PE :: Volume #34

#1536: Defeats Tathagata

The broom that the Dongfang Yu appearance big change, the hair of gold(en) as if stands upside down is the same, the eyebrow also changes to gold(en), emerald green colored eyeball, to person an incomparably callous feeling. 东方玉模样大变,金色的头发仿佛倒立的扫把一样,眉毛也化作金色的,翠绿色的眼珠子,给人一种无比冷酷的感觉。 After entering Super Saiyan's Mode, the Dongfang Yu's makings had the enormous change, not only change of pure strength. 进入了超级赛亚人的状态之后,东方玉的气质都发生了极大的变化,不只是单纯的实力的变化而已。 In once Dongfang Yu makings was more like ordinary person, but present Dongfang Yu, in the makings is more like goes on an expedition thousands of warrior(s), callous feeling, as if murder like hemp. 曾经的东方玉气质上更像是一个普通人,但现在的东方玉,气质上更像是一个征战千万次的战士,冷酷的感觉,似乎杀人如麻。 Enough 117,000 energy values erupt, it can be said that Dongfang Yu this time strength, was much stronger, Dongfang Yu has not achieved formidable, walked toward Tathagata step by step, in the callous look, killing intent not minced matter. 足足117000的能量值爆发,东方玉这个时候的力量,强得可怕,可以说是东方玉从来都没达到过的强悍,一步步朝着如来走去,冷酷的眼神中,杀意毫不掩饰。 Tathagata Buddha, the look has filled dignifiedly color is staring at Dongfang Yu, before no matter ominous prestige illustrious Son Goku|Sun Wukong, is controlling Samadhi True Fire Bai Feifei, or is Android Xiaohong and Frieza, actually had not been paid attention to by Tathagata, 80,000 energy values, compared with Tathagata, the disparity are really high big, can easily solve. 如来佛祖,神色充满了凝重之色的盯着东方玉,之前不管是凶威赫赫的孙悟空,还是操控着三昧真火白菲菲,亦或者是人造人小红弗利萨,其实都没有被如来放在眼里,最高不过80000的能量值罢了,和如来相比,差距甚大,举手投足间就可以轻易的解决了。 But now, hardly has put together a chapter of palm with Dongfang Yu, Tathagata can feel present Dongfang Yu, strength not under oneself, even, is faint must plan compared with oneself. 可现在,和东方玉硬拼了一章掌,如来能够感受到现在的东方玉,实力不在自己之下,甚至,隐隐间比自己还要强一筹。 In the heart of Tathagata Buddha, treated as an equal match to regard Dongfang Yu, the dignified look was staring at Dongfang Yu, did not have slightly the meaning of contempt. 如来佛祖的心中,将东方玉当做一个平等的对手来看待了,凝重的眼神盯着东方玉,也没有了丝毫轻视的意思。 Under his control, the vigorous Buddha strength has seethed with excitement, in the world seemed being flooded by his Buddha strength, the innermost soul has as if resounded the sound of continuous imperial sacrifices singing, at the same time, the palm of Tathagata raises, gold(en) Buddha's radiance changes to together phantom, is similar to the terror mountain, suppresses toward Dongfang Yu. 在他的操控下,浑厚的佛力沸腾了,天地之间仿佛都被他的佛力所充斥着,灵魂深处似乎都响起了绵绵不绝的禅唱之音,与此同时,如来的手掌扬起,金色佛光化作一道虚影,如同恐怖的大山,朝着东方玉镇压过来。 The Dongfang Yu look is invariable, as if has not placed in the attack of Tathagata the eye completely, but stretches out the palm of oneself, in the meantime, formidable Energy Wave rumbled along with the Dongfang Yu's movement together. 东方玉神色不变,似乎完全没有将如来的攻击放在眼中,只是伸出自己的手掌,同时,一道强悍气功波随着东方玉的动作轰了出去。 The terrifying light beam, as if holds up a day of great column to be common, crosses the world, Tathagata this is similar to mountain general phantom, completely by Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave blocking, at once, an cuns (2.5cm) disintegration. 