PE :: Volume #34

#1538: Opportunity of Bai Feifei resurrecting

Energy Wave, maliciously toward the Tathagata bang in the past, even if 12 lotus thrones is hard to resist the Dongfang Yu's attack, other methods can also resist? 气功波,狠狠的朝着如来轰过去,就算是12品莲台都难以抵挡东方玉的攻击,其他的手段还能抵挡住吗? Is facing Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave, this destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth Aura, even if Tathagata felt that death Aura, has not thought had not heard the fellow, has such fearful prestige energy unexpectedly. 面对着东方玉的气功波,这毁天灭地般的气息,就算是如来都感觉到了死亡的气息,未曾想到一个从来都没听说过的家伙,居然也有这么可怕的威能。 Sigh...... 呼…… When Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave toward Tathagata bang maliciously, saw only take action of that Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch in the past at the request of Jade Emperor, offered a sacrifice to the oneself gold(en) diamond bracelet, changed to together the shining ray, has knocked according to the Dongfang Yu's head. 就在东方玉的气功波朝着如来狠狠的轰过去的时候,只见那太上老君玉皇大帝的要求下出手了,祭起了自己金色的金刚镯,化作一道金灿灿的光芒,照着东方玉的脑袋敲了下去. After all Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch is also exist(ence) of 12 ten thousand energy values, is urges the magic weapon strikes, although is inferior to the Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave like that earthshaking power and influence, but, its power and influence cannot be underestimated as before. 毕竟太上老君也是12万能量值的存在,又是驱使法宝的一击,虽然不如东方玉的气功波那般惊天动地的威势,但是,其威势依旧不容小觑。 At this time, Dongfang Yu all mind placed the body of Tathagata Buddha, saw that the Tathagata Buddha 12 lotus thrones soon the disintegration, naturally will hit 12 spirit to resist, didn't expect this time Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch unexpectedly will actually meddle. 这个时候,东方玉所有的心神都放在如来佛祖的身上,眼看着如来佛祖的12品莲台即将崩碎,自然更打起了12分的精神来对抗,却没想到这个时候的太上老君居然会插手. However, Dongfang Yu's Super Saiyan was depends upon the gene shackle fourth rank condition to issue after all, the fourth rank gene shackle's condition was also opening, fight ability of intuition nearly foreknowledge, although is unexpected, but Dongfang Yu felt after all. 不过,东方玉的超级赛亚人毕竟是依靠基因锁第四阶的状态下达到了,第四阶基因锁的状态也开启着,战斗的直觉近乎预知的能力了,虽然是猝不及防,可东方玉毕竟感受到了。 In the attack of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch will soon fall on Dongfang Yu head, suddenly, the Dongfang Yu's head becomes the jet black piece, looked like caught jet black steel and iron, Armoring Haki that the Dongfang Yu close 12 ten thousand energy values displayed. 就在太上老君的攻击即将落在东方玉脑袋上的时候,突然,东方玉的脑袋变得漆黑一片,就像是染上了漆黑的钢铁似的,正是东方玉接近12万能量值施展出来的装甲色霸气 Bite! 叮! This internal disorders shoot down on the Dongfang Yu's head, is makes a clash of metal sound unexpectedly, the naked eye obvious, the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch diamond bracelet pounds on the Dongfang Yu's head, was jumps unexpectedly the spark, this firm defensive power, lets the All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas with amazement discoloration. 这一下攻击落在东方玉的脑袋上,竟然是发出一阵金铁交鸣的声音,肉眼可见,太上老君的金刚镯砸在东方玉的脑袋上,竟然是蹦起了火花,这坚固的防御力,又是让诸天神佛骇然色变。 Even if Indestructible Vajra Body divine ability, can't be able to block the attack of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch this diamond bracelet? But is Dongfang Yu actually intact? To say that Dongfang Yu's mortal body defense, is more fearful than Indestructible Vajra Body? 就算是金刚不坏之身神通,也不一定能够挡得住太上老君这金刚镯的攻击吧?可东方玉却丝毫无损?岂不是说东方玉的肉身防御,比金刚不坏之身更加可怕? Naturally, along with the Dongfang Yu's strength transformation was the Armoring Haki reason, Energy Wave in Dongfang Yu hand also stopped. 当然,随着东方玉的力量转化为装甲色霸气的缘故,东方玉手中的气功波也停了下来。 Tathagata saw that the Dongfang Yu's attack stops, leaves to retrocede hurriedly, looks that the oneself place next 12 lotus thrones proliferate the fissure the appearance, in the heart without enough time love dearly, but tight is staring at Dongfang Yu, guards against his take action. 