PE :: Volume #34

#1547: Mysterious old monk

Amitabha. 阿弥陀佛。 A facial features skinny old monk static float in front of Dongfang Yu's, does not have All Heavens Buddhas tuo that facial features dignified color, the body has not been throwing over the magnificent and expensive Dahong cassock, instead puts on plain-colored buddhist monk's robes of one moon/month white as ivory. 一个面容枯瘦的老僧静静的悬浮在东方玉的面前,并没有诸天佛陀那面容庄严之色,身上没有披着华贵的大红袈裟,反而只是穿着一身月牙白的素色僧衣罢了。 Does not have what shining Buddha's radiance, does not have the lotus throne throne, but wears homespun cloth straw sandals, in the hand even links one string of buddha beads not to have, if not for in this big Thunderclap Temple, if not for appear here time, this facial features skinny old monk, radically looks like an ordinary Buddhist priest. 也没有什么金灿灿的佛光,更没有莲台宝座,只是穿着一双粗布芒鞋,手上甚至连一串佛珠都没有,若不是在这大雷音寺,若不是在这个时间出现,这个面容枯瘦的老僧,根本就像是一个普通的僧人罢了。 Dongfang Yu careful has a look at this old monk, from the appearance, is unexpectedly similar to that Tathagata Buddha 78, mouth start to talk puts out Buddha, wants to be unexpectedly countless people start to talk is simultaneously ordinary, the appearance of this old monk, making people think somewhat strangely. 只是,东方玉仔细的看看这个老僧,从容貌上来看,和那如来佛祖竟然有78分相似,嘴里开口吐出佛号,竟也想是无数的人同时开口一般,这个老僧的模样,让人觉得有些怪异。 „Are you? Tathagata?”, Looks in front of oneself the old monk, Dongfang Yu frowns has sized up the moment carefully, some indefinite asking. “你是?如来?”,看着自己面前的这个老僧,东方玉皱着眉头仔细的打量了片刻,有些不确定的问道。 From the appearance, indeed is Tathagata Buddha right, no matter the semblance, is the bearing, completely was different. 从容貌上来看,的确是如来佛祖没错,可是不管外表,还是气度,都完全不同了。 Naturally, what is main is Dongfang Yu can feel tranquilly from the body of this old monk like the sea, digit that but actually profound incomparable strength, on Energy Tester appears, has verified the suspicion in Dongfang Yu heart. 当然,最主要的是东方玉从这个老僧的身上能够感受到平静如海,但是却深邃无比的力量,能量测试仪上所显现出来的数字,也算是印证了东方玉心中的猜想了。 101200 energy values, makes clear to this opposite side strength unusual formidable. 101200的能量值,也昭示这对方实力非常的强悍 I am Tathagata, Tathagata actually am not I, is only, regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, this old monk is having the tranquil smiling face, shakes the head to say slightly, overlapping sound, to person a strange feeling of not being able to say. “我是如来,如来却不是我”,只是,对于东方玉的话,这个老僧却只是带着平静的笑容,微微摇头说道,层层叠叠的声音,给人一种说不出的怪异感。 „Are you Tathagata? How did you turn into this appearance?”, Looks in front of oneself the old monk, Dongfang Yu thinks some surprise. “你是如来?你怎么变成这副模样了?”,看着自己面前的这个老僧,东方玉觉得有些诧异。 oneself is tramples flat Spirit Mountain, what preparation Tathagata will have, is expected in Dongfang Yu's, no matter powerful divine ability, or is the magic weapon, even is the strategy, Dongfang Yu can accept, just a fight, Tathagata withdrew has not been coming out, has almost verified the Dongfang Yu's suspicion. 自己是来踏平灵山的,如来会有什么样的准备,都在东方玉的意料之中,不管是强大神通,亦或者是法宝,甚至是阵法,东方玉都能够接受,刚刚一番战斗,如来龟缩着没有出来,也差不多印证了东方玉的猜想。 Indeed, the present Tathagata appearance big change, obviously for the arrangement that to cope with oneself makes, what may make Dongfang Yu stunned is, this doesn't the energy value of Tathagata, why rise instead to fall? Has about 100,000 energy values? This compared with before, when Heavenly Court fight, but can also miss plans? 的确,现在的如来模样大变,显然是为了对付自己做出的布置,可让东方玉愕然的是,这如来的能量值,为何不升反降?只有100000左右的能量值?这比之前在天庭战斗的时候,还要差一筹吧? This was very strange, Tathagata to cope with oneself, has made the preparation, may prepare later him, was strength instead lower? 这就很奇怪了,如来为了对付自己,做出了准备,可准备之后的他,实力反而更低了? This makes Dongfang Yu think the surprise, is it possible that is his preparation had something go wrong? 