PE :: Volume #35

#1722: Dongfang Yu

What's wrong? 180,000 years passed by, am I in the middle of your witch clan, the don't tell me reputation very resounding?”, Looks at Houyi's appearance, newborn witch clan had heard oneself reputation, this made Dongfang Yu think the surprise actually. “怎么?180000年过去了,我在你们巫族当中,难道名声很响亮吗?”,看着后羿的模样,就连一个新生的巫族都听说过自己的名头,这倒是让东方玉觉得诧异了。 Mentioned this, then said slightly: Moreover, what did you say? Saint ancestor? What's all this about?”. 一言及此,微微一顿,接着说道:“另外,你说什么?圣祖?这是怎么回事?”。 „Are you, really Dongfang Yu?”, Is only, to the Dongfang Yu's issue, his status that Houyi cares, earnest is staring at him, in the look is having the look of question obviously. “你,真的是东方玉?”,只是,相对于东方玉的问题,后羿更加在意的还是他的身份,认真的盯着他,眼神中显然带着质疑的神色。 Regarding witch clan that Houyi these behind are born, almost can be said as listens since childhood Dongfang Yu's Legend is growing up, but, suddenly presents a fellow, had been wounded by the oneself bow and arrow, said that he is Dongfang Yu? Also no wonder Houyi will doubt his identity the genuine and fake. 对于后羿这些后面诞生的巫族而言,几乎可以说是从小听着东方玉的传说长大的了,可是,突然出现一个家伙,被自己的弓箭射伤了,却说他是东方玉?也难怪后羿会怀疑他身份的真假了。 Look that looks at Houyi, Dongfang Yu can guess that obtained his thoughts is anything. 看后羿的神色,东方玉就能猜得到他的心思是什么了。 The corners of the mouth twitched slightly, nod(ded) said: I said I am Dongfang Yu, wants to come this status some people not to pretend? Di Jiang (River Emperor) and Houtu (Mother Earth) they where? You made me see their words, the status naturally understood. 嘴角微微抽搐了一下,点头说道:“我说了我是东方玉,想来这个身份还不会有人假冒吧?帝江后土他们在什么地方呢?你让我见见他们的话,身份自然就明白了”。 Earnest stared at Dongfang Yu to size up the moment, Houyi looked that he can say ten two Ancestor Witch reputations, in the heart trusted several points his status actually. 认真的盯着东方玉打量了片刻,后羿看他能直呼十二祖巫的名头,心中对他的身份倒是信任了几分。 Thinks that Houyi nod(ded), bringing Dongfang Yu to enter in the Ancestor Witch territory, simultaneously had found a look thick crazy man. 想了想,后羿点头,带着东方玉进了祖巫的领地之中,同时找到了一个神色粗狂的汉子。 Uncle Kua Fu, this person said that he is Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu, said that is to see ten two Sir Ancestor Witch, sees this look thick crazy man, Houyi start to talk the Dongfang Yu's matter, brief and to the point said to him. “夸父伯伯,这个人说他是圣祖东方玉,说是想要见十二祖巫大人们”,看到这个神色粗狂的汉子,后羿开口东方玉的事情,简明扼要的给他说了一下。 Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu!?”, hear speech/words, this is called Kua Fu's mature witch clan, on the face is having the shock, the look of surprise as well as suspicion. “圣祖东方玉!?”,闻言,这个叫做夸父的壮年巫族,脸上带着震惊,诧异以及怀疑的神色。 High and low has sized up Dongfang Yu, obviously, Kua Fu is already shocked in Dongfang Yu's appears, doubts the Dongfang Yu's identity. 上下打量了东方玉一番,显然,夸父既震惊于东方玉的出现,也怀疑东方玉的身份。 However this matter to witch clan, after is an important matter, he does not certainly dare to independently decide, thinks that Kua Fu start to talk, making Houyi bring Dongfang Yu to go to the temple to treat first, then fast departure, was seeks for ten two Ancestor Witch obviously. 不过这件事情对巫族而言,毕竟是件大事,他当然也不敢自作主张了,想了想,夸父开口,让后羿先带东方玉去圣殿待着,然后快速的离去,显然是寻找十二祖巫去了。 How? Now Di Jiang (River Emperor) they live wasn't here?”. “怎么了?帝江他们现在住的不是这里了吗?”。 With Houyi's side, walks in that most ancient stone hall direction, looks form that Kua Fu departs, asking of Dongfang Yu mouth surprise. 跟着后羿的身旁,往那最古老的石殿方向走过去,看着夸父离去的身影,东方玉嘴里诧异的问道。 Naturally, Dongfang Yu also knows that the oneself words completely rubbish, 180,000 years the matter that can change were too many, ten two Ancestor Witch they changed a place of great column have been the matters in reason. 