PE :: Volume #34

#1557: Shows strength to the common people

You, what aspect can you clarify now are? Haven't you seen? Now you during my control, your life in me in an instant. “你,你能弄清楚现在是什么局面吗?你没看到吗?现在你都在我的掌控之中啊,你的死活都在我一念之间”。 Looks at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, absolutely does not have slightly as the manner of captive, somewhat scruple looks at Dongfang Yu to ask. 东方玉的模样,完全没有丝毫作为阶下囚的态度,威诺有些迟疑的看着东方玉问道。 Cracks a joke? Is the Rubik's Cube holder, does this fellow don't tell me brain have the issue? Is what aspect can't understand including the present? 开玩笑吧?身为魔方体的持有者,这个家伙难道脑子有问题吗?连现在是什么样的局面都看不懂吗? „It is not I do not see clearly, but is your oneself has not seen clearly, is not my life and death in you in an instant, just the opposite, your life and death in me in an instant......”, regarding this words, Dongfang Yu shake the head, may not with the summer insect language ice, Dongfang Yu not with the meaning that he explained. “不是我看不清楚,而是你自己没看清楚,并非我的生死在你一念之间,恰恰相反,你们所有人的生死都在我一念之间……”,对于这威诺的话,东方玉摇摇头,不可与夏虫语冰,东方玉也没有和他多解释的意思。 Good, Mr. Dongfang Yu, although I do not like with the method of any violence, but, to this time, seems I needed to make you know that what situation now was, complexion sank, coldly looks at Dongfang Yu to say. “好吧,东方玉先生,虽然我并不喜欢用什么暴力的手段,但是,到了这个时候,看样子我有必要让你知道现在是什么样的情况了”,威诺的脸色一沉,冷冷的看着东方玉说道。 During the speeches was hinting to the Dongfang Yu behind two black clothed men, the preparation has made Dongfang Yu suffer a hardship to say first again. 说话间对着东方玉身后的两个黑衣男子示意了一下,准备先让东方玉吃点苦头再说。 Regarding hint, how many black clothed man responses Dongfang Yu behind is standing does not have, the appearance that turns a blind eye, this made gawk, what's the matter? Under didn't the oneself person, as if listen to oneself command? 只是,对于威诺的示意,东方玉身后站着的几个黑衣男子一点反应都没有,视若无睹的样子,这让威诺楞了一下,怎么回事?自己手底下的人,似乎不听自己命令了? Good, do not hit meaningful glance, what strength your I grasped not to know that dares to look for my trouble, acted recklessly seriously, naturally, if you know really my strength, believes does not dare to look my has troubled, Dongfang Yu beckoned with the hand, has broken directly. “好啦,别打眼色了,你们连我到底掌握了什么样的力量都不知道,就敢找我的麻烦,当真不知死活啊,当然,若是你们真的知道我的力量,相信也不敢找我的麻烦了”,东方玉摆摆手,直接打断了威诺。 During the speeches, Dongfang Yu extends the take action palm, downward gently a pressure. 说话间,东方玉出手掌,往下轻轻一压。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 This entire underground Base trembled fiercely, the light also flashes on and off erratically, deeply hides in this under Base, once collapsed, naturally all people will bury alive. 这整个地下基地剧烈的震颤了起来,就连灯光也跟着明灭不定,深藏在这地底下的基地,一旦倒塌了的话,自然所有的人都会活埋。 This, looks, as well as in Base all person with amazement discolorations, completely yes what's the matter, wasn't Dongfang Yu only the palm acts, Base trembled? 这一幕,看得威诺,以及基地内所有的人都骇然色变,完全不明白是怎么回事,东方玉只是手掌动作了一下,基地就震颤起来了? don't tell me? What ultra Science and Technology weapon that side Rubik's Cube also has, is attacking this Base? 难道魔方体那边还有什么超科技武器,正在攻击这个基地吗? Stop, you stop to me!”, Any graceful makings, were already thrown into the Javan country to go at this time, has put out pistol directly, breathless was calling out to Dongfang Yu. “住手,你给我住手!”,什么优雅的气质,这个时候早就被抛到爪哇国去了,威诺直接拿出了一支手枪,气急败坏的对着东方玉叫道。 Although in the hand is taking pistol, moreover is pointing at Dongfang Yu, but in heart the security sense does not have, this, almost broke World view. 只是,尽管手中拿着一支手枪,而且指着东方玉,可威诺的心中却一点安全感都没有,这一幕,几乎打破了威诺的世界观。 