PE :: Volume #34

#1559: Scared all people

What is the Dongfang Yu's goal? Shows oneself strength, deters other people, to Dongfang Yu, can summon a diameter ten li (0.5km) meteor to pound, proved oneself strength sufficiently, deterred other people sufficiently, therefore, does not need to cause the huge damage. 东方玉的目的是什么?是展现出自己力量,震慑其他人,对东方玉而言,能召唤一颗直径十里的陨星砸下来,足以证明自己力量了,也足以震慑其他人了,所以,没必要造成巨大的伤害。 Intends has hewn this meteor directly a giant stele, but this car Corporation highest building crushing. 有意的将这颗陨星直接削成了一块巨大的石碑,只是将这汽车公司最高的大厦给压碎了而已。 A stele, as if a handle giant incomparable stone dagger, directly inserts in the earth, the part that leaves behind also fully has three kilometers, the person within surrounding area over a hundred li (0.5km) range, believes that can see this giant incomparable stele clearly. 一块石碑,仿佛一柄巨大无比的石剑,直接插在大地之中,留下的部分也足有三千米长,方圆上百里范围内的人,相信都能清楚的看到这一块巨大无比的石碑。 Fearful strength, is unreadable supernatural strength, at this time made the people in world stare dumbfounded, many people clearly saw this from Internet. 可怕的力量,更是难以理解的超自然力量,这个时候让全球的人都瞠目结舌,许多人都从网络上清楚的看到了这一幕。 After Dongfang Yu has ruined the Headquarters building in this car Corporation directly, has wielded several blades with the Dragon Flame blade edge gently, on this giant stele has left behind several large characters immediately, the character in inscribed text, each is huger than the house, was expresses in the Dongfang Yu heart to think, has made clear to the crime of this car Corporation. 东方玉直接毁掉了这个汽车公司的总部大楼之后,跟着龙炎刃轻轻的挥了几刀,这块巨大的石碑上立马留下了几个大字,碑文上的字,每一个都比房子还要巨大,算是表达了东方玉心中所想,也算是昭示了这汽车公司的罪行。 Um, good, my character is good, after having left behind several large characters, Dongfang Yu received the Dragon Flame blade edge, satisfaction looks in front of oneself this giant stele. “嗯,不错,我的字还是挺不错的”,留下了几个大字以后,东方玉龙炎刃收了起来,满意的看着自己面前这一块巨大的石碑。 As for nearby Shangguan Xiaohua, was completely scared, at present this, has shattered his World view completely, these from Internet saw the person who live transmission stared dumbfounded, let alone Shangguan Xiaohua stood to witness these. 至于旁边的上官小花,已经完全傻眼了,眼前这一幕,完全冲垮了他的世界观,那些从网络上看到直播的人就已经瞠目结舌了,更别说上官小花站在旁边亲眼目睹了这些。 Was good, walks, regarding Dongfang Yu, this matter of doing has completed, said to Shangguan Xiaohua, during the speeches the Dongfang Yu direct construction the space transmission gate, left France with Shangguan Xiaohua together, returned to Tangjing City. “好了,走吧”,对于东方玉而言,该做的事情已经做完了,对身旁的上官小花说道,说话间东方玉直接架构了空间传送门,与上官小花一同离开了法国这边,回到了唐京市之内。 Dongfang Yu left, may regarding the person in this city, the matter that today has, is makes their this for a lifetime impossible seriously to forget. 东方玉离开了,可对于这座城市的人而言,今日发生的事情,当真是让他们这一辈子都不可能忘记。 Naturally, when shocking fearfully is similar to ability of miracle in Dongfang Yu that the person in this city, what are more is weeps, the rejoicing feeling of being survivor of disaster, saw that diameter about ten li (0.5km) huge meteor pounds to fall, thinks must die without doubt, didn't expect, was saved from death finally unexpectedly. 当然,在震撼于东方玉那可怕如同神迹的能力之余,这座城市的人,更多的是喜极而泣,有一种劫后余生的庆幸感,眼看着那直径十里开外的巨大陨星砸落下来,本来还以为必死无疑呢,没想到,最后居然死里逃生了。 Similarly, these many people of this after city witnesses, now is the society of informationization, has the Red Queen procedure to add fuel to the flames in behind again, but in a minute, almost the people in world saw present, the stir that this institute causes is unprecedented. 