PE :: Volume #35

#1732: Rāhu of glance

Admitted defeat, is a head of the clan of Qilin clan Earlier Heaven Three Races, after Qilin of the Beginning and Dongfang Yu begins, unexpectedly admitted defeat. 认输了,身为先天三族之一麒麟族的族长,始麒麟东方玉动手之后,居然认输了。 However, the discerning person can also look but actually, from beginning to end fought time Qilin of the Beginning by the Dongfang Yu crush, he admits defeat although to make people think to shock, was actually in the reason. 不过,明眼人倒也看得出来,至始至终战斗的时候始麒麟都被东方玉碾压着,他认输虽然让人觉得震撼,可是却又在情理之中了。 After all this was not the war of life and death, clear(ly) knows that oneself was not the words of match has not admitted defeat, can don't tell me wait till by Dongfang Yu is really defeated completely, discards the face countenance? 毕竟这不是生死之战,明知道自己不是对手的话还不认输,难道真的要等到被东方玉完全打败,丢掉颜面吗? Indeed, this is not the war of life and death, therefore, admitted defeat after Qilin of the Beginning start to talk, Dongfang Yu also receives the hand to stand, meaning that has not continued to attack again. 的确,这并非是生死之战,因此,随着始麒麟开口认输了之后,东方玉也收手而立,没有再继续攻击的意思。 Dongfang Yu understands that the Qilin of the Beginning 190,000 energy values, are under the dao body shape, strength that can display compared with oneself slightly weakly, only then shows the Qilin true body the shape, can display his strength completely. 只是东方玉明白,始麒麟190000的能量值,处于道体的形态下,能发挥出来的力量会比自己本身的稍微弱一点,只有展现出麒麟真身的形态,才能完全发挥出他的力量来。 Superficially, no matter strength, is move, and even magical treasure and various divine ability aspects, Dongfang Yu has crush opposite side strength, defeats the Qilin of the Beginning as if not specially big difficulty. 表面上看起来,不管是力量,还是招数,乃至法宝神通各方面,东方玉都有碾压对方实力,打败始麒麟似乎并没有特别大的难度。 May in fact, if shows the Qilin true body, Dongfang Yu wants to defeat Qilin of the Beginning, the odds of success at most is six quartos, from the energy value perspective, their energy values differs is not big. 可实际上,如果真的展现出麒麟真身的话,东方玉想要打败始麒麟,胜算顶多是六四开吧,从能量值方面来看,两人的能量值相差并不算大。 Quite fierce, Qilin of the Beginning defeated in his hand unexpectedly . Moreover, was the superiority of entire journey crush, the day......”, after Qilin of the Beginning admitted defeat, some powerhouses, cannot bear in a low voice exclamation start to talk, looks Dongfang Yu that descended slowly from the sky, in the look brings to shock and look of worship. “好厉害,始麒麟居然都败在他手上了,而且,是全程碾压的优势,天啊……”,随着始麒麟认输了之后,有的强者,忍不住低声惊叹的开口,看着从天空中缓缓降落下来的东方玉,眼神中带着震撼和崇拜的神色。 On countless people regarding Great Desolate Continent, the action of Dongfang Yu today, it may be said that said that was a war becomes famous, vibrates entire Great Desolate Continent. 对于洪荒大陆上无数的人而言,东方玉今日之举,可谓说是一战成名,震动整个洪荒大陆了。 „The top powerhouse on this Great Desolate Continent, feared that was also many one, his strength, can be Great Desolate first five, and even first three positions. “这洪荒大陆上的顶尖强者,怕是又多了一位啊,他的实力,可以名列洪荒前五,乃至前三的位置啊”。 Also some powerhouses, in the innermost feelings have flashed through on next present Great Desolate Continent the top powerhouse, after having contrasted the Dongfang Yu's strength level again, feeling in a low voice said. 也有的强者,内心中闪过了一下现在洪荒大陆上顶尖的强者,再对比了一下东方玉的实力层次之后,低声的感慨说道。 First three?”, Hears the words of this powerhouse, side had a person to hesitate a moment later, has selected nod(ded) actually, compared with approving of his words. “前三啊?”,听到这个强者的话,旁边有个人沉吟了片刻之后,倒是点点头,比较赞同他的话。 Has defeated including Qilin of the Beginning, believes that is Primal Phoenix comes up, is impossible to defeat Dongfang Yu, on entire Great Desolate Continent ability presses a Dongfang Yu head, perhaps has Ancestral Dragon, that did Shenron|Divine Dragon see not to see Demon Ancestor Rāhu of tail?”