PE :: Volume #35

#1734: Union

When things reach their extreme they turn back, the truth that Sheng Jibi fades, almost all people in the modern society understands, is, regarding the Great Desolate plane person, they have not considered that many thoughts. 物极必反,盛极必衰的道理,在现代社会当中几乎所有人都懂,可是,对于洪荒位面的人而言,他们并没有考虑那么多的心思。 Their thoughts only then, that is growing strong oneself diligently, making oneself more and more powerful. 他们的心思只有一点,那就是努力的发展壮大自己,让自己变得越来越强大 Therefore, when Dongfang Yu mentioning makes Ancestral Dragon postpone the development of dragon race, even contracts dragon race influence time, although Ancestral Dragon thinks with the Dongfang Yu a little friendship, but, being insufficient lets him to affect the development of dragon race. 因此,当东方玉说起让祖龙暂缓龙族的发展,甚至收缩龙族势力的时候,尽管祖龙自认为和东方玉有点交情,可是,却还不足以让他能影响龙族的发展。 Dongfang Yu these words, stand the dragon race standpoint completely, after all knows the Great Desolate Continent development course, naturally also ahead of time knows the Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix event. 东方玉这番话,完全是站在龙族的立场上来说的,毕竟知晓洪荒大陆的发展脉络,当然也提前知道龙凤大劫的事件。 Dongfang Yu will not forget, Beginning of the Universe time, Great Desolate Continent is strongest by Earlier Heaven Three Races, the suppression world, the aspect was at present this aspect. 东方玉可不会忘记,天地初开的时候,洪荒大陆先天三族最强,镇压天地,局面就是眼下这个局面了。 After may Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, Earlier Heaven Three Races almost fallen, to later generation, so-called dragon race strength status, even receives controlling of Heavenly Court, many phoenix clans and unicorns even degenerate into the mount, so the result, making the will of the people live to sob. 可紧接着龙凤大劫之后,先天三族几乎完全陨落,到了后世,所谓的龙族力量地位,甚至受到天庭的辖制,许多凤族和麒麟甚至沦为坐骑,如此结局,令人心生唏嘘。 Dongfang Yu also looks at oneself and Ao Yi slightly a little friendship, moreover such as he said that these for 180,000 years, he somewhat also somewhat looked after to witch clan, therefore the good advice persuaded. 东方玉也正是看着自己傲一稍微有点交情,而且如他所言,这180000年来,多多少少的他对巫族也有些照拂,因此良言相劝。 But is a pity truth seldom sounds pleasant, oneself these words, not only cannot play the role that advises against, even let Ancestral Dragon to some oneself malice. 但可惜忠言逆耳,自己这番话,非但没能发挥劝阻的作用,甚至让祖龙自己有些恶感了。 Such being the case, Dongfang Yu naturally will again not say. 既然如此,东方玉自然也就不会再说了。 Said that is the oneself matter, but listens is his matter, oneself has urged him, was completely the oneself effort. 说不说是自己的事情,但听不听就是他的事情了,自己劝过他,也算是尽了自己的努力了。 Good, these words, after are regarded as my liquor, nonsense, shakes the head, saw that the words function of oneself, conversely has not made Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi have the malice, Dongfang Yu shook the head, no longer said. “好吧,这番话,就当做是我酒后胡言吧”,摇摇头,眼看着自己的话没有作用,反倒是祖龙傲一生出了恶感,东方玉摇摇头,也就不再多说了。 Then, they also far apart chatted several, has found out some situations and situations on some present Great Desolate Continent from the Ao Yi's mouth approximately. 然后,两人又是天南地北的聊了几句,也从傲一的嘴里大致的了解了一些现在洪荒大陆上的一些局势和情况。 Since although these days, Dongfang Yu from ten two Ancestor Witch that side them, already to the Great Desolate Continent situation, roughly had an understanding, but, ten two Ancestor Witch regard the Great Desolate Continent situation the vision with the angle, looks with Ancestral Dragon is naturally different. 虽然这些日子以来,东方玉从十二祖巫他们那边,已经对洪荒大陆的局势,大致上的已经有了个了解,但是,十二祖巫看待洪荒大陆局势的眼光和角度,与祖龙所看的自然是不一样的。 Therefore, from the mouth of Ancestral Dragon, Dongfang Yu regarding the Great Desolate Continent present situation, had comprehensively to understand actually. 因此,从祖龙的嘴里,东方玉对于洪荒大陆现在的局势,倒是有了个更加全面的了解了。 Then, Hu Kan after far apart several, Dongfang Yu then turned around, returning to ten two Ancestor Witch their side to go, has taken up chopsticks, with wishing melted also has Candle Dragon they to rush to eat the hot pot. 