PE :: Volume #35

#1733: Truth seldom sounds pleasant

Why Ancestral Dragon can Ao Yi remain? Dongfang Yu has naturally been well aware, regarding the attribute of Ancestral Dragon this glutton, in the Dongfang Yu's heart is laughs in one's heart. 祖龙傲一为什么要留下来?东方玉自然是心知肚明了,对于祖龙这吃货的属性,东方玉的心中是暗笑不已。 Said that perhaps nobody believe? exist(ence) of entire Great Desolate Continent nearly uncrowned king, the solemn dragon race head of the clan, Ancestral Dragon unexpectedly is a senior glutton. 说出去或许没人会相信吗?整个洪荒大陆近乎无冕之王的存在,堂堂龙族的族长,祖龙居然是一个资深的吃货。 They are trained the glutton to witch clan by the oneself good food the day after tomorrow, but the attribute of Ancestral Dragon this glutton inborn reason that after all in the past he can know with the labor , because the labor ate in the grilled fish at that time. 相对于巫族他们是后天被自己的美食培养成吃货的,祖龙这吃货的属性可是天生的啊,毕竟当年他之所以会和共工结识,就是因为当时共工在烤鱼吃。 After the grand meeting, Dongfang Yu but actually not mean-spirited, holds the banquet that one slightly gathered. 盛会之后,东方玉倒也没有小气,跟着举办了一场小聚的宴会。 180,000 years ago knows that the Dongfang Yu good food the flavor, ten two Ancestor Witch they will not certainly reject, quick, Dongfang Yu and the others returned to the Pangu palace directly, solemn silence Pangu palace, very shazam extremely busyly. 180000年前就知道东方玉美食的味道了,十二祖巫他们当然是不会拒绝了,很快的,东方玉等人直接回到了盘古殿里面,庄严肃穆的盘古殿,很快变得热闹非凡。 Comes, labor, washes these food, these things are under must burn......, Dongfang Yu that the hot pot uses crash-bang made many food to come out, has given altogether the labor these things. “来来来,共工,把这些食材都洗一下,这些东西是等下要烫火锅用的……”,东方玉哗啦啦的弄了许多的食材出来,把这些东西都交给了共工。 Candle Dragon, your several string together these food, waits for our these to make to bake eats, Dongfang Yu put out some pegwoods to come out, making Candle Dragon and the others go to string together the food. 烛九阴,你们几个把这些食材都串起来,等下我们这些要弄烧烤吃的”,紧接着,东方玉又拿出了一些木签出来,让烛九阴等人去把食材串起来。 „, What are these powders? Good fragrance. “哇,这些粉是什么啊?好香啊”。 To these food, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi cares about Dongfang Yu these that blends certainly flavors with the seasoning, after all the food he can make to obtain, but the things of these seasoning, he may not get so far as. 相对于那些食材,祖龙傲一更关心的当然还是东方玉这些调味用的佐料,毕竟食材他都能弄得到,可这些佐料的东西,他可弄不到呢。 Do not move do not move, these are the cumin powder, the ground pepper, the sesame seed wait / etc., waited to want usefully. “别动别动,这些是孜然粉,胡椒粉,还有芝麻等等,等下都要用得上的”。 Looked that Ancestral Dragon cannot bear twist some seasoning powder to throw the mouth with the finger, but also pounds the mouth, very satisfactory appearance, Dongfang Yu somewhat helpless stop he. 祖龙忍不住用手指捻着一些调料粉末丢到嘴里,还砸吧着嘴巴,很满意的样子,东方玉有些无奈的阻拦他。 Looks at this appearance, perhaps under waits for the seasoning on useless, he first ate to eat all one's food these gourmet powders. 看他这模样,或许等下佐料都没用上,他就先把这些调味粉都吃光了。 Naturally, eats besides these, beer of icing, white liquor, and even fruit juice and Cola these drinks, quick, in this open area, after everybody bustles about got up, the fragrance quickly fluttered. 当然,除了这些吃食之外,还有冰镇的啤酒,白酒,乃至果汁和可乐这些饮品,很快的,在这空地上,大家都忙碌了起来之后,香气很快就飘了出来。 Ten two Ancestor Witch, Dongfang Yu, Houyi and Boros, after all the small meetings of 15 people, look like are very lively, the atmosphere also appears the unusual harmony. 十二祖巫,东方玉,后羿和波罗斯,总归15个人的小聚会,看起来还是非常热闹的,气氛也显得非常的和谐。 The big hot pot also bakes, can also eat, the hot pot unique fragrance is mixing the fragrance of baking, lets attracting nose that countless people do not live, cancels the good food flavor of person, even lets the swallowing saliva that nearby Houyi does not live. 