PE :: Volume #34

#1555: Kidnapping

Initially Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons plane, oneself did not beat Guanyin Buddha, the Bai Feifei decisive putting forth unreasoning passion sacrifice, initially let Dongfang Yu unusual move with guilty. 当初西游降魔篇位面,自己不敌观音菩萨,白菲菲果断的使出痴情祭,当初让东方玉非常的感动和愧疚。 But this Journey to the West plane, in order to lets oneself change becomes Super Saiyan's Mode, achieves the self-help the effect, Bai Feifei gives the oneself life once again, in this Dongfang Yu's heart although is moved, what are more is guilty, as well as angry. 但这次西游位面,为了能让自己变身成超级赛亚人的状态,达到自救的效果,白菲菲再度奉献出自己的生命,这次东方玉的心中虽然感动,但更多的还是愧疚,以及愤怒。 Right, angry, anger of expecting too much, is to Bai Feifei, to oneself, such situation presented one again time, don't tell me oneself was this type can only depend on the woman sacrifice, received exchange the strength person? 没错,愤怒,恨铁不成钢的愤怒,是对白菲菲,也是对自己,这样的情况再出现一次了,难道自己是这种只能靠女人牺牲,来换取力量的人吗? This matter, Dongfang Yu is hard to accept the third time, therefore, Dongfang Yu has written down Symbiotic Contract, so long as Bai Feifei dies, oneself also with being killed, after this ceased her, what is willful is oneself gives the life the behavior. 这种事情,东方玉难以接受第三次,所以,东方玉写下了共生契约,只要白菲菲死的话,自己也会跟着丧命,这样才杜绝了她以后再任性的为自己奉献出生命的行为。 In the hand of Bai Feifei is pinching this Symbiotic Contract, looked at Dongfang Yu, on the face was having awkward look, the Dongfang Yu's manner was very firm, she knows that oneself was impossible to change his insistence. 白菲菲的手中捏着这张共生契约,看了看东方玉,脸上带着为难的神色,东方玉的态度很坚决,她知道自己不可能改变他的坚持。 Has signed this Symbiotic Contract words, Dongfang Yu danger, after all oneself strength is well below him, once encountered the crisis in other plane, oneself was hard to help oneself? To link Dongfang Yu also together to kill? This will turn into a Dongfang Yu's weakness, Bai Feifei is hard to accept. 只是,签下了这共生契约的话,东方玉会更加的危险,毕竟自己实力远远不如他,一旦在其他的位面遭遇了危机,自己难以自救呢?岂不是连东方玉也一起害死了?这会变成东方玉的一个弱点,白菲菲难以接受。 Your oneself choice, either owes this contract, either you keep Real World to treat, to you, I am every day is accompanying you simply as before, but vanishes every month day of”, Dongfang Yu looks at Bai Feifei, start to talk said. “你自己选择吧,要么就欠下这份契约,要么你就留在现实世界待着吧,索性对你而言,我依旧是每天陪着你,只不过每个月消失一天的时间罢了”,东方玉看着白菲菲,开口说道。 This, you make me consider, has hesitated a moment later, Bai Feifei start to talk said. “这个,你让我考虑考虑吧”,沉吟了片刻之后,白菲菲开口说道。 A short time, Bai Feifei cannot make decision, needs seriously to consider. 一时半会儿的,白菲菲也做不出决定,需要认真的考虑一番。 Um, can, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu select nod(ded) saying that simply also one month, can make her consider slowly. “嗯,可以”,闻言,东方玉点头说道,索性还有一个月的时间,可以让她慢慢的考虑。 About the Symbiotic Contract matter, puts after for the time being, Dongfang Yu and Bai Feifei Jiayin Building have not treated, the direct utilization dimension gate returned to Tangjing City. 关于共生契约的事情,暂且放下来了之后,东方玉白菲菲并没有在嘉银大厦这边多待,直接利用次元门回到了唐京市这边。 