PE :: Volume #34

#1537: Heavenly Court collapse

Tathagata Buddha isn't strength strong? That is without a doubt, Journey to the West plane, Tathagata Buddha strength, looks like invincible exist(ence), no matter what powerful demon ghost, in the front of Tathagata, is one move can solve. 如来佛祖实力强不强?那是毋庸置疑的,在西游位面而言,如来佛祖实力,就像是无敌的存在,不管什么样强大妖魔鬼怪,在如来的面前,都不过是一招就能解决。 Son Goku|Sun Wukong, Bai Feifei and Frieza they confirmed completely Tathagata Buddha powerful, is, to Tathagata Buddha such strength, had the oneself defense magic weapon unexpectedly, obviously defense ability of his 12 lotus throne is very astonishing. 孙悟空,白菲菲弗利萨他们完全证实了如来佛祖强大,可是,到了如来佛祖这样的实力,居然还有自己的防御法宝,可见他那12品莲台的防御能力是非常惊人的。 Dongfang Yu's energy value close 9000 degrees, already achieved changed become the Super Saiyan conditions, and because of Xiaohong and Bai Feifei death, Dongfang Yu's in the extreme, reasonably mentioned angrily, Dongfang Yu should enough turn into Super Saiyan. 东方玉的能量值接近9000的程度,早就达到了变身成超级赛亚人的条件,而且因为小红白菲菲的死,东方玉的愤怒无以复加,按理说来,东方玉应该足够变成超级赛亚人了。 Also does not know that is own intelligence issue, Saiyan body intelligence that made a vow to obtain from Shenron|Divine Dragon there was insufficient, in brief, Dongfang Yu did not have the means to depend upon own strength, directly changed becomes Super Saiyan. 只是,也不知是自身的资质问题,还是从神龙那里许愿得到的赛亚人身体资质不够,总之,东方玉没有办法依靠自身的力量,直接变身成超级赛亚人 Fortunately Dongfang Yu has the gene shackle's system, moreover at crucial moment, among life and death, by the Dongfang Yu successful breakthrough gene shackle fourth rank, was opened along with gene shackle fourth rank finally, own gene obtained the perfect optimization, strength also obtained the large amount amplification, to own the gene or strength control ability had the enormous promotion, this makes Dongfang Yu draw support from gene shackle's to break through, went to the Super Saiyan situation at one fell swoop. 所幸东方玉拥有基因锁的体系,而且在关键的时候,生死一线之间,终于被东方玉成功的突破到了基因锁第四阶,随着基因锁第四阶开启,自身的基因得到了完美的优化,力量也得到了巨额的增幅,对自身无论是基因还是力量的掌控能力都有了极大的提升,这才让东方玉借助着基因锁的突破,一举达到了超级赛亚人的地步。 The simple analogy, Super Saiyan is together the gully, jumps from here to directly opposite is very difficult, Dongfang Yu simply does not have this skill to jump over, but the breakthrough of gene shackle fourth rank, looks like a stepping-stone. 简单的比喻,超级赛亚人就是一道沟壑,直接从这边跳到对面是非常困难的,东方玉根本没有这个本事跳过去,但基因锁第四阶的突破,就像是一个踏脚石。 Does not jump over at one fell swoop, may be many stepping-stone words, naturally successed when conditions are ripe, therefore, the Dongfang Yu's Super Saiyan shape, breaks through with the aid of gene shackle fourth rank ability. 一举跳不过去,可多了一块踏脚石的话,自然是水到渠成了,所以,东方玉的超级赛亚人形态,是借助基因锁第四阶能力才突破的。 What method breakthrough no matter with, after all, present Dongfang Yu has been the Super Saiyan degree successfully, 117,000 energy values, fully showed all. 只是,不管用什么样的方法突破的,总归,现在的东方玉是成功达到了超级赛亚人的程度,117000的能量值,足以说明一切了。 At this time, Dongfang Yu under Super Saiyan's Mode, lifted up high both hands, displayed oneself Energy Wave fully, its might can be inferred, although 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata defended ability very astonishingly, but, front attack that in this destroyed sufficiently a star, can 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata be able to resist really? 这个时候,东方玉超级赛亚人的状态下,高举双手,全力施展自己气功波,其威力可见一斑,虽说如来的12品莲台防御能力非常的惊人,可是,在这足以将一个星球都毁灭掉的攻击面前,如来的12品莲台真的能抵挡得住吗? Tathagata Buddha, withdraws during the defenses of 12 lotus thrones, looks the Energy Wave that in Dongfang Yu both hands gathers, vision dignifiedly to the extreme, obviously he can also feel Dongfang Yu this move of extraordinary, Tathagata also understands, result of this fight, in this at one fell swoop. 如来佛祖,龟缩在12品莲台的防御之中,看着东方玉双手间汇聚的这个气功波,目光凝重到了极点,显然他也能够感受到东方玉这一招的不凡,如来也明白,这场战斗的结局,就在此一举了。 