同样,这一幕经过城市里这么多人亲眼目睹,现在又是信息化的社会,再有红后的程序在后面推波助澜,不过片刻间,几乎全球的人都看到了眼前的这一幕,这一幕所造成的轰动是前所未有的。 The all kinds of discussions and exclamation sounds, emerge one after another incessantly, but about Dongfang Yu and Shangguan Xiaohua status, naturally was also discussed by countless people, the nature, the status about two people, appeared on Internet quickly. 各种各样的议论和惊叹之声,更是层出不穷,而关于东方玉上官小花的身份,自然也被无数的人议论,自然,关于两个人的身份,很快也出现在网络上面了。 „, The day, the entire city was almost ruined, does the meteor of that sphere appear? Pulls from the universe? Had super huge aircraft to ship the upper air it?”. “哦,天啊,整个城市差点就被毁掉了,那一颗球形的陨星到底是怎么出现的?是从宇宙之中拉扯下来的?还是有超级巨大的飞行器把它运上了高空?”。 Some people, regarding the appearance of that meteor, said the enormous curiosity, does not understand how completely that meteor appears, cannot be emerges out of thin air? This fully does not conform to the law of conservation of mass. 有的人,对于那颗陨星的出现,表示极大的好奇,完全不明白那颗陨星是如何出现的,总不能是凭空出现的吧?这完全不符合质量守恒定律啊。 This is supernatural strength! Haven't you seen? That meteor falls, will destroy the entire city, million people will get killed, may that person actually put out weapon finally, easily has cut open that meteor, even can also above carve characters again, this absolutely is not Science and Technology strength, but is supernatural strength, originally on entire World has supernatural ability user really. “这是超自然的力量啊!你们没看到吗?那颗陨星落下来,本来会将整个城市都毁灭掉,数以百万的人们会丧生,可最后那个人却拿出一件武器,轻易的就把那陨星切开了,甚至还能再上面刻字,这绝对不是科技力量,而是超自然的力量,原来整个世界上是真的有超自然能力者的啊”。 Naturally, some people to Dongfang Yu's strength said enormous interest, although now is the Science and Technology time, but some countless people harbor the fantasy to supernatural strength as before, looks like the China Country person, flies up to the eaves and walls, the Wuxia dream of holding a sword good variant is the same. 当然,也有的人对东方玉的力量表示极大的兴趣,虽然现在已经是科技时代了,但依旧有无数的人对超自然的力量抱有幻想,就像是华夏国的人,都有一个飞檐走壁,仗剑行侠的武侠梦一样。 Day, I finally know how now that Bottle Gourd mountain of Japan comes the meteor that this fell, two that falls with Japanese that is completely exactly the same......”. “天啊,我现在终于知道东瀛的那个葫芦山是怎么来的了,这颗落下来的陨星,和东瀛那落下来的两颗,完全一模一样啊……”。 Naturally, two meteors that before Japan dropped, has provoked the global fierce response, some quick people present with the Bottle Gourd mountain of Japan link, this move was completely exactly the same, the matter that originally, Japan had also stems from the writing skill of this person? 当然,之前东瀛落下的两颗陨星,也引起了全球剧烈的反应,很快就有人把眼前的这一幕和东瀛的葫芦山联系在一起,这招数完全一模一样啊,原来,东瀛发生的事情也是出自这个人的手笔吗? Hello, on that huge meteor the quarter the character, who knows that what character that is? Knows that what meaning that is?”. “喂,那巨大的陨星上面刻下了字啊,有谁知道那是什么字吗?知道那是什么意思吗?”。 Several large characters that stele above Dongfang Yu leaves behind, has caused the curiosity of countless person, some People sound inquiries. 石碑上面东方玉留下的几个大字,也引起了无数人的好奇,有的人大声询问。 The China Chinese character, some people recognize certainly, some quick people read these characters, even translated the editions of various languages. 华夏的汉字,当然是有人认得的,很快就有人把这几个字读出来了,甚至翻译成了各种语言的版本。 Violates my Dongfang/East(ern), although must execute! 犯我东方者,虽远必诛! Do nine large characters, what meaning translate are? Japanese, Korean, English wait / etc., the translation of each edition spreads in the world. 九个大字,翻译过来是什么意思?日文,韩文,英文等等,各个版本的翻译流传在全球。 