PE :: Volume #35

#1729: Qilin of the Beginning VS Dongfang Yu

Qilin of the Beginning?”. 始麒麟?”。 Dongfang Yu also gained ground, looks that as if a mountain the giant beast that approaches from the sky, in the look flashes through wipes the doubts the look, at once, the vision places nearby Di Jiang (River Emperor) and other bodies of two Ancestor Witch. 东方玉也抬起头来,看着仿佛一座大山般从天空中靠近过来的巨兽,眼神中闪过一抹疑惑的神色,旋即,目光放在旁边帝江等十二祖巫的身上。 Previous Dongfang Yu arrives at Great Desolate plane time, does not have what occurring together with the Qilin clan, then this Qilin of the Beginning has also been unsolicited, is actually why? 上一次东方玉来到洪荒位面的时候,和麒麟族这边并没有什么交集啊,那么这始麒麟也不请自来了,究竟是为什么? Our witch clan and Qilin clan does not have what occurring together, I do not know why Qilin of the Beginning came. “我们巫族和麒麟族也没有什么交集,我也不知道始麒麟为什么来了”。 Obviously has understood the Dongfang Yu's look, on the face of Di Jiang (River Emperor), is having some looks of puzzling, shakes the head to say. 显然是看懂了东方玉的眼神,帝江的脸上,也带着一些迷惑不解的神色,摇头说道。 No matter what thoughts and Dongfang Yu and ten two Ancestor Witch are, at this time, under being a focus of public attention, Qilin of the Beginning figure also changed to the dao body appearance, declined from the midair. 且不管东方玉和十二祖巫们都是什么样的心思,这个时候,在万众瞩目之下,始麒麟身形也化作道体的模样,从半空中落了下来。 Different from Primal Phoenix and Ancestral Dragon is the 40-year-old appearances, the Qilin of the Beginning appearance probably is the 60-year-old appearance, seems like is in high spirits the old man, the wainscot also supports, cannot look at the old appearance very much actually. 不同于元凤祖龙都是40多岁的样子,始麒麟的模样大概是60多岁的模样,看起来是一个精神矍铄的老头,腰板也挺得很直,倒是看不出来苍老的模样。 Good, Qilin of the Beginning incarnation for the man old before his time, on the face is having the smiling face, gives people actually an amiable feeling. “诸位好”,始麒麟化身为的小老头,脸上带着笑容,倒是给人一种平易近人的感觉。 First is after Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others nod(ded) have greeted, to Ancestral Dragon nod(ded) greeted, finally, the Qilin of the Beginning vision then falls on Dongfang Yu's. 先是对帝江等人点头打过招呼之后,紧接着又对祖龙点头打了个招呼,最后,始麒麟的目光这才落在东方玉的身上。 After all today protagonist of this grand meeting is Dongfang Yu, therefore, he treats as next to last act Character(s) to treat Dongfang Yu actually. 毕竟今天这场盛会的主角东方玉,因此,他倒是把东方玉当做压轴人物来对待。 The way one treats people aspect, is actually very natural, making the person have one type such as to wash the feeling of spring breeze. 待人接物方面,倒是很自然,让人有一种如沐春风的感觉。 Naturally, Qilin of the Beginning is sizing up Dongfang Yu, Dongfang Yu also in taking a look at him, seems like an appearance of 60~70 years old man old before his time, made clear to the Qilin of the Beginning age to be very big, at least was relative to Ancestral Dragon and Primal Phoenix, the age must be greatly many. 当然,始麒麟正在打量着东方玉,东方玉也在打量着他,看起来是一个六七十岁的小老头的模样,也昭示着始麒麟的年龄已经很大了,至少相对于祖龙元凤来说,年龄要大不少了。 Has a look at the Qilin of the Beginning energy value again, 190,000 energy values, compared with the appearance that Primal Phoenix must partly plan slightly inferior, but, to the close 200,000 energy values , can see Qilin of the Beginning strength. 再看看始麒麟能量值,190000的能量值,比元凤要稍微逊色半筹的样子,不过,到了接近200000的能量值,也能够看得出始麒麟实力了。 