PE :: Volume #35

#1725: When entire Great Desolate knows that Dongfang Yu came back

To witch clan, was missing 180,000 years of Dongfang Yu to come back, this naturally was an important matter, after was not inferior Ancestor Witch was missing, came back, naturally was the need on a grand scale holds a grand meeting. 巫族而言,失踪了180000年的东方玉回来了,这自然是一件大事,不亚于一位祖巫失踪之后回来了,自然是需要大张旗鼓的举办一场盛会。 Not only the pure expression attaches great importance to Dongfang Yu's, in the meantime, is while this opportunity, informs news that all witch clan Dongfang Yu come back. 不只是单纯的表达出对东方玉的重视而已,同时,也算是趁此机会,告知所有的巫族东方玉回来的消息。 After all the present witch clansman number has surpassed 300,000, but lives in witch clan near this temple, after is only few parts. 毕竟现在的巫族人数已经超过了300000,而住在这圣殿附近的巫族,毕竟只是少部分。 As the Di Jiang (River Emperor) words fall, these witch clan naturally are the approvals, after all Dongfang Yu came back, this to witch clan also indeed is a big grand occasion. 随着帝江的话落,这些巫族自然是赞同的,毕竟东方玉回来了,这对巫族而言也的确是一大盛事。 Remembers in the hearsay, but Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu the frontage fight has defeated Rāhu and Primal Phoenix exist(ence), but now on entire Great Desolate Continent who doesn't know the Demon Ancestor Rāhu prestige? Boss Primal Phoenix of phoenix Earlier Heaven Three Races? 记得在传闻中,圣祖东方玉可是正面战斗打败过罗睺元凤存在,而现在整个洪荒大陆上谁不知道魔祖罗睺的威名?还有先天三族之一凤凰的首领元凤 After matter approximate notice, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others have not stopped here the meaning, ten days later the matter of grand meeting, Di Jiang (River Emperor) also told that has given Kua Fu, making him quite prepare. 将事情大致的通知下去了以后,帝江等人并没有在这里多做停留的意思,十天之后盛会的事情,帝江也吩咐给了夸父,让他好生准备。 At once, Di Jiang (River Emperor) then invited Dongfang Yu to go together Pangu palace one line, after all present witch clan, ten two Ancestor Witch live in the middle of the Pangu palace, there was witch clan now the right highest place. 旋即,帝江便邀请东方玉同往盘古殿一行,毕竟现在的巫族,十二祖巫们都居住在盘古殿当中,那里才算是巫族现在权利最高的地方了。 Selected nod(ded), Dongfang Yu has not said anything, with Di Jiang (River Emperor) they together, went from out of the blue. 点头,东方玉也没有多说什么,跟着帝江他们一同,破空而去。 Naturally, young Houyi, because the present is Dongfang Yu's Disciple, properly speaking should follow side Dongfang Yu, is only, Houyi's parents after all also in this witch clan territory, therefore he remained, was acknowledging as teacher the Dongfang Yu's matter, confession well, ten days later the date of grand meeting, went to that side the Pangu palace again. 当然,小后羿因为现在已经是东方玉的弟子了,按理说应该跟在东方玉身旁的,只是,后羿的父母毕竟还在这巫族的领地之内,因此他留下来了,也算是把拜师东方玉的事情,好好的交代一下,十天之后盛会之日,再去盘古殿那边。 witch clan territory here, Houyi's parents heard Houyi unexpectedly have become Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu's Disciple, naturally wept. 巫族领地这里,后羿的父母听到了后羿居然成了圣祖东方玉的弟子,自然是喜极而泣了。 Also unceasingly taught Houyi, with the Dongfang Yu's time, decided however must serve him well, the thing that Dongfang Yu taught must do one's best studied. 同时也不断的教导后羿,跟着东方玉的时候,定然要好好的伺候他,东方玉教导的东西也一定要尽心尽力的去学。 Not to mention witch clan near these temples, what response are, at this time, Dongfang Yu with Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others, arrived at the position of Pangu palace quickly, occupies a commanding position, Dongfang Yu can see a big extending inhabited area, this inside lives is witch clan. 且不说这些圣殿附近的巫族们,都是什么样的反应,这个时候,东方玉跟着帝江等人,很快的来到了盘古殿的位置,居高临下的,东方玉能够看到一大片延绵的居住地,这里面居住的全都是巫族 Although no matter the quantity or the strength aspect, witch clan at this moment cannot compare Earlier Heaven Three Races, but these many witch clan gather, strength is very powerful. 虽说不管是数量还是实力方面,此刻的巫族都比不上先天三族,但这么多巫族聚集,力量还是非常强大的。 