PE :: Volume #34

#1562: Mumen Rider

after “dīng” sounds, the Plane Elevator gate opened, Dongfang Yu strides from Elevator, why in the heart does not know, emerges a sigh with emotion feeling unexpectedly. 叮的一声,位面电梯的门打开了,东方玉电梯之中跨步而出,心中不知为何,竟然涌现出一番感慨的感觉。 In the past obtained Plane Elevator time, after afterward Dongfang Yu almost in walking randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms, presented Long Wu, its although has changed to the appearance of bangle, may in fact with Dongfang Yu, again have Bai Feifei to behind, then also had Bulma. 当年得到位面电梯的时候,东方玉几乎都是独自一人在游走诸天万界,后来出现了龙五之后,它虽然一直都是化作手镯的模样,可实际上都在跟着东方玉,再到后面有了白菲菲,然后还有了布玛 Now, Long Wu forever kept Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons plane, Bulma also stays in Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch there to study Way of Refining, Bai Feifei keeps Real World, later should not with oneself together crossed over. 现在,龙五已经永远留在西游降魔篇位面了,布玛也留在太上老君那里学习炼器之道,白菲菲则留在现实世界,以后应该都不会跟着自己一同穿越了。 This time crossed over, does not know that since has been how long Dongfang Yu, once more oneself crossed over. 这次的穿越,也不知道是东方玉多久以来,再次自己独自一人穿越了。 Although Dongfang Yu very likes Bai Feifei they with the same place, since may be so long once again, Dongfang Yu also unavoidably has some free feelings at heart. 虽说东方玉挺喜欢白菲菲她们跟着一起的,可这么久以来再度独自一人,东方玉心里也难免有一些自由的感觉。 Has made a deep breath well, as if becomes including the air has a free fresh feeling, at once Dongfang Yu has sized up one well the surrounding environment. 好好的做了个深呼吸,似乎连空气都变得有一种自由的清新感,旋即东方玉好好的打量了一番周围的环境。 Um, first, Dongfang Yu discovered that oneself treats in a mountain top, occupies a commanding position, can see not far away to have a metropolis, what it seems like that this oneself arrives was modern society background plane. 嗯,首先,东方玉发现自己待在一座大山的顶上,居高临下的,能够看到不远处有一片大都市,看来这次自己来到的是一个现代社会背景的位面了。 oneself crossed over plane of metropolis class, Dongfang Yu experimented, the space transmission gate did not have the means construction to be successful, was very obvious, this was brand-new plane. 自己穿越过的都市类的位面,东方玉都试验了一遍,空间传送门都没有办法架构成功,很显然,这是一个全新的位面了。 Is brand-new plane? Interesting, does not know what this arriving is what plane?”, Dongfang Yu looks at the following not far away that metropolis, in the heart somewhat curious secretly thought. “又是一个全新的位面吗?有意思了,不知道这次来到的是什么位面呢?”,东方玉看着下面不远处的那个大都市,心中有些好奇的暗道 Unfolded the oneself spiritual power sensation, in this mountain and nobody exist(ence), want to come a short time will not have any so-called original work plot to appear, has pondered a moment later, Dongfang Yu left this mountain directly, entered in the metropolis. 铺开自己精神力感知了一番,这大山中并没有什么人存在,想来一时半会儿的也不会有什么所谓的原著剧情出现了,思考了片刻之后,东方玉直接离开了这座大山,进入了都市之内。 The background of modernization metropolis? Does not know that has supernatural ability user exist(ence)? 现代化都市的背景?不知道有没有超自然能力者存在呢? Possibly is similar to Marvel supernatural ability user like that converges? Or is Resident Evil like that supernatural ability user is not quite also strong? Also or is The Matrix or is Final Destination like that does not have supernatural ability user exist(ence)? 可能是类似于漫威那般的超自然能力者云集?亦或者是生化危机那般超自然能力者不太强?亦或者是黑客帝国或者是死神来了那般没有超自然能力者存在 In the heart harbored the curious thoughts, Dongfang Yu arrived in the middle of this metropolis. 心中怀着好奇的心思,东方玉来到了这个大都市当中。 The overall looks like, Dongfang Yu discovered that the life of these people seem like very tranquil appearances, walked in this metropolis for a long time, has not had anything to make Dongfang Yu determine that sufficiently this plane plot comes out. 