大大的火锅还有烧烤,可以同时吃,火锅特有的香味混合着烧烤的香味,让无数的人不住的吸鼻子,勾人的美食味道,甚至让旁边的后羿不住的咽口水。 These things, look like the good delicious appearance. “这些东西,看起来都好好吃的样子哦”。 Swallows the saliva, is taking shortly one in a big way the bamboo slip barbecue, is roasting that incites to bleed on flame, young Houyi mouth saying in a low voice, scatters after again cumin powder came up, the fragrance makes the person unable to resist. 咽了咽口水,眼看着拿着一大把竹签烤肉,正在火焰上烤得滋滋冒油的那种,小后羿嘴里低声的说道,再撒了一把孜然粉上去之后,香气就更让人抵挡不住了。 Your this brat, seriously was on this Great Desolate Continent the happiest person. “你这小子,当真是这个洪荒大陆上最幸福的人了”。 Nearby Ancestral Dragon, was taking one can ice the Cola to drink at this time, after narrowing the eyes eyes was enjoying a while, turned head, said to Houyi. 旁边的祖龙,这个时候正拿了一罐冰镇可乐喝着呢,眯着眼睛享受了一会儿之后,回过头来,对后羿说道。 „?”, The Ancestral Dragon words, making Houyi stare slightly, appearance that a face compels ignorant. “啊?”,祖龙的话,让后羿微微一愣,一脸懵逼的样子。 On the one hand is solemn Ancestral Dragon unexpectedly on own initiative with a oneself small witch clan speech, making Houyi not have the psychology to prepare, on the other hand because of the Ancestral Dragon words, indeed makes him be in a daze. 一方面是堂堂祖龙居然会主动和自己一个小小的巫族说话,让后羿没有心理准备,另外一方面是因为祖龙的话,的确让他发愣。 Suddenly said that oneself is the entire Great Desolate Continent happiest person? Houyi suddenly does not understand that he refers to anything. 突然就说自己是整个洪荒大陆最幸福的人?后羿一时间不明白他指什么。 Could see the appearance that Houyi this face compels ignorant, on the face of Ancestral Dragon is having hey saying that the smiling face, somewhat admires: Your master Dongfang Yu these manipulate good food the craftsmanship, it can be said that Great Desolate Continent is topest, if you can succeed learns these craftsmanship, what good food later hasn't wanted to eat to have? You are quite easy to learn, when you completed study to come to my crystal palace, you wanted any me to give you. 看得出后羿这一脸懵逼的样子,祖龙的脸上带着嘿嘿的笑容,有些艳羡的说道:“你师父东方玉这些摆弄美食的手艺,可以说是洪荒大陆最顶尖的,如果你能成功的把这些手艺学到的话,以后还不是想吃什么样的美食都有吗?你好好学,等你什么时候学成了可以来我水晶宫,你要什么我都可以给你”。 „......”, The Ancestral Dragon words, this for the good food as if can the stance that all take, making Houyi scared, even a World view avalanche feeling. “……”,祖龙的话,还有他这为了美食似乎能把一切都拿出来的姿态,让后羿傻眼了,甚至有一种世界观都崩塌了的感觉。 Especially image of Ancestral Dragon in Houyi heart, was the avalanche must crush, who can imagine, can Ancestral Dragon in Legend, be such a glutton unexpectedly? 特别是祖龙在后羿心中的形象,更是崩塌得粉碎了,谁能想象,传说中的祖龙,居然会是这么一个吃货? Good, everybody can start, baked here to roast similarly, that side the hot pot also burnt similarly, Dongfang Yu start to talk said that at once, on everybody's face is having the happy expression, started to be in the stage of raiding. “好啦,大家都可以开动了”,烧烤这边烤得差不多了,火锅那边也已经烫得差不多了,东方玉开口说道,旋即,大家的脸上都带着笑意,开始进入了哄抢的阶段。 Looks that everybody was busy eating the thing to go, where oneself can a person serve these many people? Somewhat helpless shaking the head, both hands tie seal at once, the instantaneous minute comes out dozens Shadow Clone. 看着大家都忙着吃东西去了,自己一个人哪能伺候这么多人?有些无奈的摇摇头,旋即双手结印,瞬间分出来数十个影分身 „, This ability is quite mysterious......”. “哇,这个能力好神奇啊……”。 Saw that Dongfang Yu this Shadow Clone ability, changes to dozens Shadow Clone instantaneously, no matter ten two Ancestor Witch or Ancestral Dragon they, look at the exclamation to say. 眼看着东方玉影分身能力,瞬间化作数十个影分身,不管是十二祖巫还是祖龙他们,都看得惊叹说道。 Naturally, perhaps this Shadow Clone Technique ability, in their opinion, is one type alone belongs to Dongfang Yu's talent divine ability, therefore, when the exclamation, they do not have many inquiries, mainly with all one's heart places on the good food. 