PE :: Volume #34

#1554: Symbiotic Contract

Spirit Mountain, big Thunderclap Temple. 灵山,大雷音寺 although initially Dongfang Yu's move of Energy Wave almost completely had ruined big Thunderclap Temple, but after is the level of god Buddha, reconstructs big Thunderclap Temple to be able to achieve. 虽然当初东方玉的一招气功波几乎将大雷音寺完全都毁掉了,但毕竟是神佛的层次,重建大雷音寺还是能做得到的。 To beforehand big Thunderclap Temple, this time reconstructed later big Thunderclap Temple becomes firmer, each piece of tile, on each brick portrays the mysterious Sanskrit, even entire big Thunderclap Temple covered in shining Buddha's radiance. 只是,相对于之前的大雷音寺,这次重建之后的大雷音寺变得更加坚固了罢了,每一片瓦,每一块砖上面都刻画着玄奥的梵文,甚至整个大雷音寺都笼罩在金灿灿的佛光之中。 Buddha, that monkey was suppressed under Five Finger Mountain, may that Ox-King husband and wife, actually move the Five Finger Mountain housing recently, is neighbors with that monkey, this matter, whether in Li doesn't gather?”. “佛祖,那猴子被镇压在五指山下,可最近那牛魔王夫妻,却搬去了五指山居住,和那猴子比邻而居,这件事情,是否于理不合?”。 At this time, Tathagata Buddha sat above the oneself throne high, following Guanyin Buddha has stood, start to talk asked to Tathagata Buddha, other next first Buddha and Bodhisattvas, secretly nod(ded). 这个时候,如来佛祖高坐于自己的宝座之上,下面的观音菩萨站了出来,开口如来佛祖问道,下首处其他的佛陀和菩萨们,也暗自点头 Son Goku|Sun Wukong by the Tathagata Buddha suppression under Five Finger Mountain, served a prison sentence there in brief, but, has demon to go to him to act as companion, this where is serves a prison sentence? 孙悟空是被如来佛祖镇压在五指山下的,简而言之就是在那里服刑的,可是,却有妖魔去给他作伴,这哪里是服刑啊? Before was awed by that Fiend Emperor Dongfang Yu's strength, went to Five Finger Mountain these matters with great fanfare to these common demon, turned a blind eye also on the past, but now, that Fiend Emperor Dongfang Yu is not the match of Buddha, did not have anything to be good to fear. 之前慑于那妖帝东方玉的力量,对那些寻常的妖魔五指山吹吹打打的这些事情,睁一只眼闭一只眼也就过去了,但现在,那妖帝东方玉都不是佛祖的对手,就没什么好怕的了。 If that Dongfang Yu dares to present the stop, believes that the Buddha cultivation base has consolidated now, moreover was prepared, should be able to leave behind that Dongfang Yu's to be right. 若是那东方玉真的敢出现阻拦,相信佛祖现在修为稳固了,而且有了准备,应该是可以留下那东方玉的才对。 Amitabha, this matter,......”, Tathagata Buddha, the look not sad is indeed unhappy, sits well on the oneself throne, regarding the Guanyin Buddha words, nods the head slightly. “阿弥陀佛,此事,的确……”,如来佛祖,神色不悲不喜,端坐于自己的宝座上面,对于观音菩萨的话,微微颔首。 A few words have not said that suddenly the complexion big change of Tathagata Buddha, Buddha strength does not have the indication stirred, changes to phantom of great Buddha, has covered entire big Thunderclap Temple directly. 只是,一句话还没有说完,突然如来佛祖的脸色大变,身上的佛力毫无征兆的鼓荡了起来,化作巨佛的虚影,直接笼罩了整个大雷音寺 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 The fearful vibration, making entire big Thunderclap Temple fiercely tremble, in Void as if had the formidable light beam together, did not have the indication came toward the big Thunderclap Temple bang, unexpected, phantom of great Buddha covered this big Thunderclap Temple, figure one distortion, as if might the appearance of collapse anytime. 