PE :: Volume #34

#1549: Destroys the temple

Tathagata Buddha, cuts a corpse successfully, has been the Quasi-Saint level, indeed is stems from Dongfang Yu's to be unexpected. 如来佛祖,成功斩得一尸,达到了准圣的层次,的确是出乎东方玉的意料之外。 Looks at oneself front Tathagata, on the Dongfang Yu's face also brings to wipe the dignified look, oneself strongest Energy Wave, directly had been blocked by phantom of that great Buddha, obviously the present Tathagata, strength must stronger plan compared with oneself. 看着自己面前的如来,东方玉的脸上也带着一抹凝重的神色,自己最强的气功波,都被那巨佛的虚影直接挡住了,可见现在的如来,实力的确是比自己要更强一筹的。 Why my oneself is villain Big Boss already regards the feeling?”, Looks at oneself front Tathagata Buddha, in the Dongfang Yu's heart flashes through a such thought suddenly. “为什么我有一种自己是反派大BOSS的既视感呢?”,看着自己面前的如来佛祖,东方玉的心中突然闪过一个这样的念头。 Generally in the middle of Movie l TV Show, villain Big Boss must attack, protagonist will break through, then the crush villain crosses the final victory, now is such situation, how similar? 一般在影视剧当中,反派大BOSS要来攻打的时候,主角都会临阵突破,然后碾压反派过得最终的胜利,现在这样的情况,何其相似? Let alone, almost all Movie l TV Show Buddhism are to belong to the honest image, words that like this looks, oneself this villain Big Boss already regarded the feeling to be stronger. 更何况,几乎所有影视剧佛门都是属于正派的形象,这样看的话,自己这反派大BOSS的既视感就更强了。 Shakes the head, Dongfang Yu has flung the ideas of oneself these in chaos, vision dignified is staring at oneself front Tathagata. 摇摇头,东方玉自己这些乱七八糟的想法甩了出去,目光凝重的盯着自己面前的如来。 Has cut a corpse, achieves the position of Quasi-Saint, then lets the corpse and oneself fuses in together, the energy value rose dramatically instantaneously 136,000 degrees, although looked that Tathagata just successfully cut the corpse, the condition was not good, but this energy value showed present Tathagata was how powerful. 斩了一尸,达到准圣之位,然后让尸和自己融合在一起,能量值瞬间飙升到了136000的程度,尽管看如来只是刚刚才成功斩尸,状态并不好,可这能量值就已经说明了现在的如来是多么强大了。 Legend, the friendly corpse, wicked corpse and this my corpse, three corpses all cut have satisfied to become Sheng the condition. 传说,善尸,恶尸和本我尸,三尸皆斩就满足了成圣的条件了。 No matter has cut a corpse, is two corpses, is Quasi-Saint, this Tathagata has cut one of them today, has been the Quasi-Saint degree. 不管是斩了一尸,还是两尸,都算是准圣,这如来今日斩了其中之一,也算是达到了准圣的程度了。 No wonder that mysterious old monk is not Tathagata, but has 78 similar to Tathagata, from that appearance, should be the friendly corpse? 难怪那神秘的老僧不是如来,但是却和如来有78分的相似,从那模样上来看,应该是善尸吧? Visits me to hold India......”, after strength of friendly corpse integrates oneself body, strength of Tathagata becomes powerful, after great Buddha phantom Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave has blocked, sees only that great Buddha phantom, under the palm presses, has grasped toward Dongfang Yu directly. “看我掌中佛国……”,将善尸的力量融入己身之后,如来的力量变得更加强大了,以巨佛虚影东方玉的气功波挡住了之后,只见那巨佛虚影,手掌下压,直接朝着东方玉抓了过来。 The giant palm, as if blocks the sky general, making people be hard to dodge. 巨大的手掌,仿佛遮天蔽日一般,让人难以闪躲。 