Regarding the breathless words, Dongfang Yu has not paid attention, but a body surface gold(en) light cover appeared, is the defense of Unextinguishable Golden Shield, as if a gold(en) goose egg wraps Dongfang Yu, at once, the Dongfang Yu stride walks forward. 对于威诺气急败坏的话语,东方玉没有理会,只是体表一层金色的光罩出现了,正是不灭金气盾的防御,仿佛一个金色的鹅蛋将东方玉包裹在其中,旋即,东方玉大步向前行走。 Even if not untie gene shackle, does not open the Super Saiyan shape, the Dongfang Yu's energy value reached as high as 9000 degrees, strength of this degree, crush all, stamped Ant sufficiently after all, no matter used a mountain with a brick, the effect was the same. 就算不解开基因锁,不开启超级赛亚人的形态,东方玉的能量值都高达9000的程度了,这个程度的力量,足以碾压一切,毕竟踩死一只蚂蚁,不管是用一块板砖还是用一座山,效果都是一样的。 Looks at the Dongfang Yu's body surface, reappears a gold(en) air/Qi shield, this supernatural, making completely scared. 看着东方玉的体表,浮现出一层金色的气盾,这超自然的一幕,让威诺完全傻眼了。 Is this supernatural strength? Ultra Science and Technology energy shield? Rubik's Cube did Science and Technology lead the world, don't tell me has developed to be able practical energy to protect the shield? This also too Sci-Fi? 这是超自然的力量?还是超科技能量盾?魔方体科技领先全球,难道已经开发出了可以实用的能量护盾了吗?这也太科幻了吧? No matter how in the heart is surprised and shocks, at this time looks Dongfang Yu step by step walks toward front, under has not paid attention to the oneself appearance, becomes angry out of shame, has deducted the trigger directly. 不管心中是如何的惊讶和震撼,这个时候看着东方玉一步步的朝前面走去,没有理会自己的样子,威诺恼羞成怒之下,直接扣下了扳机。 Bang, bullet(s) has shot toward Dongfang Yu directly, is only, can this bullet(s) striking power, pierce Dongfang Yu's Unextinguishable Golden Shield? Whatever this attack falls on oneself, Dongfang Yu continues to proceed. 砰的一声,子弹直接朝着东方玉射了过去,只是,这子弹的攻击力,能洞穿东方玉的不灭金气盾吗?任由这攻击落在自己身上,东方玉继续往前走。 The steel and iron wall, is frail with a white paper, with long hurried strides, hit several walls directly, finally arrived at the Shangguan Xiaohua front, he was being closed in a secret room, obviously also felt under this vibration of Base. 钢铁的墙壁,和一张白纸般脆弱,大步流星,直接撞开了好几道墙壁,终于来到了上官小花的面前,他正被关在一个密室当中,显然也感受到了这个底下基地的震动。 However looks that hits to put on Dongfang Yu that wall walked directly, looks at around Dongfang Yu the gold(en) air/Qi shield, Shangguan Xiaohua is stunned. 不过看着直接撞穿了墙壁走进来的东方玉,看着东方玉周围的这一层金色气盾,上官小花愕然。 Brother Yu, you, what are you?”, Stunned is pointing at around Dongfang Yu the goose egg-shaped air/Qi shield, asking of Shangguan Xiaohua surprise, scared appearance. 玉哥儿,你,你这是什么?”,愕然的指着东方玉周围的这一层鹅蛋形气盾,上官小花诧异的问道,傻眼了的模样。 Was good, walks, looks at the Shangguan Xiaohua appearance, Dongfang Yu had not explained that anything's meaning, turns around to leave. “好了,走吧”,看着上官小花的模样,东方玉没有多解释什么的意思,转身离开。 The nature, Shangguan Xiaohua also behind left with Dongfang Yu's, after going out of this secret room, Dongfang Yu stretches out the finger of oneself, to sky in gently a stroke. 自然,上官小花也跟着东方玉的身后离开了,走出了这个密室之后,东方玉伸出自己的手指,对着天空中轻轻一划。 The radiant ray has chopped together directly, on top of the head has cut open several rice widths immediately, dozens meters opening, goes nonstop to the surface, Dongfang Yu under foot white clouds reappears, the load bearing Shangguan Xiaohua and Dongfang Yu fly toward above. 一道璀璨的光芒直接砍了出去,头顶上立马切开了一条数米宽,数十米长的裂口,直通地表,东方玉脚下一朵白云浮现出来,承载着上官小花东方玉往上面飞去。 Simultaneously Dongfang Yu puts out a hand a move, who that stares dumbfounded, by pulling on this auspicious cloud, three people had been flown on the surface from the opening place directly. 