PE :: Volume #34

#1543: The body of God Fire

Tushita Palace, Eight Trigrams Furnace. 兜率宫,八卦炉 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch static sitting by Eight Trigrams Furnace, in the furnace green Samadhi True Fire is burning, this top Samadhi True Fire looks like did not think how berserk, on the contrary, dyes unexpectedly to the person a quiet feeling, what degree obviously the control strength of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch to this Samadhi True Fire has been. 太上老君静静的坐在八卦炉旁,炉中青色的三昧真火燃烧着,这顶尖的三昧真火看起来并不觉得如何的狂暴,相反,竟染是给人一种静谧的感觉,可见太上老君对这三昧真火的掌控力已经达到了什么样的程度。 However, although static combustion of Samadhi True Fire in Eight Trigrams Furnace, but this Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch with the Eight Trigrams Furnace refine the pill of immortality or is not a refiner, on the contrary, in this Eight Trigrams Furnace, wisp of True Spirit, like a fish in water has a good swim. 不过,虽说三昧真火正在八卦炉中静静的燃烧着,但这次太上老君并非是用八卦炉炼丹或者是炼器,相反,在这八卦炉中,有一缕真灵,如鱼得水般正在其中畅游。 Samadhi True Fire, is in the world one of the topest God Fire, no matter what firm material, Samadhi True Fire almost can cremate, in original work that Son Goku|Sun Wukong achievement Indestructible Vajra Body, the blade axe difficult wound, Thunder Huo not to invade, finally but, invests in Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch Eight Trigrams Furnace in every possible way. 三昧真火,乃是天地之间最顶尖的神火之一,不管是何种坚固的材料,三昧真火几乎都能烧化,原著中那孙悟空成就金刚不坏之身,刀斧难伤,雷火不侵,最后百般无奈之下,投入太上老君八卦炉中。 Obviously this Samadhi True Fire has the ruinous thing compared with that sword and Thunder Huogeng. 可见这三昧真火是比那刀剑和雷火更具毁灭性的东西。 However, here actually wisp of True Spirit can survive in Samadhi True Fire, even is like a fish in water? If other god Buddha know that believes definitely will stare dumbfounded. 然而,这里却有一缕真灵能在三昧真火之中存活,甚至如鱼得水?若是有其他神佛知道,相信必然会瞠目结舌。 Bai Feifei......”, the Bulma complexion, having the complex look to look in Eight Trigrams Furnace. 白菲菲……”,布玛的脸色,带着复杂的神色看着八卦炉中。 Regarding matter that the same day war has, Bulma naturally also hears, perhaps others do not know significance that Bai Feifei gives one's life, but Bulma is actually very clear, she by the oneself life, is Dongfang Yu strives changes the body Super Saiyan turning point. 对于当日一战发生的事情,布玛自然也听说了的,别人或许不知道白菲菲殉身的意义,但布玛却是非常清楚的,她是以自己的生命,为东方玉争取变身超级赛亚人的契机。 Can pay with the oneself life for Dongfang Yu, this makes touching in Bulma heart very big, in the heart admires, is grumbles such as the feeling. 能为了东方玉付出自己的生命,这让布玛心中的触动很大,心中又是敬佩,又是自叹弗如的感觉。 No matter no wonder, how Dongfang Yu is not willing to leave Bai Feifei, treats her girl like, Dongfang Yu, if disappoints her, the animal is inferior? 难怪,东方玉不管如何也不愿意离开白菲菲,果然,像这样对待她的女孩子,东方玉如果辜负她的话,岂不是禽兽不如吗? Looks in the furnace only remaining wisp of True Spirit Bai Feifei, in the Bulma mind has cannot help but flashed through the same day first meeting the time, Bai Feifei draws the words that oneself was speaking. 看着炉中只剩下一缕真灵白菲菲,布玛的脑海中不由得闪过了当日第一次见面的时候,白菲菲拉着自己说的话。 At that time was afraid Dongfang Yu to clamp between two people are difficult to do, Bai Feifei opened all person intentionally, but alone and oneself chatted. 当时害怕东方玉夹在两个人中间难做,白菲菲故意把所有的人都支开了,只是单独和自己聊天。 