All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, absolutely does not have the qualifications to meddle such fight, the complementary waves that Dongfang Yu casual Energy Wave presents, is not they can withstand, looked like initially Dragon Ball plane, Frieza casual Energy Wave, almost Dongfang Yu instant kill generally. 诸天神佛,根本就没有资格插手这样的战斗,东方玉随便一个气功波出现的余波,就不是他们能够承受的了,就像是当初龙珠位面,弗利萨随便一个气功波,就差点将东方玉秒杀了一般。 But sees this, looks fearful Aura that in both hands that Dongfang Yu lifts up high gathers, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas retrocedes with amazement, on the face is having the color of shock. 而看到这一幕,看着东方玉高举的双手中汇聚的可怕气息,诸天神佛一个个骇然后退,脸上都带着震撼之色。 Bang! 轰! No matter and All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, actually also or is these observes the demon ghost is what idea, at this time, the Dongfang Yu's look was callous, a both hands downward pressure that maliciously lifts up high, at once, huge Energy Wave along with the Dongfang Yu's movement, rumbled toward Tathagata Buddha directly in the past. 且不管诸天神佛,亦或者是那些观战中的妖魔鬼怪究竟是何想法,这个时候,东方玉的神色冷酷,高举的双手往下狠狠的一压,旋即,巨大的气功波随着东方玉的动作,直接朝着如来佛祖轰了过去。 Naked eye obvious, this Energy Wave moment, then inflated dozens meters diameter, easily accomplished power and influence. 肉眼可见,这气功波不过片刻,便膨胀到了数十米的直径,摧枯拉朽的威势。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… The huge Energy Wave bang comes out, but also the decline above 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata, this Immortal Realm earth as if vibrated, as if the earthquake is common, innumerable celestial troops and generals do not stand steadily, even drops in the place, looks at Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave, has been full of the panic-stricken color. 巨大的气功波轰出来,还没落在如来的12品莲台之上,这仙界的大地似乎都震动了起来,仿佛地震一般,无数的天兵天将站立不稳,甚至跌落在地,看着东方玉的气功波,一个个都充满了惊恐之色。 The prestige of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, in the hearts of many person, reflective jumped such a word to come out. 毁天灭地之威,不少人的心中,反射性的蹦出了这么一个词出来。 „It is not good! Entire Heavenly Court vibrated, otherwise this way, otherwise, Heavenly Court will be destroyed in a moment, saw this, Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, among the looks has filled panic-stricken color saying, so the power and influence, seriously was hard to imagine. “不好!整个天庭都震动了,不然再这样下去了,否则,天庭都将毁于一旦啊”,看到这一幕,托塔天王李靖,神色间充满了惊骇之色的说道,如此威势,当真是难以想象了。 Energy Wave, falls above 12 lotus thrones of Tathagata directly, sees only defense that 12 lotus throne supports, immediately by this fearful Energy Wave embezzling. 气功波,直接落在如来的12品莲台之上,只见那12品莲台撑起来的防御,立马被这可怕的气功波给吞没了。 If compares with Energy Wave is the turbulent Tsunami, then the defenses of this 12 lotus thrones, are similar to are the reefs in Tsunami, appointed your Tsunami how fierceness, is hard to shake. 若是将气功波比作是汹涌的海啸,那么这12品莲台的防御,就如同是海啸中的礁石,任你海啸如何的凶猛,也难以撼动。 „The defenses of this 12 lotus thrones, so are unexpectedly tenacious!?”, Looks under the attack of oneself Energy Wave, the lotus throne of Tathagata can block unexpectedly, the Dongfang Yu's brow wrinkled the wrinkle. “这12品莲台的防御,竟然如此坚韧!?”,看着自己气功波的攻击下,如来的莲台居然都能挡得住,东方玉的眉头皱了皱。 Clenches teeth, the strength promotes the half minute once again, does not believe that under the Super Saiyan shape, this take action Energy Wave, he can resist fully really? This is destroys a star sufficiently strength! 咬咬牙,力气再度提升半分,也就不相信了,超级赛亚人的形态下,这全力出手气功波,他真的能够抵挡吗?这可是足以毁灭一个星球的力量啊! ! 喀嚓! As if to verify the suspicion in Dongfang Yu heart is ordinary, finally, under the bombardment of this Energy Wave, the defense of that 12 lotus throne, looks like coverglass, presented a wisp of fissure, at once, this wisp of fissure is getting more and more long, is getting deeper and deeper. 