恐怖的光柱,仿佛擎天巨柱一般,横贯天地,如来这如同大山一般的虚影,完全被东方玉的气功波给挡住了,旋即,寸寸崩碎。 Shout! 呼! After resisting the attack of Tathagata, Dongfang Yu's figure moved, as if the twinkling migration appeared in the front of Tathagata, the fist in hand gratefully has pounded toward face of Tathagata, broad strength, even if were Tathagata Buddha does not dare to belittle, lifted the palm reading to welcome hurriedly. 抵挡住了如来的攻击之后,东方玉的身形移动,仿佛瞬息移动般出现在如来的面前,手中的拳头毫不客气的朝着如来的面门砸了过去,恢弘的力道,就算是如来佛祖也不敢小觑,急忙抬手相迎。 Bang! Bang! Bang!...... 砰砰砰…… Dongfang Yu imposing manner like the rainbow, attacks regarding Tathagata unceasingly, but berserk the fast attack, as if lets Tathagata somewhat the feeling that is hard to resist. 东方玉气势如虹,围绕着如来不断的攻击,狂暴而迅捷的攻击,似乎让如来都有些难以招架的感觉。 Near body attack is always Dongfang Yu most adept ability, at this moment came by Dongfang Yu personal close combat, suddenly can take action a lot of times, this fearful attack speed, Tathagata want to display magecraft divine ability absolutely not to have the opportunity. 近身攻击一向是东方玉最拿手的能力,此刻被东方玉贴身近战过来,眨眼间能出手千百次,这可怕的攻击速度,如来就算是想施展法术神通都完全没有机会。 figure of Tathagata, is an eight zhang (3.33 m) golden body, even if sits above the lotus throne, wants to be three buildings is so high, compared with the Dongfang Yu's build and Tathagata, really appear a little small and weak. 如来的身形,是八丈金身,即便是坐在莲台之上,也想是三层楼那么高,东方玉的体型和如来相比,实在显得有点弱小。 But, imposing manner, Dongfang Yu actually for example comes strongly to plan, moreover strength completely has also disregarded the disparity on build. 可是,在气势上来说,东方玉却比如来更强一筹,而且力量也完全无视了体型上的差距。 I, haven't I misread? Was Tathagata Buddha as if being pressed hitting by Dongfang Yu?”, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, watches this shocking war, dumbfounded. “我,我没看错吧?如来佛祖似乎被东方玉压着打?”,诸天神佛,看着这场惊世之战,目瞪口呆。 Even if Nezha Third Crown Prince, stares dumbfounded, said to oneself Erlang Shen in a low voice. 即便是哪吒三太子,也是瞠目结舌,对自己身旁的二郎神低声说道。 Is strong nearly invincible Tathagata Buddha, enters is pressed hitting unexpectedly? If not for personally sees, Nezha does not believe absolutely. 强得近乎无敌的如来佛祖,进入居然都被人压着打?若不是亲眼所见,哪吒绝对不会相信。 Quite fierce, such strength, even if I comes up, is hard to support several moves, god of Erlang Shen forehead center has also opened, tight is staring at fight between Tathagata and Dongfang Yu, start to talk replies. “好厉害,这样的力量,就算是我上去,也难以支撑几招的”,二郎神额头中心的神目也张开了,紧紧的盯着如来和东方玉之间的战斗,开口答道。 Thinking putting oneself in another's place, what no matter present oneself faces is Dongfang Yu or Tathagata Buddha, Erlang Shen knows that oneself cannot block their attacks absolutely, their strength, were aloof some boundary. 设身处地的想,不管现在的自己面对的是东方玉还是如来佛祖,二郎神都知道,自己绝对挡不住他们的攻击,他们的实力,已经超脱了某种界限了。 Um, Tathagata Buddha strength indeed is strong, but that Dongfang Yu's strength is more fearful, Nezha hear speech/words, numerous nod(ded). “嗯,如来佛祖力量的确是强,可那东方玉的力量才更加可怕啊”,哪吒闻言,也重重的点头 So strength, is this Three Realms and Six Paths topest big energy? Compared with such strength, oneself was known as that Heavenly Court top War God, as if appeared nothing to speak. 