PE :: Volume #34

#1556: The pattern does

Tangjing City, Dongfang Yu is playing to make with Xiaolu, suddenly the sound sound on demon dragon cell phone: Boss, you had a telephone to come, was That side Mr. Shangguan Xiaohua hits. 唐京市这边,东方玉正在和小鹿玩闹着,突然魔龙手机上的声音响了起来:“老板,你有一个电话来了,是上官小花先生那边打过来的”。 „? Xiaohua? Didn't he go to that side France to discuss the matter of Movie(s) release?”, Hearing is Shangguan Xiaohua telephoned, in the Dongfang Yu heart some surprise, what matter does don't tell me have secretly? “哦?小花?他不是去法国那边谈电影发行的事情了吗?”,听得是上官小花打了个电话过来,东方玉心中暗自有些诧异,难道是有什么事情吗? Although in the heart has doubts, Dongfang Yu has naturally connected the call, after the telephone has put through, Dongfang Yu can see that in the telephone presented a picture, Shangguan Xiaohua tied up the picture on chair. 心中尽管疑惑,东方玉自然还是接通了电话,随着电话接通了之后,东方玉能够看得到电话里出现了一个画面,正是上官小花被人绑在椅子上的画面。 Meanwhile, in the telephone has resounded a male voice, a mouth fluent English, making oneself go to France to look for them, moreover can only alone go, cannot report to the police. 同时,电话里响起了一个男声,嘴里一口流利的英语,让自己去法国找他们,而且只能独自前往,不能报警。 Looks at this picture, heard these words, the Dongfang Yu's complexion sank, mouth also tranquil saying: Your meaning is, making my a person go? Good, you where?”. 看着这幅画面,听到这句话,东方玉的脸色沉了下来,嘴里也平静的说道:“你的意思是,让我一个人去吗?好的,你们在什么地方?”。 Warning? To Dongfang Yu, the entire Earth police add, insufficient oneself Energy Wave, it seems like this people borrow the relations of Shangguan Xiaohua in view of oneself, it seems like, although Rubik's Cube grew into the colossus now, actually still do some people dare to have the crooked thoughts? Moreover the thoughts directly have also projected on the body of oneself. 报警?对东方玉而言,全地球的警察加起来,也不够自己一个气功波的,看来这是有人借用上官小花的关系来针对自己啊,看来,尽管魔方体现在已经成长为庞然大物了,却依然有人敢动歪心思吗?而且心思还直接打到了自己的身上。 We naturally will not tell you oneself position, you fly France directly, when the time comes some of our people will meet your, good, like this, within 24 hours, if you have not arrived, gives you Younger Brother to burn the paper money, I remember that this is your China custom?”, Regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, the after sound of telephone that head throws down such a few words, hung up directly. “我们自然是不会把自己的位置告诉你了,你直接飞到法国这边来吧,到时候我们会有人接你的,好啦,就这样了,24小时之内,如果你没到的话,就给你兄弟烧纸钱吧,我记得这是你们华夏的习俗?”,对于东方玉的话,电话那头的声音丢下这么一句话之后,直接挂断了。 Little Yu, what to do? The words that your a person goes to were too dangerous......”, Bright Sun Villa, the parents they naturally also heard this telephone, on the face has the look that is worrying about. 小玉,怎么办?你一个人去的话太危险了……”,皓日山庄这边,父母他们自然也听到了这个电话的,脸上都带着一丝担忧的神色。 although knows that Dongfang Yu has supernatural strength, actually may strength how they not know that the care is chaotic, they also feared the words that Dongfang Yu alone goes to can leave an accident. 虽然知道东方玉拥有超自然的力量,可究竟实力如何他们是不知道的,关心则乱,他们也怕东方玉独自前往的话会出个闪失。 Relax, this matter for me is not any crisis, on this Earth, even if the nuclear bomb does not have the means to cause the damage to me, the look that relax, sees the oneself parents, on the Dongfang Yu's face shows a smiling face. “放心,这件事情对我来说不算什么危机,这个地球上,就算是核弹也没办法对我造成伤害的,放心吧”,看着自己父母的神色,东方玉的脸上露出一个笑容。 At once, demon dragon cell phone of Dongfang Yu start to talk to oneself said: How? Located the tackled position? Moreover, in the Xiaohua hand uses is also cell phone that we produce, whether the maximum jurisdiction can send the opposite side positional information?”. 旋即,东方玉开口自己的魔龙手机说道:“如何?