PE :: Volume #35

#1730: Everywhere suppression

196800. 196800。 This is Dongfang Yu now energy value under the strongest shape, close 200,000 energy, berserk Aura sends out from Dongfang Yu's, making in the world fill heavy imposing manner. 这是东方玉现在最强形态下的能量值,接近200000的能量,狂暴气息东方玉的身上散发出来,让天地之间都弥漫着一股沉重的气势 From the imposing manner intensity, Dongfang Yu naturally will not compare missing of Qilin of the Beginning, two Aura, collide in the midair mutually, pure is the collision on imposing manner, one type has let the world discoloration, the feeling that the mountain bank destroys. 气势的强度上而言,东方玉自然是不会比始麒麟的差了,两股气息,在半空中相互碰撞,单纯是气势上的碰撞,就已经有一种让天地色变,山河崩毁的感觉了。 Good powerful Aura, day, Dongfang Yu's Aura is not unexpectedly weaker than Qilin of the Beginning. “好强大气息,天啊,东方玉的气息居然丝毫不比始麒麟弱”。 Some powerhouses, can clear the confrontation from their imposing manner judges the strength issue, feels Dongfang Yu's imposing manner not to be weak in Qilin of the Beginning, in some people hearts calls out in alarm in a low voice. 有的强者,能够清晰的从两人气势上的交锋判断出相互之间的实力问题,感受到东方玉的气势不弱于始麒麟,有的人心中低声惊呼起来。 Qilin of the Beginning, is Boss of Qilin clan, his exist(ence) is on Great Desolate Continent the topest powerhouse, but isn't Dongfang Yu unexpectedly weak on imposing manner in him? 始麒麟,乃是麒麟族的首领,他的存在更是洪荒大陆上最顶尖的强者,可东方玉气势上居然不弱于他? Really? Can annoy Earlier Heaven Three Races Boss to come personally, does Dongfang Yu itself have with their similar strength? 果然吗?能惹来先天三族首领亲自前来,东方玉本身也拥有和他们差不多的力量吗? very powerful imposing manner......”, Primal Phoenix, looks on that side imposing manner under Qilin of the Beginning Dongfang Yu, eyes does not narrow the eyes slightly. 好强气势……”,元凤,看着那边气势上不下于始麒麟东方玉,眼睛也微微眯起来了一些。 although said that imposing manner did not express opposite side strength, however in certain degrees, can take to weigh the a person strength important criterion, looked like the energy value cannot representative a person strength, may to Dongfang Yu, how survey the a person strength altitude, the energy value very much has the reference value. 虽然气势并不表示对方实力,但是在某些程度上而言,还是能够作为衡量一个人实力的重要标准的,就像是能量值并不能代表一个人实力,可对东方玉而言,如何探测一个人实力高度,能量值还是很有参考价值的。 Since Dongfang Yu obtained Energy Tester, the energy value being hard representative a person strength situation, has two kinds of people. 自从东方玉获得了能量测试仪以来,能量值难以代表一个人实力的情况,只有两类人。 One kind is One Punch Man plane Saitama, pure mortal body strength has achieved almost did not have the degree of upper limit, depended on mortal body strength to be able only crush all. 一类就是一拳超人位面埼玉,单纯的肉身力量已经达到了几乎无上限的程度,单靠肉身力量就能碾压一切了。 Another kind of person was witch clan, similarly was mortal body strength formidable, exist(ence) of low energy value, depended upon the mortal body strength in addition to hold with the amplification, defeated the energy value sufficiently compared with they stronger exist(ence). 另外一类人就是巫族了,同样是肉身力量强悍,低能量值的存在,依靠肉身力量的加持和增幅,足以打败能量值比他们更强的存在 Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu......”, looks that Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning are start to fight, palm of Houtu (Mother Earth) unconscious pinched, somewhat anxious looks at fight between Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning. 东方玉哥哥……”,看着东方玉始麒麟已经算是开始战斗了,后土的手掌不自觉的捏起来了,有些紧张的看着东方玉始麒麟之间的战斗。 That after is Qilin of the Beginning, the head of the clan of Qilin clan, on Great Desolate Continent suppressed one of the ten thousand clans powerhouses, 180,000 years passed, does not know that Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu was his match? 那毕竟是始麒麟啊,麒麟族的族长,洪荒大陆上镇压万族的强者之一,180000年过去了,也不知道东方玉哥哥是否是他的对手? Not to mention at this time, what thoughts the following all people were, at this time, Dongfang Yu all attention placed the body of Qilin of the Beginning. 