Scientific research unit here, Dr. Gero looks that Dongfang Yu and Bai Feifei appear, naturally inquired Bulma whereabouts, Dongfang Yu has not been hiding the truth from him, told him Bulma to keep Journey to the West plane, was studying Way of Refining with Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch. 科研部这里,盖洛博士看着东方玉白菲菲出现,自然是询问了一番布玛的下落,东方玉也没瞒着他,告诉他布玛留在西游记位面,正在和太上老君学习炼器之道 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch? Are the technologies in these Myth Legend, what? Envies her really......”, hears the Dongfang Yu's words, in the Dr. Gero look is also full of the look that has yearned. 太上老君啊?这些神话传说中的技术,到底是什么样的?真羡慕她啊……”,听到东方玉的话,盖洛博士的眼神中也充满了向往的神色。 Words that Science and Technology and technology in Myth Legend unifies, what situation can be? In the heart of Dr. Gero also the unusual anticipation and curiosity, hope after later Miss Bulma comes back, oneself can ask for advice well. 科技神话传说中的技术结合起来的话,会是什么样的情况呢?盖洛博士的心中也非常的期待和好奇,希望以后布玛小姐回来之后,自己可以好好的讨教一番。 Looks look that the Dr. Gero anticipation and yearns, Dongfang Yu has not said anything, turned around to leave the scientific research unit. 看着盖洛博士期待和向往的神色,东方玉没有多说什么,转身离开了科研部这边。 The Bulma initiative choice keeps Journey to the West plane, indeed is stems from Dongfang Yu's to anticipate, but also in the reason and that's the end, Dongfang Yu also is very curious, will wait for oneself to return to Journey to the West plane next time the time, does not know that what situation the Bulma technology will go to? 布玛主动选择留在西游位面,的确是出乎东方玉的意料,不过却也在情理之中就是了,东方玉也很好奇,等自己下次回到西游位面的时候,不知布玛的技术会达到什么样的地步呢? Came to the Yakushi Kabuto office, he naturally is waiting, about matter that Journey to the West plane has, Dongfang Yu also roughly said to Yakushi Kabuto. 来到了药师兜的办公室,他自然是在等待着,关于西游记位面发生的事情,东方玉也大致上的给药师兜讲了一遍。 This Journey to the West plane crisis, indeed is makes Yakushi Kabuto also think the fear, but, knew after Dongfang Yu went to the Super Saiyan situation, in the heart of Yakushi Kabuto jumps for joy, notwithstanding, after at least had strength of this degree, Dongfang Yu's strength has achieved officially extinguished the star-level the level. 这次西游记位面的危机,的确是让药师兜也觉得后怕,不过,得知东方玉达到了超级赛亚人的地步之后,药师兜的心中又是欢欣雀跃,别的暂且不说,至少拥有了这个程度的力量之后,东方玉的实力已经正式达到了灭星级的层次了。 Was right, gene shackle's system, after fourth rank, birth heart demon, will cross the heart demon words to obtain the light of mind, what situation Boss are you now?”. “对了,基因锁的体系,到了第四阶之后,会诞生心魔,渡过了心魔的话就会得到心灵之光,老板你现在是什么情况?”。 Had understood after a present Dongfang Yu's strength issue, Yakushi Kabuto curious asked to Dongfang Yu, as Dongfang Yu's Assistant, Yakushi Kabuto naturally research well strength of gene shackle system. 了解了一番现在东方玉的实力问题之后,药师兜跟着好奇的对东方玉问道,作为东方玉的助手,药师兜自然好好的研究基因锁体系的力量 „This actually strange matter. “这个倒是一件奇怪的事情”。 hear speech/words, in the Dongfang Yu's look also brings to wipe the color of doubts, shakes the head saying: Initially entered gene shackle fourth rank time, my deep in one's heart indeed has had the consciousness of berserk, afterward the consciousness of these berserk also indeed the transformation was the heart demon trend, may arrive behind, the consciousness of this heart demon and that berserk all vanished, is it possible that was all burnt down by Samadhi True Fire?”