PE :: Volume #35

#1731: Admitting defeat

God-Slayer Spear in the Dongfang Yu's palm, sending out recklessly fearful murderous aura, this most primitive murderous aura, can definitely cut off in the world the feelings of all lives. 弑神枪东方玉的掌心中,肆意的散发出可怕的杀气,这最原始的杀气,完全能断绝天地间所有生命的感觉。 So long as has life exist(ence), believes that will dread in fearful murderous aura of God-Slayer Spear, takes along with Dongfang Yu's God-Slayer Spear, in the entire world as if became peaceful, nobody spoke, or was nobody dares to speak. 只要是有生命的存在,相信都会畏惧于弑神枪的可怕杀气,随着东方玉的弑神枪拿出来,整个天地间都仿佛变得安静了下来,没有人说话,亦或者说是没有人敢说话。 Qilin of the Beginning looks at God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu hand, the forehead jumps crazily, in that God-Slayer Spear fearful murderous aura of contain, even if he felt that has an alarmed feeling. 始麒麟看着东方玉手中的弑神枪,眉心狂跳,那弑神枪中所蕴含的可怕杀气,就算是他都感觉到有一种触目惊心的感觉。 In the heart of although Qilin of the Beginning has overestimated regarding Dongfang Yu's strength as far as possible, after may begin truly, this discovered that originally oneself has underestimated Dongfang Yu's strength. 虽然始麒麟的心中对于东方玉的实力已经尽量的高估了,可真正动手了之后,这才发现,原来自己还是低估了东方玉的实力 At least competes now, imposing manner, is strength, or is the move and magical treasure, each aspect oneself has not had the slight superiority unexpectedly. 至少比拼到现在,无论是气势,还是力量,亦或者是招数和法宝,各个方面自己居然都没有占据丝毫的优势。 ! 咻! Under Super Saiyan shape, obtained the fourth rank intermediate stage gene shackle's amplification, Dongfang Yu grasps God-Slayer Spear in the hand, imposing manner of whole person is mixing murderous aura of God-Slayer Spear, a god keeps off the deicide to the person seriously, Buddha keeps off to kill the feeling of Buddha. 超级赛亚人的形态下,又得到了第四阶中期基因锁的增幅,东方玉手握弑神枪在手,整个人的气势混合着弑神枪的杀气,当真是给人一种神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛的感觉。 The meaning of rubbish, under the Dongfang Yu Super Saiyan shape that aquamarine pupil, closely has locked Qilin of the Beginning, at once, figure moves. 没有废话的意思,东方玉超级赛亚人形态下那碧绿色的瞳孔,紧紧的锁定了始麒麟,旋即,身形一动。 The flowing light, as if cut space to be ordinary together, the sharp spear|gun glow, made the world change colors in this moment. 一道流光,仿佛划破了空间一般,锐利的枪芒,在这一刻让天地为之失色。 During Dongfang Yu's grasps, the God-Slayer Spear lance point shoulders, points to Qilin of the Beginning, speed is extremely quick, even makes Qilin of the Beginning almost including responding the time does not have. 东方玉的掌握之中,弑神枪的枪尖挑起,直指始麒麟,速度极快,甚至让始麒麟几乎连反应的时间都没有。 The God-Slayer Spear lance point, falls on that profound yellow light screen, the naked eye obvious, tenacious light screen resisted the God-Slayer Spear appearance, whatever God-Slayer Spear puncture hollow a big truncation, was, that profound yellow ray actually very tenacious. 弑神枪的枪尖,落在那玄黄色的光幕上面,肉眼可见,坚韧的光幕抵挡住了弑神枪的模样,任凭弑神枪穿刺得凹陷了一大截,可是,那玄黄色的光芒却非常的坚韧。 „Does this defense, want to block God-Slayer Spear? So to be how can there be easy?”, But, looks at this, the Dongfang Yu's look narrows the eyes slightly, in the heart drinks one darkly. “这防御,想要挡住弑神枪吗?岂有那么容易?”,只是,看着这一幕,东方玉的眼神微微眯起,心中暗喝一声。 