PE :: Volume #34

#1539: In the first half finished

Can the Energy Wave prestige not be strong? All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas believes that nobody will suspect, Tathagata Buddha put forth the defenses of 12 lotus thrones to be hard to resist, can be inferred. 气功波的威能强不强?诸天神佛相信没有人会怀疑,如来佛祖就算是使出了12品莲台的防御都难以抵挡,可见一斑。 If not for just Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch take action, perhaps Tathagata under this move, did not die also disabled, but, does Dongfang Yu with this draw on to cope with Jade Emperor now? Many immortal Buddha looks at complexion big change. 若不是刚刚太上老君出手的话,或许如来在这一招下,不死也得残废,只是,现在东方玉用这一招来对付玉皇大帝?不少仙佛看得脸色大变。 No matter Great Sage Equal of Heaven Son Goku|Sun Wukong is how restless, actually to Jade Emperor take action, as four imperial heads, had not been known as Lord of the Three Realms Jade Emperor continuously old god in treating on the oneself throne, occupying a commanding position looks. 不管是齐天大圣孙悟空如何闹腾,其实都没有对玉皇大帝出手,作为四御之首,号称三界之主玉皇大帝一直都老神在在的待在自己的宝座上,居高临下的看着。 Even if were Erlang Shen they cannot solve the match, Jade Emperor also asked Tathagata Buddha to come to escort, actually didn't expect, at this time, Dongfang Yu unexpectedly to Jade Emperor take action. 即便是二郎神他们解决不了对手,玉皇大帝也只是请了如来佛祖前来护驾罢了,却没想到,这个时候,东方玉竟然会对玉皇大帝出手 Dongfang Yu this time vision, all placed the body of Jade Emperor, as Lord of the Three Realms Jade Emperor, actually strength in the middle of Journey to the West how, seriously very mysterious. 东方玉这个时候的目光,全都放在玉皇大帝的身上,作为三界之主玉皇大帝,在西游记当中究竟实力如何,当真是非常的神秘。 Some people said are very high, some people also said are very low, actually how, that has wide divided opinions. 有的人说很高,有的人却也说很低,究竟如何,那是众说纷纭。 From the great antiquity perspective, some people said that Jade Emperor in fact is under the Ancestor of the Great Balance place the young lad, in some TV series said that Jade Emperor cultivation base is profound, he cultivated to hold since childhood, has undergone 1750 tribulations painstakingly, the words that each tribulation these 129,600 years, calculate like this, Jade Emperor may enough practice more than 200 million years. 从洪荒的角度上来说,有人说玉皇大帝实际上是鸿钧老祖的座下童子,也有的电视剧中说玉皇大帝修为精深,他自幼修持,苦历过1750劫,每劫该129600年,这样算的话,玉皇大帝可足足修炼了200000000多年啊。 After Dongfang Yu has eaten up Peach of Immortality, life has nearly 130,000 years, but these time, but is a time of Jade Emperor that 1750 tribulation tribulations, can be inferred. 东方玉吃下了蟠桃之后,寿命有将近130000年,可这些时光,不过是玉皇大帝那1750劫其中一劫的时光罢了,可见一斑。 More than 200 million years of practice, even if a pig, this practice to the degree of exceedingly high penetrating place? 200000000多年的修炼,就算是一头猪,也该修炼到通天彻地的程度了吧? Wears Energy Tester on the body, Dongfang Yu can see the Tathagata Buddha energy value about 110,000, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch energy value about 120,000, Erlang Shen about 80,000, Nezha Third Crown Prince more than 60,000...... 戴着能量测试仪在身上,东方玉能够看得到如来佛祖能量值110000左右,太上老君能量值在120000左右,二郎神80000左右,哪吒三太子60000多…… All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas energy value, so long as Dongfang Yu is willing to look that everyone can see, but, Jade Emperor energy value Dongfang Yu cannot see. 诸天神佛能量值,只要东方玉愿意看,谁都能够看得到,但偏偏,玉皇大帝能量东方玉看不到。 If spirit platform Mount Innerheart Ancestor Subhuti, his energy night-watch is high, has exceeded 150,000 survey upper limits, but also has a concept to his energy value after all? 灵台方寸山菩提祖师,他的能量值更高,已经超越了150000的测量上限,但总归也对他的能量值有个概念吧? The Jade Emperor energy value cannot survey, the height does not have a concept, therefore, Dongfang Yu wants to probe personally this Jade Emperor method. 偏偏,玉皇大帝能量值根本测量不出来,高低也没有个概念,所以,东方玉想要亲自来试探一下这玉皇大帝的手段。 Like the situation, only then in Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back, that Ancient Buddha Dīpankara situation was a little initially similar. 