PE :: Volume #35

#1727: Wind and Cloud border meeting

The energy value has surpassed 100,000 exist(ence), this strength regarding Great Desolate Continent, should be rare expert, ten two Ancestor Witch energy values all in 100,000 above. 能量值超过了10万存在,这力量对于洪荒大陆而言,应该就算是一个难得的高手了,十二祖巫能量值全都在10万以上。 What is main is witch clan mortal body strength unusual formidable, strength that displays, the energy value only accounts for part, perhaps perhaps, to other people, witch clan of 100,000 energy value, the comprehensive strength endured compared with about 1 50,000 exist(ence). 更主要的是巫族肉身力量非常的强悍,所表现出来的力量,能量值只占一部分而已,或许,相对于其他人,10万能量值的巫族,综合战力或许堪比15万左右的存在了。 Therefore, when these ten two Ancestor Witch appear, strength that they display, making other race secretly hearts be startled. 因此,当这十二祖巫出现的时候,他们所表现出来的力量,让其他的种族都暗自心惊。 Earlier Heaven Three Races, has almost controlled entire Great Desolate Continent, but this witch clan is not weak, looks including Dongfang Yu, that ten two Ancestor Witch landing slowly from the Pangu palace, a hideaway in powerhouse in secret, the mouth twittering was saying in a low voice. 先天三族,几乎掌控了整个洪荒大陆了,但是这巫族也不弱啊”,看着包括东方玉在内,还有那十二祖巫都从盘古殿中缓缓的降落下来了,一个隐藏于暗中的强者,嘴里低声呢喃着说道。 Great Desolate Continent, ten thousand clans stands in great numbers, witch clan absolutely was also top exist(ence). 洪荒大陆,万族林立,巫族绝对也是顶尖的存在了。 Good, beside the words except Earlier Heaven Three Races, this witch clan perhaps is strongest, although in recent years, the monster race quantity is most, may the monster race top powerhouse have after all a little, moreover is in a state of disunity, was inferior that witch clan so condenses, falls along with the words of this powerhouse, by him a companion, nod(ded) in a low voice should say. “不错,除去先天三族之外的话,这巫族或许是最强的了,虽说这些年来,妖族的数量是最多的,可毕竟妖族顶尖的强者有些少了,而且一盘散沙,远不如巫族这般凝聚”,随着这个强者的话落,他旁边的一个同伴,低声的点头应道。 „......”, After descending, Di Jiang (River Emperor) as the heads of ten two Ancestor Witch, the matter of manifesto, naturally gives him. “诸位……”,降落下来了之后,帝江作为十二祖巫之首,宣言的事情,自然是交给他了。 Today is the day of our witch clan grand meeting, taking advantage of this time grand meeting, I mainly wants to announce the Great Desolate's matter, only then, that is Dongfang Yu's returns, the people of our clan naturally know Dongfang Yu's exist(ence), believes friend that many other families come does not know. “今天是我们巫族盛会的日子,借着这次的盛会,我主要想宣告洪荒的事情只有一件,那就是东方玉的归来,我们本族的人自然知道东方玉的存在,相信很多外族来的朋友是不知道的”。 Di Jiang (River Emperor) also knows person who this time attended the grand meeting, besides the person of witch clan this clan, the people of many other clans, therefore, his loud start to talk, elaborated the Dongfang Yu's status briefly and to the point. 帝江也知道这次来参加盛会的人,除了巫族本族的人之外,还有很多其他族的人,所以,他大声开口,将东方玉的身份简明扼要的阐述了一下。 Actually, the so-called grand meeting, does not have the later generation so-called these flows and programs, simply speaking, but also is everybody gathers, well lively one. 其实,所谓的盛会,并没有后世所谓的那些流程和节目,简单来说,还就是大家都聚集起来,好好的热闹一番罢了。 However, as after the Di Jiang (River Emperor) voice falls, Dongfang Yu actually station gratefully comes, aspirates the sound, the loud and clear sound clear biography is also very far, to witch clan these people, was announcing oneself receives Houyi is the Disciple matter. 不过,随着帝江的话音落下之后,东方玉倒是毫不客气的站上前来,吐气开声,洪亮的声音也清晰的传出去很远,对着巫族的这些人,宣布了一番自己将后羿收为弟子的事情。 Saint ancestor did Dongfang Yu, receive Disciple unexpectedly? 圣祖东方玉,居然收了一个弟子了? This matter, naturally was makes all witch clan stare in a big way eyes, in the meantime, regarding Houyi this lucky fellow, was admires. 这件事情,自然是让所有的巫族都瞪大了眼睛,同时,对于后羿这个幸运儿,一个个也都是艳羡不已。 