PE :: Volume #34

#1544: New magic weapon

Dongfang Yu earnest is staring at Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, is waiting for his reply, oneself, although has the little friendship with Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, but, for this little friendship, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch helps oneself handle these many matters, this is impossible. 东方玉认真的盯着太上老君,等着他的回答,自己虽说和太上老君有一点点交情,但是,为了这一点点的交情,太上老君自己做这么多的事情,这是不可能的。 I want anything......”, hear speech/words, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch hesitates slightly. “我想要什么啊……”,闻言,太上老君微微沉吟。 Regarding him, to his present status and status, his oneself ability, in Three Realms and Six Paths the thing that he wants, was almost extremely easy to obtain, what wanted from Dongfang Yu's? 对于他而言,到了他现在的身份和地位,还有他自己能力,三界六道之中他想要的东西,几乎都唾手可得了,从东方玉的身上想要什么? Has thought a moment later, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch shakes the head saying: So far, my also didn't expect anything thing is you can my, naturally I from your body had not noticed that any thing is worth me moving. 思索了片刻之后,太上老君摇摇头说道:“目前为止,我还没想到什么东西是你能给我的,当然我也没从你的身上看到什么东西是值得我动心的”。 Good, the matter was then more troublesome......”, regarding Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch these words, Dongfang Yu shakes the head secretly. “好吧,这下事情更麻烦了……”,对于太上老君的这番话,东方玉暗自摇摇头。 If only the pure transaction, now criticizes, but Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch what requests not to raise, this was the favour, on World what debt was most difficult also? Isn't the debt of gratitude? 如果只是单纯的交易的话,现在就清算了也罢,可太上老君什么要求都不提的话,这就是人情了,世界上什么样的债最难还?不就是人情债吗? That many thanks, I have owed you a person sentiment, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded), has not said anything again. “那多谢了,我欠你一个人情”,东方玉点头,没有再多说什么了。 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch is with smile on the face, nods the head slightly, obviously, so long as there is Dongfang Yu these words to be enough. 太上老君面带笑容,微微颔首,显然,只要有东方玉这句话就足够了。 Has not talked too much, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch direct take action, starts to use oneself Eight Trigrams Furnace, is the body of Bai Feifei concise God Fire, in the meantime, Bai Feifei True Spirit is also tumbling in Eight Trigrams Furnace, like a fish in water, very carefree appearance. 没有多言,太上老君直接出手,开始动用自己八卦炉,为白菲菲凝练一具神火之躯,同时,白菲菲真灵也在八卦炉中翻滚着,如鱼得水,非常畅快的模样。 Regarding Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, controlled the fire ability to reach the peak, the body of concise God Fire, was not the how difficult matter, but was the time of consumption is quite long. 对于太上老君而言,控火的能力是达到了巅峰的,凝练一具神火之躯,也不是多么困难的事情,只不过是耗费的时间比较长罢了。 Has spent 774 ten Ninth Heaven time, finally, in Eight Trigrams Furnace, a wonderful graceful form has taken shape, finally, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch takes back oneself flame, Eight Trigrams Furnace opens, sillhouette leaps from Eight Trigrams Furnace together. 花了774十九天的时间,终于,在八卦炉中,一具妙曼的身影成型了,最后,太上老君收回自己火焰,八卦炉打开,一道人影八卦炉中一跃而出。 In appearance, with Bai Feifei before death time does not have the difference, seeks the ordinary person estimate unable to see the change of Bai Feifei, the same causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, the similar bearing is graceful, but, Dongfang Yu can actually feel on Bai Feifei that huge but burning hot Aura. 容貌上,和白菲菲生前的时候没有差别,寻常人估计看不出白菲菲的变化,同样的倾国倾城,同样的气度优雅,不过,东方玉却能感受到白菲菲身上那庞大而炙热的气息 You resurrected finally, later isn't this matter competent knows? Otherwise, I rather die, looks that Bai Feifei resurrected successfully, on the Dongfang Yu face is having the joyful color, but at once, the facial color sinks, earnest saying. “你终于复活了,以后这种事情千万不能干知道吗?否则,我宁愿死”,看着白菲菲成功复活了,东方玉脸上带着欣喜之色,但旋即,面色一沉,认真的说道。 