This thinks that was Mr. Dongfang Yu?”, Although similarly is of Boss Earlier Heaven Three Races, but Qilin of the Beginning does not have Ancestral Dragon Haki|domineering, similarly does not have Primal Phoenix arrogance like that on the face brings to smile the Hehe look, start to talk said to Dongfang Yu. “这位想必就是东方玉先生了吧?”,虽说同样是先天三族之一的首领,但是始麒麟却没有祖龙霸气,同样也没有元凤那般的傲气,脸上带着笑呵呵的神色,开口东方玉说道。 During the speeches, then said slightly: Long before had heard the Mr. Dongfang Yu's reputation, was only a pity, mister you 180,000 years ago suddenly are missing, let my reason miserly at the same time. 说话间,微微一顿,接着道:“很早以前就听说过东方玉先生的名头了,只可惜,先生你早在180000年前的时候突然失踪,让我缘悭一面”。 Um, old gentleman you were polite, on Dongfang Yu's face, is having the smiling face, hear speech/words selects nod(ded) to say. “嗯,老先生你客气了”,东方玉的脸上,也带着笑容,闻言点点头说道。 Since opposite side to the oneself face, nature, Dongfang Yu will give the opposite side face, mouth similarly polite calling old gentleman. 既然对方自己面子,自然,东方玉会给对方面子,嘴里同样客气的称之为老先生 Earlier Heaven Three Races Boss, Ancestral Dragon, Primal Phoenix and Qilin of the Beginning, three people of dispositions have the difference actually respectively. 先天三族首领,祖龙元凤始麒麟,三人的性格倒是各有不同。 Ancestral Dragon to the feeling of person is the person of overbearing peerless ruling by force, Primal Phoenix to the feeling of person, likely is an arrogant and graceful aristocrat, then this Qilin of the Beginning to the feeling of person, looked like an amiable man old before his time. 祖龙给人的感觉是霸道绝伦的霸道之人,元凤给人的感觉,像是一个孤傲而优雅的贵族,那么这始麒麟给人的感觉,就像是一个平易近人的小老头了。 imposing manner aspect although very vigorous, but actually looks like a palatial mountain to be ordinary, is calm and sincere. 气势方面虽然非常的浑厚,但是却像一座巍峨的高山一般,沉稳而厚重。 although this is first meeting of Dongfang Yu and Qilin of the Beginning, but, both sides chatted several, looked that the appearance very chatted congenial appearance actually. 虽然这是东方玉始麒麟的第一次见面,但是,双方闲聊了几句,看模样倒是聊得挺投机的样子。 All people above this grand meeting, the atmosphere as if arrived at the peak at this time. 这盛会之上的所有人,这个时候气氛似乎已经到了顶峰了。 This witch clan grand meeting although had brought to the attention of many people, but must in the final analysis, is the witch clan oneself internal meeting, everybody comes to come to see to watch the fun actually. 本来这巫族的盛会虽然引起了许多人的注意,但要说到底,也不过是巫族自己内部的聚会罢了,大家过来其实都只是来看看热闹的而已。 But, this grand meeting, along with War God Boros and Ancestral Dragon, Primal Phoenix and even Qilin of the Beginning they arrives one after another, grand meeting specification invisible was promoted. 可是,这场盛会,随着战神波罗斯祖龙,元凤乃至始麒麟他们陆陆续续的到来,盛会的规格无形之中的被提升了很多。 Earlier Heaven Three Races Boss Qi Zhi, War God Boros such prestige resounds through the entire Great Desolate Continent powerhouse, can say that since this grand meeting absolutely has been Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart, a specification highest time. 先天三族首领齐至,还有战神波罗斯这样威名响彻整个洪荒大陆的强者,可以说,这场盛会绝对是盘古开天辟地以来,规格最高的一次了。 Has the successor not to mention, was at least unprecedented. 有没有后来者暂且不说,至少是前无古人了。 