PE :: Volume #35

#1726: witch clan grand meeting

Dongfang Yu after is only when once Beginning of the Universe, has treated some days on Great Desolate Continent, he left for 180,000 years, believes that was certain has the person of occurring together with him, perhaps did not remember him, let alone more people have not seen Dongfang Yu's. 东方玉毕竟只是在曾经天地初开的时候,在洪荒大陆上待过一些日子,他离开都180000年了,相信就算是某些与他有过交集的人,或许都不记得他了,更别说更多的人是从来都没有见过东方玉的 Therefore, conducting grand meeting on a grand scale along with witch clan, knew that this grand meeting main goal is conducts for Dongfang Yu, the person who almost all watches this news, must investigate a Dongfang Yu's origin. 所以,随着巫族这边大张旗鼓的举办盛会,得知这个盛会主要的目的是为了东方玉而举办的,几乎所有关注这个消息的人,都要去调查一番东方玉的来历。 Naturally, even if the entire Great Desolate Continent person, the major part does not know that Dongfang Yu is what kind of person, but, actually also some people remember Dongfang Yu's. 当然,即便是整个洪荒大陆的人,绝大部分都不知道东方玉是何许人也,但是,却也有人记得东方玉的 Even if 180,000 years passed, remembers Dongfang Yu's exist(ence) as before. 即便是180000年的时间过去了,依旧记得东方玉的存在 In mystical place of Tianwaitian, a plain palace float in Void, a well-built man, sits cross-legged to sit, body formidable Aura, causes Void to shake. 天外天的秘境之中,一座古朴的宫殿悬浮于虚空之中,一个体格健壮的男子,盘膝而坐,身上强悍气息,引起虚空震荡。 This sillhouette appearance although seems like the dao body appearance, but looks like with other people is very different, because other people are pair of eyes, he has forehead eyes. 这个人影的模样虽然看起来是道体的样子,可是与其他人却看起来很不一样,因为旁人都是一对眼睛,他却只有额头一颗眼睛而已。 Sir Boros, witch clan that side recent movement is very big, is holding the grand meeting, said that to congratulate their Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu came back. 波罗斯大人,巫族那边最近动作很大,在举办盛会呢,说是为了庆贺他们的圣祖东方玉回来了”。 At this time, two powders carved the young lad who jade carved to walk, looked at the appearance, the two young lads of a man and a woman, a roughly young appearance, looked like very adorable. 这个时候,两个粉雕玉琢的童子走了过来,看模样,一男一女的两个童子,约莫十几岁的样子,看起来非常的可爱。 „?”, Hears this news, before forehead, Boros of one-eyed has opened eyes fiercely, simultaneously sets out suddenly, the complexion of whole person, to person a mixed feeling. “哦?”,听得这个消息,额头前独眼的波罗斯猛的睁开了眼睛,同时霍然起身,整个人的脸色,给人一种复杂的感觉。 Sir Boros? You......”. 波罗斯大人?你……”。 Looks at Boros response such intense appearance, nearby two young lads somewhat astonished visit him, does not understand witch clan that side matter, he how such big response. 看着波罗斯反应这么激烈的样子,旁边的两个童子有些惊愕的看着他,不明白巫族那边的事情,他怎么这么大的反应。 You and Hongjun officially informed one, said that I must leave some days. “你们两个和鸿钧知会一声,就说我要离开些日子了”。 Hears the Dongfang Yu's news, how can Boros also maintain tranquil? 听到东方玉的消息,波罗斯如何还能保持平静? Stood up, has hesitated a moment later, after these two young lads have thrown down such a few words, at once turns around, figure then vanished in the horizon quickly. 站起身来,沉吟了片刻之后,对这两个童子丢下了这么一句话之后,旋即转身,身形很快便消失在天边了。 The sea deep place, the crystal palace, the house is magnificent exceptionally, perhaps is because dragon race always likes sparkling shining treasure, therefore, this crystal palace could be said as was to the utmost luxurious, said that it was on Great Desolate Continent looks like the most magnificent palace also all may. 大海深处,有一座水晶宫,屋宇华丽异常,或许是因为龙族总是喜欢闪闪发亮的宝贝,因此,这水晶宫可以说是极尽奢华了,说它是洪荒大陆上看起来最华丽的宫殿亦无不可。 As the head of Earlier Heaven Three Races, the dragon race head of the clan, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi's exist(ence), Don't said that is the broad boundless sea area, even if entire Great Desolate Continent, he as if no sovereign of crown. 作为先天三族之首,龙族的族长,祖龙傲一的存在,莫说是广阔无边的海域,即便是整个洪荒大陆,他似乎也是无冕之皇。 