PE :: Volume #34

#1540: „Fiend Emperor” Dongfang Yu

The time, flashes, quick, one month of day such passed by, after one month of fermentation, the war of matter Heavenly Court, has resounded through Three Realms and Six Paths. 时间,一晃而过,很快的,一个月的日子就这么过去了,经过了一个月时间的酝酿之后,天庭之战事情,已经是响彻了三界六道了。 Now so long as among the world calls demon of some given names, who does not know that Dongfang Yu and Son Goku|Sun Wukong Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, almost did butcher including Tathagata Buddha? 现在天下间只要是叫得上一些名号的妖魔,谁不知道东方玉孙悟空大闹天宫,差点连如来佛祖都宰了? Although Dongfang Yu has not summoned the world demon thoughts, strength that but a war, Dongfang Yu shows on the same day, had been called as is Demon Realm strongest exist(ence). 虽说东方玉没有号召天下妖魔的心思,但当日一战,东方玉所展现出来的实力,已经被人称作是妖魔界最强的存在了。 Before, Princess Iron Fan Palm-leaf Fan, has almost destroyed Flowers and Fruits Mountain, even these underlings blew the ends of the earth continually, although has become enemies with Flowers and Fruits Mountain. 之前,铁扇公主芭蕉扇,几乎毁了花果山,甚至连那些猴子猴孙都吹到了天涯海角,虽说是和花果山这边结下了梁子。 But under the unexpected happening, has actually saved these underlings, so as to avoid they by ten ten thousand celestial troops and generals attacks, these days, underlings far apart, are one after another gathered toward Flowers and Fruits Mountain, after to these underlings, Flowers and Fruits Mountain was their families. 但鬼使神差之下,却也算是救了那些猴子猴孙,免得它们被十万天兵天将攻击,这些日子,天南地北的猴子猴孙们,已经是陆陆续续的往花果山这边聚集了,毕竟对这些猴子猴孙而言,花果山才是它们的家。 This world, is World that demon rebels, even if these underlings similarly are the spirits, may alone outside, is the dangerous matter. 这个天下,是妖魔作乱的世界,即便这些猴子猴孙们同样是妖精,可到底独自在外,也是危险的事情。 However, spirits far apart, knew that these underlings are Flowers and Fruits Mountain later, most demon do not dare to feel embarrassed them, the Dongfang Yu's reputation, in Three Realms and Six Paths who doesn't know now? 不过,天南地北的妖精们,得知这些猴子猴孙们都是花果山的之后,绝大部分的妖魔都不敢为难它们,东方玉的名头,现在三界六道之中谁人不知? Even these near Flowers and Fruits Mountain occupy mountain Weiwang demon, driving arriving Flowers and Fruits Mountain , helping to reconstruct, various magecraft display, makes every effort to turn into that fine spring day Flowers and Fruits Mountain in the shortest time the paradise. 甚至花果山附近的那些占山为王的妖魔们,主动的来到花果山,帮忙重建,各种术法施展,力求在最短的时间内将花果山重新变成那鸟语花香的世外桃源。 Not to mention outside situation how, this month injury that Dongfang Yu recreation well, initially a war, the gene shackle fourth-order excess load brought, is restores almost, moreover this month, Dongfang Yu is calm every day, regarding the sensibility of gene shackle fourth rank, is getting deeper and deeper. 且不说外面的局势如何,这一个月的时间,东方玉好好的休养,当初一战,基因锁四阶超负荷所带来的伤势,也已经是恢复得7788了,而且这一个月的时间,东方玉每日凝神静气,对于基因锁第四阶的感悟,也越来越深。 As gene shackle fourth rank opens, the cruel air/Qi in Dongfang Yu heart gradually has also subsided, but, Dongfang Yu can actually feel that oneself deep in one's heart, the consciousness of these berserk got together gradually, as if had a trend of qualitative change, Dongfang Yu understands that this was oneself heart demon could be born. 