PE :: Volume #34

#1534: fourth rank

Feifei, you too look at me high, at this time, Dongfang Yu berserk Aura emerged, but, the energy value actually promoted over 20,000, the card was then motionless. 菲菲,你太高看我了”,这个时候,东方玉身上狂暴气息涌现出来,可是,能量值却只是提升到了20000出头而已,便卡着不动了。 Dongfang Yu understands that angry although made oneself strength promote, but, from Super Saiyan changed the body, but also fell far short. 东方玉明白,愤怒虽然使得自己实力提升了,可是,距离超级赛亚人的变身,还差得远呢。 It seems like that is oneself really only under an intelligence person? Even if were the energy value has been close 9000 degrees, Bai Feifei aroused the oneself anger with the life, but, oneself did not have the means to change as before becomes Super Saiyan. 看来,自己果然只是一个资质底下的人吗?即便是能量值达到了接近9000的程度,白菲菲用性命激起自己的怒火,可是,自己却依旧没有办法变身成超级赛亚人 Since this is your choice, then, you also go. “既然这是你的选择,那么,你也去吧”。 Looks on Dongfang Yu Aura berserk, the appearance that is not willing to submit completely likely, the palm of Tathagata, falls toward Dongfang Yu, the power and influence just the town killed Bai Feifei the time is stronger than a section. 看着东方玉身上气息狂暴,完全不像是愿意屈服的样子,如来的手掌,朝着东方玉落下,威势比刚刚镇杀白菲菲的时候更强一截。 Eventually, do I want to go with you?”, To this situation, oneself did not have the means to change becomes Super Saiyan, in the Dongfang Yu's heart also despaired. “终究,我还是要和你一起去吗?”,到了这个地步,自己也没有办法变身成超级赛亚人,东方玉的心中也绝望了。 By oneself present strength, Tathagata must kill oneself, with being run over and dying Ant does not have much difference? 自己现在的实力,如来要杀自己,和碾死一只蚂蚁没有太大的区别吧? Energy Wave!”. 气功波!”。 In the although heart despaired, but under the anger, resigning oneself to extinction is impossible, Dongfang Yu all transferred oneself all strength, changes to huge incomparable Energy Wave, rumbled toward Tathagata in the past. 虽然心中已经绝望了,可怒火之下,束手待毙是不可能的,东方玉自己所有的力量全都调动了起来,化作一颗巨大无比的气功波,朝着如来轰了过去。 Was this, perhaps oneself final Energy Wave? 这,或许是自己最后的一次气功波了吧? Bang! 轰! Energy Wave, falls on the palm of Tathagata, looks like the iron hammer that a toothpick withstands to pound is the same, this Energy Wave prestige can Tathagata, at all not be anything. 气功波,落在如来的手掌上,就像是一根牙签去顶住砸下来的铁锤一样,这点气功波的威能对如来而言,根本不算什么。 What even if Frieza and Energy Wave of Android Xiaohong 70,000-80,000 energy values does not have to affect, Dongfang Yu's Energy Wave, how could also to have what effect? 即便是弗利萨人造人小红七八万能量值的气功波都没什么作用,东方玉的气功波,又岂能有什么效果呢? Energy Wave impact in the palm of Tathagata, direct Beng Hui. 气功波冲击在如来的掌心,直接崩毁。 Under the despair and anger, Dongfang Yu looks that the palm of Tathagata is bringing terror killing intent, such falls, is getting more and more near, despair in heart, more put is bigger. 绝望和愤怒之下,东方玉看着如来的手掌带着恐怖的杀意,就这么落下来,越来越近,心中的绝望,也越放越大了。 kā chā! 咔嚓 In the Dongfang Yu heart desperate, almost must by Tathagata executes under the palm the time, suddenly, Dongfang Yu body most deep place, as if the ancient times imprisonments, were splitting, does not know that welled up formidable incomparable strength from where, erupted. 就在东方玉心中绝望,几乎要被如来毙于掌下的时候,突然,东方玉身体的最深处,似乎有一层远古的禁锢,正在裂开,不知从何处涌出来一股强悍无比的力量,爆发出来。 Meanwhile, in the Dongfang Yu's eye, the palm that Tathagata falls, and even between the world all, is slowing down, presents the slow motion is the same. 