总体看来,东方玉发现这些人的生活看起来还是很平静的样子,在这大都市里面行走了许久,也没有发生什么足以让东方玉确定这个位面剧情出来。 Be careful!”, Dongfang Yu here mind, mainly immerses during the ponder of oneself, considered that this plane all news, suddenly, yelled has brought to the Dongfang Yu's attention. “小心!”,东方玉这边的心神,主要都沉浸在自己的思考之中,考虑这个位面的一切讯息,突然,一声大叫引起了东方玉的注意。 Meanwhile, sees only together sillhouette maliciously throws toward Dongfang Yu. 同时,只见一道人影狠狠的朝着东方玉这边扑过来。 Dongfang Yu is at ponder under freely the condition, but the body stands here then immovability, can it be that casual can a person hit? 只是,东方玉尽管是处于沉思的状态下,可身子站在这里便不动如山,岂是随便一个人就能撞得开的? The a person shade hits directly toward Dongfang Yu, but actually looks like Ant to shake the tree, Dongfang Yu is entirely still, but this sillhouette instead has actually shaken. 一个人影直接朝着东方玉撞过来,但却像蚂蚁撼树般,东方玉纹丝不动,可这个人影却跟着反震了出去。 Meanwhile, crash-bang the sound resounds, several steel pipes drop from the high place, Dongfang Yu stretches out the finger of oneself gently wields, these steel pipes were cut open instantaneously, but side the pain shouted together. 与此同时,哗啦啦的声音响起,好几道钢管从高处跌落下来,东方玉伸出自己的手指轻轻的一挥,这些钢管瞬间被切开了,不过旁边却是一道痛呼。 Dongfang Yu looks down, a young man is dropping in the place, the appearance of this man looks like somewhat strange, the body wear is similar to Armor general clothes, at present is bringing the big against goggles, what is most noticeable is this male safety hard helmet same hat, um, the green, the age looks like almost 20 over appearances, looked like just the university graduation moved toward the people of society to be the same. 东方玉低头看去,一个年轻的男子正跌落在地,这个男子的打扮看起来有些奇怪,身上穿着类似于盔甲一般的衣服,眼前带着大大的防风镜,最惹人注目的还是这个男子一个安全头盔一样的帽子,嗯,绿色的,年龄看起来差不多20出头的样子,就像是刚刚大学毕业走向社会的人一样。 This leads the man of green hat to fall on the ground, the wrist|skill locates a inflammation, steel pipe although that obviously just fell was cut open, actually scratched his arm. 这个带着绿帽的男子跌坐在地上,手腕处一片红肿,显然刚刚掉落下来的钢管虽然被切开了,却擦中了他的手臂。 However the although arm had been scratched by the steel pipe, but this man has not actually placed the body of oneself the mind, conversely looked at Dongfang Yu one earnestly, looks at the Dongfang Yu not injured appearance, the appearance of relaxing: Fortunately, you are all right. 不过虽然手臂被钢管擦了一下,但这个男子却并没有把心神放在自己的身上,反倒是认真的看了东方玉一眼,看东方玉没受伤的样子,松了一口气的模样:“还好,你没事”。 This man's response, making Dongfang Yu somewhat change countenance slightly, extends take action to come, has drawn from the ground him. 这个男子的反应,让东方玉微微有些动容,伸出手来,将他从地上拉了起来。 Has not waited for them to speak, the obese men hurriedly run over, apology that does not live. 只是还不等两人说话,就有一个肥胖的男子急匆匆的跑过来了,不住的道歉。 Originally is this family member(s) is repairing today, several steel pipe building materials place in the building, actually directly fell get lost, almost pounded Dongfang Yu, naturally, to Dongfang Yu, Don't said that was several steel pipes, even if were missile bombing is also only flexure itchy general. 原来是今天这家人在装修,几根钢管建材放在楼上,却直接滑落滚了下来,差点砸中了东方玉,当然,对东方玉而言,莫说是几根钢管了,就算是导弹轰炸也只是挠痒痒一般。 Negotiated, Dongfang Yu naturally cannot grab this goose bumps the minor matter to feel embarrassed others. 交涉了一番,东方玉自然不会抓着这鸡毛蒜皮的小事为难别人。 This laughing in the face of death has saved the Dongfang Yu's person, the disposition is warm, naturally has not said anything, even refused to cope with the compensation medical expenses the words, turned around to leave. 