PE :: Volume #34

#1535: Super Saiyan( in addition)

Nearby silent, entire Monster Executioner Stage, becomes a deathly stillness, all immortal Buddha peaceful, looks at that alms bowl of Tathagata, peaceful falling on the ground, Dongfang Yu was suppressed by that alms bowl, wants to come dead. 寂静,整个斩妖台附近,变得一片死寂,所有的仙佛都安静了下来,看着那如来的钵盂,安安静静的落在地上,东方玉被那钵盂所镇压,想来已经死了。 Finished...... 结束了…… This is the idea in existence of God benevolence, Monster Executioner Stage is greatly noisy, to the present, dropped the curtain finally. 这是所有神佛心中的想法,斩妖台这边大闹,到了现在,也终于落下了帷幕了。 Great Sage Equal of Heaven Son Goku|Sun Wukong was suppressed under Five Elements Mountain, like Buddha uncovers the suppression, he is hard to get out of trouble radically, Dongfang Yu was also killed by the alms bowl direct town of Tathagata. 齐天大圣孙悟空被镇压在五行山下,有如来的佛揭镇压,他根本难以脱困,东方玉也被如来的钵盂直接镇杀了。 Bai Feifei holds determination that must die, dies under being in charge of Tathagata Buddha, Android Xiaohong self-destruct perishes, has crushed including the smart chip, the Frieza puppet also melted under the Tathagata Buddha Buddha strength. 白菲菲抱着必死的决心,死在如来佛祖的掌印之下,人造人小红自爆而亡,连智能芯片都跟着粉碎了,弗利萨的傀儡也在如来佛祖的佛力之下消融了。 This war, naturally was immortal Buddha won, but, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas actually nobody displayed the happy look, this war, did not know many celestial troops and generals casualties under Bai Feifei Samadhi True Fire. 这一战,自然是仙佛获得了胜利,只是,诸天神佛却没有人表现出高兴的神色,这一战,也不知多少天兵天将伤亡在白菲菲三昧真火之下了。 White Samadhi True Fire, changes to dreadful sea of fire, lets the person seriously with amazement, if not for Tathagata Buddha in this, this dreadful white flame, how many people some can resist? 白色的三昧真火,化作滔天火海,当真让人骇然,若不是如来佛祖在此的话,这滔天的白色火焰,有多少人能够抵挡? Every, all saw this Monster Executioner Stage aspect demon ghost, all banned the sound, didn't expect final result this. 凡界,所有看到了这斩妖台局面的妖魔鬼怪,也全都禁声了,没想到最后的结果还是这样。 Really? In demon basic can revolt against the rule of immortal Buddha on nobody? Great Sage Equal of Heaven was suppressed, Dongfang Yu also died, this made the demon ghosts experience immortal Buddha this fearful prestige energy. 果然吗?妖魔之中根本就没有人能够反抗仙佛的统治吗?就连齐天大圣都被镇压了,东方玉也死了,这让妖魔鬼怪们都见识到了仙佛这可怕的威能。 All people, thought Bai Feifei, Dongfang Yu, Xiaohong and Frieza they all die, only then the Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch mind, branched out part above Bai Feifei True Spirit, in the heart was interested very much. 所有的人,都以为白菲菲,东方玉,小红弗利萨他们全都死光了,只有太上老君的心神,分出了一部分在白菲菲真灵之上,心中很感兴趣。 Must say that Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch it can be said that used the Samadhi True Fire ancestor, may like Bai Feifei, True Spirit and Samadhi True Fire shares everything or makes Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch be interested very much, as if, was this Nine-tailed Fox soul Samadhi True Fire? 要说起来,太上老君可以说是使用三昧真火的老祖宗了,可像白菲菲这样,真灵三昧真火不分彼此还是让太上老君很感兴趣的,似乎,这九尾狐的灵魂就是三昧真火所化? Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch Samadhi True Fire already such as hot ultramarine, wished besides the antiquity fire god melts, in Three Realms and Six Paths nobody understood Samadhi True Fire compared with Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, because of so, after the Bai Feifei soul likely was the Samadhi True Fire dissipation, Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch to gather the Samadhi True Fire method, succeeded has gathered the soul of Bai Feifei that dissipation. 太上老君三昧真火早就如火纯青,除了上古火神祝融之外,三界六道之中没有人比太上老君更懂三昧真火了,也正是因为如此,白菲菲的灵魂像是三昧真火般的消散了之后,太上老君以聚拢三昧真火的手段,成功的将白菲菲那消散的灵魂都聚拢了回来。 Amitabha, had finished......”, Tathagata Buddha, the mouth also in a low voice proclaimed Buddha, start to talk said. “阿弥陀佛,已经结束了……”,就连如来佛祖,嘴里也低声的宣了一声佛号,开口说道。 To be honest, to Tathagata, Dongfang Yu and Bai Feifei these two people, has the mysterious method of emerging one after another incessantly, another can control Intermediate Samadhi True Fire, these two people cannot keep Buddha Realm, Tathagata Buddha also somewhat regretted. 说实话,对如来而言,东方玉白菲菲这两个人,一个拥有层出不穷的神奇手段,另外一个能够驾驭中级三昧真火,这两个人不能留在佛界,如来佛祖也有些惋惜。 Regarding the person of this would rather die than surrender, Tathagata cannot leave behind them, since cannot be adopted by us, that can only make him vanish. 只是,对于这种宁死不屈的人,如来也不能留下他们,既然不能为我所用,那就只能让他消失了。 Bang! 砰! However, when Tathagata is preparing oneself alms bowl receives, suddenly, sees only that to fall on ground alms bowl, suddenly has made a sad sound, looks like the timely exhortation to virtue and purity is ordinary. 不过,就当如来正准备将自己钵盂收回来的时候,突然,只见那落在地上的钵盂,突然发出了一阵沉闷的声音,就像是暮鼓晨钟一般。 Along with this bang, on alms bowl of Tathagata, but also presented several to be deep and long fissure. 随着这一声巨响,如来的钵盂上面,还出现了好几道又深又长的裂痕。 How possible!? Dongfang Yu has not died!?”, Hears the sound that under that alms bowl is making, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas is in great surprise. “怎么可能!?东方玉还没死吗!?”,听着那钵盂底下发出来的声音,诸天神佛具是大惊。 Tathagata kills Frieza, superficial, suppresses Son Goku|Sun Wukong is also only a move, but to cope with Dongfang Yu, lost including the oneself magic weapon, but hasn't Dongfang Yu died unexpectedly? Is this possible? 如来就算是杀死弗利萨,都只是轻描淡写,镇压孙悟空也只是一招,可为了对付东方玉,连自己的法宝都丢出来了,但东方玉居然还没死?这怎么可能? What under alms bowl is buckling is Dongfang Yu, besides him, but also who can attack that alms bowl? 只是,钵盂底下扣着的是东方玉,除了他之外,还有谁能攻击那钵盂吗? „......”, It looks like the old god in Tathagata Buddha, at this time the complexion cannot help but changed, looks that oneself alms bowl presented several fissures unexpectedly ugly, the Tathagata Buddha complexion. “……”,就连一直看起来老神在在的如来佛祖,这个时候脸色都不由得变了变,看着自己钵盂居然出现了好几道裂痕,如来佛祖的脸色非常的难看。 By cultivation base that Dongfang Yu shows, should be insufficient in the oneself alms bowl town kills to survive is right, his does don't tell me have Indestructible Vajra divine ability? 