与此同时,在东方玉的眼中,如来落下来的手掌,乃至天地之间所有的一切,都在放慢,呈现出慢动作一样。 This is, gene shackle fourth rank......?”. “这是,基因锁第四阶……?”。 In the Dongfang Yu heart, muttered secretly thought. 东方玉心中,喃喃暗道 Along with opening of gene shackle fourth rank, Dongfang Yu can feel all between world, as if became slow, even oneself can feel the wind easily the touch, in mortal body all bloodlines, the gene as if obtained the activation in this moment, the adjustment and arranges. 随着基因锁第四阶的开启,东方玉能够感受到天地间的一切,似乎都变得缓慢了,甚至自己能够轻易的感受到风的触感,肉身之中所有的血脉,还有基因在这一刻似乎都得到了激活,调整和重新排列。 Human(ity) mortal body, mortal body of Saiyan, even is the bloodlines that initially residual monster fell, opened along with gene shackle fourth rank, obtained the true perfect fusion. 人类肉身,赛亚人的肉身,甚至是当初残留的一点妖怪奈落的血脉,随着基因锁第四阶开启,得到了真正完美的融合。 Meanwhile, Dongfang Yu can feel the oneself soul, with mortal body perfect fused in together, before such as, like that the soul can leave the situation that mortal body walked not to appear again, mortal body and soul, completely were a whole. 与此同时,东方玉能够感觉到自己的灵魂,也和肉身完美的融合在一起了,如之前那般灵魂可以离开肉身行走的情况不会再出现了,肉身和灵魂,完全是一个整体了。 Samadhi True Fire strength also clear integrated in the flesh and blood, as if changed to oneself talent divine ability to be ordinary. 就连三昧真火力量也真真切切的融入了血肉之中,似乎化作了自己天赋神通一般。 Moreover, along with opening of gene shackle fourth rank, Dongfang Yu can feel that the control of oneself to own strength, has been degree in every way possible, appeared handier. 而且,随着基因锁第四阶的开启,东方玉能够感觉到自己对自身力量的操控,达到了入微的程度,显得更加的得心应手了。 Meanwhile, in Void as if some innumerable most profound information emerge out of thin air in the oneself mind, this feeling, is hard to describe in the spoken language that is a little similar to the so-called foreknowledge, sentences in advance, or is the intuition. 同时,虚空之中似乎有无数玄之又玄的信息凭空出现在自己的脑海中,这种感觉,难以用言语来形容,有点类似于所谓的预知,预判,或者说是直觉。 strength of gene shackle system, fourth-order is a giant watershed, once bridges over, is the genuine powerhouse, huge gap, has the inadequate sage who great antiquity plane said that after all view of ants. 基因锁体系的力量,四阶是一个巨大的分水岭,一旦跨过,便是真正的强者,这其中巨大的鸿沟,颇有一番洪荒位面所言的不成圣人,终归蝼蚁的说法似的。 Only then has achieved the gene shackle fourth rank powerhouse, is the genuine powerhouse, other 12 third-order gene shackle, are the stages of laying the foundation. 只有达到了基因锁第四阶的强者,才算是真正的强者,其他的12三阶基因锁,都不过是打基础的阶段罢了。 Walked randomly All Heavens and Myriad Realms these many years, Dongfang Yu had already opened third rank gene shackle, to today, didn't expect opened fourth rank finally successfully. 游走诸天万界这么多年了,东方玉早就开启过第三阶基因锁了,到了今日,没想到终于成功开启了第四阶 The Dongfang Yu's goal is to change becomes Super Saiyan, Bai Feifei puts together the oneself life, actually also with the oneself life is the gambling stake, wants to make Dongfang Yu change becomes Super Saiyan actually didn't expect, even if Dongfang Yu the energy value has achieved, in the heart is also containing the endless anger, but, does not have the means to break through the Super Saiyan degree as before. 东方玉的目的是为了变身成超级赛亚人的,白菲菲的拼出自己的性命,其实也是用自己的性命为赌注,想让东方玉变身成超级赛亚人没想到,东方玉即便能量值达到了,心中也包含着无尽的愤怒,可是,却依旧没有办法突破超级赛亚人的程度。 