同时东方玉伸手一招,那瞠目结舌的威诺,被拉到了这朵祥云上面,三人直接从裂口处飞到了地表上面。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… As the Dongfang Yu three people leave after place bottom Base, the entire earth caved in directly, under the foot can hear an intermittent sad sound, obviously under Base as well as caved in completely, entire under Base, is destroyed in a moment completely. 随着东方玉三人从地底基地当中离开之后,整个大地直接塌陷了下去,脚底下能够听得到一阵阵沉闷的声音,显然底下的基地以及完全塌陷了,整个底下基地,完全毁于一旦。 No, my this scientific research Base, unexpectedly, unexpectedly......”. “不,我这科研基地,居然,居然……”。 At this time, lay including oneself on a cloud unexpectedly without enough time was surprised, but looks under foot caved in obviously the big hole, was dumb as a wooden chicken. 这个时候,威诺连自己居然趴在一朵云上面都来不及惊讶了,只是看着脚下一个明显塌陷下去了的大坑,呆若木鸡。 Has not thought that oneself this underground Base, like this was ruined unexpectedly, what is more fearful, how it was ruined, oneself cannot understand, as if Dongfang Yu has pressed the palm at will, ruined. 没有想到自己这个地下基地,居然就这样被毁掉了,更可怕的是,它是如何被毁掉的,自己都看不懂,似乎东方玉随意压了一下手掌,就毁掉了。 A'Yu, this, what thing are you? Is more advanced individual aircraft?”. 阿玉,这,你这是什么东西?是更先进的单兵飞行器吗?”。 At this time, Shangguan Xiaohua stood on Vertical Cloud Technique auspicious cloud, made an effort to step on stepping on, a little soft feeling, looked like steps in having the bed of spring mattress is the same, curious asked to Dongfang Yu. 这个时候,上官小花站在纵云术祥云上面,用力踩了踩,有点软软的感觉,就像是踩在有席梦思的床上一样,好奇的对东方玉问道。 Regarding the Shangguan Xiaohua words, Dongfang Yu had not replied that to today's this degree, Dongfang Yu has not wanted to hide oneself strength again. 对于上官小花的话,东方玉没有回答,到了今天这个程度,东方玉也不想再隐藏着自己实力了。 Today some people dare to aim at oneself to Shangguan Xiaohua take action, tomorrow some people dare to start to the oneself parents, or is that side mother solemn family member(s), wants to cease this matter, the best means show powerful strength, making them not dare to move. 今天有人敢对上官小花出手来针对自己,明天就有人敢对自己的父母下手,或者是母亲那边的穆家人,想要杜绝这种事情,最好的办法还是展现出强大实力,让他们不敢动弹。 No matter was modern in the ancient times, why between are the country and country always willing to show oneself strength to frighten other influence this are? To not let others do not act rashly? Now Dongfang Yu thought that oneself also arrived this has done this. 不管是古代还是现代,国家与国家之间总是愿意展现出自己力量来震慑其他的势力这是为什么?还不就是为了让别人不要轻举妄动吗?现在东方玉觉得自己也到了该这样做的时候了。 The restraint that before Dongfang Yu intended, does not know whether on World also had other supernatural ability user, two are not willing with the exist(ence) opposition of state apparatus. 以前东方玉有意的克制,一则是并不知道世界上是否还有其他的超自然能力者,二则也是不愿意和国家机器的存在对立。 But now, Rubik's Cube is a fragrant steamed bun, had big influence to get the idea of Rubik's Cube, the oneself careful restraint, can only encourage these person of rampant arrogance, naturally, what is main is present Dongfang Yu, had has resisted the entire World all influence energy sufficiently. 但现在,魔方体是一个香馍馍,已经有大势力打上了魔方体的主意,自己再小心的克制,只能助长这些人嚣张的气焰,当然,最主要的是现在的东方玉,已经拥有了足以对抗全世界所有势力的底气了。 Since had decided showed oneself strength to frighten the ganef, the nature, Dongfang Yu had not replied regarding Shangguan Xiaohua that because of when the time comes, his oneself after-wedding meeting saw with own eyes. 既然决定了展现自己实力来震慑宵小了,自然,对于上官小花的话东方玉没有回答,因为到时候,他自己会亲眼见到的。 Or is also quick, the entire World person will see oneself strength with own eyes. 