Meanwhile, the Dongfang Yu use 12 strength, grips tightly God-Slayer Spear to proceed a thorn maliciously. 与此同时,东方玉用处12分的力气,紧握着弑神枪往前狠狠的一刺。 Bang, sees only Qilin of the Beginning side that to cover his profound yellow ray, after twisting to the pinnacle, finally has been difficult to sustain, changes to the fragment dissipation in airborne, float nine Jinta on Qilin of the Beginning top of the head, fell, the ray became dim. 砰的一声,只见始麒麟身旁那笼罩着他的玄黄色光芒,扭曲到极致之后,终于难以为继了,化作点点碎片消散于空中,就连悬浮在始麒麟头顶上的九层金塔,也跟着掉落了下来,光芒变得黯淡了下来。 Obviously, God-Slayer Spear prestige energy, front penetration defense of this nine Jinta. 显然,弑神枪的威能,正面突破了这尊九层金塔的防御了。 Hissing, good fearful magical treasure!”. “嘶,好可怕的法宝!”。 Regarding the defenses of oneself these nine Jinta, Qilin of the Beginning is very clear, because of so, looks that Dongfang Yu's God-Slayer Spear passed through the defenses of oneself nine Jinta unexpectedly directly, in the heart of Qilin of the Beginning has cannot help but had a big shock, looked at God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu hand again, brought to wipe the color of fear. 对于自己这九层金塔的防御,始麒麟还是很清楚的,也正是因为如此,看着东方玉的弑神枪竟然直接贯穿了自己九层金塔的防御,始麒麟的心中不由得大惊失色,再看东方玉手中的弑神枪,也带着一抹畏惧之色。 Shout! 呼! The meaning of rubbish, has passed through the defense of Qilin of the Beginning magical treasure after directly, the Dongfang Yu wrist|skill turns, God-Slayer Spear in airborne has delimited a huge curve, changes to a great-circle, has pounded toward Qilin of the Beginning, terrifying strength, deep contain in this God-Slayer Spear. 没有废话的意思,直接贯穿了始麒麟法宝的防御之后,东方玉手腕一扭,弑神枪在空中又划过一个巨大的弧度,化作一个大圈,朝着始麒麟砸了下去,恐怖的力道,深深的蕴含在这弑神枪之中。 Moves the mountain!”, But, looks God-Slayer Spear that the Dongfang Yu front surface pounds, the backlash of Qilin of the Beginning with amazement discoloration simultaneously, a palm move. “搬山!”,只是,看着东方玉迎面砸下来的弑神枪,始麒麟骇然色变的后退同时,手掌一招。 At once the sky became a piece dark, Dongfang Yu reflective gaining ground looked like, a giant incomparable palatial mountain, blooming unearthed yellow gloss, such maliciously has suppressed toward oneself. 旋即天空变得一片黑暗了下来,东方玉反射性的抬头看起来,一座巨大无比的巍峨高山,绽放出土黄色的光泽,就这么狠狠的朝着自己镇压了下来。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… High has ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain, pounds directly on Dongfang Yu's, the hōng lóng lóng bang, as if made entire Great Desolate Continent be vibrated. 高有万丈的大山,直接砸在东方玉的身上,轰隆隆的巨响,似乎让整个洪荒大陆都被震动了似的。 Meanwhile, all people can see, Dongfang Yu's figure completely by this mountain suppressing, pressure maliciously below. 与此同时,所有人都能看到,东方玉的身形完全被这一座大山给镇压着,狠狠的压在下面了。 imposing manner, strength, move and magical treasure, these four aspects, Qilin of the Beginning has not taken the tiny bit advantage, now does he want to compete magecraft divine ability?”. 气势力量、招数和法宝,这四个方面,始麒麟都没有占到一丝一毫的便宜,现在他想比拼术法神通吗?”。 Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi, in the hand is carrying one glass of ratafia, looks at Dongfang Yu pressing by the mountain, appearance that has not been worried about actually, but on the face has some happy expressions to say. 