PE :: Volume #34

#1560: Strong condemnation

France, as one on Earth great nations, official strength of France naturally is also very strong, to stir that Dongfang Yu causes, the French official is impossible not to pay attention, but, does not have to publish any manner anxiously, conversely strange silent. 法国,作为地球上的大国之一,法国的官方实力自然也是很强的,对于东方玉所造成的轰动,法国官方这边不可能注意不到的,只是,却没有急着发表任何的态度,反倒是诡异的沉默了下来。 At this time, President palace of France, several giant monitors, the monitor, was circulating to broadcast the Dongfang Yu summon meteor movement together unceasingly. 这个时候,法国的总统府,好几块巨大的显示器,其中一块显示器,正在不断循环播放着东方玉召唤陨星的动作。 Before the city that many residents of photography picture, had the a person camera to be quite clear, can clear seeing lift up high both hands along with Dongfang Yu, in the quick sky presented a huge incomparable meteor, pounded the meteor that fell unceasingly, after Dongfang Yu has put out handle weapon, instantaneously this meteor has slivered a stele. 之前城市里那么多拍摄画面的居民,恰好有一个人的相机比较清晰,能够清楚的看到随着东方玉高举双手,很快天空中就出现了一颗巨大无比的陨星,不断砸落下来的陨星,随着东方玉拿出了一柄武器之后,瞬间就把这颗陨星切成了一块石碑。 The diameter about ten li (0.5km) meteor, looks like looks like cuts the cake general relaxedness. 直径十里开外的陨星,看起来就像是切蛋糕一般的轻松。 In addition has monitor together, what above broadcasts is on the satellite of France films the picture that. 另外还有一块显示器,上面播放的是法国的人造卫星上拍摄下来的画面。 In Dongfang Yu float , in the midair, official influence noted him actually, making the satellite pat to have about the Dongfang Yu's picture, in the picture can see, along with the Dongfang Yu's movement, in the midair has emerged out of thin air a meteor. 早在东方玉悬浮在半空中的时候,其实官方势力就已经注意到了他,让卫星拍下了有关于东方玉的画面,画面中可以看得到,随着东方玉的动作,半空中凭空出现了一颗陨星。 Yes, emerges out of thin air, did not draw one from the universe. 是的,凭空出现的,并不是从宇宙中拉下去了一颗。 The meteorite in universe, dissimilar in shape and form, is the sphere? Where had is so easy unable to find? 宇宙中的陨石,形态各异,正好是球形的?哪有那么容易找得到? although already guessed that obtains this meteor not to draw directly from the universe, may see really this meteor emerges out of thin air, French President's complexion is very ugly, is this Void divine creative force? Directly brings with the method of space transmission from other space? 虽然早就猜测得到这陨星不是从宇宙中直接拉下去的,可真的看到这颗陨星凭空出现,法国总统的脸色还是很难看,这是虚空造物?还是从别的空间直接用空间传送的手段拿过来的? If the former, that has completely violated the law of conservation of mass, but if latter, showed sufficiently coped to have mature high Science and Technology method. 如果是前者,那完全违背了质量守恒定律,可若是后者,也足以证明对付拥有了非常成熟的高科技手段。 Today can make a meteor to come with method of space transmission, tomorrow can also place the President palace the sky? Even is makes a nuclear bomb to put? The light thinks that made person have a hand and foot to feel icy coldly. 今天可以用空间传送的手段弄一颗陨星过来,明天是不是也可以放在总统府的上空?甚至是弄一颗核弹放过去?光是想想,都让人有一种手足冰凉的感觉了。 Besides these, Dongfang Yu has put out a handle white bone qualitative long blade baseless, easy has cut to pieces this meteor, only leaves behind a stele. 除了这些之外,还有东方玉凭空拿出了一柄白色骨质的长刀,轻而易举的就把这颗陨星切碎了,只留下一块石碑。 How does that long blade appear? As if the space storage item method, that incision meteor ability, what is also? Cannot understand. 那长刀是如何出现的?似乎是空间储物的手段,还有那切开陨星的能力,又是什么?根本看不懂啊。 Is French President, regarding method that Dongfang Yu this frank and upright rides roughshod internally, naturally is not feeling well, ability that but Dongfang Yu shows, makes the person be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, powerful, what is most fearful is must unable to understand completely. 身为法国总统,对于东方玉这光明正大在国内横行无忌的手段,自然是非常不爽的,可东方玉展现出来的能力,却让人投鼠忌器,强大也就罢了,最可怕的是强得让人完全看不懂啊。 