PE :: Volume #34

#1545: Treads Spirit Mountain

Western Paradise Spirit Mountain, in immortal Buddha is also a palatial mountain, although this Journey to the West plane is World of day of round place, may in fact, this plane area be much broader than Earth. 西天灵山,在仙佛之中也算是一座巍峨的高山,虽说这西游位面是天圆地方的世界,可实际上,这个位面的面积却比地球还要宽广得多了。 Nature, this World mountain also huge, if the Mount Everest on Earth moves to this plane, cannot be regarded anything, compared with Wareiyama, simply looked like a small mound is at least similar. 自然,这个世界的高山也更加的庞大,地球上的珠穆朗玛峰如果搬到这个位面,也算不得什么,至少和灵山相比,简直就像是一个小土墩差不多了。 Vertical Cloud Technique displays, the Dongfang Yu's under foot is stepping on white auspicious cloud, speed is quick the fast incomparable, so-called speed of sound under Vertical Cloud Technique speed, appears very slow. 纵云术施展,东方玉的脚下踩着一朵白色的祥云,速度却快得迅捷无比,所谓的音速在纵云术速度之下,都显得非常缓慢。 , Dongfang Yu can see a palatial mountain by far float in the midair, on the mountain gold(en) Buddha's radiance is turbulent, to just to positive, is indistinct, the deep place of soul as if can also be able to hear the sound of intermittent imperial sacrifices singing. 远远的,东方玉就能够看到一座巍峨的高山悬浮于半空中,高山上金色佛光汹涌,至刚至阳,隐约间,灵魂的深处似乎也能够听得到一阵阵禅唱之声。 Big Thunderclap Temple! 雷音寺 Dongfang Yu's vision very good, distant can see a giant as if palace general temple, is situated in the summit of Spirit Mountain, the broad giant temple looks like imposing manner is broad, even if so-called Forbidden City, in front of this big Thunderclap Temple, is not anything, luxurious degree or area. 东方玉的视力非常的好,远远的就能看到一座巨大仿佛宫殿一般的寺庙,坐落于灵山之巅,恢弘巨大的寺庙看起来气势恢宏,即便是所谓的紫禁城,在这座大雷音寺面前,也不算什么,无论是奢华程度还是占地面积。 „Was this big Thunderclap Temple? Really worthily is legitimate Journey to the West plane, this big Thunderclap Temple looks like completely is different, Dongfang Yu looks at that big Thunderclap Temple from afar, in the heart mutters secretly thought. “这就是大雷音寺了吗?果然不愧是正统的西游位面,这大雷音寺看起来都完全不同啊”,远远的,东方玉看着那大雷音寺,心中喃喃暗道 Since came, naturally must greet first said again, Dongfang Yu entered the gene shackle fourth rank condition instantaneously, the energy value rose dramatically to enough more than 70,000 has the situations. 既然来了,自然是要先打个招呼再说了,东方玉瞬间进入了基因锁第四阶的状态,能量值跟着飙升到足足70000有余的地步。 Almost meanwhile, the Dongfang Yu's left eye changes to the Rinnegan shape, Dongfang Yu's mouth drinks lowly: Heaven Concealed (Tengai Shinsei)!”. 几乎同时,东方玉的左眼化作轮回眼的形态,东方玉的嘴里一声低喝:“天碍震星!”。 Bang! 轰! In Void, a huge incomparable spheroidal meteor appeared, has pounded toward that big Thunderclap Temple, the big Thunderclap Temple area is very big, is in this huge incomparable spheroidal meteor front, as before appears very tiny. 虚空之中,一颗巨大无比的球型陨星出现了,朝着那大雷音寺砸了过去,大雷音寺的占地面积是很大的,可是在这颗巨大无比的球型陨星的面前,依旧显得非常的渺小。 If this Heaven Concealed (Tengai Shinsei) volume looks like a basketball, then so-called big Thunderclap Temple, looked like a small cockroach is similar. 如果说这颗天碍震星的体积就像是一颗篮球的话,那么所谓的大雷音寺,就像是一只小小的蟑螂差不多了。 