. “连始麒麟都败了,相信就算是元凤上去,也不可能打败东方玉,那么,整个洪荒大陆能力东方玉一头的,或许就只有祖龙,还有那神龙见首不见尾的魔祖罗睺了吧?”。 No matter how, along with war of Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning, this witch clan grand meeting, the atmosphere has reached most peak, but strength that Dongfang Yu displayed, was makes on Great Desolate Continent the innumerable powerhouses feel that shocked. 不管如何,随着东方玉始麒麟之战,这次巫族的盛会,气氛算是达到了最顶峰了,而东方玉所表现出来的实力,更是让洪荒大陆上无数的强者都感觉到震撼。 All people believe that after today's grand meeting ended, entire Great Desolate Continent will resound through the Dongfang Yu's reputation . Moreover, in future a long time, Dongfang Yu's exist(ence) absolutely is the Great Desolate Continent maximum subject. 所有人都相信,随着今日的盛会结束之后,整个洪荒大陆都会响彻东方玉的名声,而且,在未来很长一段时间内,东方玉的存在绝对是洪荒大陆最大的谈资。 Appears, then a forcing Qilin of the Beginning head, such strength and nearly mysterious status, the Earlier Heaven Three Races head of the clan attend the grand meeting to his face, as well as War God Boros kneels down to salute to him, all these all, eagerly anticipate countless people to inquire about his secret. 横空出世,便力压始麒麟一头,这样的力量和近乎神秘的身份,还有先天三族的族长都冲着他的面子来参加盛会,以及战神波罗斯对他下跪行礼,这一切的一切,都引领着无数的人都想要去探寻他的秘密。 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… When the fight of Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning had ended, the atmosphere of this grand meeting has also reached the peak, Dongfang Yu with ten two Ancestor Witch speak, suddenly, on Energy Tester presented a terrifying figure, bright red such as the arrow of blood has also aimed at a nearby direction. 只是,就当东方玉始麒麟的战斗结束了,这盛会的气氛也达到了顶峰,东方玉正在和十二祖巫们说着话的时候,突然,能量测试仪上出现了一个恐怖的数字,鲜红如血的箭头也指向了旁边的一个方向。 227800. 227800。 227,000 energy values, wanted high to plan compared with Ancestral Dragon, naturally instantaneously attracted the Dongfang Yu's attention. 227000的能量值,比祖龙还要高一筹了,自然是瞬间吸引了东方玉的注意。 The figure that on Energy Tester presents, actually dodges to pass, quick, on Energy Tester this figure vanished. 只是,能量测试仪上出现的这个数字,却一闪而逝,很快的,能量测试仪上这个数字就消失了。 Dongfang Yu reflective looks following the direction of arrow, but, above this grand meeting is bustling and filled with people, who wants to distinguish this energy value is sends out, is impossible. 东方玉反射性的顺着箭头的方向看去,只是,这盛会之上人头攒动,想要分别这能量值是谁散发出来的,根本不可能。 Dongfang Yu, how?”. 东方玉,怎么了?”。 Dongfang Yu here complexion change, nearby ten two Ancestor Witch naturally were realizes, Di Jiang (River Emperor) looked at the past following the Dongfang Yu's look, had not discovered any noteworthy thing, at once, some surprise asked to Dongfang Yu. 东方玉这边脸色的变化,旁边的十二祖巫自然是察觉到了,帝江顺着东方玉的眼神看过去,并没有发现什么值得注意的东西,旋即,有些诧异的对东方玉问道。 No, does not have anything, heard the Di Jiang (River Emperor) words, Dongfang Yu has taken back the line of sight of oneself slowly, shook the head to say. “没有,没什么”,听到帝江的话,东方玉缓缓的收回了自己的视线,摇摇头说道。 Looks to that direction look, nonchalant has swept, what as before has not actually discovered that but Ancestral Dragon the Great Desolate Continent almost uncrowned king, his energy value is also 210,000, is the sound of this grand meeting, unexpectedly some people are hiding, does the energy value even reach as high as 227,000? 只是看向那个方向的眼神,不经意的扫过,却依旧没有发现什么,祖龙可是洪荒大陆几乎无冕之王啊,他的能量值也不过是210000而已,可是这盛会之声,居然有人潜藏着,能量值甚至高达227000? Has achieved exist(ence) of this degree energy value, possibly is not clamors the generation of Nameless, in Great Desolate's Legend, a energy value of what person there is possibly to surpass Ancestral Dragon? 达到了这个程度能量值的存在,绝不可能是籍籍无名之辈,在洪荒的传说中,有什么人的能量值是可能超过祖龙的吗? Has hesitated the moment, quick, the a person name appears Rāhu in the Dongfang Yu's moral nature! 