PE :: Volume #34

#1542: Again near Heavenly Court

Has saying that seal and so on magecraft, can achieve the effect of defeating a superior enemy most times, looks like the function of strategy is the same. 不得不说,封印之类的术法,在很多时候都能达到以弱胜强的效果,就像是阵法的作用一样。 Once Dongfang Yu in Hokage plane, is the seal technique of majoring, knows regarding this nature that looked like Hokage plane also has special seal ninja, these formidable the Impure World Reincarnation person who and could not kill, depended upon the seal that the seal technique can succeed to live, can be inferred. 曾经东方玉火影位面,主修的也是封印术,对于这点自然知道,就像是火影位面也有特殊的封印忍者,那些强悍的又杀不死的秽土转生的人,依靠封印术就能够成功的封印住,可见一斑。 Dongfang Yu although strength for example comes formidable, but is strong also only then plans, Tathagata this Buddha uncovers is the category of seal technique, if Dongfang Yu understands the god Buddha method similarly the seal technique, believes that unties the seal technique of Tathagata Buddha not to be difficult, but actually chooses with the brute force now explains the law of this seal, naturally is the wasted effort. 东方玉虽然实力比如来强悍,但强得也只有一筹罢了,如来这佛揭乃是属于封印术的范畴,如果东方玉同样懂神佛手段的封印术的话,相信解开如来佛祖的封印术并不难,但现在却选择用蛮力来破解这封印之法,自然是事倍功半。 Naturally, the Tathagata Buddha Buddha uncovers Dongfang Yu is not cannot break with the brute force, but Energy Wave of 100% skill, although can collapse this Five Finger Mountain bang, but same, destroys the Earth prestige to look like by this sufficiently, at least this Five Finger Mountain surrounding area in ten thousand li (0.5km) tens of thousands of Human(ity), and even the animal and demon must die under oneself this move, this made Dongfang Yu hesitate. 当然,如来佛祖的佛揭东方玉也并非是不能用蛮力来破,可十成功力的气功波,尽管能够将这五指山轰塌,可同样的,以这足以毁灭地球的威能看来,至少这五指山方圆万里之内成千上万的人类,乃至动物和妖魔都要死在自己这一招之下,这让东方玉迟疑了。 In order to rescue Son Goku|Sun Wukong, lets tens of thousands of Human(ity) and lives vanishes, such matter, Dongfang Yu not being able to get down hand. 为了救出孙悟空,就让成千上万的人类和生命都消失,这样的事情,东方玉下不去手。 Looks at people because of the oneself reason, tragic death for no reason, even breaks up a family, is with one's family broken up and decimated, Dongfang Yu could not have achieved such indifferent life the degree...... 看着一个个人因为自己的缘故,无端端的惨死,甚至妻离子散,家破人亡的,东方玉还做不到这么漠视生命的程度…… Initially, is Dongfang Yu in Wind and Cloud plane, what with Dai-sik-tin battle reason in the final analysis? Also is not because Dai-sik-tin lived for a long time, the life was too sad, therefore manipulate the world common people to happily, finally oneself playing? 当初,东方玉风云位面,和帝释天的争斗归根结底的原因是什么?还不就是因为帝释天活得太久了,生活太沉闷了,所以摆弄天下苍生为乐,最终把自己给玩死了吗? Jigong plane, why hasn't oneself been willing to make Li Xiuyuan turn into Dragon Fighter Lohan? Also after is not changes the body went back, that Dragon Fighter Lohan ignores the life, oneself parents aloof? 还有济公位面,为何自己不愿让李修缘变成降龙罗汉?还不就是变身回去了之后,那降龙罗汉漠视生命,就连自己的父母死活都无动于衷吗? don't tell me, today to oneself here, to rescue Son Goku|Sun Wukong, can oneself become ignores this tens of thousands of lives? How could it not be compared with that Dai-sik-tin , more excessive than that Dragon Fighter Lohan thousands of times? 