PE :: Volume #34

#1558: Widely-noted

Looks in front of oneself this person, suddenly had been embezzled by scarlet red flame, but changes to the flying ash suddenly, a Shangguan Xiaohua by frightened appearance, does not dare to believe looks at Dongfang Yu. 看着自己面前这个人,突然被赤红色的火焰吞没了,不过眨眼间就化作飞灰,上官小花一副饱受惊吓的模样,不敢置信的看着东方玉 What flame is this? So to be how fearful? Must know that wants to cremate a person body completely, does the general flame combustion at least also take the most hour to be good? 这是什么火焰?怎么会这么可怕的?要知道想要将一个人身体完全焚化,一般的火焰燃烧至少也要大半个小时才行吗? But now? However suddenly? Must say that this is burnt down, rather was directly gasifies under the fearful temperature came reasonably? 可现在呢?不过眨眼间?要说这是被焚毁的,倒不如说是直接在可怕的温度下气化了来得合理吧? Naturally, what is main was this outcome just what's the matter? Along with Dongfang Yu's a few words, this person completely changed to the ashes? 当然,更主要的是刚刚这一幕究竟是怎么回事?只是随着东方玉的一句话,这个人就完全化作灰烬了? The beforehand all can explain with Science and Technology strength that looks like under foot auspicious cloud can also be said as high Science and Technology aircraft, but just this was hard to explain with the science? 之前的一切都能用科技力量来解释,就像是脚下这一朵祥云也可以说是高科技飞行器,但刚刚这一幕难以用科学来解释吧? Jade... Brother Yu...... This, this......”, Shangguan Xiaohua, reason that because frightens, some words stuttering of mouth, the words did not say completely. “玉…玉哥儿……这,这……”,就连上官小花,因为惊吓的缘故,嘴里的话语都有些结结巴巴的了,话都说不完整。 Remembers how many Senzu Bean I had initially delivered your? So long as has not died, the heavy injury can restore to come, you think why initially I did deliver you that? Really, is getting more and more prominent along with Rubik's Cube, naturally also snatched the cakes of more and more person, what matter under acts out of desperation unable to do? Today some people dare to start from your here, tomorrow difficult insurance nobody to dare their side to start from my parents, Dongfang Yu superficial erased the a person life, the look tranquilly said to Shangguan Xiaohua. “记得我当初送了你几颗仙豆吗?只要没死,再重的伤势都能够恢复过来,你以为当初我为什么送你那个?果然啊,随着魔方体越来越突出,自然也抢了越来越多人的蛋糕了,狗急跳墙之下什么事情做不出来?今天有人敢从你这里下手,明天难保没有人敢从我父母他们那边下手”,东方玉轻描淡写的就抹掉了一个人的性命,神色平静的对上官小花说道。 Mentioned this, Dongfang Yu, then said slightly: These years, I continuously diligently treats as ordinary person to regard oneself, the environment can affect a person, but similarly, when a person has highlit the words, can affect the environment similarly, on this World, I only thinks relieved works as young common people, but......”. 一言及此,东方玉微微一顿,接着说道:“这些年来,我一直都努力的把自己当做一个普通人来看待,环境能影响一个人,但是同样的,当一个人太突出了的话,同样能影响环境,在这个世界上,我只想安安心心的当一个小老百姓,但是……”。 I specially do not show anything, but I, will create the greatest change, one day, these changes can push to a situation of qualitative change, such being the case, I no longer hid, making the common people see my strength clearly, making them understand that some people are they cannot resist. “就算我不特意去展现什么,可我举手投足间,都会造成莫大的改变,总有一天,这些改变会推挤到一个质变的地步,既然如此,那我就不再隐藏了,让世人清清楚楚的看到我的力量,让他们明白有些人是他们不能对抗的”。 Brother Yu, what were you saying?”, Regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Shangguan Xiaohua listens to be not quite clear obviously, does not know that his these words are any meanings, but thought that front Brother Yu, oneself plays big sending to be small since childhood, at this moment looks like to the person a very strange feeling. 玉哥儿,你到底在说什么?”,对于东方玉的话,上官小花显然是听不太明白,更不知道他这些话是什么意思,只是觉得面前的玉哥儿,自己从小玩到大的发小,此刻看起来给人一种非常陌生的感觉。 Brother Yu, your change is very big, just you killed people, but looks at your appearance, as if doesn't care?”. 