这个舍生忘死的来救了东方玉的人,性格热情开朗,自然也没有多说什么,甚至拒绝了对付赔偿医药费的话,转身离开。 Just thank you very much, saw here to negotiate, Dongfang Yu actually wholehearted expression of gratitude, no matter how, others were just good for oneself, moreover is injured also because of oneself, expression of gratitude necessary. “刚刚多谢你了”,看到这边交涉完了,东方玉倒是真心实意的道谢,不管如何,刚刚人家是为了自己好,而且受伤也是因为自己,道谢还是有必要的。 Where, Hehe, you were too polite, moreover I just simply had not helped your anything, the Dongfang Yu's words, let this male flexure scratching the head. “哪里,呵呵,你太客气了,况且我刚刚根本没有帮到你什么啊”,东方玉的话,让这个男子挠了挠头。 Naturally, because is having the reason of green tortoise shell safety helmet, therefore this difficult movement, was only flexure to the oneself safety helmet on. 当然,因为带着绿龟壳安全帽的缘故,所以他这挠头的动作,只是挠到了自己的安全帽上罢了。 No matter how, just wanted many thanks you, Dongfang Yu smiled, earnest saying, during the speeches the vision falls on the body of this man, Energy Tester that at present wears, can certainly the energy value reflection of this man in Dongfang Yu's at present. “不管如何,刚刚还是要多谢你的”,东方玉笑了笑,认真的说道,说话间目光落在这个男子的身上,眼前戴着的能量测试仪,当然能够把这个男子的能量值反映在东方玉的眼前。 0. 0。 Yes, does not have the energy value, this man is not a supernatural energy value, is only ordinary person. 是的,没有能量值,这个男子并不是一个超自然能量值,只是一个普通人罢了。 Smiled, this man has not said anything, but is covering the arm of oneself, moves toward not far away a bicycle, held this bicycle, because of arm injured reason, therefore pushes the bicycle to proceed. 笑了笑,这个男子也没有多说什么,只是捂着自己的手臂,走向不远处的一辆自行车,将这自行车扶了起来,因为手臂受伤的缘故,所以只是推着自行车往前走。 The Dongfang Yu under foot sped up two steps, overtook this man, said: Was right, do you name? In order to thank you just saved me, did I ask you to eat meal what kind of? Also, your present hand has been injured, I can help you treat, I understand some treatments ability. 东方玉脚下加快了两步,追上了这个男子,道:“对了,你叫什么名字?为了感谢你刚刚救我,我请你吃饭怎么样?再说了,你现在的手受伤了,我可以帮你治疗一下,我懂一些治疗的能力”。 Dongfang Yu does not know that what plane now this plane belongs, such being the case, might as well well first understood this plane situation said again, could some clues? 东方玉现在并不知道这个位面是属于什么位面,既然如此,还不如好好的先了解一下这个位面的情况再说,或许能有些线索呢? Looks at this young man unusual enthusiasm of the appearance, wants to come many matters he to be willing to reply that moreover, regarding this warm-hearted and good man, in the Dongfang Yu's heart also indeed very much has the favorable impression, did not mind that contacts. 看这个年轻的男子非常的热情的模样,想来许多事情他都愿意回答的,另外,对于这个热心和善良的男子,东方玉的心中也的确很有好感,并不介意多接触接触。 My name? Everybody called me Mumen Rider, you also like this called me, the words that Dongfang Yu pursued, making this man gawk, at once start to talk reply. “我的名字啊?大家都叫我无证骑士,你也这样叫我吧”,东方玉追上来的话,让这个男子楞了一下,旋即开口回答。 Hearing Dongfang Yu can help oneself treat injury, the man has not rejected actually again, nod(ded) said: Then was troublesome you. 听到东方玉可以帮自己治疗伤势,男子倒是没有再拒绝,点头道:“那么就麻烦你了”。 Mumen Rider?”, The words of this man, making Dongfang Yu be startled slightly, thinks this name very familiar. 无证骑士?”,这个男子的话,让东方玉微微一怔,觉得这个名字非常的熟悉。 If before opening gene shackle, Dongfang Yu a short time perhaps could not have thought that really this Mumen Rider is what kind of person, may to opening gene shackle fourth rank Dongfang Yu, remembers that ability obtained the further promotion, the status about this Mumen Rider, Dongfang Yu searched quickly from the mind memory storehouse. 若是在开启基因锁之前,东方玉一时半会儿的或许还真想不起来这无证骑士是何许人也,可对开启了基因锁第四阶东方玉而言,记忆能力更是得到了进一步的提升,很快关于这无证骑士的身份,东方玉就从脑海的记忆库当中搜索出来了。 