Under the Saiyan mortal body intelligence of perhaps initially obtaining? Also or is under Dongfang Yu intelligence, such as Bai Feifei said that has not marched forward courageously, fearless heart? 或许是当初得到的赛亚人肉身资质底下?亦或者说是东方玉本身的资质底下,如白菲菲所言,没有勇往直前,无所畏惧的心? In brief, Dongfang Yu has not succeeded, makes clear changes the body Super Saiyan difficulty. 总之,东方玉没有成功,也昭示出变身超级赛亚人的困难。 Loses east receives the sunset, didn't expect one diligently, Dongfang Yu although has not succeeded changes becomes Super Saiyan, but, actually successfully opened gene shackle fourth rank. 只是,失之东隅收之桑榆,没想到一番努力之下,东方玉虽然没有成功的变身成超级赛亚人,可是,却成功的开启了基因锁第四阶 As gene shackle fourth rank opens, Dongfang Yu can feel that oneself within the body, inexhaustible strength as if emerged, this was Dongfang Yu has not had powerful strength. 随着基因锁第四阶开启,东方玉能够感觉到自己体内,无穷无尽般的力量似乎涌现出来了,这是东方玉从来都没有拥有过的强大力量 Dī dī dī...... 滴滴滴…… Along with the breakthrough of gene shackle fourth rank, Dongfang Yu lowers the head to take a fast look around oneself, in the middle of Energy Tester, Dongfang Yu's strength also in rapid rise. 随着基因锁第四阶的突破,东方玉低头扫视自身,能量测试仪当中,东方玉的力量也在飞速的上涨。 24800 ... 46200...... 72300...... 24800…46200……72300…… Finally, after Dongfang Yu's gene shackle fourth rank opened completely, Dongfang Yu can feel oneself within the body to gallop indescribable formidable strength. 最后,当东方玉的基因锁第四阶完全开启了之后,东方玉能够感受到自己体内奔腾着难以言喻的强悍力量 Meanwhile, a consciousness of deep in one's heart berserk also flushed, almost makes Dongfang Yu's realize falls into endless berserk, this feeling, even has surmounted in the Lord of the Rings the negative consciousness of own Hollowfication strength. 与此同时,内心深处一股狂暴的意识也跟着冲了出来,几乎让东方玉的意识都陷入无尽的狂暴之中,这种感觉,甚至超越了魔戒之中自身虚化力量的负面意识。 Was right, after gene shackle fourth rank opens, will be born the berserk consciousness, if cannot control these berserk to realize, will turn into a terrifying monster, but if can suppress the consciousness of these berserk, will present heart demon, only then crossed heart demon, can enter to the gene shackle fourth rank intermediate stage?”. “对了,基因锁第四阶开启之后,会诞生出狂暴意识,如果不能控制这些狂暴意识的话,就会变成一个恐怖的怪物,可若是能够抑制这些狂暴的意识的话,也会出现心魔,只有渡过了心魔,才能进入到基因锁第四阶中期吧?”。 gene shackle as the Dongfang Yu very important strength system, about gene shackle's research, Dongfang Yu naturally carefully has understood, regarding own situation, in reason. 基因锁作为东方玉非常重要的力量体系,关于基因锁的研究,东方玉自然是仔细的了解过的,对于自身的情况,也在情理之中了。 Perhaps because of oneself strength unusual powerful, or is the Saiyan body qualitative potential very high, although is only gene shackle fourth rank primary, but present Dongfang Yu, had enough 75,000 energy values. 或许是因为自己本身的实力非常的强大,亦或者是赛亚人体质的潜力非常的高,虽然只是基因锁第四阶初级而已,可现在的东方玉,却也拥有了足足75000的能量值。 strength of this degree was much stronger compared with initially replisome Zheng Zha of that devil samsara squad. 这个程度的力量比起当初那恶魔轮回小队的复制体郑吒可是要强得多了。 Bang! 轰! Among thoughts revolve, although these trains of thought rotate as if many in the Dongfang Yu's mind, may in fact, but is in an instant, opened gene shackle fourth rank along with Dongfang Yu, the energy value had the earth-shaking change instantaneously, that Energy Wave that Dongfang Yu both hands pushed out, became sturdy incomparable. 心念电转间,虽然这些思绪在东方玉的脑海中转动似乎很多,可实际上,不过是刹那间罢了,随着东方玉开启了基因锁第四阶,能量值瞬间发生了天翻地覆的变化,东方玉双手推出去的那气功波,也变得粗壮无比。 