就这样,天南地北的胡侃了几句以后,东方玉便转身,回到了十二祖巫他们那边去了,抄起了一双筷子,和祝融还有烛九阴他们抢着吃火锅。 Being offensive to the ear honest talk that just and Ancestral Dragon said that was stops talking no longer raises. 刚刚和祖龙说的逆耳忠言,是绝口不再提了。 Turned head, Ao Yi looked at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, in the foreheads brought to wipe the thinking the look. 回过头来,傲一看了看东方玉的模样,眉宇间带着一抹思索的神色。 Just started, Ao Yi also indeed thinks that Dongfang Yu said that words for witch clan, but has a look now, did not think like. 刚开始,傲一也的确认为东方玉是为了巫族才说出那番话的,可现在看看,又觉得不像了。 However, does Dongfang Yu for no reason make oneself contract dragon race influence? Isn't this equal to oneself injures oneself? 但是,无端端的东方玉却让自己收缩龙族势力?这不相当于自己伤害自己吗? Regarding his these words, Ao Yi is will not approve how, shakes the head, no longer thought. 对于他的这番话,傲一是如何都不会赞同的,摇摇头,也就不再多想了。 Not to mention at this time, Dongfang Yu has held a small banquet, is what situation, at this time, the powerhouses of various clans after witch clan here grand meeting had ended, is respective divergence. 且不说这个时候,东方玉举办了一个小型的宴会,是什么样的情况,这个时候,各族的强者随着巫族这边的盛会结束了之后,已经是各自的散去了。 Regarding these powerhouses, the witch clan grand meeting comes to really be the value today, not only saw ten two Ancestor Witch and Dongfang Yu, even has also witnessed the Earlier Heaven Three Races head of the clan. 对于这些强者而言,今天巫族的盛会来得真是太值了,不只是看到了十二祖巫东方玉,甚至还亲眼目睹了先天三族的族长。 Regarding many people, Ancestral Dragon, Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning three, are almost exist(ence) in Legend, has the qualifications to see their minority after all truly, but the three have all seen were less. 对于很多人而言,祖龙元凤始麒麟三者,几乎是传说中的存在,真正有资格见过他们的毕竟少数,而三者全都见过的就更少了。 At this time, Primal Phoenix figure, has delimited in the sky, although said that the shape of phoenix true body is oneself is most primitive, is the most comfortable shape, but dao body actually most drew close to the entire Heavenly Dao shape, therefore, the ten thousand clans on Great Desolate Continent, besides certain special reasons, changed to the dao body shape to walk above continent generally. 这个时候,元凤身形,在天空中划过,虽然说凤凰真身的形态是自己最原始,也是最舒服的形态,可道体却是最贴近于整个天道的形态,因此,洪荒大陆上的万族,除了某些特殊的原因之外,一般都是化作道体的形态行走于大陆之上的。 figure like the electricity, from the sky has delimited, the brow of Primal Phoenix locks slightly, the complexion is not very attractive, obviously, matter that because witch clan has today. 身形如电,在空中划过,元凤的眉头微微锁起,脸色并不是很好看,显然,因为今天巫族发生的事情。 Especially looks that between witch clan and dragon race walk near appearance very much, this makes Primal Phoenix feel that the unprecedented pressure, Dongfang Yu's appeared, his strength, can affect the situation on continent. 特别是看着巫族龙族之间走得很近的样子,这让元凤感觉到了空前的压力,还有东方玉的出现,他的力量,更是能够影响到大陆上的局势了。 Um?”, Is only, although Primal Phoenix flying time, the thoughts rotate, in thinking deeply about the oneself issue, but after is on this Great Desolate Continent the topest powerhouse, quick, Primal Phoenix can feel powerful Aura to approach toward oneself. “嗯?”,只是,虽然元凤飞行着的时候,心思转动,在思索着自己的问题,但毕竟是这洪荒大陆上最顶尖的强者,很快的,元凤能够感受到一股强大气息正在朝着自己靠近过来。 Moreover, this imposing manner to Primal Phoenix very familiar. 而且,这股气势元凤而言非常的熟悉。 The look moves slightly, Primal Phoenix figure stopped in the sky, looks back to look, on the face has raised a smiling face slightly, at the same time, that wrinkle brow, slowly relaxed. 神色微微一动,元凤身形在天空中停了下来,回首而望,脸上微微扬起了一丝笑容,与此同时,就连那皱起来的眉头,也慢慢的舒缓开来了。 Quick, a man old before his time flew, figure float in the Primal Phoenix front, on the face brings to smile the Hehe look, to the person an amiable feeling, is Qilin of the Beginning. 很快的,一个小老头飞了过来,身形悬浮在元凤的面前,脸上带着笑呵呵的神色,给人一种平易近人的感觉,正是始麒麟 You overtake me specially, what matter had to say?”