如来眼看着东方玉的攻击停下,急忙抽身后退,看着自己座下12品莲台遍布裂痕的样子,心中都来不及心疼,只是紧紧的盯着东方玉,防备他出手 Dongfang Yu had been knocked the head by that diamond bracelet, although, because the Armoring Haki reason has not been injured, may feel as before head intermittent painful, turned head, the callous vision stares at Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, the look is dodging slightly, obviously is having the color of anger. 东方玉被那金刚镯敲了一下脑袋,虽然因为装甲色霸气的缘故没有受伤,可依旧感觉到脑袋一阵阵的生疼,回过头来,冷酷的目光盯着太上老君,眼神微微一闪,显然带着愤怒之色。 To be honest, between Dongfang Yu and Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch somewhat are also have one to hand over after checking item by item the collection, after all these days, Bulma has treated recently in Tushita Palace, moreover these days, Dongfang Yu also frequently takes a walk in Tushita Palace, in addition fight time, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch did not have take action, the nature, Dongfang Yu not to include in the range of oneself attack Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch. 说实话,东方玉太上老君之间多多少少也算是有一点交集,毕竟最近这些日子,布玛一直都待在兜率宫中,而且这些日子,东方玉也经常在兜率宫中走动,再加上战斗的时候,太上老君一直都没有出手,自然,东方玉也没有把太上老君列入自己攻击的范围之中。 The person who in the Dongfang Yu's heart, must deal with has two, Jade Emperor and Tathagata Buddha. 东方玉的心中,要对付的人只有两个,玉皇大帝如来佛祖 Tathagata naturally was needless saying that Bai Feifei, the Frieza puppet and Xiaohong were die in his hands, did not kill him to be not enough to subside the Dongfang Yu's anger. 如来自然是不用说了,白菲菲,弗利萨傀儡和小红都是死在他的手中,不杀他不足以平息东方玉的怒火。 As for Jade Emperor? In the final analysis, is Jade Emperor true secret instigates? the Tathagata Buddha behavior wants, for Jade Emperor take action. 至于玉皇大帝?归根结底的来说,玉皇大帝才是真正的幕后主使吧?如来佛祖的行为要算起来,都只是为了玉皇大帝出手的罢了。 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch although does not want to begin, but his standpoint after is the Immortal Realm person, is number praising ancestor's exist(ence), the status venerates, when arrived at this Immortal Realm life and death, he does not have the means to achieve to stand by. 只是,太上老君虽然不想动手,可他的立场毕竟是仙界的人,又是号称道祖的存在,地位尊崇,真到了这仙界生死存亡之际,他也没有办法做到袖手旁观。 Dongfang Yu turns round to look to Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, in heart is bringing anger, no matter standpoint how, since Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch take action, then he was enemy. 东方玉回身看向太上老君,心中带着怒意,不管立场如何,既然太上老君出手了,那么他就是敌人了。 Can simultaneously cope with Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Tathagata Buddha?”, Stares at Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, in the Dongfang Yu's heart is muttering secretly thought, with a heavy heart. “要同时对付太上老君如来佛祖吗?”,盯着太上老君,东方玉的心中喃喃暗道,心情沉重了许多。 Fights the words of Tathagata alone, oneself has the victory assurance, just Tathagata almost fallen in the hand of oneself, has been possible simultaneously to face Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Tathagata Buddha two, in the Dongfang Yu's heart does not have any assurance. 独斗如来的话,自己有胜利的把握,刚刚如来已经差点陨落自己的手里了,可同时面对太上老君如来佛祖两个,东方玉的心中就没什么把握了。 „Do you also want take action? Words such being the case, you on together......”. “你也要出手吗?既然如此的话,你们一起上吧……”。 In the although heart has not grasped, may be in the Super Saiyan degree, Dongfang Yu from inside to outside has become qualified warrior(s), fearless warrior(s), the mouth sinking sound said that prepared for unexpectedly has simultaneously resisted Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Tathagata. 虽然心中没有把握,可到了超级赛亚人的程度,东方玉从里到外都成了一个合格的战士,无所畏惧的战士,嘴里沉声说道,竟然是作好了同时对抗太上老君和如来的准备。 „......”, Facing the Dongfang Yu's words, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch silent did not say, did not have anxiously again the meaning of take action. “……”,面对东方玉的话,太上老君沉默不言,也没有急着再出手的意思。 Not only Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch does not think take action, another part of wanting, is Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch has not defeated the Dongfang Yu's assurance completely. 不只是太上老君不想出手,另外一部分的愿意,是太上老君也没有完全打败东方玉的把握。 Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch cultivation base although is high, but fights is not his strong point, his best fight method, actually Samadhi True Fire, but Dongfang Yu oneself is also grasping Samadhi True Fire, although the rank is not high, but relatively speaking, has the oneself resistance regarding Samadhi True Fire Dongfang Yu inevitably. 