这让东方玉觉得诧异,莫非是他的准备出了岔子吗? I am this appearance......”, no matter how, Tathagata of this lunar white buddhist monk's robes, on the face is having the smiling face, looks at the appearance as if Dongfang Yu is not both sides of fight, friend that but many years do not see was chatting to chat. “我一直都是这副模样啊……”,不管如何,这月白色僧衣的如来,脸上带着浅浅的笑容,看模样似乎和东方玉并非是战斗的双方,可是多年不见的朋友在闲聊拉家常似的。 Also does not wait for Dongfang Yu to continue to ask, this Tathagata asked: Donor Dongfang Yu comes my Spirit Mountain to rebel, actually behavior what? If because of the action of Heavenly Court, I thought priority target that you must retaliate, should be Heavenly Court is right?”. 也不等东方玉继续发问,这如来跟着问道:“东方玉施主前来我灵山作乱,究竟所为何事?若是因为天庭之举,我看你要报复的首要目标,该是天庭才对吧?”。 Tathagata Buddha, this was flinging pot, being unjustly discredited flung directly to Jade Emperor. 如来佛祖,这是在甩锅了,把黑锅直接甩给了玉皇大帝 However, the words that must speak, Tathagata Buddha these words have not spoken incorrectly actually, after all mainly Dongfang Yu and Son Goku|Sun Wukong have disturbed the Peach of Immortality grand meeting, therefore Heavenly Court must cope with them, in the final analysis between the core or Dongfang Yu and Heavenly Court battle, Tathagata Buddha was just drawn to help by Jade Emperor. 不过,要说的话,其实如来佛祖的这番话也没说错,毕竟主要还是东方玉孙悟空捣乱了蟠桃盛会,所以天庭才要对付他们,归根结底争斗的核心还是东方玉天庭之间,如来佛祖只不过是被玉皇大帝拉去助拳的罢了。 In brief, Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, disturbs Peach of Immortality grand meeting matter, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is the principal offender, Dongfang Yu is an accessory culprit. 简而言之,大闹天宫,捣乱蟠桃盛会这件事情,孙悟空是主犯,东方玉算是从犯。 Similarly, if Dongfang Yu must revenge, Heavenly Court should be his essential target, big Thunderclap Temple of Spirit Mountain, should be his secondary target is right. 同样的,东方玉现在如果是要报仇的话,天庭才应该是他的主要目标,灵山的大雷音寺,应该是他的次要目标才对。 But now, Dongfang Yu has not looked for the trouble of Heavenly Court, actually first looks for oneself has troubled, couldn't this convince from the reason? 可现在,东方玉没找天庭的麻烦,却先来找自己的麻烦了,这从情理上说不通吧? The word of Tathagata, making Dongfang Yu smile faintly in a low voice, actually this truth, Dongfang Yu naturally also understands, in the final analysis, indeed Tathagata can only be the secondary retaliation goal. 如来之言,让东方玉低声浅笑,其实这番道理,东方玉自然也懂,归根结底来说,的确如来只能算是次要的报复目标。 However that side Heavenly Court has put out compensation, as Lord of the Three Realms, Jade Emperor adopted this stance, Dongfang Yu has also quit when you're ahead, after all had that Apricot Yellow Banner guard, oneself did not have the means bang to kill Jade Emperor. 不过天庭那边已经拿出了赔偿啊,作为三界之主,玉皇大帝摆出了这个姿态,东方玉也见好就收,毕竟有那杏黄旗护身,自己也没有办法真的轰杀玉皇大帝 As for Buddhism, Dongfang Yu does not depend on flexure, mainly because of the Son Goku|Sun Wukong reason. 至于佛教这边,东方玉不依不挠,主要还是因为孙悟空的缘故。 If no matter how, oneself does not want myriad to be killed because of the oneself reason, actually wants to rescue that monkey, can only make Tathagata uncover with that Buddha to be good personally. 不管如何,自己如果不想让万千人因为自己的缘故而丧命,却又想把那猴子救出来的话,就只能让如来亲自把那佛揭拿下来才行。 Next, perhaps is also because has walked randomly these many plane, Dongfang Yu almost celebrates a holiday with Buddhism each time, therefore deep in one's heart, somewhat has the loathing of instinct to Buddhism. 其次,或许也是因为游走了这么多的位面,东方玉几乎每次都和佛教有过节,所以内心深处,多多少少的对佛教都有着本能的厌恶吧。 Overwhelms with numerical strength, that also has the advantage of overwhelming with numerical strength, for example seeks for any treasure, where words or must attack, more people are better, is similarly, overwhelms with numerical strength also has the weakness of overwhelming with numerical strength. 