. “你特意追上我,是有什么事情要说吗?”。 Time when Qilin of the Beginning approaches, the Primal Phoenix complexion restored his arrogant appearance as before, tranquil looks that oneself front Qilin of the Beginning said. 等到始麒麟靠近过来的时候,元凤的脸色依旧恢复了他那高傲的模样,平静的看着自己面前的始麒麟说道。 Although oneself and Qilin of the Beginning are Beginning of the Universe on the life of birth, is, relatively speaking, oneself and Ancestral Dragon life was longer than Qilin of the Beginning, after all can look from the appearance of both sides comes out. 虽说自己始麒麟都是天地初开就诞生的生灵,可是,相对而言,自己祖龙的寿命却比始麒麟更长一些,毕竟从双方的容貌上就能看得出来了。 Therefore, although the cultivation base aspect could not be higher than many Qilin of the Beginning, but faced Qilin of the Beginning time, Primal Phoenix continuously exist(ence) arrogance. 所以,尽管修为方面比始麒麟高不了多少,但面对始麒麟的时候,元凤一直都存在着傲气。 Regarding Primal Phoenix this arrogant appearance, Qilin of the Beginning has not been angry but actually, already knew to his disposition, on the face brings to smile the Hehe look as before, said: Today the witch clan grand meeting, because of the reason of Dongfang Yu this link, witch clan and dragon race relations became even more has made closer, believes that you also did look?”. 对于元凤这孤傲的模样,始麒麟倒也没有生气,对他的性格是早就知晓的,脸上依旧带着笑呵呵的神色,道:“今日巫族的盛会,因为东方玉这个纽带的缘故,巫族龙族关系变得越发的密切了,相信你也看出来了吧?”。 That how, trivial witch clan, is not worth mentioning. “那又如何,区区一个巫族而已,不足挂齿”。 Regarding the Qilin of the Beginning words, Primal Phoenix as before is his arrogant appearance, beckons with the hand, the appearance of not caring a whoop said that has not paid attention to witch clan completely. 对于始麒麟的话,元凤依旧是他那副高傲的模样,摆摆手,毫不在意的样子说道,完全没有把巫族放在眼里。 Good, what witch clan perhaps is not, is, Dongfang Yu?”, Regarding the appearance of Primal Phoenix this arrogance, Qilin of the Beginning has not refuted him but actually, but on the face the happy expression has restrained , to continue to ask. “好吧,巫族或许不算什么,可是,东方玉呢?”,对于元凤这傲气的模样,始麒麟倒也没有反驳他,只是脸上笑意收敛了一些,继续问道。 Dongfang Yu this name, making the arrogance on Primal Phoenix face restrain much, simultaneously the vision also fell on the body of Qilin of the Beginning, the look narrows the eyes slightly, said: What's wrong? In front of Great Desolate Continent many powerhouses, defeats in the Dongfang Yu's hand, did this make you completely lose facing the Dongfang Yu's courage?”. 东方玉这个名字一出,让元凤脸上的傲气收敛了不少,同时目光也落在始麒麟的身上,眼神微微眯起,道:“怎么?当着洪荒大陆诸多强者的面,败在东方玉的手中,这让你完全丧失了面对东方玉的勇气了吗?”。 Our two, and you too. “我们两个,彼此彼此吧”。 On the although Qilin of the Beginning face has a smiling face the Hehe look, but this does not represent him quite to bully, regarding Primal Phoenix this despises words, Qilin of the Beginning naturally is start to talk, has given him moderately a counter-attack. 虽然始麒麟脸上挂着笑呵呵的神色,可这并不代表着他好欺负,对于元凤这蔑视般的话语,始麒麟自然是开口,不轻不重的给了他一个反击。 And you too? What is this, obviously in saying once Primal Phoenix also defeated the matter in Dongfang Yu. 彼此彼此?这是什么意思,显然是在说曾经的元凤也败在东方玉手里的事情了。 Qilin of the Beginning these words, making the Primal Phoenix complexion very ugly, dreadful flame Aura erupts from the body of Primal Phoenix. 始麒麟的这番话,让元凤的脸色变得很难看,滔天的火焰气息元凤的身上爆发出来。 Meanwhile, Primal Phoenix complexion also very ugly is staring at Qilin of the Beginning, said: It seems like, you defeat in Dongfang Yu's under the hand/subordinate today, today wants to try my strength?”. 与此同时,元凤的脸色也很难看的盯着始麒麟,道:“看来,你今天败在东方玉的手下,今天又想试试我的力量吗?”。 At least I have facing Dongfang Yu with his take action courage, actually Mr. Primal Phoenix you? don't tell me 180,000 years ago after having defeated one, lost to the Dongfang Yu take action courage, therefore only dares the tooth to me?”. “至少我面对东方玉还有和他出手的勇气,倒是元凤先生你呢?难道180000年前败了一场之后,已经失去了对东方玉出手的勇气,所以只敢对我呲牙吗?”。 The Qilin of the Beginning complexion was also more earnest, being in sharp opposition is staring at opposite side. 