如此实力,这才是三界六道最顶尖的大能吗?和这样的力量相比,自己号称天庭顶尖的战神,似乎显得太不值一提了。 This fellow, the cultivation base spirit , the method of fight is extraordinary, even if always said me to come up, could not ask for any good, I was refine my pill relieved, even if were Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, looks strength that this moment Dongfang Yu showed that in the heart secretly was also startled. “这家伙,修为精神也就罢了,战斗的手段更是不凡,就算是老道我上去,也讨不到什么好,我还是安安心心的炼我的丹吧”,即便是太上老君,看着此刻东方玉所展现出来的力量,心中也是暗自吃惊。 cultivation base of Tathagata has differed with oneself is actually not big, but Tathagata was being suppressed by this Dongfang Yu, oneself comes up, the aspect also very many, secretly shook the head, in the heart of Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch also a little rejoiced. 如来的修为其实已经和自己相差不大了,可如来都被这东方玉压制着,自己上去,局面也好不了多少,暗自摇摇头,太上老君的心中也有点庆幸。 Luckily oneself did not have take action, otherwise, at this time facing Dongfang Yu's was oneself. 幸亏自己是一直都没有出手,否则,这个时候面对东方玉的就是自己了。 Jade Emperor sits well above the oneself throne, looks that Tathagata Buddha successively retrocedes under the Dongfang Yu's attack, the complexion is having the surprised uncertain color, to be honest, arrived at oneself and exist(ence) of Tathagata this level, since Pangu has been epoch-making, is few small number, each is to resound through Three Realms and Six Paths exist(ence). 玉皇大帝端坐于自己的宝座之上,看着如来佛祖都在东方玉的攻击下节节后退,脸色带着惊疑不定之色,说实话,到达了自己和如来这个层次的存在,自从盘古开天辟地以来,都是屈指可数的少部分人而已,每一个都是响彻三界六道存在 Dongfang Yu that has not presented suddenly, has such strength unexpectedly, even if Jade Emperor also feels inconceivable. 乍然间,一个从来没有出现的东方玉,居然也拥有这样的力量,就算是玉皇大帝也感到不可思议。 Like exist(ence), is impossible to emerge out of thin air? Actually is he where sacred? Why before , as if hasn't heard his reputation? 像这样的存在,不可能凭空出现的吧?他究竟是何方神圣?为何之前似乎从来都没有听说过他的名头? Good, the good terror......”, as for these demon ghosts of world of mortals, reveals divine ability respectively to stare at Monster Executioner Stage, under the didn't expect three waves to a single stroke, Dongfang Yu erupted so terrifying strength finally unexpectedly, was Tathagata Buddha unexpectedly suppressed by him? “好,好恐怖……”,至于凡间的那些妖魔鬼怪,一个个各显神通的都盯着斩妖台这边,没想到一波三折之下,东方玉最后居然爆发出了如此恐怖的力量,就连如来佛祖居然都被他压制住了? Actually does Dongfang Yu how achieve? Change of this body, what's the matter? 东方玉究竟是如何做到的?还有他这身体的变化,又是怎么回事? Regarding Dongfang Yu's strength, this changes body Super Saiyan's Mode, no matter god Buddha or demon, are holding the enormous curiosity, all people know that this is Dongfang Yu breakthrough ability. 对于东方玉的实力,还有他这变身超级赛亚人的状态,不管是神佛还是妖魔,都抱着极大的好奇,所有人都知道,这是东方玉临阵突破的能力 Otherwise, if Dongfang Yu already had this strength, Son Goku|Sun Wukong was also insufficient to be suppressed, Bai Feifei, Frieza and Android Xiaohong was also insufficient. 否则,若是东方玉早就有这个力量的话,孙悟空也就不至于被镇压了,白菲菲,弗利萨人造人小红也就不至于死了。 Not to mention regarding strength that oneself shows, what idea other people are, this time Dongfang Yu, the complete mind placed the body of Tathagata, the violent storm attack, crowded pounded toward Tathagata. 