Dongfang Yu vision tight stares at Tathagata this to fall the palm that the fearful power and influence, making the space as if be imprisoned generally, deeply inspired, within the body all energy all transformation were the magic power attributes, Heaven Seal offered a sacrifice, maliciously has hit toward the palm of Tathagata, saw Heaven Seal that rose against the wind, changed to the half Ethereal Mountain [lineage/vein] once again the appearance. 东方玉目光紧紧的盯着如来这落下来的手掌,可怕的威势,让空间都似乎被禁锢了一般,深吸一口气,体内所有的能量全都转化为法力的属性,番天印祭起,狠狠的朝着如来的手掌撞了过去,迎风见涨的番天印,再度化作半截不周山脉的模样。 Bang! 轰! The giant incomparable palm, that Ethereal Mountain [lineage/vein] collision maliciously in the same place, the fearful prestige energy, making entire Buddha Realm fiercely tremble. 巨大无比的手掌,还有那不周山脉狠狠的撞在一起,可怕的威能,让整个佛界都剧烈的震颤了起来。 The surroundings observe the Buddha and Bodhisattvas only felt that chest one stuffy, as if by person in chest maliciously has hammered, even several arhats, mouth Kakuzu overflowed the blood. 周围观战中的佛陀和菩萨们只感觉到胸口一闷,似乎被人在胸口狠狠的锤了一下似的,甚至有几个罗汉,嘴角都溢出了鲜血。 Palm of great Buddha phantom, with Heaven Seal the Ethereal Mountain [lineage/vein] bump into, the palm wants to press, but the Ethereal Mountain [lineage/vein] actually fly toward the sky, although in refusing to compromise, but in that palm phantom of India, actually as before slowly presses below. 巨佛虚影的手掌,和番天印所化的不周山脉相撞,手掌想要压下来,可不周山脉却朝着天空中飞去,虽说相互之间在僵持着,可那掌中佛国的虚影,却依旧在慢慢的下压。 It seems like, you are iron core is not willing to obey!”. “看来,你们是铁了心的不肯就范了!”。 Looks in the palm of Tathagata India, even if the Heaven Seal magic weapon is hard to resist, Dongfang Yu stares at Tathagata, start to talk was saying. 看着如来的掌中佛国,即便是番天印的法宝都难以抵挡,东方玉盯着如来,开口说道。 Regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Tathagata did not say silent, but stimulated to movement the oneself dreadful Buddha strength, controlled phantom of that great Buddha, the palm under is pressing unceasingly. 对于东方玉的话,如来沉默不言,只是催动自己滔天的佛力,控制着那巨佛的虚影,手掌不断下压。 Obviously at this moment can be in the upper hand, Tathagata wants to keep this big Thunderclap Temple Dongfang Yu, if can surrender Dongfang Yu, to Buddha Realm, it may be said that even more powerful. 显然此刻占得上风,如来是想要把东方玉留在这大雷音寺,若是能将东方玉降服的话,对佛界而言,可谓如虎添翼啊。 Looks at the appearance of Tathagata, in the Dongfang Yu heart draws back intent to sprout, fights was so long, the Dongfang Yu's consumption were also many. 看着如来的模样,东方玉心中退意萌生,战斗了这么久,东方玉的消耗也不少了。 What is main, the Dongfang Yu's goal was hitting the goal of guerrilla warfare. 更主要的是,东方玉的目的本来就是打着游击战的目的来的。 What is the essence of guerrilla warfare? Is breaknecking and copes dead to knock? Naturally is not! But is primarily harassing! 游击战的精髓是什么?是玩命的和对付死磕吗?自然不是!而是以骚扰为主! If can defeat Tathagata, compelling him to uncover Buddha with, is naturally good, but if this big Thunderclap Temple is the dangerous spot, oneself cannot hit, then on strategic retreating. 若是能够打败如来,逼得他将佛揭拿下来的话,自然再好不过,可若是这大雷音寺乃龙潭虎穴,自己打不过的话,那就战略性的撤退。 