PE :: Volume #35

#1724: Receives disciple Houyi

Saw that Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others inquiry look, good, although this matter a little loses face, but also is not the matter that cannot say. 眼看着帝江等人询问般的眼神,好吧,虽然这件事情有点丢脸,但也并不是什么不能说的事情。 Dongfang Yu then shakes the head, said: This young Houyi, an archery is good, if later trains well, believes that can become moves the Great Desolate Continent powerhouse. 东方玉便摇摇头,道:“这个小后羿,一身箭术还是挺不错的,以后若是好好培养的话,相信能成为名动洪荒大陆的强者”。 „?”, Dongfang Yu these words, obviously the component is very heavy, hears him to Houyi's praise, several other Ancestor Witch startled and wonderful looks at Houyi. “哦?”,东方玉这番话,显然份量还是很重的,听到他对后羿的夸赞,其他几个祖巫们又惊又奇的看着后羿。 What ability this kid has, can make Dongfang Yu so praise unexpectedly? It seems like Dongfang Yu to his hoping very high. 这个小家伙到底有什么能耐,竟然能让东方玉这般夸赞?看来东方玉对他的期许非常的高啊。 Um, it seems like after this child, must pay attention much some, since Dongfang Yu said like this, then for no reason will not put the arrow. 嗯,看来这个孩子以后要多多关注一些了,既然东方玉这样说了,便不会无故放矢。 Has not paid attention to ideas of these Ancestor Witch, Dongfang Yu said: I have one move to be able crossed over space divine ability, you are know? So long as is I have gone to place, I can cut the space, the transmission of direct long-distance range. 并没有理会这些祖巫们的想法,东方玉跟着说道:“我有一招能穿越空间的神通,你们都是知道的吧?只要是我去过的地方,我都能划破空间,直接远距离的传送”。 During the speeches, Dongfang Yu, Space Transmission Gate Magic was called as by Dongfang Yu slightly is divine ability, wants to come to be easier to make these Ancestor Witch understand. 说话间,东方玉微微一顿,空间传送门魔法东方玉称作是神通,想来更容易让这些祖巫们理解。 hear speech/words, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others also selects nod(ded), initially Dongfang Yu was in front of their to display Space Transmission Gate Magic, they remember certainly. 闻言,帝江等人也点点头,当初东方玉是当着他们的面施展过空间传送门魔法的,他们当然记得。 Therefore, my luck is poor, construction Space Transmission Gate comes out, meets arrow that has shot face to face exactly, including the defense without enough time, has been injured, the helpless booth lets go, Dongfang Yu start to talk said. “所以啊,我运气不怎么好,架构空间传送门出来的时候,恰好遇到了当面射来的箭支,连防御都来不及,就受伤了”,无奈的摊摊手,东方玉开口说道。 Indeed, like the bad luck time, Dongfang Yu first time bumps into. 的确,像这样倒霉的时刻,东方玉还是第一次碰到呢。 „......”, This crowd of Ancestor Witch, knew that the process of matter, stares dumbfounded, does not know how should speak. “……”,这一群祖巫们,得知事情的经过,一个个也是瞠目结舌,不知道该如何说话了。 Can this not only describe bad luck? The a person luck can have bad luck to this degree, is seriously earthshaking. 这岂止是倒霉能形容的?一个人的运气能倒霉到这个程度,当真是惊天动地啊。 Houtu (Mother Earth) opened mouth Palestine, the words that wants to speak do not know how should say, looks at Dongfang Yu injured, in the Houtu (Mother Earth) heart the indignation, wished one could injuring the Dongfang Yu's person has torn to shreds. 后土张了张嘴巴,想说的话也不知道该怎么说了,本来看着东方玉受伤了,后土心中愤慨,是恨不得把伤了东方玉的人碎尸万段的。 But now, had known the process of matter with the beginning to end, has a look to kneel on the ground again, to Houyi of punishment appearance, she does not know that what should say, after all strict point, the mistake of this matter also not on Houyi's body? 可现在,得知了事情的经过和始末,再看看跪在地上,一副任凭责罚模样的后羿,她也不知道该说什么了,毕竟严格点的来说,这件事情的错也并不在后羿的身上吧? Was good, gets up......”. “好了,起来吧……”。 Dongfang Yu will not certainly blame Houyi, smiled, held from the ground Houyi actually personally. 东方玉当然也不会去责怪后羿了,笑了笑,倒是亲自把后羿从地上扶了起来。 Just by Houyi who Dongfang Yu held, actually with the plump, once more knelt on the ground, then coconut palm coconut palm coconut palm was knocking nine knocks to Dongfang Yu continually, the head has hit on this stone hall floor, sound very clear. 