PE :: Volume #35

#1723: Reunion

The stone hall gate had been shoved open suddenly, stature tall slender sillhouette, wears a flame women's clothing, the breeze tucks in the skirt slowly, as if flame of one group of burning hots, in the meantime, powerful and burning hot Aura sends out from her body. 石殿的门被猛然间推开了,一个身材高挑修长的人影,身穿一袭火红色的衣裙,微风徐徐撩起裙角,仿佛一团炙热的火焰般,同时,强大而又炙热的气息从她的身上散发出来。 Looks at entrance the sillhouette, Dongfang Yu is startled slightly, thinks somewhat familiar, but, in the person with oneself memory is different. 看着门口的这个人影,东方玉微微一怔,觉得有些熟悉,但是,却又和自己记忆中的人不一样。 Because sillhouette in memory, should be the 14 or 15-year-old little girl appearance, may present woman, from the appearance, actually be 20 over appearances. 因为在记忆中的人影,应该是个十四五岁的小女孩的模样,可眼前的这个女子,从容貌上来看,却已经是20出头的样子了。 „After ,... Houtu (Mother Earth)......?”, Looks that this stood in stone hall entrance woman, Dongfang Yu hesitates, start to talk said. “后…后土……?”,看着这个站在石殿门口女子,东方玉迟疑了一下,开口说道。 180,000 years passed, once little loli became mature, this also in reason? 180000年的时间过去了,曾经的小萝莉变得成熟了,这也在情理之中吧? Looks at the Houtu (Mother Earth) appearance, in the Dongfang Yu's heart thought that was hard to treat as once little loli to regard her again. 只是,看着后土的模样,东方玉的心中觉得难以再将她当做曾经的小萝莉看待了。 Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, you, you came back finally......”, a little bit teardrops, have welled up from the eye socket of Houtu (Mother Earth) suddenly, although looks at the Houtu (Mother Earth) appearance, has controlled oneself with every effort, but her sound, is bringing shivering of faint trace as before, is bringing sobbing of faint trace. 东方玉哥哥,你,你终于回来了……”,一滴滴的泪珠,突然从后土的眼眶之中涌了出来,虽然后土的模样,已经尽力的控制自己了,但她的声音,依旧带着一丝丝的颤抖,也带着一丝丝的哽咽。 Dongfang Yu initially arrived at Great Desolate plane time, how long actually has not treated, moreover every so often, is away from home, keeps witch clan here time not to be many, to these 180,000 years of time, simply is at least insignificant. 东方玉当初来到洪荒位面的时候,其实并没有待多久,而且很多时候,还是出门在外的,留在巫族这边的时间并不多,至少,相对于这180000年的时光来说,简直无足轻重。 But, regarding Houtu (Mother Earth), 180,000 years ago Dongfang Yu, his appearance has actually left behind the numerous positions in the heart of Houtu (Mother Earth). 可是,对于后土而言,180000年前的东方玉,他的出现却在后土的心中留下了重重的位置。 Once oneself the phoenix chased down, is Dongfang Yu appears has rescued oneself, then, was he is bringing oneself to cabin, making oneself eat the good food that 180,000 years have been hard to imagine, has given back to the oneself pretty skirt, then, but also the seal a Fire Phoenix phoenix in oneself within the body, letting oneself can momentarily transfer the strength combat of Fire Phoenix phoenix...... 曾经自己被凤凰追杀的时候,是东方玉出现救了自己,然后,也是他带着自己到了小屋里面,让自己吃到了180000年去难以想象的美食,还给了自己漂亮的裙子,然后,还封印了一只火凤凰在自己体内,让自己能够随时调动火凤凰的力量作战…… All these all, regarding Houtu (Mother Earth) that before was just born, very novel, similarly, Dongfang Yu's shadow also deep carved into the heart of Houtu (Mother Earth). 这一切的一切,对于之前刚刚诞生的后土而言,都非常的新奇,同样的,东方玉的影子也深深的刻入了后土的心中。 Even in the past Dongfang Yu left, kept practice cabin, therefore, freely 180,000 years passed, but in the moral nature that deep engraving, will actually not pass along with the time, entered Dongfang Yu's practice cabin each time, in the heart of Houtu (Mother Earth) misses to Dongfang Yu's, instead will be deeper a point. 甚至当年东方玉离开的时候,将修炼小屋都留下来了,因此,尽管180000年的时间过去了,可心底里那深深的刻印,却不会随着时间而流逝,每次进入东方玉的修炼小屋,后土的心中对东方玉的思念,反而会更深一分。 didn't expect, Dongfang Yu this goes is enough 180,000 years, before for a long time is very very long, in the heart of Houtu (Mother Earth) despaired, thinks that Dongfang Yu was impossible to come back again, who would have thought that Dongfang Yu appeared suddenly. 