PE :: Volume #34

#1553: Return

although my procedure some are not right, but I want to make Ox-King solve the Flowers and Fruits Mountain crisis after all, I am also good for Flowers and Fruits Mountain, East Blue Dragon King received the greatest undeserved appearance, start to talk said. 虽然我的做法有些不对,可我毕竟是想让牛魔王去解了花果山的危机,我也是为了花果山好啊”,东海龙王一副受了莫大的冤枉的模样,开口说道。 Right?”, Looks at the East Blue Dragon King appearance, the Dongfang Yu's look is tranquil, making the person unable to see in his heart to think. “是吗?”,看东海龙王的模样,东方玉的神色平静,让人看不出他心中所想。 Has hesitated slightly a moment later, Dongfang Yu asked: May as far as I know, these monsters as if hurry to Flowers and Fruits Mountain by your East Blue Shui, does not know that this matter, do you give what explanation?”. 微微沉吟了片刻之后,东方玉跟着问道:“可据我所知,那些妖怪似乎是被你们东海水族赶去花果山的,不知道这个事情,你又作何解释?”。 This may really be huge misunderstanding, my East Blue Dragon Palace guards place of sea, the surroundings seashore always has the monster to cause trouble, I am Dragon have the responsibility of extermination, however my East Blue influence is frail, is not enough simultaneously to resist these monsters, these monsters and fight and run away, oneself ran away Flowers and Fruits Mountain, can this can it be that our East Blue dragon clan decide?”. “这可真是天大的误会啊,我东海龙宫镇守一海之地,周围海边总有妖怪作祟,我身为龙君自有剿灭的责任,然我东海势力单薄,不足以同时对抗那些妖怪,那些妖怪且战且逃,自己逃去了花果山,这岂是我们东海龙族能够决定的?”。 Because of so, me is also guilty to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, found the way to write a letter, makes every effort to deceive Ox-King to solve the Flowers and Fruits Mountain crisis, but also looked at the Fiend Emperor bright mirror, questioned regarding Dongfang Yu's, East Blue Dragon King already has thought obviously the expression that dealing, the hurried start to talk argument said. “也正是因为如此,我对花果山愧疚,才想办法写了信,力求骗得牛魔王去解了花果山的危机啊,还望妖帝明鉴”,对于东方玉的问话,东海龙王显然是早就想到了应对的措辞,急忙开口辩解说道。 Words that like this spoke, your East Blue Dragon Palace seriously is pure? seems do I also want many thanks you?”, Dongfang Yu look tranquil looks at East Blue Dragon King, an appearance of nasal mucus tears, is seeing is seriously sad, heard that bursts into tears. “这样说的话,你们东海龙宫当真是清白的啦?看样子我还要多谢你?”,东方玉神色平静的看着东海龙王,一把鼻涕一把泪的模样,当真是见者伤心,闻者流泪。 „, Actually some of our East Blue Dragon Palace responsibility, if after is not we exterminates these monsters, they became a fugitive Flowers and Fruits Mountain to go, will not encounter Flowers and Fruits Mountain by the matter that Princess Iron Fan destroyed, regarding this matter, my East Blue Dragon Zuyuan redeemed oneself through good works, does not know when Lord Fiend Emperor did attack Emerald Cloud Mountain Banana Cave? My East Blue is willing to provide leadership. “呃,其实我们东海龙宫还是有些责任的,毕竟如果不是我们剿灭那些妖怪,以至于他们逃亡花果山去了,也就不会遭遇花果山被那铁扇公主所毁的事情了,对于这件事情,我东海龙族愿戴罪立功,不知妖帝大人何时攻打翠云山芭蕉洞?我东海愿身先士卒”。 East Blue Dragon King strikes one's chest to make the guarantee, the main responsibility all will advance the body of Princess Iron Fan. 东海龙王拍着胸脯作保证,将主要的责任全都推到了铁扇公主的身上。 So-called old and not dying for thief, your this old Dragon King lived these many years, is really the ghost fine ghost essence, this has a glib tongue, has the ability of distorting the facts seriously, looked that I was too young, thought that can deceive easily?”, Deep looked at East Blue Dragon King one, Dongfang Yu shook the head to say. “所谓老而不死是为贼,你这老龙王活了这么多年,真是鬼精鬼精的,这巧舌如簧,当真有颠倒黑白的能耐啊,是不是看我太年轻了,觉得可以轻易糊弄?”,深深的看了东海龙王一眼,东方玉摇头说道。 