似乎是为了印证东方玉心中的猜想一般,终于,在这气功波的轰击之下,那12品莲台的防御,就像是一个玻璃罩似的,出现了一缕裂痕,旋即,这一缕裂痕越来越长,也越来越深。 Withdraws during the lotus throne defends the Tathagata to see this, pupil fierce contraction. 龟缩在莲台防御之中的如来看到这一幕,瞳孔猛的收缩。 Until now, Dongfang Yu has not used the magic weapon, relies on oneself pure cultivation base to fight completely, unarmed, even if so, unexpectedly can break the defense of oneself? 直到现在为止,东方玉都没有使用法宝,完全是凭借着自己纯粹的修为在战斗,赤手空拳的,可即便如此,居然都能打破自己的防御? Dongfang Yu's strength, seemed to be getting more and more terrorist. 东方玉的力量,似乎越来越恐怖了。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… At this time, entire Heavenly Court fiercely trembled, in the meantime, Monster Executioner Stage here construction, started the avalanche, that must cut to kill the Dongfang Yu's scaffold, started to collapse . Moreover, Heavenly Court innumerable constructions, was splitting, cuns (2.5cm) avalanche. 这个时候,整个天庭都剧烈的震颤了起来,同时,斩妖台这边的建筑,已经开始崩塌了,就连那本来要斩杀东方玉的处刑台,也已经开始崩溃了,而且,天庭无数的建筑,也已经在裂开了,寸寸崩塌。 Was bad, words this way, entire Heavenly Court will collapse!”, Innumerable immortal Buddha, looks at this, calling out of having a big shock. “糟了,再这样下去的话,整个天庭都会崩溃的!”,无数的仙佛,看着这一幕,大惊失色的叫道。 By strength of the, can ruin entire Heavenly Court? Such strength, was almost strong has surpassed the understanding of these immortal Buddha. 以一己之力,能毁掉整个天庭?这样的力量,强得几乎超出了这些仙佛的理解了。 Destroys the good terror destructive power! This Dongfang Yu's cultivation base, as if pure to destroy, but exist(ence)!”, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, looks the destruction that Dongfang Yu causes, in the heart also shocks. “破坏好恐怖的破坏力!这东方玉的修为,似乎单纯的为了破坏而存在的!”,就连太上老君,看着东方玉所造成的破坏,心中也震撼不已。 Experiences Energy Tester exist(ence), Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch has thought that oneself cultivation base should also want high one compared with Dongfang Yu, but, oneself can cultivation base create this destructive power? Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch shakes the head secretly. 见识过能量测试仪存在,太上老君自认为自己修为应该比东方玉还要高一线,可是,自己修为能造成这一的破坏力吗?太上老君暗自摇头。 In Tushita Palace, Bulma although made super Android Xiaohong to rescue Dongfang Yu, but this after all was All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas in Heavenly Court, Android can Xiaohong really rescue Dongfang Yu? In the Bulma heart a point assurance does not have, can only completely the human affairs listen to the destiny. 兜率宫中,布玛虽然制造出了超级人造人小红去救东方玉,可这毕竟是诸天神佛都在的天庭,人造人小红是否真的可以把东方玉救出来呢?布玛心中一点把握都没有,只能是尽人事听天命了。 At this time, Bulma uneasy whether sitting or standing treating in Tushita Palace, completely how did not know Dongfang Yu that side situation. 这个时候,布玛是坐立不安的待在兜率宫中,完全不知道东方玉那边的情况怎么样了。 After waiting for some time, Bulma suddenly discovered that Tushita Palace as if had some tremor gently, this makes Bulma be startled slightly, not yes what's the matter. 只是,等了一些时间之后,布玛突然发现,兜率宫似乎有了些轻轻的颤动,这让布玛微微一怔,不明白是怎么回事。 Feeling that may at once, this tremble was getting more and more intense, even, in many pendulums including this Tushita Palace bottles of cans of but actually place, this has also let Bulma with amazement. 可旋即,这震颤的感觉越来越强烈了,甚至,连这兜率宫中许多摆着的瓶瓶罐罐也倒了一地,这让布玛骇然。 don't tell me? Was this has the earthquake? Real false? This will Immortal Realm have the earthquake? 难道?这是发生地震了吗?真的假的?这仙界也会有地震吗? „! Actually this what happened?”, Tushita Palace, two is guarding the imperial city gate, is guarding the Bulma young lad, was shaken unexpectedly turns in the place, on the face is having the surprised look, look at each other in dismay. “啊!这究竟发生了什么事情?”,兜率宫在,两个看守着宫门,也看守着布玛的童子,竟然被震翻在地,脸上都带着吃惊的神色,面面相觑 Like the situation, they may not see in Heavenly Court these many years, actually this what happened? 像这样的情况,他们在天庭这么多年可都没见到过呢,这究竟是发生了什么事情了? Oh! 