当然,东方玉也知道自己的话完全是废话了,180000年的时间,能改变的事情太多了,十二祖巫他们换过了一个巨柱的地方也是情理之中的事情了。 Looks at the surroundings again, witch clan that dense and numerous constructions, here occupies, the quantity feared that had several thousand people, this and 180,000 years ago that only then dozens individual situations could not compare completely. 再看周围,密密麻麻的建筑,这里居住的巫族,数量怕是有数万人了,这和180000年前那只有数十个人的情况完全比不了的。 Yes, 100,000 years ago, ten two Sir Ancestor Witch went to the Pangu palace to live, after all our witch clan grew strong to before, in the surrounding area thousand li(500 km) was my clan territory, the population has all surpassed 200,000 audiences. “是的,早在100000年前,十二祖巫大人们就去了盘古殿居住了,毕竟我们巫族相对于以前已经发展壮大了,方圆千里之内皆是我族领地,人口已经超过了200000之众”。 hear speech/words, Houyi trusted many appearances Dongfang Yu's status conversely, chats while walking, roughly the witch clan aspect will explain to Dongfang Yu now. 闻言,后羿对于东方玉的身份反倒是信任了许多的样子,边走边聊,也大致上的将现在巫族的局面给东方玉解释了一遍。 Although Great Desolate Continent is headed by the dragons, phoenixes and Qilin three clans now, but same, these 180,000 years of development, witch clan also became very strong, just like has become Great Desolate Continent an appearance of small country. 虽说现在洪荒大陆以龙、凤和麒麟三族为首,可同样的,这180000年的发展,巫族也已经变得非常壮大了,俨然成了洪荒大陆的一个小国的样子。 The nature, before this witch clan commanding pattern cannot look like, that 180 people of tribe situations. 自然,这巫族的统领模式不能像以前那种180人的部落形势了。 witch clan present situation, so long as actually has a mind to inquire, how much time almost could not cost to inquire that nosing was clear, but doesn't Dongfang Yu know unexpectedly? This conversely made Houyi somewhat trust his status. 巫族现在的情况,其实只要有心打听的话,几乎耗费不了多少的时间就能够打听查探清楚了,可东方玉居然不知道?这反倒是让后羿有些信任他的身份了。 If some people pretend the Saint ancestor, how can not know the witch clan present situation? Also only then has been missing 180,000 years of Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu, perhaps really doesn't know? 若真的是有人假冒圣祖的话,岂会不知道巫族现在的情况?也只有失踪了180000年的圣祖东方玉,或许才真的不知道吧? During the speeches, under Houyi's leadership, Dongfang Yu arrived at the witch clan temple once again, this temple obviously to witch clan very important, is a place of spiritual symbol, was called the origin of witch clan. 说话间,在后羿的带领下,东方玉再度来到了巫族的圣殿,这圣殿显然对巫族而言非常的重要,是一个精神象征的地方,更被称之为巫族的起源。 After all here once was the small and weak time witch clan inhabited area, but this temple was the place that once ten two Ancestor Witch were, although this temple looked like was worn-out, but as before has not actually collapsed, obviously these for 180,000 years, witch clan looked after this temple well. 毕竟这里曾经是弱小时期巫族的居住地,而这圣殿更是曾经十二祖巫们所在的地方,虽然这座圣殿看起来已经非常的破旧了,但却依旧没有倒塌,显然这180000年来,巫族都把这座圣殿照看得非常的好。 Entered in this stone hall, but ancient times the sincere Aura front surface threw, 180,000 years of history, this stone hall walked to feel Aura of history. 走进了这间石殿之中,一种远古而厚重的气息迎面扑来,180000年的历史,这石殿走进来就能感觉到一种历史的气息 Stone table Stone Deng looked like has filled Aura of years, if placed the modern society, absolutely was very ancient antique. 石桌石凳看起来都充满了岁月的气息,若是放在现代社会的话,绝对是非常非常古老的古董了。 Naturally, entered in this big stone hall, most attracts many murals that the Dongfang Yu attention on stone hall portrays. 当然,走进了这间大大的石殿之中,最吸引东方玉注意的还是石殿上面刻画的许多壁画。 These mural although looked like was ancient, but looked the appearance obviously was frequent will portray, will therefore not affect to watch actually. 