The Dongfang Yu's status, in the middle of witch clan under ten two Ancestor Witch, on strength, in the hearsay is not stronger than ten two Ancestor Witch, can be punished Disciple by him, naturally lets the matter that all witch clan admire sufficiently. 东方玉的身份地位,在巫族当中不下于十二祖巫,实力上而言,传闻中比十二祖巫更强,能被他收作弟子,当然是足以让所有巫族都艳羡的事情。 In Dongfang Yu announced in the presence of everyone oneself receives Houyi after the matter of disciple, suddenly, all person clear feeling, horizon billowing power and influence, rapid approaches toward here. 只是,就在东方玉当众宣布了自己收后羿为徒的事情之后,突然,所有人都清晰的感受到,天边滚滚威势,迅速的朝着这边靠近过来。 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… Meanwhile, on Dongfang Yu present Energy Tester, presented a energy value figure of high quota. 与此同时,东方玉眼前的能量测试仪上,也出现了一个高额的能量值数字。 170050. 170050。 170,000 energy values, making Dongfang Yu's eyes narrow the eyes slightly, simultaneously looked to the horizon. 170000的能量值,让东方玉的眼睛微微眯起来了一些,同时望向天边。 Great Desolate Continent was born already 180,000 years, this had exist(ence) of 17 ten thousand energy values, wants to come is not the generation of Nameless, Dongfang Yu also wants to have a look, was actually who on a grand scale came , the outcome was, had strength of this degree. 洪荒大陆诞生已经180000年之久了,这个拥有17万能量值的存在,想来不是无名之辈,东方玉也想看看,究竟是谁大张旗鼓的过来了,也究竟是谁,拥有了这个程度的力量 Quick, the a person shade is mixing with vigorous incomparable Aura, falling that drops from the clouds directly in Dongfang Yu and the others front. 很快的,一个人影夹杂着浑厚无比的气息,直接从天而降的落在东方玉等人的面前。 Long mauve sends broken, vigorous and healthy and great build, naturally, what is most remarkable is a one-eyed before his forehead, body formidable Aura, making the surrounding countless people feel the serious pressure. 一头长长的紫红色碎发,健壮而伟岸的体型,当然,最惹人注意的还是他额头前的一颗独眼,身上强悍气息,让周围无数的人都感到身上沉重的压力。 Boros, is War God Boros......”, after this sillhouette falls, the atmosphere of entire grand meeting suddenly stagnates, at once, some people cannot bear call out in alarm the sound track. 波罗斯,是战神波罗斯……”,随着这个人影落下来之后,整个盛会的气氛突然一滞,旋即,有的人忍不住惊呼出声道。 The sound of discussion unceasingly, countless people, look in the Boros look to have the exclamation and shock color, obviously shocks at this grand meeting, unexpectedly made Boros such powerhouse appear. 紧接着,议论之声纷纷不绝,无数的人,看着波罗斯眼神中都带着惊叹和震撼之色,显然是震撼于这个盛会,居然让波罗斯这样的强者都出现了。 War God Boros, hears the powerhouse who he challenges his entire life to be innumerable, those who most make the person shock is 30 years ago, among a war with Primal Phoenix, although has defeated, but can actually the whole body draw back, obviously glorious defeat. 战神波罗斯啊,听闻他一生挑战的强者无数,最让人震撼的还是30年前,与元凤之间的一战,虽说败了,但是却能全身而退,可见虽败犹荣了”。 Also some people, exclamation in a low voice said. 也有的人,低声的惊叹说道。 Who is Primal Phoenix? That is Boss of phoenix Earlier Heaven Three Races, can fight the whole body to draw back with Primal Phoenix, was in itself oneself strength best to prove. 元凤是谁?那是先天三族之一凤凰的首领,能和元凤战斗全身而退,本身就是自己实力最好的证明了。 On Great Desolate Continent topest powerhouse, some that few people, War God Boros, absolutely is most militant, this is also the origin of his War God given name, some people, in the innermost feelings secretly are exclaiming in surprise. 洪荒大陆上最顶尖的强者,也就那么屈指可数的一些人,战神波罗斯,绝对是其中最好战的啊,这也是他战神名号的由来”,也有的人,内心中在暗自惊叹着。 Boros, he was all right......”, Dongfang Yu also naturally looks to arrive in oneself front Boros, the look concentrates slightly. 波罗斯,他原来没事啊……”,东方玉也自然看到了站在自己面前的波罗斯,眼神微微一凝。 Initially oneself captured God-Slayer Spear time, let Boros and Android Xiaohong leaves, but they have actually been missing, Dongfang Yu waited for some time not to wait till them in witch clan, but also thought dead, didn't expect, oneself and Boros also had the meet again|goodbye surface opportunity unexpectedly. 