东方玉所展现出来的修为,应该不足以在自己钵盂的镇杀下生存的才对啊,他难道拥有金刚不坏神通吗? He has not died!?”, At the same time, these wanted to remove oneself magecraft and divine ability demon ghost one after another, saw that this also spirit shook, stares in a big way eyes to stare at that alms bowl. “他还没死!?”,与此同时,那些本来想要陆陆续续的撤了自己法术神通妖魔鬼怪,看到这一幕也精神一震,瞪大了眼睛盯着那钵盂 Hasn't Tathagata Buddha killed him unexpectedly? This Dongfang Yu looks like that Great Sage Equal of Heaven Son Goku|Sun Wukong is much stronger. 如来佛祖居然也没杀死他?这东方玉看起来比那齐天大圣孙悟空更强得多啊。 If class of Nezha Third Crown Prince and Erlang Shen, stared in a big way eyes to stare at alms bowl of Tathagata at this time. 哪吒三太子二郎神之流,这个时候也瞪大了眼睛盯着如来的钵盂 Has not thought that Son Goku|Sun Wukong strength already that powerful, but this is Dongfang Yu, as if stronger than Son Goku|Sun Wukong plans? 未曾想到,孙悟空实力已经那么强大了,而这东方玉,似乎比孙悟空更强一筹? Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰! Very clear, all people can hear in that alms bowl, the sad attack resounds time and time again, but on Tathagata Buddha alms bowl the fissure is getting deeper and deeper, is getting more and more long, are getting more and more. 很清晰的,所有的人都能够听得到那钵盂之中,一次又一次沉闷的攻击响起,而如来佛祖钵盂上面裂痕越来越深,越来越长,也越来越多。 Finally, in the vision that in all people shock, Tathagata that proliferates the fissure alms bowl, finally thump however disrupts, changes to the innumerable fragment lasings to exit, at the same time, the a person shade jumped from that alms bowl. 最后,在所有人震撼的目光中,如来那遍布裂痕的钵盂,终于怦然碎裂,化作无数的碎片激射出去,与此同时,一个人影从那钵盂之中跳了出来。 The formidable air/Qi lingers on Dongfang Yu's, as if flame is ordinary, this berserk arrogance blooms unexpectedly the gold(en) ray, at the same time, the Dongfang Yu's hair as if kills the explosion of Carter to set upright, send the silk to change to the gold(en) appearance, the eyebrow also turned into gold(en), on the contrary, pair of eyes actually turned into the aquamarine. 强悍的气萦绕在东方玉的身上,仿佛火焰一般,这狂暴的气焰竟然绽放出金色的光芒,与此同时,东方玉的头发仿佛杀马特似的爆炸竖起来,一根根发丝全都化作金色的模样,就连眉毛也变成了金色,相反,一双眼睛却变成了碧绿色。 The Dongfang Yu's appearance seems like image big change, the look is chilly, looks like to the person an incomparably callous feeling, both eyes has also filled the frightening cold glow. 东方玉的模样看起来已经是形象大变,神色清冷,看起来给人一种无比冷酷的感觉,双眼也充满了令人心惊胆战的寒芒。 This, what this is!?”, Looks at the image big change, as if the whole person bathes Dongfang Yu in gold(en) flame, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas, the demon ghost, stared in a big way eyes, shocked looks at Dongfang Yu, this appearance looked like too fearful a point. “这,这是什么!?”,看着形象大变,仿佛整个人沐浴在金色火焰之中的东方玉,诸天神佛,妖魔鬼怪,一个个都瞪大了眼睛,震撼的看着东方玉,他这个模样看起来太可怕了一点。 very powerful Aura, that side majority of mind places Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch on Bai Feifei True Spirit, at this time stared in a big way eyes, shocks looks at Dongfang Yu. 好强气息”,就连那边大部分心神都放在白菲菲真灵上的太上老君,这个时候都瞪大了眼睛,震撼的看着东方玉 although does not have Energy Tester in the hand, but Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch can the clear feeling, Dongfang Yu this time cultivation base as if overtake oneself. 虽然没有能量测试仪在手,可太上老君能够清晰的感觉到,东方玉这个时候的修为似乎已经追上了自己了。 