PE :: Volume #34

#1541: Wutzushan

Western Paradise Spirit Mountain, big Thunderclap Temple. 西天灵山,大雷音寺 Tathagata Buddha sits well above the oneself 12 lotus thrones, the bearing is broad, if that 12 lotus throne under Tathagata Buddha place, without that many fissures, he will look like will certainly have the dignity. 如来佛祖端坐于自己的12品莲台之上,气度恢弘,只是如果如来佛祖座下的那12品莲台,没有那么多裂痕的话,他看起来一定会更加有威严一些。 Under the place of Tathagata, Buddha and Bodhisattvas also sit respectfully, but occasionally goes to that 12 lotus throne under Tathagata Buddha place, in these Buddha and Bodhisattva looks are difficult to cover the surprised look. 在如来的座下,各位佛陀和菩萨们也都正襟危坐,只是偶尔投向如来佛祖座下的那12品莲台,这些佛陀和菩萨眼神中都难掩吃惊的神色。 On the same day goes to Heavenly Court time, after all only then two Disciple ananda and Jiaye of Tathagata follow, most Buddha and Bodhisattvas are only distant watches that shocking war with magecraft and magic weapon, is well below to see personally shocks. 当日去天庭的时候,毕竟只有如来的两个弟子阿难和迦叶跟随罢了,大多数的佛陀和菩萨都只是远远的用术法和法宝观看那惊世之战,远远不如亲自见到来得震撼。 This 12 lotus thrones have damaged, obviously that Fiend Emperor Dongfang Yu's strength, seriously is much stronger. 这12品莲台真的损坏了,可见那妖帝东方玉的实力,当真强得可怕啊。 „, A Heavenly Court war, believes on the same day you also knew, Tathagata Buddha, sits well above the oneself lotus throne, the vision swept one to present all Buddha and Bodhisattvas, start to talk said. “诸位,当日天庭一战,相信你们也都知晓了”,如来佛祖,端坐于自己的莲台之上,目光扫了一眼在场所有的佛陀和菩萨,开口说道。 His words let in this big Thunderclap Temple many Buddha and Bodhisattvas select nod(ded), if said that this matter does not know, that felt strange. 他的话让这大雷音寺中许多的佛陀和菩萨都点点头,若是说这件事情不知道,那才奇了怪。 Does not know that the Buddha calls me to be equal to this today, so-called what?”, Grasps the Guan Yin of jade bottle, start to talk asks to Tathagata Buddha only. “不知佛祖今日召集我等于此,所谓何事?”,手持玉净瓶的观世音菩萨,开口如来佛祖问道。 In big Thunderclap Temple, Buddha and Bodhisattva look vary, in many person hearts considers secretly, will not be Tathagata Buddha will throw the face countenance, wants to look for that Dongfang Yu's to be troublesome? 雷音寺之中,各位佛陀和菩萨神色各异,不少人心中暗自思量,不会是如来佛祖丢了颜面,想去找那东方玉的麻烦吧? Dongfang Yu was initially unarmed, almost the bang has killed Tathagata Buddha, oneself these people came up, can ask for? Also, in the Dongfang Yu's hand also Executing Immortal Flying Blade of replica, that is one greatly kills. 当初东方玉赤手空拳的,就差点轰杀了如来佛祖啊,自己这些人上去,能讨得好吗?再说了,东方玉的手中还有一个仿制品的斩仙飞刀呢,那可是一件大杀器啊。 Today summons and others to come, is for the matter of that Dongfang Yu, hear speech/words, Tathagata Buddha observes the situation people, receives the eyeground the complexions of all people, at once start to talk said. “今日召尔等前来,乃是为了那东方玉之事”,闻言,如来佛祖环视一圈众人,将所有人的脸色都收入眼底,旋即开口说道。 Really?”, hear speech/words, in many Buddha and Bodhisattva heart secretly one cold, is somewhat disturbed. “果然吗?”,闻言,不少佛陀和菩萨心中暗自一凛,有些忐忑。 That Dongfang Yu ominous prestige is unparalleled, if the Buddha must convene the manpower to recover the gathering place really again, does not know seriously who is so bad luck, will hit the mark by the Buddha. 