只是,才刚刚被东方玉扶起来的后羿,却跟着扑通一声,再次跪在地上,然后梆梆梆的对着东方玉连磕了九个响头,脑袋撞在这石殿的地板上,声音非常的清晰。 What you make?”, Looks at Houyi's behavior, in the Dongfang Yu heart is faint somewhat suspected, but actually asking of surprise. “你这是做什么?”,看着后羿的行为,东方玉心中隐隐间有些猜想,不过却还是诧异的问道。 Meanwhile, nearby Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others are also look at each other in dismay, the appearance of being perplexed. 与此同时,旁边的帝江等人也是面面相觑,不明所以的样子。 Saint Sir Zu said that if I can be trained well, certainly can become moves the Great Desolate Continent powerhouse, I, I think that Sir Bai Shengzu is a master, but also hope Saint Sir Zu can take pity on me, I will certainly not disappoint Saint ancestor......”. “圣祖大人说,如果我能够好好被培养的话,一定能成为名动洪荒大陆的强者,我,我想拜圣祖大人为师,还希望圣祖大人能够垂怜我,我一定不会辜负圣祖的期望……”。 After having knocked nine knocks, Houyi crawls in front of Dongfang Yu's, mouth loud saying. 足足磕了九个响头之后,后羿紧接着匍匐在东方玉的面前,嘴里大声的说道。 This child......”, hears Houyi to the Dongfang Yu's words, nearby on Di Jiang (River Emperor) and other faces is having the smiling face, looks at Houyi's look, appreciation some somewhat. “这孩子……”,听到后羿对东方玉的话,旁边的帝江等人脸上都带着笑容,看着后羿的眼神,多多少少的都有些欣赏。 It looks like although is a youth, may just Dongfang Yu praise him, he is free from arrogance and rashness, understands dozen of snakes along with the stick on, this intelligent actually rare. 看起来虽然不过是个少年而已,可刚刚东方玉夸了他,他却不骄不躁,懂得打蛇随棍上,这番聪慧倒是难得。 although Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others have not spoken, but the vision actually also placed on Dongfang Yu, the meaning was very obvious, you just also praised this child, if trained well can certainly become a useful adult, was good, now this child acknowledges you as the teacher, has knocked including, if your this has rejected, face of dozen of oneself? 虽然帝江等人都没有说话,但是目光却也都放在东方玉身上了,意思很明显,你刚刚还夸这孩子若是好好培养的话一定能成材,好了,现在这孩子都拜你为师了,连头都磕了,你这要是拒绝了,岂不是打自己的脸? „......”, Under this aspect, the Dongfang Yu's corners of the mouth also slightly twitched, poured also really has oneself to give under oneself the feeling of wrap. “……”,这个局面下,东方玉的嘴角也是微微抽搐了一下,倒也真的是有一种自己自己下套的感觉了。 However, must say that regarding Houyi's intelligence, in the Dongfang Yu's heart also appreciates, thinks carefully, Houyi's fierceness, disposition of daring to do and having the courage to accept responsibility, so calm intelligence, indeed was rare talented people. 不过,要说起来,对于后羿的聪慧,东方玉的心中也是非常欣赏的,仔细想想,后羿的勇猛,敢作敢当的性格,还有这般冷静的聪慧,也的确是难得的人才了。 That, my this is the master, injures in the hand of your this Disciple, your don't tell me will not think that my strength is bad?”, Has hesitated a moment later, Dongfang Yu start to talk asked to Houyi. “那个,我这个当师父,都还伤在你这个弟子的手中,你难道不会觉得我的实力不济吗?”,沉吟了片刻之后,东方玉开口对后羿问道。 Master many thanks hangs take pity on!”, Is only, Dongfang Yu voice Fang Luo, Houyi is actually the whole face joyful appearance, hurried yelling. 多谢师父垂怜惜!”,只是,东方玉话音方落,后羿却是满脸欣喜的样子,急忙的大叫道。 Houyi can hear, Dongfang Yu says as master, but also is called as oneself is Disciple, has been willing to accept oneself. 后羿听得出来,东方玉自称为师父,还把自己称作是弟子,已经是愿意收下自己了。 „, Since you have knocked nine knocks to me, I refused you not to be justified again, from now henceforth, you following well side me. “也罢,既然你已经给我磕了九个响头,我再拒绝你的话就说不过去了,从今以后,你就好好的跟在我身边吧”。 The matter to this step, the words that rejects again is impossible, Dongfang Yu selected nod(ded) to kneel in oneself front Houyi, a helpless appearance said. 事情到了这一步,再拒绝的话已经是不可能了,东方玉点头对着跪在自己面前的后羿,一副无奈的模样说道。 