To say? The Dongfang Yu's energy value converts into to calculate, there are about 120,000? 岂不是说?东方玉的能量值折合来算,也有120000左右了? Tathagata Buddha, tight is staring at Dongfang Yu, does not say a word, even has not gone to look at one including the magic weapon of oneself blasting open, but is staring at Dongfang Yu's both eyes, has been full of the dignified look. 如来佛祖,紧紧的盯着东方玉,不发一言,甚至连自己炸裂的法宝都没有去看一眼,只是盯着东方玉的双眼,充满了凝重的神色。 Obviously, Tathagata Buddha can also feel that this moment Dongfang Yu's cultivation base, went to the earthshaking situation. 显然,如来佛祖也能感觉到此刻东方玉的修为,达到了惊天动地的地步。 Tathagata, I want you dead!”, The Dongfang Yu callous vision stares at Tathagata Buddha, start to talk was saying. “如来,我要你死!”,东方玉冷酷的目光盯着如来佛祖,开口说道。 The cold and gloomy eye of band of light the fearful cold color, is galloping in Dongfang Yu's within the body formidable to indescribable strength, as if wants a ball ball finger gently, oneself to be able the entire world to pass through general. 森冷的目光带着可怕的寒冷之色,强悍到难以言喻的力量东方玉的体内奔腾,似乎只要轻轻的弹一弹手指,自己就能将整个天地贯穿一般。 Super Saiyan, without a doubt, present Dongfang Yu successful went to the long-awaited Super Saiyan situation, looked down oneself, enough 117,000 energy values are also making clear to Dongfang Yu now strength formidable. 超级赛亚人,毫无疑问,现在的东方玉成功的达到了梦寐以求的超级赛亚人的地步,低头看了看自己,足足117000的能量值也昭示着东方玉现在力量强悍 Has been the Super Saiyan degree of even if succeeding, but the Dongfang Yu's innermost feelings did not have the slight joy. 只是,即便成功的达到了超级赛亚人的程度,可东方玉的内心却没有丝毫的欣喜。 The Frieza puppet has ruined, but Xiaohong actually died, dissipated including the smart chip, Bai Feifei also died, these made in the Dongfang Yu's heart fill were angry and sorrowful, look at Tathagata Buddha, killing intent in Dongfang Yu heart in the extreme. 弗利萨的傀儡毁掉了也就算了,可小红却死了,连智能芯片都消散了,白菲菲也已经死了,这些都让东方玉的心中充满了愤怒和悲恸,看着如来佛祖,东方玉心中的杀意无以复加。 wants, this was Dongfang Yu third bitter experience Tathagata Buddha, the first time was Jigong plane, the Tathagata Buddha strength energy value about 10,000, the second time was Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons plane, Tathagata shows the Endless Golden Body condition, the energy value can achieve about 30,000. 要算起来,这是东方玉第三次遭遇如来佛祖了,第一次是济公位面,如来佛祖实力不过能量值10000左右而已,第二次是西游降魔篇位面,如来展现出万丈金身的状态,能量值能达到30000左右。 This time, is legal copy Journey to the West plane, strength of Tathagata is more fearful, has been 110,000 degrees, the beforehand two bitter experience, Dongfang Yu cannot kill Tathagata, this time, Dongfang Yu to Tathagata true got up has killed the heart. 这一次,是正版的西游记位面,如来的实力更加可怕,足足达到了110000的程度,之前的两次遭遇,东方玉都没能杀死如来,这一次,东方玉对如来真正的起了杀心了。 Amitabha......”, Tathagata hear speech/words, has not spoken the idle talk, but proclaimed Buddha, at once, 12 lotus thrones under his place bloom gold(en) Buddha's radiance, vies with Dongfang Yu, obviously, Tathagata has given the Dongfang Yu answer with the motion. “阿弥陀佛……”,如来闻言,没有多说废话,只是宣了一声佛号而已,旋即,他座下的12品莲台绽放出金色佛光,与东方玉争辉,显然,如来用行动给了东方玉答复。 Shout! 