只是没想到,东方玉这一去就是足足180000年,很久很久以前,后土的心中就已经绝望了,认为东方玉不可能再回来了,岂知,突然间东方玉又出现了。 Returns to this ancient temple, looks at Dongfang Yu, in the memory became slurred sillhouette also becomes even more was already clear, overlaps with present sillhouette, Houtu (Mother Earth) knows that was Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu comes back. 回到这古老的圣殿,看着东方玉,记忆中早已变得模糊不清的人影也变得越发的清晰了,和眼前的人影重叠,后土知道,真的是东方玉哥哥回来了。 sillhouette at heart became clear, but the line of sight of Houtu (Mother Earth) actually became blurs. 只是,心里的人影变得清晰了,但后土的视线却变得模糊了。 Yes, I came back, I came back late......”, looks at oneself front Houtu (Mother Earth), Dongfang Yu nod(ded), in the expression has also been full of the feeling. “是啊,我回来了,我回来得太晚了……”,看着自己面前的后土,东方玉点头,语气中也充满了感慨。 although already knows after Plane Elevator once more crossed over beforehand plane, the time is random, who can think that this middle span, passed 180,000 years. 虽然早就知道位面电梯再次穿越之前的位面之后,时间是随机性的,可谁能想到,这中间的跨度,足足过去了180000年之久。 Such, where Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu you went to, Houtu (Mother Earth), arrived in front of Dongfang Yu's step by step, was staring at the Dongfang Yu's face carefully, the familiar face and exactly the same in oneself memory, could not see any change completely. “这么就,东方玉哥哥你去哪里了”,后土,一步步来到东方玉的面前,仔细的凝视着东方玉的脸庞,熟悉的脸庞和自己记忆中的一模一样,完全看不到任何的变化。 Where I went to not to be unimportant, more importantly I came back, not?”, Looks at Houtu (Mother Earth), on the Dongfang Yu's face brings to wipe the smiling face, start to talk asks. “我去哪里了不重要,重要的是我回来了,不是吗?”,看着后土,东方玉的脸上带着一抹笑容,开口问道。 Um, hear speech/words, Houtu (Mother Earth) deletes the tear stains on oneself fine face, numerous nod(ded), smile through tears. “嗯”,闻言,后土擦去自己精致的脸庞上的泪痕,重重的点头,同时也破涕为笑。 Good, more importantly Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu you came back, you are our witch clan Saint ancestor, later, do you keep witch clan? Do not leave again. “不错,重要的是东方玉哥哥你回来了,你是我们巫族的圣祖,以后,你就留在巫族吧?不要再离开了”。 No longer leaves? This naturally is impossible matter, meets again after a long separation, this said felt disappointed, therefore, Dongfang Yu smiled, has not talked too much. 不再离开?这自然是不可能的事情,不过,久别重逢之际,这样的话说出来太扫兴了,因此,东方玉只是会心一笑,并未多言。 Meanwhile, Dongfang Yu can feel several formidable Aura, rapid approaches toward here, on Energy Tester also the values of unceasing appearance high quota, from the energy value, Aura that these approach rapidly, lowly is above 100,000. 与此同时,东方玉能够感受到好几道强悍气息,飞速的朝着这边靠近过来,能量测试仪上也不断的出现一个个高额的数值,从能量值来看,这几道飞速靠近过来的气息,最低都是10万以上。 Feels these Aura, Dongfang Yu knows that should be other people in ten two Ancestor Witch came, these ten two Ancestor Witch energy values are almost the same, actually also in reason. 感受到这些气息,东方玉知道,应该是十二祖巫中的其他人来了,这十二祖巫能量值相差无几,却也在情理之中了。 Really, as if to verify Dongfang Yu's suspicion, quickly, this stone hall entrance 78 sillhouette appeared, the body all sent out antiquity wild Aura. 果然,似乎为了印证东方玉的猜想似的,很快,这石殿门口78道人影出现了,身上全都散发出上古蛮荒的气息 Dongfang Yu looks as far as the eye can see to sweep, Di Jiang (River Emperor), Candle Dragon, altogether the labor, wish melts...... 东方玉纵目扫过去,帝江,烛九阴,共工,祝融…… Familiar facial features appear in front of Dongfang Yu's, naturally, saw the Dongfang Yu's appearance, on these Ancestor Witch faces also bloomed the smiling face has encircled, naturally was also unavoidably one exchanges greetings and inquires. 一个个熟悉的面容出现在东方玉的面前,当然,看到了东方玉的出现,这些祖巫们脸上一个个也都绽放出了笑容的围了上来,自然又是免不了一番寒暄和询问了。 