沉吟了片刻,很快的,一个人的名字浮现在东方玉的心底里罗睺 black shadow, hides in the crowd together, wears big black Robe, making the person not see clearly his appearance completely, although he stands here, may Aura from top to bottom absolutely not have, even, lets the surrounding person subconscious will neglect his exist(ence). 一道黑色影子,隐藏于人群之中,身穿一件大大的黑色袍子,让人完全看不清楚他的模样,虽然他就站在这里,可浑身上下的气息却完全没有,甚至,让周围的人都潜意识的会忽略他的存在 Therefore, although whole person already clear station here, but actually nobody notes him. 所以,尽管整个人已经真真切切的站在这里,但偏偏却没有人注意到他。 This wears black Robe sillhouette, mixes in the crowd, basic commonplace, without speech, does not have any action, departure that like this is quietly. 这个身穿黑色袍子人影,混合在人群之中,根本毫不起眼,没有说话,也没有任何的举动,就这样悄无声息的离开了。 Walked for a long time, has been far away after completely this has conducted the place of grand meeting, sillhouette then turned head, looks to the liveliness of distant place, pulled up the big hat on oneself head, the dew comes out the oneself original appearance, 180,000 years ago and Dongfang Yu have begun Rāhu. 走了许久,完全远离了这举办盛会的地方之后,人影这才回过头来,看向远处的热闹,撩下自己脑袋上的大大帽子,露出来自己本来的面目,正是180000年前和东方玉动手过的罗睺 From the appearance, the Rāhu appearance similarly was almost old ten -year-old appearances. 只是,从容貌上来看,罗睺的容貌差不多同样老了十来岁的样子。 Dongfang Yu, 180,000 years......”, stares at the distant place, the Rāhu look is narrowing the eyes slightly, the eyeground deep place flashes through the complex look. 东方玉啊,180000年啊……”,凝视着远方,罗睺的眼神微微眯起,眼底深处闪过许多复杂的神色。 When Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart, if no Dongfang Yu's to stop, Rāhu thinks that could swallow Pangu some flesh and blood successfully, therefore, he hates to the marrow of the bones regarding Dongfang Yu. 盘古开天辟地之时,若是没有东方玉的阻拦,罗睺自认为或许能够成功吞噬盘古的一部分血肉的,所以,对于东方玉他是恨之入骨的。 Moreover, perhaps others do not know, but the world has not become, Rāhu because of the hatred reason, the attention places on Dongfang Yu's, therefore he has discovered that actually the Pangu body falls, although own True Spirit changes into three, vanishes in Great Desolate Continent, making the person not search the trail, may also leave behind one wisp actually, falls in the Dongfang Yu's hand. 另外,别人或许不知道,可天地未成的时候,罗睺因为恨意的缘故,注意力放在东方玉的身上,所以他发现了,其实盘古身陨的时候,虽然自身真灵一化为三,消失在洪荒大陆,让人寻觅不到踪迹,可其实还留下了一缕,落在东方玉的手中。 To that missing three wisps, the wisp that in the although Dongfang Yu hand keeps wants to be smaller, but same, this is also Rāhu only knows wisp of True Spirit that its is. 相对于那失踪的三缕,虽然东方玉手中留下来的这一缕要小一些,可同样的,这也是罗睺唯一知道其所在的一缕真灵啊。 To other Pangu parts, truly most valuable naturally Pangu True Spirit. 相对于盘古其他的部分,真正最有价值的当然还是盘古真灵 Therefore, on the one hand covets that wisp of Pangu True Spirit in Dongfang Yu hand, on the other hand is because hates to Dongfang Yu's, therefore, after Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart, the Rāhu attention all places on Dongfang Yu's. 因此,一方面是觊觎东方玉手中的那一缕盘古真灵,另外一方面又是因为对东方玉的仇恨,因此,随着盘古开天辟地之后,罗睺的注意力全都放在东方玉的身上。 Along with opening the day attacks the Pangu matter, Rāhu carries the severe wound, therefore, 180,000 years ago is continuously in secret is following Dongfang Yu. 只是随着开天袭击盘古的事情,罗睺身负重伤,所以,180000年前都是一直暗中的跟随着东方玉罢了。 180,000 years ago time, Rāhu also and Dongfang Yu official has begun, the initial injury fully has not restored what a pity, therefore, did not leave the defeat of accident in Dongfang Yu's. 180000年前的时候,罗睺也和东方玉正式的动手过,可惜,当初的伤势没有完全恢复,因此,不出意外的败在东方玉的手里了。 180,000 years passed, hears Dongfang Yu to appear on Great Desolate Continent once again, the witch clan person must hold a grand grand meeting to congratulate Dongfang Yu's to return, nature, Rāhu impossible aloof. 180000年的时间过去了,听闻东方玉再度出现在洪荒大陆上,巫族的人更是要举办一个盛大的盛会来庆贺东方玉的归来,自然,罗睺不可能无动于衷的。 