. 闻言,东方玉的眼神中也带着一抹疑惑之色,摇摇头说道:“当初进入基因锁第四阶的时候,我的内心深处的确是出现过狂暴的意识,后来这些狂暴的意识也的确又转化为心魔的趋势,可到了后面,这心魔和那狂暴的意识全都消失了,莫非全都被三昧真火烧毁了吗?”。 Dongfang Yu's guessed, by no means unreasonable, Samadhi True Fire to Dongfang Yu, not only but pure one flame divine ability, but is the soul consciousness of oneself is closely linked. 东方玉的猜测,并非是没有道理的,三昧真火东方玉而言,可不只是单纯的一种火焰神通而已,而是和自己的灵魂意识息息相关。 Initially Saiyan changed becomes Gorilla's form, the consciousness of berserk was powerful enough to destroy the Dongfang Yu's spirit wisdom, was to behind, why Dongfang Yu can maintain the consciousness of oneself, was not because soul can Samadhi True Fire burn down these negative mood completely completely? 当初赛亚人变身成大猩猩的形态,狂暴的意识足以摧毁东方玉的灵智,可是到了后面,东方玉为何能够维持住自己的意识,还不是因为灵魂所化的三昧真火能够将这些负面情绪全部都焚烧殆尽吗? This time, opening of gene shackle fourth rank, mentions reasonably should also have right that heart demon is born, but, this heart demon actually with no reason at all vanished, looks like in Dongfang Yu, only then this explanation can convince. 这一次,基因锁第四阶的开启,按理说来也是应该会有心魔诞生的才对,可是,这心魔却无缘无故的消失了,在东方玉看来,只有这个解释能够说得通了。 Um, this possibility indeed has, hears Dongfang Yu's to guess that Yakushi Kabuto thinks, approval point nod(ded). “嗯,这个可能性的确是有”,听到东方玉的猜测,药师兜想了想,也赞同的点点头 The fire of soul, overburning these negative mood, can the heart demon overburning of gene shackle fourth rank, in the reason, be only sufficiently, what a pity light of mind ability. 灵魂之火,足以烧毁那些负面情绪,能将基因锁第四阶心魔烧毁,也在情理之中,只是,可惜了心灵之光的能力了。 Without heart demon, naturally was also far to have the mind up, but thinks that the fearfulness of heart demon, can pass with this way, was celebration one. 没有心魔,自然也就谈不上能拥有心灵之光了,不过想想心魔的可怕,能用这种方式度过,也算是喜事一件了。 The advantage of versatile development, is this, sometimes meets the quite difficult issue, perhaps has some ability to solve this difficulty exactly. 全能型发展的好处,就是这样,有的时候遇上比较棘手的问题,说不定就有某种能力恰好能够解决这个困难。 No matter how, although this Journey to the West plane unusual danger, but the harvest is huge, can change becomes Super Saiyan, has enough 120,000 energy values, the Dongfang Yu present strength altitude, it can be said that had the unevenness growth, in the hand also has Palm-leaf Fan and Heaven Seal these two supreme treasure, synthesizes strength not to know that has promoted many times. 不管如何,虽然这次西游位面非常的危险,但收获还是巨大的,能变身成超级赛亚人,拥有足足120000的能量值,东方玉现在的实力高度,可以说是有了跳跃性的增长了,手中还有芭蕉扇和番天印这两件至宝,综合实力不知道提升了多少倍。 Chatted with Yakushi Kabuto for a long time, Dongfang Yu beckons with the hand at once, left Rubik's Cube with Bai Feifei together, returning to Bright Sun Villa to come. 药师兜这边闲聊了许久,东方玉旋即摆摆手,和白菲菲一同离开了魔方体这边,回到了皓日山庄来了。 Naturally, returned to Bright Sun Villa, saw with own eyes that Bulma has not come back together, the family member naturally was held responsible several, Dongfang Yu replied that Bulma must leave some time, recently was taking advanced courses. 