Dongfang Yu left for enough 180,000 years, to these people, naturally left for a long time was too too long, if not for significance of his appearance to witch clan were profound, perhaps early, these Ancestor Witch have forgotten Dongfang Yu's exist(ence). 东方玉离开了足足180000年,对这些人而言,自然是离开了太久太久了,若不是他的出现对巫族而言意义深刻,或许早早的,这些祖巫们就已经忘记了东方玉的存在了。 Really is Saint ancestor, nearby young Houyi, but static looks at present one, the meaning of not having interrupted. “真的是圣祖”,旁边的小后羿,只是静静的看着眼前的一幕,并没有插嘴的意思。 Naturally, the big day that these ten two Ancestor Witch and Saint ancestor has a reunion, young Houyi also thinks qualifications that has not come up to interrupt, oneself can in side static looks at this, thought that extremely has been honored, in the meantime, Houyi looks to the Dongfang Yu's vision, has been full of the color of respect. 当然,这十二祖巫和圣祖重逢的大日子,小后羿也自认为没有上去插嘴的资格,自己能在旁边静静的看着这一幕,就已经觉得非常的荣幸了,同时,后羿看向东方玉的目光,也充满了崇敬之色。 From these murals in stone hall, can look at significance extraordinary of Dongfang Yu to witch clan, has been in addition missing for 180,000 years, about the Dongfang Yu's fact, already has become witch clan mouth handing down Legend. 石殿中的这些壁画上,就能看得出来东方玉巫族的意义不凡,再加上失踪了180000年,关于东方玉的事迹,早已成了巫族们嘴里口口相传的传说了。 One day suddenly, Character(s) in this Legend appeared once again, no matter, in the heart will think that somewhat shocks. 突然有一天,这个传说中的人物再度出现了,不管是谁,心中都会觉得有些震撼的。 Respect looks at the Dongfang Yu's time, quick, in Houyi's heart somewhat is also guilty. 只是,崇敬的看着东方玉的时候,很快,后羿的心中又有些愧疚。 Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu has been missing for 180,000 years, finally appeared, but a oneself arrow has actually wounded him, this lets in his heart guilty at the same time, thinks very terrified. 圣祖东方玉失踪了180000年,终于出现了,可自己却一箭把他射伤了,这让他心中愧疚的同时,又觉得非常的惶恐。 Hahaha, good, 180,000 years, Dongfang Yu Younger Brother you came back finally, we must come not to be drunk do not turn over to!”. 哈哈哈,好,180000年了,东方玉兄弟你终于回来了,咱们要来个不醉不归!”。 Nearby wishing melts, the disposition irritable appearance, appears regarding Dongfang Yu's, naturally very happy, during the speeches raises the palm of the hand, numerous which a Dongfang Yu's shoulder, an excited appearance. 旁边的祝融,性格非常的火爆的样子,对于东方玉的出现,自然是非常的高兴的,说话间扬起巴掌来,重重的了一下东方玉的肩膀,一副兴奋的模样。 Um......”, good skillful unfortunately, wish friendly palm exactly which in the wound place of Dongfang Yu shoulder, making Dongfang Yu cannot help but stuffy snort|hum. “嗯……”,好巧不巧的,祝融的手掌恰好东方玉肩膀的伤口处,让东方玉不由得闷哼了一声。 These Ancestor Witch mortal body strength are very powerful, although conveniently for it, but the Dongfang Yu's wound was cracked, in the meantime, the Yin red bloodstain has soaked Dongfang Yu's clothes. 这些祖巫肉身力量是非常强大的,尽管只是随手为之,可东方玉的伤口还是龟裂了开来,同时,殷红色的血迹浸透了东方玉的衣服 „, Dongfang/East(ern) Elder Brother Yu, you have been injured, looks the bloodstain on the Dongfang Yu shoulder overflowing, the Houtu (Mother Earth) complexion cannot help but changed, the startled sound said. “呀,东方玉哥哥,你受伤了”,看着东方玉肩头上溢出来的血迹,后土的脸色不由得变了变,惊声说道。 Dongfang Yu is Younger Brother, who injures you? Can this side world, on the person should be few?”. 东方玉兄弟,到底是何人伤你?这方天地,能上你的人应该屈指可数吧?”。 Nearby Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others, look at the injury on Dongfang Yu shoulder with own eyes, the complexion also cannot help but changed, serious asking. 旁边的帝江等人,亲眼看着东方玉肩头上的伤势,脸色也不由得变了变,严肃的问道。 although passed for 180,000 years strength that may initially Dongfang Yu show, ten two Ancestor Witch until now have a vivid memory. 虽然过去了180000年的时间,可当初东方玉所展现出来的实力,十二祖巫们直到现在都记忆犹新呢。 