当初自己夺取弑神枪的时候,让波罗斯人造人小红离开,可是两人却失踪了,东方玉巫族等了一段时间都没等到他们,还以为遇难了,没想到,自己波罗斯居然还有再见面的机会。 Boros, before the volume , the vision of one-eyed naturally also falls on Dongfang Yu's, earnest stared at Dongfang Yu to size up the moment, the appearance in memory slowly became clear. 波罗斯,额前独眼的目光自然也落在东方玉的身上,认真的盯着东方玉打量了片刻,记忆中的容貌慢慢变得清晰了起来。 The although time passed by for enough 180,000 years, but the family background of Boros to oneself, regarding brings oneself to Great Desolate Continent this plane Dongfang Yu, naturally never may forget. 虽然时间过去了足足180000年,可波罗斯自己的出身,对于把自己带到洪荒大陆这个位面东方玉,自然是永远不可能忘记的。 Along with the appearance of Boros, the attention of all people as if were attracted by him, but under glare of the public eye, Boros has actually made one action that makes all people shock, pumping air the sound on the scene is lingering on faintly. 随着波罗斯的出现,所有人的注意力似乎都被他吸引了,但在众目睽睽之下,波罗斯却做出了一个让所有人都震撼的举动,以至于在场抽气的声音不绝于耳。 180,000 years had not seen, Sir Dongfang Yu or elegant demeanor as before......”. “180000年未见了,东方玉大人还是风采依旧啊……”。 Sees only Boros, lowered the head slightly, at once single Xigui on the ground, to Dongfang Yu good a big ritual, start to talk was saying. 只见波罗斯,微微低下头,旋即单膝跪在地上,对着东方玉行了一个大礼,开口说道。 What!? This is impossible!”, Looks that to Boros that the Dongfang Yu single knee kneels down, presents person who all attended the grand meeting, has held breath cold air, shouting wildly that in the heart does not dare to believe. “什么!?这不可能!”,看着对东方玉单膝跪下的波罗斯,在场所有参加盛会的人,一个个都倒吸了一口凉气,心中不敢置信的狂呼。 Who War God is Boros? Great Desolate Continent most militant person, even if also dares take action facing Primal Phoenix such phoenix clan Boss, but, did he kneel down to Dongfang Yu unexpectedly? Even did the mouth shout Sir's polite name? 战神波罗斯是谁?洪荒大陆最好战的人,就算是面对元凤这样的凤族首领也敢出手,可是,他居然对东方玉跪下了?甚至口呼大人的尊称? Day, where this Dongfang Yu is sacred......”, at the entire grand meeting, suddenly all people shock looks at present one, discussed in a low voice actually presents the potential of ebullition. “天啊,这东方玉到底是何方神圣啊……”,整个盛会上,一时间所有的人都震撼的看着眼前的一幕,低声议论却呈现沸腾之势。 although many people had already inquired the Dongfang Yu's fact . Moreover, just Di Jiang (River Emperor) also had said that may after all be only hearing, where has this to come the impulse to be big now? 虽然很多人早就打听过东方玉的事迹,而且,刚刚帝江也讲过了,可毕竟只是耳闻罢了,哪有现在这一幕来得冲击力大? Solemn War God Boros, is kneeling down to salute to Dongfang Yu, is this influential one? 堂堂战神波罗斯,对着东方玉跪下行礼,这是何等具有冲击力的一幕啊? Entire Great Desolate Continent who can have the qualifications to make War God kneel down to salute? If not for personally sees, nobody believe absolutely? 试问,整个洪荒大陆谁能有资格让战神下跪行礼的吗?若不是亲眼所见,绝对没有人会相信吧? War God Boros, it seems like, these for 180,000 years, he in Great Desolate Continent, rushed to the big prestige actually, looks in front of oneself Boros that knelt down to salute, in the Dongfang Yu's heart also mutters secretly thought. 战神波罗斯啊,看来,这180000年来,他在洪荒大陆,倒是闯下了偌大的威名啊”,看着在自己面前下跪行礼的波罗斯,东方玉的心中也喃喃暗道 However thinks also in the reason, Boros disposition Dongfang Yu is knows that militant incomparable, but passed through for 180,000 years, his energy value has been 170,000 degrees. 不过想想也在情理之中了,波罗斯的性格东方玉是知道的,好战无比,而经过了180000年,他的能量值达到了170000的程度。 Such powerful strength, in addition the militant individuality, will rush to the reputation in Great Desolate Continent, in reason. 这么强大力量,再加上好战的个性,会在洪荒大陆闯下名声,也在情理之中了。 Although the intention moves, but all these in an instant, Dongfang Yu knows that Boros kneels down to salute to oneself, because of once contract, let him, when oneself some time servant, may after all others now also be the prestige illustrious generation, can be in front of people to kneel down to salute to oneself gives the oneself face, the nature, Dongfang Yu will also be keeping the face countenance to him. 