人多势众,那也有人多势众的好处,比如说寻找什么宝贝,或者说是要攻打什么地方的话,越多人越好,可是同样的,人多势众却也有人多势众的弱点。 It looks like the present, Dongfang Yu's strength is perhaps impossible alone completely to destroy Buddhism, is similarly, by Dongfang Yu present strength, wants to come to come, wants to walk walks, understands the essence of guerrilla warfare. 就像是现在,东方玉的实力或许不可能独自将佛教完全摧毁,可是同样的,以东方玉现在的实力,想来就来,想走就走,算是深谙游击战的精髓。 Your solemn Buddhism, big enterprise has lots of assets is impossible to accompany oneself to consume? Because of so, therefore that Jade Emperor decisively has put out Heaven Seal as the compensation, otherwise, other regardless of the time being, by the defense of Jade Emperor Apricot Yellow Banner, Dongfang Yu ability his what? 你堂堂一个佛教,家大业大的不可能陪着自己一直耗下去吧?正是因为如此,所以那玉皇大帝才果断的拿出了番天印作为赔偿,否则,别的暂且不论,以玉皇大帝杏黄旗的防御,东方玉能耐他何? Good, you said are reasonable, but, that monkey was suppressed by you after all, I do not have other request, so long as you comply to take Buddha to uncover, puts the body of that monkey freedom, does Buddhism with my matter, how then write off?”. “不错,你说得很有道理,但是,那猴子毕竟是被你镇压的,我没有别的要求,只要你答应拿下佛揭,放那猴子自由之身,佛教与我的事情,便一笔勾销如何?”。 Dongfang Yu shows Super Saiyan's Mode, static float in midair, start to talk proposed request of oneself, this is also Dongfang Yu comes the big Thunderclap Temple main goal. 东方玉展现出超级赛亚人的状态,静静的悬浮于半空中,开口提出了自己的要求,这也是东方玉来大雷音寺最主要的目的。 The Dongfang Yu's words, making the Buddhism high-level complexion somewhat have a happy expression. 东方玉的话,让佛教高层的脸色多多少少都带着一丝喜色。 It looks like in these Buddhism high levels, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is how unimportant, that is unruly Monkey Demon, so long as can put that Monkey Demon, this Dongfang Yu is willing no longer greatly to make Spirit Mountain? This matter fully is worth. 在这些佛教高层看来,孙悟空如何并不重要,那不过是一个桀骜不驯的妖猴罢了,只要能放了那妖猴,这东方玉就愿意不再大闹灵山?这件事情完全值得啊。 At once, vision fall on Tathagata of lunar white buddhist monk's robes. 旋即,一个个的目光都落在月白色僧衣的如来身上。 Regarding Dongfang Yu's this request, the old monk is low the eyebrow to hang the eye, silent did not say. 只是,对于东方玉的这个要求,老僧却低眉垂目,沉默不言,。 Such waited for the moment, lifted eye to hide, looked at Dongfang Yu one, said: „Has this condition, been have traded?”. 这么等了片刻,抬起眼皮子,看了东方玉一眼,道:“这个条件,能否换过?”。 What!? Can't this condition comply? Why!?”, The word of this old monk, making the Buddhism high-level complexions change, look at each other in dismay, on the face was also having the astonished color. “什么!?这个条件不能答应?为什么!?”,这老僧之言,让佛教高层一个个脸色都变了,面面相觑,脸上也都带着惊愕之色。 Is unreadable, why that Monkey Demon matter clutches is not putting? Where that Monkey Demon has is oneself does not know? 难以理解,为什么那妖猴的事情揪着不放?那妖猴有什么地方是自己不知道的吗? Buddhism high level, look at each other in dismay, looks at each other speechless, obviously is hard to understand the resolution of this old monk. 佛教诸位高层,面面相觑,相顾无言,显然都难以理解这老僧的决断。 Even nearby Guan Yin, could not bear start to talk, said: That Son Goku|Sun Wukong although also has the energy of exceedingly high penetrating place, may after all be only Monkey Demon, master you why......”. 甚至旁边的观世音菩萨,忍不住开口了,道:“那孙悟空虽然也有通天彻地之能,可毕竟只是一个妖猴罢了,大师你为何……”。 Secret cannot reveal, is only, regarding the words of Guan Yin, this old monk actually slightly shakes the head, not meaning of detailed explanation. “天机不可泄露”,只是,对于观世音菩萨的话,这老僧却只是微微摇头,并没有详细解释的意思。 East Dharma the biography is the fate, this relates to the prosperity and decline of entire Buddhism, is only the present opportunity, does not get the wild talk. 佛法东传乃是定数,这更关系到整个佛教的兴衰,只是现在时机不到,不得妄言。 Why that Jade Emperor start to talk, Tathagata Buddha on eager ran to escort? Even and Dongfang Yu fight the situation of going all out, almost did the body fall? 