像这样的情况,只有当初在西游伏妖篇的时候,那燃灯古佛的情况有点类似。 Bang! 轰! Dongfang Yu's vision tight is staring at Jade Emperor, under Super Saiyan's Mode, Dongfang Yu's strength formidable to fearful degree, Energy Wave rumbling maliciously, and looked how his Jade Emperor resists the oneself move. 东方玉的目光紧紧的盯着玉皇大帝,超级赛亚人的状态下,东方玉的力量强悍到可怕的程度,气功波狠狠的轰了下去,且看他玉皇大帝如何抵挡自己的招数。 This was Tathagata Buddha cannot resist, sufficiently the attack of destruction star. 这可是如来佛祖都抵挡不了,足以毁灭星球的攻击呢。 However, saw that the Dongfang Yu's attack will soon fall , on Jade Emperor, suddenly, the apricot yellow small flag appeared at the same time once again, keeps off in the Jade Emperor front. 然而,眼看着东方玉的攻击即将落在玉皇大帝身上的时候,突然,一面杏黄色的小旗子再度出现了,挡在玉皇大帝的面前。 small flag that launches, whatever Dongfang Yu this formidable incomparable Energy Wave falls on the flag, the mark silk has not actually moved, fearful Energy Wave looks like the clay ox entering the sea falls in small flag, mighty waves have not emerged. 展开的小旗子,任凭东方玉强悍无比的气功波落在旗子上面,却纹丝未动,可怕的气功波就像是泥牛入海般落在小旗子上,一丝波澜都没有兴起。 Is this flag?”, Looks at the Jade Emperor this side apricot yellow flag, the Dongfang Yu's brow wrinkled the wrinkle. “又是这面旗子?”,看着玉皇大帝这一面杏黄色的旗子,东方玉的眉头皱了皱。 Before Android Xiaohong came out, seized the chance also to Jade Emperor take action, can in fact actually by this small flag blocking, didn't expect, oneself has been the Super Saiyan degree, the Energy Wave prestige could far more than promote the several fold? But this small flag, can block unexpectedly as before easily. 之前人造人小红出来的时候,趁机也对玉皇大帝出手了,可实际上却被这面小旗子给挡住了,没想到,自己达到了超级赛亚人的程度,气功波的威能何止提升了数倍?可这面小旗子,居然依旧能轻易的挡住。 The cultivation base aspect regardless, at least from the quality of magic weapon, the Jade Emperor this side apricot yellow small flag, has defended ability absolutely to be much more tenacious than for the time being Tathagata Buddha that 12 lotus throne. 修为方面暂且不论了,至少从法宝的品质上来说,玉皇大帝这一面杏黄色的小旗子,防御能力绝对比如来佛祖的那12品莲台更加坚韧得多了。 A move falls, a Jade Emperor magic weapon on easy the attack of oneself blocking, Dongfang Yu also knows that the matter may not be, no longer talks too much. 一招落下,玉皇大帝一件法宝就轻而易举的将自己的攻击给挡住了,东方玉也知道事不可为,不再多言。 After divine sense and Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch have exchanged several, the look falls on the body of Tathagata Buddha, deep looked at his one eyes, at once turns around, flew toward Heavenly Court outside. 神念太上老君交流了几句之后,眼神落在如来佛祖的身上,深深的看了他一眼,旋即转身,往天庭外飞了出去。 Walked?”, Looks Dongfang Yu imposing manner agitated after Jade Emperor lost Energy Wave, decisive retreated, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas has gawked staring. “走了?”,看着东方玉气势汹汹的朝着玉皇大帝丢了个气功波之后,果断的就撤退了,诸天神佛都是愣了愣。 Regarding Dongfang Yu's this movement, the appearance that has not thought of completely, has not expected Dongfang Yu such decisively unexpectedly left. 对于东方玉的这番动作,完全没有想到的样子,没料到东方玉居然这么果断的就离开了。 Jade Emperor, received the oneself apricot yellow small flag, looks figure that Dongfang Yu departs has not spoken, the words that wants to pursue also says. 玉皇大帝,将自己黄色的小旗子收了起来,看着东方玉离去的身形没有说话,想要追击的话也说不出口。 At once, silent a moment later, start to talk makes All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas clean battlefield. 旋即,沉默了片刻之后,开口诸天神佛打扫一下战场 This war, Heavenly Court had many constructions to be damaged, needs All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas well processed, no matter how, the war of today to Heavenly Court, it may be said that was the face countenance completely loses. 这一战,天庭有不少的建筑都被损坏了,都需要诸天神佛好好的去处理,不管如何,今日之战对天庭而言,可谓是颜面尽失了。 Announcing the world must cut to kill Dongfang Yu's, can finally? Dongfang Yu actually success left, moreover Heavenly Court has also destroyed many places, the celestial troops and generals casualty are also innumerable, Tathagata Buddha also by Dongfang Yu defeating, almost the body fell in the Dongfang Yu's hand. 