PE :: Volume #34

#1546: Suppresses all Buddha

Four Bodhisattvas throw to save others directly, but Dongfang Yu puts forth Shadow Clone Technique, branches out eight Shadow Clone to cope with them. 四个菩萨直接扑过来想要救人,只是东方玉使出影分身之术,足足分出八个影分身去对付他们。 Although Shadow Clone strength and Dongfang Yu's main body could not compare, but by two pairs one, coped was also only about these 50,000-60,000 energy values Bodhisattvas, was not a problem actually completely. 虽说影分身实力东方玉的本尊是比不了的,但是以二对一,对付的也只是这些五六万能量值左右的菩萨罢了,倒是完全不成问题。 Soul Devouring Stick knocks directly on the forehead of this Buddha, blood essence and soul derive, as if gluttony grand feast, naked eye obvious, body of this Buddha likely is air leakage rubber ball slowly is withered. 噬魂棒直接敲在这个佛陀的脑门上,精血和魂魄汲取下去,仿佛饕餮盛宴似的,肉眼可见,这个佛陀的身体像是漏气的皮球似的慢慢干瘪下去。 Good fearful demon! Can slurp others' blood essence and soul unexpectedly!”, Sees this, these Buddhism high levels have a big shock. “好可怕的魔器!竟然能吸食别人的精血和魂魄!”,看到这一幕,这些佛教高层大惊失色。 Four big Bodhisattva take action were blocked shortly, at once, nearby person could not sit still again, Venerable, arhat simultaneously throws toward Dongfang Yu, several other Buddha have not been idling, with take action. 眼看着四大菩萨出手都被挡住了,旋即,旁边的人再也坐不住了,尊者,罗汉齐齐的朝着东方玉这边扑过来,就连其他几位佛陀也没有闲着,跟着出手 Suddenly, Buddha's radiance shines, all kinds of magic weapons, the exorcize demons pestle, the rosary, the monk's staff, the cassock wait / etc. to mention just a few, all kinds of Buddhism divine ability, emerge one after another incessantly, simultaneously rumbled toward Dongfang Yu, the dense and numerous attacks, suddenly let entire world as if the feeling of shivering. 一时间,佛光普照,各种各样的法宝,降魔杵,念珠,禅杖,袈裟等等不一而足,各种各样的佛门神通,也层出不穷,齐齐的朝着东方玉这边轰了过来,密密麻麻的攻击,一时间让整个天地似乎都有一种颤抖的感觉。 Dongfang Yu looks at these, the vision is also having the dignified color. 东方玉看着这些,目光也带着凝重之色。 Three Buddha, six big Bodhisattvas, eight big Venerable as well as the eighteen lohans, such lineup, made Three Realms and Six Paths vibrate sufficiently, simultaneously take action, this power and influence, seriously was much stronger! 三位佛陀,六大菩萨,还有八大尊者以及十八罗汉,这样的阵容,足以让三界六道都震动了,齐齐出手,这番威势,当真是强得可怕! However, facing such lineup, the meaning of Dongfang Yu slightly flinching, the mouth has not actually given a loud shout well, instantaneous, hair eruption of gold(en), billowing gold(en) arrogance winding on Dongfang Yu's. 不过,面对这样的阵容,东方玉却并没有丝毫退缩之意,嘴里大喝一声来得好,瞬间,金色的头发爆发,滚滚的金色气焰缠绕在东方玉的身上。 It looks like, as if Dongfang Yu bathes in gold(en) flame, similarly, with Super Saiyan changes the body, the Dongfang Yu's energy value rises dramatically to a fearful degree once again. 看起来,仿佛东方玉沐浴在金色火焰之中似的,同样的,伴随着超级赛亚人的变身,东方玉的能量值再度飙升到一个可怕的程度。 The beforehand Dongfang Yu energy value is more than 70,000, now, approached 120,000 degrees, to this degree, 40,000-50,000 energy value promotion, has been no different than the difference of heaven and earth. 之前的东方玉能量值是70000多,现在,接近了120000的程度了,到了这个程度,四五万的能量值提升,无异于天壤之别。 