Mr. President, this matter has created the stir of entire Earth now, the domestic citizen is also waiting for our response, at this time, wore the man of military uniform to arrive at the President palace, looks at the appearance of President ponder, could not bear the start to talk urging say. 总统先生,这件事情现在已经引起了整个地球的震动了,国内的公民也在等着我们的反应呢”,这个时候,一个身穿军装的男子来到了总统府,看着总统沉思的模样,忍不住开口催促道。 If the official influence non- achievement, may probably lose the popular support. 若是官方势力不作为的话,可真的是要失去民心的。 Response?”, Hears the urging of this General, the President's complexion also very ugly, what response should make? “反应?”,听得这个将军的催促,总统的脸色也非常的难看,到底该做出什么样的反应呢? Hard anti-? But if brought out the opposite side strong rebound, arrives at sky over the President palace to throw down one again, even is two such meteors? How does that resist? 硬抗到底?可若是激起了对方强烈的反弹,再到总统府上空丢下一颗,甚至是两颗这样的陨星呢?那如何抵挡? But similarly, if a response if no, how could it not be does appear official influence is really spiritless? 但同样的,如果真的一点反应都没有的话,岂不显得官方势力懦弱无能吗? Therefore, how should treat this matter, French President also fell into being in a dilemma region, in the ponder, the President's vision looked to side another monitor, above was demonstrating the Dongfang Yu's entire life material news. 所以,该如何对待这件事情,法国总统也陷入了两难的境地,沉思中,总统的目光看向了旁边另外一台显示器,上面显示着东方玉的生平资料讯息。 It looks like average not wonderful, is only a China Country second generation of rich, but, since three years ago starts, suddenly had Science and Technology of superelevation, moreover had supernatural strength. 看起来平平无奇,只是一个华夏国的富二代,可自从三年前开始,突然就拥有了超高的科技,而且还拥有了超自然的力量 don't tell me? On World has Alien really? Was this obtains Alien advanced Science and Technology to be inadequate?”. 难道世界上真的有外星人吗?他这是得到了外星人的超前科技不成?”。 In the final analysis, Dongfang Yu's all, as if three years ago emerges out of thin air, actually may how come, nobody knows radically that as if all were pursued the family after Dongfang Yu, suddenly obtains. 归根结底,东方玉的一切,似乎是从三年前凭空出现的,可究竟是如何来的,根本没有人知道,似乎一切都是从东方玉被驱逐出了家族之后,突然获得的。 This, the military power method cannot depress for the time being, making Ministry of Foreign Affairs speak, strongly condemned that the behavior of China Country people, goes. “这样吧,武力手段暂且压下不懂,让外交部发言,强烈谴责华夏国民的这个行为,去吧”。 Silent a moment later, French President also indeed is awed by ability that Dongfang Yu shows, does not dare to act rashly, therefore, making Ministry of Foreign Affairs speak, indicates an official influence manner. 沉默了片刻之后,法国总统也的确是慑于东方玉所展现出来的能力,不敢轻举妄动,所以,让外交部发言,算是表明一个官方势力的态度。 Hears the President's choice, unexpectedly internationally condemned opposite side, did not resort to the military power method, this General complexion was somewhat ugly, but actually also knows that here did not have the oneself matter, turned around to leave the President palace. 听到总统的选择,居然只是在国际上谴责对方而已,并不动用武力的手段,这个将军的脸色有些难看,不过却也知道这里没有自己的事情了,转身离开了总统府。 Nearby naturally has the President's assistant to get down, arranges this matter. 旁边自然有总统的助理下去,安排这件事情。 Yeah, the method of space, is mysteriously appears and disappears seriously, sighed slightly, French President looks at the monitor final, the Dongfang Yu construction the space transmission gate, had the picture that Shangguan Xiaohua is leaving directly, long sighing. “哎,空间的手段,当真是神出鬼没啊”,微微叹了一口气,法国总统看着显示器最后,东方玉架构了空间传送门,直接带着上官小花离开的画面,长长的叹了一口气。 influence of world regarding the Space Technology not slight feature, but Dongfang Yu mastered the mature technology, no matter Science and Technology is supernatural strength, this is a very fearful matter. 全球的势力对于空间技术都没有丝毫的眉目,可东方玉这边却掌握了成熟的技术,不管是科技还是超自然的力量,这都是一件非常可怕的事情。 