PE :: Volume #34

#1550: Cuiyunshan Japanese banana hole

The fight had ended, Dongfang Yu successful fled, only leaves behind big Thunderclap Temple here sores all over the eye, entire big Thunderclap Temple was almost ruined, since such situation, it can be said that not measures the tribulation, has not presented matter. 战斗结束了,东方玉成功的逃离了,只留下大雷音寺这边满目疮痍,整个大雷音寺几乎被毁掉了,这样的情况,可以说是无量量劫以来,从来都没出现过的事情。 Rule of immortal Buddha for these years, suppresses the Three Realms and Six Paths demon ghost, but a Immortal Realm Heavenly Court war, vibrates Three Realms and Six Paths, Buddha Realm a war, even if were big Thunderclap Temple is destroyed, such magnificent feat, all stemmed from a Dongfang Yu person of hand. 仙佛的统治这么多年来,镇压三界六道妖魔鬼怪,可仙界天庭一战,震动三界六道,佛界这边一战,即便是大雷音寺都被毁了,这样的壮举,全都出自东方玉一人之手。 Amitabha, passes on my Dharma Decree, the world all living things anyone, can cut to kill Dongfang Yu, may result in Buddha fruit position. “阿弥陀佛,传我法旨,天下众生无论是谁,能够斩杀东方玉者,可得佛陀果位”。 Looks that big Thunderclap Temple changes to stretch of ruins, even if reached the Quasi-Saint boundary, in the heart of Tathagata Buddha is as before difficult to cover the angry feeling, start to talk said that these words language, almost resounds through Three Realms and Six Paths. 看着大雷音寺化作一片废墟,即便已达准圣的境界,如来佛祖的心中依旧难掩愤怒的感觉,开口说道,这番话语,几乎响彻三界六道 Dongfang Yu's cultivation base, pursues the boundary of Quasi-Saint, seeks ordinary person to kill him? 东方玉的修为,直追准圣之境,寻常人能否杀死他? Tathagata naturally also knows that this possibility is minimal, but this Dharma Decree round, has it can be said that represented Tathagata, has represented the entire Buddha Realm manner. 如来自然也知道这个可能微乎其微,但这个法旨发出去,可以说是代表了如来,代表了整个佛界的态度。 In any event, before Dongfang Yu, already moved Three Realms at the grand occasion of Heavenly Court war, at this moment, this passed for 2-3 months, he went to Buddha Realm unexpectedly, ruined big Thunderclap Temple? Even was destroyed including 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata? 无论如何,东方玉之前在天庭大战的盛举早已名动三界,此刻,这才过去了两三个月的时间而已,他居然又去了佛界一遭,将大雷音寺都毁掉了?甚至连如来的12品莲台都被毁了? Three Realms all living things stare dumbfounded. 三界众生瞠目结舌。 Naturally, immortal Buddha sacred generation, the heart is startled in Dongfang Yu's strength, dreads incomparably to him, but these demons and monsters, the class of demon ghost has been suppressed by immortal Buddha, already felt to immortal Buddha discontentedly, this moment Dongfang Yu's magnificent feat, it can be said that big has roused the demon ghost morale, even treats as Hero to regard Dongfang Yu. 当然,仙佛神圣之辈,心惊于东方玉的实力,对他忌惮无比,而那些魑魅魍魉,妖魔鬼怪之流一直都被仙佛镇压,早就对仙佛感到不满了,此刻东方玉的壮举,可以说是大大的振奋了妖魔鬼怪的士气,甚至把东方玉当做英雄来看待。 Makes the monster to work as such as the Dongfang Yu so pleased love and hate to be right. 作妖当如东方玉这般快意恩仇才对。 Fiend Emperor, regarding Dongfang Yu this title, many demon big energies was not convinced from the bottom of the heart, his Dongfang Yu is newly emerged brat, how although there is a Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace magnificent feat? Why can handle this title? 妖帝,本来对于东方玉这个称号,许多的妖魔大能打心底里是不服气的,他东方玉不过是初出茅庐的小子,尽管有大闹天宫的壮举又如何?