PE :: Volume #34

#1551: Crush

Dongfang Yu's figure float in midair, treadons auspicious cloud, occupying a commanding position looks at Ox-King couple. 东方玉的身形悬浮于半空中,脚踏祥云,居高临下的看着牛魔王夫妇两个。 Although Dongfang Yu has not seen Princess Iron Fan has been any appearance, but here is Emerald Cloud Mountain, Ox-King in side, this woman decided however is Princess Iron Fan without doubt, was she is destroyed in a moment Flowers and Fruits Mountain, this matter, naturally must settling well. 虽说东方玉从来都没有见过铁扇公主是什么模样,但这里是翠云山,牛魔王又在旁边,这个女子定然是铁扇公主无疑了,就是她将花果山毁于一旦,这个事情,自然是要好好的了结。 Dongfang Yu!”. 东方玉!”。 Looks at float Dongfang Yu in midair, the Ox-King complexion changes, hurriedly Princess Iron Fan draws oneself, in the look brings to dread that the doubts and angry look are staring at Dongfang Yu, said: You have any skill to clash my Old Ox to come. 看着悬浮于半空中的东方玉,牛魔王的脸色一变,急忙将铁扇公主拉到了自己的身后,眼神中带着忌惮,疑惑和愤怒的神色盯着东方玉,道:“你有什么本事就冲俺老牛来吧”。 Do not be anxious, between I and you account, later again calculates that I must with your wife calculate now the Flowers and Fruits Mountain account said again, regarding the Ox-King words, Dongfang Yu slanting glanced his one eyes, tranquil saying. “你别急,我和你之间的帐,待会儿再算,我现在要和你老婆算一算花果山的帐再说”,对于牛魔王的话,东方玉斜斜的瞟了他一眼,平静的说道。 During the speeches, the Dongfang Yu palm turns, Heaven Seal appears in his palm, occupying a commanding position looks at Princess Iron Fan, the energy value trivial about 40,000, thought Palm-leaf Fan seriously, oneself on the unmatched in the world? 说话间,东方玉手掌一翻,番天印出现在他的掌心之中,居高临下的看着铁扇公主,能量值不过区区40000左右而已,当真以为有了芭蕉扇,自己就天下无敌了吗? Snort, his is a person, fierce and what kind of? Your my two people collaborate, couldn't don't tell me have hit him?”, Princess Iron Fan took oneself Palm-leaf Fan, actually does not flinch is staring at Dongfang Yu. “哼,他不过一个人罢了,再厉害又怎么样?你我二人联手,难道还打不过他吗?”,铁扇公主自己芭蕉扇拿了出来,倒是毫不退缩的盯着东方玉 During the speeches, the mouth meditates the incantation, in the meantime, Palm-leaf Fan in oneself hand raises, maliciously wields, the fearful wind power appeared, sweeps across toward Dongfang Yu. 说话间,嘴里默念咒语,同时,自己手中的芭蕉扇扬起,狠狠的一挥,可怕的风力出现了,朝着东方玉席卷而来。 Heaven Seal!”, However, is facing Princess Iron Fan Palm-leaf Fan, Dongfang Yu has actually thrown oneself Heaven Seal. “番天印!”,然而,面对着铁扇公主芭蕉扇,东方玉却是将自己的番天印抛了出来。 Sees only on Heaven Seal to transform the Ethereal Mountain [lineage/vein] phantom, the veteran that such as takes root towers in front of Dongfang Yu's, appointed wind power how fearfulness of that Palm-leaf Fan, actually is also hard to shake Heaven Seal slightly. 只见番天印上幻化出不周山脉的虚影,如扎根的老树般耸立在东方玉的面前,任那芭蕉扇的风力再如何的可怕,却也难以撼动番天印丝毫。 Heaven Seal is in Legend half Ethereal Mountain refining, this Palm-leaf Fan wind power is strong, can don't tell me also blow Ethereal Mountain? 