太上老君修为虽然高,但战斗并不是他的长处,他最佳的战斗手段,其实还是三昧真火,只是东方玉自己也掌握着三昧真火,尽管等级不高,但相对而言,对于三昧真火东方玉必然也有自己的抗性。 Synthesizes the strength words, perhaps oneself has not compared Tathagata Buddha to the threat that Dongfang Yu poses. 综合实力算起来的话,或许自己东方玉造成的威胁还比不上如来佛祖呢。 Dongfang Yu they collaborates facing Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Tathagata Buddha, has not grasped, similarly, how could does Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch have confidence? 东方玉面对太上老君如来佛祖两人联手,没有把握,同样的,太上老君又何曾有把握呢? If can defeat Dongfang Yu to be good, if adds on oneself not to affect? In that immortal Buddha also who can prevent his? 若是能够打败东方玉还好,若是加上自己也没作用呢?那仙佛之中还有谁能阻挡他的? Must know so far, Dongfang Yu is only the unarmed fight. 要知道目前为止,东方玉都只是赤手空拳的战斗罢了。 They collaborate, is a card in a hand, does this card in a hand have to affect oneself not to know, therefore, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch naturally is not willing to hit easily, but makes to today's this situation, how will Dongfang Yu give up? How can that be able to make him retreat? 两人联手,算是一张底牌,这张底牌有没有作用自己也不知道,所以,太上老君自然是不愿意轻易的打出去,但是闹到了今天这个地步,东方玉岂会善罢甘休?那要如何才能让他退去呢? Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch does not have take action, Tathagata Buddha naturally does not have take action, oneself a person is not his match, suddenly, both sides as if like this refused to budge. 太上老君没有出手,如来佛祖自然也没有出手,自己一个人可不是他的对手,一时间,双方似乎就这样僵持下来了。 Is very good! Since your take action, I am impolite, saw that Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch and Tathagata Buddha do not have the take action appearance, Dongfang Yu does not have the patience continues the appearance, nod(ded) to say. “很好!既然你们都不出手的话,那我就不客气了”,眼看太上老君如来佛祖都没有出手的样子,东方玉却是没有耐心继续等下去的样子,点头说道。 During the speeches, Dongfang Yu both hands lift up high, terrifying Aura gathers once again, this time, whom Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave no longer aims, but wanted to ruin this Heavenly Court directly completely. 说话间,东方玉双手高举,恐怖的气息再度汇聚起来,这一次,东方玉的气功波不再是针对谁了,而是想要直接将这天庭全部都毁掉。 Looks that Dongfang Yu was fearful Energy Wave must pound, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas had a big shock, even if were 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata cannot block, this came words again, who can block? 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata have been in the brink of collapse. 看着东方玉又是一个可怕的气功波要砸下来了,诸天神佛大惊失色,就算是如来的12品莲台都挡不住,这再来一次的话,谁能挡得住啊?就连如来的12品莲台都已经处于崩溃的边缘了。 Wait / Etc., Dongfang Yu, please listen to my word......”, saw Dongfang Yu just that fearful must fall, when Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch heart in great surprise, hurried start to talk called out. “等等,东方玉,请听我一言……”,眼看着东方玉刚刚那么可怕的就要落下来,太上老君心中大惊之余,急忙开口叫道。 Dongfang Yu both hands lift up high, the Energy Wave gathering above the palm, stares at Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch not to say a word, obviously is waiting for the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch following words. 东方玉双手高举,气功波汇聚于手掌之上,盯着太上老君不发一言,显然是在等待太上老君后面的话。 Looks at the Dongfang Yu's appearance, obviously to the opportunity of oneself speech, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch said hurriedly: demon of that alone arm, is only the puppet, what that female is Android, this I am know from Bulma there, they although to you are the massive losses, but we can give you to compensate. 东方玉的模样,显然是给自己说话的机会,太上老君急忙说道:“那个独臂的妖魔,只是傀儡而已,那个女的是人造人,这个我从布玛那里是知晓的,他们对你而言虽然是巨大的损失,但我们可以给你补偿”。 „If only this, was needless to say again, hear speech/words, Dongfang Yu has broken Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch directly. “如果只是这样的话,就不用再说了”,闻言,东方玉直接打断了太上老君的话。 Compensation? Bai Feifei died, can it be that what thing can compensate? Even if sits to oneself the Jade Emperor position, oneself is impossible to give up in light of this. 补偿?白菲菲都死了,岂是什么东西能补偿的?就算是把玉皇大帝的位置给自己坐,自己都不可能就此罢手。 