当然,回到了皓日山庄,眼见布玛没有一起回来,家里人自然是问了几句,东方玉则回答说布玛要离开一段时间,最近在进修。 Good, replied regarding Dongfang Yu's that the family member does not have to ask anything again. 好吧,对于东方玉的回答,家里人也没有再多问什么。 Went home, Dongfang Yu can feel that the oneself body and mind relaxed, without the meaning of practice, such recklessly enjoys the relaxed enjoyable life. 回到了家,东方玉能够感觉到自己的身心都放松了许多,没有修炼的意思,就这么肆意的享受轻松写意的生活。 The Real World matter, to be honest, Dongfang Yu has not put too many thoughts really here, to the present, from the Rubik's Cube that individual aircraft selling day is more and more near, how does not need Rubik's Cube to advertize, the discussion and discussion sound about individual aircraft, can be seen everywhere. 现实世界的事情,说实话,东方玉真的没有放太多的心思在这里,到了现在,距离魔方体那单兵飞行器的发售日子已经是越来越近了,都不用魔方体如何去做广告,关于单兵飞行器的讨论和议论之声,四处可见。 On this day, Shangguan Xiaohua because of the matter of Son of Heaven Films and Television Corporation, takes the flight to go to France to go. 这一日,上官小花因为天王影视公司的事情,乘坐着航班前往法国而去。 However, when airplane just landed on the airport in France, Shangguan Xiaohua goes out of the airport shortly, several business automobiles appeared immediately, stops in the Shangguan Xiaohua front. 但是,当飞机才刚刚降落在法国的机场,上官小花走出机场没多久,立马是有几辆商务车出现了,停在上官小花的面前。 Side although Shangguan Xiaohua two bodyguard responded quickly, but directly had actually been gunned down, at once, several wear the camouflage paint very explicitly the mercenaries goal has kidnapped Shangguan Xiaohua, swaggered away, these person of motions were clean. 虽然上官小花身旁的两个保镖反应很快,但却被直接枪杀了,旋即,几个身穿迷彩的雇佣军目标非常明确的劫持了上官小花,扬长而去,这些人行动干净果断。 An airport confusion, the sound of calling out in alarm is lingering on faintly, at this international big airport, had the scoundrel to appear unexpectedly, kidnapping the person to leave, this matter, seriously was shocking. 机场一片混乱,惊叫之声不绝于耳,在这国际大机场,居然有歹徒出现,劫持了人离开,这件事情,当真是骇人听闻。 car, speed very quick, Shangguan Xiaohua by ignorant the head, on the vehicle is not being known where oneself went, only knows in a while, oneself was transferred a helicopter, as for going where, he is not clear. 一辆汽车,速度非常的快,上官小花被蒙着脑袋,在车上也不知道自己去了哪里,只知道没过多久,自己就被转上了一架直升机,至于去了什么地方,他也不清楚。 In this period Shangguan Xiaohua although inquired several words calmly, the person polite fellow but who these kidnapped, the crude butt did not pound obviously directly on the head of Shangguan Xiaohua, let his stupor in the past. 期间上官小花虽然冷静的询问了几句话语,可是这些劫持的人显然不是有礼貌的家伙,粗暴的枪托直接砸在上官小花的脑袋上,让他昏迷了过去。 Also has not known how long, Shangguan Xiaohua long waking, had actually discovered oneself tied up on a chair, two dazzling spotlights hit on the face of oneself, making him narrow eyes, as if anything does not see clearly. 也不知道过了多久,上官小花悠悠的醒过来,却发现自己被绑在一张椅子上面,两盏刺眼的聚光灯打在自己的脸上,让他眯起眼睛,似乎什么都看不清楚。 Is indistinct can see that the oneself front has several sillhouette, does not divide the men and women clearly, let alone sees clearly their appearances. 只是隐约间能看到自己的面前有几个人影罢了,连男女都分不清楚,更别说是看清楚他们的容貌了。 