70,000 many energy values, are really outstanding, the meteor that my this Heaven Concealed (Tengai Shinsei) summoned, could the volume quickly overtake the Real World Moon?”. “70000多的能量值,果然不同凡响啊,我这天碍震星召唤出来的陨星,体积都快追得上现实世界的月球了吧?”。 Dongfang Yu looks that this volume huge to almost covered the entire horizon meteor, in the heart muttered secretly thought. 东方玉看着这一颗体积巨大到几乎完全遮盖了整个天际的陨星,心中喃喃暗道 The Hokage plane Uchiha Madara energy value 1,000-2,000, his Heaven Concealed (Tengai Shinsei) volume was also very big, now the Dongfang Yu's energy value went to 70,000 many situations, the volume of this meteor, could catch up in Real World seriously quickly the volume of Moon. 火影位面宇智波斑能量值也就一两千罢了,他的天碍震星体积就已经很大了,现在东方玉的能量值足足达到了70000多的地步,这陨星的体积,当真快赶得上现实世界中月球的体积了。 This move of Eye Technique, along with the promotion of Dongfang Yu energy value, under when production costs rise , prices rise too, endured to compare Journey to the West plane To Move Mountains to Fill the Seas divine ability. 这一招瞳技,随着东方玉能量值的提升,水涨船高之下,堪比西游位面移山填海神通了。 Dongfang Yu here sound is so huge, the big Thunderclap Temple Buddha and Bodhisattvas are impossible unable to feel, saw that this huge meteor toward the big Thunderclap Temple crush in the past, suddenly, a willow branch appeared, sees the willow branch that rises as if to change to together the towering willow tree against the wind. 东方玉这边的动静这么巨大,大雷音寺的佛陀和菩萨们不可能感受不到的,眼看着这颗巨大的陨星朝着大雷音寺碾压过去,突然,一根杨柳枝出现了,迎风见涨的柳枝仿佛化作一道参天的柳树。 Silk ribbons, dense and numerous Spider net as if, layer upon layer wrapped unexpectedly this huge incomparable meteor, the although innumerable willow branches stretched, but similarly, Dongfang Yu's this Heaven Concealed (Tengai Shinsei) Eye Technique was also blocked. 一条条丝绦,密密麻麻的仿佛蜘蛛网似的,竟然将这巨大无比的陨星层层包裹住了,虽然无数的柳枝绷断,但同样的,东方玉的这一颗天碍震星瞳技也被挡住了。 Amitabha, Donor Dongfang Yu, you come my big Thunderclap Temple to put forth this divine ability of technique of doing great things, is what meaning?” Together the form that at the same time, wears Bai Sha appeared, impressively is that Guan Yin. “阿弥陀佛,东方玉施主,你来我大雷音寺使出这移山之术的神通,是何意思?”,与此同时,一道身穿白纱的身影出现了,赫然是那观世音菩萨。 Sees only Guānyīn to grasp the jade only bottle in the hand, but in the jade bottle is inserting only the willow branch actually disappears, vision tight is staring at Dongfang Yu. 只见观音手持玉净瓶在手,不过玉净瓶中插着的杨柳枝却不见了,目光紧紧的盯着东方玉 89650. 89650。 The Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of Guanyin Buddha, about 90,000 energy values, let in the Dongfang Yu heart dark startled, the didn't expect this Guanyin Buddha energy value can also be this degree unexpectedly. 东方玉的目光落在观音菩萨的身上,90000左右的能量值,让东方玉心中暗惊,没想到观音菩萨能量值居然也能达到这个程度。 However thinks also right, strength that Guanyin Buddha in original work shows, is indeed higher than Son Goku|Sun Wukong plans, can have this strength, pours also in the reason. 不过想想也对,原著中的观音菩萨所展现出来的实力,的确是比孙悟空更高一筹的,能有这番实力,倒也在情理之中。 Amitabha......”, has not waited for Dongfang Yu start to talk to reply that Buddha bugle call overlapping resounding, at once, forms flew from big Thunderclap Temple. “阿弥陀佛……”,还没等东方玉开口回答,佛号声层层叠叠的响起,旋即,一个个身影从大雷音寺之中飞了出来。 