这些壁画虽然看起来已经非常的古老了,但是看模样显然是经常的会重新刻画,因此倒是不会影响观看。 The initial picture, can see that a giant grasps the axe, has broken out the world, this records the Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart picture very much obviously. 最初的画面,能看到一个巨人手持斧子,劈开了天地,很显然这是记录着盘古开天辟地的画面。 Then, can see that the Pangu big god falls to the ground, the picture of body myriad things, Dongfang Yu proceeds along the mural, looks like the slightly rough mural, can actually look understands that actually the mural wants to express any thing. 然后,能看到盘古大神倒地,身化万物的画面,紧接着,东方玉沿着壁画往前走,看起来略显粗糙的壁画,却能够看得明白究竟壁画想表达什么东西。 Then, can see in 12 groups of blood essence, walked 12 sillhouette, on this was narrating ten two Ancestor Witch obviously, could be said as the birth of witch clan. 然后,能看到12团精血之中,走出来了12个人影,这上面显然是在讲述十二祖巫,也可以说是巫族的诞生了。 Proceeded again several steps, Dongfang Yu had discovered Young Miss was chased down by the phoenix, then, a man has stood, this Young Miss rescued picture. 只是,再往前走几步,东方玉就发现了一个小姑娘被凤凰追杀,然后,一个男子站了出来,将这个小姑娘救下来了的画面。 Well? Is the person of this above record, I?”, Sees here, the Dongfang Yu's footsteps have stopped slightly. “咦?这上面记录的人,是我?”,看到这里,东方玉的脚步微微停顿了一下。 didn't expect, in this witch clan mural, drew unexpectedly oneself. 没想到,在这巫族的壁画之中,居然把自己都画进去了呢。 Looks the picture that on the ancient mural portrays, in the Dongfang Yu's mind cannot help but flashed through in the past oneself and picture of small Houtu (Mother Earth) at first meeting time. 看着古老的壁画上所刻画的景象,东方玉的脑海中不由得闪过当年自己和小后土最初见面时候的景象。 Has stopped slightly a moment later, Dongfang Yu continues to proceed, then, a phoenix clan and witch clan war, Dongfang Yu bravely stepped forward, helping witch clan resist an attack of phoenix clan, then, Dongfang Yu has taught the witch clan good food again, to the Houtu (Mother Earth) pretty women's clothing...... 微微停顿了片刻之后,东方玉继续往前走,然后,凤凰一族和巫族大战,东方玉挺身而出,帮助巫族抵挡住了凤凰一族的攻击,再然后,东方玉传授了巫族美食,还有给了后土漂亮的衣裙…… This every little bit matter, seems is not worth the record to Dongfang Yu the matter, is, actually clear record on the mural of this witch clan temple. 这一点一滴的事情,对东方玉而言似乎不是什么值得记录的事情,可是,却清清楚楚的都记录在这巫族圣殿的壁画上面。 Walked around the witch clan temple mural, Dongfang Yu can see witch clan these years, indeed had many matters, what however was undeniable, in history of this witch clan development, oneself exist(ence) although, only then short 1-2 years, has actually left behind thick one. 绕着巫族的圣殿壁画走了一圈,东方玉能够看到巫族这些年来,的确是发生了许许多多的事情,但是不可否认的是,在这巫族发展的历史中,自己存在虽然只有短短一两年的时间,却留下了浓浓的一笔。 Moreover, what is main is here marks the record is good of Dongfang Yu to witch clan. 而且,最主要的是这壁画上记录的都是东方玉巫族的好。 For example just started Dongfang Yu take action to rescue Houtu (Mother Earth), behind has given the witch clan good food, Houtu (Mother Earth) clothes, arrives at behind again, facing the attack of phoenix clan, Dongfang Yu also twice stood to solve witch clan awkward...... 比如刚开始东方玉出手救下了后土,还有后面给了巫族美食,后土衣服,再到后面,面对凤凰族的攻击,东方玉也两度站出来解了巫族的为难…… If no Dongfang Yu take action to rescue twice, appearance that obviously witch clan cannot inherit, because of so, although behind Dongfang Yu left, but, witch clan actually politely calls Dongfang Yu is the Saint ancestor. 若没有东方玉两次出手相救,显然巫族都传承不下来的样子,也正是因为如此,尽管东方玉后面离开了,但是,巫族却尊称东方玉为圣祖。 Oh, although for me, but the short several years, is to this plane, was actually 180,000 years passes, the disparity of this time sighed with emotion seriously. “唉,虽然对我来说,不过短短数年而已,可是对这个位面而言,却是180000年过去了啊,这时间的差距当真感慨”。 