PE :: Volume #34

#1548: Accurate Saint

This mysterious old monk, looks like the appearance and Tathagata Buddha has 78 similar, just started, Dongfang Yu also thinks what condition this was Tathagata opened, for example monster body and so on thing, but looks at his energy value only then 100,000 over, Dongfang Yu thought the surprise, is it possible that was the condition of Tathagata opening is defeated? 这个神秘的老僧,看起来容貌和如来佛祖有78分的相似,刚开始的时候,东方玉本来还以为这是如来开启了什么状态,譬如说妖怪身之类的东西,但看着他的能量值只有100000出头,东方玉觉得诧异,莫非是如来开启的状态失败了吗? Until the mouth of Guanyin Buddha called him for the master, Dongfang Yu then understands that originally this old monk looked like Tathagata Buddha, but was actually not Tathagata, otherwise, will Guanyin Buddha like this call Tathagata Buddha? 直到观音菩萨的嘴里称呼他为大师,东方玉这才明白,原来这个老僧只是长得像如来佛祖罢了,但却不是如来啊,否则的话,观音菩萨怎会这样称呼如来佛祖呢? Now, oneself Heaven Seal maliciously pounds, this old monk cannot block the attack of Heaven Seal, the arm was shaken, this made the suspicion in Dongfang Yu heart obtain the verification, this old monk, he was really not Tathagata. 现在,自己的番天印狠狠的砸下去,这个老僧根本挡不住番天印的攻击,就连手骨都被震断了,这让东方玉心中的猜想得到了印证,这个老僧,他果然不是如来。 Since that Tathagata withdraws is not daring to come out, then did not take it ill me to be heartless, directly after the arm of this old monk shook, Dongfang Yu puts out a hand a move, that Heaven Seal turning round transferred several, returned to side Dongfang Yu's, was moving around Dongfang Yu slowly. “既然那如来龟缩着不敢出来的话,那么就休怪我无情了”,直接将这老僧的手骨震断了之后,东方玉伸手一招,那番天印滴溜溜的转了几圈,回到了东方玉的身旁,围绕着东方玉缓缓的旋转着。 Meanwhile, Dongfang Yu lifts up high both hands, the huge incomparable air/Qi gathers in the Dongfang Yu's palm, changes to huge incomparable Energy Wave. 与此同时,东方玉高举双手,庞大无比的气在东方玉的掌心汇聚起来,化作一颗巨大无比的气功波 Was awful! Is the attacks of this move of damage Buddha 12 lotus thrones!”, Looks at Energy Wave that in the Dongfang Yu palm gathers, the Buddha Realm high-level complexion many ugly, look at each other in dismay, nobody dares to come up to resist. “糟糕了!是这招损毁佛祖12品莲台的攻击!”,看着东方玉手掌之中汇聚的气功波,佛界高层脸色多非常的难看,面面相觑,没有人敢上去抵挡。 The Tathagata Buddha 12 lotus thrones cannot block this move, oneself these people come up, how to block? 就连如来佛祖12品莲台都挡不住这招,自己这些人上去,如何挡得住? Shout! 呼! A both hands downward pressure that lifts up high, formidable incomparable Energy Wave pushed out from Dongfang Yu's both hands, sees Energy Wave that rises against the wind, but shortly will then change to a diameter dozens meters volume. 高举的双手往下一压,强悍无比的气功波东方玉的双手之间推了出去,迎风见涨的气功波,不过顷刻间便化作直径数十米的体积。 The past from this Energy Wave direction, that was located in summit of Spirit Mountain big Thunderclap Temple. 从这气功波的方向看过去,正是那位于灵山之巅的大雷音寺 Under the Super Saiyan shape, this Energy Wave prestige can destroy a star sufficiently, although Spirit Mountain very huge, but compared or misses with the star many. 超级赛亚人的形态下,这气功波的威能足以毁灭掉一颗星球,尽管灵山非常的巨大,可是和星球相比还是差得太多了。 Before Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave had been blocked by 12 lotus thrones, was that complementary waves has only made Heavenly Court start to vibrate and collapse, if this Energy Wave fell on big Thunderclap Temple, whether Don't said big Thunderclap Temple exist(ence), even if were Spirit Mountain, it is estimated that must be erased. 之前东方玉的气功波被12品莲台挡住了,光是那余波就已经让天庭开始震动和崩溃了,这气功波要是真的落在大雷音寺上面,莫说大雷音寺能否存在,就算是灵山,估计也得被抹除掉。 These Buddhism high levels look at Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave, with amazement discolorations, at once take action, all kinds of attacks, even is the magic weapon, emerging one after another incessantly has pounded toward Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave, makes every effort to block the attack of this Energy Wave. 