哎哟! At this time, a young lad is covering the head of oneself suddenly, the pain screamed, originally, this Tushita Palace started the feeling of avalanche, a tile has pounded, happen to pounded on the head of this young lad. 就在这个时候,其中一个童子突然捂着自己的脑袋,痛叫出声,原来,这兜率宫已经开始崩塌的感觉了,一块瓦片砸了下来,正好砸在这个童子的脑袋上。 Looks at a thing each article collapse in palace again, tile brick bat unceasing falling, these two young lads do not dare in the palace to stay again, bringing Bulma to run out of Tushita Palace. 再看宫中的物件一件件倒塌,瓦片砖块不断的落下,这两个童子也不敢再宫中多呆了,带着布玛就冲出了兜率宫 Several people who clashes from Tushita Palace, is actually somewhat scared standing in front of the Tushita Palace jade step. 只是,从兜率宫中冲出来的几个人,却是有些傻眼的站在兜率宫的玉阶前面。 Originally not only Tushita Palace is trembling, entire Heavenly Court seems trembling, calls out in alarm the sound everywhere, even also has the sound that the construction collapses, many immortal E person of great strength, as well as celestial troops and generals cannot come to a stop, was shaken falls to the ground. 原来不只是兜率宫在震颤而已,整个天庭似乎都在震颤着,到处都是惊叫声,甚至还有建筑倒塌的声音,不少仙娥力士,以及天兵天将都站不稳,被震倒在地。 This, was actually this what happened? don't tell me? Is Immortal Realm destroyed in a moment in light of this?”. “这,这究竟是发生什么事了?难道仙界就此毁于一旦吗?”。 Two young lads, staring dumbfounded looks at this as if World end picture, the mouth mutters said. 两个童子,瞠目结舌的看着这仿佛世界末日般的景象,嘴里喃喃说道。 Cameroon...... 喀啦啦…… Entire Heavenly Court in trembling, appearance of cuns (2.5cm) collapse, but at this time, Monster Executioner Stage sores, Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave as before was already maintaining, sends out destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth Aura. 整个天庭都在震颤着,寸寸崩溃的样子,而这个时候,斩妖台这边早就一片疮痍,东方玉的气功波依旧在维持着,散发出毁天灭地气息 Under the attack of Dongfang Yu Energy Wave, the Tathagata Buddha 12 lotus thrones, the fissure are getting more and more, looks at the appearance, as if momentarily possibly appearance of collapse, facing Dongfang Yu this fearful prestige energy, even if Tathagata Buddha that just must be insufferably arrogant, as if absolutely did not have the strength of resisting. 东方玉气功波的攻击下,如来佛祖的12品莲台,裂痕越来越多,看模样,似乎随时可能崩溃的模样了,面对东方玉这可怕的威能,即便是刚刚强得不可一世的如来佛祖,似乎也完全没有了招架之力。 Yeah, Elderly Monarch, but also invited your take action......”, to this step, Jade Emperor also helpless sighing, at once said to Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch. “哎,老君,还请你出手吧……”,到了这一步,玉皇大帝也无奈的叹了一口气,旋即对身旁的太上老君说道。 Looks at Dongfang Yu this attack imposing manner, once 12 Pin Liantai collapsed, Tathagata Buddha was rumbled to kill has the possibility, was oneself makes Tathagata Buddha come to escort, if Tathagata Buddha such were rumbled to kill here, Jade Emperor could also hardly absolve. 东方玉这个攻击的气势,一旦12品莲台崩溃了的话,如来佛祖被轰杀都是有可能的,到底是自己如来佛祖前来护驾的,若是如来佛祖就这么被轰杀在这里,玉帝也难辞其咎。 „......”, Hearing the Jade Emperor words, in the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch heart the helpless darkness to sigh one. “……”,听得玉皇大帝的话,太上老君心中无奈的暗叹一声。 Originally, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch decided two not to help, but peaceful works as a viewer, but now, the matter makes to this step, Heavenly Court Beng Hui, moreover Jade Emperor start to talk, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch was not personally good to reject. 本来,太上老君打定了主意两不相帮,只是安安静静的当一个看客的,可现在,事情闹到这一步,天庭崩毁,而且玉皇大帝亲自开口了,太上老君也不好拒绝。 Selected nod(ded), Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch has not said anything, but put out a hand into the bosom, at once took out a gold(en) bracelet...... 点头,太上老君没有多说什么,只是伸手入怀,旋即取出了一个金色的镯子…… ( The PS : QQ group first crowd has filled, two crowds opened, transmission gate number: 619485776) (PS:QQ群第一群已经满了,二群已经开启,传送门号码:619485776)
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