Major Buddha and Bodhisattvas, body is rippling vigorous Buddha's radiance, these energy values of Buddha very high, generally over 70,000-80,000, even if the energy values of these Bodhisattvas is also very high, mostly over 40,000-50,000, takes a broad view to look, high-end military power of this Western Paradise Spirit Mountain, seems to be stronger than Heavenly Court. 各大佛陀和菩萨,身上都荡漾着浑厚的佛光,这些佛陀的能量值非常的高,普遍都在七八万以上,就算是那些菩萨的能量值也很高,大多都在四五万以上,放眼望去,这西天灵山的高端武力,比天庭似乎更强。 Naturally, Heavenly Court influence besides Jade Emperor [lineage/vein], other three Great Emperor, the synthesis looks like, big Thunderclap Temple influence strong in Jade Emperor [lineage/vein], is weak in four imperial Heavenly Court influence is right. 当然,天庭势力除了玉皇大帝一脉,还有其他三位大帝,综合看来,大雷音寺势力强于玉皇大帝的一脉,却又弱于四御的天庭势力的才对。 Moreover Jade Emperor as four imperial heads, to a certain extent, even can transfer strength of other three Great Emperor, after all the Lord of the Three Realms title, may not only be says. 而且玉皇大帝作为四御之首,在一定程度上,甚至可以调动其他三位大帝的力量,毕竟三界之主的称号,可不仅仅是说说而已。 Not anything, but you greeted, didn't expect your many people appeared, made me feel extremely flattered actually, looks the Buddha Realm high level that these presented that in Dongfang Yu heart dignified, but in the surface was actually the appearance that did not care about, even was bringing saying of happy expression. “没什么,只是和你们打个招呼罢了,没想到你们这么多人出现了,倒是让我受宠若惊呢”,看着这些出现的佛界高层,东方玉心中凝重,不过表面上却是不在意的模样,甚至带着笑意的说道。 bastard thing! divine ability of technique of doing great things attacks my Buddhism sacred place, is this greeting that you said? You already are Fiend Emperor, words that today walks into a trap, but others displayed exorcize demons divine ability on no wonder me, has executed a captured offender on the spot you. 混账东西!移山之术的神通攻击我佛教圣地,这就是你说的打招呼?你既为妖帝,今天自投罗网的话,可就莫怪我等施展降魔神通,将你就地正法了”。 Along with the Dongfang Yu's words, the appearance that this not cares, making in Buddhism high level have the color of being inwardly angry, some Buddha temperament are quite at once hot tempered, cannot bear loud scolding say. 随着东方玉的话,这毫不在意的模样,让佛教诸位高层面上都带着愠怒之色,旋即有的佛陀脾气比较暴躁一点,忍不住大声的呵斥道。 The high levels of Buddhism, look at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, in the look somewhat is having the angry look. 这些佛教的高层,看着东方玉的模样,眼神中多多少少的都带着怒色。 All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas controls World, so-called demon, under the suppression of god Buddha, the crevice seeks livehood actually, many strength powerful demon were even received as the mount, can be inferred, today, the dignity of Dongfang Yu provocation Buddhism, is makes all people think to stare dumbfounded unexpectedly blatantly seriously, insolent in this way, incredible. 诸天神佛掌控世界,所谓的妖魔,其实都在神佛的压制下,夹缝求生罢了,许多实力强大妖魔甚至被收为坐骑,可见一斑,今天,东方玉居然公然挑衅佛教的威严,当真是让所有人都觉得瞠目结舌,张狂如斯,让人难以置信。 Tathagata? Does he come? Was don't tell me previous time frightened by me?”, Dongfang Yu has not paid attention regarding scolding of this Buddha, conversely occupies a commanding position shouted to clear the way toward big Thunderclap Temple. “如来呢?