定位到了对付的位置了吗?而且,小花手中用的也是我们出产的手机,最高权限能否发送对方的位置信息?”。 A very short dialog, coped stopped the communication, obviously was also guarding against here the counter- detection. 只是很短暂的一个对话,对付就停止了通讯,显然也防备着这边反侦查。 But the demon dragon cell phone procedure after is Red Queen some Artificial Intelligence transforms, what is main is Shangguan Xiaohua cell phone is also so, the Dongfang Yu's words naturally are the highest instruction, so long as wants, that side Shangguan Xiaohua cell phone can also be controlled by here. 可是魔龙手机的程序毕竟是红后的部分人工智能改造,更主要的是上官小花手机也是如此,东方玉的话语自然是最高的指令,只要愿意,那边上官小花手机也能被这边控制。 „It is not good, Boss, that side as if also has the installment of high Science and Technology, has shielded the signal, is hard to trace the accurate position . Moreover, cell phone of that side Mr. Shangguan Xiaohua was also ruined, is only, along with the Dongfang Yu's words, Little Red Mao system so replied that obviously the person of telephone that head, has made the complete preparation. “不行,老板,那边似乎也有高科技的装置,屏蔽了信号,难以追查到确切的位置,而且,那边上官小花先生的手机也被毁掉了”,只是,随着东方玉的话,小红帽系统却这般回答,显然电话那头的人,做了完全的准备。 This, that a little method, I in the past had a look actually, had determined the opposite side position, Dongfang Yu also wants to go with Vertical Cloud Technique, since the matter a little slightly troubles, Dongfang Yu also for the time being obeys the opposite side words, first sat airplane to go to that side France to say again. “这样啊,那倒是有点手段了,也罢,我就过去看看吧”,本来确定了对方的位置,东方玉还想用纵云术前去呢,既然事情有点小麻烦的话,东方玉也就暂且听从对方的话语,先坐飞机去法国那边再说吧。 Complete preparation? When strength powerful to sufficiently crush all, any preparation, any scheme, is completely pale and weak. 完全的准备?当力量强大到足以碾压一切的时候,任何的准备,任何的计谋,全部都是苍白无力的。 Has comforted family member(s) well, nearby Bai Feifei also comforts, after all has not seen in this Real World has any supernatural ability user, Bai Feifei very much feels relieved to the Dongfang Yu's safety. 好好的安慰了一番家人,旁边的白菲菲也跟着安慰,毕竟在这现实世界中可从来都没见过有什么超自然的能力者,白菲菲东方玉的安危还是很放心的。 That Journey to the West plane Buddha Realm by Dongfang Yu was made chicken feather duck blood, Real World these can ordinary person, be what kind to Dongfang Yu? 就连那西游位面佛界都被东方玉弄得鸡毛鸭血的,现实世界这些普通人,能对东方玉怎么样吗? Made cell phone book a recent airplane ticket to oneself quickly, Dongfang Yu has mounted directly went to the flight of France. 很快让手机自己订了一张最近的机票,东方玉直接登上了前往法国的航班。 Really, after having gotten down airplane, the car(riage) stops in front of Dongfang Yu's, two very cool men, wear the black western-style clothing, is bringing the black sunglasses, looks looks like the black influence member, arrives in front of Dongfang Yu's, serious in speech and manner asked Dongfang Yu to board, then the similar treatment, has put on a black headgear to Dongfang Yu. 果然,下了飞机之后,就有一辆车停在东方玉的面前,两个非常酷的男子,身穿黑色西装,带着黑色的墨镜,一看就像是黑色势力的成员,来到东方玉的面前,不苟言笑的请东方玉上了车,然后同样的待遇,给东方玉套上了一个黑色的头套。 Hey, the waiter, you determined that puts on this thing to me, can prevent me to watch the surroundings?”, Is wrapping a black headgear, changed to a helicopter quickly, Dongfang Yu looks to nearby man asks. “嘿,伙计,你们确定给我套上这个东西,就能防止我观看周围吗?”,套着一个黑色的头套,很快转到了一架直升机上面,东方玉望向旁边一个男子问道。 Rubbish!”, Listens to the Dongfang Yu's words, man saying of this black western-style clothing gratefully, during the speeches, a butt has pounded toward the Dongfang Yu's head. “不要废话!”,听东方玉的话,这个黑色西装的男子毫不客气的说道,说话间,一个枪托朝着东方玉的脑袋砸了过去。 although is wrapping the headgear, but this man always felt that the Dongfang Yu's vision as if places the body of oneself, this feeling makes people unusual is uncomfortable. 