Who is protagonist of this grand meeting? Dongfang Yu , he although said that so far does not have any success, even regarding most people on Great Desolate Continent, is strange exist(ence), but all people can expect that after this grand meeting ended, the entire Great Desolate Continent person, will know the Dongfang Yu's reputation. 这场盛会的主角是谁?东方玉,他这个人,虽然说目前为止都没有任何的战绩,甚至对于洪荒大陆上的绝大部分人而言,都是一个陌生的存在,可所有人都能预料到,随着这次盛会结束之后,整个洪荒大陆的人,都会知道东方玉的名头。 Similarly, Dongfang Yu's exist(ence), can advance into the ranks of Great Desolate Continent topest powerhouse absolutely. 同样的,东方玉的存在,也绝对是能够跻身洪荒大陆最顶尖强者的行列。 At least, War God Boros kneels down to salute to him, Earlier Heaven Three Races Boss came to his face, fully explained all. 至少,战神波罗斯对他下跪行礼,先天三族首领都冲着他的面子来了,足以说明一切。 In the atmosphere of this grand meeting, along with the arrival of Qilin of the Beginning, has almost reached most peak the time, here with Qilin of the Beginning that Dongfang Yu speaks, suddenly a thread of conversation revolution, earnest is sizing up Dongfang Yu, said: Today, wants to come Mr. Dongfang Yu your reputation, can resound through the world, but......”. 只是,就在这盛会的气氛,随着始麒麟的到来,几乎达到了最顶峰的时候,这边正在和东方玉说着话的始麒麟,突然话锋一转了,认真的打量着东方玉,道:“今日过后,想来东方玉先生你的名声,能响彻天下了,但是……”。 „? However what?”, The Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of Qilin of the Beginning, tranquil asking. “哦?但是什么?”,东方玉的目光落在始麒麟的身上,平静的问道。 But, how Mr. Dongfang Yu your strength, can be joined to your reputation, wants to come the next within countless person to suspect on this day that I think, might as well while this opportunity, slightly show one's skill? Also can for own rectifying names, similarly, is adds color 12 for this time grand meeting? Naturally, but also a little selfishness, that is the man old before his time I also to the Mr. Dongfang Yu's method, very curious, Qilin of the Beginning start to talk said to the Dongfang Yu proposition. “但是,东方玉先生你的实力如何,能否配得上你的名声,想来这天下间无数的人都会猜疑,我想,不如趁此机会,小露一手?既能为自身正名,同样的,也算是为了这次的盛会增色12?当然,还有点私心,那就是小老头我也对东方玉先生的手段,非常的好奇”,始麒麟开口东方玉提议说道。 Although Qilin of the Beginning this is start to talk invites the war to Dongfang Yu, but if other people come, these words will cause Dongfang Yu or ten two Ancestor Witch unavoidably their unhappiness, Qilin of the Beginning these words are logical and reasonable, conversely makes the person unable to have the malice. 虽说始麒麟这是开口东方玉邀战,可若是旁人来的话,这番话难免会引起东方玉或者十二祖巫他们的不快,始麒麟这番话却入情入理,反倒是让人生不出恶感。 Um, regarding Qilin of the Beginning old gentleman your method, I also very curious, since old gentleman invited, I asked old gentleman you to direct 12......”. “嗯,对于始麒麟老先生你的手段,我也挺好奇的呢,既然老先生所邀,那我就请老先生你指点12了……”。 hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu hesitated slightly a moment later, has selected nod(ded) to say similarly. 闻言,东方玉微微沉吟了片刻之后,同样点点头说道。 No matter how Boros respects oneself again, no matter also ten two Ancestor Witch to oneself how attaching great importance, how enthusiasm regardless of also Ao Yi is, Dongfang Yu believes that after 180,000 years, they regarding oneself strength, was certainly curious. 不管波罗斯再如何尊敬自己,也不管十二祖巫自己如何的重视,也不论傲一是如何的热情,东方玉相信,时隔180000年之久了,他们对于自己实力,一定非常好奇的。 While this opportunity, indeed oneself take action reveals, calculated to complement each other, revealed that strength, making them have a look at oneself whether did right by their respect, attached great importance to with warmly. 