Heard Dongfang Yu to accept Houyi this apprentice, nearby on Di Jiang (River Emperor) and other faces was also having the color of liking. 听到东方玉真的收下了后羿这个徒弟,旁边的帝江等人脸上也都带着欢喜之色。 Can with Dongfang Yu cultivation, Houyi's future be limitless, but he is the person of witch clan, this was one greatly is naturally meddlesome. 能跟着东方玉修行,后羿的前途不可限量,而他又是巫族之人,这自然是一件大好事了。 Has Houtu (Mother Earth), looks at a Dongfang Yu helpless appearance, cannot help but covers the mouth chuckle. 只有后土,看着东方玉一副无奈的模样,不由得掩嘴轻笑。 How she cannot see, appearance that Dongfang Yu this does not prefer, is half real , half fake, if he is not willing to receive Houyi is really the disciple, just Houyi's nine knocks can knock? 她如何看不出来,东方玉这不情愿的模样,是半真半假,若是他真的不愿意收后羿为徒的话,刚刚后羿的九个响头能磕得下去吗? No matter how, Dongfang Yu came back, this to entire witch clan, is a grand occasion, when Dongfang Yu and these Ancestor Witch are treating in the temple, outside witch clan, are the quick accumulation outside of this temple, in beyond three three surrounded the entire temple. 不管如何,东方玉回来了,这对整个巫族而言,都是一个盛事,就在东方玉和这些祖巫们待着圣殿之中的时候,外面的巫族们,已经是很快的聚集到了这圣殿的外面了,里三圈外三圈的将整个圣殿都包围了。 In all person looks has been full of the respect color looks at the temple, but does not have the a person start to talk speech, appears very peaceful. 所有的人眼神中都充满了崇敬之色的看着圣殿,但是却没有一个人开口说话的,显得非常的安静。 Including Di Jiang (River Emperor), their several Ancestor Witch simultaneously appeared, flies toward the temple, surrounding witch clan naturally was notes. 包括帝江在内,他们好几个祖巫同时出现了,朝着圣殿这边飞过来,周围的巫族自然是注意到了。 Suddenly these many did Ancestor Witch come? Was this what happened? 突然这么多祖巫来了?这是发生了什么事情吗? witch clan of temple surrounding housing, during doubts, curiously inquired certainly. 圣殿周围居住的巫族,疑惑之中,当然是好奇的打听了。 Kua Fu who then, goes to the Pangu palace also came back, is he looks Ancestor Witch, these witch clan also knew certainly, therefore, they also inquired certainly these Ancestor Witch, why. 而后,去盘古殿的夸父也回来了,是他把祖巫们找来的,这些巫族当然也知道了,因此,他们当然也询问了这些祖巫们,为什么而来。 The matter that Dongfang Yu presents is not the secret that cannot say, therefore, facing the inquiries of these witch clan, Kua Fu is also confident the matter that Dongfang Yu presented that these Ancestor Witch arrive at the temple, to confirm the Dongfang Yu status. 东方玉出现的事情也不是什么不能说的秘密,因此,面对这些巫族的询问,夸父也坦然了东方玉出现的事情,这些祖巫们来到圣殿,就是为了确认东方玉身份的。 Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu appeared!? 圣祖东方玉出现了!? This news, regarding these witch clan, simply looks like flat land startling thunderclap, lets all know that immediately this news witch clan shocked. 这个消息,对于这些巫族们而言,简直就像是平地惊雷似的,立马让所有得知这个消息的巫族都震撼了。 In all person hearts of witch clan, ten two Ancestor Witch status are keeps aloof, but, Dongfang Yu's exist(ence), regarding these witch clan, actually under ten two Ancestor Witch, after all the Saint ancestor's title, sufficiently did not prove components of Dongfang Yu in these witch clan hearts. 巫族的所有人心中,十二祖巫的身份是高高在上的,但是,东方玉的存在,对于这些巫族而言,却不下于十二祖巫,毕竟圣祖的称号,就足以证明东方玉在这些巫族们心中的份量了。 Moreover, these newborn witch clan, almost every from infancy to maturity listens to Dongfang Yu's Legend to grow up, the mural in temple, all witch clan go to look. 而且,这些新生的巫族,几乎每一个都是从小到大听着东方玉的传说长大的,圣殿之中的壁画,所有的巫族都进去看过。 To ten two Ancestor Witch that these years really could have seen, actually missing Dongfang Yu, to these witch clan, appears mysterious. 相对于这么多年来一直都实实在在看得到的十二祖巫,其实失踪的东方玉,对这些巫族而言,更显得神秘。 Today, Dongfang Yu appeared finally, naturally has brought to the attention of all witch clan. 今天,东方玉终于出现了,自然引起了所有巫族的注意。 