虽然套着头套,可这个男子总感觉到东方玉的目光似乎放在自己的身上,这种感觉让人非常的不舒服。 Bang! 砰! The butt pounds directly on the Dongfang Yu's head, this man is clearly experienced, seeks ordinary person to be such pounded the words, meets the stupor directly, but, this butt pounds on the Dongfang Yu's head, actually like pounds in the steel and iron, the palm of oneself shakes unexpectedly a little tingles with numbness, this black clothed man, in the heart is startled darkly. 枪托直接砸在东方玉的脑袋上面,这个男子显然是非常有经验,寻常人被这么砸一下的话,直接会昏迷过去,但是,这一个枪托砸在东方玉的脑袋上,却像是砸在钢铁上一样,自己的手掌居然都震得有点发麻,这个黑衣男子,心中暗惊。 Hey, the waiter, what strength it seems like you do not have, can eat to the full the food to come first again?”, Was pounded head, the appearance that Dongfang Yu has not felt slightly, the sound in headgear, is having the strange feeling, seems same as the provocation in the taunt. “嘿,伙计,看来你没什么力气啊,要不要先吃饱了饭再来?”,被砸了一下脑袋,东方玉丝毫没有感觉的样子,头套之内的声音,带着怪异的感觉,似乎在嘲讽和挑衅一样。 bastard thing!”, Nearby several companions looked with the surprise look, making this black clothed man feel to become angry out of shame, the mouth gave a loud shout, butt high holding up, pounded once again toward the Dongfang Yu's head. 混账东西!”,旁边几个同伴都用诧异的眼神看过来了,让这个黑衣男子觉得恼羞成怒,嘴里大喝一声,枪托高高的举起,再度朝着东方玉的脑袋砸下去。 At this time, bundled the Dongfang Yu's string to stretch directly, Dongfang Yu although wears the headgear, but actually accurate held this to pound the butt that another hand, has pulled the headgear on head directly. 只是,就在这个时候,捆着东方玉的绳子直接绷断了,东方玉虽然戴着头套,可是却精准的抓住了这砸下来的枪托,另外一只手,直接把脑袋上的头套扯了下来。 kā chā kā chā! 咔嚓咔嚓 The sound of bolt resounds, side another two black clothed men, in the spear|gun with oneself hand to the Dongfang Yu's head, look although are directly quiet, but in the hearts of these people actually shocks. 枪栓的声音响起,旁边另外两个黑衣男子,直接用自己手中的枪对着东方玉的脑袋,神色虽然平静,可这几个人的心中却震撼不已。 By the string bundling, this person was struggling free unexpectedly directly? Gets rid, even if a cow, isn't easy to work loose? Will this person have such big strength? 被绳子给捆着,这个人居然直接就挣断了?摆脱,就算是一头牛,都没怎么容易挣脱吧?这个人怎么会有这么大的力气? The palm catches up slightly, Dongfang Yu directly the spear|gun crumb in oneself hand. 手掌微微发力,东方玉直接将自己手中的这把枪捏碎了。 The nature, saw that Dongfang Yu take action, these two movements of black clothed men are also very decisive, direct to open fire, but actually aims at the Dongfang Yu's thigh. 自然,眼看着东方玉出手了,这两个黑衣男子的动作也很果断,直接开枪了,不过却是指向东方玉的大腿。 Can the firearms have the function to Dongfang Yu? bullet(s) that two shoot is near at hand, actually stops in front of Dongfang Yu's, then falls directly. 只是,枪械对东方玉而言能有作用吗?两颗射出来的子弹近在咫尺,却停在东方玉的面前,然后直接掉落下去。 This, such is possible!?”, This supernatural, lets on airplane several black clothed man complexion big changes, panic-stricken looks at Dongfang Yu. “这,这么可能!?”,这超自然的一幕,让飞机上几个黑衣男子脸色大变,惊恐的看着东方玉 This don't tell me pats Movie(s)? The Matrix? How to present this matter? 难道是拍电影吗?黑客帝国吗?怎么会出现这种事情? Good, does not have the time to accompany you to waste, said that looked, where is our must go?”, Dongfang Yu both eyes changes to such as the color of blood scarlet, looked at these men, even includes to drive the person of helicopter, was controlled instantaneously by Dongfang Yu. “好啦,没时间陪你们浪费,说说看吧,我们这是要去什么地方?”,东方玉双眼化作猩红如血的颜色,看了一眼这几个男子,甚至包括驾驶直升机的人,瞬间被东方玉控制住了。 The helicopter, steady flying, quick is arriving in the factory that has abandoned remotely, Dongfang Yu pushes to the front walked from the helicopter, wore the black western-style clothing with several, wears the man of big sunglasses. 