PE :: Volume #34

#1552: Again near dragon palace

A freight vehicle lost has controlled, the brakes incorrect words, hit shortly toward front one group of people, the driver moved the steering wheel forcefully, has evaded the crowd, but other one side, child of completing the order form was actually killed. 一辆货车失去控制了,刹车不行的话,眼看着朝着前面一群人撞过去,司机强行打动了方向盘,避过了人群,但是另外一边,一个落单的孩子却被撞死了。 By words that the God angle of view comes to see, the choice of this driver not wrong, two evils choose the lesser, but, regarding this killed child parents, the behavior of this driver can understand, but is unforgiving! 以上帝视角来看的话,这个司机的选择并没有错,两害取其轻,可是,对于这个被撞死的孩子的父母而言,这个司机的行为可以理解,但是却不能原谅! The Ox-King behavior, is similar to the situation of this driver. 牛魔王的行为,和这个司机的情况类似。 In demon, is bloody law of the jungle, the fist greatly is the top priority, no matter heavenly materials and earthly treasures, is the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals paradise, or is the beautiful woman beautiful woman, strength can rob, this is the Demon Realm custom, the jungle principle. 妖魔之中,是血淋淋的弱肉强食,拳头大就是硬道理,不管是天材地宝,还是洞天福地,亦或者是美女佳人,力量强都可以抢夺,这是妖魔界的规矩,丛林法则。 Ox-King seized Bai Feifei to walk, from the Demon Realm custom, was completely reasonable, if not for Ox-King had the true feelings to Bai Feifei, is thinking linked the heart of Bai Feifei to capture together, this Bai Feifei has seized, had already usurped her body, where can manage her to want, later can bear a grudge oneself? 牛魔王强掳了白菲菲走,从妖魔界的规矩上来看,完全是合理的,若不是牛魔王白菲菲动了真情,想着连白菲菲的心一起掳获的话,这白菲菲抓走了,早就强占了她的身子,哪里会理她愿不愿意,以后会不会记恨自己 But, Ox-King behavior, although conforms to the Demon Realm custom, but to Dongfang Yu, his behavior naturally cannot be forgiven. 可是,牛魔王的行为虽说符合妖魔界的规矩,但对东方玉而言,他的行为自然是不能被原谅的。 If not for he, in addition allowed a leeway, Dongfang Yu has killed the Ox-King bang today, where will also keep his life? Hits half dead him , has revenged, the gratitude and grudges were distinct, pleased love and hate. 若不是他尚且留了一丝余地,东方玉今天就把牛魔王轰杀了,哪里还会留他一命?把他打个半死,也算是报了仇了,恩怨分明,快意恩仇。 The Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of Princess Iron Fan, in the look brings to wipe killing intent, swears brotherhood with Son Goku|Sun Wukong, treated in Flowers and Fruits Mountain was so long, Dongfang Yu has treated as oneself same to regard Flowers and Fruits Mountain, has destroyed Flowers and Fruits Mountain Princess Iron Fan regarding this, in the Dongfang Yu heart to her hatred, did not come compared with Ox-King lowly. 只是,东方玉的目光落在铁扇公主的身上,眼神中带着一抹杀意,和孙悟空结拜,又在花果山待了这么久,不知不觉间,东方玉已经把花果山当做自己家一样看待了,对于这毁了花果山铁扇公主,东方玉心中对她的恨意,不比牛魔王来得低。 Old Ox, you? Do not frighten me......”. “老牛,你怎么了?你别吓我啊……”。 Dongfang Yu has the killing intent look to stare at her, Princess Iron Fan as if has not seen, but has arrived at the Ox-King side, holds the body of Ox-King in the bosom, the blood overflow of corners of the mouth a little bit, the mind places the body of Ox-King. 东方玉带着杀意的眼神盯着她,铁扇公主似乎没有看到似的,只是走到了牛魔王的身旁,将牛魔王的身子抱在怀里,嘴角一滴滴的鲜血溢出,心神都放在牛魔王的身上。 ...... 咳咳…… The mouth of Ox-King coughed several blood, the appearance of look dispirited, obviously the severe wound has urged, opened oneself both eyes, was staring at Dongfang Yu: You, you have any matter, clashes my Old Ox to come, I, I......”. 牛魔王的嘴里咳出了几口鲜血,神色萎靡的样子,显然已经重伤催死了,睁开自己双眼,盯着东方玉:“你,你有什么事,就冲俺老牛来吧,俺,俺……”。 A few words did not say completely, the mouth of Ox-King is a big blood spits, this looks at Princess Iron Fan to feel like a knife twisting in the heart, tight hugs Ox-King not to say a word. 一句话都说不完整,牛魔王的嘴里又是一大口鲜血哇的一声吐出来,这看得铁扇公主心如刀绞,紧紧的搂着牛魔王一言不发。 Also is Demon Realm top exist(ence), today Ox-King ends up to turn out this paddies, seriously is the feeling of Hero dead end. 到底也是妖魔界顶尖的存在,今日牛魔王落得这步田地,当真是英雄末路的感觉。 Dongfang Yu occupies a commanding position, static looks at Ox-King and Princess Iron Fan two, looks at their appearances, killing intent in heart dissipated gradually, silent a moment later, Dongfang Yu start to talk said: Now, I give you two road choices. 东方玉居高临下,静静的看着牛魔王铁扇公主两个,看着他们的模样,心中的杀意渐渐的消散了一些,沉默了片刻之后,东方玉开口说道:“现在,我给你们两条路选择”。 First, this Palm-leaf Fan is counted the compensation, the mnemonics that you will actuate give me . Moreover, from now henceforth 500 years, you go to the Five Finger Mountain housing, with that monkey is the partner, is responsible for its food and drink, I keep your life, second......”. “第一,这芭蕉扇算作补偿,你们将驱动的口诀交给我,另外,从今以后500年,你们去五指山居住,和那猴子为伴,负责它的吃喝,我留你们一命,第二……”。 Dongfang Yu start to talk, as for second is anything, had not said that but Ox-King and Princess Iron Fan know certainly that the second road is anything, that dies. 东方玉开口,至于第二是什么,没有说,但牛魔王铁扇公主当然知道第二条路是什么,那就是死。 We promise you......”, although Palm-leaf Fan is supreme treasure, but the life did not have, what treasure but also manages? “我们答应你……”,虽说芭蕉扇至宝,可命都没了,还管什么宝贝啊? As for going to Five Finger Mountain settles down? Be responsible for the food and drink issue of that monkey, Ox-King husband and wife will not have any objection, after is only 500 years, to these top big demon, 500 years does not calculate many long time. 至于去五指山定居?负责那猴子的吃喝问题,牛魔王夫妻更不会有什么异议,毕竟只是500年而已,对这些顶尖的大妖魔而言,500年并不算多长的时光。 Saw that Ox-King husband and wife two complied, Dongfang Yu nod(ded), knew from the mouth of Princess Iron Fan slightly again actuates the Palm-leaf Fan mnemonics, this matter, even if has uncovered. 眼看着牛魔王夫妻两个答应了下来,东方玉微微点头,再从铁扇公主的嘴里知道了驱动芭蕉扇的口诀,这件事情,就算揭过了。 The Flowers and Fruits Mountain matter, occurred after all, even if killed Princess Iron Fan also to no help, oneself must return to Real World after all, the Five Finger Mountain next 500 years of loneliness , the pain of that monkey was self-evident, Dongfang Yu made Ox-King husband and wife go to him to act as companion, somewhat can also give it to dispel boredom lonely some. 花果山的事情,毕竟已经发生了,就算杀了铁扇公主也于事无补,自己毕竟还是要回归现实世界的,五指山下500年的寂寞,那猴子的痛苦不言而喻,东方玉牛魔王夫妻去给他作伴,多多少少也能给它排遣一些寂寞。