Um, regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, the meaning that Bai Feifei has not argued, but softness looks at Dongfang Yu, nod(ded), complied slightly. “嗯”,对于东方玉的话,白菲菲也没有丝毫争辩的意思,只是柔情似水的看着东方玉,微微点头,答应了下来。 You......”, looked the appearance that Bai Feifei this is soft, Dongfang Yu also knows she has not listened, but Bai Feifei this clever appearance, oneself could not say the harsh language. “你……”,看白菲菲这柔情似水的模样,东方玉也知道她没有听下去,可白菲菲这乖巧的模样,自己也说不出重话。 Silent the moment, Dongfang Yu earnest said to Bai Feifei slightly: Do not be perfunctory, but must achieve, otherwise, later I rather make you treat at home, did not lead you to go out. 微微沉默了片刻,东方玉认真对白菲菲说道:“你不要敷衍,而是要做到,否则的话,以后我宁愿让你待在家里,不带你出门了”。 This, Bai Feifei did not have the means again maintains that graceful appearance, the complexion slightly changed, was not angry, but the plaintive appearance looks at Dongfang Yu, said: You deceive me, you had said before, will be leading me, does not leave not abandoned. 这一下,白菲菲再也没办法保持那优雅的模样了,脸色微微一变,也不生气,只是哀怨的模样看着东方玉,道:“你骗我,你以前说过,会带着我,不离不弃的”。 Coughs, always said that my also a little matter, first walked, looked at Dongfang Yu and Bai Feifei two cordiality thick appearances, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch coughed gently several, at once start to talk said. “咳咳咳,老道我还有点事情,先走了”,看东方玉白菲菲两个情意浓浓的模样,太上老君轻轻的咳了几下,旋即开口说道。 This time Dongfang Yu and Bai Feifei have not paid attention to his meaning, but shakes the head, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch turned around to leave this refine the pill of immortality room. 只是,这个时候的东方玉白菲菲都没有理会他的意思,无奈摇摇头,太上老君转身离开了这炼丹室。 Bulma stands in the side, looks at Bai Feifei resurrecting, in the heart was also very happy that but, looks at their appearances, Bulma first time thought that oneself became the outsider seemed to be ordinary, cannot insert, as if oneself has become third party, stood here, remained is not, went is not. 布玛站在身旁,看着白菲菲复活,心中也很高兴的,只是,看着他们两人的模样,布玛第一次觉得自己似乎成了局外人一般,插不进去,似乎自己成了第三者似的,站在这边,留也不是,去也不是。 Was good because of this time, Bai Feifei turned head, looks to arrive in nearby Bulma, on the face is having the temperate smiling face: Bulma, you were all right were good, I also really think that this time our three people must part forever. 好在这个时候,白菲菲回过头来,看到了站在一旁的布玛,脸上带着温和的笑容:“布玛,你没事太好了,我还真以为这次我们三个人要永别了呢”。 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch left the refine the pill of immortality room, static sitting, does not know that is thinking anything, nearby two young lads, is busy the respective matter. 太上老君离开了炼丹室,静静的坐着,也不知道在想些什么,旁边两个童子,也都在忙着各自的事情。 Roughly crossed for dozen minutes, the Dongfang Yu three people went out of the refine the pill of immortality room, Dongfang Yu sat in the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch front, said: Elderly Monarch, that side Jade Emperor, should we go to one?”. 约莫过了十几分钟的时间,东方玉三人走出了炼丹室,东方玉坐在太上老君的面前,道:“老君,玉皇大帝那边,我们该去走一遭了吧?”。 Obviously, Dongfang Yu is also keeping thinking about treasure on Jade Emperor, before had said that Jade Emperor should give the oneself compensation. 显然,东方玉这边还惦记着玉皇大帝手上的宝贝呢,之前就说过,玉皇大帝该给自己补偿的。 Did not use, Your Majesty he does not want to see you, was only, regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch actually shook the head. “不用去了,陛下他不想见到你”,只是,对于东方玉的话,太上老君却摇摇头。 During the speeches, throws a thing conveniently, falls in front of Dongfang Yu's, said: „After this is I and Your Majesty discussed that decides to give your thing, according to the meaning of Your Majesty, you took the thing to walk, do not come Heavenly Court to be best for a lifetime. 说话间,随手丢出一物,落在东方玉的面前,道:“这是我和陛下商量之后,决定送给你的东西,按陛下的意思,你拿了东西就走吧,一辈子都别来天庭最好”。 What thing?”, Regarding the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch words, Dongfang Yu has not paid attention, the mind places on the thing that Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch loses. “什么东西?”,对于太上老君的话,东方玉没有关注,心神都放在太上老君丢出来的东西上。 