天印乃是传说中半截不周山炼化而成的,这芭蕉扇的风力再强,难道还能吹得动不周山吗? Although that Jade Emperor Heaven Seal will give Dongfang Yu, part of reasons are Heaven Seal Apricot Yellow Banner of strength by his hand are restrained, but similarly, this Heaven Seal strength almost restrains most wind attribute magecraft divine ability and magic weapon. 虽说那玉皇大帝将番天印交给东方玉,一部分原因是番天印力量被他手中的杏黄旗所克制,但是同样的,这番天印力量几乎克制绝大部分风属性术法神通和法宝。 Heaven Seal strength will release, protects the oneself whole body, the nature that this immovability, compared that to decide the wind return to want simply to much strongly, saw only Dongfang Yu's figure to fall on Heaven Seal behind, appointed your how strong winds wreaked havoc, I from gorgeously motionless. 将番天印力量释放出来,护住自己周身,这不动如山的性质,简直比那定风珠还要强得多了,只见东方玉的身形落在番天印的后面,任你如何狂风肆虐,我自巍然不动。 No, this impossible......”, going smoothly everywhere Palm-leaf Fan, even if oneself husband Ox-King is also hard to resist, but, looks the appearance that Dongfang Yu has not retroceded slightly, the complexion big change of Princess Iron Fan, this situation first time meets. “不,这不可能……”,无往不利的芭蕉扇,就算是自己的丈夫牛魔王也难以抵挡,可是,看着东方玉丝毫没有后退的模样,铁扇公主的脸色大变,这种情况还是第一次遇见呢。 Heaven Seal!”, Relatively speaking, that Ox-King worthily is in Three Realms one of the topest demon, saw that Dongfang Yu front this one-sided small seal, on the face of Ox-King is having the surprised look. “番天印!”,相对而言,那牛魔王不愧是三界中最顶尖的妖魔之一,眼看着东方玉面前这一方小印,牛魔王的脸上带着吃惊的神色。 Also does not dare to hesitate again, a hand move, Three Pointed Pitchfork appears in the palm of Ox-King, the wrist|skill shakes, threw toward Dongfang Yu directly, rudely Three Pointed Pitchfork, is having trillion even strengths. 也不敢再迟疑了,手一招,三尖叉出现在牛魔王的手掌,手腕一震,直接朝着东方玉这边扑了过来,势大力沉的三尖叉,带着亿万均的力道。 Since your two husband and wife must together take action, then I am impolite!”, Looks at Ox-King take action, the Dongfang Yu mind concentrates, gene shackle fourth rank opens, the energy value of whole person rose dramatically instantaneously from 9000 degrees more than 70,000. “既然你们两夫妻要一起出手,那么我也就不客气了!”,看着牛魔王出手了,东方玉心神一凝,基因锁第四阶开启,整个人的能量值瞬间从9000的程度飙升到了70000多。 At once, took springboard by gene shackle fourth rank, Dongfang Yu opened Super Saiyan's Mode, the arrogance winding of gold(en) on Dongfang Yu's, the whole person looked like, looked like bathes in gold(en) flame. 旋即,以基因锁第四阶作为跳板,东方玉跟着开启了超级赛亚人的状态,金色的气焰缠绕在东方玉的身上,整个人看起来,就像是沐浴在金色火焰之中似的。 „Is this he can defeat the condition of Tathagata? Aura of good terror, looks at Dongfang Yu this Super Saiyan's Mode, in Ox-King heart one tight, the Three Pointed Pitchfork strength in hand was stronger three points. “这就是他能够打败如来的状态吗?好恐怖的气息”,看着东方玉超级赛亚人的状态,牛魔王心中一紧,手中的三尖叉力道更强了三分。 And Dongfang Yu in Flowers and Fruits Mountain has compared notes, at that time Dongfang Yu had not shown how powerful strength, mainly depended upon Executing Immortal Flying Blade sharp, didn't expect, his true strength unexpectedly formidable to such fearful situation. 曾经在花果山的时候和东方玉切磋过,当时东方玉并没有展现出多么强大力量,主要还是依靠斩仙飞刀的锋利罢了,没想到,他真正的实力居然强悍到这么可怕的地步。 Bang! 