PE :: Volume #34

#1561: 37 th plane crossed over

Comes back?”. “回来啦?”。 Looks that Dongfang Yu opens family's door to walk, mother Mu Xueyao start to talk said that during the speeches has referred to a vacancy on nearby sofa, said to Dongfang Yu: Sits. 看着东方玉推开家里的门走进来,母亲穆雪瑶开口说道,说话间指了指旁边沙发上的一个空位,对东方玉说道:“坐吧”。 Dongfang Yu casts a sidelong glance nearby Bai Feifei, but, Bai Feifei casts down one's eyes, the nose view heart, as if completely had not seen that the Dongfang Yu's look is ordinary, good, Dongfang Yu knows that this was must jointly check to oneself three. 东方玉瞟了一眼旁边的白菲菲,只是,白菲菲眼观鼻,鼻观心,似乎完全没有看到东方玉的眼神一般,好吧,东方玉知道,这是要对自己三堂会审了。 Selects nod(ded), sat on nearby sofa directly, parental two sit in the first place, nearby elder brother Dongfang Han and sister-in-law Ye Xiaonuo also, actually that Dongfang Yin very clever brought Xiaolu to play to the one side, has not disturbed the meaning that the Sir chatted. 点头,直接在旁边的沙发上坐了下来,父母两个坐在首位,旁边的哥哥东方瀚和嫂子叶晓诺也在,倒是那东方银很乖巧的带着小鹿到一旁玩耍去了,并没有打扰大人聊天的意思。 Matter that side France has, we saw, you make the world be shocked now, the ability is not small, mother Mu Xueyao vision falls on Dongfang Yu's, is different from common people's exclamation to the Dongfang Yu strength, the appearance that mother Mu Xueyao manner complained obviously very much. “法国那边发生的事情,我们已经看到了,你现在可是让全球都震动呢,能耐不小啊”,母亲穆雪瑶的目光落在东方玉的身上,不同于世人对东方玉实力的惊叹,母亲穆雪瑶的态度显然是很埋怨的样子。 Hey, my ability is bigger, showed that your ability is also bigger, I am fierce, is your son, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu is thick smiling of facial skin to say. “嘿嘿嘿,我能耐越大,说明你的能耐也越大啊,我再厉害,也是你儿子啊”,闻言,东方玉厚着脸皮的笑了笑说道。 Serious point, the Dongfang Yu's words, making Mu Xueyao somewhat be able help smiling, but quick put on a serious face, said: You did this have indeed become famous, big has become famous, but did you have to think, if your this action has triggered the French official reaction? Even aiming at other state apparatus? Your doesn't don't tell me fear from strength of state apparatus?”. “严肃点”,东方玉的话,让穆雪瑶有些忍俊不禁,不过很快重新板起了脸,道:“你这样做的确是出名了,大大的出名了,可你有没有想过,如果你这个举动引起了法国官方的反弹呢?甚至其他国家机器的针对呢?你难道就不怕来自于国家机器的力量吗?”。 Does not fear. “不怕啊”。 Regarding the oneself mother's words, the Dongfang Yu start to talk reply said. 对于自己母亲的话,东方玉开口回答说道。 Yes, Dongfang Yu present strength, the entire Earth life or death in oneself in an instant, oneself has anything to be good to fear. 是啊,东方玉现在的实力,整个地球的存亡都在自己一念之间,自己有什么好怕的。 Mu Xueyao: „......”. 穆雪瑶:“……”。 Good, the oneself words, want to educate Dongfang Yu well, making him have powerful strength, wants to be low-key personhood, after all Dongfang Yu's ability is the words of independence beside all Human(ity), this creates greatly troublesome, even aimed by the state apparatus. 好吧,自己的话语,本来是想好好的教育东方玉一番,让他就算拥有强大力量,也要低调着做人,毕竟东方玉的能力是独立于所有人类之外的话,这回造成大麻烦,甚至被国家机器针对。 But this reply, made Mu Xueyao compel completely ignorant, didn't the state apparatus pay attention to? Does he have really self-confidently like this? 可他这个回答,完全让穆雪瑶懵逼了,连国家机器都不放在眼里?他真的有这样的自信? A Dongfang Yu natural reply, making Mu Xueyao has compelled ignorant the feeling, the words that in the mind wants to speak also suddenly chaotic. 东方玉一句理所当然的回答,让穆雪瑶懵逼了的感觉,脑海中想说的话也一时间混乱了。 Silent moment, after reorganizing a oneself train of thought that Mu Xueyao helpless shaking the head, no longer obliquely has interrogated simply, direct start to talk said: Since you said that oneself does not fear aiming at state apparatus, then your present ability, what degree has been?”