凭什么能当得起这个称号? Until now, Dongfang Yu greatly is also noisy in Buddha Realm, was destroyed including big Thunderclap Temple, so the magnificent feat, this enables innumerable demon greatly to be sincerely convinced. 直到现在,东方玉又在佛界大闹,连大雷音寺都被毁了,这般壮举,这才让无数妖魔大能都心服口服。 Although the truth of fact was Tathagata breaks through the boundary of Quasi-Saint, the Dongfang Yu defeat ran away to walk, but same, the fact was Dongfang Yu is intact, ran away from the hand of Quasi-Saint successfully, but Buddha Realm that side Buddha derived blood essence and soul by Dongfang Yu's demon, 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata jumped broken, big Thunderclap Temple also changed to the ruins. 虽说事实的真相是如来突破到了准圣之境,东方玉败逃而走的,可同样的,事实是东方玉丝毫无损,成功从准圣的手底下逃走了,而佛界那边一个佛陀被东方玉的魔器将精血和灵魂都汲取一空,如来的12品莲台蹦碎,就连大雷音寺也化作废墟。 In the final analysis, Buddha Realm suffered a loss, this was enough. 归根结底,还是佛界吃了大亏,这就足够了。 Three Realms and Six Paths regarding Dongfang Yu such magnificent feat, what stir caused, Dongfang Yu has not paid attention, at this time Dongfang Yu figure like the electricity, returned to Flowers and Fruits Mountain. 三界六道对于东方玉这样的壮举,造成了什么样的轰动,东方玉没有理会,这个时候东方玉身形如电,回到了花果山这边。 these days, one after another had the Flowers and Fruits Mountain monkey clan to come back, in addition periphery the help of demon, Flowers and Fruits Mountain actually restored several points of once elegant demeanor. 这些日子,陆陆续续的已经有花果山的猴族回来了,再加上周围妖魔的帮忙,花果山倒是恢复了几分曾经的风采。 Fortunately, this Flowers and Fruits Mountain after is the industry of that monkey, how Tathagata again is angry, must give a thought to the later Son Goku|Sun Wukong manner, the impossible army to threaten the border to come to attack Flowers and Fruits Mountain, Flowers and Fruits Mountain when in Flowers and Fruits Mountain, looks at reconstruct, restored the past liveliness gradually, in the Dongfang Yu's heart secretly had also rejoiced. “还好,这花果山毕竟是那猴子的产业,那如来就算是再怎么生气,也得顾着以后孙悟空的态度,不可能大军压境前来攻打花果山”,待在花果山,看着正在重建的花果山,渐渐的恢复了往日的热闹,东方玉的心中也暗自庆幸。 If that Buddha Realm real army threatens the border to come to attack Flowers and Fruits Mountain, how oneself can defend? When the time comes, must shoulder the so-called Fiend Emperor responsibility, leads the demon ghost and immortal Buddha launches the war? 若是那佛界真的大军压境前来攻打花果山的话,自己如何守得住?到时候,或许真的要承担所谓妖帝的责任,率领妖魔鬼怪和仙佛展开大战? Is only, Tathagata iron core is not willing to emit Son Goku|Sun Wukong, the situation is somewhat troublesome......”, at once, Dongfang Yu secretly shakes the head. “只是,那如来铁了心的不愿放出孙悟空,情况有些麻烦啊……”,旋即,东方玉又暗自摇摇头。 Achievement Quasi-Saint cultivation base, when he has stabilized own cultivation base, believes that strength of Tathagata becomes powerful, when the time comes, wants to make Tathagata emit Son Goku|Sun Wukong again, was more difficult. 成就准圣修为,等他稳定了自身的修为,相信如来的实力会变得更加强大,到时候,再想让如来放出孙悟空,就更加困难了。 Silent a moment later, the Dongfang Yu construction space transmission gate, arrived at Five Finger Mountain directly. 沉默了片刻之后,东方玉架构空间传送门,直接来到了五指山这边。 Has not waited for Dongfang Yu to speak, Son Goku|Sun Wukong looks at the arrival Dongfang Yu, looks at his safe and sound appearance, Son Goku|Sun Wukong relaxed: Fortunately, you are all right, I think that startled world indescribably tragic power and influence, wants to come is that Tathagata has achieved the boundary of Quasi-Saint, but also feared that you were surrendered by him. 