Bah, these things, flavor also this......”. “呸,这些东西,味道也就这样而已啊……”。 On this day, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi wears the gold(en) imperial robe, sits well above the oneself throne, places several in his front is looking like the luster attractive good food, but after having eaten one, Ao Yi actually shakes the head, the good food of mouth spitting. 这一日,祖龙傲一身穿金色的龙袍,端坐于自己的宝座之上,在他的面前摆放着几份看起来色泽诱人的美食,只是吃了一口之后,傲一却是摇摇头,把嘴里的美食给吐了出来。 Below, has dragon race gingerly goes forward to tidy up, holds in the mouth regarding the Ancestral Dragon taste, these dragon race have also had profound understanding, is the head of dragon race, the Ancestral Dragon only fondness is various good food between world, but, can make the good food that he favors very few. 下面,自有龙族战战兢兢的上前收拾,对于祖龙的口味叼,这些龙族们也深有体会了,身为龙族之首,祖龙唯一的癖好就是天下间的各种美食,只是,能让他青睐的美食却少之又少。 Oh, what a pity, Dongfang Yu that fellow has been missing for 180,000 years, does not know that actually he went to where, is living also, not having the interest to eat in front of oneself these good food again, Ao Yi's body in the future gently depended, in the look had the color of recalling, the mouth twittering to say in a low voice. “唉,可惜了,东方玉那家伙失踪了180000年了,也不知道他究竟去了哪里,是不是还活着”,没有兴致再吃自己面前的这些美食了,傲一的身子往后轻轻的一靠,眼神中带着追忆之色,嘴里低声呢喃着说道。 Although 180,000 years passed, but Ao Yi to the Dongfang Yu's good food, never forgets as before, although that flavor had already forgotten, but delicacy feeling actually seal firmly in his moral nature. 尽管180000年的时间过去了,可傲一东方玉的美食,依旧是念念不忘,虽说那味道早就忘记了,可美味的感觉却牢牢的印在他的心底。 Dongfang Yu?” dragon race that below tidied up, hears the Ao Yi's words, the look moves slightly. 东方玉?”,下面正在收拾的一个龙族,听到傲一的话,神色微微一动。 Thinks that emboldens start to talk, asking cautiously: Sir Ancestral Dragon, what you said is Dongfang Yu?”. 想了想,壮着胆子开口,小心翼翼的问道:“祖龙大人,你说的是东方玉吗?”。 Um? Do you also know Dongfang Yu's exist(ence)?”, hear speech/words, the line of sight of Ancestral Dragon falls on the body of this Dragon Ball, start to talk asks. “嗯?你也知道东方玉的存在?”,闻言,祖龙的视线落在这个龙珠的身上,开口问道。 Obviously is only the tranquil look, but, this look actually gives people a serious pressure, the uncrowned king on Great Desolate Continent, Ancestral Dragon imposing manner is far from ordinary person can withstand. 明明只是平静的眼神而已,但是,这眼神却给人一种沉重的压力,洪荒大陆上的无冕之王,祖龙气势绝非常人所能承受的。 Feels the line of sight of Ancestral Dragon to fall on the body of oneself, the waist of this dragon race bent has gotten down, the look also became more respectful, said: Recently these days, witch clan that side movement was very big, seemed is holding a grand meeting, I inquired slightly, the goal that they held the grand meeting, as if to celebrate one was called the Dongfang Yu's person to come back. 感受到祖龙的视线落在自己的身上,这个龙族的腰弯得更加下去了一些,神色也变得更加恭敬,道:“最近这些日子,巫族那边的动作还是挺大的,似乎是在举办一个盛会,我稍微打听了一下,他们举办盛会的目的,似乎就是为了庆祝一个叫做东方玉的人回来”。 „?”, Hears this word, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi also directly stands up from the oneself throne, among the looks is treating in consternation the color, at once has laughed heartily. “哦?”,听闻此言,祖龙傲一也从自己的宝座上直接站起身来,神色间待着愕然之色,旋即纵声大笑了起来。 Dongfang Yu? Hahaha, this did brat appear finally? Good, witch clan that side grand meeting? I also had many years not to go to that side witch clan to walk, this grand meeting I in the past had a look. 东方玉哈哈哈,这小子终于出现了吗?太好了,巫族那边的盛会是吧?也罢,我也有许多年没去巫族那边走一走了,这个盛会我就过去看看吧”。 If only one pure will ask the Dongfang Yu's person, Ancestral Dragon Ao Yi not to have such intense response, person these for 180,000 years of the same name Ao Yi has seen were many, but that side the relations with witch clan will be deep, will let Dongfang Yu that the witch clan conducting grand meeting on a grand scale will congratulate, can only have one. 