Lord Fiend Emperor folds the ghost dragonet, I said to be true, the Dongfang Yu's words, did not believe oneself as before, in the East Blue Dragon King heart sink, but in the surface puts in great inconvenience the undeserved appearance as before, great shout calling out. 妖帝大人折煞小龙的,我所言句句属实啊”,东方玉的话,依旧是不相信自己,东海龙王心中一沉,不过表面上依旧是委屈而冤枉的模样,大声呼喊着叫道。 Seeks ordinary person, could not find the reason of starting, saw that East Blue Dragon King this appearance, wants to come also not being able to get down hand, but Dongfang Yu actually shakes the head, gene shackle fourth rank opens quietly, both eyes changes to such as the color of blood scarlet, said: Old Dragon King, visits me. 常人,找不到下手的理由,眼看着东海龙王这副模样,想来也下不去手,只是东方玉却摇摇头,基因锁第四阶悄然开启,双眼化作猩红如血的颜色,道:“老龙王,看着我”。 Lord Fiend Emperor what......”, listens to the word of Dongfang Yu, East Blue Dragon King reflective gaining ground, the one who prints his view is pair of scarlet both eyes. 妖帝大人何事……”,听东方玉之言,东海龙王反射性的抬起头来,印入他眼帘的是一双猩红色的双眼 Three Tomoe revolving slowly, as if made the East Blue Dragon King soul immerse, at once, the consciousness is fuzzy, as if fell into the semisomnus partly to awake the condition. 三个勾玉缓缓的旋转,似乎让东海龙王的灵魂都跟着沉浸了下去,旋即,意识模模糊糊,仿佛陷入了半睡半醒之间的状态。 Is very good, now you say to look that just said is true really? In your heart wants really to be this?”, After Illusion ability controls East Blue Dragon King, Dongfang Yu start to talk to Dragon King asks. “很好,现在你说说看,刚刚所言真的属实吗?你心中所想真的是这样?”,用幻术能力控制住了东海龙王之后,东方玉开口龙王问道。 Naturally is not! I make the ineffective and worthless troops of Shui hurry to Flowers and Fruits Mountain these monsters specially, writes a letter again to Ox-King requests reinforcements, is calculates that Ox-King looked Dongfang Yu is not, certainly forcefully will abduct that Nine-tailed Fox, for is shoulders fight between Dongfang Yu and Ox-King, if Dongfang Yu dies in the Ox-King hand, is good!”. “当然不是!我特意让水族的虾兵蟹将把那些妖怪赶去花果山,再写信向牛魔王求援,就是算准了牛魔王东方玉不在,一定会强行将那九尾狐掳走的,为的就是挑起东方玉牛魔王之间的战斗,如果东方玉死在牛魔王手中的话,再好不过了!”。 Realizes fuzzily, questioned regarding Dongfang Yu's, the old Dragon King mouth as if talked during sleep general, twittering was saying. 意识模模糊糊的,对于东方玉的问话,老龙王嘴里仿佛呓语一般,呢喃着说道。 Dragon King, the cautious word, in this crystal palace, the turtle prime minister hears the East Blue Dragon King words, the complexion big change, called out hurriedly. 龙王,慎言啊”,这水晶宫中,龟丞相听到东海龙王的话,脸色大变,急忙叫道。 At once the turtle prime minister is all smile, the cold sweat streamings said to Dongfang Yu: Monster... Lord Fiend Emperor...... Our Dragon King is talking in a dream, these words, make the non- answer. 旋即龟丞相满脸堆笑,冷汗涔涔的对东方玉道:“妖…妖帝大人……我们龙王在说梦话,这些话,做不得数的”。 The words of turtle prime minister, Dongfang Yu has not answered, but looked at his one eyes superficially. 龟丞相的话,东方玉没有作答,只是轻描淡写的看了他一眼。 Looks at the Dongfang Yu's vision, the turtle prime minister felt that as huge wells up toward oneself as terror strength, brain one ignorant, seemed like pounded Hammer on the head, the mouth of turtle prime minister put out a blood, fell to the ground, quite a while cannot crawl unexpectedly. 看着东方玉的目光,龟丞相感觉到一股庞大到恐怖的力量朝着自己涌来,脑子一懵,就像是被人在脑袋上砸了一锤子似的,龟丞相的嘴里吐出一口鲜血,一头栽倒在地,竟是半天都爬不起来了。 I and old Dragon King spoke, share how can there be you interrupted?”, Casting a sidelong glance turtle prime minister, Dongfang Yu's mouth light saying. “我和老龙王说话,岂有你插嘴的份?”,瞟了一眼龟丞相,东方玉的嘴里淡淡的说道。 