玉哥儿,你的变化很大啊,刚刚你杀了人啊,可是看你的样子,似乎一点都不放在心上?”。 „......”, The Shangguan Xiaohua words, making Dongfang Yu silent not say, indeed, if before placing obtains Plane Elevator, even early obtains the early time, after Dongfang Yu killed people, so will not be tranquil, in the heart mighty waves do not have, but now, Dongfang Yu although as before is not willing to go to the wound and innocent person, may regarding this person of killing, will not have slight lenient seriously. “……”,上官小花的话,让东方玉沉默不言,的确,若是放在得到位面电梯之前,甚至早得到早期的时候,东方玉杀了人之后不会有这么平静,心中一点波澜都没有,但现在,东方玉虽然依旧不愿意去伤及无辜,可对于该杀之人,也当真不会有丝毫的手软。 This indeed is a very big change, said not good, cannot say that is not good. 这的确是一个很大的变化,说不上好,也说不上不好。 Slaughtering is not I the matter that likes handling, but, something, indeed can only by slaughtering to be solved, walks, I lead you to watch a play, a century major drama!”, Silent a moment later, Dongfang Yu start to talk said. “杀戮并非我喜欢做的事情,但是,有些事情,的确只能靠杀戮来解决,走吧,我带你去看一场戏,一场世纪大戏!”,沉默了片刻之后,东方玉开口说道。 During the speeches the Dongfang Yu's vision looks to distant place, powerful spiritual power unfolds, under foot auspicious cloud dodges to pass, as if the twinkling migration vanished. 说话间东方玉的目光看向远方,强大精神力铺开,脚下祥云一闪而逝,仿佛瞬息移动般消失了。 Meanwhile, in a French tall building, in the luxurious office of most top layer, sitting that male cold sweat streamings on the oneself dermis chair, in the front of man is a giant monitor, monitor piece of black. 与此同时,在法国一栋高楼之中,最顶层的奢华办公室里面,一个男子冷汗涔涔的坐在自己的真皮座椅上面,在男子的面前是一台巨大的显示器,显示器一片黑色 But before , is not this, what in the monitor showed was oneself secret research Base, at this moment, that research Base was destroyed directly. 可之前不是这样的,之前显示器里面展现出来的是自己一处秘密研究基地啊,此刻,那研究基地直接被毁了。 Originally, learns of the news, said that was Rubik's Cube holder Dongfang Yu is held, this man was wild with joy, although has not acted personally, but the real-time monitoring can all in that research Base, what actually oneself see finally? 本来,得知消息,说是魔方体的持有者东方玉真的被抓住了,这个男子欣喜若狂,虽然没有亲自出面,但是却实时监控着那研究基地中的一切,可最后自己看到了什么? On Dongfang Yu's has the energy guard shield? Firearms radically function? Also, Dongfang Yu waved at will, that entire underground did Base completely cave in? What ability is this? What Science and Technology also or is this? 东方玉的身上有能量护罩?枪械根本就没有作用?还有,东方玉随意挥了挥手,那整个地下基地就完全塌陷了?这是什么能力?亦或者说这是什么科技吗? Final time, the man even saw under the Dongfang Yu's foot stepped on white clouds same individual aircraft to leave, has this Rubik's Cube Science and Technology level, been such degree? Has this surmounted the entire Earth Science and Technology 100 years? 最后的时候,男子甚至看到了东方玉的脚底下踩着一朵白云一样的单兵飞行器离开了,这魔方体科技水平,已经达到了这样的程度吗?这已经超越整个地球科技100年了吧? oneself annoyed Rubik's Cube, moreover absolutely did not have the slight handle, how retaliation will encounter Rubik's Cube? Only thinks that this man thought the cold sweat streamings. 自己惹到了魔方体,而且还完全没有丝毫的把柄,会遭到魔方体如何的报复?光是想想,这个男子就觉得冷汗涔涔。 Vertical Cloud Technique speed quick? Was needless saying that was only in France, even if stretched across the entire border unable to require how much time to Dongfang Yu directly, looked like in Shangguan Xiaohua, thought that at present a flower, oneself suddenly appears sky over a lively metropolis, treadonned auspicious cloud, they such static float in midair. 纵云术速度有多快?不用多说了,只是在法国境内,就算是直接横跨整个国境对东方玉而言都要不了多少时间,在上官小花看来,更是觉得眼前一花,自己就突然出现在一片繁华的大都市上空,脚踏祥云,两人就这么静静的悬浮在半空中。 Here is!?”, Looks under a oneself foot building, Headquarters of car Corporation beforehand that said that the Shangguan Xiaohua complexion changed, did Dongfang Yu come here is must do? Can the oneself two people, what do? “这里是!?”,看着自己脚底下的一栋大楼,正是之前那威诺所言的汽车公司的总部,上官小花脸色一变,东方玉来到这里是要干什么?