Different from the later generation Human(ity) city, these witch clan housings places, even does not need the fence, after is witch clan of child time, actually had good strength. 不同于后世人类的城池,这些巫族居住的地方,甚至连围墙都不需要,毕竟就算是孩童时期的巫族,其实就已经拥有了很不俗的实力了。 However, with Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others a launching in midair, although occupies a commanding position looks the territory that following witch clan is, extends a lot of li (0.5km), scattered and organized is distributing, the meaning that but Di Jiang (River Emperor) they will not actually have fallen, instead approaches the sky rapidly high. 不过,与帝江等人一起飞在半空中,虽说居高临下的看着下面巫族所在的领地,延绵千百里,错落有致的分布着,可帝江他们却并没有将落下去的意思,反而向天空越飞越高。 Finally, in an upper air several thousand meters place, can see plain and broad main hall, float in upper air, this was the Pangu palace that ten two Ancestor Witch were. 最后,在高空数万米的地方,能够看到一座古朴而恢弘的大殿,悬浮于高空之中,这正是十二祖巫所在的盘古殿了。 When flew near, sized up carefully, this Pangu palace looked like very huge, with words that the area came to see, feared that had the surrounding area about ten li (0.5km). 待飞得近了,细细打量,这盘古殿看起来非常的巨大,用面积来看的话,怕是有方圆十里开外了。 Besides a midpoint giant palace, side also has many to be slightly small a point the house, as well as the giant square, looks like actually and Dragon Ball plane that float the temple in upper air is somewhat similar, but actually wants to be huger. 除了正中央的一座巨大的宫殿之外,旁边还有许多稍微小一点的房子,以及巨大的广场,看起来倒是和龙珠位面那悬浮于高空的神殿有些相似,但是却要巨大很多。 Um?”, When Dongfang Yu is sizing up this float the Pangu palace in upper air, suddenly, by this Pangu palace small house, has brought to the Dongfang Yu's attention. “嗯?”,就在东方玉打量着这座悬浮于高空之中的盘古殿的时候,突然,这盘古殿旁边的一座小房子,引起了东方玉的注意。 Takes a quick look around, this house appeared somewhat broken, the heartless years have left the thick trace above. 一眼看去,这座房子显得有些残破了,无情的岁月在上面留下了浓浓的痕迹。 How worn-out no matter this house looks like, Dongfang Yu also completely recognizes, this is not just 180,000 years ago practice cabin that oneself keeps? 只是,不管这个房子看起来再如何的破旧,东方玉也完全认得,这不正是180000年前自己留下来的修炼小屋吗? cabin that Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, you keep, I moved to the Pangu palace to come, I, I liked this house, nearby Houtu (Mother Earth), noted the Dongfang Yu's line of sight obviously, start to talk said. 东方玉哥哥,你留下来的小屋,我搬到盘古殿来了,我,我喜欢这个房子”,旁边的后土,显然也注意到了东方玉的视线,开口说道。 Very obviously, ten two Ancestor Witch beforehand stone hall have discarded continually, but Houtu (Mother Earth) was bringing this practice cabin to the Pangu palace in as before, obviously this practice cabin to Houtu (Mother Earth), was very important exist(ence). 很显然,十二祖巫连之前的石殿都舍弃了,但后土却依旧带着这一座修炼小屋到了盘古殿上,可见这座修炼小屋后土而言,是非常重要的存在 Um, words that you like, gave to you, regarding the Houtu (Mother Earth) words, Dongfang Yu selected nod(ded) to say. “嗯,你喜欢的话,就送给你了”,对于后土的话,东方玉点了点头说道。 Actually, 180,000 years ago, Dongfang Yu leaves remains practice cabin, even if gave this house. 其实,早在180000年前,东方玉离开的时候把修炼小屋留下来,就算是把这座房子送给她了。 Is only, inside many things, before for a long time was very very long shattered, what to do I did not know. “只是,里面很多的东西,在很久很久以前就坏掉了,我也不知道怎么办”。 Heard Dongfang Yu official start to talk saying that gave oneself this house, on the face of Houtu (Mother Earth) naturally was having the happy expression, but, thinks that in room many electric appliances, in early long before lost very much has affected, Houtu (Mother Earth) somewhat hoped looks at Dongfang Yu. 听到东方玉正式开口说把这座房子送给自己了,后土的脸上自然是带着浓浓的笑意,不过,想到屋子里很多的电器,在很早很早以前就失去作用了,后土又有些期盼的看着东方玉 This practice cabin, is biggest with the Great Desolate Continent difference, naturally inside modernization equipment and electric appliance, but 180,000 years passed, inside electric appliance shattered, is within the Dongfang Yu's anticipation, after all these domestic electric appliances are not magical treasure, naturally had more than enough many years. 