If under the gene shackle fourth-order condition, Dongfang Yu in these Buddha is outstanding exist(ence), then now, Dongfang Yu and these Buddha the differences, looked like a difference of a boxer and child. 如果说基因锁四阶的状态下,东方玉在这些佛陀里算是出类拔萃的存在,那么现在,东方玉和这些佛陀的区别,就像是一个拳击手和一个儿童的区别了。 Bang! Bang! Bang!! 砰砰砰 Entered under Super Saiyan's Mode, Dongfang Yu to these Buddha, the Bodhisattva, is the attack of Supreme turns a blind eye, but a gold(en) air/Qi shield reappears in the oneself body surface, whatever these attacks pound, this seems like the light air/Qi shield, actually success has kept off all attacks, as if together gold(en) reef, steady taking root in dreadful flood Tsunami. 进入了超级赛亚人的状态下,东方玉对这些佛陀,菩萨,乃至尊者们的攻击都视若无睹,只是一层金色的气盾浮现在自己的体表,任由这些攻击砸下来,这一层看似薄薄的气盾,却成功的将所有的攻击都挡了下来,仿佛一块金色的礁石,稳稳的扎根于滔天的洪水海啸之中。 Depending on your attacks, wants to cause the damage to me?”, Haunched oneself Unextinguishable Golden Shield, Dongfang Yu looks the attack that these have not affected completely, in the heart shook the head secretly. “凭你们的攻击,也想对我造成伤害?”,撑起了自己不灭金气盾,东方玉看着这些完全没有作用的攻击,心中暗自摇摇头。 In Dragon Ball original work, first time changes becomes Super Saiyan Son Goku|Sun Wukong, facing complete build condition Frieza, many attacks, whatever they fall on the body of oneself, Son Goku|Sun Wukong has not been injured, these Buddha and Bodhisattvas are strong, can compare favorably with Frieza under all shape? 龙珠原著中,第一次变身成超级赛亚人孙悟空,面对完全体形态的弗利萨,许多攻击任由它们落在自己的身上,孙悟空都没有受伤,这些佛陀和菩萨再强,能比得上完全体形态下的弗利萨吗? Super Saiyan's Mode, Dongfang Yu maintenance with every effort, in the meantime, own strength transformation is reiatsu|spiritual pressure . 超级赛亚人的状态,东方玉尽力的维持,同时,自身的力量转化为灵压 Close 120,000 reiatsu|spiritual pressure erupts, Dongfang Yu looked at the surrounding these Buddhism high levels, Zanpakuto|Soul Slaying Blade of waist came out of the sheath, changed to a giant and heavy bell, the Zanpakuto|Soul Slaying Blade scabbard changes to the clock weight, rap maliciously on this bell. 接近120000的灵压爆发出来,东方玉看了看周围这些佛教高层,腰间的斩魄刀出鞘,化作一口巨大而沉重的大钟,斩魄刀的刀鞘化作钟锤,狠狠的敲击在这口大钟上面。 dōng dōng dōng...... 咚咚咚…… The fearful ding, sad resounding, the naked eye obvious sound wave to spreads in all directions, the sound wave has delimited place, these subdue demons Fu demon magecraft divine ability, or are these formidable Buddhism supreme treasure, does not have the slight exception, was broken under this fearful ding completely. 可怕的钟声,沉闷的响起,肉眼可见的声波向四面八方蔓延出去,声波所划过的地方,无论是这些降妖伏魔的术法神通,亦或者是那些强悍的佛门至宝,没有丝毫的例外,完全在这可怕的钟声之下被震碎了。 The ding has been full of the feeling of destruction, absolutely does not have the appearance that anything can resist. 钟声充满了毁灭的感觉,完全没有任何东西能够抵挡的模样。 Looks that this fearful ding spreads, Buddhism high-level complexion big change, where dares to meet hardly? Retrocedes with amazement. 看着这可怕的钟声蔓延过来,诸位佛教高层脸色大变,哪里敢硬接?一个个骇然后退。 Filled has destroyed the Aura ding, looked like has to spread together unceasingly the white pigment, all has delimited the place, the color was covered completely by the white. 充满了毁灭气息的钟声,就像是有一块不断蔓延出来白色颜料,所有划过的地方,色彩全部都被白色所覆盖掉了。 