During the speeches, the vision falls on the body of East Blue Dragon King , to continue to ask: Why? Why do you want to treat Flowers and Fruits Mountain like this? don't tell me because of that Pacifying Oceans Pillar issue?”. 说话间,目光落在东海龙王的身上,继续问道:“为什么?你为什么要这样对待花果山呢?难道是因为那定海神针的问题吗?”。 Naturally not completely because of Pacifying Oceans Pillar!”, Inquired regarding Dongfang Yu's that on the face of East Blue Dragon King reappears to wipe the color of hatred, shakes the head saying: My son Ào Bing was killed, I invited the head to survey, actually obtained that murderer is not Character(s) in Three Realms and Six Paths, accidentally I knew that Dongfang Yu was not Character(s) in Three Realms and Six Paths, the technique of survey does not have function to him similarly. “当然不完全是因为定海神针!”,对于东方玉的询问,东海龙王的脸上浮现出一抹仇恨之色,摇摇头说道:“我儿傲丙被人所杀,我请来天师测算,却得出那杀人凶手不是三界六道之中的人物,偶然间我得知那东方玉同样不是三界六道之中的人物,测算之术对他没有作用”。 Then, I investigated again well, originally that Dongfang Yu to the Flowers and Fruits Mountain time, exactly was the date of my son being killed, although did not have the direct evidence, but I know that my son initially certainly was killed in the hand of Dongfang Yu, first had to rob the enmity of Pacifying Oceans Pillar, latter had to kill hate of child, how could did I give up?”. “然后,我再好好调查了一番,原来那东方玉去往花果山的时间,恰好是我儿丧命之日,虽没有直接的证据,但我知道,我儿当初一定是丧命在东方玉之手,前有抢夺定海神针之仇,后有杀子之恨,我岂能善罢甘休?”。 East Blue Dragon King spoke of finally, on the face was having the scowl. 东海龙王说到最后,脸上带着浓浓的怒容。 Ended......”, listening to East Blue Dragon King all thought in the heart to make a clean breast unexpectedly, the heart of turtle prime minister sank. “完了……”,听着东海龙王竟然将心中所有的思想都和盘托出,龟丞相的心沉了下去。 To this situation, how will Dongfang Yu give up? didn't expect this Fiend Emperor Dongfang Yu has such fearful ability unexpectedly, in his front, in the small secret including innermost feelings can't keep unexpectedly? 到了这个地步,东方玉岂会善罢甘休?没想到妖帝东方玉居然有这么可怕的能力,在他的面前,居然连内心中的小秘密都藏不住? Is very good, originally this is fact, the thing that Dongfang Yu wants to know knew completely, the nature, oneself Illusion also untied. “很好,原来这就是事实”,东方玉想知道的东西已经完全知道了,自然,自己幻术也解开了。 „, I, I just said anything, I, I, Lord Fiend Emperor, I was just the nonsense, cannot take seriously, I do not know how just oneself was......”. “啊,我,我刚刚说什么了,我,我,妖帝大人,我刚刚是胡言乱语的,不能当真啊,我也不知道刚刚自己是怎么了……”。 Comes from Illusion soberly, East Blue Dragon King has a big shock, head cold sweat one piece by piece falls, obviously just oneself in the Illusion condition said anything, his oneself has the impression. 幻术之中清醒过来,东海龙王大惊失色,头上的冷汗一片片的滑落下来,显然刚刚在幻术的状态下自己说了些什么,他自己还是有印象的。 Regarding the East Blue Dragon King words, how can Dongfang Yu believe? Static looks at East Blue Dragon King, Dongfang Yu mouth tranquil saying: Properly speaking, you must revenge for your son, this is fair, but similarly, on the same day I passed by your East Blue, he wants to capture my Bulma's Roar, my take action kills him, similarly is fair, since your I not wrong, then depends on oneself strength to decide all. 对于东海龙王的话,东方玉如何会信?静静的看着东海龙王,东方玉嘴里平静的说道:“按理说,你要为你儿子报仇,这合情合理,但是同样的,当日我路过你们东海,他想要夺取我的布玛号,我出手杀他,同样合情合理,既然你我都没有错,那么就凭自己实力来决定一切吧”。 During the speeches, Dongfang Yu stretches out the finger of oneself, the radiant gold(en) ray, lingers in the Dongfang Yu's fingertip, the radiant ray lasing exits together, passed through the forehead of East Blue Dragon King directly, on the face had the stunned look, the corpse to knock down directly. 