PE :: Volume #35

#1728: Qilin of the Beginning

witch clan grand meeting, other although many races powerhouses, various bosom thoughts participated, may mainly idle the safe, the manner of joining in the fun. 巫族的盛会,虽然很多其他种族的强者,都各怀心思的过来参加了,可主要还是闲来无事,过来凑凑热闹的态度罢了。 To this time, these came the person who attended the grand meeting, stared dumbfounded, all that at this grand meeting has, make the person shock simply . Moreover, the person who at this grand meeting arrives, makes people feel unbelievable. 只是,到了这个时候,这些前来参加盛会的人,已经是一个个瞠目结舌了,这盛会上所发生的一切,简直让人震撼,而且,这盛会上到来的人,更让人感到难以置信。 War God Boros, the phoenix clan first Primal Phoenix, dragon race first Ancestral Dragon, these three above Great Desolate Continent, may be illustrious exist(ence). 战神波罗斯,凤族之首元凤,龙族之首祖龙,这三位在洪荒大陆之上,可都是赫赫有名的存在啊。 Especially Ancestral Dragon and Primal Phoenix two, they, not only pure strength powerful, dragon race and influence of phoenix clan has proliferated entire Great Desolate Continent, Earlier Heaven Three Races, on Qilin of the Beginning of difference last clan, otherwise, all in this all assembled. 特别是祖龙元凤两位,他们不只是单纯的实力强大,龙族和凤族的势力更是遍布了整个洪荒大陆,先天三族,就差最后一族的始麒麟了,否则,全都在这聚齐了。 The dreadful flame ray flashes past, at once, Primal Phoenix figure descended from the sky, falls on Dongfang Yu and the others the front, one in look arrogant color such as 180,000 years ago, does not have the slight change. 滔天的火焰光芒一闪而过,旋即,元凤身形从天空中降落了下来,落在东方玉等人的面前,眼神之中的孤傲之色一如180000年前,没有丝毫的变化。 The Primal Phoenix vision actually falls on Dongfang Yu's, careful sizes up Dongfang Yu, in the heart was exclaiming in surprise secretly that 180,000 years passed by, the Dongfang Yu's appearance looked like with was initially exactly the same, did not have the slight change. 只是,元凤的目光却落在东方玉的身上,仔细的打量着东方玉,心中暗自惊叹,180000年过去了,东方玉的模样看起来和当初一模一样,没有丝毫的变化。 Looks at the arrival of Primal Phoenix, ten two Ancestor Witch complexions somewhat dignified is staring at him. 看着元凤的到来,十二祖巫的脸色都有些凝重的盯着他。 witch clan and relations between phoenix clans, may not be always harmonious, the 180,000 years ago gratitude and grudges, continue directly today, conversely had a feeling of getting stronger and stronger. 巫族和凤族之间的关系,可一向都不怎么和睦的,180000年前的恩怨,直接延续到今日,反倒是有一种愈演愈烈的感觉了。 However, the vision of this unscrupulous sizing up, how long has not continued, at once, Primal Phoenix has taken back the oneself vision, looked to side. 不过,这肆无忌惮的打量的目光,并没有持续多久,旋即,元凤就收回了自己的目光,看向了旁边。 Ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Azure Dragon changes to the dao body appearance, similarly descended, overbearing peerless Aura, suppresses all, is Ancestral Dragon. 万丈青龙化作道体的模样,同样降落了下来,霸道绝伦的气息,镇压一切,正是祖龙 The Dongfang Yu's vision has swept Ancestral Dragon and Primal Phoenix separately they, 180,000 years passed by, even if are dragon race and life of phoenix clan are glorious, but they two appearances seem, big many appearances. 东方玉的目光分别扫过祖龙元凤两人,180000年过去了,就算是龙族和凤族的生命悠久,可他们两位的容貌看上去,也大了许多的样子。 The Primal Phoenix appearance looked like as if had about 40 years old, the Ancestral Dragon appearance also had the phase difference not to be big. 元凤的模样看起来似乎已经有40岁左右了,祖龙的模样也有相差不大。 The Aura aspect, actually Ancestral Dragon, overbearing peerless Aura, making the surrounding countless people lower the head, does not dare to look straight ahead his imposing manner. 气息方面,倒是祖龙更强一些,霸道绝伦的气息,让周围无数的人低下头去,不敢直视他的气势 If said that the Primal Phoenix bearing likely is a gang of arrogant actually graceful aristocrat, then Ancestral Dragon to the feeling of person, looks like peerless tyrant. 若是说元凤的气度像是一股孤傲却优雅的贵族,那么祖龙给人的感觉,就像是一个绝世霸者。 