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong was suppressed by Tathagata Buddha, but Tathagata Buddha cultivation base went to the Quasi-Saint situation, such as in Journey to the West original work, Son Goku|Sun Wukong suppressed period, six Ding Liujia, four value merit Cao and other deity guarding, where common does demon dare to go to visit? 孙悟空是被如来佛祖镇压的,而如来佛祖修为已达到准圣的地步,如西游原著中,孙悟空被镇压的期间,本来还有六丁六甲,四值功曹等神仙看守,寻常的妖魔哪敢前去探望? But if Ox-King, by his status, believes that the common deity does not dare to stop his. 可若是牛魔王的话,以他的身份地位,相信寻常的神仙是不敢阻拦他的。 Was right, Dongfang Yu, my also matter must say with you finally......”, saw that Dongfang Yu brings Palm-leaf Fan to leave, Ox-King thinks, start to talk to Dongfang Yu. “对了,东方玉,最后我还有一件事情要和你说……”,眼看着东方玉带着芭蕉扇就要离开,牛魔王想了想,开口东方玉 „? What matter?”. “哦?什么事?”。 Dongfang Yu had relieved Super Saiyan and gene shackle's condition at this time, hear speech/words, figure has stopped in the midair, static looks at following Ox-King. 东方玉这个时候已经解除了超级赛亚人基因锁的状态了,闻言,身形在半空中停顿了下来,静静的看着下面的牛魔王 Reason that initially, I went to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, was because received a signature is Miss Feifei praying for rescue letter, making me go to Flowers and Fruits Mountain to rescue her, afterward, I have prospected, these gathered the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monsters, was driven away by the East Blue Shui in the past, that letter, as if also and East Blue had complicated relations, Ox-King start to talk said. “当初,我之所以去花果山,是因为收到了一封署名是菲菲小姐的求救信,让我去花果山救她的,后来,我勘察了一番,那些汇聚到花果山的妖怪们,都是被东海水族驱赶过去的,那封信,似乎也和东海有千丝万缕的关系”,牛魔王开口说道。 although initially Ox-King very much did not care to the genuine and fake of that letter, may be top big demon, was used with no reason at is impossible, afterward, Ox-King naturally made the person nose. 虽然当初牛魔王对那封信的真假并不是很在意,可作为顶尖的大妖魔,无缘无故被人利用是不可能的,事后,牛魔王自然让人查探了一番。 East Blue?”, hear speech/words, in the Dongfang Yu heart has hesitated secretly the moment, silently nod(ded). 东海吗?”,闻言,东方玉心中暗自沉吟了片刻,默默点头 Ox-King words Dongfang Yu had not suspected that he impossible to deceive oneself with this matter, originally, has East Blue Dragon Clan planning? 牛魔王的话东方玉没有怀疑,他也不可能拿这件事情来欺骗自己,原来这其中,有东海龙族的算计吗? Is dragon clan that because initially was killed by oneself? Because of that Pacifying Oceans Pillar? 是因为当初被自己所杀的龙族?还是因为那定海神针 Perhaps, should be the East Blue Dragon Clan matter that I kill on the same day is known by Dragon King?”, Hesitated the moment, in the Dongfang Yu's heart has suspected to say. “或许,应该是我当日所杀的东海龙族的事情被龙王知道了吧?”,沉吟了片刻,东方玉的心中猜想道。 Should not be the Pacifying Oceans Pillar matter, after all in original work Son Goku|Sun Wukong seized Pacifying Oceans Pillar, has not seen that East Blue Dragon King to have any extreme response. 应该不是定海神针的事情,毕竟原著孙悟空就夺了定海神针,也没见那东海龙王有什么过激的反应啊。 In the heart hesitated secretly the moment, Dongfang Yu stretched out the palm of oneself, the rapid construction a space transmission gate came out. 心中暗自沉吟了片刻,东方玉伸出自己的手掌,迅速的架构了一个空间传送门出来。 