随着基因锁第四阶开启,东方玉心中的暴戾之气也渐渐的平息了下来,不过,东方玉却能感觉到自己内心深处,这些狂暴的意识渐渐的聚合了起来,似乎有了一种质变的趋势,东方玉明白,这是自己心魔可能要诞生了。 On this day, Dongfang Yu feels the oneself body injury, almost after restoring, figure moves, Vertical Cloud Technique displays, the whole person has delimited together the flowing light in the sky, quick, before arriving at a palatial mountain. 这一日,东方玉感受到自己身体伤势,几乎完全恢复了之后,身形一动,纵云术施展开来,整个人在天空中划过一道流光,很快的,就来到了一座巍峨的高山前。 This mountain is broad, looked that is a little similar to the appearance of palm, initially Tathagata Buddha suppressed Son Goku|Sun Wukong Five Elements Mountain. 这一座高山恢弘无比,看过去有点类似于手掌的模样,正是当初如来佛祖镇压孙悟空五行山 When Dongfang Yu approaches nearby Five Elements Mountain, broadcasts an intermittent sound with great fanfare actually, making Dongfang Yu be startled slightly. 东方玉靠近五行山附近,倒是传来一阵阵吹吹打打的声音,让东方玉微微一怔。 Landing figure looks that originally Son Goku|Sun Wukong was pressed as before under Five Elements Mountain, but, has many demon with great fanfare, plays music to act in a play, seeks pleasure Son Goku|Sun Wukong, dispelling boredom is lonely. 降落身形看去,原来孙悟空依旧被压在五行山下,但是,却有不少的妖魔正在吹吹打打的,奏乐演戏,取乐孙悟空,排遣寂寞。 This, this monkey crosses actually very much moistens, owed oneself body just to restore, flushed to save him immediately to leave sleepily, saw this, Dongfang Yu some shaking the head of not knowing whether to laugh or cry. “这,这猴子倒是过得很滋润啊”,亏自己身体刚刚才恢复,立马就冲过来想救他出困呢,眼看着这一幕,东方玉有些哭笑不得的摇摇头。 In original work is Son Goku|Sun Wukong is pressed in the Five Elements Mountain next 500 years, can once some people dare to come to see him? Big pile of deities are guarding here in turn, Son Goku|Sun Wukong completely is a criminal of sentence. 原著中是孙悟空被压在五行山下500年,可曾有人敢来看他?一大堆的神仙轮流在这边镇守着,孙悟空完全就是一个服刑的犯人。 But now, shows own strength along with Dongfang Yu, Tathagata Buddha also defeats in his hands, all people know that Dongfang Yu can rescue Son Goku|Sun Wukong to get out of trouble sooner or later, therefore, many demon initiative shows good will. 但现在,随着东方玉展现出自身的实力,就连如来佛祖也败在他的手中,所有人都知道东方玉早晚会来救孙悟空脱困的,因此,不少妖魔主动的过来示好。 This matter, even though All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas watches, but, actually also nobody dares to stop. 这件事情,纵使诸天神佛都看在眼里,但是,却也没有人敢来阻拦的。 Hahaha, develops well, good, what a pity has not performed my Old Sun charm to come......”. 哈哈哈,演得好,不错,可惜没演出俺老孙的神韵来……”。 At this time, Son Goku|Sun Wukong under Five Elements Mountain was being pressed, was hard to stand up from failure, however in his not far away, the theatrical troupe with great fanfare, was very lively, watches this play, as if Wreaking Havoc in the Heavenly Palace the picture before the deduction, Son Goku|Sun Wukong looked laughs heartily. 这个时候,五行山下的孙悟空被压着,难以翻身,但是在他不远处,却有一个戏班子吹吹打打的,好不热闹,看这出戏,似乎是在演绎之前大闹天宫的景象,孙悟空看得欢笑不已。 