这些佛教高层们看着东方玉的气功波,一个个骇然色变,旋即出手,各种各样的攻击,甚至是法宝,层出不穷的朝着东方玉的气功波砸了过去,力求能挡住这气功波的攻击。 Relatively speaking, Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave likely is a train of full speed travel, but attack and magic weapon of these Buddha and Bodhisattvas, look like car, and even motorcycle. 只是,相对而言,东方玉的气功波像是一辆全速行驶的火车,而这些佛陀和菩萨们的攻击和法宝,就像是一辆辆汽车,乃至摩托车而已。 Words that these car hit, whether to resist the train of full speed advance? 这一辆辆汽车撞上去的话,能否将全速前进的火车抵挡下来呢? Naked eye obvious, these magecraft divine ability in front of Energy Wave, were all shaken has dispersed. 肉眼可见,这些术法神通气功波面前,全都被震散了,。 These pounded the past magic weapon, the quality poor smashing all, even if were the quality good, was shaken, even in many magic weapons was having the damage, although under these attacks, Dongfang Yu's Qi Art ** speed that entered has slowed down slightly, meaning that the trend that may go forward has not actually stopped. 那些砸过去的法宝,品质差一点的全都粉碎,就算是品质好一点的,也都被震开了,甚至不少法宝上都带着损伤,虽然在这些攻击下,东方玉的气功**进的速度稍稍放缓了一些,可前进的趋势却没有丝毫停下来的意思。 Ended......”, saw that Energy Wave distance that big Thunderclap Temple is getting more and more near, basic can resist the Dongfang Yu's attack on nobody, these Buddhism high-level complexions very ugly. “完了……”,眼看着气功波距离那大雷音寺越来越近,根本就没有人能够抵挡住东方玉的攻击,这些佛教高层的脸色都非常的难看。 Is it possible that by a Dongfang Yu person of strength, sufficiently defeats Buddha Realm? This Fiend Emperor strength, seriously Legend is more fearful. 莫非,以东方玉一人之力,就足以打败佛界吗?这妖帝实力,当真比传说中的更加可怕啊。 „Does Amitabha, Donor Dongfang Yu why with hardship compel?”, However, saw that this Energy Wave must fall , on big Thunderclap Temple, Tathagata that familiar sound sound, at once, a lotus throne rose. “阿弥陀佛,东方玉施主何必苦苦相逼呢?”,然而,眼看着这气功波就要落在大雷音寺上面的时候,如来那熟悉的声音响了起来,旋即,一座莲台升了起来。 Sees the lotus throne that rises to change to keeping off of canopy against the wind in the big Thunderclap Temple sky. 迎风见涨的莲台化作一尊华盖似的挡在大雷音寺的上空。 One of bang, as if the scourge light beam, from top to bottom concentrating on maliciously above this lotus throne, on the lotus throne of full cloth fissure, is cuns (2.5cm) cracked, until finally, Bang one, the fragment flutters about. 轰的一声,仿佛天谴的光柱,从上而下狠狠的贯注在这莲台之上,本来就满布裂痕的莲台,更是寸寸崩裂,直到最后,砰的一声,碎片纷飞。 The Tathagata Buddha 12 lotus thrones, could not resist the Dongfang Yu's attack to collapse finally, but, 12 lotus thrones were destroyed freely, but Dongfang Yu's this Energy Wave, was complete kept off and that's the end. 如来佛祖的12品莲台,终于是抵挡不住东方玉的攻击而崩溃了,不过,12品莲台尽管被摧毁了,但东方玉的这道气功波,也算是完全的挡下来了就是了。 Buddha......”, looks that 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata were destroyed, the Guanyin Buddha and other Buddhism high levels, the complexion is very ugly. “佛祖……”,看着如来的12品莲台被摧毁了,观音菩萨等佛教高层,脸色都很难看。 didn't expect, the 12 lotus thrones of Buddha were ruined, as the sitting lotus of Tathagata, this is equal to world of mortals king the symbolic significance of dragon chair is outstanding. 没想到,就连佛祖的12品莲台都被毁掉了,作为如来的坐莲,这就相当于凡间帝王的龙椅似的象征意义不同凡响。 „? Now your 12 lotus thrones had been destroyed, what but also there is able to resist my following attack?”. “哦?现在你12品莲台已经被毁了,还有什么能抵挡我接下来的攻击吗?”。 Saw that Tathagata not hesitating makes the magic weapon damage of oneself resist the attack of oneself, the Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of Tathagata, during the speeches, Dongfang Yu's both hands lift up high, second move of Energy Wave was starting to gather. 眼看着如来不惜让自己的法宝损毁来抵挡自己的攻击,东方玉的目光落在如来的身上,说话间,东方玉的双手高举,第二招气功波已经在开始汇聚了。 Dongfang Yu's both hands, gather oneself second move of Energy Wave, when the Dongfang Yu's vision falls on Tathagata, brow actually unconscious wrinkled the wrinkle slightly. 东方玉的双手,汇聚起自己第二招气功波,不过当东方玉的目光落在如来身上的时候,眉头却不自觉的微微皱了皱。 