This looks like the entire World people are taking the weapon with the sword, but Dongfang Yu actually researched and developed mature hot weapon, the guns and ammunition emerged one after another incessantly, how did this hit? Completely is unfair war technology. 这就像是全世界的人都在用刀剑作为兵器,可东方玉却研发出了成熟的热武器,枪支弹药层出不穷,这如何去打?完全是不公平的战争技术啊。 Quick, French official condemnation sent, but this condemnation sent, made in many person hearts understand clearly, this was France recognizes actually has instigated, does not dare to have the slight movement. 很快的,法国这边的官方谴责发出来了,可这份谴责发出来,却让许多人心中了然,这其实是法国认怂了,不敢有丝毫的动作。 Pure sends out to condemn that what this does have to affect? This is a little similar to the lawyer's letter same function, is the ha-ha person, does not have slightly the substantive function. 只是单纯的发出谴责这有什么作用吗?这有点类似于律师函一样的作用,就是吓吓人的,却并不具备丝毫实质性的作用。 Round regarding the French official the condemnation, Dongfang Yu naturally also knew, the meaning of but, not having paid attention , the meaning of since that side France not having investigated, Dongfang Yu naturally will not have other any movements, to him, oneself frightened other goals to achieve. 对于法国官方这边发出来的谴责,东方玉自然也知道了,不过,并没有丝毫理会的意思,既然法国那边并没有追究的意思,东方玉自然也不会去有什么其他的动作,对他而言,自己震慑其他的目的已经达到了。 Brings Shangguan Xiaohua to go home directly, saw Shangguan Xiaohua security no worries came back, Shi Shengnan naturally weeps. 带着上官小花直接回到了家,眼看着上官小花安全无虞的回来了,施胜男自然是喜极而泣。 Knew that Shangguan Xiaohua had been kidnapped by the scoundrel in France, these time, Shi Shengnan may be anxious likely Ant on hot pot, naturally, when is joyful, Shi Shengnan and even on the entire government authorities, thanked profusely to Dongfang Yu. 得知上官小花在法国被歹徒劫持了,这些时间,施胜男可急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,当然,欣喜之余,施胜男乃至整个上官家,都对东方玉千恩万谢的。 Does not use so, I and Xiaohua grow up together, is similar to own Younger Brother is ordinary, his matter will I stand by? Also, in the final analysis, Xiaohua he also had been implicated by me. “不用如此,我和小花从小一起长大,如同亲兄弟一般,他的事情我怎会袖手旁观?再说了,归根结底来看,小花他也不过是被我连累了”。 Regarding getting up the expression of gratitude of government authorities and Shi Shengnan, Dongfang Yu beckons with the hand does not accept their expressions of gratitude, on the contrary somewhat is guilty, if not to cope with oneself, how Shangguan Xiaohua can encounter this time crisis. 对于上官家和施胜男的道谢,东方玉摆摆手并不接受他们的道谢,相反还有些愧疚呢,若不是为了对付自己,上官小花怎会遭遇这次的危机。 Returning of Shangguan Xiaohua security no worries after on the people of government authorities, Dongfang Yu does not have the meaning of here treating, since has shown oneself strength to the common people, Dongfang Yu has not wasted the time again. 上官小花安全无虞的交还给了上官家的人之后,东方玉也没有在这里多待的意思,既然已经向世人展现过自己力量了,东方玉也没有再浪费时间。 After person say goodbye of previous government authorities, the construction space transmission gate, left on the government authorities directly, returning to that side Bright Sun Villa. 和上官家的人道别了一番之后,架构空间传送门,直接离开了上官家,回到了皓日山庄那边去了。 This is really the mysterious method, like Myth Legend, or is in Sci-Fi Movie(s) is the same”, looks that Dongfang Yu bridged over the space transmission gate to leave, on the person of government authorities, could not bear voice the feeling to say. “这真是神奇的手段啊,就像神话传说,或者是科幻电影里面一样”,看着东方玉跨过空间传送门离开了,上官家的人,忍不住发出感慨说道。 No matter this is supernatural strength or ultra Science and Technology strength, sufficiently showed that now Dongfang Yu's extraordinary, is similar to the gods is ordinary. 不管这是超自然力量还是超科技力量,都足以证明现在东方玉的不凡了,如同神明一般。 