呼! Tathagata first take action, has opened the palm, one's old tricks heavy, presses directly toward Dongfang Yu, as if hangs a day of cloud the palm, the compression space layer upon layer folds, such as mountain Ruhai depresses toward Dongfang Yu. 还是如来先出手了,张开手掌,故技重施,直接朝着东方玉压下来,仿佛垂天之云的手掌,压缩空间层层折叠,如山如海的朝着东方玉压下。 Snort! 哼! Present Dongfang Yu was not beforehand Dongfang Yu, saw that the palm of Tathagata pressed, was this move, Dongfang Yu mouth coldly snorted, stretched out the palm of oneself similarly, did not dodge with the hand of Tathagata did not evade has been in charge one move. 只是,现在的东方玉可不是之前的东方玉了,眼看着如来的手掌压下来,又是这招,东方玉嘴里冷哼一声,同样伸出自己的手掌,不闪不避的和如来的手掌印了一招。 Bang a bang, the Dongfang Yu's under foot has drawn back half step, however, Tathagata sits well above the oneself 12 lotus thrones, actually backed up. 砰的一声巨响,东方玉的脚下退了半步,然而,如来端坐在自己的12品莲台之上,却是倒退了许多。 This attack of move of meeting the tough head-on with toughness, everyone can look, as if Dongfang Yu got a winning side. 这一招硬碰硬的攻击,谁都能看得出来,似乎东方玉占据了一丝上风。 Also comes this move? Let me have a look at the Lord of your this Buddha Realm, actually many methods, the same palm, shook to draw back Tathagata, Dongfang Yu walked step by step toward Tathagata, mouth cold sound said. “还来这招?让我看看你这佛界之主,究竟有多少手段吧”,同样一掌,震退了如来,东方玉一步步朝着如来走过去,嘴里冷声说道。 Good, the good terror, this, actually this Dongfang Yu what's the matter......”, to look at one move that meets the tough head-on with toughness, the palm that Tathagata goes smoothly everywhere struck is shaken by Dongfang Yu unexpectedly has drawn back, at this moment, all paid attention to the deity that this was fighting, Buddha, and even demon, all had a big shock. “好,好恐怖,这,这东方玉究竟是怎么回事……”,看着硬碰硬的一招,如来无往不利的掌击居然被东方玉震退了,这一刻,所有关注着这一战的神仙,佛陀,乃至妖魔,全都大惊失色。 Was this Tathagata first time is shaken draws back? 这是如来第一次被人震退了吧? No matter what your Son Goku|Sun Wukong is how unruly, appointed your Bai Feifei Samadhi True Fire how berserk, appointed your Android Xiaohong power and influence is how astonishing, to Tathagata Buddha, is only a palm, sufficiently extinguishes it, Tathagata, seems to be invincible. 任你孙悟空如何桀骜不驯,任你白菲菲三昧真火如何狂暴,任你人造人小红如何威势惊人,对如来佛祖而言,只是一掌,就足以灭之,如来之强,仿佛无敌。 Was this invincible palm, actually shaken by the Dongfang Yu same palm draws back? This outcome what's the matter? After the Dongfang Yu appearance changes, why can have strength so? 只是,这无敌的一掌,却被东方玉同样一掌震退了?这究竟是怎么回事?东方玉模样大变之后,为何能拥有这般的力量 tà tà tà...... 踏踏踏…… Dongfang Yu's footsteps, at a moderate pace, does not abhor Xu, such toward Tathagata Buddha step by step walks, the gold(en) arrogance twines in body, Aura that on Dongfang Yu sends out, as if heavy mountain is common, presses on all the bodies of immortal Buddha. 东方玉的脚步,不紧不慢,不疾不徐,就这么朝着如来佛祖一步步的走过来,金色的气焰缠绕于身,东方玉身上所散发出来的气息,仿佛沉重的大山一般,压在所有仙佛的身上。 Person of imposing manner, as if sufficiently suppresses All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas. 一人的气势,似乎足以镇压诸天神佛
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