The complexion of Tathagata, the Aura dispirited, as if just greatly got sick beginning appearance, energy value, his energy value also dropped a point unexpectedly, has 110,000 degrees. 如来的脸色,气息萎靡,似乎刚刚大病初愈的样子似的,能量值方面,他的能量值居然也下降了一点,只有110000的程度罢了。 However, to Dongfang Yu, regardless of Tathagata why so, but his strength dropped to oneself after is the good deed. 不过,对东方玉而言,无论如来为何如此,但他的实力下降了对自己而言总归是好事。 Has seen Buddha, appears along with Tathagata, Buddhism high-level simultaneously start to talk salutes upon meeting. “见过佛祖”,随着如来出现,佛教诸位高层齐齐开口见礼。 Amitabha, you came out finally, appears along with Tathagata, side had been shaken the old monk of arm also to say with start to talk, appearance of relaxing. “阿弥陀佛,你总算出来了”,随着如来出现,旁边已经被震断了手臂的老僧也跟着开口说道,松了一口气的模样。 Troubled you, but, facing this old monk time, Tathagata but actually also very politeness good a ritual, polite saying. “麻烦你了”,不过,面对这个老僧的时候,如来倒也很礼貌的行了一礼,客气的说道。 The voice falls, the vision of Tathagata looks to Dongfang Yu in sky, Energy Wave that especially in his double palm gathers, said: So crisis, it seems like only then your my synthesis can cross. 话音落下,如来的目光看向天空中的东方玉,特别是他双掌中汇聚的气功波,道:“如此危机,看来只有你我合体方能渡过了”。 Friendly, hear speech/words, this old monk nods the head slightly, at once figure changes to together the flowing light, integrated in the Dharmakaya of Tathagata. “善”,闻言,这老僧微微颔首,旋即身形化作一道流光,融入了如来的法身之中。 As this old monk integrates in the Dharmakaya of Tathagata, Tathagata Buddha strength has as if seethed with excitement generally, looks like aggravates the situation to be the same, rises suddenly. 随着这老僧融入如来的法身之内,如来身上的佛力仿佛沸腾了一般,就像是火上浇油一样,暴涨起来。 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… Meanwhile, in Dongfang Yu's Energy Tester, the energy value about Tathagata also had the new change. 与此同时,东方玉的能量测试仪之中,关于如来的能量值也有了新的变化。 118800...... 126700 ... 132060...... 118800……126700…132060…… However shortly, the energy value of Tathagata, promoted 136,000 situations impressively, fearful Aura erupted, compared with Dongfang Yu a big truncation, the billowing Buddha strength, as if has flooded Three Realms and Six Paths in this moment. 不过顷刻间,如来的能量值,赫然提升到了136000的地步,可怕的气息爆发出来,比东方玉都强了一大截,滚滚佛力,在这一刻似乎充斥了三界六道 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… As the Buddha strength of Tathagata rises suddenly, the earth shook and heavens spun shook, as if entire Journey to the West plane World trembled generally. 随着如来的佛力暴涨,天摇地动,似乎整个西游位面世界都震颤了一般。 Meanwhile, in nine quiet hells, the innumerable ominous soul evil spirits, pitiful calling out, cries sorrowfully, such as discussed these black and white variable, demons in buddhist hell how control, was hard to prevent calling out of these ominous soul evil spirits, in the hell impressively presented disorders. 与此同时,九幽地府之内,无数凶魂厉鬼,凄惨的嚎叫,悲恸大哭,如论那些黑白无常,牛头马面如何的控制,都难以阻止这些凶魂厉鬼的嚎叫,地府之中赫然呈现出一片乱象。 Heavenly Palace Peak, trembled in this moment, the deity with amazement discoloration above treasure palace, presents disorder, at once, the vision falls on the body of Jade Emperor. 凌霄宝殿,在这一刻也震颤了起来,宝殿之上的诸位神仙骇然色变,呈现出一番乱象,旋即,目光都落在玉皇大帝的身上。 Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing cannot bear start to talk inquire: Your Majesty, this, did this have an accident? Actually does Heavenly Court vibrate why?”. 托塔天王李靖忍不住开口询问:“陛下,这,这出什么事了?天庭震动究竟为何?”。 Jade Emperor actually sits well above the oneself throne, the look as if penetrated overlapping space, looks into the West, silent did not say, the look was not sad is unhappy. 只是,玉皇大帝却端坐于自己的宝座之上,眼神似乎穿透了层层叠叠的空间似的,眺望西方,沉默不言,神色也是不悲不喜。 Tushita Palace, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch was teaching Bulma new Way of Refining, with science that Bulma proposes, the mutual union, mutually whether there is proves. 兜率宫,太上老君本在传授布玛新的炼器之道,与布玛提出来的科学,相互结合,互证有无。 