他怎么来出来?难道上次被我打怕了吗?”,东方玉对于这个佛陀的呵斥并没有理会,反倒是居高临下的朝着大雷音寺喝道。 Many Buddha and Bodhisattvas appeared, Tathagata Buddha has not appeared, this makes Dongfang Yu think the surprise. 许多的佛陀和菩萨都出现了,偏偏如来佛祖没有出现,这让东方玉觉得诧异。 My Buddha Tathagata is the Lord of Buddhism, how could casual appearance? The common people all said that your Fiend Emperor divine ability how formidable, I must come to meet today actually you!”, Falls along with the Dongfang Yu's words, a Buddha walked, stares at Dongfang Yu to say. “我佛如来乃佛教之主,岂能随随便便的出现?世人皆道你妖帝神通如何强悍,今日我倒是要来会一会你!”,随着东方玉的话落,其中一个佛陀走了出来,盯着东方玉说道。 The voice falls, ejects a exorcize demons pestle, changes to shining Buddha's radiance, the overhead pounds together toward the Dongfang Yu's head. 话音落下,抛出一根降魔杵,化作一道金灿灿的佛光,当头朝着东方玉的脑袋砸下来。 The billowing Buddha strength, the exorcize demons pestle has not fallen, the formidable Buddha strength has twined on the Dongfang Yu's body, lets appearance that he cannot move. 滚滚佛力,降魔杵还没落下,强悍的佛力就已经缠绕上了东方玉的身子,让他动弹不得的样子。 This Buddha, Dongfang Yu, although does not know his status, but looks at the energy value, pours also more than 70,000, strength is good, Dongfang Yu looks at the exorcize demons pestle that the overhead pounds, eyes narrows the eyes slightly, at once jet black such as the material of black ink covers the Dongfang Yu's whole body, the whole person looked at the past, looked like the black steel and iron has constructed generally. 这个佛陀,东方玉虽不知道他的身份,但是看能量值,倒也有70000多,实力还算不错,东方玉看着当头砸下来的降魔杵,眼睛微微眯起,旋即一层漆黑如墨的物质覆盖了东方玉的全身,整个人看过去,就像是黑色的钢铁浇筑了一般。 When! 当! A bang, the sound of writings clash of metal, see only that exorcize demons pestle pounding maliciously on the Dongfang Yu's head, collapsed a big piece of spark unexpectedly, but the Dongfang Yu mark silk has not actually moved, withstood with mortal body completely this has struck. 一声巨响,金铁交鸣之声大作,只见那降魔杵狠狠的砸在东方玉的脑袋上,竟然崩出了一大片的火花,而东方玉却纹丝未动,用肉身完完整整的承受了这一击。 „Is this? Indestructible Vajra divine ability?”, Looks at Dongfang Yu to eat the attack of oneself, has sent the lossless appearance, this Buddha stared in a big way eyes, surprised saying. “这是?金刚不坏神通吗?”,看着东方玉吃了自己的攻击,毫发无损的模样,这个佛陀瞪大了眼睛,吃惊的说道。 First is divine ability of technique of move of doing great things, is Indestructible Vajra Body, how many divine ability this does Dongfang Yu understand? 先是一招移山之术的神通,跟着又是金刚不坏之身,这东方玉到底懂得多少的神通 Um, the might is good, the words such being the case, you also eat me, as soon as strikes!”, With the oneself more than 70,000 energy values Armoring Haki withstood opposite side to strike, at once Dongfang Yu puts out a hand, puts out a club, the peak of club had a garnet evil blood bead, this was Dongfang Yu's Soul Devouring Stick. “嗯,威力还不错,既然如此的话,你也吃我一击吧!”,用自己70000多能量值所化的装甲色霸气承受了对方一击,旋即东方玉伸手,拿出了一根棒子,棒子的顶端有一颗暗红色的邪恶血珠,这正是东方玉的噬魂棒 figure moves, the Dongfang Yu as if twinkling migration bullied the front of this Buddha, Soul Devouring Stick in hand has raised near, illuminated the head of opposite side to pound directly. 