自己两个人而已,能干什么? „! You looked that some sky people are standing, is that is flying?”, Arrives here along with Dongfang Yu and Shangguan Xiaohua, the nature, in the following metropolis also some people saw them, calls out in alarm the sound to get up. “啊!你们看,天空有人站着,那是在飞吗?”,随着东方玉上官小花来到这边,自然,下面的大都市里面也有人看到了他们,惊叫声起。 This sound looks like the spread of virus, quick, below countless people gain ground to come to see to the sky, naturally has innumerable cell phone to turn on the camera, photographs this. 这声音就像是病毒似的蔓延,很快,下面无数的人都抬起头来看向天空中,自然更有无数的手机打开摄像头,拍摄这一幕。 „, God, do these two people fly in the midair? don't tell me are they the gods?”, Some old men, look at sillhouette in sky, the mouth twittering said that even if personally sees, is hard to believe at present this. “哦,上帝啊,这两个人怎么飞在半空中?难道他们是神吗?”,有的老者,看着天空中的人影,嘴里呢喃说道,就算是亲眼所见,都难以相信眼前这一幕。 Their, is that individual aircraft? But with the product that Rubik's Cube unveils, seems not quite same, seems like a cloud?”, Also some young woman, correct use cell phone careful record all these, in the heart secretly the surprise, relatively speaking, the young people had the education of science, naturally believes the science exist(ence). “他们脚下的,那是单兵飞行器吗?可是和魔方体推出的产品,似乎不太一样啊,看起来像是一朵云?”,也有的年轻女子,正用手机仔细的记录这一切,心中暗自诧异,相对而言,年轻人接受了科学的教育,自然更相信科学的存在 What's the matter? Why do they hang in the midair are?”. “怎么回事?他们两个人悬在半空中是为什么?”。 Naturally, more people feel the doubts, does not understand Dongfang Yu and Shangguan Xiaohua float in the midair for anything, naturally, there are countless people to guess Dongfang Yu and status of Shangguan Xiaohua two people. 当然,更多的人感觉到疑惑,不明白东方玉上官小花悬浮在半空中是为了什么,当然,也有无数的人在猜测东方玉上官小花两个人的身份。 ...... …… Is a focus of public attention, at this time was a focus of public attention seriously, the matter that even here has, has raised the difficult situation on Internet quickly, knows the Dongfang Yu's thoughts, therefore Red Queen system also played a role of adding fuel to the flames on Internet, but in a minute, almost half Earth vision gathered here. 万众瞩目,这个时候当真是万众瞩目,甚至这边发生的事情,很快在网络上掀起了惊涛骇浪,也知道东方玉的心思,所以红后系统网络上也起到了一种推波助澜的作用,不过片刻间,几乎半个地球的目光都聚集到了这里。 Brother Yu, do we come to here are the preparation do do?”, Was a focus of public attention, moreover is this kind of presence form, Shangguan Xiaohua thought that some too do not adapt, asked to Dongfang Yu. 玉哥儿,我们来这里是准备干嘛的?”,被万众瞩目,而且又是这样一个出场形式,上官小花觉得有些不太适应,对身旁的东方玉问道。 However, Dongfang Yu shows a faint smile, has not said anything, but extends both hands of oneself suddenly, has made the hug sky same movement. 然而,东方玉只是微微一笑,并没有多说什么,只是突然伸出自己的双手,做了个拥抱天空一样的动作。 „! You look! What that is!?”, Along with the Dongfang Yu's movement, quick, the person who below watches calls out in alarm suddenly makes noise. “啊!你们看!那是什么!?”,随着东方玉的动作,很快,下面观看的人突然惊叫出声。 , A man looks to the sky, cell phone that suddenly, photographed fell in the place, on the face has been full of the desperate look. 啪嗒一声,一个男子看向天空,突然,正在拍摄的手机掉落在地,脸上充满了绝望的神色。 As if likely is some signal, falls along with cell phone of this man in the place, countless person cell phone one after another falling down, even, many person whole body weak lying down on the ground, mouth unconsciousness does not know in twittering anything. 似乎像是某种信号似的,随着这个男子的手机掉落在地,无数的人手机接二连三的掉下,甚至,许多人浑身瘫软的躺在地上,嘴里无意识的不知道在呢喃着些什么。 although many person mind seize, cell phone dropped could not feel, but also had many people, the body stiffened completely, cell phone in hand, actually clear recorded all these. 