可怕的震动,让整个大雷音寺都剧烈的震颤了起来,虚空之中仿佛有一道强悍的光柱,毫无征兆的朝着大雷音寺轰过来,猝不及防之下,巨佛的虚影将这大雷音寺笼罩在其中,身形都一阵扭曲,似乎随时都有可能崩溃的模样。 although this Energy Wave does not have the Dongfang Yu long-enduring output, as if no a duckweed, Tathagata Buddha great Buddha phantom has blocked, but in the middle of big Thunderclap Temple, a complexion paleness of Tathagata Buddha, obviously unexpected, resisted Dongfang Yu this full power forcefully Energy Wave, Tathagata Buddha also eats to owe stuffily. 虽然气功波没有东方玉持续性的输出,仿佛无根之萍般,如来佛祖的巨佛虚影挡住了,可大雷音寺当中,如来佛祖的脸色一阵苍白,显然猝不及防之下,强行抵挡东方玉这全功率的气功波,如来佛祖也吃了个闷亏。 Big Thunderclap Temple had been ruined one time in the Dongfang Yu's hand, if this time were destroyed again, believes that entire Buddha Realm becomes the laughingstock in Three Realms and Six Paths, was good because of being keeps off finally. 曾经的大雷音寺已经在东方玉的手中被毁掉过一次了,这次如果再次被毁,相信整个佛界都会成为三界六道之中的笑柄,好在终于是挡下来了。 Even but if, kept off, the meaning in the heart of Tathagata Buddha not having relaxed, the conversely moral nature sank gradually. 可是,即便挡下来了,如来佛祖的心中都没有丝毫放松的意思,反倒是心底渐渐的沉了下去。 This Dongfang Yu can regard the space , if no thing, moreover his Energy Wave may the appearance anytime, surmounts the space to lose to big Thunderclap Temple directly, this situation, makes the person sleep on pins and needles seriously. 东方玉能够视空间如无物,而且他的气功波随时都有可能出现,跨越空间直接丢到大雷音寺这边来,这种情况,当真让人寝食难安。 Thinks when does not know, possibly such Energy Wave pounds, even if were Tathagata Buddha went to the Quasi-Saint situation, thought a headache. 想想不知道什么时候,可能又有一个这样的气功波砸下来,就算是如来佛祖已经达到了准圣的地步,也觉得一阵头疼。 This looks like a nuclear bomb, the might of nuclear bomb is self-evident, may again be strong, does this nuclear bomb launch also always have the motion trajectory? 这就像是一颗核弹,核弹的威力是不言而喻的,可就算再怎么强,这核弹发射也总有运行轨迹吧? May arrive at Dongfang Yu here, looks like can with the method that the space transfers, random throws the nuclear bomb to any corner that oneself wants to lose, such ability, compared with nuclear bomb's prestige can seriously more fearful thousands of times. 可到了东方玉这里,就像是能够用空间挪移的手段,任意的将核弹丢到自己想丢的任何一个角落似的,这样的能力,当真比核弹本身的威能更加可怕了千万倍。 Thinks again carefully that Tathagata Buddha thinks oneself this whole life, perhaps does not dare to leave big Thunderclap Temple, if oneself left, Dongfang Yu did lose Energy Wave to come? In this Buddhism who can block? 再仔细想一想,如来佛祖觉得自己这辈子,或许都不敢离开大雷音寺了,若是自己离开了的话,东方玉又丢了一个气功波过来呢?这佛教之中谁能挡得住? But if oneself does not leave, who can surrender that Dongfang Yu? Read and this, Tathagata Buddha fell into the boundary of being in a dilemma, clone was weak. 可若是自己不离开,又有谁能去降服那东方玉吗?一念及此,如来佛祖陷入了两难之境,分身乏术。 Thinks again that Son Goku|Sun Wukong was pressed under Five Finger Mountain, if Buddha Realm take action drives away Ox-King husband and wife two, Dongfang Yu take action did kill people? don't tell me can oneself go to Five Finger Mountain to cope with Dongfang Yu? 再想想那孙悟空被压在五指山下,如果佛界出手去驱赶牛魔王夫妻两个,东方玉出手杀了人呢?