PE :: Volume #35

#1720: 180,000 years later

Thump! 咚! The vigorous ding, as if can spread over entire earth, broad incomparable, Primal Chaos Bell worthily is topest innate supreme treasure, even if were the Dongfang Yu's energy value has exceeded 190,000 degrees, but the palm moved this Primal Chaos Bell time, felt as before this Primal Chaos Bell was very hard, looked like ordinary person moves steel plate. 浑厚的钟声,似乎能传遍整个大地似的,恢弘无比,混沌钟不愧是最顶尖的先天至宝,就算是东方玉的能量值超过了190000的程度,可手掌触碰到这混沌钟的时候,依旧感觉到这混沌钟无比坚硬,就像是普通人触碰到了一块钢板似的。 Dongfang Yu knows, even if were present oneself strength already unusual powerful, may want to damage this Primal Chaos Bell as before is the impossible matter. 东方玉知道,即便是现在的自己力量已经非常的强大了,可想要损坏这混沌钟依旧是不可能的事情。 However, this Primal Chaos Bell again strong, must look that urged its person strength to have many, although Dongfang Yu present strength is impossible to destroy Primal Chaos Bell, but after showing the oneself strongest shape, the Dongfang Yu's palm fell on this Primal Chaos Bell, trillion even strengths pressed directly. 但是,这混沌钟就算再强,也要看驱使它的人力量有多强了,虽然东方玉现在的力量不可能毁坏掉混沌钟,但展现出自己最强的形态之后,东方玉的手掌落在这混沌钟上面,亿万均的力道直接压下去。 A bang, the surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) earth crack comes, Dongfang Yu presses this Primal Chaos Bell directly directly on the ground, cannot move. 一声巨响,方圆数百里的大地都龟裂开来,东方玉直接将这混沌钟直接压在地上,动弹不得。 What? This is possible!? He unexpectedly unarmed......”. “什么?这怎么可能!?他居然徒手……”。 Controls Primal Chaos Bell toward to send the man who Dongfang Yu pounds scarlet, saw that Dongfang Yu was unexpectedly single-handed Primal Chaos Bell according to the ground, how whatever oneself made an effort unable to lift, this let his complexion big change, does not dare to believe looks at Dongfang Yu. 操控着混沌钟朝着东方玉砸去的赤发男子,眼看着东方玉竟然单手就把混沌钟按在地上了,任凭自己如何用力也抬不起来,这让他脸色大变,不敢置信的看着东方玉 Sends the energy value of man to have 120,000 scarlet, in addition innate supreme treasure Primal Chaos Bell in the hand, for these years the walk entire world, can who he suffers a loss not many, but like Dongfang Yu, unarmed can the person who oneself Primal Chaos Bell depresses, is the entire life only sees, at this time sent the man to have one type the feeling of scarlet kicking the sheet iron. 赤发男子的能量值有120000,再加上先天至宝混沌钟在手,这么多年来行走整个天地,能让他吃亏的人不多,而像东方玉这边,徒手就能将自己混沌钟压下的人,更是生平仅见,这个时候赤发男子有一种踢到了铁板的感觉了。 Dongfang Yu under original habit, the energy value 14,000 degrees, simply had not been paid attention to by him, even treats as to be small Dongfang Yu regards. 本来常态下的东方玉,能量值不过14000的程度,根本没有被他放在眼里,甚至把东方玉当做一个小喽啰看待。 But who can think that suddenly Dongfang Yu's strength to unarmed has suppressed his Primal Chaos Bell on powerful sufficiently, around this contrast made his brain somewhat work as the machine. 可谁能想到,眨眼间东方玉的力量强大到了足以徒手镇压他的混沌钟,这前后的反差让他的脑子都有些当机了。 Plays the role of the pig to eat tiger such matter, is his first meeting, even plays the role of the pig to eat tiger word he not to understand. 扮猪吃虎这样的事情,还是他第一次遇见,甚至扮猪吃虎这个词他都不懂。 Dongfang Yu, places Primal Chaos Bell above single-handed, powerful strength presses Primal Chaos Bell unable to lift, at once, the vision places this to send the body of man scarlet, on the face is having the vague smiling face, said: How? Now, can speak well?”. 东方玉,单手放在混沌钟的上面,强大力量压着混沌钟抬不起来,旋即,目光放在这赤发男子的身上,脸上带着若有若无的笑容,道:“如何?现在,可以好好说话了吗?”。 Looks at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, is feeling on Dongfang Yu broad Aura, this sends the man to swallow the saliva scarlet secretly, drop of cold sweat has overflowed from oneself forehead slowly. 看着东方玉的模样,感受着东方玉身上恢弘的气息,这个赤发男子暗自咽了咽口水,一滴冷汗从自己额头慢慢的溢了出来。 After having hesitated slightly one next, Organization words and expressions, said: That, I have no intention to affront you, but, is only......”