If the palm of Tathagata Buddha likely is an iron hammer, then Dongfang Yu beforehand Energy Wave was only a toothpick, but now, this toothpick turned into a steel bar. 如果说如来佛祖的手掌像是一个铁锤的话,那么东方玉之前的气功波只是一根牙签了,而现在,这根牙签变成了一根钢筋。 „?”. “哦?”。 The promotion of Dongfang Yu strength, Tathagata Buddha naturally can the clear feeling, feel is coming from suddenly becomes the impact of Energy Wave formidable about ten times, Tathagata Buddha also somewhat astonished looks at Dongfang Yu, he also looks, appearance that the present Dongfang Yu as if some do not suit. 东方玉实力的提升,如来佛祖自然是能够清晰的感觉到了,感受着来自于气功波的冲击陡然间变得强悍了十倍左右,如来佛祖也有些惊异的看着东方玉,他也看出来,现在的东方玉似乎有些不对劲的样子。 Tathagata! I want you dead!”. “如来!我要你死!”。 At this time, Dongfang Yu both eyes were red, in look has filled slaughtering, the destruction and angry look, but as if sufficiently made the person fall into the endless negative mood, the sound of Dongfang Yu mouth, was more like roaring of ominous beast is common. 这个时候,东方玉双目赤红,眼神中充满了杀戮,破坏和愤怒的神色,只是一眼似乎就足以让人陷入无尽的负面情绪之中,东方玉嘴里的声音,更像是凶兽的咆哮一般。 The Bai Feifei death, made Dongfang Yu be full of the endless anger, opening of this moment gene shackle fourth rank, had the consciousness of berserk, although because of the God Fire Art reason, Dongfang Yu can defend a spirit platform Pure Brightness as before, what may be more is the negative mood. 白菲菲的死,本就让东方玉充满了无尽的怒火,此刻基因锁第四阶的开启,更出现了狂暴的意识,虽说因为神火诀的缘故,东方玉依旧能守得灵台一丝清明,可更多的还是负面情绪。 hōng hōng hōng...... 轰轰轰…… This time Dongfang Yu, because of the consciousness and endless anger of berserk, the whole person seemed like more like the wild animal seems to be ordinary, figure like the electricity, every gesture and motions has filled maneating Aura, but also did not have the flaw, launched the fierce attack toward Tathagata. 这个时候的东方玉,因为狂暴的意识和无尽的愤怒,整个人看起来似乎更像是野兽一般,身形如电,一招一式都充满了凶悍的气息,但是却又毫无破绽,朝着如来发动了凶猛的攻击。 From the energy value, Dongfang Yu as before for example incoming messenger many, 75,000 energy values, even is inferior to Son Goku|Sun Wukong, amplification that but gene shackle fourth rank brings, not only the pure energy value, to strength control in every way possible, as well as in the fight that as if knows in advance the ability intuition. 能量值上来看,东方玉依旧比如来差得多,75000的能量值,甚至不如孙悟空,可基因锁第四阶带来的增幅,不只是单纯的能量值,还有对力量入微的操控,以及战斗中那仿佛预知能力般的直觉。 Incarnation berserk Dongfang Yu, fierce does not fear launched the fearful and intensive attack toward Tathagata, unexpectedly the attack of Tathagata slightly kept off. 化身狂暴东方玉,悍不畏死的朝着如来发动了可怕而密集的攻击,竟然将如来的攻击都稍稍的挡回去了一些。 What's all this about? This fellow seems to be more fearful than Great Sage Equal of Heaven!”, Looks at that side to fall into Dongfang Yu in berserk state, All-Heaven Gods and Buddhas has had a big shock, look at each other in dismay. “这是怎么回事?这家伙似乎比齐天大圣更加可怕啊!”,看着那边陷入了狂暴状态之中的东方玉,诸天神佛大惊失色,面面相觑 Let alone was these immortal Buddha, even if were Tathagata Buddha, Jade Emperor and Grand Supreme Elderly Monarch, think regarding the Dongfang Yu present condition somewhat surprisedly, this gene shackle's ability was their these lived thousands of years could not see greatly ability. 