还没等东方玉说话,孙悟空看着到来的东方玉,看他安然无恙的模样,孙悟空松了一口气:“还好,你没事,我看那惊天地泣鬼神的威势,想来是那如来达到了准圣之境,还怕你被他降服了呢”。 Um, although I have destroyed that big Thunderclap Temple, may not have the means to make him release you eventually . Moreover, present Tathagata strength indeed stronger compared with me, hear speech/words, on the Dongfang Yu's face the somewhat guilty look said. “嗯,我虽毁了那大雷音寺,可终究却是没有办法让他来释放你,而且,现在的如来实力的确比我要强”,闻言,东方玉的脸上有些愧疚的神色说道。 Mentioned this, Dongfang Yu, then said slightly: Such being the case, I then make this Five Finger Mountain surrounding person all migrate, when the time comes, I by Energy Wave of 100% skill, believe that can save you to come out. 一言及此,东方玉微微一顿,接着说道:“既然如此,我便让这五指山周围的人全都迁移吧,到时候,我以十成功力的气功波,相信能救你出来”。 Does not use, by Tathagata present cultivation base, how to make you achieve wishes?”, Is only, regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Son Goku|Sun Wukong actually shakes the head. “不用了,以如来现在的修为,岂会让你如愿?”,只是,对于东方玉的话,孙悟空却摇摇头。 The truth is very simple, but can't Dongfang Yu actually think? It seems like that urgency in his heart, made his innermost feelings some greatly lose the square inch. 道理很简单,可东方玉却想不到?看来,他心中的迫切,以至于让他内心都有些大失方寸了。 The Son Goku|Sun Wukong words, making Dongfang Yu silent, indeed, the Five Finger Mountain surrounding surrounding area the person within ten thousand li (0.5km) migrated, this was a vast project, can Tathagata such as oneself hope? 孙悟空的话,让东方玉沉默了,的确,五指山周围方圆万里之内的人迁移出去,这本来就是一个浩大的工程,如来怎会如自己所愿? Also, if oneself displays the full power really here Energy Wave, believes that Tathagata will certainly come to stop oneself, Quasi-Saint cultivation base, indeed is not present oneself can resist, even if in the oneself hand has Heaven Seal this magic weapon is also same. 再说了,如果自己真的在这里施展全功率的气功波,相信如来一定会前来阻拦自己,准圣修为,的确不是现在的自己能够抵挡的,即便自己手中有番天印这件法宝也是一样。 Was good, Dongfang Yu, you walk, making me alone treat, so long as does not die, your I will have the date of meeting again sooner or later......”, is shaking the head to Dongfang Yu, Son Goku|Sun Wukong start to talk said. “好了,东方玉,你走吧,让我独自待着吧,只要不死,你我早晚有重聚之日……”,对着东方玉摇摇头,孙悟空开口说道。 To today's this situation, Son Goku|Sun Wukong also knows that oneself wants to get out of trouble again, is very difficult matter, let alone Tathagata achievement Quasi-Saint, Son Goku|Sun Wukong does not hope that Dongfang Yu take risks for oneself. 到了今天这个地步,孙悟空也知道自己再想脱困,已经是非常困难的事情了,更何况如来成就准圣,孙悟空也不希望东方玉为了自己去冒险。 don't tell me? These 500 years of couldn't Five Finger Mountain avoid as before?”, Looks at oneself front Son Goku|Sun Wukong, in the Dongfang Yu's heart mutters secretly thought. 难道?这500年的五指山依旧避免不了吗?”,看着自己面前的孙悟空,东方玉的心中喃喃暗道 didn't expect oneself went to the Super Saiyan situation, unexpectedly is also hard to avoid Son Goku|Sun Wukong by the destiny that Five Finger Mountain suppresses. 没想到自己达到了超级赛亚人的地步,居然也难以避免孙悟空五指山压住的命运。 Before Dragon Ball one line, experienced to that Super Saiyan strength with own eyes, Dongfang Yu also thinks, so long as oneself were this degree, sufficiently changed the course of events, didn't expect, this Journey to the West plane, the military power value was how high. 