energy value, the Ancestral Dragon also crush a Primal Phoenix head, the Primal Phoenix energy value is being 197,000 degrees, but the Ancestral Dragon energy value has actually achieved about 210,000 appearances, although was only high 10,000 many energy values, but no matter how, from cultivation base, Ancestral Dragon plan compared with Primal Phoenix. 能量值方面,祖龙也碾压着元凤一头的,元凤能量值是197000的程度,而祖龙能量值却达到了210000左右的样子,虽然只是高了10000多的能量值,但不管如何,从修为上来看,祖龙还是要比元凤强一筹了。 You came, many years had not seen, looks Ancestral Dragon that descends, altogether labor nod(ded) has greeted to say. “你来了,多年未见了”,看着降落下来的祖龙,共工点头打过招呼说道。 Relatively speaking, in the middle of ten two Ancestor Witch, altogether the labor and Ao Yi's friendship are deepest . Moreover, 180,000 years ago time, is Ao Yi and altogether the labor at first is acquainted. 相对而言,十二祖巫当中,共工和傲一的交情最深,况且,180000年前的时候,也是傲一和共工最初相识的。 Um, I indeed was some days have not come witch clan, regarding the words of labor, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi selected nod(ded) to say. “嗯,我的确是有些日子没来过巫族了”,对于共工的话,祖龙傲一点头说道。 After having said the hello, finally the Ao Yi's vision naturally falls on Dongfang Yu's, looks at the Dongfang Yu appearance as before, 180,000 years of time seems not enough to leave the trace on his body, the Ao Yi's eyeground deep place flashes through wipes the color of exclamation. 打过了招呼之后,最后傲一的目光自然是落在东方玉的身上,看着东方玉容貌依旧,180000年的时光似乎都不足以在他的身上留下痕迹,傲一的眼底深处闪过一抹惊叹之色。 However in the Ancestral Dragon surface actually cannot look, on the face shows the smiling face, said: „When Mr. Dongfang Yu, leaves 180,000 years , the didn't expect meet again|goodbye surface, your unexpectedly elegant demeanor as before. 不过祖龙的表面上却看不出来,脸上露出笑容,道:“东方玉先生,一别180000年之久,没想到再见面之时,你竟然风采依旧啊”。 Um, 180,000 years, your cultivation base went a step further actually, may celebrate encouraging, looks at the Ao Yi enough 210,000 energy values, in the Dongfang Yu's heart also secretly exclaimed in surprise, on the face brings to wipe greeting of happy expression similarly. “嗯,180000年了,你的修为倒是更进一步了,可喜可贺”,看着傲一足足210000的能量值,东方玉的心中也暗自惊叹,脸上同样带着一抹笑意的打过招呼。 Must say that relations between Dongfang Yu and Ao Yi are also good, in the past Ao Yi's surname, Dongfang Yu gives he gets up, because this day within first surname, Ao Yi and Dongfang Yu have resulted in part of Karmic Virtue respectively. 要说起来,东方玉傲一之间的关系也挺不错的,当年傲一的姓,还是东方玉给他起的呢,也正是因为这天地间第一个姓氏,傲一东方玉各自得了一部分功德 My although has promoted, but, these 180,000 years passed, are you impossible still to mark?”, Regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi smiled, start to talk said. “我虽然提升了,可是,这180000年的时间过去了,你不可能还在原地踏步吧?”,对于东方玉的话,祖龙傲一笑了笑,开口说道。 The word of Ao Yi falls, Dongfang Yu smiles, has not answered, nearby Primal Phoenix, the line of sight falls on Dongfang Yu's actually, earnest is staring at Dongfang Yu. 傲一之言落下,东方玉只是会心一笑,并未作答,倒是旁边的元凤,视线重新落在东方玉的身上,认真的盯着东方玉 Ao Yi's these words were spoke in the Primal Phoenix moral nature, 180,000 years passed, was Dongfang Yu impossible still to mark? 傲一的这番话算是说到了元凤的心底里了,180000年的时间过去了,东方玉不可能还在原地踏步吧? Then, these 180,000 years, what degree Dongfang Yu's did strength promote? This is also the issue that Primal Phoenix most wants to know now. 那么,这180000年的时间,东方玉的实力又提升到了什么样的程度呢?这也是元凤现在最想知道的问题。 No matter the Ancestral Dragon words, are the Primal Phoenix vision, Dongfang Yu have not responded, in the meantime, when is facing Ancestral Dragon and Primal Phoenix they, in the Dongfang Yu's heart is actually surges the endless feeling. 只是,不管是祖龙的话,还是元凤的目光,东方玉都没有回应,同时,在面对着祖龙元凤他们的时候,东方玉的心中却是涌起无尽的感慨。 Walks randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms for these years, Dongfang Yu has seen the talent was really countless, especially Dragon Ball plane these powerhouses, strength promotion speed was more desperate, for example that Son Goku|Sun Wukong and Vegeta , simply were BUG exist(ence). 