Nature, this so-called Dongfang/East(ern) two characters, are considered that is the meaning of China Country, after all China Country has been called as is the Dongfang/East(ern) country, moreover these Chinese characters, confirmed the take action person should be the China Country person. 自然,这所谓的“东方”二字,被人认为是华夏国的意思,毕竟华夏国一直被人称作是东方国家,而且这几个汉字,也证实了出手的人应该是华夏国的人。 However , some some knew that the Dongfang Yu's person knows, this so-called perhaps Dongfang/East(ern) two characters, do not refer to the China geographic name, but refers to the personal name, refers to is Dongfang Yu's Dongfang Family. 不过,也有少部分认识东方玉的人知道,这所谓的“东方”二字,或许不是指华夏的地名,而是指人名,指的就是东方玉的东方家 Although the majority of people saw the video about France, does not understand that above character, does not recognize Dongfang Yu and Shangguan Xiaohua they, but, after all Dongfang Yu and Shangguan Xiaohua have friend, these people saw Shangguan Xiaohua, especially after Dongfang Yu, naturally can recognize them. 虽说大部分的人看到了关于法国这边的视频,都不明白那上面的字,更不认得东方玉上官小花两人,可是,毕竟东方玉上官小花还是有朋友的,这些人看到了上官小花,特别是东方玉之后,自然是能够认得出他们的。 „, Isn't that Boss? The day, is Boss with that gods same person of unexpectedly friend? Our Son of Heaven Films and Television Corporation, Hahaha......”. “呀,那不是老板吗?天啊,老板和那个神明一样的人居然是朋友?我们天王影视公司,哈哈哈……”。 The staff member in Son of Heaven Films and Television Corporation, even after is the actors of these signing have recognized the Shangguan Xiaohua identity, like has hit chicken blood rousing, what although take action is Dongfang Yu, but side Dongfang Yu is standing is Shangguan Xiaohua, can with Dongfang Yu stand, fully explained their relations. 天王影视公司的职员,甚至是那些签约的演员们认出了上官小花的身份之后,一个个像是打了鸡血一样的振奋,虽说出手的是东方玉,可东方玉身旁站着的是上官小花,能和东方玉站在一起,足以说明两人的关系了。 On the government authorities, original two days Shangguan Xiaohua lost the contact, but that side France also spread the news saying that was Shangguan Xiaohua is kidnapped, on the government authorities was anxious likely Ant on hot pot, already mobilized, prepared to save others. 上官家,本来这两天上官小花失去了联系,而法国那边也传来消息说是上官小花被劫持了,上官家这边急得像热锅上的蚂蚁,早就动员起来,准备救人了。 But within the short 24 hours, actually saw the Shangguan Xiaohua form in the Internet video, Dongfang Yu in the side, all that they make, naturally also clearly saw. 可是短短24小时之内,在网络视频上却看到了上官小花的身影,还有东方玉在身旁,他们两人所做的一切,自然也清清楚楚的看到了。 Coughs, is this Dongfang Family child?”, On the older generation of government authorities, is the Shangguan Xiaohua grandfather, looks in the video this, on the face is also splendid incomparable: Thinks Dongfang Family left a real dragon, in the future decides however can the rich enemy, now looks like, this will be changes entire Human(ity) future Character(s) sufficiently. “咳咳咳,这就是东方家孩子吗?”,上官家的老一辈,也是上官小花的爷爷,看着视频中这一幕,脸上也是精彩无比:“本来以为东方家是出了一条真龙,将来定然能富可敌国,现在看来,这是足以改变整个人类未来的人物啊”。 Similarly, Bright Sun Villa, parents, elder brother and sister-in-law and the others, naturally also the video that noted Internet to upload, saw that Dongfang Yu float in sky, waved to summon one greatly incomparable, destroyed a meteor of city sufficiently, even if were the parents they, stared dumbfounded. 同样的,皓日山庄这边,父母,哥哥和嫂子等人,自然也注意到了网络上传出来的视频了,眼看着东方玉悬浮于天空之中,挥手间就召唤出了一颗巨大无比,足以毁灭掉一个城市的陨星,就算是父母他们,也一个个瞠目结舌。 Although already knows that Dongfang Yu has supernatural strength, but they actually do not know that actually Dongfang Yu can achieve any situation, now looks at this, they knew, Dongfang Yu's strength, is more terrifying than the so-called nuclear weapon deterrent. 虽说早就知道东方玉拥有超自然的力量,可他们却不知道东方玉究竟能做到什么地步,现在看着这一幕,他们知道了,东方玉的力量,比所谓的核武器威慑还要恐怖啊。 