World environment background, the appearance disposition surrounding area of Mumen Rider this person, obtained the verification with front this person. 世界的环境背景,还有无证骑士这个人的样貌性格方圆,也与面前这个人得到了印证。 Originally, my is plane of this arriving, One Punch Man plane?”, Had known after this Mumen Rider status, Dongfang Yu also has naturally known current plane. “原来,我这次来到的位面,是一拳超人位面吗?”,得知了这无证骑士的身份之后,东方玉自然也得知了当前的这个位面了。 Actually, looks over the entire One Punch Man plane military power value, is not low, can only say that is this plane protagonist , was strong has gone against heaven's will a point, any enemy to his hand, insufficiently he has hit. 其实,纵观整个一拳超人位面武力值来说,并不算低,只能说是这个位面主角,强得太逆天了一点,以至于任何的敌人到了他手中,都不够他打的。 Simple analogies with the view of game, other people have the oneself professional rank upper limit, but this plane protagonist Saitama, looks like absolutely does not have rank upper limit. 简单的用游戏的说法来比喻,其他的人都有自己的职业等级上限,可这个位面主角埼玉,就像是完全没有等级上限似的。 The military power value performance of One Punch Man, for example Saitama directly projected on after Earth a fist moon came up, unexpectedly directly can from moon rebound Earth come, this mortal body strength has can be inferred, moreover jumps, has almost stepped on moon. 一拳超人武力值表现,比如说埼玉直接被人一拳从地球打到月亮上去了之后,居然直接能从月亮上跳回地球来,这肉身力量可见一斑了,而且一跳,几乎踩踏了月亮。 Hero Association, is this plane Organization, including many Esper exist(ence), have the quite strict rank in the middle of this Hero Association, from top to bottom, separately is S, A, B and Hero of C four ranks. 英雄协会,是这个位面的一个组织,其中有很多超能力者存在,在这英雄协会当中也有比较严格的等级,从上至下,分别是S、A、B、C四个等级的英雄 This Mumen Rider, although is only lowest grade C-Class Hero, however the words in this anime are many. 无证骑士,虽然只是最低等级的C级英雄,但是在这动漫之中的笔墨却很多。 As C-Class Hero first, Mumen Rider actually how powerful strength, completely has not been a ordinary person appearance, but he is optimistic open, good, to help others, even does not hesitate the oneself life. 作为C级英雄第一名,无证骑士其实并没有多么强大力量,完全就是一个普通人的样子,但他却乐观开朗,善良,为了帮助别人,甚至不惜自己的性命。 Dongfang Yu remembers that in Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons original work, Miss Duan has appraised a few words to that Tang Xuanzang, not having powerful strength actually to dare to go to hell dozen of monsters, this is true brave \; Actually looks like in Dongfang Yu, these words place on Mumen Rider are most appropriate. 东方玉记得,在西游降魔篇原著中,段小姐对那陈玄奘评价过一句话,没有强大力量却敢于下地狱打妖怪,这才是真正的勇敢\;其实在东方玉看来,这句话放在无证骑士身上才是最合适的。 Mumen Rider, at heart looks like in Dongfang Yu, this is true Hero, besides strength not strong, the personality and conduct have satisfied the definitions of all Hero completely. 无证骑士,在东方玉心里看来,这才是一个真正的英雄吧,除了实力不强之外,人格和品行方面完全满足了所有英雄的定义。 Looked for a restaurant, after Dongfang Yu and Mumen Rider sit down, the optional point several side dishes, Dongfang Yu has made Mumen Rider the arm place in front of oneself, palm gently places on the arm of Mumen Rider, strength surges. 找了个餐馆,东方玉无证骑士坐下之后,随意点了几个小菜,东方玉无证骑士把手臂放在自己面前,手掌轻轻的放在无证骑士的手臂上面,力量涌动。 although Dongfang Yu carefully has not studied ability in treatment, but, after gene shackle has achieved fourth rank, control of Dongfang Yu to the gene went to very strong situation, is only a injury on simple treatment arm, to Dongfang Yu is the easy matter. 虽然东方玉并没有怎么仔细的学习过治疗方面的能力,但是,基因锁达到了第四阶之后,东方玉对基因的控制都已经达到了很强的地步,只是简单的治疗一下手臂上的伤势,对东方玉而言是轻而易举的事情。
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