祖龙傲一,手中端着一杯果酒,看着东方玉被大山给压了下去,倒是没有丝毫担心的样子,只是脸上带着些笑意说道。 Actually, the discerning people can look, the fight until now, was Qilin of the Beginning has fallen in leeward. 其实,明眼人都看得出来,战斗到现在为止,一直都是始麒麟落于下风了。 Does not know his magecraft divine ability, can strong?”, At the same time, all people of observing, in heart curious looks at that palatial mountain, waits to look that actually Dongfang Yu must how get out of trouble. “也不知他的术法神通,能有多强呢?”,与此同时,所有观战的人,心中都好奇的看着那座巍峨的高山,等着看东方玉究竟要如何脱困而出。 Qilin of the Beginning, moves mountain technique divine ability by one move, succeeds has pressed Dongfang Yu, but, Qilin of the Beginning also earnest looks in front of oneself this ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high palatial mountain, waits to look that actually Dongfang Yu must how work loose. 始麒麟,以一招搬山术的神通,成功的将东方玉压了下去,可是,始麒麟也认真的看着自己面前这座万丈高的巍峨高山,等着看东方玉究竟要如何挣脱出来。 Yes, even if Qilin of the Beginning moves mountain technique divine ability to be confident to oneself this move, but he had not actually expected surrounding Dongfang Yu that such move of magecraft divine ability, can succeed. 是的,就算始麒麟自己这招搬山术的神通非常有信心,但他却也没有奢望过这么一招术法神通,就能成功的困住东方玉 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… Really, quick, under the gazes of all people, this palatial mountain, greatly vibrated, at once, becomes higher and higher. 果然,很快的,在所有人的注视下,这一座巍峨的高山,巨大的震动了起来,旋即,变得越来越高。 What? Mountain oneself can also grow? Looks at this, in countless person hearts is startled secretly. 什么?山自己还会长高的吗?看着这一幕,无数的人心中暗自吃惊。 Examines carefully again, this suddenly, was not this palatial mountain oneself changes high, rather, some below people were holding this ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high palatial mountain, has lifted it. 再细细看去,这才恍然,原来并不是这座巍峨的高山自己变高了,而是,下面有人托着这一座万丈高巍峨高山,将它举了起来。 energy, jet black such as energy of black ink changes to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high huge figure, this sillhouette lifted the palatial mountain to stand directly, this was the strength system of Hokage plane, Susanoo. 能量所化,漆黑如墨的能量化作一尊万丈高的巨大身形,这个人影直接举着巍峨的高山站了起来,这是火影位面力量体系,须佐能乎 The original Susanoo build trivial hundred zhang (333m), is, the close 200,000 energy values, this changes to one high approximately ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Susanoo, simply does not have any pressure. 本来须佐能乎的体型不过区区百丈而已,可是,接近200000的能量值所化,这化作一尊高约万丈的须佐能乎,根本没有任何的压力。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high Susanoo, carries this mountain directly, after losing to one side, Dongfang Yu's pair of Mangekyo falls on the body of Qilin of the Beginning, the within the body energy value after the transformation of Hōgyoku, changes to the reiatsu|spiritual pressure strength attribute rapidly. 万丈高的须佐能乎,直接扛着这座大山,将之丢到了一旁之后,东方玉的一双万花筒落在始麒麟的身上,体内能量值经过崩玉的转化之后,迅速化作灵压力量属性。 Meanwhile, Dongfang Yu's finger to a Qilin of the Beginning point, mouth saying in a low voice: 90 black coffins Hadō. 与此同时,东方玉的手指对着始麒麟一点,嘴里低声的说道:破道之90黑棺。 Jet black such as material of black ink, appeared from Void, changes to a huge black coffin instantaneously, covers Qilin of the Beginning figure in completely. 