PE :: Volume #35

#1721: Houyi

Dongfang Yu's strength, is the crush too one, nature Dongfang Yu really to his take action words, even if in the hand has Primal Chaos Bell this supreme treasure, he is hard to resist. 东方玉的实力,是碾压着太一的,自然东方玉真的对他出手的话,即便是手中有混沌钟这件至宝,他都难以抵挡。 The seal technique of powerful has swept across too a body directly, his seal, how struggling to too and revolt, is actually hard to revolt against Dongfang Yu's strength, finally, changes to a seal, even by Dongfang Yu deep buried under. 强大的封印术直接席卷了太一的身子,将他封印在其中,任凭太一如何的挣扎和反抗,却都难以反抗东方玉的力量,最后,化作一尊封印,甚至被东方玉深埋地下。 Too one is behind one of the Great Battle of Witch and Demon protagonist , therefore Dongfang Yu has not killed him, may no matter how, he move to oneself has killed the heart is actually the fact, if such easily has let off him, Dongfang Yu is not willingly. 太一是后面巫妖大战主角之一,所以东方玉没有杀他,可不管如何,他对自己动了杀心却是事实,若是真的这么轻易的放过了他,东方玉又不甘心。 Therefore, such as his oneself said that the seal hundred years, were slightly punish loudly warn. 因此,如他自己所言,封印百年,算是小惩大诫了。 bastard! Boils to me!”, Looks at as if the grow like a weed of tadpole to oneself black seal technique, too mouth loud calling out, huge monster qi and gold(en) Sun's True Fire erupted, wanted to resist Dongfang Yu's these seals. 混账!给我滚开啊!”,看着仿佛蝌蚪似的迅速蔓延到自己身上的黑色封印术式,太一的嘴里大声的叫道,庞大的妖气金色太阳真火爆发出来,想要抵抗东方玉的这些封印。 Among them the energy value differed was too big, his these revolts all were the futile efforts, finally, dense and numerous seal technique, as before his body complete coverage. 只是,两人之间的能量值相差太大了,他的这些反抗全都是徒劳,最后,密密麻麻的封印术式,依旧将他的身子完全覆盖了。 Regarding too yelling, Dongfang Yu has not cared, according to the truth, too pair of oneself got up has killed the heart, oneself killed him is the natural matter, was only the seal hundred years, is generous. 对于太一的叫喊,东方玉并没有放在心上,按道理来说,太一对自己起了杀心,自己就算是杀了他都是理所当然的事情,只是封印百年而已,已经算是宽厚了。 After too a seal, Dongfang Yu thinks that at once stretches out the palm of oneself from the sky to delimit several, quick, Space Transmission Gate appeared. 将太一封印了之后,东方玉想了想,旋即伸出自己的手掌在空中划了几圈,很快的,一个空间传送门出现了。 The although time passed by enough 180,000 years, even Dongfang Yu cannot determine whether the witch clan person still remembered oneself, but no matter how, since oneself returned to Great Desolate's plane, witch clan naturally must pass to have a look. 虽然时间已经过去了足足180000年之久,甚至东方玉都不敢确定巫族的人是否还记得自己了,但不管如何,既然自己已经回到了洪荒的位面之中,巫族自然还是要过去看看的。 To them although passed for 180,000 years, may to Dongfang Yu, separately in several years. 对他们而言虽然已经过去了180000年,可对东方玉而言,分别不过短短几年的时间而已。 ! 咻! Dongfang Yu just came from the Space Transmission Gate mid-span, suddenly, a sharp arrow(s) front surface shoots, when Dongfang Yu sharp arrow(s) that notes this to shoot, already without enough time. 只是,东方玉才刚刚从空间传送门中跨过来呢,突然,一支利箭迎面射来,当东方玉注意到这支射过来的利箭的时候,已经来不及了。 The although Dongfang Yu heart moves at will, opened Armoring Haki rapidly, jet black such as the metal material of black ink has covered the Dongfang Yu's whole body, but this sharp arrow(s), injected the Dongfang Yu's shoulder instantaneously, injects before the body, the arrow penetrated the Dongfang Yu's back to project sharp. 虽然东方玉心随意动,迅速的开启了装甲色霸气,一层漆黑如墨的金属物质覆盖了东方玉的全身,可这支利箭,还是瞬间射入了东方玉的肩膀,从身前射入,箭尖穿透了东方玉的后背射出。 Yin red bloodstain, has soaked the Dongfang Yu's clothing instantaneously. 殷红色的血迹,瞬间浸湿了东方玉的衣衫。 The severe pain, puts on the shoulder, but arrow, naturally is makes people feel that an intermittent severe pain, just opened Space Transmission Gate, the arrow shoots, such situation Dongfang Yu has not met. 