趁此机会,的确自己出手表露一番,也算相得益彰了,表露一番实力,让他们看看自己是否对得起他们的尊敬,重视和热情。 Yes, all people to Dongfang Yu present strength, very curious, therefore, after Qilin of the Beginning start to talk, and nobody stops. 是的,所有人对东方玉现在的实力,都非常的好奇,因此,始麒麟开口之后,并没有人阻拦。 Only then Houtu (Mother Earth) in some side worries looks at Dongfang Yu, although is similarly confident regarding Dongfang Yu's strength, but, few days ago unexpectedly had been injured in the hand of Houyi such young hairy child, how this matter makes the person be in suspense. 只有后土在旁边有些担心的看着东方玉,虽然对于东方玉的实力同样有信心,只是,前些日子居然在后羿这么个小毛孩的手里受伤了,这件事情怎么都让人放心不下。 „, Is static......”, but, Qilin of the Beginning start to talk invited to fight, Dongfang Yu also personally complied, Di Jiang (River Emperor) has not stopped, but was direct start to talk, clear and bright sound clear resounding, letting surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) all people able to hear. “诸位,静一静……”,不过,始麒麟开口邀战了,东方玉也亲口答应下来了,帝江没有阻拦,而是直接开口了,清朗的声音清晰的响起,让方圆百里所有的人都能听得见。 Today attended this grand meeting, besides clansman of our witch clan this clan, friend of many other clans, we thanked everybody in spite of being very busy to find time to come to attend this time grand meeting, therefore, Dongfang Yu Younger Brother and Qilin of the Beginning old gentleman prepared slightly to show one's skill, was adds to the fun to everybody, after observing the situation one has presented all people, Di Jiang (River Emperor) announces said. “今日来参加这场盛会的,除了我们巫族本族的族人之外,还有许多其他族的朋友,我们感谢大家百忙之中抽空前来参加这次的盛会,所以,东方玉兄弟始麒麟老先生准备小露一手,算是给大家助助兴”,环视了一圈在场所有的人之后,帝江宣布说道。 „? Can Dongfang Yu begin with Qilin of the Beginning?”. “哦?东方玉要和始麒麟动手了?”。 The although Di Jiang (River Emperor) mouth was said that they slightly showed one's skill, compare notes, but all people heard this news, was the spirit shakes. 虽然帝江嘴里是说两人小露一手,切磋切磋,可所有人听到这个消息,都是精神一震。 Earlier Heaven Three Races suppresses Great Desolate, Boss of three clans are the present age top powerhouse, Dongfang Yu's strength made people think curious, while words that this opportunity and Qilin of the Beginning begin, can indeed prove Dongfang Yu's strength well. 先天三族镇压洪荒,三族的首领更是当世顶尖的强者,东方玉的实力本来就让人觉得好奇,趁此机会和始麒麟动手的话,的确能好好的证明一下东方玉的实力了。 Really came?” Primal Phoenix that nearby one person alone sits, after hearing Di Jiang (River Emperor) the news, the brow is also slightly selects, on the face is having a wisp of smiling face. “果然来了吗?”,旁边孤身坐着的元凤,听到帝江的这个消息之后,眉头也是微微的一挑,脸上带着一缕笑容。 Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi, has not made any indication regarding these words, but looks to Dongfang Yu, in the look brings to wipe the color of anticipation suddenly. 祖龙傲一,对于这番话没有做出任何的表示,只不过看向东方玉,眼神中突然带着一抹期待之色。 180,000 years ago, initially fight between Dongfang Yu and Primal Phoenix his although has not looked with own eyes, but behind actually also heard. 180000年前,当初东方玉元凤之间的战斗他虽然没有亲眼看过,可后面却也听说了。 Even if Ancestral Dragon disposition overbearing unparalleled, has to acknowledge that Primal Phoenix strength, for these years was only worse than oneself planned, Dongfang Yu can defeat Primal Phoenix, saying that isn't worse than oneself? 