当然,这种影分身之术能力,在他们看来,或许是一种独属于东方玉的天赋神通,因此,在惊叹之余,他们也没有过多的询问,主要一门心思还是放在美食上面。 Eats to drink, on the people of these good food to Great Desolate Continent, is rare enjoyment, therefore, atmosphere actually very strong. 吃好喝好的,这些美食对洪荒大陆上的人而言,更是难得的享受,因此,气氛倒是非常的浓烈。 Quick, everybody all let loose, even roasted the ham for one string, can fight, was eating meal with the good food, was very easy to haul in the distance among people. 很快的,大家就全都放开来了,甚至是为了一串烤火腿,也能争抢起来,果然,在一起吃饭和美食,是很容易拉进人与人之间的距离的。 As this small banquet marched into the last act, after everybody has eaten and drunk similarly, Dongfang Yu all dismissed Shadow Clone. 随着这个小小的宴会步入了尾声,大家都已经吃喝得差不多了之后,东方玉影分身全都解散了。 At once, Dongfang Yu looked at Ancestral Dragon of some not far away drunken appearances, thinks that Dongfang Yu raised two cans of iced beers to walk, sat in Ancestral Dragon side. 旋即,东方玉看了看不远处有些醉醺醺模样的祖龙,想了想,东方玉提着两罐冰镇啤酒走了过去,在祖龙的旁边坐了下来。 180,000 years do not see, your good food, as before are the unusual delicacies, even if my crystal palace can scrape together the world all treasure rare treasures, but, is actually hard to seek good food like you, the somewhat drunken appearance, Ancestral Dragon received the iced beer that Dongfang Yu has handed over, one opened, after having filled one, said. “180000年不见,你这些美食,依旧是非常的美味啊,我水晶宫即便是能网罗天下所有的奇珍异宝,可是,却也难以寻到像你这样的美食”,有些醉醺醺的样子,祖龙接过了东方玉递过来的冰镇啤酒,啪的一下打开了,灌了一口之后说道。 Good food, these after all are track, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu smiled, appearance of being nothing to speak. “美食,这些毕竟都是小道”,闻言,东方玉笑了笑,不值一提的样子。 Regarding a glutton, Dongfang Yu's this opinion, Ancestral Dragon does not certainly approve, but, he does not have start to talk to refute, but the look falls on Dongfang Yu's, obviously and other appearances of Dongfang Yu speech. 只是,对于一个吃货而言,东方玉的这番言论,祖龙当然是不赞同的,不过,他却也没有开口反驳,只是眼神落在东方玉的身上,显然是在等东方玉说话的模样。 Also survived 180,000 years, Ancestral Dragon could certainly see Dongfang Yu to sit to the oneself side, not only pure chatted, certainly also had any matter to say. 到底也生存了180000年之久,祖龙当然看得出东方玉坐到自己身旁来,不只是单纯的过来闲聊的,一定还有什么事情要说。 Was staring by the line of sight of Ancestral Dragon, Dongfang Yu naturally also understands his meaning, after thinking, Dongfang Yu start to talk said: although my this coming back, and not long time, is, as far as I know, Great Desolate Continent, did Earlier Heaven Three Races almost occupy more than 50% existing space now? The Earlier Heaven Three Races power and influence, seriously is the suppression entire Great Desolate ten thousand clans. 祖龙的视线盯着,东方玉自然也明白他的意思,想了想之后,东方玉开口说道:“虽然我这次回来,并没有多久的时间,可是,据我所知,如今洪荒大陆,先天三族几乎占据了一半以上的生存空间吧?先天三族的威势,当真是镇压整个洪荒万族啊”。 „? Your meaning is, wants to make me look after some witch clan?”. “哦?你的意思是,想让我照拂一些巫族吗?”。 Heard Dongfang Yu to speak these words, on the Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi's face, was having some smiling faces, shook the head saying: Actually, these for 180,000 years, I somewhat somewhat look after to witch clan, otherwise, clans by witch clan and gratitude and grudges between phoenix, how could they to develop today's this scale?”. 听到东方玉说这番话,祖龙傲一的脸上,带着一些笑容,摇摇头说道:“其实,这180000年来,我对巫族多多少少还是有些照拂的,否则,以巫族和凤族之间的恩怨,他们岂能发展到今日这个规模?”。 Mentioned this, Ancestral Dragon, then said slightly: Next, my dragon race expands now, is found in all sea, naturally also need bigger existing space, but, since your Dongfang Yu start to talk, I naturally......”. 一言及此,祖龙微微一顿,接着说道:“其次,如今我龙族壮大,遍布四海,自然也需要更大的生存空间了,不过,既然你东方玉开口了,我自然……”。 You have made a mistake, but, the Ancestral Dragon words have not said that Dongfang Yu then shook the head to break him. “你错了”,只是,祖龙的话还没说完,东方玉便摇摇头打断了他。 