. 沉默了片刻,重新整理了一番自己的思绪之后,穆雪瑶无奈的摇摇头,索性也就不再拐弯抹角的盘问了,直接开口说道:“既然你说自己不怕国家机器的针对,那么你现在的能耐,到底达到了什么样的程度呢?”。 These words exit / to speak of Mu Xueyao, lets father, the elder brother and sister-in-law's all person vision falls on Dongfang Yu's. 穆雪瑶的这句话出口,让父亲,哥哥和嫂子所有的人目光都落在东方玉的身上。 Yes, initially Dongfang Yu can the shuttle space and time go to rescue the person, what degree then his ability has been? This is also the issue that the family member wants to know now, after all his strength height, relates to his own security, even was the entire family member(s) security. 是啊,当初东方玉可以穿梭时空去把人救回来,那么他的能耐到底达到了什么样的程度呢?这也是家里人现在都想知道的问题,毕竟他的实力高低,关系到他自身的安全,甚至是全家人的安全了。 My strength issue, Dongfang Yu has hesitated a moment later, has referred to nearby Bai Feifei, said: Actually, such as jade strength is also very strong, so long as she wants, can control flame, easily changes to the ashes a city, even gives her the time, she can destroy a country. “我的实力问题啊”,东方玉沉吟了片刻之后,指了指旁边的白菲菲,道:“其实,如玉的实力也很强呢,只要她愿意的话,可以操控火焰,将一座城市都轻易化作灰烬,甚至给她时间的话,她能毁灭掉一个国家”。 Yes, Intermediate Samadhi True Fire, the energy value has achieved over 50,000, has such prestige energy, is not strange, after all initially Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons Tathagata, under Endless Golden Body shape, energy value about 30,000. 是啊,中级三昧真火,能量值达到了50000以上,拥有这样的威能,并不奇怪,毕竟当初西游降魔篇的如来,万丈金身的形态下,能量值都不过30000左右罢了。 „? If the jade, you unexpectedly have strength of this degree, spends some time, unexpectedly can destroy a country!?”, The Dongfang Yu's words, making the parents stare in a big way eyes, shocked looks at Bai Feifei. “啊?如玉,就连你居然都拥有这个程度的力量,多花费一些时间,居然可以毁灭掉一个国家!?”,东方玉的话,让父母瞪大了眼睛,震撼的看着白菲菲 Has treated as Dongfang Yu's girlfriend Bai Feifei, even is the future wife regards, didn't expect, does oneself this accurate daughter-in-law, have strength of this degree unexpectedly? Is this goddess? 一直都只是把白菲菲当做东方玉的女朋友,甚至是未来的媳妇看待,却没想到,自己这个准儿媳妇,居然都拥有这个程度的力量?这是女神吧? As for me......”, simple introduced Bai Feifei ability after one next, a Dongfang Yu thread of conversation revolution, said: If my take action, could destroy fully entire Earth. “至于我呢……”,简单的把白菲菲能力介绍了一下之后,东方玉话锋一转,道:“如果我全力出手的话,或许能够将整个地球都毁灭掉吧”。 Hissing...... 嘶…… The Dongfang Yu's words, are more like together explode are struck by lightning on the head of family member, they have all sucked in an cold air/Qi. 东方玉的话,就更像是一道炸雷劈在家里人的脑袋上,他们全都倒抽了一口冷气。 Earth although places in the entire universe, not the how giant star, may be the person on fresh exist(ence) Earth, the world has many greatly them is the concept, can Dongfang Yu ruin entire Earth unexpectedly? Is this really strength that the person can have? 地球虽然放在整个宇宙中来看,并不算多么巨大的星球,可作为生存在地球上的人,全球有多大他们还是有一个概念的,东方玉居然可以把整个地球都毁掉?这真的是人能够拥有的力量吗? What you said that destroys directly this star? But isn't destroys on Earth all things?”, During mother Mu Xueyao, is panic-stricken, look also earnest stares at Dongfang Yu to ask. “你说的是,直接把这个星球毁灭掉?而不是毁灭掉地球上所有的东西?”,母亲穆雪瑶,惊骇之中,眼神也认真的盯着东方玉问道。 Can ruin on Earth all things, with can destroy Earth, this on behalf of strength is different. 能毁掉地球上所有的东西,和能够把地球都毁灭掉,这代表的力量是不同的。 Um, can make Earth vanish in the universe, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded) to say. “嗯,可以让地球在宇宙之中消失”,闻言,东方玉点头说道。 although has not done like this, may according to the plot contrast of Dragon Ball plane, feeling of Dongfang Yu oneself under strength to the Super Saiyan shape, think that destroys Earth to be able to achieve. 