这座修炼小屋,和洪荒大陆差别最大的,自然还是里面的现代化设备和电器了,而180000年的时间过去了,里面的电器坏掉了,也算是在东方玉的意料之内,毕竟那些家用电器可不是法宝,当然用不了多少年了。 Does not have sharply is entering the Pangu palace, met with other these Ancestor Witch, Dongfang Yu conversely and Houtu (Mother Earth) played in that practice cabin. 都没急着进入盘古殿,和另外的那些祖巫们见面,东方玉反倒是后土一起到了那修炼小屋之中去了。 As Dongfang Yu opens the door to enter, can see that inside although looked like became worn-out many appearances, but actually very clean neat, wants to come is these years, the Houtu (Mother Earth) housing every day cleaned here. 随着东方玉推开门进入其中,能看到里面虽然看起来已经变得破旧了许多的样子,但是却非常的干净整洁,想来是这些年来,后土居住在这里每天都有打扫。 Moreover, even if were all electrical appliances all shattered, but arrangement in this room, was just the same as the past years, Houtu (Mother Earth) has not moved the ornaments position of this inside furniture and electrical appliances. 而且,就算是所有的家电全都坏掉了,可这屋子里的陈设,和当年一模一样,后土都没有挪动过这里面的家具和家电的摆设位置。 Looks that this has left behind the time trace room obviously, looks at inside all, Dongfang Yu is also one sobs the feeling. 看着这个明显留下了时间痕迹的屋子,看着里面一切,东方玉也是一阵唏嘘感慨。 However, the words of these electrical appliances, Dongfang Yu will service, does not have the tool of service, is good is big because of Dongfang Yu's storage ring enough, moreover each time crossed over time, the body prepared to endure a ratio shopping mall commodity, therefore, these electrical appliances replacements were not but actually difficult. 不过,这些家电的话,东方玉就算是会维修,也没有维修的工具啊,好在东方玉的纳戒足够大,而且每次穿越的时候,身上都准备了堪比一个大型商场般的物资,因此,这些家电更换倒也不难。 All lost all the things of shattering, Dongfang Yu makes up, uses some repairs again the materials, under the control of spiritual power, plasters, in a while, quick, this practice cabin interior, looked like the changed beyond recognition appearance. 将所有坏掉的东西全都丢了,东方玉又重新补上,再用一些装修的材料,精神力的控制下,重新粉饰一遍,没过多久,很快的,这座修炼小屋的内部,看起来焕然一新的样子了。 Looks that all in room have all traded, on the face of Houtu (Mother Earth), having a smile, the appearance of having a familiar task and handling it with ease to turn on nearby TV machine, linked the mobile equipment. 看着屋子里的一切全都换过了,后土的脸上,带着一丝微笑,驾轻就熟的模样打开了旁边的电视机,链接好了移动设备。 Really, screen dodges, the Movie | TV Show image then appeared on TV screen. 果然,屏幕一闪,影视剧的图像便出现在电视屏幕上面了。 Really good, these things can use, looks Movie | TV Show that on screen presents, on the face of Houtu (Mother Earth) is also having the sigh with emotion look, gently is stroking these things, saying in a low voice. “真好,这些东西又能用了”,看着屏幕上出现的影视剧,后土的脸上也带着感慨的神色,轻轻的抚摸着这些东西,低声的说道。 For these years, these electrical appliances, to Houtu (Mother Earth), after having gone bad, all became has decorated. 这么多年来,这些家电,对后土而言,坏了之后全都成了摆设了。 The Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of Houtu (Mother Earth), regarding him, oneself left for short 2-3 years, two crossed over middle experienced Resident Evil and Journey to the West two plane, but arrived here again, is 180,000 years later, once that lively little loli, has grown up. 东方玉的目光落在后土的身上,对于他而言,自己不过是离开了短短两三年的时间罢了,两次穿越的中间不过是经历了生化危机西游记两个位面而已,可是再来到这里,已经是180000年以后了,曾经那个性格活泼的小萝莉,也已经长大成人了。 Looks at the Houtu (Mother Earth) appearance, the disposition became good-natured, almost could not see appearance that once that jumped for joy, if before were she, saw that these things have traded newly, can, believes that will be happy jumped? 后土的模样,性格变得温厚了很多,几乎看不到曾经那活蹦乱跳的样子,如果是以前的她,眼看着这些东西都换了新的,能用之后,相信会高兴得蹦起来吧? Not to mention at this time, Dongfang Yu and Houtu (Mother Earth) treated in practice cabin, in the Pangu palace, ten two Ancestor Witch all gathered at this time, about the Dongfang Yu's status, other has not gone to Ancestor Witch of temple also to be determined. 