At this moment, Tathagata has cut friendly corpse, went to the Quasi-Saint situation, strength has dominated above oneself, to Dongfang Yu, arrived at oneself this departure time. 此刻,如来斩了善尸,达到准圣的地步,力量已经凌驾于自己之上了,对东方玉而言,也到了自己该离开的时候了。 oneself Heaven Seal, cannot block in the palm of Tathagata India, but under both sides refuse to budge, is Dongfang Yu the opportunity that strives to run away. 自己的番天印,挡不住如来的掌中佛国,不过双方僵持之下,为东方玉争取逃走的时机还是可以的。 Deeply inspires, Dongfang Yu Vertical Cloud Technique displays, under foot white cloud appears, figure like electricity, rapid shoots toward the distant place, becomes along with the Dongfang Yu's energy value stronger, this Vertical Cloud Technique speed, naturally also when production costs rise , prices rise too. 深吸一口气,东方玉纵云术施展,脚下一朵白色的云彩出现,身形如电,迅速的朝着远方射去,随着东方玉的能量值变得越强,这纵云术速度,自然也水涨船高。 „To walk!? Remains to me!”. “想走!?给我留下来吧!”。 Saw that Dongfang Yu displays Vertical Cloud Technique to run away toward distant place, will Tathagata make him leave easily? Rare today's oneself faces him by Quasi-Saint cultivation base, if ran away by him, later may not have such opportunity. 眼看着东方玉施展着纵云术往远处逃去,如来怎会让他轻易离开?难得今日自己准圣修为面对他,若是被他逃了,以后可就没有这样的机会了。 Under great Buddha phantom, in the palm India continues to press, does not give the opportunity that Dongfang Yu gasps for breath, making him not leap take action. 巨佛虚影,掌中佛国继续下压,不给东方玉喘气的机会,让他腾不出手来。 Meanwhile, the Tathagata Buddha palm turns, a rosary flew from the hand of Tathagata, 24 rosaries, such as the maggot of tarsal bone has stucked Dongfang Yu, making him be hard to get rid, at once, opened Tathagata in hand to get hold of the fist. 与此同时,如来佛祖手掌一翻,一条念珠从如来的手中飞了出去,24颗念珠,如跗骨之蛆般的黏住了东方玉,让他难以摆脱,旋即,张开手中的如来握紧了拳头。 ! 咻咻咻! Along with the movement of Tathagata, that 24 rosaries have surrounded Dongfang Yu directly, hits on his body, as if a chains tied up Dongfang Yu's figure directly. 随着如来的动作,那24颗念珠直接包围了东方玉,撞在他的身上,仿佛一条锁链般直接将东方玉的身形捆住了。 Dongfang Yu's figure was bundled, as if entire Body Technique strength completely loses, that Heaven Seal changes to palm of the hand big little seal, declined from the upper air. 东方玉的身形被捆,似乎全身法力尽失,那番天印重新化作巴掌大的小印,从高空中落了下来。 Saw with own eyes Dongfang Yu successful was held by oneself, Tathagata naturally also received in the palm divine ability of India, puts out a hand a move, sees only that by Dongfang Yu that the rosary ties up, has flown the Tathagata Buddha front. 眼见东方玉成功的被自己抓住了,如来自然也收了掌中佛国的神通,伸手一招,只见那被念珠捆住的东方玉,飞到了如来佛祖的面前。 Succeeded? Finally held him? Good......”, looks that Dongfang Yu had been imprisoned by Tathagata, Buddhism high level, complexion great happiness. “成功了吗?终于把他抓住了吗?太好了……”,看着东方玉被如来禁锢了,佛教高层,一个个脸色大喜。 This Dongfang Yu's strength is much stronger, if not for the Buddha cuts the friendly corpse successfully, goes to the Quasi-Saint situation, but also cannot fall him. 东方玉的实力强得可怕,若不是佛祖成功斩去善尸,达到准圣的地步,还真降不住他呢。 Amitabha, Donor Dongfang Yu, your this cultivation base is earthshaking, the body died in light of this has indeed been a pity, why not to be converted my Buddha? My allow your golden light Buddha fruit position how?”