难道,今天到了自己这里,为了救孙悟空,自己就可以变得漠视这成千上万的性命吗?岂不比那帝释天,比那降龙罗汉更加过分千万倍? So far, Energy Wave under these 80% might, are the casualty are innumerable, the field littered with corpses, in the Dongfang Yu's heart was also guilty difficult secure. 目前为止,这八成威力下的气功波,已经是死伤无数,尸横遍野了,东方玉的心中也是愧疚难安。 Although obtained powerful incomparable strength, bearing also along with these years crossed over had very big change, but the goodness of deep in one's heart, Dongfang Yu has not actually discarded, frequently read the deaths of thousands of person, Dongfang Yu could not have done. 尽管获得了强大无比的力量,气度也随着这些年来的穿越而有了很大的改变,可内心深处的善良,东方玉却并没有舍弃,动辄一念千万人的死亡,东方玉还做不出来。 Cameroon...... 喀啦啦…… although under Energy Wave of these 80% might, that Five Finger Mountain is cracked, however, speed of this chap regarding this palatial Five Finger Mountain, was too slow, must wait for this Five Finger Mountain to disrupt completely, the time needed was too long. 虽然在这八成威力的气功波之下,那五指山正在偏偏龟裂,然而,这龟裂的速度对于这座巍峨的五指山而言,还是太慢了一些,要等这五指山完全碎裂,所需要的时间太久了。 Silent a moment later, Dongfang Yu received oneself Energy Wave, body formidable Aura also received. 沉默了片刻之后,东方玉自己气功波收了回来,身上强悍气息也跟着收起来了。 Didn't have the means to break this Five Finger Mountain including you?”, Looks at Dongfang Yu to receive the hand, on the face of Son Goku|Sun Wukong is having the disappointed look, this thinks that Dongfang Yu came, oneself can get out of trouble, didn't expect Dongfang Yu does not have the means to untie unexpectedly. “连你也没有办法破了这个五指山吗?”,看着东方玉收手了,孙悟空的脸上带着失望的神色,本以为东方玉来了,自己就能脱困了,没想到东方玉居然也没有办法解开。 Cannot by no means that but does not hope, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu start to talk said that facing the Son Goku|Sun Wukong appearance, in the Dongfang Yu's heart is bringing similarly guilty, but, will actually not deceive him. “并非不能,而是不愿”,闻言,东方玉开口说道,面对孙悟空的模样,东方玉的心中同样带着愧疚,但是,却不会骗他。 You look at the surroundings, all within several thousand li (0.5km) range, the person the insect birds all died, world entirely to extinguish, if I use fully, although can break this mountain, but such destruction, at least will expand above the several fold now, myriad lives die because of your me, my in Xin is restless. “你看周围,数千里范围内的一切,人虫鸟兽全都死了,天地俱灭,若是我用出全力的话,尽管能破了这山,但现在这样的破坏情况,至少会扩大数倍以上,万千生命因你我而死,我于心不安”。 This Journey to the West plane Son Goku|Sun Wukong, eventually is not in Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons, the disposition aspect has very big difference, besides the straightforwardness, is the gratitude and grudges is similarly distinct. 西游位面孙悟空,终究不是西游降魔篇里面的,心性方面有很大的不同,除了豪爽之外,同样是恩怨分明的。 Heard the Dongfang Yu's words, Son Goku|Sun Wukong also to look at this Five Finger Mountain nearby aspect, at once was silent, to rescue oneself came out, making these many lives be killed, he did not have the heart similarly. 听得东方玉的话,孙悟空也看了看这五指山附近的局面,旋即沉默了,为了救自己出来,让这么多生命被杀,他同样于心不忍。 With the Heavenly Court battle, although is 100,000 invincible forces, Son Goku|Sun Wukong will extinguish completely kills will not be lenient, the battle will then be so, but to rescue oneself, the ordinary innocent live actually has fallen surely from the sky, this will be Son Goku|Sun Wukong is hard to accept, oneself study this skill, to win a livelihood, to not use strength to bully the weak. 