公告天下要斩杀东方玉的,可最后呢?东方玉却成功的离开了,而且天庭也毁坏了很多的地方,天兵天将也死伤无数,就连如来佛祖也被东方玉给打败了,差点身陨在东方玉的手中。 This war, Heavenly Court has not taken any advantage in fact, moreover lost including the face countenance similarly. 这一战,天庭实质上没有占到任何便宜也就算了,而且连颜面都丢得差不多了。 But regarding Dongfang Yu, this war, it may be said that is Three Realms vibrates, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, and even demon ghost all people have experienced Dongfang Yu's strength, the illustrious prestige hit by this war. 而对于东方玉来说,这一战,可谓是三界震动,诸天神佛,乃至妖魔鬼怪所有的人都见识过东方玉的力量了,赫赫威名靠这一战打出来了。 To Dongfang Yu, All Heavens and Myriad Realms oneself is the traveler, wants these prestige to do? 只是,对东方玉而言,诸天万界自己不过是过客罢了,要这些威名干嘛? Bai Feifei almost relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish, Android Xiaohong collapsed including the chip, to Dongfang Yu, this war, oneself loses is also very big. 白菲菲差点形神俱灭,人造人小红连芯片都崩溃了,对东方玉而言,这一战,自己损失也很大。 Finally no matter how, this fought dropped the appearance of curtain bewilderedly, although Dongfang Yu left, making many people unable to think through, but since like this had finished, was makes All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas relax. 不管如何,这一战终于是落下了帷幕的样子,虽然东方玉莫名其妙的离开了,让许多人想不通,但既然就这样结束了,也算是让诸天神佛都松了一口气。 Tathagata Buddha silent did not say, after Jade Emperor said goodbye, then turns round in the direction of oneself Spirit Mountain to go back, the war of today, the Tathagata Buddha earlier period sends the invincible might greatly, later actually also threw completely the face countenance. 如来佛祖沉默不言,和玉皇大帝告辞了一番之后,便回身往自己灵山的方向回去了,今日之战,如来佛祖前期是大发神威,后期却也丢尽了颜面。 After all Tathagata Buddha escorts to oneself today, regarding Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor naturally well expressed gratitude, then is also busy Heavenly Court these destruction the work of construction reconstruction. 毕竟如来佛祖今日来是给自己护驾,对于如来佛祖,玉皇大帝自然是好好的道谢了一番,然后也忙着天庭那些毁坏的建筑重建的工作。 Entire Heavenly Court, the atmosphere constrains, even has a defeated feeling to the person, all god Buddha interest are not high, regarding Heavenly Court, this is many years have not come across the disaster. 整个天庭,气氛压抑,甚至给人有一种残败的感觉,所有的神佛兴致都不高,对于天庭而言,这是多少年都没有遇到过的劫难啊。 Sees this war, finally dropped the curtain, all demon was also receives oneself magecraft and magic weapon, the war of Heavenly Court, it can be said that changed, three waves to a single stroke, but finally to the present, eventually had finished. 看到这一战,终于落下了帷幕,各方妖魔也是收起了自己法术和法宝,天庭之战,可以说是跌宕起伏,一波三折了,不过最后到了现在,也终于是已经结束了。 No matter how, in the vision of all people, this fights the achievement side exactly is Dongfang Yu, this to all demon, this was considered as absolutely on is worth the happy matter. 不管如何,在所有人的目光之中,这一战获胜方恰恰是东方玉,这对各方妖魔而言,这绝对算得上是一件值得高兴的事情了。 After all these for thousands of years, all demon was all pressed by All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas stubbornly, even many strength strong big demon were seized by All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, as the mount, how could it not be is the shame? 毕竟这千万年来,各方妖魔无一不是被诸天神佛压得死死的,甚至许多实力强劲的大妖魔诸天神佛捉了去,作为坐骑,岂非是耻辱? What idea not to mention All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas regarding this war is, what thoughts no matter also various group of demon are, after Dongfang Yu left Heavenly Court, leaves by Magic of space transmission gate, after getting rid of the vision of all people, Dongfang Yu found the a person mark rarely to mountain deep place. 且不说诸天神佛对于这一战是什么样的想法,也不管各路妖魔是什么样的心思,东方玉离开了天庭之后,以空间传送门的魔法离开,摆脱了所有人的目光之后,东方玉找到一个人迹罕至的大山深处。 Has relieved the oneself gene shackle fourth rank condition, the complexion immediately is a pallidness, stands cannot halt, the whole person drops on the ground, the whole body muscle spasm, as if a gearing finger unusual difficulty. 解除了自己基因锁第四阶的状态,脸色立马是一片煞白,就连站立都站不住,整个人跌落在地上,浑身肌肉痉挛,似乎连动一根手指都非常的困难。 