别说是这些仙佛了,就算是如来佛祖,玉皇大帝太上老君,对于东方玉现在的状态都觉得有些惊讶,这基因锁的能力是他们这些活了千万年的大能从来没见过的能力 Looked like although is Tathagata has kept off by Dongfang Yu, may in fact, gene shackle fourth rank be not enough to defeat Tathagata Buddha as before. 看起来虽然是如来被东方玉挡了回去,可实际上,基因锁第四阶依旧不足以打败如来佛祖 Tathagata Buddha wants many understanding gene shackle's strength, understands some Dongfang Yu's conditions, therefore kept some strengths. 如来佛祖不过是想要更多的了解一些基因锁的力量,了解一些东方玉的状态,所以才留了一些力气罢了。 Looked at the moment, could not see that a reason why comes, Tathagata Buddha did not have the interest, the palm turns, alms bowl appears in the palm of Tathagata, throws toward Dongfang Yu. 看了片刻,也看不出个所以然来,如来佛祖也没有了兴趣了,手掌一翻,一个钵盂出现在如来的掌心,朝着东方玉一抛。 To this situation, Tathagata uses the oneself magic weapon unexpectedly. 到了这个地步,如来竟然是用出了自己的法宝了。 Huge alms bowl sends out the powerful prestige energy, has pressed toward Dongfang Yu, the terrifying pressure, making Dongfang Yu unable to move. 巨大的钵盂散发出强大的威能,朝着东方玉压了下来,恐怖的压力,让东方玉动弹不得。 Amitabha, the although method was what a pity good, but since is not willing to submit, the necessity that then has not survived, killed Dongfang Yu by own magic weapon town, sighs one that in the heart of Tathagata Buddha also somewhat regretted darkly. “阿弥陀佛,可惜了,虽然手段不错,但既然不肯屈服,那么就没有存活的必要了”,以自身的法宝镇杀东方玉,如来佛祖的心中也有些惋惜的暗叹一声。 75,000 energy values are very indeed strong, but was a pity that missed compared with strength of Tathagata as before, killed in that alms bowl town, Dongfang Yu as if linked a finger unable to move, both eyes were red, the mouth sent out fearfully roared is similar to the wild animal, may also only be able to look helplessly this alms bowl fell. 75000的能量值的确很强,但可惜,比起如来的实力依旧差了很多,在那钵盂的镇杀下,东方玉似乎连一个手指都动不了,双目赤红,嘴里发出可怕的咆哮如同野兽,可也只能眼睁睁的看着这个钵盂落下来。 Finished! 结束了! Looks at this, many people shake the head secretly. 看着这一幕,不少人暗自摇摇头。 Is this Dongfang Yu biggest card in a hand? Worthily is Great Sage Equal of Heaven becoming sworn brothers Younger Brother, the method of emerging one after another incessantly, even is more formidabe than Great Sage Equal of Heaven, but was a pity that as before is not the Tathagata Buddha match. 这就是东方玉最大的底牌吗?不愧是齐天大圣的结义兄弟,层出不穷的手段,甚至比齐天大圣更难对付,但可惜,依旧不是如来佛祖的对手。 Ah!!! 啊!!! Fell into berserk state Dongfang Yu, at this moment was killed by the town, cannot move, as if made the Dongfang Yu's anger flaming three points, the consciousness in mind as if must completely vanish, in the consciousness as before was defending a wisp of Pure Brightness, opened along with gene shackle fourth rank, Dongfang Yu as if can feel the most deep place of bloodlines, fearful strength the tentacle has been possible. 只是,陷入了狂暴状态东方玉,此刻被镇杀,动弹不得,似乎让东方玉的怒火更炽三分,脑海中的意识似乎也要完全消失了,偏偏意识中依旧守着一缕清明,随着基因锁第四阶开启,东方玉似乎能够感受到血脉的最深处,一股可怕的力量已经触手可及了。 Finally, alms bowl of Tathagata, has pounded maliciously, has embezzled Dongfang Yu's figure completely, the world in this moment, as if completely became peaceful. 最后,如来的钵盂,狠狠的砸了下去,完全将东方玉的身形吞没了,天地在这一刻,似乎完全变得安静了下来。 As if nobody notes, in Dongfang Yu's figure soon instant, the Dongfang Yu body surface that alms bowl will embezzle will burn the arrogance, in the arrogance, flood a gold(en) ray...... 只是,似乎没有人注意到,就在东方玉的身形即将被那钵盂吞没的刹那,东方玉体表燃烧出气焰,气焰之中,泛起了一丝金色的光芒……
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