且不说这个时候,下面的所有人都是什么样的心思,这个时候,东方玉所有的注意力都放在始麒麟的身上。 190,000 energy values, making Dongfang Yu not dare to belittle opposite side, similarly, the Qilin of the Beginning attention also all places on Dongfang Yu's, but berserk vigorous imposing manner, making Qilin of the Beginning treat as Dongfang Yu with the match of oneself similar level completely regards. 190000的能量值,让东方玉也不敢小觑对方,同样的,始麒麟的注意力也全都放在东方玉的身上,狂暴而浑厚的气势,让始麒麟完全把东方玉当做和自己同样层次的对手来看待。 The competion of imposing manner, they frequent each other reaches a stalemate, is very obvious, both sides want to suppress the opposite side possibility by imposing manner this aspect are not big, therefore, Qilin of the Beginning first take action. 气势的比拼,两人你来我往的都相持不下,很显然,双方都想靠气势这方面压制对方的可能性是不大了,所以,始麒麟抢先出手了。 Without any fancy move, Qilin of the Beginning finds out the fist of oneself, a fist pounds directly toward Dongfang Yu, the fearful strength, this fist crushes the stars sufficiently. 没有任何花俏的招数,始麒麟探出自己的拳头,一拳朝着东方玉直接砸过来,可怕的力道,这一拳足以粉碎星辰。 „Was this wants to compete strength with me?”, Looks Qilin of the Beginning not fancy the thoughts that the fist that pounds, Dongfang Yu naturally can cope with clearly, the brow raised slightly, at once, stretched out the palm of oneself, moved forward to meet somebody. “这是想要和我比拼力量了吗?”,看着始麒麟毫无花俏的砸过来的拳头,东方玉自然能明白对付的心思了,眉头微微一扬,旋即,伸出了自己的手掌,迎了上去。 Bang! 啪! The Qilin of the Beginning rudely fist, falls in the Dongfang Yu's palm, the collision of fearful Aura and strength, has started the fearful hurricane. 始麒麟势大力沉的拳头,落在东方玉的掌心之中,可怕的气息力量的碰撞,掀起了可怕的飓风。 However, Dongfang Yu's figure as before float in midair, the mark silk has not moved, depends upon single Zhang strength, the fist of Qilin of the Beginning keeping off, looked at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, blocks the fist of Qilin of the Beginning, as if also somewhat superficial appearance. 然而,东方玉的身形依旧悬浮在半空中,纹丝未动,依靠单掌的力量,就已经将始麒麟的拳头给挡了下来,看东方玉的模样,挡住始麒麟的拳头,似乎还有些轻描淡写的模样。 very powerful!”, Feels the resistance that the oneself fist uploads, in the heart of Qilin of the Beginning sinks secretly. 好强!”,感受到自己拳头上传过来的阻力,始麒麟的心中暗自一沉。 How many strengths the fist of oneself has, his oneself very clear, but Dongfang Yu's palm actually as if natural moat, oneself almost fully strikes, copes only to depend on a palm to resist? Even including retroceding some? 自己的拳头有多少力道,他自己非常的清楚,可东方玉的手掌却仿佛天堑似的,自己几乎全力一击,对付只靠一只手掌就能抵挡住?甚至连后退一些都没有? As if, this pure strength aspect, Dongfang Yu even dominates above oneself. 似乎,这单纯的力量方面,东方玉甚至凌驾于自己之上啊。 thoughts revolve in an instant, in the heart of although Qilin of the Beginning has rotated many ideas, but the movement on hand is actually not slow. 心念电转不过刹那之间,虽然始麒麟的心中转动了很多的想法,可手上的动作却是丝毫不慢。 Fist take action, knows the Dongfang Yu's strength even above oneself, therefore, Qilin of the Beginning take action, no longer was only the fight of pure competion strength, but started to use the close combat skill. 一拳出手,就知道东方玉的力道甚至在自己之上,因此,始麒麟紧接着出手,不再只是单纯的比拼力道的战斗了,而是开始动用了近身战斗的技巧。 Every gesture and motions, open greatly gather greatly, to person a feeling of sincere mountain, but, Qilin of the Beginning move actually very exquisite. 一招一式,大开大合,给人一种厚重的大山的感觉,但是,始麒麟的招数却又非常的精妙。 In imposing manner and strength compete, the present is to prepare to compete close combat Kung Fu (Hustle)? 气势和力道上都比拼过来,现在是准备比拼近战功夫吗? The Dongfang Yu corners of the mouth raise slightly, naturally will not fear, in move of near body wrestle, Dongfang Yu has not feared anybody, this is Dongfang Yu fight to has also been. 东方玉嘴角微微一扬,当然不会惧怕,在近身格斗的招数方面,东方玉可没有惧怕过任何人呢,这也一直都是东方玉战斗的强向所在。 Bang! Bang! Bang!! 