为什么那玉皇大帝开口,如来佛祖就眼巴巴的跑去护驾了?甚至和东方玉斗到了拼命的地步,差点身陨? Because if not for Son Goku|Sun Wukong is the person of day deciding, is related important matter that east Dharma passes on, Tathagata somewhat output air/Qi, the words that is hard to solve, looks to flinch by and that's the end. 若不是因为孙悟空乃天定之人,事关佛法东传的大事,如来多多少少出点力气,难以解决的话,也就找个由头退缩就是了。 Snort, making Buddhism put Son Goku|Sun Wukong, is not simple, must solve this problem by the fist......”, the words of this old monk, in the Dongfang Yu heart did not think strange, but in the heart sighed secretly. “哼,果然,让佛教放了孙悟空,没有那么简单,还是要靠拳头来解决这个问题……”,这个老僧的话,东方玉心中并不觉得奇怪,只是心中却暗自一叹。 Meanwhile, the Dongfang Yu palm raises, that huge Heaven Seal changes to one-sided small seal, falls on the Dongfang Yu's palm. 与此同时,东方玉手掌一扬,那巨大的番天印重新化作一方小印,落在东方玉的掌心。 Didn't have other means really? Donor Dongfang/East(ern), that Great Sage Equal of Heaven matter, is destined, you why......”, look at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, obviously has broken off conversation the appearance, the mouth of old monk also darkly sighed one, start to talk said. “真的没有别的办法了吗?东方施主,那齐天大圣的事情,乃是命中注定,你又何必……”,看东方玉的模样,显然是谈崩了的样子,老僧的嘴里也暗叹一声,开口说道。 What is destined, I only believe that the destiny of everyone should grasp in the oneself hand, what secret can't reveal? It is not 500 years later the matter of Western Paradise learning from experienced people?”, The words of this old monk have not said that Dongfang Yu then waved, has interrupted his words directly. “什么命中注定,我只相信每个人的命运都该掌握在自己手中,什么天机不可泄露?不就是500年后西天取经之事吗?”,这老僧的话还没说完,东方玉便挥了挥手,直接打断了他的话。 The facial expression of old monk, has been tranquil, but the Dongfang Yu these words exit / to speak, making his complexion cannot help but change suddenly, surprised looks at Dongfang Yu: „Do you, you know this matter unexpectedly?”. 老僧的神情,一直都比较平静,可东方玉这句话出口,让他的脸色不由得骤变,吃惊的看着东方玉:“你,你居然知道这件事情?”。 Do not say rubbish, since you are not willing to accept my condition, then solves with the fist, Dongfang Yu has offered a sacrifice to Heaven Seal in oneself hand once again, vision brilliant is staring at this old monk. “不要说废话了,既然你们不愿答应我的条件,那么就用拳头来解决吧”,东方玉再度将自己手中的番天印祭了起来,目光灼灼的盯着这老僧。 Under the Dongfang Yu's control, this Heaven Seal changes to the radiant ray, flew directly. 东方玉的控制下,这番天印化作璀璨的光芒,直接飞了出去。 This Heaven Seal has not changed to that huge Ethereal Mountain [lineage/vein], but illuminates the head of old monk to pound directly. 这一次番天印没有化作那巨大的不周山脉,而是直接照着老僧的脑袋砸下去。 Thousand finger citrons!”. “千佛手!”。 Saw Dongfang Yu's Heaven Seal maliciously pounds toward oneself, this old man look congealed, stretches out the palm of oneself to grasp toward Heaven Seal. 眼看着东方玉的天印狠狠的朝着自己砸过来,这个老者神色一凝,伸出自己的手掌朝着番天印抓了过来。 The dense and numerous hands are in charge, looks like looks like has tens of thousands of palm. 密密麻麻的手掌印,看起来就像是有成千上万个手掌似的。 Bang! Bang! Bang!...... 砰砰砰…… However, in the Heaven Seal fearful prestige can, phantom of these palms all directly be cracked-up, until finally, Heaven Seal pounding maliciously in the palm of old monk. 然而,在番天印可怕的威能之下,这些手掌的虚影全都被直接撞碎了,直到最后,番天印狠狠的砸在老僧的掌心。 kā chā, sees only the arm of that old monk to twist an alarmed curve, is very obvious, the arm had been hit by this Heaven Seal maliciously. 咔嚓一声,只见那老僧的手臂扭曲成一个触目惊心的弧度,很显然,手臂已经被这番天印狠狠的撞断了。 Um? Isn't this fellow, really Tathagata? Actually is he who?”. “嗯?这家伙,果然不是如来吗?那他究竟是谁?”。 Looks at this old monk, unexpectedly a Heaven Seal move cannot block continually, the arm was shaken, the suspicion in Dongfang Yu heart seemed confirmed. 看着这个老僧,居然连番天印一招都挡不住,手臂就被震断了,东方玉心中的猜想仿佛得到了证实。
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