心念虽动,但这一切不过刹那之间而已,东方玉知道波罗斯自己下跪行礼,是因为曾经的契约,让他当自己一段时间的仆人,可毕竟人家现在也是威名赫赫之辈了,能当着众人的面给自己下跪行礼是给了自己面子,自然,东方玉也会给他留着颜面。 Has not kept aloof appearance that and has been bossy \; Dongfang Yu went forward personally, extends both hands to hold Boros, said: Was good, gets up, later did not need the good like this big ritual, actually in the past what happened? Waited for you to probably say well with me that initially I waited for your days in witch clan, has not actually waited till you, but also thinks that you had an accident. 并没有高高在上、颐指气使的样子\;东方玉亲自上前,伸出双手将波罗斯扶了起来,道:“好了,起来吧,以后不需要行这样的大礼了,当年究竟发生了什么事情?等下你可要与我好好说说,当初我在巫族等了你们一段日子,却没等到你们,还以为你们出事了呢”。 180,000 years, Sir Dongfang Yu you came back finally, among Boros looks, is having the excited look, earnest stares at Dongfang Yu to say. “180000年了,东方玉大人你终于回来了”,波罗斯的神色间,也带着激动的神色,认真的盯着东方玉说道。 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… When Dongfang Yu also prepares and Boros well chats several, suddenly, on Energy Tester presented scarlet red warning symbol, in the meantime, a energy value of high quota appears in Dongfang Yu's at present. 只是,就当东方玉还准备和波罗斯好好的聊几句的时候,突然,能量测试仪上又出现了一个赤红色的警报标志,同时,一个高额的能量值出现在东方玉的眼前。 197600. 197600。 197,000 energy values, let the Dongfang Yu eyebrow first choice, simultaneously looked to the horizon. 197000的能量值,让东方玉眉头挑了起来,同时看向天边。 The close 200,000 energy values, making the Dongfang Yu mind dignified, really? 180,000 years passed by, Great Desolate did plane present the energy value about 200,000 powerhouses? 接近200000的能量值,让东方玉心神凝重,果然吗?180000年过去了,洪荒位面都出现了能量值200000左右的强者了吗? The billowing heat wave, spreads from the south, as if endless God Fire the entire southern sky will light, at the same time, sillhouette, the body is mixing with the terror incomparable heat wave together, approaches toward here, broad, but burning hot Aura, as if volcanic eruption. 滚滚热浪,从南面蔓延过来,仿佛无尽的神火将整个南方的天空都点燃了似的,与此同时,一道人影,身上夹杂着恐怖无比的热浪,朝着这边靠近过来,恢弘而炙热的气息,仿佛火山爆发似的。 Primal Phoenix!?”. 元凤!?”。 Turned head, Boros looked approached sillhouette that to south that the look has narrowed slightly, the mouth congealing sound said that also tastes left the status of future. 回过头来,波罗斯看向南方那个靠近过来的人影,眼神微微眯了起来,嘴里凝声说道,也一口道出了来者的身份。 Hissing, was Boss Primal Phoenix of phoenix clan comes personally? The day, actually this Dongfang Yu is where sacred......”. “嘶,是凤凰族的首领元凤亲自来了?天啊,这东方玉究竟是何方神圣啊……”。 Some people also recognized the identity of future, on the face had the look that is not daring to believe to scream sharp. 有的人也认出了来者的身份,脸上带着不敢置信的神色尖叫出声来。 A trivial witch clan grand meeting, is naturally impossible to make Primal Phoenix arrive personally, his arrival comes to Dongfang Yu obviously. 区区巫族的一场盛会,自然不可能让元凤亲自到来,他的到来显然是冲着东方玉来的了。 ...... 嗷…… However, the matter has not ended, Primal Phoenix has not approached, a Dongfang/East(ern) resonant dragon roar sound gets up. 然而,事情还没完,元凤还没靠近过来呢,紧接着,东方一声嘹亮的龙吟声响起。 More vigorous, as if suppressed all Tian Aura to appear sufficiently, similarly approached, this powerful Aura, even suppressed including Primal Phoenix Aura. 更加浑厚,仿佛足以镇压诸天的气息出现了,同样靠近过来,这股强大气息,甚至连元凤气息都压制了下去。 All people, the line of sight go to Dongfang/East(ern), five claw Azure Dragon, show ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon's body, is approaching toward here. 所有人,视线投向东方,一条五爪青龙,展现出万丈龙躯,正朝着这边靠近过来。 Ancestor... Ancestral Dragon......”, some people, the astringent sound said. “祖…祖龙……”,有的人,涩声言道。
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