Looks Ancestral Dragon stunned stares at the oneself look, Dongfang Yu is knowing he has misunderstood, misunderstood oneself to be witch clan secures some bigger existing space. 看着祖龙愕然的盯着自己的眼神,东方玉知道他误会了,误会了自己想为巫族争取一些更大的生存空间。 My present these words, for witch clan did not say that but said for you, among Dongfang Yu's looks, earnest many appearances, looks at Ancestral Dragon to say. “我现在这番话,并不是为了巫族说的,而是为了你说的”,东方玉的神色间,认真了许多的模样,看着祖龙说道。 Discussed in good conscience, present dragon race, whether expanded one to be perfect? Were the strong words, almost the impossible matter?”. “凭心而论,现在的龙族,是否已经壮大到了一个极致了?再壮大的话,几乎是不可能的事情了?”。 The Dongfang Yu stern appearance, making the Ancestral Dragon complexion also slightly earnest some, hear speech/words, lowered the head to think deeply about the moment. 东方玉正色的模样,让祖龙的脸色也稍微认真了些许,闻言,低着头思索了片刻。 Indeed, the Great Desolate Continent ten thousand clans stand in great numbers, present dragon race indeed expands a limit, wants to continue the strong words again, must lose the existing space many other race extrusions completely, wants to expand again, very difficultly was very indeed difficult. 的确,洪荒大陆万族林立,现在的龙族的确是壮大到了一个极限了,再想继续壮大的话,完全会将许多其他种族挤压得失去生存空间了,再想壮大,的确已经很难很难了。 Good, the situation indeed such as you said that are almost the same, careful after the Dongfang Yu's words mentality thinks, Ancestral Dragon selects nod(ded), looks at Dongfang Yu, waited for his following words. “不错,情况的确如你所言,相差无几”,仔细的按照东方玉的话语思路想了想之后,祖龙跟着点点头,同时也看着东方玉,等他接下来的话语。 You looked that this Heavenly Dao operates, the sun and moon rotates, after daily Sun liter highest place, it cannot be high, can only drop, your dragon race today's power and influence, it can be said that at the height of power, arrived at the peak, therefore, I think suitable, you can contract a point, thinks that Dongfang Yu start to talk said to Ancestral Dragon. “你看这天道运行,日月轮转,每天的太阳升到了最高的地方之后,它不能再高了,就只能下降,你们龙族今日的威势,可以说是如日中天,已经到了顶峰了,所以,我觉得适当的,你们可以收缩一点”,想了想,东方玉开口祖龙说道。 Dongfang Yu these words, indeed from bottom of one's heart, indeed is stems from the dragon race angle to consider the issue, no matter the transporting potential of a person is also good, is a country, and even the race, anything is this truth, when you rose the peak, the words that cannot rise again, can only drop. 东方玉这番话,的确是发自肺腑,也的确是出自龙族的角度来考虑问题的,不管是一个人的运势也好,还是一个国家,乃至种族,任何事情都是这个道理,当你已经升到了顶峰,不能再升的话,就只能下降了。 Popular point, when you leave the words of fist, first has to shrink the movement of fist, the fist strength of hitting can be bigger. 通俗一点的来讲,当你出拳的话,先有个缩拳的动作,打出去的拳头力气才能更大。 Present dragon race to the peak, Dongfang Yu knows, words that dragon race expands again, only then the fault, without the advantage, after all, on this Great Desolate Continent first not measures the tribulation is Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix, Dongfang Yu will not forget. 现在的龙族已经是到了顶峰了,东方玉知道,龙族再壮大下去的话,只有坏处,没有好处了,毕竟,这洪荒大陆上第一场无量量劫是就是龙凤大劫,东方玉可不会忘记。 Contracts some? Do you make me not develop the oneself tribal group intentionally?”, The Dongfang Yu's words, making the brow of Ancestral Dragon wrinkle the wrinkle. “收缩一些?你让我故意不发展自己的族群吗?”,东方玉的话,让祖龙的眉头皱了皱。 Obviously, these words made Ancestral Dragon be disgusted, Great Desolate that ten thousand clans stood in great numbers, all races in going all out development oneself, Dongfang Yu made oneself stop, even contracted? In the Ancestral Dragon heart the nature was disgruntled. 显然,这番话让祖龙心生反感了,万族林立的洪荒,所有的种族都在拼了命的发展自己,东方玉却让自己停止,甚至收缩?祖龙心中自然不悦了。
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