang Yu draws support from Energy Tester to determine the Rāhu strength intensity, but Boros depends upon the intuition unexpectedly, can have an approximate concept? 东方玉还是借助能量测试仪才确定罗睺实力强度的,可波罗斯居然依靠直觉,就能有个大致的概念? Boss, your this twice Great Desolate Continent crossed over, how many years has been separated?”, Thinks that Boros asked to Dongfang Yu. 老板,你这两次洪荒大陆穿越,其中间隔了多少年的时间?”,想了想,波罗斯跟着对东方玉问道。 In the impression of Boros, the Dongfang Yu's energy value probably about 120,000, can actually defeat Qilin of the Beginning now, this promotion scope similarly very huge. 波罗斯的印象中,东方玉的能量值大概120000左右,现在却能打败始麒麟了,这提升幅度同样非常的巨大啊。 Can Dongfang Yu look for Rāhu to revenge? Boros does not doubt, although Rāhu is very strong, but he experienced after all for 180,000 years to today's this situation, so long as Dongfang Yu spends some time, wants to surmount Rāhu not to be difficult. 东方玉能否找罗睺报仇?波罗斯是毫不怀疑的,虽然罗睺很强,可他毕竟经历了180000年的时间才到今天这个地步的,只要东方玉多花费一些时间,想要超越罗睺并不困难。 I? Nearly three years?”, Regarding Boros the words, after Dongfang Yu thinks, start to talk said. “我啊?将近三年吧?”,对于波罗斯的这个话,东方玉想了想之后,开口说道。 Also right, two Great Desolate plane the travel of crossed over, has been separated Resident Evil and Journey to the West two plane merely, three months that in addition Real World treats, indeed less than three years. 也对,两次洪荒位面穿越之旅,仅仅间隔了生化危机西游记两个位面而已,再加上现实世界待的三个月,的确不到三年的时间。 „......”, Is only, Dongfang Yu's this reply, lets the pupil fierce contraction in Boros forehead one-eyed, panic-stricken looks at Dongfang Yu, almost cannot believe the ear of oneself. “……”,只是,东方玉的这个回答,却让波罗斯额头独眼中的瞳孔猛的收缩,惊骇的看着东方玉,几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Short less than three years, Dongfang Yu's has strength promoted these many? Actually this how achieves? 短短不到三年的时间,东方玉的实力就已经提升了这么多了?这究竟是如何做到的呀? Perhaps present Rāhu, strength you wants to be stronger than Boss, is, perhaps by Boss your growth speed, again comes 35 years, most ten years eight years, can exceed him completely, when shock, Boros with start to talk, to Dongfang Yu's strength, has been full of the self-confident appearance. “或许现在的罗睺,实力老板你要强一些,可是,以老板你的成长速度,或许再来个35年,最多十年八年的,就能完全超越他了”,震撼之余,波罗斯跟着开口,对东方玉的实力,充满了自信的样子。 Yes, to the powerhouse on Great Desolate Continent, Dongfang Yu's growth speed, simply is the BUG level. 是啊,相对于洪荒大陆上的强者而言,东方玉的成长速度,简直就是BUG级的了。 „Do 35 years, surmount 230,000 energy values?”, Hears the Boros words, in the Dongfang Yu heart smiles bitterly, is promotion where of energy value so easy? “35年,超越230000的能量值?”,听到波罗斯的话,东方玉心中苦笑,能量值的提升哪有这么容易? Reason that oneself can in this several years, the energy value promote a big truncation, is mainly two important breakthroughs. 自己之所以能在这短短几年的时间内,能量值提升一大截,主要还是两个重要的突破罢了。 Does not draw support from gene shackle is a springboard, succeeds went to the Super Saiyan situation, another was gene shackle has upgraded a level, has been the degree of fourth rank intermediate stage. 一个是不借助基因锁为跳板,成功的达到了超级赛亚人的地步,另外一个是基因锁跟着提升了一个层次,达到了第四阶中期的程度。 To promote the energy value in a short time? It looks like in Dongfang Yu, practice routinely, at least needs about ten years practice to have the possibility. 想要在短时间内提升能量值?在东方玉看来,按部就班的修炼,至少需要十年左右的修炼才有可能。 To surmount Rāhu in a short time, can only pin the hope in gene shackle or is the Super Saiyan shape broke through once more, is, these two's breakthrough is not easy. 想要在短时间内超越罗睺,就只能寄托希望于基因锁或者是超级赛亚人形态的再次突破了,可是,这两者的突破都不容易。 Was good, said that looks, these for 180,000 years, how does your day have?”, Shakes the head, for the time being has pressed the Rāhu matter, Dongfang Yu asked to Boros. “好了,说说看吧,这180000年来,你的日子又是如何过的?”,摇摇头,暂且将罗睺的事情按了下去,东方玉跟着对波罗斯问道。 My these for 180,000 years, the day passes very lightly, mentioned without the foot, 180,000 years ago, under my chance coincidence had been rescued by Hongjun, therefore, in recent years, I continuously and Hongjun treated in the same place, shook the head, regarding the oneself situation, Boros thought that mentioned without the foot. “我这180000年来,日子过得很平淡,无足挂齿,180000年前,我机缘巧合之下被鸿钧救了,所以,这些年来,我一直都和鸿钧待在一起”,摇摇头,对于自己的情况,波罗斯觉得无足挂齿。 Mentioned without the foot?”, But, Boros these words let visit him who a Dongfang Yu face compels ignorant. “无足挂齿?”,只是,波罗斯这番话却让东方玉一脸懵逼的看着他。 Hongjun, for 180,000 years and Hongjun treats in the same place, did this mention without the foot unexpectedly? 鸿钧啊,180000年来都和鸿钧待在一起,这居然是无足挂齿?
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