At that time, Bai Feifei only said that her oneself is only a traveler in Dongfang Yu life, finally, oneself will be accompanying Dongfang Yu for a long time, the time will prove all. 当时,白菲菲只说她自己只是东方玉生命中的一个过客,最后,还是自己会长长久久的陪伴着东方玉,时间会证明一切。 The initial talk, was Bai Feifei regresses actually, this made Bulma not have a fit of temper to Dongfang Yu, but at that time, Bulma does not know that Bai Feifei so-called oneself was only a traveler in Dongfang Yu life what's the matter. 当初的谈话,其实是白菲菲退步了的,这才让布玛没有对东方玉发脾气,但当时,布玛是不知道白菲菲所谓的自己只是东方玉生命中的一个过客是怎么回事。 Now, looks at the wisp of True Spirit in Eight Trigrams Furnace, Bulma understands. 现在,看着八卦炉中的这一缕真灵,布玛明白了。 If not for Bai Feifei practice God Fire Art, the soul has changed to Samadhi True Fire exactly, if not for exactly then Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch happen to side, moved the compassion, she already already the soul flies away and scatters. 若不是恰好白菲菲修炼神火诀,灵魂化作三昧真火,若不是恰好当时的太上老君正好在旁边,又动了恻隐之心的话,她早就已经魂飞魄散了。 Originally, in very when is very early, did Bai Feifei prepare for is Dongfang Yu offers oneself life? 原来,在很在很早的时候,白菲菲做好了为东方玉献出自己生命的准备了吗? Bulma, has sentiment to Dongfang Yu, this sentiment very sincere, Dongfang Yu even is her first love, but, contrasts Bai Feifei to the Dongfang Yu's sentiment, Bulma thought that the oneself sentiment is too weak, too superficial a point, is only the Young Miss pure sentiment, cannot compare Bai Feifei completely like this profoundly, like this earthshaking, such remembering with eternal gratitude. 布玛,对东方玉也有感情,这感情非常的真挚,东方玉甚至是她的初恋,可是,对比白菲菲东方玉的感情,布玛觉得自己的感情太幼稚,太肤浅了一点,只是小姑娘单纯的感情,完全比不上白菲菲这样的深刻,这样的惊天动地,这样的刻骨铭心。 I am inferior to her, static looks in Eight Trigrams Furnace Bai Feifei the wisp of True Spirit, in the heart of Bulma mutters secretly thought. “我不如她”,静静的看着八卦炉白菲菲的这一缕真灵,布玛的心中喃喃暗道 In her mind also first time reappeared such idea, even was facing Bai Feifei, Bulma thought to feel inferior, oneself could not be joined to the Dongfang Yu's feeling. 她的脑海中也第一次浮现出了这样的想法,甚至面对着白菲菲,布玛觉得自惭形秽,自己配不上东方玉的感觉。 Child, opens the door to receive a guest......”, when here in the Bulma innermost feelings indulges in flights of fancy, suddenly, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch start to talk said. “童儿,去开门迎客……”,就在这边布玛的内心中胡思乱想的时候,突然,太上老君开口说道。 Along with the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch words, by this Eight Trigrams Furnace two young lad nod(ded), the surprised color to Tushita Palace entrance, has seen only a man gently wear a look, on the bridge of the nose wears eyeglasses, has arrived at Tushita Palace entrance exactly. 随着太上老君的话,这八卦炉旁的两个童子轻轻点头,面带惊讶之色到了兜率宫门口,只见一个男子,鼻梁上戴着一副眼镜,恰好走到了兜率宫门口 East... Dongfang Yu......”, looks that this appears in the Tushita Palace entrance man, these two young lad complexions cannot help but change, almost yelled makes noise, but the sound the mouth, actually turned but actually has stuttered. “东…东方玉……”,看着这个出现在兜率宫门口的男子,这两个童子脸色不由得一变,差点大叫出声,不过声音倒了嘴边,却是变成了结结巴巴的。 although before Dongfang Yu Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, he regularly comes in this Tushita Palace, but present can Dongfang Yu be the same with beforehand him? 