且不说对于自己所展现出来的实力,其他的人都是什么样的想法,这个时候的东方玉,全副心神都放在如来的身上,狂风暴雨般的攻击,密集的朝着如来砸过去。 although from the energy value, oneself for example came high also 7,000-8,000, may want to depend upon this energy value the superiority to defeat Tathagata, is not easy. 虽然能量值上来看,自己比如来还高了七八千,可想要依靠这点能量值的优势打败如来,也没有那么容易。 Bang! 砰! Also is a fist, Dongfang Yu moves sideways, arrives at Tathagata Buddha, heavy blows fall on the back of the body of Tathagata, sees only Tathagata that eight zhang (3.33 m) golden body, under Dongfang Yu's this fist, is hard to resist was shaken to fly. 又是一拳,东方玉一个闪身,来到如来佛祖的身后,一记重拳落在如来的后心,只见如来那八丈金身,在东方玉的这一拳之下,都难以抵挡的被震飞了出去。 The fist hammer in the back of Tathagata Buddha, the sad sound looks like beats a drum general, at the same time, the body of Tathagata shakes, a Buddha blood of wisp of gold(en) from following the corners of the mouth of Tathagata has delimited. 拳头锤在如来佛祖的后背,沉闷的声音就像是击鼓一般,与此同时,如来的身子一震,一缕金色的佛血从顺着如来的嘴角划了下来。 Fought was so long, Dongfang Yu also more and more familiar oneself Super Saiyan strength, finally, transformed the superiority to win the potential, making Tathagata Buddha be injured. 斗了这么久,东方玉也越来越熟悉自己超级赛亚人力量了,终于,将优势转化为胜势,让如来佛祖受伤了。 This fist, does not feel better obviously. 这一拳,显然不是那么好受的。 Gets sick to want you to assign while you, facing Tathagata. 趁你病要你命,面对如来。 Dongfang Yu had killing intent, said again, Dongfang Yu may not have Son Goku|Sun Wukong to be so benevolent, was not willing to kill opposite side to the matches of war each time personally. 东方玉可是起了杀机的,再说了,东方玉可没有孙悟空那么仁慈,每次对战的对手都不愿亲手杀了对方 Saw that Tathagata has been injured, Dongfang Yu figure like the electricity, such as the maggot of tarsal bone has twined, imposing manner is fuller. 眼看着如来受伤了,东方玉身形如电,如跗骨之蛆般缠绕了上去,气势更足。 Deeply inspires, Tathagata depresses the oneself vibration the five main internal organs (entrails), the powerful Buddha strength pours into to oneself 12 spirit platform, along with the irrigation of Buddha strength, 12 lotus thrones blooms the radiant ray, changes to the defense of formidable, completely protects figure of Tathagata in inside. 深吸一口气,如来压下自己震动的五脏六腑,强大的佛力灌注到自己的12品灵台之中,随着佛力的灌注,12品莲台绽放出璀璨的光芒,化作强悍的防御,将如来的身形完全保护在里面。 To Dongfang Yu how attack, this seems like the weak lotus throne, unexpectedly can Dongfang Yu all attacks blocking. 任由东方玉如何的攻击,这看似薄弱的莲台,居然都能将东方玉所有的攻击给挡住。 „Was Tathagata Buddha, compelled unexpectedly only to be able with the magic weapon to defend?”, although looked like Dongfang Yu as if how Tathagata Buddha, but All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas looks that this was scared. 如来佛祖,居然被逼得只能用法宝来防御了?”,虽然看起来东方玉似乎奈何如来佛祖不了了,可诸天神佛看着这一幕却是傻眼了。 The although beforehand Tathagata occupies in leeward, may after all the fight of both sides or give-and-take, but now, Tathagata actually can only rely on the defense of magic weapon passively resists the Dongfang Yu's attack. 虽然之前如来屈居于下风,可毕竟双方还是有来有往的战斗,但现在,如来却只能凭借着法宝的防御被动的抵挡东方玉的攻击而已。 This means that Tathagata Buddha has lost to the Dongfang Yu's hand? 