Um, on me the government authorities biggest pride, had Xiaohua your this child, Hahaha, is relations between you and Dongfang Yu, has this relations, on me the government authorities sufficiently became on this Earth one of the most powerful families, left along with Dongfang Yu's, the Shangguan Xiaohua grandfather said with a smile. “嗯,我上官家最大的骄傲,就是有了小花你这个孩子,哈哈哈,就是你和东方玉之间的关系,有这层关系,我上官家足以成为这个地球上最强大的家族之一了”,随着东方玉的离开,上官小花的爷爷笑着说道。 But, Grandfather, we are flaunting the Brother Yu banner conduct words......”, hears Grandpa oneself words, the appearance that Shangguan Xiaohua some do not approve, wanting start to talk to refute. “可是,爷爷,我们打着玉哥儿的旗号行事的话……”,听得自己爷爷的话,上官小花有些不赞同的模样,想要开口反驳。 Hehe, but, the Shangguan Xiaohua words have not said that his grandfather then smiles beckoning with the hand of Hehe, said: You, were too young, worldly wise was inferior to Dongfang Yu to be experienced, you do not need to pull his banner to do, was only he in the achievement of France, led you specially in the side, was enough, the common people can know that you and his relations, this was enough, did not need to talk too much other again. 呵呵”,只是,上官小花的话还没说完,他爷爷便笑呵呵的摆摆手,道:“你呀,还是太年轻了一些,人情世故方面还是不如东方玉练达,你不需要扯着他的旗号干什么,单凭他在法国的作为,特意把你带在身边,就足够了,世人都能知道你和他的关系,这就足够了,无需再多言其他”。 Grandfather's words, making Shangguan Xiaohua understand that nod(ded), the truth has talked clearly slightly, indeed is such a matter. 爷爷的话,让上官小花明白过来,微微点头,道理说清楚了,的确就是这么回事。 Moreover!”, Mentioned this, a Shangguan Xiaohua grandfather thread of conversation revolution, then said with a smile: He has method of space transmission, originally after you rescue, can first deliver you to go home, alone a person greatly sends the invincible might there completely, why can probably lead you to pass specially? Haven't you thought?”. “另外!”,一言及此,上官小花的爷爷话锋一转,接着笑道:“他拥有空间传送的手段,本来把你救出来了之后,就可以先送你回家,完全独自一个人在那里大发神威,可为什么特意要带着你过去?你没想过吗?”。 Looked appearance that oneself this grandson thinks deeply about, the grandfather smiled, shakes the head saying: Your this child, silly person has the silly luck, just Dongfang Yu also said that reason that you have the tribulation of today , because Dongfang Yu's implicates, his oneself also somewhat is at heart guilty, this specially is leading you in the side, among the common people indicated that you relations, are counted the compensation, although have not stated clearly, but this matter, is obvious. 自己这孙子思索的模样,爷爷笑了笑,摇头说道:“你这孩子,傻人有傻福啊,刚刚东方玉也说了,你之所以有今日之劫,是因为东方玉的连累,他自己心里也有些愧疚,这才特意带着你在身边,向世人表明你们之间的关系,算作补偿,虽然没有明说,可这件事情,是心照不宣的”。 Being worldly is the article, although Dongfang Yu never thought that oneself is an intelligent person, but no matter how, walks randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms to be so long, from the age, Dongfang Yu also had 70-80 years old, even if the mentality is not old, but worldly wise, was actually not past oneself can compare. 人情练达即文章,虽说东方玉从来不觉得自己是一个聪明的人,但不管如何,游走诸天万界这么久,从年龄上来看,东方玉也已经有七八十岁了,心态纵然不老,可人情世故方面,却不是当年的自己能比的。 Said like that Shangguan Xiaohua grandfather, the Dongfang Yu's action, indeed has this meaning. 诚如那上官小花的爷爷所言,东方玉的举动,的确是有着这一层的意思。 However, to Dongfang Yu, the main matter must face the oneself parents now. 不过,对东方玉而言,现在最主要的事情还是要面对自己的父母。 Although the parents have not asked the oneself supernatural ability question, but this oneself has shown ability to the entire World person, wants to come, this and parents they confessed well. 虽说父母从来没问过自己超自然能力的问题,可这次自己向全世界的人展现了能力,想来,也该和父母他们都好好交代一下了。 Really, after bridging over the space transmission gate arrived at Bright Sun Villa, enters home, Dongfang Yu has been able to see in the family|home all people, treats in the living room, obviously is waiting for oneself. 果然,跨过空间传送门来到了皓日山庄之后,进了家门,东方玉能看到家里所有的人,都待在客厅,显然是在等着自己
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