. 微微迟疑了一下之后,组织了一下词语,道:“那个,我无意冒犯你,只是,只是……”。 Here, this sent the words of man not to be justified scarlet, first time bumped into this playing the role pig to eat the tiger the fellow, quickly cried, in heart even secretly unstated criticism: You said why you do have powerful strength such early not to show obviously? Makes oneself like a small mixed fish. 说到这里,这赤发男子的话说不下去了,第一次碰到这种扮猪吃虎的家伙,都快哭出来了,心中甚至暗自腹诽:你说你明明拥有这么强大力量为什么不早展现出来?偏偏把自己弄得像一个小杂鱼一样。 Not only oneself, even if others saw, will not pay attention to you? 不只是自己,就算别人看到了,也不会把你放在眼里的吧? Was good, did not need rubbish......”. “好了,不用废话了……”。 Looks that this sends the appearance of man scarlet, in the Dongfang Yu heart laughs in one's heart, at once has untied gene shackle and Super Saiyan shape, Aura shrinks to return to 14,000 degrees instantaneously, in the meantime, tranquil looks at opposite side, said: If I have not guessed that wrong, your name is too one?”. 看着这个赤发男子的模样,东方玉心中暗笑,旋即解开了基因锁超级赛亚人的形态,气息瞬间缩水回到了14000的程度,同时,平静的看着对方,道:“若是我没猜错的话,你的名字叫做太一是吧?”。 Felt the palm of Dongfang Yu that trillion even strength to let loose finally, this sent the man to take back in the hand Primal Chaos Bell scarlet hurriedly, as for again to Dongfang Yu take action? He was already not such courage. 感受着东方玉那亿万均力道的手掌终于放开了,这个赤发男子急忙将混沌钟收回了手中,至于再对东方玉出手?他是已经没有这样的勇气了。 However, hears the Dongfang Yu's words, this sends the man to look at Dongfang Yu scarlet in consternation, the startled sound said: „Will you, why you know my name?”. 不过,听到东方玉的话,这赤发男子愕然的看着东方玉,惊声说道:“你,你为什么会知道我的名字的?”。 This sends man's response scarlet, it can be said that within the Dongfang Yu's anticipation, had Primal Chaos Bell, moreover wants high to plan compared with the Journey to the West plane quality, looks like in Dongfang Yu, such plane only then Great Desolate Continent is the comparison tallies. 这赤发男子的反应,可以说是在东方玉的意料之内了,拥有混沌钟,而且比西游记位面的品质还要高一筹,在东方玉看来,这样的位面只有洪荒大陆是比较符合的。 But who on Great Desolate Continent is the Primal Chaos Bell master? Not is just is known as the eastern sovereign of sovereign of monster race too one? Really, this sends man the status Legend sovereign in of monster race scarlet. 洪荒大陆混沌钟的主人是谁?不正是号称妖族之皇的东皇太一吗?果然,这个赤发男子的身份正是传说中的妖族之皇。 Is an eastern sovereign too energy value of present only 120,000 degrees? 只是,现在的东皇太一能量值只有120000的程度? It seems like that the plot development of this Great Desolate Continent has not been the Great Battle of Witch and Demon degree, even, at this time witch clan and haven't monster race also officially become protagonist of this side world? 看来,这洪荒大陆剧情发展还没有达到巫妖大战的程度,甚至,这个时候巫族妖族还没有正式成为这方天地的主角吧? Too one, looks at Dongfang Yu is hesitating the appearance, does not know that he is thinking anything, but, has experienced Dongfang Yu that sufficiently crush oneself strength, too one does not dare to say anything but actually again much, is only in the side static waiting, simultaneously thinks deeply about the Dongfang Yu's family background secretly. 太一,看着东方玉沉吟着的模样,也不知道他在想些什么,不过,见识过东方玉那足以碾压自己力量,太一倒也是不敢再多说什么了,只是在旁边静静的等待着,同时暗自思索东方玉的出身。 Since such long, oneself may be went all over Great Desolate Continent, may as if not hear has such No. 1 Character(s). 这么久以来,自己可算是走遍了洪荒大陆了,可似乎从来都没有听说过有这么一号人物啊。 I want to ask, from Pangu splitting heaven and earth apart to the present, how many years?”. “我想问一下,自盘古开天辟地到现在,多少年了?”。 Has thought deeply about the moment, Dongfang Yu regarding the present Great Desolate Continent situation also somewhat some suspicions, however the specific time issue, Dongfang Yu must inquire a clarity. 思索了片刻,东方玉对于现在洪荒大陆的局势也多多少少有了些猜想,但是具体的时间问题,东方玉还是要询问一番清楚。 From Pangu big god splitting heaven and earth apart to present how many years?”, Too one somewhat astonished looks at Dongfang Yu, does not understand how he with no reason at all will ask these words language. “从盘古大神开天辟地到现在多少年?”,太一有些惊愕的看着东方玉,不明白无缘无故的他怎么会问出这番话语来。 