游走诸天万界这么多年来,东方玉见过的天才真是不计其数了,特别是龙珠位面的那些强者,实力的提升速度更让人绝望,比如那孙悟空贝吉塔,简直就是BUG般的存在 But, to Myth plane these powerhouses, Dongfang Yu thought that oneself likely was BUG. 可是,相对于神话位面的这些强者,东方玉觉得自己又像是一个BUG了。 Ancestral Dragon and Primal Phoenix their 180,000 years , to promote cultivation base such has selected, oneself short 2-3 years can overtake them, what isn't this BUG is? 祖龙元凤他们180000年了,提升的修为才这么点而已,自己短短两三年的时间就能追上他们,这不是BUG是什么? Walked randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms to be very long, although Dongfang Yu also knows that Xianxia Myth plane strength system powerful, the unusual improvement, almost did not have what shortcoming, but, why strength of Dongfang Yu not practice Myth system? In the final analysis because strength of Myth system grew is too slow. 游走诸天万界很久了,虽然东方玉也知道仙侠神话位面力量体系非常强大,也非常的完善,几乎没有什么缺点,但是,为什么东方玉偏偏不修炼神话体系的力量?归根结底还是因为神话体系的力量成长太慢了。 From the age, Dongfang Yu now is about hundred years old, if about time, Dongfang Yu all pounds cultivation in the hundred years on strength of Xianxia system, how could in a short hundred years of time, then to have the close 200,000 energy values? 从年龄上来看,东方玉现在不过百岁而已,若是这一百年左右的时光,东方玉全都砸在仙侠体系的力量修行,岂能在短短百年的时光,便拥有接近200000的能量值? No matter how, today is the witch clan grand meeting, grand meeting that to celebrate the Dongfang Yu return holds, therefore, regarding witch clan is an auspicious day. 不管如何,今日是巫族的盛会,为了庆祝东方玉归来才举办的盛会,因此,对于巫族而言是个好日子。 although Primal Phoenix regarding witch clan is enemy exist(ence), is, today such auspicious day, so long as Primal Phoenix not initiative take action, witch clan will not be but actually initiative and his take action and that's the end. 虽然元凤对于巫族而言是敌人般的存在,可是,今日这样的好日子,只要元凤不主动出手的话,巫族倒也不会主动和他出手就是了。 War God Boros, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi, Primal Phoenix, these three are on Great Desolate Continent illustrious exist(ence), but, is good in three people two are hugging to the witch clan good intentions. 战神波罗斯,祖龙傲一,元凤,这三位都是洪荒大陆上赫赫有名的存在,不过,好在三个人中其中有两个是抱着对巫族的善意而来。 Boros although had 170,000 energy values, may regarding the Dongfang Yu unusual respect, therefore, above this grand meeting he makes very lowly the oneself stance. 波罗斯虽然已经拥有了170000的能量值,可对于东方玉还是非常的尊敬的,所以,在这盛会之上他把自己的姿态摆得很低。 Moreover Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi at the same time, can be said as the unusual enthusiasm to Dongfang Yu, because in his heart also worries about the good food that Dongfang Yu is having. 另外一边的祖龙傲一,对东方玉可以说是非常的热情,因为他的心中还记挂着东方玉所拥有的美食呢。 Therefore, as after they came, although makes above the grand meeting all people feel the heart startled, but the atmosphere is very lively. 因此,随着他们两个过来了之后,虽然让盛会之上所有的人感到心惊,但是气氛还是很热闹的。 Primal Phoenix alone sits in a side not far away corner, does not have any a person in his surrounding dozens meters scopes, looks like with the periphery this very lively atmosphere, appears some appearances of being incompatible. 元凤独自坐在旁边不远处的一个角落,在他的周围数十米范围内都没有任何一个人,看起来和周围这非常热闹的气氛,显得有些格格不入的样子。 After all the Primal Phoenix prestige and arrogance, alone sit here, anybody does not dare to approach, as for that ten two Ancestor Witch and Dongfang Yu and the others, the enmity of both sides are more, therefore, is impossible to sit together. 毕竟元凤的威名和孤傲,独自坐在这边,没有任何人敢靠近,至于那十二祖巫东方玉等人,双方的仇怨更多,因此,也不可能坐在一起。 Primal Phoenix, static sitting in one side, nobody disturbs oneself but actually also well, but looks at that side ten two Ancestor Witch and and the others, Ancestral Dragon their atmosphere very harmonious appearance, the brow of Primal Phoenix wrinkled slightly. 