漆黑如墨的物质,从虚空中出现了,瞬间化作一个巨大的黑色棺木,将始麒麟身形完全笼罩在其中。 Fearful strength caves in toward, making the Qilin of the Beginning mouth in black coffin unable to bear exude the sound of pain calling. 紧接着,可怕的力量往内塌陷下去,让黑棺之内的始麒麟嘴里忍不住发出痛叫之声。 Also has not paid attention to under the attack of black coffin, what response Qilin of the Beginning at this time was, Dongfang Yu within the body huge incomparable strength, changed to the Chakra attribute, both hands ties seal, was blowing to the Qilin of the Beginning direction: Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation . 也没有理会黑棺的攻击下,始麒麟这个时候是什么样的反应,东方玉体内庞大无比的力量,跟着化作查克拉属性,双手结印,紧接着,对着始麒麟的方向一吹:火遁豪火灭却 To hiding the sky and covering the earth flame, takes away as many things as possible toward that Qilin of the Beginning huge instantaneously. 庞大到铺天盖地般的火焰,瞬间朝着那始麒麟席卷而去。 Similarly, has not paid attention to oneself Fire Release Ninjutsu whether displayed anything to affect, Dongfang Yu the strength transformation of oneself within the body was the magic power attribute, has portrayed a mysterious Magic appearance, has pressed toward Qilin of the Beginning that side. 同样的,并没有理会自己火遁忍术是否真的发挥了什么作用,东方玉紧接着又是将自己体内力量转化为魔力的属性,刻画了一个玄奥的魔法阵出现,朝着始麒麟那边压了过去。 Competes magecraft divine ability? This aspect Dongfang Yu does not have what to be good to fear. 比拼术法神通?这方面东方玉就更加没有什么好怕的了。 Walks randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms for these years, the strength system of Dongfang Yu study are many, but had Hōgyoku to take energy attribute transformation ability, the methods of various systems, Dongfang Yu can display the same energy value the might to come out, the attack method of emerging one after another incessantly, Dongfang Yu completely depended upon a person of strength, has started a magecraft grand feast. 游走诸天万界这么多年来,东方玉学习的力量体系不少,而有了崩玉作为能量属性的转化能力,各种体系的手段,东方玉都能发挥出相同能量值的威力出来,层出不穷的攻击手段,东方玉完全依靠一人之力,掀起了一阵术法的盛宴。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… All kinds of magecraft, continuous sends from Dongfang Yu's, rainstorm pounds toward Qilin of the Beginning. 各种各样的术法,接连不断的从东方玉的手里发出去,暴雨般的朝着始麒麟砸过去。 This magecraft storm, looks at all people to stare dumbfounded, the Dongfang Yu this magecraft frequency and prestige energy, make people think the fear, simple, this simply incarnation is magecraft fort. 术法风暴,看得所有人瞠目结舌,东方玉术法的频率和威能,都让人觉得恐惧,简单的来说,这简直化身为法术炮台似的了。 The suppression, under Dongfang Yu that violent storm magecraft suppression, Qilin of the Beginning completely lost the strength to hit back obviously. 压制,在东方玉那狂风暴雨般的法术压制下,始麒麟显然完全失去了还手之力了。 In aggressive magecraft, Dongfang Yu also will occasionally dope several tie up and seal technique and so on magecraft, makes Qilin of the Beginning think that is hard to resist. 在攻击性的法术之中,东方玉偶尔还会掺杂几个缚道和封印术之类的术法,更让始麒麟觉得难以招架。 This fellow, completely is not the Dongfang Yu's match......”, saw this situation, Ancestral Dragon start to talk, shook the head, in the expression was bringing sigh with emotion saying. “这家伙,完全不是东方玉的对手啊……”,看到这个地步,祖龙开口了,摇摇头,语气中带着感慨的说道。 