身形一动,东方玉仿佛瞬息移动般的欺近了这个佛陀的面前,手中的噬魂棒扬起,直接照着对方的脑袋砸了下来。 Be careful!”, Looked that Dongfang Yu bullied this Buddha directly, nearby several Buddhism high-level complexions changed, start to talk called out. “小心!”,看东方玉直接欺进了这个佛陀,旁边的几位佛教高层脸色一变,开口叫道。 The response of this Buddha is also quick, cassock agitation, looks like an inflation of balloon, covers this Buddha whole body completely, likely is a red big rubber ball. 这个佛陀的反应也很快,身上的袈裟鼓动,就像是一个气球似的膨胀,将这个佛陀周身全部笼罩,像是一个红色的大皮球。 Dongfang Yu's Soul Devouring Stick pounds on this cassock, the Buddha strength circulation, making this cassock undercut, wore away the rock with water. 东方玉的噬魂棒砸在这袈裟上面,佛力流转,让这个袈裟下陷了一些,以柔克刚。 My attack, this is can it be that easy to block?”, Looks at this Buddha cassock, Dongfang Yu smiles, the strength is stronger three points. “我的攻击,岂是这个容易挡住的?”,看着这个佛陀身上的袈裟,东方玉嘿嘿一笑,力道更强三分。 At once sound of the crack cotton gets up, the cassock of this Buddha had been staved by Soul Devouring Stick directly, garnet blood bead head, pounds directly on the head of this Buddha. 旋即一阵裂棉之声响起,这个佛陀的袈裟直接被噬魂棒敲破了,暗红色的血珠这一头,直接砸在这个佛陀的脑袋上。 The pitiful yell sound gets up, the Buddha blood of gold(en) splashes in all directions, Dongfang Yu's Soul Devouring Stick has destroyed the head of this Buddha directly, in the meantime, Soul Devouring Stick crazy derives the soul and blood essence of this Buddha, the gluttony grand feast is common. 惨叫声起,金色的佛血四处飞溅,东方玉的噬魂棒直接将这个佛陀的脑袋砸破了,同时,噬魂棒疯狂的汲取这个佛陀的灵魂和精血,饕餮盛宴一般。 Bold!”, Saw that this, how other Buddhism high levels can stand by, instantaneous four Bodhisattva take action, threw toward Dongfang Yu. “大胆!”,眼看着这一幕,其他的佛教高层如何能够袖手旁观,瞬间四位菩萨出手,朝着东方玉扑了过来。 Ahem, compared with population? Good!”, Feels these four strength powerful Bodhisattvas, the Dongfang Yu corners of the mouth is raising slightly, grasps Soul Devouring Stick to be motionless, another hand ties seal. “哼哼,比人数吗?那好!”,感受着这四位实力强大的菩萨,东方玉嘴角微微一扬,一手持着噬魂棒不动,另外一只手结印。 Instantaneous, enough eight each one Dongfang Yu's Shadow Clone appeared, moved forward to meet somebody toward these four Bodhisattvas. 瞬间,足足八个个东方玉的影分身出现了,朝着这四个菩萨迎了上去。 This is!? Outside body incarnation divine ability?”, Looks to present eight exactly the same Dongfang Yu, many Buddhism high levels were scared. “这是!?身外化身的神通吗?”,看着出现了八个一模一样的东方玉,不少佛教高层已经傻眼了。 Actually this is Dongfang Yu what origin? Also obtains enlightenment where practice? To be how strong so fearfully. 东方玉究竟是何来历?又是在何处修炼得道的?怎会强得如此可怕。 So far, To Move Mountains to Fill the Seas, outside Indestructible Vajra Body and body the incarnation, he has displayed three divine ability. 目前为止,移山填海,金刚不坏之身和身外化身,他已经施展了三门神通了啊。 Common immortal Buddha can build divine ability in a big way already being enough reputation chirp, but does Dongfang Yu simultaneously shoulder three divine ability unexpectedly? 寻常仙佛能修成一门神通就已经足以名声大噪了,可东方玉居然同时肩负三门神通 Who knows in addition, does he have other divine ability? 谁知道除此之外,他是否还有其他的神通啊?
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