难道自己要去五指山对付东方玉 But if that has Five Finger Mountain left behind outside a body the incarnation? oneself the idea of luring the enemy out of his stronghod? 可若那五指山只是留下了一个身外化身呢?自己岂不是中了调虎离山之计? When the time comes, stretches across the space Energy Wave to pound in big Thunderclap Temple. 到时候,一记横跨空间的气功波砸在大雷音寺 Hissing......”, thinks of here, in Tathagata Buddha heart suck in a breath of cold air, inconceivable. “嘶……”,想到这里,如来佛祖心中倒吸了一口冷气,不堪设想。 Amitabha, that Monkey Demon was pressed under Five Finger Mountain, has imprisoned the freedom, must reside where as for other demon, I can't and others interfere completely? This matter, relinquishes in light of this......”, after Tathagata Buddha proclaimed Buddha in a low voice, start to talk said. “阿弥陀佛,那妖猴被压在五指山下,禁锢了自由,也就罢了,至于其他妖魔要居于何处,我等总不能全部都去干涉吧?此事,就此作罢……”,如来佛祖低声宣了一声佛号之后,开口说道。 These words say, Tathagata Buddha felt seriously incomparable aggrievedness, oneself strength is obviously stronger than Dongfang Yu, but, oneself is actually restrained him, so long as Dongfang Yu does not die, perhaps oneself this whole life does not dare to leave big Thunderclap Temple easily. 这句话说出口来,如来佛祖当真感到无比的憋屈,明明自己实力东方玉更强,可是,自己却受制于他,只要东方玉不死,自己或许这辈子都不敢轻易的离开大雷音寺了。 didn't expect, oneself has imprisoned that Monkey Demon freedom, but similarly, was the oneself freedom also imprisoned by that Dongfang Yu? 没想到,自己禁锢了那妖猴的自由,但同样的,自己的自由也被那东方玉禁锢了吗? The word of Tathagata Buddha, lets numerous Buddha and Bodhisattvas look at each other in dismay on big Thunderclap Temple, lowers the head to hang the eye, does not dare to be many, such aspect, seriously is incomparable was aggrieved. 如来佛祖之言,让大雷音寺上的众多佛陀和菩萨们面面相觑,低头垂目,不敢再多一眼,这样的局面,当真是无比的憋屈了。 To Dongfang Yu, the construction space transmission gate, lost Energy Wave to go to big Thunderclap Temple, was only idea of oneself wicked interest before departure, but actually together Energy Wave actually Tathagata, and even Buddha Realm has daunted , has no interest to insert Liu Liu to create shade seriously. 东方玉而言,架构空间传送门,丢了一个气功波去大雷音寺,只是自己在离开之前的一个恶趣味的想法罢了,但是却一道气功波却把如来,乃至真个佛界都吓住了,当真是无心插柳柳成荫了。 This together Energy Wave, even frightens several hundred years not to dare to leave big Thunderclap Temple one step Tathagata Buddha, this actually Dongfang Yu didn't expect matter, otherwise, Dongfang Yu may treat some time in Journey to the West plane again, regularly lost Energy Wave to provoke opposite side in the past. 这一道气功波,甚至把如来佛祖吓得数百年都不敢离开大雷音寺一步,这倒是东方玉没想到的事情,否则,东方玉或许会在西游位面再待一段时间,隔三差五的丢一个气功波过去撩拨撩拨对方了。 At this time, Dongfang Yu and Bai Feifei two, have been depending upon Plane Elevator, left Journey to the West plane, returned to the middle of Real World. 这个时候,东方玉白菲菲两个,已经依靠着位面电梯,离开了西游记位面,回到了现实世界当中。 After because although the oneself jurisdiction promoted the top, in the time that other plane stayed did not have the upper limit, but this time in Journey to the West plane, Dongfang Yu has also treated the several years. 虽说因为自己的权限提升到了顶级以后,在其他位面停留的时间已经没有上限了,可这次在西游记位面,东方玉也只是待了数年而已。 