Yes, fight between Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning, looks like although is very intense, but, the discerning person can actually look, from beginning to end Dongfang Yu is having the crush superiority. 是啊,东方玉始麒麟之间的战斗,看起来虽然很激烈,但是,明眼人却都能看得出来,至始至终东方玉都占据着碾压性的优势。 In front of Dongfang Yu's, no matter competes imposing manner, is strength, or is the move, magical treasure and divine ability magecraft, aspect Qilin of the Beginning cannot have the superiority, the nature, Qilin of the Beginning was being suppressed by Dongfang Yu from beginning to end. 东方玉的面前,不管是比拼气势,还是力量,亦或者是招数、法宝神通法术,没有一个方面始麒麟能占据优势的,自然,从头至尾始麒麟都被东方玉压制着了。 Roar...... 吼…… Finally, in these crowded magecraft rainstorms, Qilin of the Beginning rock the earth roaring, at once, greatly was similar to the palatial mountain build appears once again. 终于,在这些密集的法术暴雨之中,始麒麟一声震天动地般的吼叫,旋即,巨大如同巍峨高山般的体型再度出现了。 This was Qilin of the Beginning has discarded the dao body shape finally, changed to the oneself Qilin true body. 这是始麒麟终于舍弃了道体的形态,化作自己麒麟真身了。 In the rock the earth howling, Qilin of the Beginning raises the oneself giant incomparable claw, gets down toward Dongfang Yu which directly. 震天动地的吼叫声中,始麒麟扬起自己巨大无比的爪子,直接朝着东方玉下来。 This giant claw falls, hangs day of Yun Ban simply likely, lets place that Dongfang Yu as if has not dodged. 这巨大的爪子落下,简直像是垂天之云般,让东方玉似乎都没有闪躲的地方。 However, meaning that Dongfang Yu has not dodged completely, but the look concentrates slightly, the close 200,000 energy values change to Haki|domineering, as if bathed from top to bottom jet black such as the material of iron, Dongfang Yu has been lifting the palm of oneself. 不过,东方玉也完全没有闪躲的意思,只是眼神微微一凝,接近200000的能量值化作霸气,浑身上下似乎都沐浴着一层漆黑如铁的物质,东方玉抬起了自己的手掌。 A bang, Dongfang Yu's figure as before float in midair, although retroceded, but, is covering the arm of Armoring Haki, carries the claw of Qilin of the Beginning, has blocked his attack. 一声巨响,东方玉的身形依旧悬浮在半空中,虽然后退了许多,可是,覆盖着装甲色霸气的手臂,却扛着始麒麟的爪子,将他的攻击都拦了下来。 Really, under the shape of Qilin true body, strength of this fellow!”, Felt the arm of oneself somewhat to tingle with numbness, in the Dongfang Yu's heart muttered secretly thought. “果然,麒麟真身的形态下,这家伙的力量会更强一些!”,感受到自己的手臂都有些发麻了,东方玉的心中喃喃暗道 The although energy value does not have what change, but under the shape of Qilin true body, mortal body strength actually under strength compared with dao body shape stronger a section, Dongfang Yu can feel the strength aspect, Qilin of the Beginning has promoted a small truncation, time that at least this attack falls, can repel oneself. 虽然能量值没有什么变化,可麒麟真身的形态下,肉身力量却比道体形态下的力量要强一截,东方玉能够感受到力量方面,始麒麟提升了一小截,至少这攻击落下来的时候,已经能够把自己击退了。 Has not waited for Dongfang Yu to continue take action, that giant incomparable Qilin true body vanished, Qilin of the Beginning changes to the dao body shape. 只是,还没等东方玉继续出手,那巨大无比的麒麟真身跟着消失了,始麒麟重新化作道体的形态。 Shaking the head of Qilin of the Beginning forced smile: Was good, to this situation not the necessity that fought, Mr. Dongfang Yu's strength, was really stronger plans. 始麒麟苦笑的摇摇头:“好了,到了这个地步没有在斗下去的必要了,东方玉先生的实力,果然更强一筹啊”。
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