天庭争斗,尽管是100000天兵,孙悟空全部灭杀也不会手软,争斗便是如此,可为了救自己,千万普通的无辜生命却陨灭了,这是孙悟空难以接受的,自己学这一身本事,是为了争得一丝生存之道,可不是为了恃强凌弱的。 Not anxious, and you endured temporarily on the several th, some days, I have then kissed Spirit Mountain, compelling that Tathagata to come to take this Buddha to uncover to you personally, looked that Son Goku|Sun Wukong silent did not say, but whole face disappointed look, Dongfang Yu start to talk, look firm saying. “莫急,你且暂忍几日,过些日子,我便亲上灵山,逼那如来亲自来给你拿下这张佛揭”,看孙悟空沉默不言,但满脸失望的神色,东方玉开口,神色坚定的说道。 Different from original work, this Son Goku|Sun Wukong was pressed under Five Finger Mountain, after to go to Heavenly Court rescues oneself, ends up to turn out today so the paddies, on the same day the Son Goku|Sun Wukong Gansu runs risks, the nature, Dongfang Yu can also be saved the duty that he comes out...... 不同于原著,这次孙悟空被压在五指山下,毕竟是为了去天庭自己,才落得今日这般田地,当日孙悟空甘冒风险,自然,东方玉也有救他出来的义务…… The Dongfang Yu's words, making Son Goku|Sun Wukong open mouth, want to advise, but how actually does not know should start to talk. 东方玉的话,让孙悟空张了张嘴,想要劝阻,可是却又不知道该如何开口 Was together with Dongfang Yu after all was so long, regarding Dongfang Yu's disposition Son Goku|Sun Wukong was also somewhat was clearer, otherwise, they will not swear brotherhood Younger Brother, this was congenials, changes an angle to think, if Dongfang Yu, because oneself was pressed here, oneself was impossible to stand by. 东方玉毕竟相处了这么久,对于东方玉的性格孙悟空也是多多少少的都明白一些的,否则,两人也不会结拜成兄弟,这是意气相投,换个角度来想,若是东方玉因为自己被压在这里,自己也不可能袖手旁观啊。 In the final analysis, Son Goku|Sun Wukong has a few words finally: Adds carefully, if matter may not be, to preserve the oneself life danger, so long as is living, would the date of my getting out of trouble. 归根结底,孙悟空最后就只有一句话:“多加小心,若事不可为,以保住自己的性命危险,只要都活着,总会有我脱困之日”。 Um, I understand, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu has selected nod(ded), at once and Son Goku|Sun Wukong spoke some words. “嗯,我明白”,闻言,东方玉点了点头,旋即又和孙悟空说了些话。 Relatively speaking, Son Goku|Sun Wukong was pressed in this Five Finger Mountain, most is in suspense these underlings, hoping Dongfang Yu can reconstruct Flowers and Fruits Mountain, to these underlings refuges, naturally, hopes after and other oneself got out of trouble, can have the family|home to return. 相对而言,孙悟空被压在这五指山,最放心不下的还是那些猴子猴孙,希望东方玉能够重建花果山,给那些猴子猴孙一个避难之所,当然,也希望等自己脱困之后,能有家可回。 Relax, you are the Flowers and Fruits Mountain king, I am also two kings, reconstructs Flowers and Fruits Mountain, I am bounden, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu numerous point nod(ded), again and Son Goku|Sun Wukong chatted several common matters, Dongfang Yu then turned around to depart. “放心,你是花果山的大王,我也是二大王啊,重建花果山,我义不容辞”,闻言,东方玉重重的点点头,再和孙悟空聊了几句寻常之事,东方玉便转身离去。 As Dongfang Yu leaves, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, even top demon, receives magecraft and magic weapon that oneself peeped. 随着东方玉离开,诸天神佛,甚至许多顶尖的妖魔,也都收起了自己窥视的术法和法宝。 