PE :: Volume #35

#1768: The travel of honeymoon

after “dīng” sounds, the Plane Elevator gate opened, Dongfang Yu strides from inside, arrived in the middle of Jiayin Building, has oneself Jiayin Building, naturally is incomparable was peaceful, tour about this Great Desolate plane, in the Dongfang Yu's heart sighs with emotion many. 叮的一声,位面电梯的门打开了,东方玉从里面跨步而出,来到了嘉银大厦当中,只有自己独自一人的嘉银大厦,自然是无比的安静了,关于这次洪荒位面之行,东方玉的心中感慨诸多。 Must say that since Great Desolate plane this time traveling schedule, has been oneself obtains Plane Elevator, an experience time longest time, listened Ancestor of the Great Balance explains religious doctrine for enough 300 years, this is other plane crossed over time has not experienced, although that 300 years of time immerses in the understanding, Dongfang Yu looks like has rested for 300 years. 要说起来,洪荒位面这次的行程,是自己得到位面电梯以来,经历时间最长的一次了,听鸿钧老祖讲道足足300年的时间,这是其他位面穿越的时候从来都没有经历过的,虽然那300年的时光沉浸在道的理解中,东方玉就像是睡了300年似的。 Next, the tour of this Great Desolate plane, the Dongfang Yu's harvest is also very big, in situation that a oneself practice system has not changed, the reason that because Hongjun explains religious doctrine has stepped into officially by the strength card Myth system . Moreover, oneself strength also upgraded the Super Saiyan 2 levels. 其次,这次洪荒位面之行,东方玉的收获也是非常大的,一则自己修炼体系没变的情况下,因为鸿钧讲道的缘故算是正式踏入了以力证道的神话体系,而且,自己实力也提升到了超级赛亚人2的层次。 This to Dongfang Yu, absolutely was the promotion of huge scope, the close 30 energy values, actually made clear to present Dongfang Yu to have what fearful strength. 这对东方玉而言,绝对是巨大幅度的提升了,接近30的能量值,昭示着现在的东方玉究竟拥有什么样可怕的实力了。 Finally, harvest on magical treasure is also huge, after having put to death Rāhu, Dongfang Yu gained Rāhu Executing Immortal Sword successfully. 最后,在法宝上的收获也是巨大的,诛杀了罗睺之后,东方玉成功的获取了罗睺诛仙剑阵。 Along with the oneself strength unceasing enhancement, this Executing Immortal Sword prestige can also with unceasingly getting stronger, a Executing Immortal Sword reputation in Great Desolate it can be said that illustrious, if God-Slayer Spear is the strongest single body attacks magical treasure, then Executing Immortal Sword can be said as strongest killed. 随着自己实力不断的增强,这诛仙剑阵的威能也会跟着不断变强,诛仙剑阵的名头在洪荒之中可以说是赫赫有名的,如果说弑神枪是最强的单体攻击法宝的话,那么诛仙剑阵可以说是最强的杀阵了。 The harvest is huge, but also remains certainly was regretting, for example Great Tribulation of Dragon and Phoenix time, Dongfang Yu actually with every effort wants to rescue Ancestral Dragon, but unfortunately finally cannot succeed. 收获巨大,但是当然也留着一些遗憾了,比如说龙凤大劫的时候,东方玉其实是尽力的想要去救祖龙的,但可惜的是最后还是没能成功。 Ancestor of the Great Balance obviously became a sage, is oneself Energy Tester actually because of the survey upper limit, only then 300,000 reasons, cannot survey the energy value of sage high. 还有鸿钧老祖明明成为了圣人,可是自己能量测试仪却因为测量上限只有300000的缘故,测量不出圣人的能量值有多高。 Shakes the head, Dongfang Yu approximate after the train of thought of tour of this Great Desolate plane reorganized, in Jiayin Building has not treated, figure moves, arrived at Rubik's Cube directly. 摇摇头,东方玉大致的将这次洪荒位面之行的思绪整理了一番之后,并没有在嘉银大厦中多待,身形一动,直接来到了魔方体这边。 To Dongfang Yu, the tour of this Great Desolate plane passed for more than 300 years, may regarding Real World, oneself leave day of as before, Rubik's Cube here scientific research unit, all kinds of research also in methodical is carrying on. 东方玉而言,这次洪荒位面之行足足过去了300多年,可对于现实世界而言,自己依旧只是离开了一天的时间而已,魔方体这边的科研部,各种各样的研究还在有条不紊的进行着。 Hey, Boss, welcome, Dr. Gero and Professor Mu they are know Dongfang Yu to be able crossed over All Heavens and Myriad Realms, therefore, sees Dongfang Yu to appear, on the face is bringing saying of smiling face. “嘿,老板,欢迎回来”,盖洛博士穆教授他们都是知道东方玉穿越诸天万界的,因此,看到东方玉出现,脸上都带着笑容的说道。 