砰砰砰 The appearance that sillhouette in sky, both sides frequent each other, fights intensely, Qilin of the Beginning leaves move of quick, moreover is rudely, each attack, contain trillion even strengths. 天空中的人影,双方你来我往的样子,战斗得非常的激烈,始麒麟出招很快,而且势大力沉,每一次的攻击,都蕴含着亿万均的力道。 However, Dongfang Yu's leaves the move to be quicker than him, the strength is older than him, even, move also exquisite, at the first Qilin of the Beginning main attack, after Dongfang Yu can actually , sends first to keeps off his all attacks, may among the moments, both sides with frequent contact open 180 moves, Dongfang Yu then started to turn the passive situation into initiative, held a Qilin of the Beginning flaw place, started violent storm counter-attacking. 然而,东方玉的出招却比他还快,力气比他还大,甚至,招数也更加的精妙,起先始麒麟主攻,东方玉却能后发先至的将他所有的攻击都挡下来,可不过片刻之间,双方你来我往的拆了180招而已,东方玉便开始化被动为主动了,抓住始麒麟的一个破绽处,开始了狂风暴雨般的反攻。 The fist palm refers to the leg, all kinds of moves, Dongfang Yu it can be said that has words at fingertips and writes with facility, under his powerful attack, the backlash that Qilin of the Beginning does not live, was suppressed very much obviously completely the appearance, this, looks at all people to stare dumbfounded. 拳掌指腿,各种各样的招数,东方玉可以说是信手拈来,在他的强势攻击下,始麒麟不住的后退,很显然是完全被压制了的样子,这一幕,看得所有的人都瞠目结舌。 Day! Haven't I misread? Qilin of the Beginning resembles, probably falls in leeward!”, Looks at this, some people cannot bear call out in alarm in a low voice said. “天啊!我没有看错吧?始麒麟好像,好像落于下风啊!”,看着这一幕,有的人忍不住低声惊呼说道。 This Dongfang Yu, very powerful, no wonder can let Earlier Heaven Three Races Boss specially for he catches up, some people, completely are dumbfounded looks at this fight. “这东方玉,好强,难怪能让先天三族首领都特意为了他赶过来”,也有的人,完全是目瞪口呆的看着这场战斗。 A little people of eyesight can look slightly, from beginning to end, imposing manner, the competion in strength and move, Qilin of the Beginning has not occupied the least bit winning side. 稍微有点眼力的人都看得出来,至始至终,气势,力道和招数上的比拼,始麒麟从来没有占得半点上风。 This fellow, strength also has really promoted......”, Primal Phoenix looks at present this, the complexion somewhat is also ugly, in the heart muttered secretly thought. “这家伙,果然实力也提升了……”,元凤看着眼前这一幕,脸色也有些难看,心中喃喃暗道 The Primal Phoenix mind actually also completely places above this fight, regarding this fights strength that Dongfang Yu displays, close attention. 元凤的心神却也全部放在这场战斗上面,对于这一战东方玉所表现出来的实力,密切的关注。 Quite fierce!”, Ten two Ancestor Witch, looks strength that Dongfang Yu shows, mood also very inspired appearances. “好厉害!”,十二祖巫这边,看着东方玉所展现出来的实力,一个个心情也非常振奋的样子。 Really, in these 180,000 years of time, Dongfang Yu's strength is impossible to halt, present he, strength 180,000 years ago time, similarly left a big truncation. 果然,这180000年的时光里,东方玉的实力也不可能止步不前啊,现在的他,实力比起180000年前的时候,同样强出了一大截啊。 „Did he, how many years experience?”, Only the one-eyed of Boros, looks at the fight in sky, in the heart cannot help but flashes through such doubts. “他,到底经历了多少年?”,只有波罗斯的独眼,看着天空中的战斗,心中不由得闪过一个这样的疑惑。 In the Boros heart to the Dongfang Yu's impression, has stayed in initially Dongfang Yu first opened gene shackle to open the Super Saiyan shape that degree, energy value also stays in Dongfang Yu has about 120,000 situations. 波罗斯心中对东方玉的印象,一直都停留在当初东方玉先开启基因锁才能开启超级赛亚人形态的那个程度,能量值方面也停留在东方玉只有120000左右的地步而已。 Perhaps others thought that Dongfang Yu experienced an enough 180,000 years of time, but Boros knows that among Dongfang Yu crossed over, absolutely does not have many years twice, trivial for several years, at most dozens years perhaps, Dongfang Yu's strength does not have oneself to be strong, this is the estimate of Boros to Dongfang Yu strength. 别人或许觉得东方玉经历了足足180000年的时光,可波罗斯知道,东方玉两次穿越之间,绝对没有多少年,区区数年,顶多数十年的时间,或许东方玉的实力都没有自己强呢,这是波罗斯东方玉实力的估算。 