No matter how, the Dongfang Yu bang collapses forcefully Five Finger Mountain, this after all is also an important matter, all parties pay attention also in the reason, is only regarding finally this result, all parties have the completely different thoughts. 不管如何,东方玉强行轰塌五指山,这毕竟也是一件大事,各方关注也在情理之中,只是对于最后这个结果,各方却都有完全不同的心思。 „Is this Fiend Emperor? Can defeat Tathagata, can actually 't break the magecraft of Tathagata? Nothing more than such as is......”. “这就是妖帝?能打败如来,却破不掉如来的这个术法?不外如是……”。 The monster king of leopard head, received the oneself magic weapon, on the face was having the smiling face of satire, shook the head saying that appearance that despised. 有一个豹子头的妖王,收起了自己的法宝,脸上带着讽刺的笑容,摇摇头说道,蔑视的模样。 Naturally, resembles so the manner monster king, is the experience is limited, has top strength big demon truly, can understand Dongfang Yu not to try. 当然,似这般态度的妖王,都是见识有限的,真正有顶尖实力的大妖魔,都是能够看得懂东方玉没有尽全力的。 This Dongfang Yu, seriously is softhearted, for these ants fellows, does not dare to try unexpectedly take action, so does the disposition also match to call Fiend Emperor? Air/Qi the ghost seriously I also, the remote direction, in Cave Mansion, a Golden-Winged Great Peng bird received oneself magecraft, the incisive sound is bringing indignantly. “这东方玉,当真是心慈手软,竟然为了那些蝼蚁般的家伙,不敢尽全力出手,如此心性也配称之为妖帝?当真气煞我也”,遥远的方向,一处洞府之中,一只金翅大鹏鸟收了自己法术,尖锐的声音带着气愤。 Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable, but in Tushita Palace, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch also received has been mad oneself magecraft, in the look is having the color of acclaiming, nodded the head slightly: This Dongfang Yu really not common demon, even like demon, cannot have the thoughts of so bemoaning the state of the universe, gathered the heaven to have care for all living things actually......”. 无量天尊”,而兜率宫中,太上老君也收了气自己法术,眼神中带着赞叹之色,微微颔首:“这东方玉果然不似寻常的妖魔,甚至不像妖魔,能有这般悲天悯人的心思,倒是合了上天有好生之德……”。 Heavenly Palace Peak, Jade Emperor sits well above the oneself throne, the deity above main hall has also seen with one's own eyes Five Finger Mountain one, takes back along with magecraft, these deity thoughts vary. 凌霄宝殿,玉皇大帝端坐于自己的宝座之上,大殿之上的神仙也都亲眼看到了五指山的一幕,随着术法收回,这些神仙心思各异。 If class of Nezha and Erlang Shen, the look were gentler, no matter how, can have disposition so, Dongfang Yu looks like is not bad. 哪吒二郎神之流,眼神平和了许多,不管如何,能有这般心性,东方玉看起来也不算坏啊。 Jade Emperor also sits well above the oneself throne, silent did not say, does not know that was what idea, but in the heart actually secretly sighed with emotion: Day sends killing intent, moves to star Yi Xiu, sends killing intent, the dragon snake has the land, the person sends killing intent, the world tilts \; If that Dongfang Yu reckless take action, will raise one to kill the tribulation really surely, this is bemoans the state of the universe, also or knows the destiny conduct? No matter how, can know the onset and retreat, compared that crude monkey better to much actually, resembled so, even though demon, poured rarely also. 玉皇大帝也端坐于自己的宝座之上,沉默不言,也不知是何想法,只是心中却暗自感慨:“天发杀机,移星易宿,地发杀机,龙蛇起陆,人发杀机,天地倾覆\;若是那东方玉真的不顾一切出手,必定会掀起一场杀劫,他这是真的悲天悯人,亦或者是知天命行事?