Came back? All right?”, Bulma these days, mixes the scientific research unit, research her hermetic art, looks at Dongfang Yu to come back, Bulma also was very naturally happy, but also somewhat is worried looks at Dongfang Yu to ask. “回来了?没什么事吧?”,布玛这些日子,也都混在科研部这边,研究她的炼丹术呢,看着东方玉回来,布玛自然也很高兴,但同时也有些担心的看着东方玉问道。 During speeches earnest stares at Dongfang Yu to look that as if feared appearance that Dongfang Yu was injured. 说话间认真的盯着东方玉看,似乎怕东方玉受了伤的模样。 Relax, all right, my present strength was stronger and stronger, therefore, walked randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms to be also getting more and more safe, looks at Bulma, on the Dongfang Yu's face brings to wipe the smiling face, comfort saying. “放心,没事,我现在的实力是越来越强了,所以,游走诸天万界也越来越安全了”,看着布玛,东方玉的脸上带着一抹笑容,安慰般的说道。 About oneself at Great Desolate plane has experienced the life and death crisis, Dongfang Yu naturally will not tell Bulma and Bai Feifei these people, otherwise, will only make their for no reason worry. 关于自己洪荒位面经历过的生死危机,东方玉自然是不会告诉布玛白菲菲这些人了,否则,只会让她们平白担忧罢了。 Is all right well, heard the Dongfang Yu's words, Bulma had felt relieved many appearances, nod(ded) said. “没事就好”,听到东方玉的话,布玛放心了不少的样子,点头说道。 In the scientific research unit, how long Dongfang Yu has not treated, chatted several with Bulma, had understood also after one her the research achievement in present hermetic art, Dongfang Yu then left the research office. 在科研部,东方玉并没有待多久,和布玛多聊了几句,同时也了解了一番她现在炼丹术方面的研究成果之后,东方玉这才离开了科研室这边。 As usual, Dongfang Yu came to the Yakushi Kabuto office, the bitter experience of tour of oneself this Great Desolate plane, brief and to the point said to Yakushi Kabuto. 照旧,东方玉来到了药师兜的办公室,将自己这次洪荒位面之行的遭遇,简明扼要的给药师兜说了一遍。 „? Executing Immortal Sword? Super Saiyan 2? Stepped by the strength card Myth system?”, The Yakushi Kabuto complexion, the body also sat straight much, is bringing surprisedly, is bringing joyful color saying. “哦?诛仙剑阵?超级赛亚人2?踏上了以力证道的神话体系了?”,药师兜的脸色正了许多,就连身子也坐直了不少,带着惊讶,也带着喜悦之色的说道。 The harvest that very obviously, Dongfang Yu this Great Desolate plane obtains, making Yakushi Kabuto also think the exclamation, this harvest very huge. 很显然,东方玉这次洪荒位面得到的收获,让药师兜也觉得惊叹,这收获非常的巨大啊。 Good, must say that harvest words, harvest of this Great Desolate plane indeed very huge, after all the risk and repayment are coexisting. “不错,要说收获的话,这次洪荒位面的收获的确非常的巨大,毕竟风险和回报是并存的”。 Dongfang Yu has also selected nod(ded), regarding the harvest of this Great Desolate plane, Dongfang Yu oneself also thought that very satisfied, although experienced the life and death crisis, but this harvest is worth. 东方玉也点了点头,对于这次洪荒位面的收获,东方玉自己也觉得挺满意的,虽然经历了生死危机,可这收获还是值得的。 Is only didn't expect, Boss your this going unexpectedly is Great Desolate plane, the tour of two Great Desolate, gap, only then Journey to the West and Resident Evil two plane, it seems like that this crossed over plane indeed is random . Moreover, in plane has been separated for enough 180,000 years, obviously enters once more, timeline also indeed is random, thinks that Yakushi Kabuto said with start to talk. “只是没想到,老板你这次去的居然又是洪荒位面啊,两次洪荒之行,其中间隔的只有西游记生化危机两个位面而已,看来这穿越位面的确是随机性的,而且,位面之中间隔了足足180000年,可见再次进入的时候,时间线也的确是随机性的”,想了想,药师兜跟着开口说道。 Um, is, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu has selected nod(ded). “嗯,是的”,闻言,东方玉点了点头 About Plane Elevator these rules, Dongfang Yu thought that experienced was so long, oneself is familiarizes. 