However thinks that too one said with start to talk: I am born 100,000 years ago in this day, once heard, before I am born, this side world already exist(ence) 80,000 years of”. 但是想了想,太一跟着开口说道:“我是在100000年前诞生于这天地之间的,曾听闻,在我诞生之前,这方天地已经存在了80000年之久”。 Hissing......”, too words, making in the Dongfang Yu's heart cannot help but hold breath cold air. “嘶……”,太一的话,让东方玉的心中不由得倒吸了一口凉气 in other words, this Great Desolate Continent , since the Pangu big god opens, did the time pass by 180,000 years of? oneself arrives at Great Desolate Continent twice period, has been separated for enough 180,000 years? 也就是说,这洪荒大陆自从盘古大神开辟之后,时间已经过去了180000年之久了?自己两次来到洪荒大陆的期间,间隔了足足180000年吗? Dongfang Yu's age, is about 100 years old, after having eaten up Peach of Immortality, had close 130,000 years of lives, thought that was glorious, but, thinks this side world passed for 180,000 years, Dongfang Yu one type thought the oneself very tiny feeling in a twinkling. 东方玉的年龄,也不过是100岁左右,吃下了蟠桃之后,拥有了接近130000年的寿命,已经觉得非常的悠久了,可是,想到这方天地已经过去了180000年的时间了,东方玉霎时间有一种觉得自己非常渺小的感觉了。 Has hesitated a moment later, Dongfang Yu naturally also approximately inquired from too a mouth a present Great Desolate Earth aspect, similar that the approximate situation and Dongfang Yu expect. 沉吟了片刻之后,东方玉自然也从太一的嘴里大致的询问了一番现在洪荒大地的局面,大致的情况和东方玉所预料的差不多。 180,000 years passed, now entire Great Desolate Continent is lives it up, like that witch clan no longer is few dozens individuals, has developed strong, similarly, monster race was also budding. 180000年的时间过去了,现在整个洪荒大陆已经是热闹起来了,像那巫族已经不再是寥寥几十个人而已了,已经发展得非常壮大了,同样的,妖族也已经崭露头角了。 Naturally, now protagonist on this Great Desolate Continent, as before dragons, phoenixes and Qilin three clans, moreover compares the 180,000 years ago situations, strength of these three clans now powerful. 当然,现在这洪荒大陆上的主角,依旧还是龙、凤和麒麟三族,而且相比起180000年前的情况,这三族的力量现在更加强大了。 If that Ancestral Dragon has all sea, subordinates dragon race far more than 1 million numbers? 如那祖龙坐拥四海,麾下龙族何止1000000之数? The phoenix hovering sky, is found in the entire Great Desolate Continent upper air. 凤凰翱翔天空,遍布整个洪荒大陆的高空。 Finally also has the Qilin is long of hundred beast, under the oppression of the people the earth completely all turns over to the Qilin to control. 最后还有麒麟为百兽之长,铁蹄之下大地尽皆归麒麟掌控。 These three clans stand like a tripod above Great Desolate Continent, sufficiently other suppression hundred clans, even if on Great Desolate Continent such as Yang Meilao ancestor, Ancestor of the Universe, Ancestor of the Great Balance, Boros, and even Rāhu and the others win great reputation, however to these three powerful tribal groups, appeared weak. 这三族鼎立于洪荒大陆之上,足以镇压其他百族,纵然洪荒大陆上如杨眉老祖,乾坤老祖,鸿钧老祖,波罗斯,乃至罗睺等人都名声在外,然而相对于这三个强大的族群,还是显得势单力孤了一些。 Um, 180,000 years passed by, it seems like Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix has not started, now Great Desolate Continent although has lived it up, but is three clans suppresses the Great Desolate's aspect as before, from too a mouth, after Dongfang Yu has understood situation on the present Great Desolate Continent well, in heart secretly nod(ded). “嗯,180000年过去了,看来龙凤大劫还没有开始,现在洪荒大陆虽然已经非常的热闹了,但依旧是三族镇压洪荒的局面”,从太一的嘴里,东方玉好好的了解了一番现在洪荒大陆上的局势之后,心中暗自点头 The people have to lower the head under the eaves, facing Dongfang Yu crush oneself strength, too one naturally is knows to the Dongfang Yu's inquiry sufficiently says all, when was replying Dongfang Yu words, too one some surprise visits him. 人在屋檐下不得不低头,面对东方玉足以碾压自己力量,太一自然是对东方玉的询问知无不言,只是,在回答着东方玉话语的时候,太一又有些诧异的看着他。 Unexpectedly doesn't know to the present Great Desolate Continent aspect? How long has this fellow closed up? don't tell me tens of thousands years? Even is over 100,000 years? 