Wait / Etc., does your this take action main goal, to give that Nine-tailed Fox revenge?”, Saw that Dongfang Yu did not accept the meaning that anything compensated, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch follows close on start to talk to call out. “等等,你这出手最主要的目的,就是为了给那九尾狐报仇吧?”,眼看东方玉根本不接受什么赔偿的意思,太上老君紧跟着开口叫道。 His these words, were speak in the Dongfang Yu's mind, the Dongfang Yu vision fell on the body of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, waited for him to continue. 他这句话,算是说到东方玉的心坎里了,东方玉目光落在太上老君的身上,等着他继续说下去。 Actually, that Nine-tailed Fox although died, but True Spirit was actually gathered by me, his soul is Samadhi True Fire, I by controlling fire method, have gathered her True Spirit successfully, if you give up in light of this, I can with turning the immortal pond remould mortal body into her, will give your enough compensation. “其实,那九尾狐虽然死了,但真灵却被我聚集起来了,他的灵魂是三昧真火,我以控火手段,成功将她的真灵聚拢了,你若就此罢手,我可以用化仙池为她重塑肉身,而且会给你足够的补偿”。 The Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch sound, is similar to a wisp of silk thread, has drilled into the Dongfang Yu's ear, these words obviously only then Dongfang Yu can hear, others actually cannot hear. 太上老君的声音,如同一缕丝线,钻入了东方玉的耳中,这句话显然只有东方玉能听得到,别人却是听不到的。 „?”, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch these words, making in the Dongfang Yu heart move. “哦?”,太上老君的这句话,让东方玉心中一动。 Changes mind thinks that Bai Feifei because of the God Fire Art reason, the soul changes to Samadhi True Fire, even if were hit the soul flies away and scatters by Tathagata, but by Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch controlling fire method, can gather the Bai Feifei soul is not strange. 转念一想,白菲菲因为神火诀的缘故,灵魂化作三昧真火,就算是被如来打得魂飞魄散了,但是以太上老君控火手段,能将白菲菲的灵魂聚拢也不奇怪。 Words that like this looks, actually wasn't Bai Feifei also dies? 这样看的话,其实白菲菲还不算死了? Bai Feifei also some hopes of rescue, this to Dongfang Yu naturally is a celebration, but similarly, the Bai Feifei soul was grasped by Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, is the a person nature, although Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch has not actually threatened the Dongfang Yu's meaning with Bai Feifei, but everybody is not idiot, this matter is well aware, does not need to bring to light specially. 白菲菲还有获救的希望,这对东方玉而言自然是一件喜事,但同样的,白菲菲的灵魂被太上老君掌握了,却也算是一个人质,虽然太上老君没有用白菲菲来威胁东方玉的意思,可大家都不是笨蛋,这种事情心知肚明,无需特意挑明。 The present aspect, indeed is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt to Dongfang Yu, Bulma in others Tushita Palace, the Bai Feifei soul also in others hands, can say that oneself two woman both to room, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch the face, it seems like Dongfang Yu must give him. 现在的局面,对东方玉而言的确是投鼠忌器,布玛在人家的兜率宫中,白菲菲的魂魄也在人家手中,可以说自己两个女人都在对房手里,太上老君的这个面子,看来东方玉是必须给他了。 Such departs? Dongfang Yu naturally is not willing. 只是,就这么离去?东方玉自然也不肯。 Also, oneself had handle in the hand of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, does not have the handle in the hand of Jade Emperor, does not have the handle in the hand of Tathagata Buddha. 再说了,自己有把柄在太上老君的手中,却没有把柄在玉皇大帝的手中呢,更没有把柄在如来佛祖的手中。 In the heart thought deeply about the moment secretly, in the Dongfang Yu's heart had has decided the idea, divine sense and Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch exchanges, said: Such being the case, I then give you a face, only leaves one move, if you can block my one move, discussed other matters again, if were not good, was your Heavenly Court should have this one to plunder!”. 心中暗暗思索了片刻,东方玉的心中有了定计,神念太上老君交流,道:“既然如此,我便给你个面子,只出一招,若是你们能挡住我一招,再谈其他的事情,若是不行,也是你们天庭合该有此一劫了!”。 Wait / Etc.......”, listens to the Dongfang Yu's words, must begin unexpectedly, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch one startled, wants to speak to persuade Dongfang Yu again. “等等……”,听东方玉的话,竟然还要动手,太上老君一惊,再想说话劝说东方玉一番。 Dongfang Yu actually did not give the opportunity that he persuaded again, a both hands downward pressure that maliciously lifted up high. 只是,东方玉却不给他再劝说的机会了,高举的双手往下狠狠的一压。 This Energy Wave light beam, rumbled in the Jade Emperor direction impressively the past...... 这颗气功波的光柱,赫然朝着玉皇大帝的方向轰了过去……
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