虽然早在东方玉大闹天宫之前,他就隔三差五的来这兜率宫中,可现在的东方玉和之前的他能一样吗? Beforehand Dongfang Yu is that Great Sage Equal of Heaven swears brotherhood Younger Brother, itself unknown, but now, in Three Realms and Six Paths who doesn't know the Fiend Emperor Dongfang Yu's given name? Could he at this time be said as number one enemy of immortal Buddha? Does didn't expect dare to come in this Tushita Palace unexpectedly? 之前的东方玉不过是那齐天大圣的结拜兄弟罢了,本身名不见经传,可现在,三界六道之中谁不知道妖帝东方玉的名号?他这个时候可以说是仙佛的头号大敌吧?没想到居然敢来这兜率宫中? Elderly Monarch in inside?”, Swept in front of oneself two young lads, Dongfang Yu start to talk asked. 老君在里面吗?”,扫了一眼自己面前的两个童子,东方玉开口问道。 Saw that the Dongfang Yu's look is tranquil, on the meaning of take action, these two young lads slightly was not relieved immediately. 眼看东方玉的神色平静,并没有马上就出手的意思,这两个童子稍稍安心了一些。 Remembered again is just Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch made them open the door, obviously already knew Dongfang Yu must come, nod(ded) that these two young lads were too busy, welcomed in Dongfang Yu the access. 再想起刚刚是太上老君让他们来开门的,显然是早就知道了东方玉要来,这两个童子忙不迭的点头,将东方玉迎接入内。 With long hurried strides, Dongfang Yu walks directly toward this Tushita Palace, in this Tushita Palace Dongfang Yu is not first time came, naturally has a familiar task and handles it with ease. 大步流星的,东方玉直接往这兜率宫中走进来,这兜率宫东方玉已经不是第一次来了,自然是驾轻就熟的。 Beforehand Dongfang Yu, facing Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch of 100,000 over energy values, in heart somewhat somewhat is anxious and constrained, but now, is actually with long hurried strides, absolutely does not have the slight pressure. 只是以前的东方玉,面对100000出头能量值的太上老君,心中多多少少的都有些紧张和拘束,但现在,却是大步流星的,完全没有丝毫的压力。 Present Dongfang Yu, can say that had and qualifications of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch equal dialog, this is the transformation that strength brings. 现在的东方玉,可以说拥有了和太上老君平等对话的资格了,这都是实力带来的转变。 Arrives at the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch front, Dongfang Yu has not wasted the time the meaning, first is Bulma supports, has comforted her several in a low voice, obviously these days Bulma in worrying crossed. 来到太上老君的面前,东方玉并没有浪费时间的意思,先是和布玛相拥,低声的安慰了她几句,显然这些日子布玛都是在担忧中渡过。 Also, initially war time, Android Xiaohong of Bulma improvement also indeed has played fully the huge role, if not for Android Xiaohong killed at that time, how could Dongfang Yu does shake off the fetter of that Monster Executioner Stage? Four chains had been pulled apart by the Xiaohong violence, this makes Dongfang Yu get out of trouble. 再说了,当初大战的时候,布玛全力改良的人造人小红也的确是发挥了巨大的作用,若不是当时人造人小红杀出来,东方玉岂能挣脱那斩妖台的束缚?四条锁链都被小红暴力扯断了,这才让东方玉脱困。 Supports the moment with Bulma, said again in a low voice after several words, Bulma also said Bai Feifei True Spirit in this Eight Trigrams Furnace. 布玛相拥片刻,再低声说了几句话之后,布玛也说了白菲菲真灵在这八卦炉中。 Hears this word, the Dongfang Yu's vision also to fall in Eight Trigrams Furnace, naturally can see that in True Spirit that in Eight Trigrams Furnace Samadhi True Fire has a good swim, isn't the familiar spiritual fluctuation, who Bai Feifei is? 听得此言,东方玉的目光也落在八卦炉中,当然能够看得到正在八卦炉三昧真火之中畅游的真灵,熟悉的精神波动,不是白菲菲又是谁? As if was feels Dongfang Yu's to bring, True Spirit in Eight Trigrams Furnace from the middle reaches of furnace fire, has walked randomly regarding Dongfang Yu unexpectedly several, looked like very affectionate appearance. 