This is the Dongfang Yu's parents, knows Dongfang Yu's friend as for other these, sees this video time, completely was scared, almost cannot believe that in the video this shows the man of miracle, is oneself understanding Dongfang Yu. 这还是东方玉的父母,至于另外那些认识东方玉的朋友,看到这个视频的时候,一个个完全傻眼了,几乎不敢相信视频里这个展现出神迹的男人,就是自己认识的东方玉 Boss, my although knows that he has supernatural strength, may ability like this, not distinguish with the gods. 老板,我虽然知道他拥有超自然的力量,可这样的能力,和神明没有区别了啊”。 A City, Huan Le Song KTV, Zhao Chuxiong looks at Dongfang Yu in video, was completely scared, initially Dongfang Yu used Amaterasu Eye Technique to burn the person before him, making Zhao Chuxiong awe Dongfang Yu's strength, compared with ability that but shows with present Dongfang Yu, disparity was too big. A市这边,欢乐颂KTV,赵楚雄看着视频中的东方玉,完全傻眼了,当初东方玉在他面前用过天照瞳技烧死了人,让赵楚雄敬畏东方玉的力量,可是和现在东方玉展现出来的能力相比,这其中的差距太大了。 „Is this Dongfang Yu? Real false......”, the China Dragon cell phone manufacturer, was initially and Dongfang Yu cooperation produces the smartphone manufacturer, Han Rouling was also Dongfang Yu initially together in the Jiayin Building neighbor, at this moment looks strength that Dongfang Yu showed that Han Rouling was also silly. “这是东方玉吗?真的假的……”,中国龙手机厂商,是当初和东方玉合作生产智能手机的厂商,韩若凌也是东方玉当初一起在嘉银大厦的邻居,此刻看着东方玉所展现出来的力量,韩若凌也傻了。 Who can think that in the past under chance coincidence was occupied by the big boy in next door with oneself, unexpectedly had gods same strength of so. 谁能想到,当年机缘巧合之下和自己住在隔壁的大男孩,居然拥有这般神明一样的力量 Day! Is this cousin? Was this too strong?”. “天啊!这就是表哥吗?这太强了吧?”。 Mu Family, Mu Qingfeng and Dongfang Yu's relations are very good, at this moment sees Dongfang Yu to wave to summon a huge meteor to fall, Mu Qingfeng cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise. 穆家,穆青锋东方玉的关系还是很不错的,此刻看到东方玉挥手间就能召唤出一颗巨大的陨星落下来,穆青锋忍不住惊叫出声。 „......”, Mu Qingfeng side, as his game guild chief life occupation, Ji Mengxue naturally also saw this, does not say a word, satisfying shock, actually only then her oneself knows. “……”,穆青锋的旁边,作为他游戏工会首席的生活职业者,季梦雪自然也看到了这一幕,不发一言,可心中的震撼,却只有她自己知道。 In the video this such as the god demon common man, very difficult mind that neighbor boy him and in oneself delimits the equal sign. 视频中这个如神魔一般的男人,很难将他和自己心目中那个邻家男孩划上等号。 „Is his true strength?”, That side Xiayan, sees this, the look is low-spirited. “这才是他真正的力量吗?”,那边的小燕,看到这一幕,神色黯然。 No matter how no wonder oneself pursues Dongfang Yu but actually, he is aloof, originally, oneself and he radically is not a World person. 难怪不管自己如何倒追东方玉,他都无动于衷,原来,自己和他根本就不是一个世界的人啊。 ...... …… Dongfang Yu this act, has shocked entire World, almost all knows the Dongfang Yu's person, looks strength that in the middle of the video Dongfang Yu shows, all stares dumbfounded, unbelievable, but, the fact is placed in the front, no matter they whether is willing to believe. 东方玉此举,震撼了整个世界,几乎所有认识东方玉的人,看着视频当中东方玉所展现出来的力量,全都瞠目结舌,难以置信,可是,事实摆在面前,不管他们是否愿意相信。 This, may seriously the oneself strength announcement world, but is also good, when strength powerful to sufficiently crush all, why also cautiously?”. “这一下,可当真是把自己力量公布天下了啊,不过也好,当力量强大到足以碾压一切的时候,何必还小心翼翼的呢?”。 The Rubik's Cube building, Yakushi Kabuto naturally also saw Dongfang Yu this act, in the heart has selected nod(ded) actually secretly. 魔方体大厦这边,药师兜自然也见到了东方玉此举,心中倒是暗自点点头 Went to the Super Saiyan situation, Dongfang Yu's had the qualifications of suppression entire star firmly. 达到了超级赛亚人的地步,东方玉的确拥有了镇压整个星球的资格了。
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