亦或者说,很快,全世界的人都会亲眼见到自己力量 Was good, you may know why I can keep your life?”, Had not replied that the Shangguan Xiaohua words, Dongfang Yu Norah, start to talk asked. “好了,你可知道我为何要留着你的性命吗?”,没有回答上官小花的话,东方玉一把将威诺拉了起来,开口问道。 You, how do you achieve?”, In the look has shock look also to stare at Dongfang Yu. “你,你到底是怎么做到的?”,威诺,眼神中带着震撼的也眼神盯着东方玉 although looks like, Dongfang Yu these mysterious methods are very likely high Science and Technology strength, but regarding these unreadable super Science and Technology, in fact, almost did not have what difference with Myth Legend strength. 虽然在威诺看来,东方玉这些神奇的手段很有可能是高科技力量,但对于这些难以理解的超级科技,实际上而言,和神话传说力量几乎没有什么区别了。 You are Base person in charge, I think that you do not have this ability to dare to my take action, who your secret is Boss? Said, Dongfang Yu glanced one eyes gently, mouth tranquil saying. “你不过是一个基地负责人而已,我想你也没有这个能耐敢对我出手,你幕后的老板是谁?说吧”,东方玉轻轻的瞟了威诺一眼,嘴里平静的说道。 I......”, the Dongfang Yu's words, naturally will not say. “我……”,东方玉的话,威诺自然是不会说。 But when, he saw the Dongfang Yu's time, the formidable spiritual power quantity destroys his will instantaneously, the soul is controlled by the Dongfang Yu lock instantaneously, the nature, was the knowledge word expresses oneself fully regarding the Dongfang Yu's issue all. 可是,当他看到东方玉的时候,强悍精神力量瞬间摧毁了他的意志,灵魂瞬间被东方玉锁操控了,自然,对于东方玉的问题是知无不言言无不尽。 From mouth, Dongfang Yu understands quickly that originally Boss, is a French car manufacturer. 从威诺的嘴里,东方玉很快明白过来,原来威诺的老板,是法国一家汽车厂商。 Before Rubik's Cube Magnetic Levitation car promotes, the car manufacturers in France can be said as the global famous car brands, looks like United States Ford and Cadillac, the Honda and Toyota in Japan, Germany BBA and so on, at least in China Country is very famous car brand, the car brand value, at least over 100 billion, can be inferred. 魔方体磁悬浮汽车推出之前,法国的这家汽车厂商可以说是全球著名的汽车品牌,就像是美国的福特和凯迪拉克,东瀛的本田和丰田,德国的BBA之类,至少在华夏国是非常出名的汽车品牌,旗下的汽车品牌价值,至少在100000000000以上,可见一斑。 As Rubik's Cube Magnetic Levitation car promotes, short more than one year of time, the car market in world ruinous was attacked, in addition recently Rubik's Cube had promoted the individual aircraft news, sells to near, can start the brand-new journey raging tide. 只是,随着魔方体磁悬浮汽车推出,短短一年多的时间,全球的汽车市场都受到了毁灭性的打击,再加上最近魔方体推出了单兵飞行器的消息,发售在即,更是能掀起全新的出行狂潮。 Finally, the car manufacturers in France decide to take risks, starts from Dongfang Yu, obtains the individual aircraft selling jurisdiction, naturally, had better be able obtain Rubik's Cube stock, therefore, had today's this. 最后,法国的这家汽车厂商决定铤而走险,从东方玉这边下手,得到单兵飞行器的发售权限,当然,最好能得到魔方体股份,所以,才有了今天这一幕。 Originally is this......”, from mouth, Dongfang Yu had known the truth of matter, slightly nod(ded), was within the Dongfang Yu's anticipation. “原来是这样啊……”,从威诺的嘴里,东方玉得知了事情的真相,微微点头,算是在东方玉的意料之内了。 This, what's all this about? Is don't tell me mesmeric?”, Nearby Shangguan Xiaohua, looks that is rejected, but now actually likely is the condition of sleepwalk, knows to the Dongfang Yu's words says all. “这,这是怎么回事?难道是催眠术吗?”,旁边的上官小花,看着威诺本来是拒绝的,可现在却像是梦游的状态,对东方玉的话知无不言。 Looks at Dongfang Yu again, Shangguan Xiaohua discovered that Dongfang Yu as if became strange. 再看东方玉,上官小花发现,东方玉似乎变得陌生了许多。 Was good, you also go......”, the thing of this understanding has understood, Dongfang Yu waved. “好了,你也去吧……”,该了解的东西已经了解了,东方玉挥了挥手。 Scarlet red Samadhi True Fire has embezzled body instantaneously, without enough time sends out including the pitiful yell sound, changes to the flying ash instantaneously. 赤红色的三昧真火瞬间吞没了威诺的身子,连惨叫声都来不及发出,威诺瞬间化作飞灰。
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