Although these for 180,000 years, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others strength have promoted to be many, may engage in introspection, contrasts 180,000 years ago Dongfang Yu, they think now oneself strength, at most and 180,000 years ago he almost. 尽管这180000年来,帝江等人的实力已经提升了很多很多了,可扪心自问,对比180000年前的东方玉,他们自认为现在自己实力,顶多和180000年前的他差不多。 180,000 years ago time, Dongfang Yu has almost endured to compare oneself present strength, initial Dongfang Yu even can defeat Primal Phoenix of head of phoenix clan, who knows that these 180,000 years passed by, what situation did Dongfang Yu promote? 180000年前的时候,东方玉就差不多拥有了堪比自己现在的力量,当初的东方玉甚至能够打败凤族之首的元凤,谁知道这180000年过去了,东方玉又提升到了什么地步? But, who can think after appearing again, is Dongfang Yu wounded unexpectedly? 可是,谁能想到再次出现了之后,东方玉居然带着伤? All right, my this is injured is only the luck is not good, looks Houtu (Mother Earth) that nearby look worries about, but also has a face to have the indignation color Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others, Dongfang Yu smiled, the appearance that does not care about said. “没事,我这受伤只是运气不好”,看着旁边神色担忧的后土,还有脸上带着愤慨之色的帝江等人,东方玉笑了笑,不在意的样子说道。 During the speeches, transfers oneself within the body strength once again, Wen Yang the shoulder injury on slowly. 说话间,再度调动自己体内力量,慢慢的温养肩膀上的伤势。 That, several Sir Ancestor Witch, injured, has injured Saint Sir Zu I......”, at this time, nearby timid sound sound, was Houyi. “那个,几位祖巫大人,伤了,伤了圣祖大人的正是我……”,就在这个时候,旁边一个怯生生的声音响了起来,正是后羿。 although looks appearance that several Ancestor Witch lose one's temper, in Houyi's heart also unusual fear, but, the son must have the truth of acting he actually to understand, clenches teeth, although this will possibly withstand the dreadful anger of Sir Ancestor Witch, but, he was start to talk. 虽然看着几个祖巫动怒的样子,后羿的心中也非常的害怕,可是,男儿要有担当的道理他却明白,咬咬牙,尽管这可能会承受祖巫大人们的滔天怒火,但是,他还是开口了。 Is you?”, Heard nearby Houyi's words, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others look at him in consternation, then, confused looked at Dongfang Yu. “是你?”,听到旁边后羿的话,帝江等人愕然的看了看他,然后,又迷惑的看了看东方玉 Unbelievable, even if oneself and the others take action, can't injure to result in Dongfang Yu? But did clansman of youth, actually injure him? Is this possible? 难以置信,就算是自己等人出手,也不一定能伤得了东方玉吧?可一个少年的族人,却伤到了他?这怎么可能? „? Really can leave behind thick Houyi in the Great Desolate history worthily? The individuality that this dares to do and has the courage to accept responsibility is seriously praiseworthy, although he now is also only a youth. “哦?果然不愧是能在洪荒历史上留下浓浓一笔的后羿吗?这敢作敢当的个性当真让人钦佩,尽管他现在还只是一个少年”。 Houyi who looks around start to talk acknowledgment, Dongfang Yu excessively comes to see him, looks at Houyi's look, thought that appreciates. 看着旁边开口承认的后羿,东方玉偏过头来看他,看着后羿的眼神,却觉得非常欣赏。 Is I, was my not small heartache Saint Sir Zu, I, I am willing to accept the penalty......”. “是我,是我不小心伤了圣祖大人的,我,我愿意接受惩罚……”。 Was gazing by all Ancestor Witch, Houyi lowers the head, the child appearance that makes the mistake, at once, Houyi kneels down directly on the ground of temple, lowers the head to say. 被所有的祖巫们注视着,后羿低着头,一副做错了事的孩子的模样,旋即,后羿直接跪倒在圣殿的地上,低着头说道。 This......”, at this time, Di Jiang (River Emperor) and the others the inquiry vision looked to Dongfang Yu. “这个……”,这个时候,帝江等人都以询问般的目光看向东方玉 How to punish Houyi, what in Di Jiang (River Emperor) their hearts is more curious, exactly what happened, why can Dongfang Yu injure in a youth hand of witch clan? 相对于如何惩罚后羿,帝江他们的心中更好奇的是,到底发生了什么事,东方玉为何会伤在一个巫族的少年手中? How penalty regarding Houyi should, at least also probably know first what happened? 对于后羿该如何的惩罚,至少也要先知道发生了什么事情吧?
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