剧痛,穿肩而过的箭支,自然是让人感觉到一阵阵的剧痛了,才刚刚打开空间传送门,就有一支箭射过来,这样的情况东方玉还从来没遇见过呢。 Very obviously, before oneself construction good Space Transmission Gate, this arrow to shoot, the oneself transmission gate looked like caught this arrow arrow exactly. 很显然,在自己架构好空间传送门之前,这支箭就应该射出来了,自己的传送门就像是恰好接住了这枚箭矢。 „!”, But, Dongfang Yu has been injured, oneself has not screamed with enough time, called out in alarm the sound actually suddenly to make a sound. “啊!”,只是,东方玉受伤了,自己还没来得及叫出声来呢,一声惊叫声却是突然响了起来。 At once a big boy of youth appearance, look anxious runs over toward here, in the hand grabs a big bow, obviously this arrow arrow is he shoots. 旋即一个少年模样的大男孩,神色紧张的朝着这边跑过来,手中抓着一张大弓,显然这箭矢是他射出来的。 18600. 18600。 The Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of this youth quickly, Energy Tester surveys the energy value that opposite side had, 18,000 energy values, were not high in this Great Desolate Continent, was only, strength of this youth, the striking power must be higher than a big truncation compared with his energy value, was not his energy value can compare completely. 东方玉的目光落在这个少年的身上,能量测试仪很快的就把对方所拥有的能量值测量出来了,18000的能量值,在这洪荒大陆之中并不算高,只是,这个少年的力量,攻击力比他的能量值要高出一大截,完全不是他的能量值能够比拟的。 Naturally, what is main is because Dongfang Yu opens Space Transmission Gate time, oneself is under the habit, energy value only then 14,000, therefore, reflective use Armoring Haki, but the body actually as before cannot resist this arrow arrow. 当然,最主要的是因为东方玉开启空间传送门的时候,自己是处于常态下,能量值只有14000而已,所以,就算反射性的使用了装甲色霸气,可身子却依旧抵挡不住这一枚箭矢。 At this time, Dongfang Yu did not know whether to laugh or cry, just oneself and 12 ten thousand energy values too a fight, in his hand was grasping Primal Chaos Bell this primal chaos supreme treasure, by oneself crush easily, but oneself arrived at this witch clan territory, actually by the youth who a energy value 20,000 did not arrive at wounding. 这个时候,东方玉是真的哭笑不得的,刚刚自己和12万能量值的太一战斗,他手中就算是握着混沌钟这件混沌至宝,都被自己轻易的碾压了,可自己来到这巫族的领地,却被一个能量值20000都不到的少年给击伤了。 It seems like this Space Transmission Gate, to oneself, is a very dangerous move, incautiously on passive form caused others to sneak attack the oneself aspect. 看来这空间传送门,对自己而言,也是一个非常危险的招数啊,一不小心就被动式的造成了别人偷袭自己的局面了。 You, are you all right? Sorry, I, I just do not want to shoot your. “你,你没事吧?对不起,我,我刚刚没想射你的”。 This hand grasps a youth of big bow, looks that the oneself arrow injured Dongfang Yu, ran over hurriedly, on the face was having the look that anxious and felt helpless, arrived in front of Dongfang Yu's, child that as if made the mistake. 这个手握一张大弓的少年,看着自己的箭伤了东方玉,急忙跑了过来,脸上带着急切和不知所措的神色,来到东方玉的面前,仿佛一个做错了事的孩子似的。 All right, this matter does not blame you, looks that at present this is anxious likely on the hot pot the Ant youth, on the Dongfang Yu's face pulls one also to calculate the genial smiling face, the comfort of gentle voice said. “没事,这件事不怪你”,看着眼前这急得像热锅上蚂蚁似的少年,东方玉的脸上扯出一个还算和煦的笑容,柔声的安慰道。 Was oneself has been injured obviously, may look at the appearance of this youth, in the Dongfang Yu's heart conversely has the a whiff of guilty feeling, looked like oneself is bullying small child to be the same. 明明是自己受伤了,可看着这个少年的模样,东方玉的心中反倒是生出一股子愧疚感,就像是自己在欺负小孩子一样。 During the speeches, Dongfang Yu looked to see through thoroughly the oneself shoulder, but arrow, has broken off this arrow conveniently, will then have pulled out, began is the oneself wound spreads the medicinal powder, simultaneously transferred the oneself within the body strength unceasing warm positive wound position, restores the oneself injury. 