东方玉凶威盖世,若是佛祖真的要召集人手再去找回场子的话,当真不知道谁那么倒霉,会被佛祖点中。 Can't the 12 lotus thrones of that move of fearful light beam Buddha block, trade the words that oneself has faced to block? Many Buddha and Bodhisattva read and this, in the heart shook the head secretly, did not have fighting intent. 那一招可怕的光柱就连佛祖的12品莲台都挡不住,换了自己面对的话能挡住吗?不少佛陀和菩萨一念及此,心中暗自摇头,也就没有了战意 „The meaning of Buddha, is to convene the manpower, looks for that Dongfang Yu to fight to the death again?”, The Guan Yin has hesitated slightly a moment later, start to talk asked to Tathagata Buddha, was asked question that in big Thunderclap Temple all people have wanted to ask. “佛祖的意思,是想要召集人手,再去找那东方玉决一死战吗?”,观世音菩萨微微沉吟了片刻之后,开口如来佛祖问道,也算是问出了大雷音寺中所有人都想问的问题了。 That Dongfang Yu......”, spoke of here, Tathagata Buddha, then said slightly: Method is very indeed high, slaughters with him rashly, not helpfuls but harmful, but, we do not look for that Dongfang Yu's to be troublesome, will not represent him not to look for our troubles. “那东方玉……”,说到这里,如来佛祖微微一顿,接着道:“手段的确很高,贸然和他厮杀,有害无益,只是,我们不去找那东方玉的麻烦,不代表他不会来找我们的麻烦”。 „Is the meaning of Buddha? That will Dongfang Yu come to Spirit Mountain?”, The Tathagata Buddha words, let these Buddha on the scene and Bodhisattvas somewhat cannot sit still, simultaneously start to talk asked. “佛祖的意思是?那东方玉会来灵山?”,如来佛祖的话,让在场的这些佛陀和菩萨们有些坐不住来,齐齐开口问道。 By my observation, should not have the mistake. “以我的观测,应该不会有错了”。 hear speech/words, Tathagata Buddha has thought at that time Dongfang Yu left Heavenly Court time, has the profound meaning looked at oneself one, obviously is the look that is not willingly gives up in light of this, at once selects nod(ded) to say. 闻言,如来佛祖想到了当时东方玉离开天庭的时候,别有深意的看了自己一眼,显然是不甘心就此罢手的眼神,旋即点了点头说道。 These words, said the big Thunderclap Temple Buddha and Bodhisattvas look at each other in dismay. 这句话,说得大雷音寺的佛陀和菩萨们面面相觑 That Dongfang Yu's strength is very strong, even has surmounted the Tathagata Buddha situation, all people are not willing to be the enemies with it, but oneself does not look for him, will not represent others not to get the gate, if such as the Buddha will say, that Dongfang Yu can get the gate really? That what to do? 东方玉的力量很强,甚至超越了如来佛祖的地步,所有人都不愿与之为敌,可自己不去找他,不代表人家不会打上门来啊,如果真的如佛祖所言,那东方玉真的要打上门来呢?那怎么办? All Buddha and Bodhisattvas, the complexion is unattractive. 所有的佛陀和菩萨们,脸色都不好看。 Opens reports the Buddha!”, When these Buddha and Bodhisattvas have not taken a stand, sudden diamond hurried appearance in a hurry ran from outside. “启禀佛祖!”,就在这些佛陀和菩萨们都没有表态的时候,突然一个金刚急忙匆匆的样子从外面跑了进来。 Nobody summons, intrudes voluntarily, obviously indeed left the important matter, all Buddha and Bodhisattvas stop the discussion of oneself for the time being, looked that to diamond who this runs. 没有人传召,自行闯入,可见的确是出了大事了,所有的佛陀和菩萨暂且停下自己的议论,看向这个跑进来的金刚。 What?”, Tathagata Buddha occupies a commanding position under looks rushes the diamond, start to talk asks. “何事?”,如来佛祖居高临下的看着下面闯进来的金刚,开口问道。 Opens reports the Buddha, that Fiend Emperor Dongfang Yu, went to Five Finger Mountain, this diamond kneels below, heard that said the start to talk report to say. “启禀佛祖,那妖帝东方玉,已经去了五指山了”,这个金刚跪在下面,闻言开口汇报道。 