关于位面电梯的这些规则,东方玉觉得经历了这么久,自己已经算是摸透了。 About the journey of tour of this plane crossed over, is worth not many of saying actually, to this time, the place that the tour of Yakushi Kabuto Dongfang Yu crossed over wisdom can add on was actually few, reason that after Dongfang Yu each time crossed over, must chat, the biggest reason or routine make it so. 关于这次位面穿越之行的旅途,其实值得说的并没有多少,到了这个时候,东方玉穿越之行其实药师兜的智慧能帮上的地方已经很少了,东方玉之所以每次穿越之后都要来聊一聊,最大的原因还是习惯性使然吧。 About the Great Desolate plane matter, approximate chatting, Dongfang Yu then left Rubik's Cube, returned to Bright Sun Villa directly. 关于洪荒位面的事情,大致的聊了聊之后,东方玉便离开了魔方体这边了,直接回到了皓日山庄 As usual, Bright Sun Villa, the family member and Bai Feifei they are waiting for oneself as before home. 照旧,皓日山庄这边,家里人和白菲菲他们依旧在家里等着自己呢。 Saw Dongfang Yu to come back, Bai Feifei naturally also relaxed. 看到东方玉回来了,白菲菲自然也松了一口气。 To evening, after sexual intercourse, on the Bai Feifei face is having the color of fervor from now on blood flushes, half body lies on the Dongfang Yu's chest, as if lazy small kitty, naturally asked about a matter of tour of Dongfang Yu this crossed over. 到了晚上,一番云雨之后,白菲菲脸上带着激情过后的潮红之色,半个身子趴在东方玉的胸膛上,仿佛一只慵懒的小猫咪似的,自然询问了一番东方玉这次穿越之行的事情。 Similarly, about the danger, Dongfang Yu has not told Bai Feifei, but selected to say. 同样的,关于危险,东方玉也没有告诉白菲菲,只是挑好的说。 Super Saiyan 2?”, Different from others hears the promotion of Dongfang Yu strength is very happy, after Bai Feifei hears the Dongfang Yu's words, the body actually slightly trembles, at once is silent does not say. 超级赛亚人2?”,不同于别人听到东方玉实力的提升都很高兴,白菲菲听到东方玉的话之后,身子却是微微一颤,旋即沉默不言了。 Feifei? How? don't tell me my strength getting stronger weren't you happy?”, Feels the change of Bai Feifei, asking of some Dongfang Yu surprise. 菲菲?怎么了?难道实力变强了你不高兴吗?”,感觉到白菲菲的变化,东方玉有些诧异的问道。 „Did you experience many life and death crises?”. “你是不是经历了很多生死危机呢?”。 Regarding the Dongfang Yu's issue, Bai Feifei irrelevantly replied, simultaneously the body moved, direct cross sat on Dongfang Yu's, lowered the head, splendid pupil earnest was staring at Dongfang Yu, said: Looks over the breakthrough in Dragon Ball original work, Dongfang Yu your own situation, each breakthrough follows the giant crisis, your this time breaks through to the Super Saiyan 2 levels, certainly also has encountered the life and death crisis?”. 只是对于东方玉的问题,白菲菲答非所问,同时身子一动,直接跨坐在东方玉的身上,低着头,熠熠生辉的眸子认真的盯着东方玉,道:“纵观龙珠原著中的突破,还有东方玉你自身的情况,每一次突破都伴随着巨大的危机,你这次突破到超级赛亚人2的层次,一定也遭遇了生死危机吧?”。 This, no matter, the although danger was a little, was actually also good, my this breakthrough mainly borrowed gene shackle to take the springboard, in addition Karmic Virtue ability as auxiliary, therefore relatively speaking wanted with ease some, some do not dare to look at Bai Feifei eyes, the appearance that Dongfang Yu forced oneself to look cheerful, comfort in a low voice said. “这个,没有的事,虽然危险是有一点了,可是却还不错,我这次的突破主要是借了基因锁作为跳板,再加上功德能力作为辅助,所以相对而言要轻松了一些”,有些不敢看白菲菲眼睛,东方玉强颜欢笑的模样,低声的安慰说道。 Bai Feifei has experienced with oneself, she also knew about the oneself situation that tour bitter experience the life and death crisis about plane Legend, oneself conceals Bulma this, but wants to conceal Bai Feifei, obviously is not that easy, didn't expect was seen through by her. 白菲菲到底是跟着自己经历过很多的,她对自己的情况也更加了解,关于位面传说之行遭遇的生死危机,自己隐瞒布玛这可以,但是想要隐瞒白菲菲,显然不是那么容易的,没想到一眼就被她识破了。 Good, should not be worried, by my present strength, to be honest, All Heavens and Myriad Realms can not be many to the situation that I pose the threat now, if after wait for me, strength promoted the limit, went to other plane travel not to have what curiosity, perhaps my slowly stopped the tour of crossed over. “好啦,别担心了,以我现在的实力,说实话,诸天万界现在能对我造成威胁的情况已经不多了,若是等我以后实力真的提升到了极限,去其他位面旅行已经没有什么新鲜感了,或许我慢慢的就停下了穿越之行呢”。 