虽然从来没这样干过,可根据龙珠位面剧情对比,还有东方玉自己超级赛亚人形态下力量的感觉,自认为毁灭地球应该是能够做得到的。 You, are you a person?”, Even if mother Mu Xueyao, at this time also the feelings of some mind chaos, look at Dongfang Yu to say. “你,你还是人吗?”,就算是母亲穆雪瑶,这个时候也有种心神大乱的感觉,看着东方玉说道。 Are you a person? This words were used to curse at people, but says from the mouth of Mu Xueyao now, completely is not the meaning of derogatory term, but is the feeling of sincerity. 你还是人吗?这句话本来是用来骂人的,可是现在从穆雪瑶的嘴里说出来,完全不是贬义词的意思,而是真心的感慨。 Does a person of strength, destroy sufficiently entire Earth? If not for Dongfang Yu is oneself one's own son, if not for beforehand Dongfang Yu shows the oneself strength odds and ends that side France, Mu Xueyao will not believe Dongfang Yu's these words absolutely. 一人之力,足以将整个地球都毁灭掉?若不是东方玉自己亲生儿子,若不是之前东方玉在法国那边展现出自己实力的一鳞半爪,穆雪瑶绝对不会相信东方玉的这句话的。 „......”, Regarding the oneself mother's words, the Dongfang Yu's complexion is somewhat black, does not know how should answer. “……”,对于自己母亲的话,东方玉的脸色有些黑,不知道该如何作答。 Must say that in oneself body, Human(ity) blood relationship, only then about half, this issue is really not good to reply. 要说起来,自己身体里面,人类的血统只有一半左右,这个问题还真不好回答。 Good, your couple oneself rest, the impact that today is under was too big, I need to digest well. “好了好了,你们两口子自己去休息吧,今天受到的冲击太大了,我需要好好的消化一下”。 The matter that should say said similarly, Dongfang Yu even has to destroy entire Earth ability, oneself does not have any good worry, Mu Xueyao beckoned with the hand, hints Dongfang Yu and Bai Feifei can leave. 该说的事情已经说得差不多了,东方玉甚至拥有毁灭掉整个地球能力,自己也没什么好担心的了,穆雪瑶摆摆手,示意东方玉白菲菲可以离开了。 strength that no matter Dongfang Yu or Bai Feifei, they have, is makes people feel deep shock seriously. 不管是东方玉还是白菲菲,他们拥有的力量,当真是让人感到深深的震撼。 hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu did not have to say anything but actually again, today was gives the parents them to confess oneself and Bai Feifei strength, was good is not too intense because of their responses, wants to come is also that side the oneself France action makes them have some preparations. 闻言,东方玉倒也没有再多说什么,今天算是将自己白菲菲力量都给父母他们坦白了一下,好在他们的反应并不算太激烈,想来也是自己法国那边的举动让他们有了些心理准备的。 To Dongfang Yu, this matter is sooner or later honest, can say while this opportunity, calculated well. 东方玉而言,这件事情迟早都要坦白的,趁此机会能说出来,也算不错了。 After Dongfang Yu brings Bai Feifei is returning to the room, sexual intercourse naturally is needless saying that houseful spring scenery. 东方玉带着白菲菲回房之后,一番云雨自然是不用多说,满屋春色。 The following day, Dongfang Yu treats as in Bright Sun Villa, relieved, when oneself Otaku, but these days, about the Dongfang Yu's strength issue, has naturally evoked the fierce discussion, but, along with day passage, gradually presented other different sound actually. 接下来的日子,东方玉依旧待在皓日山庄,安安心心的当自己宅男,而这些日子,关于东方玉的实力问题,自然也引起了剧烈的讨论,不过,随着日子的推移,渐渐的倒是出现了另外不一样的声音。 Some people said that Dongfang Yu's strength is actually not real, was only through the special method exaggeration, then, many experts and professors, on the major media the course, narrated that this matter was unreasonable, unscientific place wait / etc.. 有的人说,东方玉的实力其实并非是真实的,只是通过特殊的手段夸大了罢了,然后,还有许多的专家教授,在各大媒体上开了讲座,讲述这件事情不合理,不科学的地方等等。 Passing that in brief no matter said that stated decisively Dongfang Yu's this matter has deceived the entire Earth rumor. 总之不管说不说的通,就是咬定了东方玉的这件事情是一个欺骗了全地球的谎言。 Naturally, the majority of people do not believe that these words, that many people personally see, even goes to France now, but can also see that side is towering the stele, can this can it be that rumor explain? 