Such remarks, big Thunderclap Temple all people, the complexion changed. 此言一出,大雷音寺的所有人,脸色都变了变。 Did Dongfang Yu go to Five Finger Mountain? Does he go to there to do? Thinks also to know, it seems like, that can Son Goku|Sun Wukong get out of trouble? 东方玉去了五指山?他去那里干什么?想想也就知道了,看来,那孙悟空要脱困了吗? Regarding that Five Finger Mountain situation, complexion of Buddha and Bodhisattvas is not quite attractive, the Buddha has suppressed that monkey, but does Dongfang Yu actually save him? This was equal to hitting the honor of Buddha. 对于那五指山的情况,佛陀和菩萨们的脸色都不太好看,佛祖将那猴子镇压了,可东方玉却去救他?这相当于打了佛祖的脸面了。 However, by the present Fiend Emperor Dongfang Yu's reputation and strength, he can break the Tathagata Buddha seal to rescue Son Goku|Sun Wukong, pours is not the impossible matter. 不过,以现在妖帝东方玉的名声和实力,他能打破如来佛祖的封印把孙悟空救出来,倒也并非是不可能的事情。 Therefore, although will throw some face countenances, but, since is the Dongfang Yu's words, actually did not accept. 所以,虽然会丢一些颜面,但是,既然是东方玉的话,却也并非接受不了。 To these not caring of Buddha and Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha mood actually very heavy, in their opinion, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is only an unruliness, then by oneself has suppressed the monkey, but Tathagata is very clear, not only Son Goku|Sun Wukong Monkey Demon, he relates to the key that east Dharma passes on. 只是,相对于这些佛陀和菩萨的不在意,如来佛祖的心情却非常的沉重,在他们看来,孙悟空只是一只桀骜不驯,然后被自己镇压了的猴子罢了,但是如来却很清楚,孙悟空不只是一只妖猴,他更关系到佛法东传的关键。 If that monkey were rescued, wants to make that monkey attend the matter that east Dharma passes on again, but was more troublesome. 如果那猴子真的被救走了的话,再想让那猴子参加佛法东传的事情,可就更麻烦了。 However after is the Lord of Buddha Realm, in Tathagata freely heart heavy, but in the surface actually maintains composure, the palm wields, at once the cloth next light screen, the image in this light screen, was Five Finger Mountain that side picture, Dongfang Yu had been finding Son Goku|Sun Wukong. 不过毕竟是佛界之主,如来尽管心中沉重,但表面上却是不动声色,手掌一挥,旋即布下一层光幕,这光幕中的影像,正是五指山那边的景象,东方玉正找到了孙悟空这边。 Five Finger Mountain, Dongfang Yu float in midair, opens gene shackle fourth rank strength. 五指山,东方玉悬浮于半空中,开启基因锁第四阶力量 fourth rank Dongfang Yu is also not very skillful, therefore the opening words, are not easy, roughly has spent for several seconds, Dongfang Yu then successfully opened the gene shackle fourth rank condition. 第四阶东方玉还不是很纯熟,因此开启的话,没有那么容易,约莫花了数秒的时间,东方玉这才成功的开启了基因锁第四阶的状态。 As gene shackle fourth rank opens, Dongfang Yu within the body strength promotes a big truncation suddenly, will turn about ten times, the energy value also will be in 70,000 many degrees. 随着基因锁第四阶开启,东方玉体内力量陡然间提升一大截,翻了将近十倍,能量值也到了70000多的程度。 The Son Goku|Sun Wukong energy value has been 80,000 degrees, does not have the means to work loose the suppression of this Five Elements Mountain, the pure dependence gene shackle fourth rank condition, wanting the bang to fall this Five Elements Mountain obviously is impossible. 只是,孙悟空能量值达到了80000的程度,也没有办法挣脱这五行山的压制,单纯的依靠基因锁第四阶的状态,想要轰掉这五行山显然是不可能的了。 