之前龙珠一行,亲眼见识到那超级赛亚人力量,东方玉还以为只要自己达到这个程度,就足以扭转乾坤呢,没想到,这西游位面,武力值怎么高。 Good, Goku|Wukong, my this leaves, practice, wait for me strength promotes one section with concentration, will come to save you inevitably!”, Silent moment, Dongfang Yu numerous nod(ded), said to Son Goku|Sun Wukong. “好,悟空,我这就离开,潜心修炼,等我实力提升一截,势必前来救你!”,沉默了片刻,东方玉重重的点头,对孙悟空说道。 In the heart has also decided on the attention, since the Super Saiyan degree is also not enough to reverse all these, then oneself tries to find the solution, is the Super Saiyan second rank degree. 心中也打定了注意,既然超级赛亚人的程度也不足以扭转这一切的话,那么自己就想办法,达到超级赛亚人第二阶的程度吧。 Goes, goes......”, shakes the head, Son Goku|Sun Wukong start to talk said that although wants to display the indifferent appearance, does not make Dongfang Yu think sad, may such result, how long oneself probably be pressed after all under this Five Finger Mountain has not known, Son Goku|Sun Wukong mood, naturally very gets up. “去吧,去吧……”,摇摇头,孙悟空开口说道,虽然想要表现出无所谓的样子,不让东方玉觉得难过,可毕竟这样的结局,自己要被压在这五指山下还不知道多久呢,孙悟空的心情,也自然好不起来。 Selected nod(ded), Dongfang Yu has not said anything again, turned around to leave Five Finger Mountain, was pressed Son Goku|Sun Wukong under mountain, looks at the Dongfang Yu dissipation the space transmission gate, the vision was blurred, does not know that was thinking anything. 点头,东方玉没有再多说什么,转身离开了五指山,被压在山底下的孙悟空,看着东方玉消散的空间传送门,目光迷离,也不知道在想些什么。 Not far away sky, several geese recklessly is dancing in the air in the sky, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong vision stares at the goose that in these two sky is hovering, in the look is full of the look that has yearned for and envied. 只是不远处的天空,几只大雁肆意的在天空中飞舞着,孙悟空的目光盯着这两只天空中翱翔的大雁,眼神中充满了向往和羡慕的神色。 Returned to Flowers and Fruits Mountain, the Dongfang Yu's mood is similarly very bad, looks at this Flowers and Fruits Mountain underlings again, must too be little more than before obviously, Dongfang Yu thinks of this Flowers and Fruits Mountain such situation, after all because of that Princess Iron Fan, because of the matter of that Ox-King. 回到了花果山,东方玉的心情同样很糟糕,再看这花果山的猴子猴孙,明显比之前要少太多了,东方玉想到这花果山这样的情况,毕竟是因为那铁扇公主,也是因为那牛魔王之事。 It is not at while oneself and Son Goku|Sun Wukong, Ox-King comes to pester Bai Feifei, then their couple is rivals for sexual favor in this Flowers and Fruits Mountain, under Palm-leaf Fan, destroyed entire Flowers and Fruits Mountain? 趁着自己孙悟空不在,牛魔王前来纠缠白菲菲,然后他们两口子在这花果山争风吃醋,芭蕉扇之下,将整个花果山都毁了? Before Dongfang Yu did not have the thoughts to go to tube, for the time being presses this matter in the moral nature, now, Dongfang Yu was leaps take action to come, the heart was bringing anger, flew in the Emerald Cloud Mountain Banana Cave direction that Princess Iron Fan was at directly. 之前东方玉是没有心思去管,暂且将这件事情压在心底,现在,东方玉算是腾出手来了,心头带着怒意,直接朝着铁扇公主所在的翠云山芭蕉洞的方向飞了过去。 Moreover one side, in Emerald Cloud Mountain, Ox-King these days has lived in Banana Cave, regarding the Bai Feifei situation, Ox-King naturally heard, knew that Bai Feifei finally the soul flies away and scatters under the palm of Tathagata Buddha, Ox-King these days was also very sad. 