似乎是感受到了东方玉的带来,八卦炉中的真灵竟然从炉火之中游了出来,围绕着东方玉游走了几圈,看起来非常亲昵的模样。 Dongfang Yu looks at Bai Feifei True Spirit, look has filled loving tenderly, guilty and joyful look. 东方玉看着白菲菲真灵,眼神充满了怜爱,愧疚和欣喜的神色。 Although initially Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch already said that oneself with controlling the law of fire has successfully gathered Bai Feifei True Spirit, but that after is only the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch statement of only one of the parties, oneself personally has not seen, who knows that Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch can deceives oneself, cheats oneself with this words? 虽说当初太上老君早就说了,自己用控火之法成功的将白菲菲真灵聚拢了回来,可那毕竟只是太上老君的一面之词罢了,自己并没有亲眼见过,谁知道太上老君会不会是诓骗自己,用这个话把自己骗走呢? But now, after Dongfang Yu saw personally, this has felt relieved. 但现在,东方玉亲自看到了之后,这才算是放心了下来。 Elderly Monarch, this matter real thank you very much, Dongfang Yu turned head, looks at the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch look sincere. 老君,这件事情真的多谢你了”,东方玉回过头来,看着太上老君的眼神非常的真挚。 The joy of regaining, this is not other people can feel. 失而复得的喜悦,这不是其他人能够感受到的。 Regarding the words of Dongfang Yu this expression of gratitude, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch nods the head slightly, the hand caresses must steadily, the gratified smiling face, oneself makes these wear a look, waits isn't Dongfang Yu's this manner? Dongfang Yu owes the oneself a person sentiment, that matter talked about. 对于东方玉这道谢的话语,太上老君微微颔首,手抚长须,面带欣慰的笑容,自己做这些,等的不就是东方玉的这个态度吗?东方玉自己一个人情,那事情就好谈多了。 I remember that Elderly Monarch you have said that has the means to make Feifei resurrect?”, After the expression of gratitude, Dongfang Yu asks to Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch at once. “我记得老君你说过,有办法让菲菲复活吧?”,道谢之后,东方玉旋即对太上老君问道。 Good, Jade Emperor has a immortal pond, True Spirit investment in, may remould immortal body, hear speech/words, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch selects nod(ded) to say. “不错,玉帝有一口化仙池,真灵投入其中,可重塑仙体”,闻言,太上老君点头说道。 Jade Emperor immortal pond?” Reason that hear speech/words, a Dongfang Yu's brow slightly wrinkle, on the same day oneself retreat, although under the donkey taking advantage of the slope, may actually and Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch has reached an agreement, must compensate oneself, who is the person of this compensation? Naturally is Jade Emperor. 玉帝的化仙池?”,闻言,东方玉的眉头微微一皱,当日自己之所以退去,虽说是借坡下驴,可却和太上老君说好了,要补偿自己的,这补偿的人是谁?自然是玉帝 Otherwise, oneself loner, his Jade Emperor big enterprise has lots of assets, oneself regularly changes the Super Saiyan shape, is coming move of Energy Wave to Heavenly Court, believes that Jade Emperor cannot withstand absolutely, after all be only thousand day is a thief, where has thousand day against clever truth? 否则,自己孤家寡人的一个,他玉皇大帝家大业大,自己隔三差五的就变化成超级赛亚人的形态,对着天庭来一招气功波,相信玉皇大帝绝对承受不了,毕竟只有千日做贼,哪有千日防贼的道理? However now, resurrecting of Bai Feifei must borrow Jade Emperor immortal pond? If so, can this be the compensation of that Jade Emperor? 但是现在,白菲菲的复活要借用玉皇大帝的化仙池吗?