这岂不是意味着如来佛祖已经败于东方玉的手中了? This looks like two people fights to be the same, frequenting each other is hitting, although has the a person black and blue appearance, as if fights suffers a loss is bigger, but did not have the means saying that others lost. 这就像是两个人打架一样,你来我往的打着,虽然一个人鼻青脸肿的样子,似乎打架的时候吃亏更大,但却也没办法说人家就打输了。 However, when you cannot hit others, hid in the room to close directly does not dare to exit, how clamoring whatever others outside, this do not mean that you have defeated? 但是,当你打不过别人,直接躲到了屋子里关门不敢出去了,任凭别人在外面如何的叫嚣,这不就意味着你已经败了吗? The present Tathagata, looks like does not hit others, withdraws the person who does not dare to exit in the room to be the same. 现在的如来,就像是打不过别人,龟缩在屋子里不敢出去的人一样了。 Did Tathagata Buddha, defeat unexpectedly? 如来佛祖,居然败了? All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas look at each other in dismay, panic-stricken looks at Dongfang Yu, this is all person didn't expect, but Tathagata the Lord of Buddha Realm, the immortal Buddha Realm topest big energy, is, today under glare of the public eye, Tathagata defeats unexpectedly? 诸天神佛面面相觑,惊骇的看着东方玉,这是所有人都没想到的,如来可是佛界之主呢,仙佛界最顶尖的大能,可是,今日在众目睽睽之下,如来居然败了? The war of today, was considered as seriously is ten thousand years rare. 今日之战,当真算得上是万年难得一见了。 Dongfang Yu recently these days, although was known, may more person attention place on Great Sage Equal of Heaven Son Goku|Sun Wukong, but the war of today, wants to come the Dongfang Yu's reputation to vibrate Three Realms and Six Paths sufficiently, became the topest big energy. 东方玉最近这些日子,虽然算是小有名气,可更多的人注意力还是放在齐天大圣孙悟空身上,可今日之战,想来东方玉的名头足以震动三界六道了,成为最顶尖的大能。 All people, are witnessed one to be able with own eyes greatly the births, stepped on Tathagata Buddha to work as the stepping-stone, the reputation resounds through Three Realms and Six Paths. 所有人,算是亲眼见证了一尊大能的诞生,踩着如来佛祖当踏脚石,名声响彻三界六道 Bang! Bang! Bang!! 砰砰砰 The Dongfang Yu's attack, a move of ratio move is quicker, a move of ratio move is more ruthless, letting Tathagata only passive haunches the defenses of 12 lotus thrones to resist. 东方玉的攻击,一招比一招更快,一招比一招更狠,让如来只能被动的撑起12品莲台的防御来抵挡。 Then, attacked several hundred moves not to have the effect, Dongfang Yu to receive the fist to retrocede. 就这样,足足攻击了数百招都没有效果,东方玉收拳后退了许多。 You think that this can block my attack? Such being the case, eats my Energy Wave. “你以为这样就能挡住我的攻击吗?既然如此,吃我一记气功波”。 Dongfang Yu retroceded some, the aquamarine pupil stares at Tathagata, both hands is lifting up high, gathers in Dongfang Yu's both hands formidable to the fearful air/Qi. 东方玉后退了些许,碧绿色的眸子盯着如来,双手高举,强悍到可怕的气在东方玉的双手之中汇聚。 The Super Saiyan shape, Dongfang Yu this Energy Wave, believes that collapsed the Earth bang sufficiently. 超级赛亚人的形态,东方玉这一记气功波,相信足以将地球都轰塌了。 ( PS: Thank book friend black day to fight 100000 beginning coin hegemons who the cat hit to enjoy, , moreover saw that had the book friend to inquire the issue of QQ group, I only want to say that the group id had in the books synopsis, my manual native of Latvia, the QQ group increased group id voluntarily 619485776.) (PS:感谢书友‘黑天’战猫打赏的100000起点币盟主,么么哒,另外看到有书友询问QQ群的问题,我只想说,群号在书籍简介上就有啊,我手动拉人,QQ群自行添加群号“619485776”。)
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