另外一边,翠云山中,牛魔王这些日子一直都居住在芭蕉洞之内,对于白菲菲的情况,牛魔王自然是听说了的,得知那白菲菲最后在如来佛祖的掌下魂飞魄散了,牛魔王这些日子的情绪也很低落。 Naturally, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch resurrected this matter Bai Feifei, is Dongfang Yu, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Jade Emperor between them the secret, other people naturally do not know. 当然,太上老君白菲菲复活了这件事情,是东方玉,太上老君玉皇大帝他们之间的秘密,其他人自然是不知道的。 Although the Ox-King natural disposition is loose, has the real sentiment to Bai Feifei, may Princess Iron Fan be his several hundred years of knot sends husband and wife after all, knew that Dongfang Yu escapes from Heavenly Court, strength even for example came, Ox-King also feared that Dongfang Yu will come this Emerald Cloud Mountain to look for trouble, therefore, these days has moved to the Emerald Cloud Mountain housing. 虽说牛魔王生性风流,对白菲菲也有真感情,可毕竟铁扇公主是他数百年结发夫妻,得知那东方玉天庭逃脱,实力甚至比如来还强了,牛魔王也怕东方玉会来这翠云山找麻烦,所以,这些日子都搬到了翠云山居住。 On this day, Princess Iron Fan looks at not far away Ox-King, looks at his facial expression low appearance, in the heart the Nameless fire gets up. 这一日,铁扇公主看着不远处的牛魔王,看着他神情低落的样子,心中无名火起。 The seductresses died were so long, this Old Ox was keeping unexpectedly also thinking about her, but, thinks these days, Old Ox has accompanied side oneself, was worrying about the husband and wife friendship, that anger in Princess Iron Fan heart, dissipated gradually. 那狐狸精都死了这么久了,这老牛居然还惦记着她,不过,想想这些日子,老牛一直陪在自己身边,还是顾念着夫妻情分的,铁扇公主心中的那点怒火,也渐渐的消散了许多。 After all that seductress died, oneself is not worthwhile, for a deceased person has been angry. 毕竟那狐狸精已经死了,自己也犯不着为了一个死人一直生气。 Old is Ox, you doing? Also was thinking that dead seductress?”. “老牛,你在干嘛呢?又在想那死狐狸精了?”。 However, the rationality was a matter, perception is a different matter, although knew oneself should not for the seductress of dying, but looks at Ox-King for the Bai Feifei continuously facial expression low appearance, Princess Iron Fan could not bear in the heart the anger. 不过,理性是一回事,感性又是另外一回事了,虽然知道自己不该为了个死去的狐狸精,但看着牛魔王为了白菲菲一直神情低落的样子,铁扇公主就是忍不住心中怒火。 Your this jealous woman, when arrived, but also in impenetrably thickheaded, you may know that Dongfang Yu cultivation base has been what Zhong the degree now? Your my life overnight, looks at the Princess Iron Fan appearance, Ox-King is confused. “你这妒妇,都到了什么时候了,还在冥顽不灵,你可知道那东方玉现在修为已经达到了何种程度了?你我性命就在旦夕之间了”,看着铁扇公主的模样,牛魔王心烦意乱。 Snort, feared that he does, so long as that Dongfang Yu dares to come, makes him taste fierce of my this Palm-leaf Fan!”, Listening to the Ox-King words, the appearance that Princess Iron Fan does not care about to say. “哼,怕他作甚,只要那东方玉敢来,就让他尝尝我这芭蕉扇的厉害!”,听牛魔王的话,铁扇公主不在意的样子说道。 You......”, looked at the Princess Iron Fan such self-confident appearance, Ox-King are preparing to say several again, at this time, together shadow rapid flew toward here. “你……”,看铁扇公主这么自信的样子,牛魔王正准备再说几句,就在这个时候,一道影子迅速的朝着这边飞过来。 Right? Fiercely actually that makes me have a look at your Palm-leaf Fan, Dongfang Yu treadons auspicious cloud cold and gloomy, the look is staring at following Princess Iron Fan. “是吗?那就让我看看你芭蕉扇究竟有多厉害吧”,东方玉脚踏祥云,眼神森冷的盯着下面的铁扇公主
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