说话间,东方玉伸出自己的手指,璀璨的金色光芒,在东方玉的指尖萦绕,一道璀璨的光芒激射出去,直接贯穿了东海龙王的脑门,脸上带着愕然的神色,尸体直接扑倒在地。 How to say again, is sea Dragon, moreover neighbor Flowers and Fruits Mountain, if in the heart exist(ence) the hatred, this to Flowers and Fruits Mountain indeed is not being the good deed, this potential threat, Dongfang Yu naturally must annihilate. 再怎么说,也是一海的龙君,而且又比邻花果山,若是心中一直存在着恨意,这对花果山而言的确不是什么好事,这种潜在的威胁,东方玉当然是要消灭掉的。 Initially although oneself resulted in one to dress up, has owed a East Blue Dragon King favour, but this favour was also not enough to extinguish his sin. 当初虽说自己得了一身披挂,算是欠了东海龙王一点人情,可这点人情还不足以消弭他的罪孽。 Dodon Ray, after having passed through the head of East Blue Dragon King together, the Dongfang Yu look is as before tranquil, seemed run over and died Ant, at once the vision falls on nearby these turtle prime minister their bodies of ineffective and worthless troops, mouth tranquil saying: You, but wants to revenge to him?”. 一道洞洞波,贯穿了东海龙王的脑袋之后,东方玉神色依旧平静,仿佛碾死了一只蚂蚁似的,旋即目光落在旁边这些虾兵蟹将和龟丞相他们的身上,嘴里平静的说道:“你们,可想给他报仇?”。 bastard! Your this demon! Unexpectedly dares to kill my father, our East Blue Dragon Palace, vowed with you are not willing to give up!”. 混账!你这个妖魔!居然敢杀害我父王,我们东海龙宫,誓与你不甘休!”。 At this time, the interior of crystal palace, together sillhouette directly threw, looks at the East Blue Dragon King corpse thickly, the hatred shouted to clear the way to Dongfang Yu. 就在这个时候,水晶宫的内部,一道人影直接扑了出来,看着东海龙王的尸身,恨意浓浓的对东方玉喝道。 Crown prince, not wants the nonsense!”, Looks sillhouette that this ran out comes, is shouting and wrangling to Dongfang Yu, nearby turtle prime minister complexion big change, hurried is drawing him. “太子,莫要胡言啊!”,看着这个跑出来的人影,对着东方玉大呼小叫,旁边的龟丞相脸色大变,急忙的拉着他。 But, how actually to draw? This East Blue Crown Prince Dragon, in the look has been full of the hatred as before stares at Dongfang Yu, the hatred look seems selecting the person to bite. 可是,却如何拉得住?这个东海的龙太子,眼神中依旧充满了恨意的盯着东方玉,仇恨的眼神仿佛择人而噬。 Necessity that such being the case, your East Blue Dragon Palace has not kept. “也罢,既然如此,那你们东海龙宫就没有留下去的必要了”。 Looks at the hatred of this East Blue Dragon Palace to oneself, as if has continued, Dongfang Yu shakes the head, stretches out the palm of oneself, the formidable air/Qi gathers in the Dongfang Yu's palm, Energy Wave blasted out in East Blue Dragon Palace together directly. 看着这东海龙宫自己的仇恨,似乎会一直延续下去,东方玉摇摇头,伸出自己的手掌,强悍的气在东方玉的掌心之中汇聚,一道气功波直接在东海龙宫炸开了。 The bang of bang, the conditions of more than 70,000 energy values, Dongfang Yu this Energy Wave, makes around East Blue Dragon Palace all within hundred li (0.5km) range change to the powder together instantaneously, this sea deep place also presented a giant pothole. 轰的一声巨响,70000多能量值的状态,东方玉这一道气功波,瞬间让东海龙宫周围百里范围内的一切都化作粉末,这大海深处也出现了一个巨大的坑洞。 At once sea water encroachment, has raised difficult situation, Energy Wave gets down together, entire East Blue Dragon Palace was ruined completely. 旋即海水倒灌,掀起了惊涛骇浪,一道气功波下去,整个东海龙宫完全被毁掉了。 Although Dongfang Yu is not willing to injure and innocent, but same, walked randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms these many years, this murder time similarly will not be lenient, enemy of this potential threat, was impossible also to remain, after letting him, had the opportunity to create troublesome to oneself. 东方玉虽说不愿意伤及无辜,可同样的,游走诸天万界这么多年了,该杀人的时候同样不会手软,这种潜在威胁的敌人,不可能还留着,让他以后有机会给自己造成麻烦。 