当然,大部分的人是不相信这些话语的,那么多人亲眼所见,甚至现在去法国,还能看到那边耸立着的石碑,这岂是谎言能解释的? But these experts and professors, have the distorting the facts skill, said a lot, the genuine and fake, made many people think actually vacant, after all was not all people are rich, or had the condition to go to France to walk. 但这些专家教授,都有颠倒黑白的本事,说得多了,真真假假的,倒是让很多人觉得茫然,毕竟不是所有人都有钱,或者是有条件去法国走一圈的。 Regarding these situations, Dongfang Yu naturally also yes what's the matter, French official strength recognized has instigated, but, actually does not want to make this matter affect the face countenance of country, therefore intentionally used this method, wants to mix the meat dishes seeing and hearing. 对于这些情况,东方玉自然也明白是怎么回事,法国官方实力认怂了,但是,却又不想让这件事情影响到国家的颜面,所以才故意用出这个手段,想混肴视听。 No matter how many people believe their words, even if some small number believe that to them is also the business that gains steadily does not compensate is not? 不管有多少人相信他们的话语,就算是有少部分人相信,对他们而言也是稳赚不赔的买卖不是? Has saying that strength Dongfang Yu of although state apparatus does not fear, time that but the state apparatus revolves, energy is very huge, is controlling the media, the intentional mixing meat dishes seeing and hearing can play the huge role. 不得不说,虽然国家机器的力量东方玉是不惧怕了,但国家机器运转起来的时候,能量还是非常巨大的,操控着媒体,故意的混肴视听还是能发挥巨大的作用的。 After all the most person's France to the matter that has, from the media knew the media reverse that sizes up at this moment, naturally can many to be hoodwinked. 毕竟绝大部分的人对法国这边发生的事情,也都是从媒体上得知的,此刻打量的媒体反转,自然会让许多人被蒙蔽。 Regarding the motion of France, Dongfang Yu has not paid attention, hoodwinked is only the people, has ability influence truly is impossible to be hoodwinked, Dongfang Yu shows is also these large-scale influence that strength frightens, this matter will not create the bad effect to Dongfang Yu, naturally is being disinclined manages. 对于法国的行动,东方玉没有理会,被蒙蔽的都只是民众罢了,真正有能耐的势力是不可能被蒙蔽的,东方玉展现实力震慑的也是这些大型势力,这件事情并不会对东方玉造成不良的效果,自然是懒得管。 Along with day Tenten/every day in the past, the issue about Symbiotic Contract, Bai Feifei naturally also gave the Dongfang Yu answer, the Bai Feifei choice kept in Real World, no longer with Dongfang Yu together crossed over. 随着日子一天天过去,关于共生契约的问题,白菲菲自然也给了东方玉答案,白菲菲选择留在现实世界中,不再跟着东方玉一同穿越了。 Signed Symbiotic Contract, oneself will turn into the Dongfang Yu's weakness, this was Bai Feifei is unacceptable. 一则签下了共生契约,自己会变成东方玉的弱点,这是白菲菲不能接受的。 Two, Dongfang Yu shows powerful strength now, captured the attention of world, if really some people while Dongfang Yu time take action no longer? By Bai Feifei Intermediate Samadhi True Fire ability, calculates that protected family member(s) ability. 二则,东方玉现在展现出强大力量,吸引了全球的目光,若是真的有人趁着东方玉不再的时候出手呢?以白菲菲中级三昧真火能力,也算有保护家人能力了。 Regarding the choice of Bai Feifei, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded), has not rejected again. 对于白菲菲的选择,东方玉点头,没有再拒绝。 Finally, Dongfang Yu has even given Bai Feifei Palm-leaf Fan, had Palm-leaf Fan in the hand, adds one point of strength again. 最后,东方玉甚至将芭蕉扇都交给了白菲菲,有了芭蕉扇在手,也算是再添一分力量 After to the Dongfang Yu present degree, enemy that under the oneself Super Saiyan condition cannot solve, the role that Palm-leaf Fan can play not specially big. 毕竟到了东方玉现在的程度,自己超级赛亚人状态下都解决不掉的敌人,芭蕉扇能发挥的作用也不是特别的大。 After the matter processed, shortly to the last day of the month, Dongfang Yu summoned Plane Elevator, started oneself 37 th plane crossed over. 将事情处理好了之后,眼瞅着到了月底最后一天,东方玉召唤了位面电梯,开始了自己第37次位面穿越
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