The space transmission gate other one side, is the East Blue Dragon Palace direction, so long as Dongfang Yu has visited the place, can arrive with space transmission gate Magic rapidly, what this Magic was really facilitates. 空间传送门另外一边,正是东海龙宫的方向,只要东方玉踏足过的地方,都能用空间传送门的魔法迅速到达,这魔法的确是非常的方便了。 The East Blue crystal palace, class of ineffective and worthless troops, kept sighing, recently these months, Dragon King every day was the appearance of restlessing, why also did not know is, several ineffective and worthless troops in a low voice were discussing. 东海水晶宫,一班虾兵蟹将,长吁短叹的,最近这几个月的时间,龙王每日都是心神不宁的样子,也不知道是为何,几个虾兵蟹将都在低声议论着。 Nearby turtle prime minister, hears these ineffective and worthless troops' discussions, has not said anything, regarding the Dragon King reason, the turtle prime minister naturally can guess that obtains. 旁边的龟丞相,听到这些虾兵蟹将们的议论,也没有多说什么,对于龙王的原因,龟丞相自然是能猜得到的。 To borrow that Ox-King strength, shoulders fight between Ox-King and Dongfang Yu, actually didn't expect Dongfang Yu and Son Goku|Sun Wukong Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace had been grasped by Heavenly Court, but did not have and other Dragon King to be with enough time happy, spreads Dongfang Yu to fight, sends lossless departure, even including Tathagata Buddha almost fallen in his hands. 本来想借用那牛魔王力量,挑起牛魔王东方玉之间的战斗,却没想到东方玉孙悟空大闹天宫天庭抓了,只是还没来得及等龙王高兴呢,又传出东方玉大战一番,毫发无损的离开,甚至连如来佛祖都差点陨落在他手中。 After that Dragon King sleeps on pins and needles, such as feels uneasy, few days ago, transmitted Dongfang Yu to fight Buddha Realm, was ruined including big Thunderclap Temple, this let Dragon King in constant anxiety. 从那之后,龙王就寝食难安,如芒刺在背,前些日子,更传来东方玉大战佛界,连大雷音寺都被毁掉了,这更让龙王惶惶不可终日。 Buddha Realm is not that Dongfang Yu's match, once loses exposes, how this East Blue Dragon Palace should withstand that Dongfang Yu's anger? 就连佛界都不是那东方玉的对手,一旦失去败露的话,这东海龙宫该如何承受那东方玉的怒火? Yeah, what to do? Heavenly Court cannot retain him, on this day, East Blue Dragon King sits on the throne of oneself crystal palace, in heart long sighing. “哎,怎么办啊?就连天庭都留不住他”,这一日,东海龙王坐在自己水晶宫的宝座上面,心中长长的叹了一口气。 Dragon King biggest taking advantage is Heavenly Court strength, now, Heavenly Court strength cannot depend upon, this makes East Blue Dragon King feel to experience one day like a year, as if on the head hangs a handle to cut Dragon blade, may fall anytime. 龙王最大的依仗就是天庭力量,现在,就连天庭力量也依靠不上,这让东海龙王感觉到度日如年,仿佛脑袋上悬着一柄斩龙刀,随时都有可能落下来。 chi chi chi...... 嗤嗤嗤…… However, when East Blue Dragon King in constant anxiety, suddenly, on this main hall has emerged out of thin air innumerable small sparks, at once, these small sparks change to a pyrosphere, looks at the pyrosphere of this emerging out of thin air, the East Blue Dragon King complexion changed. 然而,就在东海龙王惶惶不可终日的时候,突然,这大殿上凭空出现了无数的小火星,旋即,这些小火星化作一个火圈,看着这个凭空出现的火圈,东海龙王脸色变了变。 Really, Dongfang Yu wears Golden Chainmail Armor, wears Phoenix Wings Purple-Gold Crown, treadons Lotus Silk Stepping Cloud Boots, such walked from the space transmission gate, this dresses up obtains from East Blue, this actor, East Blue Dragon King naturally recognizes. 