Shakes the head, Dongfang Yu turned around to leave East Blue Dragon Palace. 摇摇头,东方玉转身离开了东海龙宫 If this East Blue dragon clan understands what has to done, puts aside the hatred Dongfang Yu not to mind that is keeping them, but they, since cannot put aside the hatred, only then eliminated them. 若是这东海龙族识时务,放下仇恨之心的话东方玉不介意留着他们,可他们既然放不下仇恨,那只有消灭他们了。 After leaving Dragon Palace, Dongfang Yu ponders over, did not have the matter that what handled urgently needed, Dongfang Yu went to Tushita Palace, wanted to bring Bulma to return together, was only, regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Bulma actually rejected. 离开了龙宫之后,东方玉思前想后,也没有什么急需办理的事情了,东方玉又去了兜率宫一趟,想要带着布玛一同回归,只是,对于东方玉的话,布玛却拒绝了。 She took Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch [gold/metal] pill, obtained the long-time life, kept this plane urgently needed research Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch the law of refiner, later waited for Dongfang Yu to return, oneself can certainly be able to help. 她服下了太上老君的金丹,已经获得了长久的生命,留在这个位面急需研究太上老君的炼器之法,以后等东方玉归来,自己一定能帮得上忙。 Otherwise, leaves with Dongfang Yu, oneself walks randomly plane, does not have the time with concentration research, now after all oneself most lacks is the time of growing. 否则,跟着东方玉离开,自己游走位面,并没有时间来潜心研究,毕竟自己现在最缺的就是成长起来的时间。 Bai Feifei obtained Intermediate Samadhi True Fire, Samadhi True Fire of more than 50,000 energy values, with Dongfang Yu also calculates that had self-preservation ability reluctantly. 况且,白菲菲得到了中级三昧真火,50000多能量值的三昧真火,跟着东方玉也算勉强有了自保能力 What is main, Journey to the West plane, according to the Plane Elevator rule, Dongfang Yu also will again certainly come, oneself might as well research well, wait for Dongfang Yu to return the time again reunion here. 最主要的是,西游位面,按照位面电梯的规则,东方玉一定还会再来的,自己不如在这里好好的研究,等东方玉归来的时候再聚首。 Regarding the Bulma words, Dongfang Yu has hesitated the moment, since she had determined oneself must remain, moreover oneself momentarily can assign to return to this Journey to the West plane, therefore Dongfang Yu again had not insisted. 对于布玛的话,东方玉沉吟了片刻,既然她确定了自己要留下来,况且自己随时可以指定回到这西游记位面,所以东方玉也就没有再坚持。 Some Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch here, oneself did not need to be worried about the Bulma safety. 太上老君在这里,自己也不用担心布玛的安危了。 Selects nod(ded), after Dongfang Yu and Bulma said goodbye, then left Tushita Palace, returning to Flowers and Fruits Mountain to find Bai Feifei, returned with her together. 点头,东方玉布玛告别了一番之后,便离开了兜率宫,回到了花果山这边找到了白菲菲,与她一同回归。 However before the return, wicked interest well ups, after Dongfang Yu opened Super Saiyan's Mode, then construction a space transmission gate to Spirit Mountain. 不过在回归之前,恶趣味涌上心头,东方玉开启了超级赛亚人的状态之后,然后架构了一个通往灵山的空间传送门。 Looks at the picture of space transmission gate that side Spirit Mountain, the Dongfang Yu corners of the mouth raises. 看着空间传送门那一边灵山的景象,东方玉嘴角微扬。 Then, under Super Saiyan's Mode, Dongfang Yu was Energy Wave of move of full power toward that space transmission gate bang in the past. 然后,超级赛亚人的状态下,东方玉又是一招全功率的气功波朝着那空间传送门轰过去。 Also does not wait to look the destruction that Energy Wave causes, Dongfang Yu waved then to dismiss this space transmission gate Magic, laughed several, at once summons Plane Elevator, left this Journey to the West plane. 也不等看那气功波所造成的破坏,东方玉挥手便解散了这空间传送门的魔法,大笑几声,旋即召唤位面电梯,离开了这西游记位面
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