虽然很多人心神为之所夺,手机跌落了都感觉不到,但也有许多的人,身子完全僵住了,手机拿在手中,却清清楚楚的将这一切都记录下来了。 Steps on Shangguan Xiaohua on auspicious cloud, at this time also gained ground, at once both legs one soft, almost falls. 就连踩在祥云上的上官小花,这个时候也抬起头来,旋即双腿一软,差点跌坐下去。 Originally in upper air, a huge incomparable sphere meteor, toward the earth maliciously pounds, this meteor in the lines of sight of all people, the unceasing enlargement, takes a quick look around, this diameter feared that has about ten li (0.5km)? If this pounds really completely, the entire city will degenerate into the ruins? 原来在高空之中,一颗巨大无比的球形陨星,正朝着大地狠狠的砸下来,这颗陨星在所有人的视线之中,不断的放大,一眼看去,这直径怕是有十里开外吧?这要是真的完全砸下来,整个城市都会沦为废墟吧? Ended, had been finished......”, looks that this diameter about ten li (0.5km) sphere meteor declines from the upper air, all person complexions are pallid, in the eye has been full of the desperate look. “完了,完蛋了……”,看着这直径十里开外的球形陨星从高空中落下来,所有的人脸色煞白,眼中充满了绝望的神色。 Did not say that this meteor pounds directly, even if has not pounded, is only the vibration that this meteor falls to create, sufficiently made the person die, tall building collapse that let alone in this big city, the vibration created, provokes the chain-like response. 不说这颗陨星直接砸中,就算没有砸中,光是这陨星落下来所造成的震动,就足以让人身死了,更别说这大城市里面,震动造成的高楼倒塌,更是引起连锁的反应。 Hum, the father, mother, I have not wanted dead”, some young girl, have tears streaming down the face, in the look has filled desperate sitting down exhausted on the ground, calling out that the mouth sobs. “呜呜呜,爸爸,妈妈,我还不想死啊”,有的少女,泪流满面,眼神中充满了绝望的瘫坐在地上,嘴里呜咽的叫道。 No! No! I cannot die! I have the wife and child in other city, I died the words, what to do should they?”, Some men, mouth were also yelling runs toward the distant place, is only by his speed, can escape from this city in a short time? This is puts up a last-ditch struggle. “不!不!我不能死!我还有老婆和孩子在别的城市呢,我死了的话,他们该怎么办?”,也有的男子,嘴里大叫着往远处跑去,只是以他的速度,能在短时间内逃出这个城市吗?这不过是垂死挣扎罢了。 Also pair of old husband and wife, looked at the appearance as before 70-80 years old appearance, these two old elderly married couples, looked at the meteor that in the sky has pounded to fall, had the tacit understanding very much supported in the same place, closed eyes, destiny of peaceful acceptance death. 也有一对年迈的夫妻,看模样依旧七八十岁的模样了,这两个年迈的老夫老妻,看了看天空中砸落下来的陨星,很有默契的相拥在一起,闭上眼睛,安安静静的接受死亡的命运。 ...... …… This, is this your strength?”, What response not to mention the resident in following city is, stands Shangguan Xiaohua on auspicious cloud , the mind seizes, but after is not everyone can have peaceful landslide in Qian not discoloration psychological element qualitative. “这,这就是你的力量吗?”,且不说下面的城市里的居民都是什么样的反应,就连站在祥云上的上官小花,也心神为之所夺,毕竟不是谁都能拥有泰山崩于前而不色变的心理素质的 Naturally, Dongfang Yu although wants to show oneself strength to common people, but is impossible to destroy a city. 当然,东方玉虽然想要向世人展现自己力量,但绝不可能毁灭一个城市。 Saw that the meteor in sky is getting more and more near, Dongfang Yu wipes on storage ring, the Dragon Flame blade edge appears in the hand, has wielded several blades gently. 眼看着天空中的陨星越来越近,东方玉手在纳戒上一抹,龙炎刃出现在手,轻轻的挥了几刀。 The huge incomparable meteor, had been cut open directly, changes to a giant incomparable stele, drops from the clouds. 巨大无比的陨星,被直接切开了,化作一块巨大无比的石碑,从天而降。 hōng lóng lóng, this stele looks like a handle giant stone dagger drops from the clouds, has collapsed by pressure directly the following tall building, inserting maliciously on the ground, the fierce vibration, as if made the entire city tremble, caused the innumerable scream. 轰隆隆,这石碑就像是一柄巨大的石剑从天而降,直接压塌了下面的高楼,狠狠的插在地上,剧烈的震动,似乎让整个城市都震颤了起来,引起无数的尖叫。
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