啪! Not to mention at this time in the heart of Ox-King how being startled, after opening Super Saiyan's Mode, Dongfang Yu close 120,000 energy values, complete crush Ox-King of 8 ten thousand energy values. 且不说这个时候牛魔王的心中是如何的吃惊,开启了超级赛亚人的状态之后,东方玉接近120000的能量值,完全碾压了8万能量值的牛魔王 Searches take action to come, Dongfang Yu grasps Ox-King Three Pointed Pitchfork in the hand, fearful strength, whatever Ox-King makes an effort, unexpectedly is also hard to receive Three Pointed Pitchfork in hand. 出手来,东方玉一把将牛魔王三尖叉抓在手中,可怕的力道,任由牛魔王用力,居然也难以将手中的三尖叉收回去。 The Dongfang Yu look is tranquil, grabs Ox-King Three Pointed Pitchfork, other index finger has extended, the point to Ox-King, mouth has drunk lowly: Dodon Ray. 东方玉神色平静,一手抓着牛魔王三尖叉,另外的一根食指伸了出来,点向了牛魔王,嘴里一声低喝:洞洞波 pūchī! 噗嗤 Radiant white ray, jumps to shoot from the Dongfang Yu's fingertip, the blood splash bloomed, sees only the chest of Ox-King to open a blood hole immediately. 璀璨的白色光芒,从东方玉的指尖迸射出去,血花绽放,只见牛魔王的胸口立马开了一个血洞。 The translucent blood hole, obviously has passed through the chest of Ox-King, the Dodon Ray fearful penetrability, is not Ox-King mortal body can resist. 前后透亮的血洞,显然已经贯穿了牛魔王的胸膛,洞洞波可怕的贯穿力,绝不是牛魔王肉身能够抵挡得住的。 Old Ox!”, Nearby Princess Iron Fan, looks that the chest of Ox-King had been passed through by Dongfang Yu's Dodon Ray, calling out of having a big shock, simultaneously figure threw in the Ox-King direction. “老牛!”,旁边的铁扇公主,看着牛魔王的胸口都被东方玉的洞洞波贯穿了,大惊失色的叫道,同时身形朝着牛魔王的方向扑过来。 The trivial about 40,000 energy values, what can Princess Iron Fan do? 只是,区区40000左右的能量值,铁扇公主能干什么? Princess Iron Fan that throws shortly, Dongfang Yu take action, as if the twinkling migration appears in the Princess Iron Fan front like lightning, the finger goes toward the opposite side point directly. 眼看着扑过来的铁扇公主,东方玉闪电般出手,仿佛瞬息移动般出现在铁扇公主的面前,手指直接朝着对方点去。 Looks finger that Dongfang Yu selects, Princess Iron Fan with amazement discoloration, reflective keeps off Palm-leaf Fan in hand in the oneself front. 看着东方玉点过来的手指,铁扇公主骇然色变,反射性的将手中的芭蕉扇挡在自己的面前。 Princess Iron Fan a flower, in the hand, Palm-leaf Fan vanished at present instantaneously, falls in the Dongfang Yu's hand, at once, the Dongfang Yu backhand wields, the Palm-leaf Fan fan handle pounds directly on the body of Princess Iron Fan, struck to fly her. 只是,铁扇公主眼前一花,手上一空,芭蕉扇瞬间消失了,落在东方玉的手中,旋即,东方玉反手一挥,芭蕉扇的扇柄直接砸在铁扇公主的身上,将她击飞了出去。 The mouth called out pitifully is putting out the blood, dropped in place Princess Iron Fan, quite a while cannot crawl, obviously was received caused heavy losses. 嘴里惨叫着吐出鲜血,跌落在地的铁扇公主,半天都爬不起来,显然是已经受了重创了。 Moo! 哞! Is sharp-eyed the oneself wife to cause heavy losses in place, Ox-King eyes blood red, the mouth sends out a sad cow moo the sound, in the dense ray, sees only Ox-King figure to change to one to have hundred zhang (333m) high unparalleled Ox Demon fully. 