Your this crosses actually quite comfortably, seems should I some days come again?”, At this time, Dongfang Yu descended from the midair, funny said to Son Goku|Sun Wukong. “你这倒是过得好生自在呢,看样子我该过些日子再来了?”,这个时候,东方玉从半空中降落了下来,好笑的对孙悟空说道。 Dongfang Yu, you came, my Old Sun heard, did you almost do to turn Tathagata? Hahaha, does well, comes following the prestige, looks at Dongfang Yu that descends, on the face of Son Goku|Sun Wukong is having the smiling face, loud saying, on the face is having the happy look. 东方玉,你来了,俺老孙听说了,你差点把如来都干翻了?哈哈哈,干得好”,循声望过来,看着降落下来的东方玉,孙悟空的脸上带着笑容,大声的说道,脸上带着欢喜的神色。 Has seen Lord Fiend Emperor. “见过妖帝大人”。 Looks Dongfang Yu that descends, listens to Son Goku|Sun Wukong to call to Dongfang Yu's again, these with great fanfare here gives Son Goku|Sun Wukong to mediate the lonely monster, on the face is having the surprised look, simultaneously is the appearance of worship looks at Dongfang Yu, kneels down hurriedly to Dongfang Yu salutes. 看着降落下来的东方玉,再听孙悟空东方玉的称呼,这几个吹吹打打的在这里给孙悟空排解寂寞的妖怪,脸上带着吃惊的神色,同时又是崇拜的模样看着东方玉,急忙跪下给东方玉行礼。 Fiend Emperor?”, Hearing this small monster to the name of oneself, Dongfang Yu to be startled slightly, obviously thinks bewildered regarding this name. 妖帝?”,听得这小妖对自己的称呼,东方玉微微一怔,显然对于这个称呼觉得莫名其妙。 oneself is healing from a wound this month, the injury that resumes the excess load gene shackle fourth rank fight to bring , did oneself have the name of Fiend Emperor? 自己这个月都在养伤,恢复超负荷基因锁第四阶战斗带来的伤势,什么时候,自己有了个妖帝的称呼了吗? Yes, since Sir you fights after Heavenly Court on the same day, the name moves Three Realms and Six Paths, all monster kings have tacitly approved the Sir your Fiend Emperor title, so long as the Sir you are willing to shake the arm to wield, believes that world demon will respond the Sir your summons, counter-attacks Heavenly Court, in these small monster looks has been full of the look of anticipation and worship, said to Dongfang Yu. “是的,自从当日大人您在天庭一战之后,名动三界六道,各方妖王都默认了大人您妖帝的称号,只要大人您愿意震臂一挥,相信天下妖魔都会响应大人您的号召,反攻天庭”,这几个小妖眼神中充满了期待和崇拜的神色,对东方玉说道。 Experiences the Dongfang Yu's ability with own eyes, in the hearts of world major monster kings, Dongfang Yu as if became they got rid of the highest hope of god Buddha suppression, therefore, various Lu Yaowang want to make Dongfang Yu lead them to counter-attack Heavenly Court, even was Western Heaven Great Thunderclap Temple. 亲眼见识东方玉的能耐,在天下各大妖王的心中,东方玉似乎成了他们摆脱神佛压制的最大的希望,所以,各路妖王都想让东方玉带着他们反攻天庭,甚至是西天大雷音寺 Has sufficed. “够了”。 The words of these two small monsters, actually directly beckoned with the hand to break by Dongfang Yu, said: Fiend Emperor title, but leads you to counter-attack Heavenly Court is impossible, you go. 只是,这两个小妖的话,却被东方玉直接摆摆手打断了,道:“妖帝的称号也就罢了,但是带你们反攻天庭是不可能的,你们去吧”。 „?”, The Dongfang Yu's words, making these small monsters stare under. “啊?”,东方玉的话,让这几个小妖愣了下。 So long as Dongfang Yu wants, will have innumerable demon to be willing to belong to his subordinates, this is the how huge prestige and authority, unexpectedly he wants not to think gave up? 