如果只是一个单纯的叫东方玉的人,祖龙傲一是不会有这么强烈的反应的,同名的人这180000年来傲一见过的多了去,但是和巫族那边关系深厚,甚至让巫族大张旗鼓的举办盛会来庆贺的东方玉,就只能有一个了。 Moreover one side, in Great Desolate Continent the summit of Southern Ming volcano, huge incomparable, as if holds up day of great column Divine Parasol Tree, the crown top to support a giant palace. 另外一边,在洪荒大陆的南明火山之巅,有一株巨大无比,仿佛擎天巨柱般的梧桐神木,树冠顶上支撑着一座巨大的宫殿。 The scarlet red Chinese parasol tree leaf drags in wind, as if one group can combustion horizon flaming God Fire be ordinary, this palace then hides in the inexhaustible scarlet red Chinese parasol tree leaf. 赤红色的梧桐树叶在风中摇曳,仿佛一团能燃烧天际的熊熊神火一般,这座宫殿便潜藏于无穷无尽的赤红色梧桐树叶之中。 Primal Phoenix, shows the oneself dao body appearance, sits well on the magnificent chair that Divine Parasol Tree carves, the Primal Phoenix look and bearing, forever are noble and graceful exist(ence), as if Dongfang Yu had experienced The Hobbit plane Elf King Si. 元凤,展现出自己道体的模样,端坐于一张梧桐神木雕琢的华丽椅子上面,本来,元凤的神色和气度,永远是高贵而优雅的存在,仿佛曾经东方玉经历过的霍比特人位面精灵王似的。 However, this time Primal Phoenix, complexion actually already no longer the common gracefulness, directly stood up, simultaneously stared in a big way eyes looks at sillhouette under oneself throne: What did you say?”. 然而,这个时候的元凤,脸色却早已不复寻常的优雅,直接站起身来,同时瞪大了眼睛的看着自己王座下的人影:“你说什么?”。 Sir Primal Phoenix, that side witch clan, is handling a grand meeting vigorously, a phoenix of next first, changes to the dao body appearance similarly, looks at the Primal Phoenix look, somewhat stunned replied. 元凤大人,巫族那边,正在大力操办一场盛会啊”,下首处的一个凤凰,同样是化作道体的模样,看着元凤的神色,有些愕然的回答道。 Regarding Primal Phoenix this rude appearance, he naturally thinks unreadable, trivial can witch clan, why so the appearance? 对于元凤这失态的模样,他自然是觉得难以理解,区区巫族而已,为何会这般模样? „It is not, what I asked was witch clan holds the grand meeting vigorously, to welcome whose return?”. “不是,我问的是巫族大力举办盛会,是为了欢迎谁的归来?”。 Beckons with the hand, Primal Phoenix has not paid attention to any matter of so-called grand meeting, but earnest looks at following sillhouette, the congealing sound asks. 摆摆手,元凤没有理会什么所谓的盛会的事情,只是认真的看着下面的人影,凝声问道。 Dongfang Yu......”, hear speech/words, this male some appearances, start to talk replied. 东方玉啊……”,闻言,这个男子有些愣愣的模样,开口答道。 Really......”, the Primal Phoenix complexion becomes very ugly, sitting slowly on oneself Chinese parasol tree Jinza, the look has narrowed the eyes slightly, does not know that is thinking anything. “果然……”,元凤的脸色变得很难看,慢慢的坐在了自己的梧桐神座上面,眼神微微眯起,也不知道在想些什么。 The phoenixes in this Chinese parasol tree temple, look at the Primal Phoenix look, as if some appearances of being absentminded, look at each other in dismay, do not know that actually this Dongfang Yu is what kind of person, looks at the appearance, as if Sir Primal Phoenix to this Dongfang Yu's exist(ence), unusual caring. 这梧桐神殿之中的凤凰们,看着元凤的神色,似乎有些失魂落魄的样子,一个个面面相觑,不知道这个东方玉究竟是何许人也,看模样,似乎元凤大人对这个东方玉的存在,非常的在意啊。 These look at each other in dismay, face confused color phoenixes, all were recently these years followed in Primal Phoenix phoenix, actually in this Chinese parasol tree temple, after several phoenixes heard the Dongfang Yu's name, the complexion similarly had the change, in the meantime, eyeground deep place also somewhat was having look with amazement. 只是,这些面面相觑,一脸迷茫之色的凤凰们,全都是最近这些年来追随在元凤身边的凤凰,其实在这梧桐神殿之中,还有几个凤凰听到东方玉的名字之后,脸色同样起了变化的,同时,眼底深处也多多少少的带着骇然的神色。 Their these phoenixes, are 180,000 years ago has experienced Dongfang Yu strength exist(ence) with own eyes. 