始麒麟的脸色也认真了许多,针锋相对的盯着对方 From strength, the Qilin of the Beginning although old appearance, is not weak in Primal Phoenix, naturally has not feared the meaning of Primal Phoenix. 实力上而言,始麒麟虽然年老一些的样子,可是却并不弱于元凤,自然也没有惧怕元凤的意思。 imposing manner, Primal Phoenix and Aura of Qilin of the Beginning both sides, the complete explosion, the mutual collision, the mutual entanglement, suddenly lets the world discoloration. 气势,元凤始麒麟双方的气息,完全爆发出来,相互碰撞,相互纠缠,一时间让天地色变。 A imposing manner aggression of side like fire, has filled berserk Aura, as if volcanic eruption. 一方的气势侵略如火,充满了狂暴气息,仿佛火山爆发似的。 imposing manner of another side immovability, to person a calm feeling, appointed your how towering waves, my free reef, stands one's ground steadfastly. 另外一方的气势不动如山,给人一种沉稳的感觉,任你如何海浪滔天,我自如一块礁石,岿然不动。 Their appearances, seems as if fights to be ready to be set off, but, both sides actually also know that begins, must defeat the opposite side possibility not to hit, therefore, both sides respectively are restraining but actually also oneself, does not have the take action appearance. 两人的模样,看样子似乎战斗一触即发,只是,双方却也知道,真的动起手来,要打败对方的可能性都不打,所以,双方倒也各自克制着自己,没有出手的样子。 Finally, imposing manner of both sides descended slowly, until finally, belongs to respectively tranquilly. 最后,双方的气势慢慢的降落了下来,直到最后,各自归于平静。 Was good, you overtake me to come specially, won't want to hit one with me? Has any matter to speak frankly. “好了,你特意追上我来,不会是想要和我打一场吧?有什么事情直说吧”。 Has not begun, Primal Phoenix was beckoning with the hand to Qilin of the Beginning, among looks as if some impatient appearance. 没有动手,元凤只是对着始麒麟摆了摆手,神色间似乎有些不耐烦的样子。 „The matter that I want to say is very simple, to this situation, the meaning that Qilin of the Beginning rubbish, on the face has smiled the Hehe look to hang. “我想说的事情很简单”,到了这个地步,始麒麟也没有废话的意思,脸上笑呵呵的神色重新挂了上去。 Although the common people said dragon race, the phoenix clan also has my Qilin clan and becomes Earlier Heaven Three Races, but, all people know that dragon race exist(ence) is strongest, your my two clans, cannot compare with dragon race. “虽说世人都说龙族,凤族还有我麒麟族并成为先天三族,可是,所有人都知道,龙族存在才是最强的,你我两族,都不能与龙族相比”。 The Qilin of the Beginning words, making in the Primal Phoenix foreheads flash through the disfavor, obviously regarding him said that the phoenix clan was inferior dragon race does not like. 始麒麟的话,让元凤眉宇间闪过不悦之色,显然是对于他说凤族不如龙族不太喜欢。 But Primal Phoenix has not refuted, engages in introspection, dragon race influence, indeed compared with the phoenix clan strong appearance. 元凤却也没有反驳,扪心自问,龙族势力,的确是要比凤族强一些的样子。 Saw that Primal Phoenix has not refuted, Qilin of the Beginning then said: Originally, dragon race, although is strong, but this Great Desolate Continent influence also maintained a balance relatively speaking but actually, but today, Dongfang Yu appears, witch clan has almost reversed to dragon race, let dragon race imperceptibly influence powerful, from now on the future, even if were your my two clans, perhaps will have been extruded by dragon race, therefore, I today......”. 眼看着元凤没有反驳,始麒麟接着说道:“本来,龙族虽强,可这洪荒大陆势力倒也维持住了一个相对而言的平衡,可今日,东方玉横空出世,巫族几乎完全倒向了龙族了,让龙族无形中势力更为强大,从今往后,就算是你我两族,或许都会被龙族挤压了,因此,我今日……”。 Therefore, your today's goal, wants to let the Qilin clan and my phoenix clan collaborates, resists dragon race?”. “所以,你今日的目的,就是想让麒麟族和我凤族联手,对抗龙族吗?”。 The Qilin of the Beginning words have not said that Primal Phoenix direct start to talk has then broken him, scoffs at the sound to say. 只是,始麒麟的话还没说完,元凤便直接开口打断了他,嗤声说道。 A word falls, Primal Phoenix turns around to depart, as if to the appearance that this behavior disdains. 一言落下,元凤转身离去,似乎对此行为不屑的样子。 As Primal Phoenix departs, a few words remained. 只是,随着元凤离去,一句话却留了下来。 Such being the case, that then unites. “既然如此,那便联合吧”。
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