But now, looks at present this, solemn Qilin of the Beginning under Dongfang Yu's, cannot take the slight advantage unexpectedly, this made Boros have to from estimate newly, don't tell me Dongfang Yu he experienced for several hundred years, and even over several thousand years, did return to this plane? 可现在,看着眼前这一幕,堂堂始麒麟东方玉的手底下,居然都占不到丝毫的便宜,这让波罗斯不得不从新估算了,难道东方玉他经历了数百年,乃至数千年以上的时间,才回到这个位面吗? Shout! 呼! A palm, the Dongfang Yu's palm penetrated Qilin of the Beginning defense of layer upon layer directly, points to the Qilin of the Beginning pit of the stomach. 一掌,东方玉的手掌直接穿透了始麒麟的层层防御,直指始麒麟的心窝。 The long time defends to lose, on the skill of this close combat wrestle, Dongfang Yu dominated above Qilin of the Beginning obviously, fought was so long, Dongfang Yu finally has also obtained the decisive victory potential. 久守必失,在这近战格斗的技巧上面,东方玉显然凌驾于始麒麟之上了,斗了这么久,东方玉也终于取得了决定性的胜势。 If this palm successful falling in the Chest of Qilin of the Beginning, sufficiently crushes the stars by him now strength, believed Qilin of the Beginning at least also the severe wound. 这一掌若是成功的落在始麒麟的心口,以他现在足以击碎星辰的力量,相信始麒麟至少也得重伤了。 Buzz! 嗡! However, saw time that the Dongfang Yu's palm must print, suddenly, an profound yellow ray suddenly appeared, has covered the whole body of Qilin of the Beginning. 不过,眼看着东方玉的手掌就要印下去的时候,突然,一层玄黄色的光芒突然出现,笼罩了始麒麟的全身。 Meanwhile, the Dongfang Yu's palm falls on this profound yellow ray, but made this ray toward in hollower, at once, Qilin of the Beginning draws support from the strength that Dongfang Yu was in charge, retroceded about the kilometer. 与此同时,东方玉的手掌落在这个玄黄色的光芒上面,只是让这个光芒往内凹陷了一些罢了,旋即,始麒麟借助着东方玉掌印的力道,后退了千米开外。 Nine profound yellow buttress towers, float on the head of Qilin of the Beginning, has thrown down the profound yellow ray, covered his whole body, just, he borrowed magical treasure strength to resist the Dongfang Yu's attack obviously. 一尊九层的玄黄色小塔,悬浮在始麒麟的脑袋上,投下了玄黄色的光芒,将他的全身都笼罩住了,刚刚,他显然是借用了法宝力量来抵挡东方玉的攻击。 imposing manner, strength and move have competed, the present was to prepare to compete magical treasure?”. 气势力量和招数都比拼过了,现在是准备比拼法宝了吗?”。 Looks on the Qilin of the Beginning head the float that buttress tower, the Dongfang Yu's look narrows, at once the palm slightly on oneself storage ring gently wipes. 看着始麒麟脑袋上悬浮的那一尊小塔,东方玉的眼神微微眯起来了一些,旋即手掌在自己纳戒上轻轻的一抹。 The day sends killing intent, moves to star Yi Xiu. 天发杀机,移星易宿。 Sends killing intent, the dragon snake has the land. 地发杀机,龙蛇起陆。 The people send killing intent, the world tilt. 人发杀机,天地倾覆。 God-Slayer Spear appears in the Dongfang Yu's palm, murderous aura to fill the air shockingly, as if lets the air between world, became icy cold. 弑神枪出现在东方玉的掌心,惊世杀气弥漫出来,似乎让天地之间的空气,都变得冰凉了。 Looks at the God-Slayer Spear of Dongfang Yu palm, all person fearful and apprehensive feelings, even, certain will not that firm people, even has produced a throat place by the person with the sharp knife blade is arriving at the misconception. 看着东方玉掌心的这一杆弑神枪,所有的人都有一种心惊肉跳的感觉,甚至,某些意志没有那么坚定的人,甚至产生了一种咽喉处被人用利刃抵着的错觉。 „Is that? Of good terror kills......”. “那是?好恐怖的一件杀器啊……”。 Looks at God-Slayer Spear in Dongfang Yu palm, is feeling fearful murderous aura of contain, countless people have held breath cold air. 看着东方玉掌心中的弑神枪,感受着其中所蕴含的可怕杀气,无数的人倒吸了一口凉气 God-Slayer Spear, although from the quality, is only innate supreme treasure end, is, to other innate supreme treasure, God-Slayer Spear is actually one pure kills, lethality, absolutely can be said as exist(ence) that in innate supreme treasure is among the best. 弑神枪,虽说从品质上来看,只是先天至宝之末而已,可是,相对于其他的先天至宝,弑神枪却是一件纯粹的杀器,杀伤力方面,绝对可以说是先天至宝中名列前茅的存在
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