Therefore, not having waste energy meaning, Dongfang Yu to draw support from gene shackle fourth rank strength at once, starts Super Saiyan changes the body. 所以,没有浪费精力的意思,东方玉旋即借助基因锁第四阶力量,开始超级赛亚人的变身。 As Dongfang Yu's changes the body, quick, the gold(en) arrogance burns, is lingering the Dongfang Yu's whole body. 随着东方玉的变身,很快,金色的气焰燃烧起来,萦绕着东方玉的周身。 The hair and eyebrow of gold(en), this time Dongfang Yu looked like imposing manner very astonishing, 118,000 energy values, sent out fearful Aura. 金色的头发和眉毛,这个时候的东方玉看起来气势非常的惊人,118000的能量值,散发出可怕的气息 You defeat Tathagata by this condition? Really is very strong!”, Looks at the Dongfang Yu Super Saiyan shape, Son Goku|Sun Wukong also stares dumbfounded. “你就是靠这个状态打败如来的吗?果然很强啊!”,看着东方玉超级赛亚人的形态,孙悟空也瞠目结舌。 although already heard Dongfang Yu's success, saw with own eyes lovably is a different matter, Dongfang Yu of this shape, ability value were more than Son Goku|Sun Wukong more than 30,000. 虽然早就听说了东方玉的战绩,可亲眼见到又是另外一回事了,这个形态的东方玉,能力值比孙悟空足足多了30000多。 To this degree, 30,000 many energy values, are the earth-shaking changes. 到了这个程度,30000多的能量值,就已经是天翻地覆般的变化了。 Good, I give you to fall to the bang this Five Finger Mountain now!”, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu selects nod(ded) saying that a callous incomparable appearance, the makings also had very big change. “不错,我现在就给你把这五指山给轰掉!”,闻言,东方玉点头说道,一副冷酷无比的模样,气质也有了很大的变化。 During the speeches, Dongfang Yu lifts up high both hands of oneself, Energy Wave gathers in the Dongfang Yu's palm, then, rumbled toward this Five Finger Mountain directly. 说话间,东方玉高举自己的双手,气功波东方玉的掌心之中汇聚,然后,往这五指山直接轰了下去。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… As Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave falls on that Five Finger Mountain, sees only that Five Finger Mountain not to have the avalanche, the entire earth trembled got up, in a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) range, as if had the earthquake to be ordinary, the fierce vibration made the innumerable collapses of buildings, the earth split, has swallowed the innumerable lives. 随着东方玉的气功波落在那五指山上,只见那五指山还没崩塌,整个大地都已经震颤了起来了,方圆数百里范围内,仿佛发生了地震一般,剧烈的震动让无数的房屋倒塌,大地裂开,更是吞噬了无数的生灵。 Um? This Five Finger Mountain is really firm!”, Looks that Five Finger Mountain does not have the avalanche unexpectedly, a Dongfang Yu brow slightly wrinkle. “嗯?这五指山果然坚固啊!”,看着五指山居然没有崩塌,东方玉眉头微微一皱。 Had used him of 50% strengths, the Energy Wave prestige can increase two points once again. 本来只是用了五成力道的他,气功波的威能再度增加了两分。 Cameroon...... 喀啦啦…… As the Dongfang Yu Energy Wave prestige can increase to 70%, Five Finger Mountain really also fiercely vibrated, presented some tiny fissures, the naked eye obvious, Tathagata Buddha that Buddha uncovers , was as if lax. 随着东方玉气功波的威能增加到了七成,五指山果然也跟着剧烈的震动了起来,同时也出现了一些细小的裂痕,肉眼可见,如来佛祖的那张佛揭,也似乎在涣散了。 However, Five Finger Mountain starts to collapse, but the extent of damage of this earth was bigger, the fearful vibration, looks like several magnitude of earthquakes is ordinary, has covered the surrounding area thousand li(500 km) range. 