即便祖龙性格霸道无双,也不得不承认元凤实力,这么多年来仅比自己差了一筹而已,东方玉能够打败元凤,岂不是说比自己也不差了? While this opportunity, actually happen to have a look at some of he strong strength actually. 趁此机会,倒是正好看看他究竟有多强的实力 Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, careful point......”. 东方玉哥哥,小心一点……”。 As the Di Jiang (River Emperor) words fall, appearance that nearby Houtu (Mother Earth), somewhat worries about actually, in a low voice said to Dongfang Yu. 随着帝江的话落,旁边的后土,倒是有些担忧的模样,低声的对东方玉说道。 Relax, regarding the appearance that Houtu (Mother Earth) worried about, Dongfang Yu has given her a self-confident smiling face. “放心吧”,对于后土担忧的样子,东方玉给了她一个自信的笑容。 Um, saw that the Dongfang Yu self-confident appearance, Houtu (Mother Earth) nod(ded), worry in heart, dissipated slightly actually some. “嗯”,眼看着东方玉自信的样子,后土微微点头,心中的担忧,倒是消散了些许。 ...... 咻…… At this time, the vision of all people placed on oneself, the meaning that Dongfang Yu rubbish, figure moved, the whole person changed to together the flowing light, soared to the heavens, appeared above ten thousand meters upper air directly. 这个时候,所有人的目光都放在自己身上呢,东方玉也没有废话的意思,身形一动,整个人化作一道流光,冲霄而起,直接出现在万米高空之上。 The powerhouse on Great Desolate Continent, spiritual power and vision are without a doubt, even if fight on ten thousand meters upper air, wants to come them also to be perceptive of the finest detail. 洪荒大陆上的强者,精神力和视力是毋庸置疑的,即便是万米高空上的战斗,想来他们也能明察秋毫。 As Dongfang Yu but from out of the blue got up, Qilin of the Beginning has not certainly wasted the time the meaning, figure soars to the heavens similarly, at once appears in front of Dongfang Yu's. 随着东方玉破空而起了,始麒麟当然也没有浪费时间的意思,身形同样冲霄而起,旋即出现在东方玉的面前。 They have hung above ten thousand meters upper air, powerful incomparable Aura, fills the air separately from their bodies. 两人高悬了万米高空之上,强大无比的气息,分别从两人的身上弥漫出来。 Super Saiyan! 超级赛亚人 Feels on Qilin of the Beginning that is similar to mountain vigorous Aura, Dongfang Yu figure shakes, at once the gold(en) arrogance lingers in his whole body, the hair of gold(en) sets upright but actually, at the same time, energy value also dramatic rise suddenly. 感受到始麒麟身上那如同山岳般的浑厚气息,东方玉身形一震,旋即金色的气焰萦绕在他的周身,金色的毛发倒竖而起,与此同时,能量值也猛然间的飙升。 Um? Dongfang Yu in the fight, body will have the change unexpectedly, is this is similar to the condition of true body or primary form?”. “嗯?东方玉在战斗的时候,身体居然会出现变化啊,这是类似于真身或者原形的状态吗?”。 Looks at the Dongfang Yu this Super Saiyan shape, in many person hearts secretly curious, thought that this should be similar to the witch clan Ancestor Witch true body like this special shape. 看着东方玉超级赛亚人的形态,不少人心中暗自好奇,觉得这应该是类似于巫族祖巫真身这样的特殊形态。 Deeply inspires, after shape opening of Super Saiyan, the Dongfang Yu gene shackle fourth rank intermediate stage opens. 深吸一口气,随着超级赛亚人的形态开启之后,东方玉紧接着基因锁第四阶中期打开。 At once, these linger in the gold(en) arrogance of Dongfang Yu whole body, as if in the pouring gasoline, became berserk. 旋即,那些萦绕在东方玉周身的金色气焰,仿佛浇上了汽油似的,变得更加狂暴 Meanwhile, the Dongfang Yu's energy value with when production costs rise , prices rise too, has also gone to a terrifying situation. 同时,东方玉的能量值也跟着水涨船高,达到了一个恐怖的地步。 196800. 196800。
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