Spontaneous, all witch clan, in the heart are in the curious mood, one after another centralized to temple, but, does not have anybody start to talk to make noise, all person holding breath static air/Qi looks at the front door of temple, waits for inside result to come out. 自发性的,所有的巫族,心中都怀着好奇的心情,陆陆续续的都集中到了圣殿这边来,不过,却没有任何人开口喧闹,所有人都屏声静气的看着圣殿的大门,等着里面的结果出来。 Quick, Ancestor Witch of Dongfang Yu and these arrivals chatted several, has determined the status, in the meantime, Houyi also became Dongfang Yu's Disciple, therefore, Dongfang Yu and these Ancestor Witch, went out of the temple one after another. 很快的,东方玉和这些到来的祖巫们都聊了几句,也确定了身份,同时,后羿也已经成为了东方玉的弟子,所以,东方玉和这些祖巫们,陆陆续续的走出了圣殿。 The nature, went out of them in temple also to see all was waiting for outside witch clan, several thousand pairs of eyes neat stared at stone hall to look. 自然,走出圣殿的他们也看到了所有在外面等待着的巫族,数万双眼睛齐刷刷的盯着石殿这边看呢。 „......”, Di Jiang (River Emperor) is the heads of ten two Ancestor Witch, looks that several thousand pairs of eyes are staring at oneself, is waiting for the answer. “诸位……”,帝江到底是十二祖巫之首,看着数万双眼睛都盯着自己这边,等着答案呢。 Di Jiang (River Emperor) start to talk, clear and bright sound, in ear clear resounding of all people. 帝江开口了,清朗的声音,在所有人的耳边清晰的响起。 I know why you gather here, good, I must announce that now a matter, that is our witch clan Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu, leaving for 180,000 years later, finally went home!”. “我知道你们为何聚集在这里,不错,我现在要宣布一件事情,那就是我们巫族的圣祖东方玉,在离开了180000年之后,终于回家了!”。 Goes home......”, the Di Jiang (River Emperor) words, making the Dongfang Yu heart move slightly. “回家……”,帝江的话语,让东方玉心头微微一动。 although is only a pure word, but, this word touches in the Dongfang Yu's heart somewhat, is very obvious, in Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others in hearts, oneself, although is not the witch clan status, but, they actually treat as the witch clan person same to regard oneself. 虽然只是单纯的一个词而已,可是,这个词却让东方玉的心中有些感动,很显然,在帝江等人的心中,自己虽不是巫族的身份,可是,他们却把自己当做巫族的人一样看待的。 „! Welcome Saint Sir Zu goes home!”. “哦!欢迎圣祖大人回家!”。 As the Di Jiang (River Emperor) words fall, after the Dongfang Yu's status was confirmed that these several thousand encircle witch clan before temple, has cheered loudly, at this moment, all witch clan vision place on Dongfang Yu's. 随着帝江的话落,东方玉的身份得到了证实以后,这数万个围在圣殿前的巫族们,一个个大声欢呼了起来,这一刻,所有巫族的目光都放在东方玉的身上。 Looks at these to cheer witch clan, the Dongfang Yu's heart also thought that warm, this feeling a little likely is Flowers and Fruits Mountain these underlings the respect and love to oneself. 看着这些欢呼中的巫族,东方玉的心头也觉得一阵暖暖的,这感觉有点像是花果山那些猴子猴孙们对自己的尊敬和爱戴。 Dongfang Yu knows, these witch clan are wholehearted treated as clansman to regard oneself generally, perhaps, above this Great Desolate Continent, oneself and these witch clan, later will have the indelible dispute and fetters. 东方玉知道,这些巫族是真心实意的把自己当做族人一般看待了,或许,在这洪荒大陆之上,自己和这些巫族,以后都会有难以磨灭的纠葛和羁绊了。 After hundreds of thousands years of development, our witch clan experiences every large or small danger to be countless, but to today, our witch clan grew strong, clansman more than more than 30 “经过十几万年的发展,我们巫族经历过大大小小的危难不计其数,但到了今日,我们巫族已经发展壮大了,族人不下30余 Ten thousand th, today Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu comes back, this to entire witch clan, is a grand occasion, therefore, ten days later, I will convene all witch clan, holds an unprecedented grand meeting, welcome Dongfang Yu's to come back! ”. 万,今日圣祖东方玉回来,这对整个巫族而言,都是一件盛事,所以,在十天之后,我会召集所有的巫族,举办一场前所未有的盛会,来欢迎东方玉的回来!”。 Di Jiang (River Emperor) start to talk, the sound spreads over a surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) range. 帝江开口,声音传遍方圆百里范围。
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