不过,五指山这边才开始崩溃,但这大地的损伤程度更大了,可怕的震动,就像是十几级大地震一般,足足笼罩了方圆千里的范围了。 Is centered on Five Finger Mountain, in the range of this surrounding area thousand li(500 km), all as if changed to the World end picture, was the world tilts seriously. 五指山为中心,这方圆千里的范围内,一切似乎都化作了世界末日般的景象,当真是天地倾覆了。 The Super Saiyan shape, Energy Wave destroys the Earth might sufficiently, although major part Energy Wave falls on that Five Finger Mountain, may be the complementary waves that sends out, changed to the ruins all within surrounding area thousand li(500 km) range sufficiently. 超级赛亚人的形态,气功波是足以毁灭掉地球的威力,虽然绝大部分的气功波都落在那五指山上,可就算是散发出来的余波,也足以将方圆千里范围内的一切都化作废墟了。 70% strengths, is not enough to ruin this Five Finger Mountain? Really, does the brute force break the seal, wasted effort?”. “七成的力道,也不足以毁掉这五指山吗?果然,蛮力打破封印,事倍功半吗?”。 Dongfang Yu naturally also realized that all of this surrounding area thousand li(500 km) were destroyed, not only mountains greatly Ze, demon ghost, even also has many Human(ity) under the attack that in this complementary waves create was killed, this makes the Dongfang Yu mind dignified. 东方玉自然也察觉到了这方圆千里的一切都被破坏了,不只是山川大泽,妖魔鬼怪,甚至还有许多的人类都在这余波所造成的攻击下被杀了,这让东方玉心神凝重。 Has hesitated secretly a moment later, Dongfang Yu increased to once again 70% strengths 80%. 暗自迟疑了片刻之后,东方玉再度将七成的力道增加到了八成。 speed although that Five Finger Mountain collapses sped up, but in a surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) range fearfully had been affected, the fearful vibration, makes a small country within surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) range be destroyed sufficiently. 五指山崩溃的速度虽然又加快了一些,但方圆数千里范围内都已经受到了可怕的波及了,可怕的震动,足以让方圆数千里范围之内的一个小国都被毁灭掉。 But by speed that this Five Finger Mountain collapses, at least also will take more than one hours completely to collapse, oneself gene shackle can fourth rank, maintain for one hour? 可是以这五指山崩溃的速度,至少还需要一个多个小时才会完全崩坏,自己基因锁第四阶,能够维持一个多小时吗? don't tell me? Can use 100% strength?”, Silent the moment, in the Dongfang Yu's heart muttered secretly thought. 难道?要动用十成力量?”,沉默了片刻,东方玉的心中喃喃暗道 Words from this trend, Energy Wave although under 100% strength can rumble to fall that Five Finger Mountain, but same, perhaps the surrounding area in ten thousand li (0.5km) all will vanish, including tens of thousands of Human(ity). 从这个趋势上来看的话,十成力道下的气功波虽然能够轰掉那五指山,可同样的,或许方圆万里之内所有的一切都会消失,其中包括成千上万的人类 Energy Wave looks like an iron hammer, Five Finger Mountain looks like puts the steel and iron on table together, Dongfang Yu grasps the words that the iron hammer pounds fully, although can be mixed up the steel and iron, is similarly, this table cannot withstand this strength to ruin inevitably, tens of thousands of Human(ity), animal, will be the flowers and plants all with destroying. 气功波就像是铁锤,五指山就像是一块摆在桌子上的钢铁,东方玉手握铁锤全力砸下去的话,虽然能够将钢铁杂碎,可是同样的,这桌子也必然承受不住这个力道毁掉,成千上万的人类,动物,甚至是花草全都会跟着毁灭掉。 Even if were Dongfang Yu has also hesitated, could not achieve to ignore these many lives the situations. 即便是东方玉也迟疑了,做不到漠视这么多性命的地步。
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