. “阿弥陀佛,东方玉施主,你这一身修为惊天动地,就此身死的确太可惜了,何不皈依我佛?我许你金光佛果位如何?”。 Grasps Dongfang Yu in front of oneself, Tathagata Buddha start to talk said to Dongfang Yu that pours also gives up, put out a status of Buddha to promise directly. 东方玉抓在自己面前,如来佛祖开口东方玉说道,倒也舍得,直接拿出了一尊佛陀的地位来许诺。 Hey, Tathagata, you thinks really I such easily was held by you?”, But, was grasped Dongfang Yu in hand by Tathagata, on the face suddenly has actually shown a smiling face. “嘿嘿嘿,如来,你真以为我这么容易就被你抓住了吗?”,只是,被如来抓在手里的东方玉,脸上却突然露出了一个笑容。 You......”, look that Dongfang Yu was held by oneself at this moment, actually can also smile, in Tathagata heart one tight, in the heart thought somewhat restlessly, as if oneself omitted any thing. “你……”,看着东方玉此刻被自己抓住了,却还能笑得出来,如来心中一紧,心中觉得有些不安,似乎自己遗漏了什么东西。 Was bad!”, Nearby Guan Yin looks at Dongfang Yu this appearance, in the mind the miraculous glow flashes through together, surprised screaming: Has almost forgotten, this fellow, has beyond incarnation divine ability!”. “糟了!”,旁边的观世音菩萨看着东方玉这副模样,脑海中一道灵光闪过,惊讶的叫出声来:“差点忘了,这家伙,有身外化身的神通!”。 Shout! 呼! As if to verify the words of Guan Yin is ordinary, big Thunderclap Temple upper air, is Dongfang Yu float in the midair, in hand powerful Energy Wave below maliciously presses, in that big Thunderclap Temple direction maliciously pounds. 似乎为了印证观世音菩萨的话语一般,大雷音寺的高空,又是一个东方玉悬浮于半空中,手中强大气功波狠狠的下压,朝着那大雷音寺的方向狠狠的砸下去。 Dongfang Yu also knows that the oneself present attack was impossible to defeat Tathagata, therefore, launched the attack to that big Thunderclap Temple. 东方玉也知道自己现在的攻击不可能打败如来了,所以,对那大雷音寺发动了攻击。 Before Tathagata displays takes control of divine ability of India, Dongfang Yu makes Shadow Clone attract the attention of all people, simultaneously the oneself main body has been far away from battlefield by Blink ability. 在如来施展出掌中佛国的神通之前,东方玉就让一个影分身吸引了所有人的注意,同时自己本尊以闪烁能力远离了战场 It looks like that Heaven Seal as if by the oneself Shadow Clone control, is actually Dongfang Yu oneself hides in great Buddha phantom above operation Heaven Seal, finally, oneself Shadow Clone was grasped, Dongfang Yu also took advantage of opportunity to receive the control of Heaven Seal, started to condense Energy Wave. 看起来那番天印似乎被自己影分身操控,其实是东方玉自己隐藏在巨佛虚影的上空操纵番天印,最后,自己影分身被抓了,东方玉也就顺势收了番天印的控制,开始凝聚气功波 Houseboy dares!”. “竖子尔敢!”。 Saw that Dongfang Yu this Energy Wave pounds together in the big Thunderclap Temple direction, the Tathagata Buddha complexion finally changed, the appearance of flying into a rage, like lightning threw toward that Energy Wave. 眼看着东方玉这一道气功波朝着大雷音寺的方向砸过去,如来佛祖的脸色终于变了,勃然大怒的模样,闪电般的朝着那气功波扑了过去。 Tathagata present strength although plans compared with Dongfang Yu, but this Energy Wave after is the Dragon Ball plane powerful unique skill, and has to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, even if Tathagata's response is quick, but is unexpected, although was in charge to pat toward that Energy Wave together. 