直升机,平稳的飞行着,很快就来到了一处偏僻废弃的工厂里面,东方玉一马当先的从直升机当中走出来了,身后跟着几个身穿黑色西装,戴着大墨镜的男子。 Looked that the Dongfang Yu's appearance was not grasped likely, seems like goes home, having a familiar task and handling it with ease directly entered in this factory. 东方玉的模样不像是被抓过来的,反倒像是回家一样,驾轻就熟的就直接走进了这个工厂里面。 In factory that abandons, looks like nobody, but in fact in secret actually some people are guarding, saw Dongfang Yu pushes to the front walks, side with several Men in Black, these guards person look at each other in dismay, not yes what's the matter. 废弃的工厂之中,看起来没有人,但实际上暗中却有人看守着,眼看东方玉一马当先的走过来,旁边跟着几个黑衣人,这些看守的的人面面相觑,不明白怎么回事。 In the surface is a worn out factory, may in fact, in bottommost actually Elevator of this factory, Elevator directly downward, quick went to a broad hall, wears the western-style clothes, the bearing graceful middle-aged man is waiting Elevator entrance. 表面上是一个废旧的工厂,可实际上,在这工厂的最下面却有一个电梯,电梯直接往下,很快的就来到了一个宽广的大厅,一个身穿西服,气度优雅的中年男子正在电梯门口这边等着。 Hi, welcome you, Mr. Dongfang Yu, looks that walks Dongfang Yu that from inside, start to talk said. “嗨,欢迎你,东方玉先生”,看着从里面走出来的东方玉,威诺开口说道。 Looks the Dongfang Yu idle courtyard takes a walk general walks, several black clothed men follow in Dongfang Yu's behind, in heart some surprise, said: It seems like my these under the hand/subordinate, is a little politeness, I also really feared that they treat you uncouthly. 只是看着东方玉闲庭散步一般的走出来,几个黑衣男子跟在东方玉的身后,威诺的心中有些诧异,道:“看来我这几个手下,还是有点礼貌的,我还真怕他们粗鲁的对待你呢”。 Was good, rubbish, where leading me to have a look at Shangguan Xiaohua, beckons with the hand, Dongfang Yu with coping empty with the meaning of winding, cut into the subject to say directly. “好了,别废话了,带我去看看上官小花在哪里吧”,摆摆手,东方玉并没有和对付虚与委蛇的意思,单刀直入的切入了主题说道。 Mr. Dongfang Yu, leaves is so anxious, before seeing Mr. Shangguan Xiaohua, I thought that we have many topics to chat, for example individual aircraft? Again for example, Rubik's Cube other these not completely public technology?”, On the face is having the graceful smiling face, this male confident appearance said. 东方玉先生,别那么急嘛,在见一见上官小花先生之前,我觉得我们有许多的话题可以聊一聊呢,比如说单兵飞行器?再比如说,魔方体其他那些没有完全公开的技术?”,脸上带着优雅的笑容,这个男子一副胸有成竹的模样说道。 If I don't want to discuss?”, Dongfang Yu somewhat funny looks that in front of oneself this does intentionally the graceful man, looks like was looking that goes all out the monkey of performance to be the same. “如果我不想谈呢?”,东方玉有些好笑的看着自己面前这个故作优雅的男子,就像是在看一只卖力表演的猴子一样。 Right, does he name? Ok, a deceased person, does not need to record his name. 对了,他叫什么名字来着?算了,一个死人,没必要记着他的名字。 Hey, it seems like Mr. Dongfang Yu you have not made clear the condition, now you in my domain, something must listen my, Dongfang Yu this manner, making brow wrinkle the wrinkle slightly, the reminder said. “嘿嘿嘿,看来东方玉先生你还是没有搞清楚状况啊,现在你在我的地盘上,有些事情必须听我的”,东方玉这个态度,让威诺的眉头微微皱了皱,提醒说道。 Hahaha. 哈哈哈”。 His reminder, makes Dongfang Yu smile to make noise, looked like hears any funny joke to be the same: You have looked at a beast of prey, because falls in the chicken circle, to these chicken duck compromises?”. 只是,他这句提醒,却让东方玉笑出声来,就像是听到了什么好笑的笑话一样:“你看过一只猛兽,会因为落在鸡圈里面,就向这些鸡鸭妥协的吗?”。 Does not know the courage where really you come, dares to start to me unexpectedly, is really is much sillier. “真不知道你们哪里来的勇气,居然敢对我下手,真是傻得可爱呢”。 Shakes the head, Dongfang Yu start to talk said that copes with these ordinary person? They make qualifications that oneself faces up to not have. 摇摇头,东方玉开口说道,对付这些普通人?他们连让自己正视的资格都没有。
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