This Journey to the West plane, in the final analysis, the Dongfang Yu's harvest is very huge, the long halberd of child of that Dragon King, can only be the weak thing, looks like Jigong plane Guānyīn that is the same the wishes coming true fan, Dongfang Yu took the estimate not to have any useful opportunity, but, the good thing also to have much. 这次西游位面,归根结底的来说,东方玉的收获还是非常巨大的,那龙王之子的长戟,只能算是鸡肋的东西,就像是济公位面观音的那把心想事成扇一样,东方玉拿到手了估计也没什么用得上的机会,但是,好东西却也有不少的。 First, naturally is that Heaven Seal, came from legal copy Journey to the West plane Heaven Seal this, if shows the Ethereal Mountain [lineage/vein] the prestige to pound down, perhaps is ordinary like Moon landing, it is estimated that entire Earth can rumble to collapse. 首先,自然是那番天印,来自于正版西游位面的番天印这要是展现出不周山脉的威能砸下,或许像月球降落一般,估计整个地球都能轰塌。 Next also has Palm-leaf Fan, a fan gets down, blows the flying long distance the person sufficiently, this is also big supreme treasure. 其次还有芭蕉扇,一扇子下去,足以将人吹飞十万八千里,这也是一大至宝 Then, oneself Soul Devouring Stick, after having swallowed blood essence and soul of Buddha, this Soul Devouring Stick also grew, became powerful weapon. 然后,还有自己噬魂棒,吞噬了一个佛陀的精血和灵魂之后,这噬魂棒也跟着成长了起来,成为了一件强大武器 Naturally, the biggest harvest or opening of Dongfang Yu gene shackle fourth rank, is drawing support from gene shackle fourth rank, the Dongfang Yu even success went to the Super Saiyan situation. 当然,最大的收获还是东方玉基因锁第四阶的开启,借助着基因锁第四阶,东方玉甚至成功的达到了超级赛亚人的地步。 What a pity, oneself first opened gene shackle to change becomes Super Saiyan, if oneself can first change becomes Super Saiyan, then opened the gene shackle's words, this changed the order of body changes, perhaps oneself distance that Super Saiyan isn't second rank far? 可惜,自己只是先开启了基因锁才能变身成超级赛亚人,若是自己能够先变身成超级赛亚人,再开启基因锁的话,这个变身的顺序变动一下,或许自己距离那超级赛亚人第二阶也不远了吧? Shakes the head, Dongfang Yu flung the head this idea, now the oneself Super Saiyan shape, stands on the gene shackle stair changes the body is successful, was draws support from the gene shackle's external force changed the body is successful, did not have gene shackle, oneself changed the body not. 摇摇头,东方玉将这个想法甩出了脑袋,现在自己超级赛亚人的形态,是站在基因锁第的台阶上才变身成功的,算是借助了基因锁的外力才变身成功,没了基因锁,自己都变身不了。 If must select strictly, oneself does not calculate that went to the Super Saiyan situation, therefore, Super Saiyan had the amplification of certain extent in the gene shackle's degree, the effect of actually not having superimposed. 如果要严格点来说的话,自己都不算是达到了超级赛亚人的地步,所以,超级赛亚人只是在基因锁的程度上有了一定程度的增幅,却没有叠加的效果。 However, in any event, this gene shackle worthily is main assistance kind of practice system that oneself sets, can help oneself change becomes Super Saiyan, was very powerful. 不过,无论如何,这基因锁不愧是自己定下的最主要的辅助类修炼体系,能帮助自己变身成超级赛亚人,也算是很强大了。 oneself intelligence although does not have the means to change becomes Super Saiyan, cannot compare Vegeta and Son Goku|Sun Wukong, may have the gene shackle's auxiliary external force, oneself has believed that is not bad, if not for the oneself cultivated gene shackle's words, this Journey to the West plane, oneself confessed there. 