他们这些凤凰,就是180000年前亲眼见识过东方玉力量存在 ...... …… Although the people on Great Desolate Continent, do not know regarding Dongfang Yu's exist(ence), but, still remembers truly Dongfang Yu exist(ence), was almost Great Desolate plane top expert. 虽说洪荒大陆上的人们,对于东方玉的存在并不知晓,可是,真正还记得东方玉存在的,几乎都是洪荒位面顶尖的高手了。 Knew after Dongfang Yu appeared once again, the nature, the people from all quarters responded to mention just a few, naturally , many people have decided on the attention, this day of witch clan grand meeting, must come to have a look. 得知东方玉再度出现了之后,自然,各方人士反应不一而足,当然,也有很多人打定了注意,巫族盛会的这一天,也一定要过来看看。 Does not understand the Dongfang Yu's person, perhaps will not care, but understands the Dongfang Yu's person, naturally also knew Dongfang Yu that formidable incomparable strength. 不明白东方玉的人,或许不会在意,但是明白东方玉的人,自然也知道东方玉强悍无比的力量了。 Although Great Desolate Continent takes Earlier Heaven Three Races as Venerable now, but Dongfang Yu's strength, if places on Great Desolate Continent, should be able to affect the entire continent situation exist(ence). 虽说现在洪荒大陆是以先天三族为尊,可东方玉的实力,若是放在洪荒大陆上,应该是能够影响整个大陆局势的存在 Not to mention all big energy, regarding the news that Dongfang Yu presents, what response is, these days, witch clan in aggressively is handling the matter of grand meeting. 且不说各方大能,对于东方玉出现的消息,都是什么样的反应,这些日子,巫族这边都在紧锣密鼓的操办着盛会的事情。 Under unity is strength, quick, the witch clan territory, is manages dramatically, looks like, the witch clan territory, becomes the unprecedented lively appearance. 众志成城之下,很快的,巫族的领地这边,就已经是办得有声有色的了,看起来,巫族的领地这边,变得前所未有的热闹的样子。 Although Great Desolate plane, experienced an enough 180,000 years of time, but, all races live on this piece of continent, the mutual battle, competes for the survival the space, therefore, among each races does not have what so-called holiday. 虽说洪荒位面,已经是经历了足足180000年的时光,可是,所有的种族都在这片大陆上生活,相互争斗,争夺生存的空间,因此,各个种族之间也没有什么所谓的节日。 Today, ahead of time ten days to celebrate the Dongfang Yu's arrival prepare the grand meeting, let these witch clan actually, first time felt the atmosphere of holiday, especially these witch clan children, on the face were brimming with the innocent smiling face. 今日,提前十天为了庆祝东方玉的到来而准备盛会,倒是让这些巫族们,第一次感受到了节日的这种氛围,特别是这些巫族的小孩们,脸上更加洋溢着天真烂漫的笑容。 Finally, day by day passed, the time also finally arrives at this day that the witch clan grand meeting convened. 终于,日子一天天的过去了,时间也终于到了巫族盛会召开的这一天。 The Pangu palace hangs above the horizon, below extends a lot of li (0.5km) territory, has built a big lively section, on this day, almost all witch clan forget the position of Your Highness Pangu to approach. 盘古殿高悬于天际之上,下面延绵千百里的领地,搭建了一大片繁华的地段,这一天,几乎所有的巫族都忘盘古殿下的方位靠近过来。 Under this, not only had the fresh flowers of various being in full bloom to contrast the atmosphere completely, even, many holiday balloons high was hanging. 在这下面,不只是插满了各种各样盛开的鲜花来烘托气氛,甚至,还有许多节日气球高高的悬挂着。 Is good because of commodity that Dongfang Yu carries, endures a ratio shopping mall, therefore inside numerous almost anything have, these holiday useful ornaments, naturally was the one breath all takes. 好在东方玉所携带的物资,堪比一个大型商场,因此里面林林总总的几乎什么都有,这些节日用得上的装饰品,也自然是一口气全拿出来了。 On this day, ten two Ancestor Witch and Dongfang Yu, was the splendid attire attended, walked from the Pangu palace, at once, forms descended slowly. 这一天,十二祖巫东方玉,也算是盛装出席了,一个个从盘古殿当中走了出来,旋即,一道道身影缓缓的降落了下来。 The meaning of not having covered-up, ten two Ancestor Witch, recklessly has released oneself Aura. 并没有藏着掖着的意思,十二祖巫们,一个个都肆意的将自己气息释放了出来。 12 people, all have formidable incomparable strength, suddenly, makes many other races watch the powerhouse of grand meeting actually, the mind for it one cold. 12个人,全都拥有强悍无比的力量,一时间,倒是让许多其他种族来观看盛会的强者,心神为之一凛。
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