只要东方玉愿意,就会有无数的妖魔愿意归入他的麾下,这是多么巨大的声望和权力,他居然想也不想的就放弃了? Was good, you go, beckons with the hand, Dongfang Yu does not want in this aspect saying that anything's meaning, does not have what good explanation with these small monsters. “好了,你们去吧”,摆摆手,东方玉并不想在这方面多说什么的意思,和这些小妖也没有什么好解释的。 Good, our leaves, hear speech/words, these small monsters does not dare to say anything much, respectful nod(ded), has tidied up the musical instruments of these string and woodwind instruments wind and stringed musical instruments at once, rapid departure. “好的,我们这就离开”,闻言,这些小妖也不敢多说什么,恭恭敬敬的点头,旋即收拾了那些丝竹管弦的乐器,迅速的离去。 Obviously they also know that Dongfang Yu comes this Five Elements Mountain goal is to rescue Son Goku|Sun Wukong comes out. 显然他们也知道东方玉来这五行山的目的是为了救孙悟空出来。 Hey, your consideration is profounder than my consideration, but, after these small monsters all left, Son Goku|Sun Wukong actually smiles to make noise, chooses to Dongfang Yu's, indicated to admire. “嘿嘿嘿,果然啊,你的考虑比我的考虑更加深远”,只是,这些小妖们全都离开了之后,孙悟空却笑出声来,对东方玉的选择,表示佩服。 „? You know that what goal these demon did call me for Fiend Emperor is?”, The Son Goku|Sun Wukong words, let some Dongfang Yu surprise actually visits him. “哦?你知道这些妖魔称呼我为妖帝是什么目的?”,孙悟空的话,倒是让东方玉有些诧异的看着他。 It looks like in Dongfang Yu, the Son Goku|Sun Wukong disposition comes toward, simply does not have what complex thoughts, uttered fine words that likely is warrior(s) of heart non- distracting thoughts, but must say coarse selects is a boorish fellow is the same, didn't expect, did Son Goku|Sun Wukong currently have some city government offices? 东方玉看来,孙悟空的性格直来直往的,根本没有什么复杂的心思,说得好听像是一个心无杂念的勇士,但要说得难听点就是个莽夫一样,却没想到,孙悟空现在也有了些城府了? „A Heavenly Court war, your moves Three Realms and Six Paths this is inevitable, but, the name of Fiend Emperor is not easy to shoulder, perhaps in demon some people want to make you lead them to attack Heavenly Court, has the oneself goal? Who knows that this behind does have the person to hold the selfishness?”. 天庭一战,你名动三界六道这是必然的,只是,妖帝之名却不是那么容易背负的,或许妖魔之中有些人想让你带着他们攻打天庭,是有自己的目的吧?谁知道这后面有没有人抱着私心呢?”。 In front of Dongfang Yu's, Son Goku|Sun Wukong naturally will not have anything to conceal, start to talk answered. 东方玉的面前,孙悟空自然是不会有什么隐瞒的,开口解释道。 Good, you said rational, surprised looks at Son Goku|Sun Wukong, although this truth is very simple, but actually likely is not Son Goku|Sun Wukong can look. “不错,你说得有理”,惊奇的看着孙悟空,虽然这道理很浅显,但却不像是孙悟空能看出来的。 Really, after undergoing a defeat on Tathagata, was the Son Goku|Sun Wukong disposition also maturer? No longer is pure acting recklessly, knew a brain? 果然啊,经过了如来手上的一败之后,孙悟空的性格也成熟了一些吗?不再是单纯的蛮干,也知道动一点脑子了吗? This way, the setback on Tathagata, to Son Goku|Sun Wukong, pours also not necessarily is the misdemeanor. 这样看来,如来手上的这点挫折,对孙悟空来说,倒也不见得都是坏事。 Actually, in the Dongfang Yu's innermost feelings also has another idea not saying that that is Dongfang Yu is not willing to overthrow the dominant position of immortal Buddha. 其实,东方玉的内心中还有另外一个想法并没有说出口来,那就是东方玉并不愿意推翻仙佛的统治地位。 