只是,如来现在的实力虽然东方玉强一筹,但这气功波毕竟是龙珠位面强大的绝招,而且是有心算无心,就算是如来的反应很快,但毕竟是猝不及防的,虽然一道掌印朝着那气功波拍了过去。 Fully take action and desperate under take action, the difference is very big. 只是,全力出手和情急之下出手,差别还是很大的。 Broad being in charge, hits together on that Energy Wave, was in charge Beng Hui, although that Energy Wave also dissipated directly, some complementary waves that scattered, as before was collision maliciously on that big Thunderclap Temple. 一道恢弘的掌印,撞在那气功波上面,掌印直接崩毁,虽然气功波也跟着消散了许多,散落的一些余波,依旧是狠狠的撞在那大雷音寺上面。 hōng lóng lóng bang, the summit of Spirit Mountain, shock-wave of a piece of dust and explosion, after long time, these complementary waves diverged, see only that big Thunderclap Temple to be almost ruined, Spirit Mountain also turned into piece of Jiao Ming. 轰隆隆的巨响,灵山之巅,一片灰尘和爆炸的冲击波,良久之后,这些余波散去,只见那大雷音寺几乎完全被毁掉了,就连灵山也变成了一片焦冥。 The construction of big Thunderclap Temple looks like, under bombing of this Energy Wave, had been destroyed 50%-60%. 雷音寺的建筑看起来,在这气功波的轰炸下,已经被毁了五六成了。 Big Thunderclap Temple, unexpectedly,......, a class of Buddhism high level, looks unexpectedly big Thunderclap Temple turned into this appearance unexpectedly, appearances of being absentminded. “大雷音寺,居然,居然……”,一班佛教高层,看着大雷音寺竟然变成了这副模样,一个个失魂落魄的样子。 Big Thunderclap Temple is Base of Buddhism, is the spiritual symbol, today had been destroyed by Dongfang Yu, this to their impacts, was destroyed that 12 lotus throne was bigger. 雷音寺是佛教的基地,更是精神象征,今天被东方玉毁了,这对他们的冲击,比那12品莲台被毁了都要大。 Monstruous talent! I want you to unravel!”, Even if Tathagata Buddha, at this time also moved reading of getting angry, turned head, wicked looks at Dongfang Yu. “妖孽!我要你灰飞烟灭!”,即便是如来佛祖,这个时候也动了嗔怒之念,回过头来,恶狠狠的看着东方玉 Surrendered his thoughts already to be thrown into beyond the highest heavens to go by Tathagata, now, goal of Tathagata, only then, that has killed him! 降服他的心思早就被如来抛到九霄云外去了,现在,如来的目的只有一个,那就是杀了他! Hey, I walked, when wait for me had the interest, again will also come. “嘿嘿嘿,我走了,等我什么时候有兴趣了,还会再来的”。 The Dongfang Yu palm turns, the Dragon Flame blade edge appears in the palm, wields dozens sharp Qi Wave's Slash conveniently, looked that does not look, Dongfang Yu figure like the electricity, shoots to go toward the distant place electricity. 东方玉手掌一翻,龙炎刃出现在掌心,随手挥出数十道锋锐的气波斩,看也不看,东方玉身形如电,朝着远方电射而去。 Although these Qi Wave's Slash the prestige can compared with on Energy Wave of full power, not be possible to be under the Super Saiyan shape wields after all, is not the casual any people can resist, saw that these sharp attacks, Tathagata also can only take action, all keep off these attacks, looks at Dongfang Yu again, already did not have the trace. 这些气波斩虽说威能比不上全功率的气功波,可毕竟是超级赛亚人形态下挥出来的,不是随便什么人都能抵挡的,眼看着这些锋锐的攻击过来,如来也只能出手,将这些攻击全都挡了下来,再看东方玉,早已没了踪影。 Vertical Cloud Technique displays, Dongfang Yu figure like electricity, quick escaped from the Buddha Realm influence range. 纵云术施展,东方玉身形如电,很快的就逃出了佛界势力范围。
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