However at this time, Tushita Palace vibrated, nearby Eight Trigrams Furnace trembled, almost soon shakes appearance but actually. 然而就在这个时候,兜率宫都震动了起来,就连旁边的八卦炉都震颤了,差点快要震倒的模样。 This what's the matter? Your Heavenly Court does don't tell me have the earthquake?”, This picture, lets Bulma surprised saying. “这怎么回事?你们天庭难道也有地震吗?”,这番景象,让布玛吃惊的说道。 Before the Heavenly Court vibration collapsed, it can be said that Dongfang Yu's attack, but now, this what's the matter? 之前天庭震动崩溃,可以说是东方玉的攻击,可现在,这又是怎么回事啊? Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, didn't expect, Tathagata can tread unexpectedly this step, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch looks into the West, the mouth said in a low voice. 无量天尊,没想到,如来竟然能踏出这一步”,太上老君眺望西方,嘴里低声说道。 Meanwhile, the sea deep place of world of mortals, flood dragon Demon King soars. 与此同时,凡间的大海深处,蛟魔王腾空而起。 Yun Zhandong, Ox-King also stares at the direction of Western Paradise. 云栈洞,牛魔王也凝望西天的方向。 Under that Five Finger Mountain, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is also supine the head to look to the horizon, anxious: This is, startled world indescribably tragic phenomenon? The hearsay can have this phenomenon, is......”. 就连那五指山下,孙悟空也仰起头颅看向天边,面带忧色:“这是,惊天地泣鬼神的异象?传闻能有此异象的,都是……”。 What is this? Actually is that old monk what relates with Tathagata? Unexpectedly can with the Tathagata synthesis?”, Feels on Tathagata is becoming more fearful Aura, looks that he promoted about 20,000 energy values, in the Dongfang Yu's heart to be startled secretly. “这是什么?那个老僧究竟和如来是什么关系?居然能和如来合体?”,感受着如来身上变得更加可怕的气息,看着他足足提升了20000左右的能量值,东方玉的心中暗自吃惊。 So long as the energy value has surpassed 100,000, the promotion of trivial 1000 energy values are very difficult, but has Tathagata promoted 20,000? 能量值只要超过了100000大关,区区1000能量值的提升都是非常困难的,可是如来足足提升了20000? Not to mention the Three Realms and Six Paths big energy, how response regarding this is, Dongfang Yu with rapt attention looks at Tathagata Buddha, regarding this moment 136,000 energy values, is having the surprised look similarly. 且不说三界六道的各位大能,对于这一幕都是如何的反应,东方玉凝神看着如来佛祖,对于他此刻136000的能量值,同样带着吃惊的神色。 About that old relations between monk and Tathagata, in the Dongfang Yu heart the miraculous glow flashes through together, was indistinct as if to guess the truth. 关于那老僧和如来之间的关系,东方玉心中一道灵光闪过,隐约间似乎已经猜测到了真相了。 Bang! 轰! Energy Wave that no matter how, in the Dongfang Yu hand lifts up high, has pressed once again, changes to together the radiant light beam, as if crosses the world. 不管如何,东方玉手中高举的气功波,再度压了下去,化作一道璀璨的光柱,似乎横贯天地。 Amitabha......”, however, facing Dongfang Yu's this attack, the after mouth of Tathagata proclaimed Buddha in a low voice, before that resisted the Ethereal Mountain [lineage/vein] dreadful great Buddha to appear once again. “阿弥陀佛……”,然而,面对东方玉的这个攻击,如来的嘴里低声宣了一声佛号之后,之前那抵挡住不周山脉的滔天巨佛再度出现了。 Lifts up high both hands, the palm has Buddha seal of font, great Buddha both hands have blocked Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave unexpectedly, appointed that Energy Wave how formidable, is hard to crush both hands of this great Buddha unexpectedly. 高举双手,掌心都有“卍”字型的佛印,巨佛竟然双手挡住了东方玉的气功波,任那气功波再如何的强悍,竟也难以击碎这巨佛的双手。 Congratulates my Buddha, cultivation base goes a step further, cuts a corpse!”. “恭喜我佛,修为更进一步,斩得一尸!”。 Saw this, Buddhism high-level its start to talk, among looks somewhat is having some joyful colors, was congratulating to Tathagata start to talk. 眼看着这一幕,佛教高层其声开口,神色间多多少少的都带着一些喜悦之色,对着如来开口道贺。 Really? Has cut a corpse? Was this achievement Quasi-Saint?”. “果然吗?斩了一尸?这是成就了准圣吗?”。 Heard these Buddhism high-level words, in the Dongfang Yu's heart to obtain the suspicion. 听得这些佛教高层的话语,东方玉的心中得到了猜想。
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