自己的资质虽然没有办法变身成超级赛亚人,比不上贝吉塔孙悟空,可有了基因锁的辅助外力,自己相信也不差了,若不是自己修行了基因锁的话,这次西游记位面,自己就交代在那里了。 The risk and harvest are proportional, although oneself this Journey to the West plane is dangerous, almost including Bai Feifei confessed that in inside, may harvest is also very huge, naturally, loses also has many. 风险与收获是成正比的,虽说自己这次西游位面危险得很,差点连白菲菲都交代在里面了,可收获也是非常巨大的,当然,损失也有不少。 The Frieza puppet was destroyed, pitiful Android Xiaohong has destroyed, saves oneself with her life, although Android Xiaohong does not have the emotion, but Dongfang Yu is actually not the person of having a heart of stone, in the heart is very affected. 弗利萨的傀儡被毁了也就罢了,可怜人造人小红都毁了,用她的性命来拯救自己,虽说人造人小红没有情感,可东方玉却不是铁石心肠的人,心中还是很感动的。 Thinks that the Bai Feifei matter, Dongfang Yu turned head, the vision falls on her body. 想到白菲菲的事情,东方玉回过头来,目光落在她的身上。 Felt Dongfang Yu's vision, some Bai Feifei surprise visits him, said: „Does you such look visit me suddenly what's the matter?”. 感觉到东方玉的目光,白菲菲有些诧异的看着他,道:“你突然这样的眼神看着我是怎么回事?”。 „Do you also prepare and me really go to other plane to walk randomly? If is really this......”. “你是真的还准备和我去其他位面游走吗?如果真的是这样的话……”。 Dongfang Yu mentioned this, once that Pirate King plane contract fruit ability user appeared in front of Dongfang Yu's, brushed has written a paper contract, was placed in the Bai Feifei front, continued saying: „If that was true, then you have signed this contract, later I let you, otherwise, you keep Real World. 东方玉一言及此,曾经那海贼王位面的契约果实能力者出现在东方玉的面前,刷刷刷的写下了一纸契约,摆在白菲菲的面前,继续说道:“如果真是这样的话,那么你就把这个契约签了,以后我就让你跟着,否则,你就留在现实世界吧”。 This is......”, Bai Feifei puts out a hand the contract that received Dongfang Yu to hand over, carefully looked, the complexion cannot help but changed, said: „Is this Symbiotic Contract? So long as I died, you will also die? This, this......”. “这是……”,白菲菲伸手接过东方玉递过来的契约,仔细的看了看,脸色不由得变了变,道:“这是共生契约?只要我死了,你也会死?这,这……”。 Good, Symbiotic Contract, has signed this, I felt relieved that Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons plane had experienced one time, this Journey to the West plane one time, the matter three, I do not want the third time again, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded), earnest saying. “不错,共生契约,签下了这个,我才放心,曾经西游降魔篇位面经历过一次了,这次西游位面又有一次,事不过三,我不想再有第三次了”,东方玉点头,认真的说道。 But, if I die because of other matter, you were also how could it not be killed?”, The Dongfang Yu's words, making the Bai Feifei innermost feelings be moved, start to talk asked. “可是,可是如果我因为别的事情而死,你岂不也丧命?”,东方玉的话,让白菲菲的内心感动,开口问道。 Could not protect including oneself woman, three times, I lived am not having the significance, Dongfang Yu shook the head, earnest looks at Bai Feifei. “连自己女人都保护不了,还有三次,我活着也没有意义了”,东方玉摇摇头,认真的看着白菲菲 The Dongfang Yu's manner is very obvious, either has signed this Symbiotic Contract, either did not bring Bai Feifei to go to other plane. 东方玉的态度很明显,要么签了这共生契约,要么就不带白菲菲去其他的位面了。
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