不管如何,能知进退,倒是比那鲁莽的猴子好得多了,似这般,纵使妖魔,倒也难得”。 Western Paradise Spirit Mountain, big Thunderclap Temple, Tathagata Buddha also received magecraft, big Thunderclap Temple Buddha and Bodhisattvas , the thoughts varied. 西天灵山,大雷音寺,如来佛祖也收起了法术,大雷音寺的佛陀和菩萨们,也心思各异。 Actually looks like in All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, hears Dongfang Yu to save Son Goku|Sun Wukong, thought that this Son Goku|Sun Wukong has gotten out of trouble inevitably, didn't expect finally Dongfang Yu actually will actually pity tens of thousands of lives to receive the hand, this has stemmed from All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas was actually unexpected. 其实在诸天神佛看来,听到东方玉去拯救孙悟空,都觉得这次孙悟空必然脱困了,却没想到最后东方玉竟然会怜悯成千上万的生命而收手,这倒是出乎了诸天神佛的意料之外了。 The demon conduct, only depends on oneself to like, so-called pitying? Absolutely does not have such view. 妖魔行事,都是只凭自身喜好,所谓的怜悯?根本就没有这样的说法。 In the demon eye, was Human(ity) then the blood food, what to come pitying said? This Dongfang Yu handles affairs, pours is really beyond expectation. 妖魔的眼中,人类便是血食,何来怜悯之说?这东方玉行事,倒真的是出人意表呢。 Amitabha......”, this time Tathagata, sits well in oneself fully is above the fissure lotus throne, the mouth proclaimed Buddha. “阿弥陀佛……”,这个时候的如来,也端坐于自己满是裂痕的莲台之上,嘴里宣了一声佛号。 Actually nobody sees, actually the eyeground deep place of Tathagata, flashes through wipes the disappointed color. 却没有人看到,其实如来的眼底深处,闪过一抹失望之色的。 The person clan, after is protagonist of world, even if that Dongfang Yu in Three Realms, in five lines, karma does not moisten, may after all in the [say / way], if has raised killing intent by strength of the, believes that even if the heaven is also hard to accommodate him, actually didn't expect, finally the moment he unexpectedly chose to receive the hand, this disappointed in the Tathagata heart somewhat. 人族,毕竟是天地的主角,那东方玉纵然不在三界之中,五行之内,因果不沾,可毕竟是在道之内,若是真的以一己之力掀起了一场杀机,相信即便是上天也难以容他,却没想到,最后关头他居然选择收手了,这让如来心中有些失望。 Monkey Demon is good to cope, so long as can solve Dongfang Yu this trouble, how even if that Monkey Demon gets out of trouble? 妖猴好对付,只要能解决掉东方玉这个麻烦,纵然是那妖猴脱困又如何? So looks like, the matter troubled. 如此看来,事情真的麻烦了啊。 Not to mention All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas and all demon, is what idea, Dongfang Yu does not have the thoughts to pay attention, own conduct, depends on likes, oneself is not willing to do, that then does not do, that is all. 且不说诸天神佛和各方妖魔,都是什么样的想法,东方玉也没心思去理会,自身行事,也凭喜好,自己不愿做,那便不做,仅此而已。 After leaving Five Finger Mountain, the Dongfang Yu's goal points to Spirit Mountain big Thunderclap Temple. 离开了五指山之后,东方玉的目标直指灵山大雷音寺 But, before that big Thunderclap Temple, but must quietly goes to Heavenly Court to walk one, Bulma and Bai Feifei also there . Moreover, I have the compensation not to take. “不过,在去那大雷音寺之前,还得悄然的去天庭走一遭呢,布玛白菲菲的还在那里,而且,我还有补偿没拿呢”。 The mouth twittering, Dongfang Yu looks in a low voice to the horizon, at once makes Vertical Cloud Technique, figure move, changes to together the flowing light, directly toward that Tushita Palace. 嘴里低声呢喃,东方玉望向天际,旋即使了个纵云术,身形一动,化作一道流光,直接往那兜率宫去了。
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