元凤,静静的坐在一旁,没人打扰自己倒也不错,只是看着那边十二祖巫和等人,还有祖龙他们气氛很融洽的样子,元凤的眉头微微皱了起来。 Dongfang Yu's appearances and 180,000 years ago exactly the same, this lets Primal Phoenix unusual caring. 一则,东方玉的容貌和180000年前一模一样,这让元凤非常的在意。 In the world each life has the life limit, even if oneself and Ancestral Dragon such is no exception, but the life limit can judge from the appearance approximately, 180,000 years passed, oneself and Ancestral Dragon looked like old a point, but Dongfang Yu unexpectedly tiny bit change? Is his life glorious? 天地之间每个生灵都是有寿命极限的,即便是自己祖龙这样的也不例外,而寿命的极限从容貌上大致就能判断了,180000年的时间过去了,自己祖龙都看起来老了一点,可东方玉居然一丝一毫的变化都没有?他的寿命到底有多么悠久? Two, 180,000 years ago strength that Dongfang Yu shows, until now Primal Phoenix still remembers that is also wants strong strength compared with oneself. 二则,180000年前东方玉所展现出来的力量,直到现在元凤都还记得,那是比自己还要强的力量 Although the time passed by for 180,000 years, Primal Phoenix thinks that strength has promoted more, who knows that these 180,000 years, how many Dongfang Yu's strength has promoted? Primal Phoenix wants to ravel, why this is also he arrives at the witch clan reason. 虽说时间过去了180000年,元凤自认为实力已经提升了很多很多,可谁知道这180000年,东方玉的实力又提升了多少?元凤想要弄明白,这也是他为什么来到巫族的原因。 Finally, looks that War God Boros and Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi relates very good appearance with Dongfang Yu, this makes the Primal Phoenix innermost feelings dignified. 最后,看着战神波罗斯祖龙傲一都与东方玉关系很不错的样子,这让元凤内心凝重。 Even if Primal Phoenix again how supercilious, actually also has to acknowledge that Ancestral Dragon strength is forever higher than oneself plans, as for that War God Boros? Primal Phoenix in the past and he has begun, he also had almost oneself 70-80% strength, was a strong match. 就算元凤再如何心高气傲,却也不得不承认,祖龙实力永远都比自己高一筹,至于那战神波罗斯元凤当年和他动手过,他也差不多拥有自己七八成的实力了,也是一个强劲的对手。 Has a look at that side powerhouse to converge, because of the reason of Dongfang Yu this link, will perhaps link witch clan to reverse to that side dragon race, in the heart of Primal Phoenix will have very big urgent feeling. 看看那边强者云集,因为东方玉这个纽带的缘故,或许连巫族都会倒向龙族那边,元凤的心中就有很大的迫切感。 dragon race strength originally on most powerful, if obtained witch clan, and even Dongfang Yu and Boros support, later this Great Desolate Continent also does have sky of oneself phoenix clan survival? 龙族力量本来就最为强大了,若是真的得到了巫族,乃至东方玉波罗斯的支撑,以后这洪荒大陆还有自己凤凰一族生存的天空吗? Roar...... 吼…… In the heart of Primal Phoenix is secretly urgent, suddenly, in the world is a broad and vigorous beast roar sound. 只是,就当元凤的心中暗自迫切着的时候,突然,天地之间又是一阵恢弘而浑厚的兽吼声响了起来。 Meanwhile, is together formidable Aura, approaches toward here. 与此同时,又是一道强悍气息,朝着这边靠近过来。 The person who all hears this beast roar, turned head, at once, all people can clear seeing, huge incomparable figure, as if withstand great pressure approaches toward here. 所有听到这声兽吼的人,都回过头来,旋即,所有人都能清楚的看到,一个巨大无比的身形,仿佛泰山压顶般的朝着这边靠近过来。 Huge figure, simply is similar to mountain, in the meantime, depressing of billowing imposing manner also as if mountain. 巨大的身形,简直如同一座大山似的,同时,滚滚气势也仿佛大山似的压下。 Qilin of the Beginning!”, Looks at this giant incomparable giant beast figure, some people could not bear call out in alarm make noise. 始麒麟!”,看着这只巨大无比的巨兽身形,有的人忍不住惊叫出声了。 At once, various clan powerhouses above this grand meeting, are look at each other in dismay, on the face are having the look of shock. 旋即,这盛会之上的各族强者,一个个都是面面相觑,脸上带着震撼的神色。 This, Earlier Heaven Three Races Boss may be in attendance, who can think that a witch clan grand meeting, can make Earlier Heaven Three Races Boss all arrive in full unexpectedly? 这一下,先天三族首领可都到齐了啊,谁能想到,巫族的一个盛会,居然能让先天三族首领全都到齐?
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