The pitiful yell sound gets up, several draw back slightly is slow a point the arhat, the body is delimited by the sound wave of this ding, instantaneous body has been full of the fissure, then disrupts to collapse, the soul cannot run away, vanishes in puff of smoke. 惨叫声起,有几个退得稍微慢一点的罗汉,身子被这钟声的声波划过,瞬间身体充满了裂痕,然后碎裂崩溃,就连灵魂都没能逃得出来,灰飞烟灭。 reiatsu|spiritual pressure , the book is strength of Shinigami|Death God system, the nature, this strength can affect above the soul, this Zanpakuto|Soul Slaying Blade does the bell, shake the person who kills by the sound wave, how the soul can also preserve? Naturally is the soul flies away and scatters. 灵压,本就是死神体系的力量,自然,这力量能作用于灵魂之上的,这斩魄刀所化的大钟,以声波震杀的人,灵魂如何还能保存?自然是魂飞魄散 But this relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, looks at these Buddhism high level with amazement discolorations, can this bell shake the powder including the soul? This was too seriously fearful a point, such as that Executing Immortal Flying Blade, although the terror, can make the person dying [say / way] disappear, may actually not cut to kill the soul of person. 而这形神俱灭的一幕,看得这些佛教高层骇然色变,这口大钟连魂魄都能够震散?这当真太可怕了一点啊,如那斩仙飞刀虽说恐怖,能让人身死道消,可却不会将人的魂魄也斩杀啊。 dōng dōng dōng...... 咚咚咚…… Dongfang Yu has not paid attention to the ideas of these Buddhism high levels, the vigorous and distant ding, one after another, the fearful sound wave unceasing spread, has caused the fearful destruction, magecraft divine ability, is the magic weapon, or is greatly can mortal body, and even the construction, simply does not have anything to resist the prestige energy of this ding. 东方玉可没有理会这些佛教高层们的想法,浑厚而悠远的钟声,一声接一声,可怕的音波不断的蔓延出去,造成了可怕的破坏,无论是术法神通,还是法宝,亦或者是诸位大能的肉身,乃至建筑,根本没有任何东西能够抵挡这钟声的威能。 Buddha Realm high level, wear a look of scared looks looks at Dongfang Yu, his hand is raising that bell. 佛界高层,一个个面带惧色的看着东方玉,还有他手上举着的那一口大钟。 Fiend Emperor Dongfang Yu, it can be said that resounded through the Three Realms and Six Paths big energy recently, although had already heard the Dongfang Yu's reputation, but the war of the same day in Heavenly Court, most Buddhism high levels with own eyes has not experienced Dongfang Yu's strength after all, but now, they were with own eyes experience to Dongfang Yu's were fearful, was really under the great reputation does not have the person with reputation but no real merit. 妖帝东方玉,最近可以说是响彻三界六道的大能,虽然早就听说过东方玉的名头,可当日之战毕竟是在天庭,大多数佛教高层都没有亲眼见识过东方玉的实力,可现在,他们算是亲眼见识到东方玉的可怕了,果然是盛名之下无虚士。 What's wrong? Hasn't Tathagata rolled to me? Such being the case, your big Thunderclap Temple did not have the exist(ence) necessity!”, After the vigorous ding these high levels of Buddhism have all suppressed, that Tathagata Buddha unexpectedly until now has not appeared, the Dongfang Yu's brow closely wrinkled, at once the bell received, own strength all changes to magic power. “怎么?那如来还不给我滚出来吗?既然如此,你们的大雷音寺也就没有存在的必要了!”,以浑厚的钟声将这些佛教的高层全都镇压了之后,那如来佛祖居然直到现在都没有出现,东方玉的眉头紧紧的皱了起来,旋即大钟收了起来,自身的力量全都化作法力 The palm turns, one-sided small seal appears in the Dongfang Yu's palm, at once the Dongfang Yu palm throws, sees only this little seal to be thrown to fly by Dongfang Yu. 