The hand is holding this thing carefully, Dongfang Yu is sizing up, originally is a side palm of the hand big little seal, looks like the actually fine exquisite appearance, above portrays mountain peak pattern, looks like the vivid and lifelike appearance. 手捧着这个物件,东方玉仔细的打量着,原来是一方巴掌大的小印,看起来倒是精致小巧的模样,上面刻画着山峰图纹,看起来栩栩如生的模样。 Has sized up the moment carefully, in the situation in this little seal, is carving the large characters of two seal characters: Day. 仔细的打量了片刻,在这小印的地步,刻着两个篆体的大字:“番天”。 This, is it possible that is......”, looks at little seal in oneself hand, in the Dongfang Yu heart moves, being pleasantly surprised looks at Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, said: Is it possible that this is Heaven Seal?”. “这个,莫非是……”,看着自己手中的小印,东方玉心中一动,又惊又喜的看着太上老君,道:“这块莫非就是番天印吗?”。 Good, the hearsay antiquity time, the fire god wished the fusion water deity labor anger to touch Ethereal Mountain, so that the day leaned the northwest, southeast subsidence of the earth, small truncation Ethereal Mountain that touched, then by refining was Heaven Seal, urged this seal, may change to trillion even strengths, the god demon was difficult to keep off, can you satisfy?”, nod(ded), Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch start to talk replied slightly, has verified the suspicion in Dongfang Yu heart. “不错,传闻上古时期,火神祝融和水神共工怒触不周山,以致天倾西北,地陷东南,其中触断的小截不周山,便被炼化为番天印,驱使此印,可化作亿万均的力道,神魔难挡,你可满意?”,微微点头,太上老君开口答道,也算是印证了东方玉心中的猜想。 Heaven Seal, this was a very famous magic weapon, Dongfang Yu didn't expect Jade Emperor actually will take this treasure, but thinks also right, on the same day a war, oneself routs Tathagata, thus moved the world, from oneself strength and prestige, present oneself can be said as in Three Realms and Six Paths topest can greatly one. 天印,这可是一件非常出名的法宝了,东方玉没想到玉皇大帝竟然会将此宝拿出来,不过想想也对,当日一战,自己大败如来,从而名动天下,从自己实力和声望上来看,现在的自己可以说是三界六道中最顶尖的大能之一了。 To the oneself thing, if quality were too bad, how to be justified? 自己的东西,若是品质太差了的话,怎么都说不过去吧? Heaven Seal, although of this magic weapon in Journey to the West has not appeared, however in the war of that god, is actually treasure that the crest of wave is big, in sealing the war of god, finally also defeats under Five Directions Flag. 天印,这件法宝在西游记虽然没出现过,但是在那封神之战中,却是风头大出的宝贝,在封神之战中,最后也只是败在五方旗之下罢了。 Well, wait / etc.? Five Directions Flag? Before a Heavenly Court war, Jade Emperor had an apricot yellow pennant, can resist including oneself strongest Energy Wave, is it possible that was of fifth heavenly stem oneself Apricot Yellow Banner that Five Directions Flag? 咦,等等?五方旗?之前天庭一战,玉皇大帝有一面杏黄色的小旗,连自己最强的气功波都能抵挡,莫非就是那五方旗之一的戊己杏黄旗 No wonder, Jade Emperor has grasped Apricot Yellow Banner, but Apricot Yellow Banner restrains this Heaven Seal strength, no wonder Jade Emperor bestowed this Heaven Seal to oneself, read and this, Dongfang Yu understands finally why Jade Emperor will give oneself this Fang Fan Heaven Seal. “难怪了,玉帝手持杏黄旗,而杏黄旗又克制这番天印力量,难怪玉帝赐下了这番天印自己”,一念及此,东方玉总算明白为何玉帝会给自己这一方番天印了。 The magic weapon repels one another, this truth Dongfang Yu understands, looks like the war of that god, Yin-Yang Mirror dies according to the life, nobody may keep off, can avoid besides Nezha of lotus flower incarnation, other people all are not that Yin-Yang Mirror match, finally invited Primal Chaos Chart, this has restrained Yin-Yang Mirror strength. 法宝相克,这个道理东方玉还是懂的,就像是那封神之战,阴阳镜照人生死,无人可挡,除了莲花化身的哪吒可以避免之外,其他的人全都不是那阴阳镜的对手,最后还是请出了太极图,这才克制了阴阳镜力量 The nature, Jade Emperor Apricot Yellow Banner restrains Heaven Seal strength exactly, therefore then chose has delivered oneself Heaven Seal this side treasure? Also after is guarding against oneself , to continue with Heaven Seal for calamity Heavenly Court? 自然,玉皇大帝杏黄旗恰好克制番天印力量,所以这才选择了送自己天印这方宝贝吗?也算是防备着自己以后用番天印继续为祸天庭吗? Regarding the Jade Emperor thoughts, Dongfang Yu can guess to obtain 12 approximately, but, Dongfang Yu does not care but actually, so long as Heavenly Court does not provoke oneself on own initiative, oneself did not have the thoughts and Heavenly Court battle. 