且不说这个时候,东方玉后土都待在修炼小屋里面,盘古殿内,十二祖巫这个时候全都聚集了,关于东方玉的身份,其他没有去圣殿的祖巫们也得到确定了。 Said regarding Di Jiang (River Emperor), ten days later must hold a matter of grand meeting, naturally also approved, has been missing 180,000 years of return Dongfang Yu, the significance to witch clan was profound. 对于帝江所言,十天之后要举办一场盛会的事情,自然也都是赞同的,失踪了180000年归来的东方玉,对巫族而言意义深远。 After having decided that the nature, the news about Dongfang Yu arrival, must inform all witch clan, even, is notice entire Great Desolate Continent. 决定了之后,自然,关于东方玉到来的消息,要通知所有的巫族了,甚至,是通知整个洪荒大陆 although regarding Great Desolate Continent almost all people, few individuals who the Dongfang Yu's reputation knows, but, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others understand that knows person who Dongfang Yu status, each is the Great Desolate Continent illustrious generation, Dongfang Yu's comes back, can invisible in change the witch clan status. 虽然对于洪荒大陆几乎所有人而言,东方玉的名头知道的没有几个人,但是,帝江等人明白,知道东方玉身份的人,每一个都是洪荒大陆赫赫有名之辈,东方玉的回来,能够无形之中改变巫族的地位。 Since is a grand meeting, naturally needs to handle vigorously, along with witch clan one mind handles, the preparatory work of grand meeting proceeds quickly, similarly, 300,000 witch clan also knew the news of Dongfang Yu return, facial expressions rouse, is hoping for the day of the grand meeting, has a look at Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu with own eyes is what appearance, the Saint ancestor in Legend, is the entire witch clan obligation person, is the entire Great Desolate Continent peerless powerhouse. 既然是一场盛会,自然就需要大力操办了,随着巫族上下一心的操办起来,盛会的准备工作进行得非常的快,同样的,300000的巫族也知道了东方玉归来的消息,一个个神情振奋,也都期盼着盛会那天,亲眼看看圣祖东方玉到底是何模样,传说中的圣祖,可是整个巫族的大恩人呢,更是整个洪荒大陆的绝世强者。 Start that all witch clan rouse prepared, all witch clan also all knew the news that Dongfang Yu presented that the nature, this news also quick like was the hurricane spread. 所有的巫族都振奋的开始准备起来了,所有的巫族也全都知道了东方玉出现的消息,自然,这个消息也很快像是飓风一样的蔓延出去。 Although Great Desolate Continent, takes Earlier Heaven Three Races as Venerable now, other races were all being suppressed, almost can only seek livehood in this Earlier Heaven Three Races crevice, but witch clan, actually was also is next to one of the Earlier Heaven Three Races powerful tribal groups, witch clan here huge movement, nature many people noted. 虽说现在洪荒大陆,以先天三族为尊,其他的种族全都被压制着,几乎只能在这先天三族的夹缝中求生,但巫族,却也算是仅次于先天三族强大族群之一了,巫族这边巨大的动作,自然很多人都注意到了。 Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu? Who is this? When did Great Desolate have such No. 1 Character(s)? witch clan Saint ancestor? Has not heard completely. “圣祖东方玉?这是什么人?什么时候洪荒有这么一号人物了?巫族的圣祖?完全没有听说过啊”。 Many other race powerhouses, knew after this news, is appearance that a face compels ignorant, completely not yes what's the matter. 许多其他的种族强者,得知这个消息之后,是一脸懵逼的样子,完全不明白是怎么回事。 Naturally, does not understand that investigated, does not know that this Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu is what kind of person, quick, many people start to investigate. 当然,不明白就去调查了,不知道这圣祖东方玉是何许人也,很快,许多的人都开始调查起来。 Actually, the investigation is not difficult, after all witch clan are knows that Dongfang Yu's exist(ence), quick, about Dongfang Yu's exist(ence), as well as he 180,000 years ago facts, appeared in the front of all people. 其实,调查并不难,毕竟所有的巫族都是知道东方玉的存在的,很快的,关于东方玉的存在,以及他180000年前的事迹,就出现在所有人的面前了。 Defeats Rāhu, defeats Primal Phoenix, light is these two big successes, then lets all inquire that the person of Dongfang Yu fact, stared dumbfounded...... 罗睺,败元凤,光是这两大战绩,便让所有打听到东方玉事迹的人,瞠目结舌了……
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