This World, four most continents are demon ran amuck, Human(ity) life in abyss of suffering, if has overthrown immortal Buddha, demon turned over to act as the master, immortal Buddha Dongfang Yu can, no matter, but entire day below Human(ity)? Became grain ration that demon has raised to be ordinary? 这个世界,四大部洲已经是妖魔横行了,人类生活在水深火热之中,若是真的推翻了仙佛的话,妖魔翻身做主人了,仙佛死活东方玉可以不管,但全天下的人类呢?岂不是成了妖魔豢养的口粮一般了? Fiend Emperor? Thinks really to a oneself Fiend Emperor title, oneself is the demon camp? Since Dongfang Yu's deep in one's heart, has treated as Human(ity) oneself, this will never change! 妖帝?真以为给自己一个妖帝的称号,自己就是妖魔阵营的了?在东方玉的内心深处,一直以来都把自己当做人类,这点永远不会改变! Therefore, no matter Dongfang Yu and between immortal Buddha how restlessness, even opened Heavenly Court has not related, but absolutely will not actually overthrow the dominant position of immortal Buddha, at least will not help demon this. 所以,不管东方玉和仙佛之间如何的闹腾,甚至把天庭拆了都没关系,但是却绝对不会去推翻仙佛的统治地位,至少绝不会帮着妖魔去这样做。 Hey, my Old Sun was pressed here for one month, you think that at this hear of these musical instrument performances, looked really these theatrical troupes do kill the time? Sometimes thinks , can indeed think before , matter that cannot pay attention to. “嘿嘿嘿,俺老孙被压在这里一个月的时间了,你以为真的都在这听这些乐器演奏,看这些戏班子打发时间呢?有的时候想想,也的确能想到以前都注意不到的事情”。 Regarding the Dongfang Yu's words, replying that Son Goku|Sun Wukong smiled, but, in his smiling face somewhat is somewhat bitter and astringent. 对于东方玉的话,孙悟空笑了笑的答道,不过,他的笑容中多多少少有些苦涩。 Looks that Son Goku|Sun Wukong appearance Dongfang Yu smiled, said: Was good, you also in this stayed for one month, was similar, I then have destroyed this mountain to you now, saves you. 看着孙悟空的模样东方玉笑了笑,道:“好了,你也在这呆了一个月的时间了,差不多了,我现在便给你毁了这座山,把你救出来吧”。 Good, hear speech/words, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is very naturally happy. “好的”,闻言,孙悟空自然是高兴得很。 although this month has thought that disposition also mature a point, but Son Goku|Sun Wukong after is the temper of bracelet, cannot idle, was pressed for enough one month in this, is makes Son Goku|Sun Wukong be sufficed. 虽然这一个月想了很多,性格也成熟了一点,但孙悟空毕竟是跳脱的性子,一刻也闲不住,在这被压了足足一个月,已经是让孙悟空受够了。 Selects nod(ded), Dongfang Yu looks to this Five Elements Mountain, by Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength, a mountain cannot suppress actually his, the essential place uncovers above in Tathagata Buddha the Buddha. 点头,东方玉看向这座五行山,以孙悟空力量,其实一座山是压不住他的,关键的地方还是在如来佛祖的这张佛揭上面。 How to tear down the Buddha of Tathagata to uncover? Dongfang Yu oneself does not understand the method of immortal Buddha, therefore does not have the clue. 如何撕下如来的这张佛揭?东方玉自己也不懂仙佛的手段,所以也没有头绪。 However, among the world does not have the thing that strength could not destroy, if present, that was strength is insufficient! 不过,天下间就没有力量毁坏不了的东西,如果有,那就是力量还不够罢了! Manipulated the moment, Dongfang Yu did not have the means to tear down this Buddha to uncover, gave up simply. 摆弄了片刻,东方玉也没有办法撕下这张佛揭,索性也就放弃了。 Body float in midair, starts to start gene shackle fourth rank...... 身子悬浮于半空中,开始启动基因锁第四阶……
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