手掌一翻,一方小印出现在东方玉的掌心之中,旋即东方玉手掌一抛,只见这一尊小印被东方玉抛飞了起来。 At once, this little seal sees to rise against the wind, in an instant changes to the half to cross the ancient and modern the mountain peak, maliciously has pounded toward Spirit Mountain. 旋即,这尊小印迎风见涨,刹那间化作半截横贯古今的山峰,狠狠的朝着灵山砸了下来。 Bang! 砰! Originally, the willow branch of Guan Yin, changed to the silk ribbon layer upon layer tying up the Dongfang Yu Heaven Concealed (Tengai Shinsei) meteor, but now, along with this makes the palatial mountain peak to pound, naked eye obvious, Dongfang Yu's that meteor unexpectedly like was the bean curd was broken, in the meantime, fearful mountain peak odd|surplus Shi did not reduce continued to fall. 本来,观世音菩萨的杨柳枝,化作层层的丝绦将东方玉天碍震星的陨星给捆住了的,可现在,随着这一作巍峨的山峰砸下来,肉眼可见,东方玉的那一颗陨星居然像是豆腐一样的被震碎了,同时,可怕的山峰余势不减的继续落下。 From the volume, this section of mountain peak is actually not smaller than that Heaven Concealed (Tengai Shinsei) meteor, may from the density, between absolutely not have commeasurable as, if this Heaven Seal small half Ethereal Mountain compares with the steel and iron, then the Heaven Concealed (Tengai Shinsei) meteor looks like the biscuit general was frail. 从体积上来看,这一截山峰其实并不比那天碍震星的陨星小,可从密度上来看,之间完全没有可比性似的,若是将这番天印所化的小半截不周山比作钢铁,那么天碍震星的陨星就像是饼干一般的脆弱了。 Beng Bengbeng...... 崩崩崩…… It looks like string breaks sound, these wrapped the meteor silk ribbon overlapping, simply did not have the mountain peak that the means resisted this to pound, silk ribbons were stretched forcefully, irresistible. 就像是一根根琴弦断裂的声音似的,那些层层叠叠包裹住了陨星的丝绦,却根本没有办法抵挡这砸下来的山峰,一条条丝绦被强行绷断,势不可挡。 Finally, when willow branch all ribbons stretch completely, that lofty tree willow tree was pounded collapsed the time, these ribbons and willow tree changed to a willow branch to return to the hand of Guanyin Buddha finally. 最后,当杨柳枝所化的所有丝绦完全绷断,就连那一颗参天大树般的柳树都被砸塌了的时候,这些丝绦和柳树终于重新化作一根杨柳枝回到了观音菩萨的手中。 Looked down in the oneself hand is the willow branch of listless appearance, including leaf withered and yellow, in the heart of Guanyin Buddha could not bear love dearly. 低头看了看自己手中已经是病恹恹模样的杨柳枝,连叶子都枯黄了,观音菩萨的心中忍不住心疼。 Bang! 轰! However, now is not loves dearly, the oneself meteor is broken, the willow branch of Goddess also has flown upside down, this Heaven Seal a small section of Ethereal Mountain mountain peak, maliciously pounds in the direction of Spirit Mountain, this power and influence, probably Spirit Mountain must pound to collapse, let alone that is situated in summit of Spirit Mountain big Thunderclap Temple. 不过,现在可不是心疼的时候,自己的陨星被砸碎了,就连观世音的杨柳枝也倒飞了回去,这番天印所化的一小截不周山的山峰,狠狠的朝着灵山的方向砸下去,这番威势,或许就连灵山都要砸塌了,更别说那坐落于灵山之巅的大雷音寺 That is!? Heaven Seal?”, Looks at this small half whereabouts the Ethereal Mountain mountain peak, all Buddhism high levels stare dumbfounded. “那是!?番天印吗?”,看着这小半截下落的不周山的山峰,所有的佛教高层瞠目结舌。 Unbelievable, Heaven Seal in Legend in the Dongfang Yu's hand? This fellow besides all sort of divine ability , how many treasure? 难以置信,传说中的番天印怎会在东方玉的手中?