如果是这样的话,这会不会就是那玉皇大帝的补偿? Dongfang Yu knits the brows slightly, the appearance that silent did not say, making Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch show a faint smile, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch was an ancestor, lived many years, regarding Dongfang Yu's this thoughts, naturally knew. 东方玉这边微微皱眉,沉默不言的样子,让太上老君微微一笑,太上老君身为道祖,活了多少年了,对于东方玉的这点心思,自然是知道的。 Also does not wait for Dongfang Yu to speak, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch start to talk, said first: Actually, besides immortal pond, my old [say / way] also method, can let her rebirth, moreover from the effect, melts the immortal body of immortal pond more splendid than that. 也不等东方玉说话,太上老君开口了,道:“其实,除了化仙池之外,我老道也有一门法子,可以让她重生,而且从效果上而言,比那化仙池的仙体更加出色”。 „? Do you have what method?”, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu curious looks at Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch. “哦?你有何法子?”,闻言,东方玉好奇的看着太上老君 I have a law, may remould the body of God Fire for her, True Spirit is Samadhi True Fire, if can remould the body of God Fire, not only can remove the monster body, can make her Samadhi True Fire to bring it up a level, my this Farben was the imitation antiquity fire god wishes friendly body to conceive, how Fire God's Body to need the soul of fire only then, this monster fox was exactly appropriate, on the face had the happy expression, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch to reply said. “我有一法,可为她重塑神火之躯,真灵三昧真火所化,若是能重塑神火之体,不但能褪去妖身,更能让她的三昧真火更上一层楼,我此法本是仿照上古火神祝融身躯而设想,奈何火神之躯需得火之灵魂方可,这妖狐恰好合适”,脸上带着笑意,太上老君回答说道。 Words that „......”, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu suddenly, in the heart also secretly nod(ded), like this looked, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch indeed more suitable Bai Feifei. “原来如此……”,闻言,东方玉恍然,心中也暗自点头,这样看的话,太上老君这边的确更适合白菲菲了。 The method of cultivation, frequently millennium ten thousand years of cultivation, can have an achievement, this Fire God's Body looks like indeed most suits Bai Feifei, after resurrecting, the soul and body are flame, the method of practice Samadhi True Fire, wants to come twice the result with half the effort. 修行之法,动辄千年万年的修行,才能有所成就,这火神之躯看来的确是最适合白菲菲的了,复活之后,灵魂和身体都是火焰,修炼三昧真火之法,想来事半功倍。 Hesitates the moment, Dongfang Yu has let loose the oneself spiritual power quantity at once, inquired an opinion of Bai Feifei, from the spiritual fluctuation, Bai Feifei also favored Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch Fire God's Body. 沉吟了片刻,东方玉旋即放开自己精神力量,询问了一番白菲菲的意见,从精神波动上来看,白菲菲也倾向于太上老君火神之躯 After all relatively speaking, is the method of this flame is quite convenient, said again, if can promote Samadhi True Fire to the top degree, the might was also outstanding. 毕竟相对而言,还是这火焰之法比较便捷,再说了,若是能将三昧真火提升到顶尖的程度,威力也不同凡响了。 „The lunch that the world has not eaten without paying, the matter of body of God Fire troubled you, what do I need to pay?”. “天下没有白吃的午餐,神火之躯的事情就麻烦你了,那么,我需要付出什么呢?”。 Has after Bai Feifei has made a decision, the Dongfang Yu's vision falls on the body of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch. 白菲菲有了决断之后,东方玉的目光落在太上老君的身上。
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