Dongfang Yu itself does not have ability to break through to the Super Saiyan situation, this breakthrough takes the springboard with the aid of gene shackle fourth rank, this successfully achieves. 东方玉本身是没有能力突破到超级赛亚人的地步的,这次的突破不过是借助基因锁第四阶作为跳板,这才成功达到的罢了。 In brief, Dongfang Yu Super Saiyan's Mode needs gene shackle fourth rank to take the premise, can change the body. 简而言之,东方玉超级赛亚人的状态需要基因锁第四阶作为前提,才能变身。 Although Super Saiyan changes the body condition, does not have the time to limit, but gene shackle has, first time breaks through to the gene shackle fourth rank condition, Dongfang Yu is hard to maintain for a long time, this time opened the gene shackle fourth rank condition to be so long forcefully, to Dongfang Yu's body, is the movement of excess load. 虽说超级赛亚人的变身状态,是没有时间限制的,可基因锁却有,第一次突破到基因锁第四阶的状态,东方玉是难以长时间维持的,这次强行开启了基因锁第四阶的状态这么久,对东方玉的身体而言,已经是超负荷的运动了。 After this time left Heavenly Court, a Dongfang Yu spirit loosen , is hard to maintain. 到了这个时候离开了天庭之后,东方玉精神一松,再也难以维持住了。 „Can this time, only achieve this situation?”. “这次,只能做到这个地步吧?”。 Long time, Dongfang Yu then restored, the whole person looks like the incomparably weak appearance stands up, step by step limps walks toward the distant place, in the heart sighed darkly. 良久之后,东方玉这才恢复了一些,整个人看起来无比虚弱的模样站起身来,一步步蹒跚的往远方走去,心中暗叹。 They look like in Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, Dongfang Yu is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, because of Bai Feifei and Bulma in his hands, this accepted the request of reconciliation, but Dongfang Yu oneself knows that fights again, oneself body will unable to support, reconciliation that Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch raises, Dongfang Yu under donkey taking advantage of slope. 太上老君他们看来,东方玉是投鼠忌器,因为白菲菲布玛在他手里,这才答应了和解的要求,可东方玉自己知道,再战斗下去,自己身体会支撑不住的,太上老君提出来的和解,东方玉只是借坡下驴罢了。 But, this matter has not terminated!”, But, walks, Dongfang Yu gained ground, the look is bringing killing intent is looking at the West. “不过,这件事情还没有完结!”,只是,行走之间,东方玉抬起头来,眼神带着杀意的望着西方。 In others opinion, the war of Heavenly Court had ended, may to Dongfang Yu, this finish the first half. 在别人看来,天庭之战已经结束了,可对东方玉而言,这不过是结束了上半场罢了。 After waiting for oneself body to restore, oneself must go to Spirit Mountain big Thunderclap Temple to walk one. 自己身体恢复了之后,自己还要去灵山大雷音寺走一遭的。 In the hand of Jade Emperor, the magic weapon are it seems like more than Tathagata Buddha, after my body restores, I then want Heavenly Court to give me a powerful magic weapon as the compensation, then, goes to big Thunderclap Temple again, had finished and Buddha Realm gratitude and grudges. 玉皇大帝的手上,看来法宝比如来佛祖更多啊,也罢,待我身体恢复之后,我便要天庭给我一件强大的法宝作为补偿,然后,再去大雷音寺,了却了和佛界的恩怨”。 Thinks of Jade Emperor not take action, but a piece of apricot yellow small flag takes, blocked Energy Wave under oneself Super Saiyan condition, in the Dongfang Yu's heart to the Jade Emperor magic weapon had the idea. 想到玉皇大帝都没怎么出手,只是一片杏黄色的小旗子拿出来,就挡住了自己超级赛亚人状态下的气功波,东方玉的心中对玉皇大帝的法宝有了想法。 Naturally, before then, do I want to go to that Five Elements Mountain to walk, Journey to the West plane? The road of heading west? oneself must have a look not to have Son Goku|Sun Wukong this role but actually, how the Buddha Realm person also opened their roads of heading west......”. “当然,在此之前,我还是要去那五行山走一遭,西游位面?西行之路?自己倒要看看没了孙悟空这个角色,佛界的人还怎么开启他们的西行之路……”。 After the heart decided that Dongfang Yu looked to the Five Elements Mountain direction, Son Goku|Sun Wukong is suppressed, if oneself wants the means to save to be good him first. 心中打定了主意之后,东方玉跟着望向了五行山的方向,孙悟空被镇压着,自己还是要想办法先把他救出来才行。 ( PS: The words said that if Dongfang Yu blackmails a Jade Emperor magic weapon, what thing should want to be good? Does everybody profit by opinions from various sources?) (PS:话说,如果东方玉玉皇大帝一件法宝的话,该要什么东西好呢?大家集思广益一下?)
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