However he not appearance on a grand scale, but is the hideaway in secret, stealthily coming to see. 不过他并没有大张旗鼓的出现,而是隐藏于暗中,偷偷的过来看了看。 Fight between Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning, Rāhu naturally all watches, regarding strength that Dongfang Yu displays, in the heart of Rāhu secretly the heart is also startled. 东方玉始麒麟之间的战斗,罗睺自然全都看在眼里,对于东方玉所表现出来的实力,罗睺的心中也暗自心惊。 although said strength that Dongfang Yu shows, but plans compared with Qilin of the Beginning, has not achieved to defeat the oneself degree, strength that but, that displays, had oneself over 80% strength, who knows that is Dongfang Yu complete strength? 虽然东方玉所展现出来的实力,只是比始麒麟强一筹,还没有达到能打败自己的程度,可是,就那表现出来的实力,就已经有自己八成以上的力量了,谁知道那是不是东方玉全部的力量 Really? 180,000 years of matter, Dongfang Yu is not idly spends, his strength, as before and Ancestral Dragon is ordinary, is I biggest the threat on this Great Desolate Continent......”. “果然吗?180000年的事情,东方玉也并非是虚度的,他的实力,依旧和祖龙一般,是我在这洪荒大陆上最大的威胁啊……”。 Watches the distant place lively grand meeting, the mouth of Rāhu in a low voice twittering, at once, turning around slowly, carefully, was leaving the witch clan territory slowly. 看着远方热闹的盛会,罗睺的嘴里低声的呢喃着,旋即,慢慢的转身,一步一个脚印,慢慢的离开了巫族的领地。 witch clan here grand meeting, very lively, but, after the fight between Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning had finished, this grand meeting also marched into the latter half. 巫族这边的盛会,非常的热闹,只是,随着东方玉始麒麟之间的战斗结束了之后,这盛会也算是步入了后半段了。 Matter that then anything has not lost face is worth everybody paying attention, makes merry. 接下来并没有什么出彩的事情值得大家关注的,都只是吃喝玩乐罢了。 Quick, as after the weather gradually faded out, at these grand meetings the powerhouses of various clans, slowly diverged, these accumulation witch clansman gentlemen here, diverged slowly, got in oneself home respectively. 很快,随着天色渐渐暗下来了之后,这些盛会上各族的强者,都慢慢的散去了,就连这些聚集在这里的巫族人士,也慢慢散去,各自回到自己的家里。 Time early, in the small old clan something do not process, were not many does to stay, on the face of Qilin of the Beginning, brought to smile the Hehe look as before, start to talk to Dongfang Yu and ten two Ancestor Witch say goodbye. “时间不早了,小老儿族里还有些事情要处理,就不多做停留了”,始麒麟的脸上,依旧是带着笑呵呵的神色,开口东方玉和十二祖巫道别 Although various races' battle on Great Desolate Continent continuous, but manner getting along with people of Qilin of the Beginning, makes the person unable to have the malice. 虽说各族在洪荒大陆上争斗不休,可始麒麟的为人处世,还是让人生不出恶感的。 Selects nod(ded), Dongfang Yu has not detained his meaning, after all this is only first meeting, the impression is good, is not between oneself and Qilin of the Beginning has any deep friendship, therefore, after the grand meeting had ended, he naturally must go back. 点头,东方玉也没有多挽留他的意思,毕竟这只是初次见面,印象还不错罢了,并非是自己始麒麟之间有什么深厚的交情,所以,盛会结束了之后,他自然要回去。 During the speeches, the Dongfang Yu's vision has swept sweeping. 说话间,东方玉的目光扫了扫。 Good, to Qilin of the Beginning, Primal Phoenix is arrogant, in addition and oneself has the enmity, therefore, when he does not know, left without saying good-bye. 好吧,相对于始麒麟而言,元凤性格孤傲,再加上和自己有仇怨,因此,他也不知道是什么时候,不告而别了。 Hey, Dongfang Yu Younger Brother, left for 180,000 years, met again really makes me be filled with emotion, walked, today we no matter what, must sitting well, not be drunk continuous!”. “嘿嘿嘿,东方玉兄弟,一别180000年了,再次见面真是让我感慨万千啊,走走走,今天我们不管怎么样,都要好好的坐一坐,不醉不休!”。 Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi, looks actually all people left similarly, on the face had the straightforward smiling face, start to talk to say. 倒是祖龙傲一,看着所有人都离开得差不多了,脸上带着豪爽的笑容,开口说道。 Good, this is brazen-faced and shameless does not want to leave. 好吧,他这是死皮赖脸的不想离开了。
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