居然对现在洪荒大陆的局面都不知道?这家伙是闭关了多久?难道好几万年?甚至是100000年以上吗? Originally, defeats regarding oneself in the Dongfang Yu's hand, too in a heart some have not been convinced, but thinks that perhaps Dongfang Yu is one frequently closes up for several thousand years, and even over 100,000 years exist(ence), too in a heart were fear. 本来,对于自己败在东方玉的手中,太一的心中还有些不服气的,但是想想东方玉或许是一个动辄闭关数万年,乃至100000年以上的存在,太一的心中又是一阵后怕了。 These from Beginning of the Universe time on the exist(ence) fellow, is simple without one, oneself didn't expect the luck is so bad today, has met, moreover what meets is one plays the role of the pig to eat the tiger the super big shot. 这些从天地初开的时候就存在的家伙,没有一个是简单的,自己没想到今天运气这么差,就遇上了,而且还偏偏遇上的是一个扮猪吃虎的超级大佬。 didn't expect, a twinkling was 180,000 years passed, does not know that Ao Yi they whether still remembered me, thinks that this time returned to Great Desolate Continent, the time surmounts for 180,000 years, the Dongfang Yu's mouth twittering was saying in a low voice. 没想到,一眨眼就是180000年过去了,也不知道傲一他们是否还记得我”,想到这次回归洪荒大陆,时间足足跨越了180000年,东方玉的嘴里低声呢喃着说道。 In the mind cannot help but flashed through in the past oneself and witch clan these Ancestor Witch mixes up, then Ao Yi every day came the day of rubbing eats to rub drinks, now thinks that the past day just liked yesterday. 脑海中不由得闪过当年自己巫族的那些祖巫们混在一起,而后傲一每天都过来蹭吃蹭喝的日子,现在想想,当年的日子恍如昨日啊。 Ten... 180,000 years......”, Dongfang Yu mouth in a low voice twittering although sound very small, may too an ear be very spirit, naturally heard, hears Dongfang Yu unexpectedly fondly remembers for 180,000 years ago, too corners of the mouth twitched slightly. “十…180000年……”,东方玉嘴里低声的呢喃虽然声音很小,可太一的耳朵还是很灵的,自然听到了,听到东方玉居然在怀念180000年前的时候,太一的嘴角微微抽搐了一下。 The entire world birth is about 180,000 years? This fellow, is really Beginning of the Universe time on exist(ence) Character(s)? 整个天地诞生也不过180000年的时间吧?这家伙,真的是天地初开的时候就存在人物 Moreover, said the name of Ao Yi, wasn't Ao Yi this Ancestral Dragon real name? 而且,直呼傲一之名,傲一这不是祖龙的真名吗? Does this fellow look like with ancestor of Ao Yi dragon race has very deep friendship? The day, oneself this is not careful, what exist(ence) provokes. 这家伙看来和龙族之祖傲一都有很深厚的交情?天啊,自己这不小心,到底是招惹到了什么样的存在啊。 Shakes the head, Dongfang Yu has pressed from the mind these recollections for the time being, simultaneously the vision falls on too a body, how in the heart thinks is processing opposite side. 摇摇头,东方玉将这些回忆暂且从脑海中压了下来,同时目光落在太一的身上,心中思索着如何处理对方 Must say that in this Great Desolate Continent, too a behavior conforms to the law of the jungle actually very much the principle, therefore but is actually not any blunder. 要说起来,这洪荒大陆之中,太一的行为倒是很符合弱肉强食的法则,因此倒也不算什么大错。 What is main was too one afterward Great Battle of Witch and Demon this not measures one of the tribulation protagonist , was exist(ence) that so-called Heavenly Dao was doomed, if oneself really has killed him now, goes against heaven's will the line? 更主要的是太一是后来巫妖大战这个无量量劫的主角之一,也就是所谓的天道注定的存在,若是自己现在真的杀了他的话,又是逆天而行吧? although goes against heaven's will, but line to Dongfang Yu, is not first time has handled affairs, because oneself and an eastern sovereign too between conflict, does go against heaven's will the conduct? This made a fuss over a trifling matter obviously. 虽然逆天而行对东方玉而言,已经不是第一次行事了,可就因为自己和东皇太一之间的冲突,就逆天行事?这显然太小题大做了。 Thinks that Dongfang Yu take action, seal technique take action, too will give directly the seal to live. 想了想,东方玉出手,一个封印术出手,直接将太一给封印住了。 You got up to me have killed the heart, I should kill you, but read the heaven to have care for all living things, I then the seal you in this hundred years, slightly punish today loudly warn. “你对我起了杀心,我本该杀你,但念上天有好生之德,我今日便封印你于此百年,小惩大诫吧”。
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