果然,东方玉身穿锁子黄金甲,头戴凤翅紫金冠,脚踏藕丝步云履,就这么从空间传送门之中走了出来,这一身披挂还是从东海得到的呢,这一身行头,东海龙王自然是认得。 Originally is Fiend Emperor visits, does not know that what Fiend Emperor does look for the dragonet to tell?”. “原来是妖帝造访,不知妖帝找小龙有何事吩咐?”。 Looks Dongfang Yu that presents, the East Blue Dragon King body trembles slightly, at once arrives in front of Dongfang Yu's hurriedly, makes very lowly the stance, saying cautiously. 看着出现的东方玉,东海龙王身子微微一颤,旋即急忙来到东方玉的面前,把姿态摆得很低,小心翼翼的说道。 My this time, the matter wants to inquire Dragon King, Dongfang Yu looks at oneself front East Blue Dragon King, mouth start to talk said. “我这次来,是有一件事情想要询问龙王的”,东方玉看着自己面前的东海龙王,嘴里开口说道。 Fiend Emperor told freely that the dragonet knows the word to express oneself fully all, lowers the head, East Blue Dragon King was saying hurriedly. 妖帝尽管吩咐,小龙知无不言言无不尽”,低着脑袋,东海龙王急忙说道。 Before Ox-King went to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, heard that received a praying for rescue letter, does not know that Dragon King can once know?”, Dongfang Yu tranquil looks at East Blue Dragon King, the look not sad is unhappy, tranquil asking. “之前牛魔王前往花果山,听说是收了一份求救信,不知龙王可曾知晓?”,东方玉平静的看着东海龙王,神色不悲不喜,平静的问道。 Thump, Dongfang Yu's these words make the East Blue Dragon King mind tremble, the matter that , most fears came finally. 咯噔一下,东方玉的这句话让东海龙王心神一颤,果然,最怕的事情终于还是来了。 East Blue Dragon King also lived these many years, even if cultivation base is not high, but the [say / way] of to seek luck and avoid calamity knows, since Dongfang Yu asked that this issue, East Blue Dragon King knows that oneself denied is also no helps, clenches teeth, braces oneself nod(ded) saying: Dragonet knows . Moreover, moreover this matter, the dragonet told the following person does. 到底东海龙王也活了这么多年了,就算修为不高,但趋吉避凶之道还是知晓的,既然东方玉已经问出这个问题了,东海龙王知道自己否认也是于事无补的,咬咬牙,硬着头皮点头道:“小龙知晓,而且,而且这件事情,还是小龙吩咐下面的人去做的”。 „? Since you acknowledged that that is very good, can you prepare for withstood my anger psychology?”. “哦?既然你承认了,那很好,你可作好了承受我怒火的心理准备?”。 Looked East Blue Dragon King such hoodlum acknowledged that Dongfang Yu has been astonished actually, thinks he will refuse stubbornly to acknowledge. 东海龙王这么光棍的就承认下来了,东方玉倒是讶异了一下,本来还以为他会死不承认呢。 Wait / Etc., Fiend Emperor, Xiaolong, Xiaolong can explain......”. “等等,妖帝尊下,小龙,小龙可以解释……”。 Saw that Dongfang Yu wanted take action, the East Blue Dragon King discoloration, called out with amazement hurriedly: I, I am also looked that these monsters get together in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, I think you and mahatmas not in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, feared that feared your Flowers and Fruits Mountain Ping Bai by the disaster, therefore wrote a letter to deceive Ox-King, no matter how, I also considered for your Flowers and Fruits Mountain. 眼看东方玉出手了,东海龙王骇然色变,急忙叫道:“我,我也是看那些妖怪齐聚花果山,我看你和大圣都不在花果山,怕,怕你们花果山平白遭了劫难,所以才写信把牛魔王骗过去,不管如何,我也是为了你们花果山着想啊”。
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