眼尖自己的老婆重创在地,牛魔王眼睛一片血红,嘴里发出一阵沉闷的牛哞之声,氤氲的光芒中,只见牛魔王身形化作一尊足有百丈高的盖世魔牛 Was compelled but, Ox-King had revealed directly the oneself Ox Demon true body, has the hundred zhang (333m) high body fully, the body sends out destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth Aura. 被逼无奈之下,牛魔王直接亮出了自己魔牛真身,足有百丈高的躯体,身上散发出毁天灭地般的气息 The cow hooves vibrate, a Ox-King pair of mountain peak corner, maliciously hits toward Dongfang Yu. 牛蹄震动,牛魔王一对山峰般的犄角,狠狠的朝着东方玉撞过来。 The cow hooves catch up, the entire earth seemed stepped on collapsed, the earth within surrounding area dozens li (0.5km) range split, the terrifying strength, is hard to describe in the spoken language. 牛蹄发力,整个大地似乎都被踩塌了似的,方圆数十里范围内的大地都裂开了,恐怖的力道,难以用言语来形容。 Saw that Ox-King this small mountain peak corner hits, Dongfang Yu stretches out the palm of oneself, grasps this corner directly in the hand, the formidable strength emerges, backlash that Dongfang Yu's figure cannot control unexpectedly two steps. 眼看着牛魔王这小山峰般的犄角撞过来,东方玉伸出自己的手掌,直接将这犄角抓在手中,强悍的力道涌现,东方玉的身形居然都控制不住的后退了两步。 This let Dongfang Yu surprised staring in a big way eyes, 8 ten thousand energy values to the oneself 12 ten thousand energy values, huge difference, this can Ox-King make oneself retrocede unexpectedly? 这让东方玉吃惊的瞪大了眼睛,8万能量值对自己12万能量值,天壤之别了,这牛魔王居然能让自己后退? Vigorously Ox-King, this vigorously the name, was really the name will follow reality, the although 80,000 energy values were not top, but Ox-King this strength, in Three Realms and Six Paths absolutely was being among the best. 大力牛魔王,这“大力”的称呼,果然是实至名归了,虽然80000的能量值不算顶尖的,可牛魔王这力气,在三界六道之中绝对是名列前茅的了。 Such strength, believes that is the people about 100,000 energy values cannot resist, was a pity that between you and me the disparity was too big a point. “这样的力气,相信就算是100000左右能量值的人也抵挡不住啊,不过可惜,你我之间的差距太大了一点”。 Dongfang Yu both hands hold the corner of Ox-King, on the arm the blue vein stick out suddenly, looks like small snakes lies on the Dongfang Yu's arm, at once, Dongfang Yu the shoulder has fallen, unparalleled Ox Demon of hundred zhang (333m) height, such directly was flung to fly by Dongfang Yu. 东方玉双手抓住牛魔王的犄角,手臂上青筋暴起,就像是一条条小蛇般趴在东方玉的手臂上,旋即,东方玉一个过肩摔,百丈身高的盖世魔牛,就这么被东方玉直接甩飞了起来。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… As if the meteorite hits Earth, under the Ox-King true body in Dongfang Yu's the shoulder has fallen, flew directly, then from airborne falls. 仿佛陨石撞地球似的,牛魔王的真身在东方玉的一个过肩摔之下,直接飞了起来,然后从空中落下。 The fearful vibration made Emerald Cloud Mountain collapse, the earth looked like has ten magnitude of earthquakes to be common, the land within surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) range, almost all split. 可怕的震动让翠云山都倒塌了,大地就像是发生了十级大地震一般,方圆数百里范围内的土地,几乎全都裂开了。 Heaven Seal!”, Facing Ox-King, Dongfang Yu not to the opportunity that he gasps for breath, saw that the Ox-King true body was pounded by oneself on the ground, Heaven Seal in hand offers a sacrifice to once again, changed to the flowing light to pound toward Ox-King together maliciously. “番天印!”,面对牛魔王,东方玉并没有给他喘气的机会,眼看着牛魔王的真身被自己砸在地上,手中的番天印再度祭起,化作一道流光朝着牛魔王狠狠的砸了过去。 