这家伙除了诸般神通之外,到底还有多少宝贝 Heard a Heavenly Court war, in the Dongfang Yu's hand has Executing Immortal Flying Blade such kills, although afterward Jade Emperor said that Executing Immortal Flying Blade is only the replica, the might only then the real thing half prestige energy, may actually also be able to injure the Dharmakaya of Tathagata, now, besides Executing Immortal Flying Blade, has put out Heaven Seal? 听说天庭一战,东方玉的手中就有斩仙飞刀这样的杀器,虽说后来玉帝所言那斩仙飞刀只是仿制品,威力只有真品的一半威能,可却也能伤了如来的法身,现在,除了斩仙飞刀之外,又拿出了番天印 don't tell me? This is Heaven Seal also the sham? May no matter how, look at the prestige energy, even if only the sham, was similar to the real thing? 难道?这番天印也是赝品吗?可不管如何,看着威能,即便只是赝品,也和真品差不多了吧? Not to mention these Buddhism high levels, what mentality in the side Heaven Seal regarding Dongfang Yu hand are, at this time, changed to the palatial mountain, Heaven Seal irresistible pounded toward Spirit Mountain, the fearful prestige energy, as if entire Spirit Mountain will be pounded to collapse. 且不说这些佛教高层,对于东方玉手中的这一方番天印都是什么样的心态,这个时候,化作巍峨的高山,番天印势不可挡的朝着灵山砸下去,可怕的威能,似乎整个灵山都会被砸塌。 Thump! 咚! However, saw that Spirit Mountain and big Thunderclap Temple must be able under to collapse in this Heaven Seal prestige, the sad Buddha clock resounds together, at once, sees only a huge Buddha shade to appear, changes to trillion zhang (3.33 m) height, holds up a pair of palm to bring the palm of character Buddha seal, has lifted toward Heaven Seal that this falls. 不过,眼看着灵山和大雷音寺完全要在这番天印的威能下崩溃,一道沉闷的佛钟响起,旋即,只见一道巨大的佛影出现,化作亿万丈身高,举起一双掌心带着“卍”字佛印的手掌,朝着这落下来的番天印举了过去。 Both arms micro tune, sees only the form of this great Buddha, unexpectedly successful Heaven Seal will have kept off, trillion zhang (3.33 m) great Buddha, the hand lifts is changing to Ethereal Mountain Heaven Seal, so prestige energy, to person a wild maneating air/Qi. 双臂微曲,只见这巨佛的身影,竟然成功的将番天印挡了下来,亿万丈的巨佛,手举着化作不周山的番天印,如此威能,给人一种蛮荒的凶悍之气。 This is!?”, Looks at this, the Dongfang Yu's brow wrinkled the wrinkle. “这是!?”,看着这一幕,东方玉的眉头皱了皱。 What thing is this great Buddha? Actually can block the Heaven Seal offensive? Even if Tathagata Buddha, impossible unarmed block? 这一尊巨佛是什么东西?竟然能够挡住番天印的攻势?即便是如来佛祖,也不可能赤手空拳的挡住吧? Amitabha. 阿弥陀佛。 At Dongfang Yu looks at this, in the heart secretly the surprise the time, Buddha resounds together, at once sillhouette flew from big Thunderclap Temple together. 就在东方玉看着这一幕,心中正暗自诧异的时候,一道佛号响起,旋即一道人影从大雷音寺之中飞了出来。 Distant Buddha bugle call, actually gives people a strange feeling, as if likely is not a person start to talk, but is the good countless people simultaneously the start to talk speech to be likely ordinary, this feeling, is a little similar in original work Dragon Ball Son Goku|Sun Wukong and that feeling of Vegeta synthesis time. 悠远的佛号声,却给人一种怪异的感觉,似乎不像是一个人开口,而像是好无数人同时开口说话一般,这感觉,有点类似于原著龙珠孙悟空贝吉塔合体时候的那种感觉。 Dongfang Yu's vision, tight stares at this to present the form that held the eyeglasses on oneself bridge of the nose...... 东方玉的目光,紧紧的盯着这个出现的身影,扶了扶自己鼻梁上的眼镜……
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