Hey, Mr. Shangguan Xiaohua is right?”, Saw obviously Shangguan Xiaohua comes soberly, a male sound, the mouth was speaking English, Shangguan Xiaohua can understand. “嘿,上官小花先生对吧?”,显然看到了上官小花清醒过来,一个男声响了起来,嘴里说着英语,上官小花还是能够听得懂的。 Make oneself calmer, Shangguan Xiaohua nod(ded), asks slightly at once: Who are you? Why can catch here me?”. 自己冷静了许多,上官小花微微点头,旋即问道:“你们是谁?为什么要把我抓到这里来?”。 Excuse me, I make person invite you, was only the methods of these people was cruder, I for your bitter experience apology, you can call my, actually I looked for you, has not felt embarrassed your meaning, but wants to make your help me relate a person. “不好意思,我只是让人去请你,只是这些人的手段粗暴了一些,我为你的遭遇道歉,你可以叫我威诺,其实我把你找来,并没有为难你的意思,只是想让你帮我联系一个人而已”。 The spotlight has been turned off, the ray became normal, narrowed eyes, Shangguan Xiaohua can see that oneself front looked like the roughly about 50 -year-old thin men, wore an appropriate western-style clothing, to person an elegant feeling. 聚光灯关闭了,光线变得正常了,眯着眼睛,上官小花能够看到自己面前一个看起来约莫50岁左右的消瘦男子,穿着一身得体的西装,给人一种气质优雅的感觉。 What person?”, The Shangguan Xiaohua thoughts rotate quickly, but in the surface actually maintains composure, start to talk asked. “什么人?”,上官小花的心思转动得很快,不过表面上却是不动声色,开口问道。 The man who Dongfang Yu, this is called, start to talk has put out a name. 东方玉”,这个叫做威诺的男子,开口吐出了一个名字。 Speaking of the Dongfang Yu's time, expression had some changes, said: Shocks world the true holder in Rubik's Cube Inc, 20-year-old young people, Hahaha, is your sending is smaller, is seriously unbelievable, Rubik's Cube such company controls unexpectedly in a hand of young people, does not know Mr. Shangguan Xiaohua, whether help me can relate Mr. Dongfang Yu?”. 说到东方玉的时候,威诺的语气有了些变化,道:“震动全球的魔方体公司的真正持有人,一个20多岁的年轻人,哈哈哈,更是你的发小,当真难以置信,魔方体这样的公司居然掌控在一个年轻人的手中,不知上官小花先生,能否帮我联系一下东方玉先生呢?”。 „......”, Hears the opposite side words, goes to Dongfang Yu unexpectedly, under the Shangguan Xiaohua heart sinks. “……”,听得对方的话,竟然是冲着东方玉去的,上官小花心下一沉。 although does not want to betray Dongfang Yu, but to be the meat on somebody's chopping block, Shangguan Xiaohua also knows that at this time the oneself rejection is the impossible matter, selects nod(ded), sent out Dongfang Yu's contact number. 虽然不想出卖东方玉,但这个时候人为刀俎我为鱼肉,上官小花也知道自己拒绝是不可能的事情,点点头,报出了东方玉的电话号码 Is impolite, with the Shangguan Xiaohua telephone, has dialed an international call directly, related domestic Dongfang Yu. 威诺也不客气,直接用上官小花的电话,拨打了一个国际长途,联系到了国内的东方玉这边。 Hello, hello, is Mr. Dongfang Yu? Mr. Shangguan Xiaohua is a guest here, heard that he is you best Younger Brother? Does not know that you can also come one? Naturally, can only you come alone, moreover cannot report to the police, otherwise, possibly your this whole life did not have opportunity meet again|goodbye to your Younger Brother. “喂,你好,是东方玉先生吗?上官小花先生在我这里做客,听说他是你最好的兄弟?不知道你能不能也来一趟呢?当然,只能你单独过来,而且不能报警,否则,可能你这辈子就没有机会再见到你的这个兄弟了”。 After having connected the call, start to talk said. 接通了电话之后,威诺开口说道。
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