Bang, this Heaven Seal pounding maliciously on the body of Ox-King, in the world has resounded a fearful pitiful yell sound. 砰的一声,这番天印狠狠的砸在牛魔王的身上,天地间响起了一道可怕的惨叫声。 Dongfang Yu puts out a hand a move, on Heaven Seal is dyeing the bloodstain, flew back to the Dongfang Yu's hand, looked at the ground again, the Ox-King true body changed to the appearance of cow first person once again. 东方玉伸手一招,番天印上染着血迹,飞回到了东方玉的手中,再看地上,牛魔王的真身再度化作了牛首人身的模样。 Lies down in ground Ox-King, body twists an alarmed angle, had been pounded by Heaven Seal, this Ox-King has not died, wants to come the whole body skeleton to break to pieces. 只是躺在地上的牛魔王,身体扭曲成一个触目惊心的角度,被番天印砸了一下,这牛魔王就算没死,想来浑身骨骼都已经碎了。 Old, Old Ox......”, nearby Princess Iron Fan, struggles to crawl from the ground, looks at the Ox-King severe wound dying appearance, the complexion very ugly, the hand is covering the chest of oneself, the corners of the mouth a little bit blood is low, gradually walks toward Ox-King. “老,老牛……”,旁边的铁扇公主,挣扎着从地上爬起来,看着牛魔王重伤垂死的模样,脸色非常的难看,手捂着自己的胸口,嘴角一滴滴鲜血低落,缓步朝着牛魔王走去。 The Dongfang Yu left hand is holding Palm-leaf Fan, right hand is holding Heaven Seal, under Super Saiyan's Mode, the unparalleled ominous prestige, must make people be hard to have the revolt the thoughts. 东方玉左手持着芭蕉扇,右手托着番天印,超级赛亚人的状态下,盖世凶威,强得让人难以生出反抗的心思。 Ox-King, you pester in Bai Feifei, even abducts her forcefully, detains in her, mentioned reasonably, I should butcher you were right, but, the moment you put her to be free finally after all, your this life I for the time being am remaining, later not must violate in my hand again, otherwise I made you vanishes in puff of smoke surely. 牛魔王,你纠缠于白菲菲,甚至强行将她掳走,拘禁于她,按理说来,我该将你宰了才对,可是,最后关头你毕竟放了她自由,你这条性命我就暂且留着,以后莫要再犯到我的手中,否则我定让你灰飞烟灭”。 Dongfang Yu looks at severely wounded dying Ox-King, silent a moment later, start to talk said. 东方玉看着重伤垂死的牛魔王,沉默了片刻之后,开口说道。 The fist greatly is the truth, this is the law in demon, mentioned reasonably, the Ox-King action conformed to the Demon Realm custom very much, however, the similar truth, the Dongfang Yu present fist was bigger than Ox-King, this matter naturally must punish well. 拳头大就是道理,这是妖魔之中的定律,按理说来,牛魔王的举动很符合妖魔界的规矩,然而,同样的道理,东方玉现在的拳头比牛魔王大了,这件事情自然是要好好惩处一番。 Is good the sentiment stops the ritual because of the Ox-King round, has not tarnished the body of Bai Feifei, finally also really put Bai Feifei to be free, otherwise, Ox-King must die today without doubt. 好在牛魔王发乎情止乎礼,没有玷污了白菲菲的身子,最后也真的放了白菲菲自由,否则,今天牛魔王必死无疑。 After Ox-King has hit the severely wounded dying condition, Dongfang Yu has revenged, at once the vision falls on the body of Princess Iron Fan. 牛魔王打了个重伤垂死的状态以后,东方玉算是报了仇,旋即目光落在铁扇公主的身上。 In the Dongfang Yu's heart, the matter that this Princess Iron Fan violates, does not come compared with the Ox-King crime lightly. 东方玉的心中,这铁扇公主所犯的事情,可不比牛魔王的罪来得轻。
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