Looks that on the face of Bai Feifei has the look that is worrying about, Dongfang Yu to smile as before, in a low voice saying of comfort. 看着白菲菲的脸上依旧带着担忧的神色,东方玉笑了笑,低声安慰的说道。 Indeed, to Dongfang Yu, each plane crossed over, is the novel travel, but if and other Dongfang Yu's strength promote has ruled All Heavens and Myriad Realms sufficiently the time, does not have what commodity again is Dongfang Yu can have a liking for the eye, nobody can pose the threat to Dongfang Yu again, then the travel of plane crossed over also naturally lost its novelty, Dongfang Yu slowly will stop the crossed over matter, does not feel strange. 的确,对东方玉而言,每一次位面穿越,都是新奇的旅行,可若是等东方玉的实力真的提升到了足以君临诸天万界的时候,再也没有什么物资是东方玉能看得上眼的,再也没有什么人能对东方玉造成威胁,那么位面穿越之旅也自然就失去了它的新奇感了,东方玉慢慢的会停下穿越的事情,也不奇怪了。 Um, really on the day of the hope to arrive earlier, in this case, I do not use for your safety, felt alarmed and anxious, hears Dongfang Yu's these words, on the face of Bai Feifei is having the color of expectation, unfolds the face to smile. “嗯,真希望这一天能早点到来,这样的话,我就不用为了你的安危,担惊受怕了”,听到东方玉的这番话,白菲菲的脸上带着憧憬之色,展颜一笑。 Good, clever, sleeps......”. “好啦,乖,睡觉吧……”。 Looks the appearance that Bai Feifei show face smiles, the peerless appearance somewhat looked at Dongfang Yu to be crazy, at once smiled, Dongfang Yu turned over, cross sat in oneself Bai Feifei once again has pressed. 看着白菲菲展颜而笑的模样,绝世容颜看得东方玉都有些痴了,旋即笑了笑,东方玉一个翻身,再度把跨坐在自己身上的白菲菲压了下去。 Calls out in alarm, full room spring scenery...... 一声惊叫,满室春光…… Then, a blink was half a month time passed by, the time of half a month, Dongfang Yu continuously and Bai Feifei also has Bulma greasily in the same place, naturally, the Bulma dedication was quite heavy, therefore, relatively speaking, accompanied the Dongfang Yu's time to be inferior actually Bai Feifei was so long. 接下来,一眨眼就是半个月的时间过去了,这半个月的时间,东方玉都一直和白菲菲还有布玛腻在一起,当然,布玛的事业心比较重,因此,相对而言,陪伴东方玉的时间倒是不如白菲菲那么久。 Perhaps is because treated was too at home light, perhaps was static thinks extremely, therefore tangled up half a month later, Bai Feifei raised to exit actually suddenly to walk, has a look at the idea of outside World. 或许是因为待在家里太平淡了一些,或许是静极思动了,所以缠绵了半个月之后,白菲菲倒是突然提出来想出去走一走,看看外面世界的想法。 Ok, we consider a honeymoon to take vacation, hears the idea of Bai Feifei, Dongfang Yu naturally was nod(ded) complied. “可以呀,我们就当是一次蜜月度假吧”,听到白菲菲的想法,东方玉自然是点头答应了下来。 To be honest, after arriving at Real World, the Bai Feifei life circle almost all revolved around Tangjing City, Don't said that went all over the world, entire China Country has not taken a walk, since she wants to go out for a walk, Dongfang Yu also complied on nod(ded). 说实话,来到现实世界之后,白菲菲的生活圈子几乎全都围绕在唐京市,莫说走遍全球了,就连整个华夏国都没怎么走动过,既然她想出去走走,东方玉也就点头答应了下来。 Goes ahead, regarding Dongfang Yu and Bai Feifei, must go out to travel, how does not need to tidy up the thing, in Dongfang Yu's storage ring may think of chocks up a commodity of large supermarket sufficiently. 说走就走,对于东方玉白菲菲而言,要出门去旅游,连东西都不需要怎么收拾了,东方玉的纳戒中可装着足以摆满一个大型超市的物资呢。 Two people, a car(riage), again after family member say goodbye, Dongfang Yu and Bulma started to leave directly. 两个人,一辆车,再和家里人道别了一番之后,东方玉布玛直接启程动身了。 Does not need Space Transmission Gate, after is goes out plays, the scenery on road, is the traveling important part...... 都不需要空间传送门,毕竟是出门游玩的,路上的风光,也是旅游重要的一部分……
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