Dongfang Yu extends the take action palm, gently is stroking these ancient murals, in the heart is also surges the endless sobbing feeling. 东方玉出手掌,轻轻的抚摸着这些古老的壁画,心中也是涌起无尽的唏嘘感慨。 However, sees these murals exist(ence), in the Dongfang Yu's heart but is actually very happy, these, explained witch clan records the past oneself benevolence. 不过,看到这些壁画的存在,东方玉的心中倒还是挺高兴的,这一幕幕,也就说明了巫族还是记着当年自己恩情的。 Also so, believes luckily was 180,000 years passed, ten two won't Ancestor Witch forget oneself? 也幸亏如此,相信就算是180000年过去了,十二祖巫们都不会忘记自己吧? Otherwise, if no these murals exist(ence), Dongfang Yu also really to suspect whether they still remember oneself exist(ence). 否则,若是没有这些壁画的存在,东方玉还真要怀疑他们是否还记得自己存在呢。 Houyi, has followed by Dongfang Yu's, watches his lost gaze these murals, the Dongfang Yu look color of recalling, cannot deceive people, this lets in Houyi's heart to the Dongfang Yu's status, even more trusted. 后羿,一直都跟在东方玉的旁边,看着他出神的注视着这些壁画,东方玉眼神中的追忆之色,是骗不了人的,这让后羿的心中对东方玉的身份,也越发的信任了。 In Houyi's heart as before exist(ence) doubts, makes Houyi unreadable only, even suspects the Dongfang Yu's place. 只是,后羿的心中依旧存在着疑惑,也是唯一让后羿难以理解,甚至是怀疑东方玉的地方。 From the record of mural, for many years in Legend of witch clan handing down, Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu's strength has been very powerful, otherwise may not ability pull the raging tide, twice has saved the witch clan destiny, can the arrow arrow that but, why oneself shoots, wound unexpectedly he? 从壁画的记录,还有多年来巫族口口相传的传说中来看,圣祖东方玉的实力是非常强大的,否则也不可能力挽狂澜,两度挽救了巫族的气运了,可是,为什么自己射出去的箭矢,居然还能射伤他呢? This is Houyi most thinks not the clear place, because of this, Houyi to the Dongfang Yu's status, is holding the manner of question. 这是后羿最想不明白的地方,也正是因为这个,后羿才对东方玉的身份,抱着一些质疑的态度。 Dongfang Yu is treating in stone hall, has a look at these murals, is understood after oneself left, which important matters the witch clan 180,000 years arrive at the bottom to experience, these murals can be the witch clan historical illustrated handbooks. 东方玉这边在石殿中待着,看看这些壁画,也算是了解一下自己离开了之后,巫族180000年来到底经历过哪些大事,这些壁画可以算是巫族的历史图鉴了。 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… And in a while, quick, a energy value of high quota suddenly appears in oneself at present, at the same time, Dongfang Yu also felt a burning hot, but powerful Aura, rapid approached toward here. 只是,并没过多久,很快的,一个高额的能量值突然出现在自己的眼前,与此同时,东方玉也感觉到了一个炙热而强大气息,迅速的朝着这边靠近过来。 109600. 109600。 The emergence of this energy value, made clear to opposite side to have the close 110,000 energy values, this made in the Dongfang Yu's heart be startled secretly. 这个能量值的出现,昭示着对方拥有了接近110000的能量值,这让东方玉的心中暗自吃惊。 The although 110,000 energy values are very not high, but Dongfang Yu is very clear, witch clan strength is not the energy value can weigh by far, if throws actually so-called divine ability and magical treasure these factors comes to see, witch clan of 11 ten thousand energy values, mortal body synthesizes strength, could and compared with the powerhouse of 1 50,000 energy value. 虽然110000的能量值不算很高,但东方玉却很清楚,巫族力量远远不是能量值能够衡量的,如果抛却所谓的神通法宝这些因素来看的话,11万能量值的巫族,肉身综合实力,或许能和15万能量值的强者相比了。 Very obviously, has this degree strength exist(ence), should be one of the ten two Ancestor Witch. 很显然,拥有这个程度力量存在,应该是十二祖巫之一了。 Shout! 呼! As if to verify the suspicion in Dongfang Yu heart is ordinary, quick, sillhouette appeared in stone hall big entrance together. 似乎是为了印证东方玉心中的猜想一般,很快的,一道人影就出现在石殿的大门口了。 Scarlet-red such as the women's clothing of fire, the body also sends out the burning hot Aura. 一身赤红如火的衣裙,身上也散发出炙热的气息
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