说话间,东方玉看了看穿透自己肩膀而过的箭支,随手折断了这一根箭支,然后将之拔了出来,紧接着动手为自己的伤口敷上药粉,同时调动自己体内力量不断的温阳伤口的位置,来恢复自己的伤势。 Actually, pulls out later Dongfang Yu arrow conveniently, in the heart cannot help but secretly spits trough certain Movie | TV Show. 其实,随手将箭支拔出来之后的东方玉,心中不由得暗自吐槽某些影视剧的。 In some Movie | TV Show, what Admiral armed forces, big Hero was penetrated the past by arrow, Hero and tenacity that to display to cope with, arrow such hardly pulls out, made the arrow that penetrated cancel but actually has caused the damage to body once more, actually, the arrow sharp that part that so long as penetrating has broken off, pulled out again arrow, can't reduce the injury to is smallest? 有的影视剧里面,什么什么大将军,大英雄被箭支穿透了过去,为了表现对付的英雄和坚韧,箭支就这么硬拔出来的,以至于让穿透出去的箭头倒勾再次对身体造成了损伤,其实,只要把穿透出去的箭尖那部分折断了,再把箭支拔出来,不是能将伤害减到最小吗? To Dongfang Yu, oneself strength under habit is not high, because of the Space Transmission Gate reason, was shot an arrow injured suddenly, this is Dongfang Yu , since having learned Space Transmission Gate this Magic, the first bitter experience such situation. 东方玉而言,常态下的自己实力并不高,突然间因为空间传送门的缘故,被人射了一箭受伤了,这还是东方玉自从学会了空间传送门这个魔法之后,第一次遭遇这样的情况呢。 However is good because of the injury specially is not serious, scatters some medicinal powder, treats with own strength again, it is estimated that several days of can convalesce. 不过好在伤势不算特别严重,撒上一些药粉,再用自身的力量治疗一下,估计几天的时间就能痊愈了。 Sorry, I really am not intentionally, after is I have projected the arrow, you again appear. “对不起,我真的不是故意的,是我射出了箭之后,你再出现的”。 although Dongfang Yu start to talk has comforted, but this hand grasps the youth of big bow, actually as before is very guilty appearance, said hurriedly. 虽然东方玉已经开口安慰了,可这个手握大弓的少年,却依旧是非常愧疚的模样,急忙说道。 Good, I said that has not blamed you, looked at the opposite side appearance, Dongfang Yu has comforted. “好啦,我说了并没有责怪你啊”,看对方的模样,东方玉又安慰了一番。 Meanwhile, Dongfang Yu looked at surroundings, relatively speaking, here environment after 180,000 years of Vicissitudes' change, is very huge, could not see the past picture completely . Moreover, here also very lively. 同时,东方玉看了看周围,相对而言,这里的环境经过180000年沧海桑田的变化,已经是非常巨大了,完全看不出当年的景象,而且,这里也非常的热闹。 Looks as far as the eye can see to look in all directions, only then huge stone hall, has brought to the Dongfang Yu's attention, has the impression in his memory, is 180,000 years ago time, ten two Ancestor Witch they move in this stone hall that the time constructs. 纵目四顾,只有一间巨大的石殿,引起了东方玉的注意,在他的记忆中还有印象的,正是180000年前的时候,十二祖巫他们迁居于此的时候建造的石殿 At this time looked at the past, stone hall was also ancient, room that even lives to surrounding these witch clan, appears somewhat is incompatible. 只是这个时候看过去,石殿也已经是非常的古老了,甚至相对于周围这些巫族们居住的屋子,显得有些格格不入。 Was right, do you name? Is here the witch clan territory?”, After having sized up all around, the youth of Dongfang Yu start to talk side to oneself asked that shifts the topic. “对了,你叫什么名字?这里是巫族的领地吧?”,打量了一番四周之后,东方玉开口子对自己身旁的这个少年问道,转移话题。 Actually this youth was the witch clan status, Dongfang Yu one looks came out, after all witch clan strength a large part was from mortal body, just had shot a oneself arrow, the might was not the people of 1.8 ten thousand energy values can achieve by far, only then the witch clan mortal body in addition held to explain. 其实这个少年是巫族的身份,东方玉一眼就看得出来了,毕竟巫族力量很大一部分是源自于肉身,刚刚射了自己一箭,威力远远不是1.8万能量值的人能做到的,也只有巫族肉身加持能够解释了。 Good, here is our witch clan sacred place, my name is Houyi, who are you? What matter arrived here to have?”. “不错,这里是我们巫族的圣地,我的名字叫做后羿,你是什么人啊?来到我们这里有什么事?”。 