对于玉皇大帝的心思,东方玉大致能猜得出12,不过,东方玉倒也不在意,只要天庭不主动招惹自己的话,自己也没心思和天庭争斗了。 No matter how, this Heaven Seal was also side supreme treasure, later oneself walked randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms, this treasure believes that can play the huge role. 不管如何,这番天印也算是一方至宝了,以后自己游走诸天万界,这宝贝相信能发挥出巨大的作用。 Although from the prestige can, Executing Immortal Flying Blade be perhaps stronger than Heaven Seal, however, oneself Executing Immortal Flying Blade only then this legal copy Journey to the West plane Executing Immortal Flying Blade some prestige energies, with Heaven Seal of this most flourishing condition, do not have the commeasurability. 虽说从威能上来看,斩仙飞刀或许比番天印还强,然而,自己斩仙飞刀只有这正版西游记位面斩仙飞刀的部分威能,和这全盛状态的番天印,是没有可比性的。 Good treasure, such being the case, I also to have the matter to manage, am unsuitable to stay for a long time, the matter of this processing also processed similarly, treasure has also taken, the meaning that Dongfang Yu has not kept again, start to talk said goodbye to say to Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch. “好宝贝,既然如此,我还有事情要办,不便久留”,该处理的事情也都处理得差不多了,宝贝也已经拿到手了,东方玉没有再留下来的意思了,开口太上老君告辞说道。 Um, regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch nod(ded), the meaning of not having detained. “嗯”,对于东方玉的话,太上老君点头,没有挽留的意思。 Wait / Etc., I want to stay here......”, when Dongfang Yu and Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch said goodbye, the preparation left, Bulma actually suddenly start to talk. “等等,我想留在这里……”,只是,就当东方玉太上老君告辞,准备离开的时候,布玛却突然开口了。 „Can you remain?”, The choice of Bulma, lets the Dongfang Yu surprise actually visits her, has not expected her to choose completely like this. “你要留下来?”,布玛的选择,倒是让东方玉诧异的看着她,完全没有料到她会这样选择。 Good, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch the law of refiner I am interested, now just crossed the threshold . Moreover the laws of these refiners have very big inspiration to me, I want many to learn one from him study, hear speech/words, Bulma numerous nod(ded) said. “不错,太上老君的炼器之法我非常感兴趣,现在才只是刚刚入门罢了,而且这些炼器之法对我有很大的启发,我想多跟着他学一学”,闻言,布玛重重的点头说道。 Good, later asked Elderly Monarch you to look after much. “那好吧,以后就请老君你多多照料了”。 Since Bulma has decided that moreover Tushita Palace here, wants to come not to be a problem safely, Dongfang Yu has hesitated the moment, selected nod(ded) to comply. 既然布玛已经决定了,而且在兜率宫这里,想来安全是不成问题的,东方玉沉吟了片刻,也就点点头答应了。 Relax, Miss Bulma that so-called science, the old [say / way] is interested similarly very much, hear speech/words, on the face of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch is having the happy expression, obviously to the decision that Bulma keeps, he is also happy. “放心,布玛小姐那所谓的科学,老道同样很感兴趣”,闻言,太上老君的脸上带着笑意,显然对布玛留下来的决定,他也非常开心的。 After Dongfang Yu and Bulma said goodbye, bringing Bai Feifei to leave Heavenly Court together. 东方玉布玛告别了一番之后,带着白菲菲一起离开了天庭 At once, Dongfang Yu makes Bai Feifei go to Flowers and Fruits Mountain to oversee for the time being, manages the Flowers and Fruits Mountain matters concerned, nod(ded), Bai Feifei had not said slightly that figure moves, from the sky has delimited together radiant flame, flew in the Flowers and Fruits Mountain direction. 旋即,东方玉白菲菲暂且去花果山坐镇,主持花果山的事宜,微微点头,白菲菲也没多说,身形移动,在空中划过一道璀璨的火焰,往花果山的方向飞去了。 As for Dongfang Yu, the vision looked to the direction of Western Paradise Spirit Mountain, Vertical Cloud Technique has displayed, like lightning threw in the direction of Spirit Mountain. 至于东方玉,目光望向了西天灵山的方向,纵云术施展,闪电般的朝着灵山的方向扑了过去。 At this time, oneself should also go to big Thunderclap Temple to walk one, Heaven Seal that this just succeeded in obtaining, can be familiar while this opportunity well. 这个时候,自己也该去大雷音寺走一遭了,这刚到手的番天印,也可以趁此机会好好的熟悉熟悉了。 Also does not know that big Thunderclap Temple, how many times can block Heaven Seal to pound? 也不知道那大雷音寺,能挡住番天印砸几次的?
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