The youth disposition, quickly was really shifted the attention by Dongfang Yu, hear speech/words, the youth start to talk reply said that naturally, arrived here matter regarding Dongfang Yu Space Transmission Gate suddenly, youth also start to talk asked back. 少年心性,果然很快就被东方玉转移了注意力,闻言,少年开口回答说道,当然,对于东方玉空间传送门突然来到这里的事情,少年也开口反问了。 „After ,... Houyi......?”, hear speech/words, the Dongfang Yu look stagnates slightly, at once some surprise is taking a look in front of oneself the youth. “后…后羿……?”,闻言,东方玉神色微微一滞,旋即有些诧异的打量着自己面前的这个少年。 It looks like also the somewhat immature boy, is he Houyi in Legend? 看起来还有些稚嫩的男孩罢了,他就是传说中的后羿? Also was right, Houyi in Legend himself was the witch clan status. 也对了,传说中的后羿本身就是巫族的身份了。 At this time, Dongfang Yu does not know but actually should say the oneself luck good luck to be bad. 这个时候,东方玉倒不知道该说自己的运气好还是运气差了。 Must say that the luck is good, just now the rigid frame constructs Space Transmission Gate, the arrow arrow that was flown injured the shoulder, but such bad luck matter Dongfang Yu first meeting. 要说运气好吧,才刚刚架构空间传送门,就被飞来的箭矢伤了肩膀,这么倒霉的事情东方玉可是第一次遇见。 But must say that the luck is bad, oneself this time returned to Great Desolate Continent, saw two people, but two both are famous Character(s). 可要说运气差吧,自己这次回到了洪荒大陆,也就见了两个人而已,但偏偏两个都是有名的人物 One is the sovereign of later generation monster race too one, another was the later generation has killed Houyi of monster race ten crown princes. 一个是后世妖族之皇的太一,另外一个是后世射杀了妖族十太子的后羿。 How? What my name has not well? Moreover, you name, why appears in our witch clan?”. “怎么了?我的名字有什么不好的吗?而且,你叫什么名字,为什么出现在我们巫族呢?”。 although is a youth, but the Dongfang Yu's complexion change, Houyi also saw obviously, somewhat strange looks at Dongfang Yu to ask. 虽然是少年而已,但东方玉的脸色变化,后羿显然也看到了的,有些奇怪的看着东方玉问道。 My name is Dongfang Yu, I come your witch clan, is to see the old friend, hear speech/words, was broken the train of thought by Houyi's words, the Dongfang Yu start to talk reply said. “我的名字叫做东方玉,我来你们巫族,是想要来见一见故人的”,闻言,被后羿的话打断了思绪,东方玉开口回答说道。 Dongfang Yu? This name is somewhat familiar-sounding, is only, the Dongfang Yu's words, made Houyi's brow wrinkle slightly, in the foreheads brought to wipe the thinking the look. 东方玉?这个名字有些耳熟啊”,只是,东方玉的话,却让后羿的眉头微微皱了起来,眉宇间带着一抹思索的神色。 Thought a moment later, Houyi stares in a big way eyes at once, does not dare to believe looks at Dongfang Yu, in the look is having the shocking look, said: You said that you did call Dongfang Yu? Really is this name?”. 想了片刻之后,旋即后羿瞪大了眼睛,不敢置信的看着东方玉,眼神中带着震惊的神色,道:“你说你叫东方玉?真的是这个名字?”。 Good, strangely what has?”, Houyi's response, makes Dongfang Yu also think actually some surprise, strange asked. “不错啊,有什么奇怪的吗?”,后羿的反应,倒是让东方玉也觉得有些诧异了,奇怪的反问道。 Is impossible, you possibly are not Dongfang Yu's, Saint ancestor Dongfang Yu in Legend possibly are not you. “不可能的,你不可能是东方玉的,传说中的圣祖东方玉不可能是你”。 At once Houyi shook the head, the mouth does not live twittering was saying in a low voice that does not believe the Dongfang Yu's status very much obviously. 只是,旋即后羿又跟着摇了摇头,嘴里不住的低声呢喃着说道,很显然是不相信东方玉的身份。 Isn't oneself oneself? 自己不是自己 The words of this Houyi mouth, making Dongfang Yu somewhat not know whether to laugh or cry, before the mind cannot help but flashes through for a long time was very very long, Wind and Cloud plane Dai-sik-tin . 这后羿嘴里的话,让东方玉有些哭笑不得,脑海中不由得闪过了很久很久以前,风云位面帝释天 Initial he found oneself, making oneself pretend oneself, plans Duen Long they, at that time in the Dai-sik-tin eye, oneself wasn't oneself? 当初的他找到自己,让自己假冒自己,去算计断浪他们,当时在帝释天的眼中,自己也不是自己吧?
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